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Bøger i de Gruyter Reference serien

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  • af Markus Stock
    1.953,95 kr.

    Konrad von Würzburg ist der bedeutendste und versatilste deutsche Autor des 13. Jahrhunderts und vielleicht des ganzen Mittelalters. Seine Werke zeichnen sich durch ihre stilistische Qualität, thematisch-generische Vielfalt und lange Nachwirkung aus. Das Handbuch ist als Sammelwerk einer Gruppe von Fachleuten das erste seiner Art und richtet sich ebenso an das germanistische Fachpublikum wie an Studierende der Germanistik und benachbarter mediävistischer Felder. Es dokumentiert die reiche und langandauernde internationale Forschung sowie neue methodische Zugänge zu Konrads gesamtem Werk. Neben einer Einleitung zu den biographischen Spuren zum Autor umfasst das Handbuch übergreifende Kapitel zur Ästhetik, Rezeption und Überlieferung von Konrads Werken sowie Einzelkapitel zu Konrads Lyrik, seinen kürzeren Erzählungen (Das Herzmaere, Heinrich von Kempten, Die halbe Birne, Der Schwanritter) und Legenden (Silvester, Alexius, Pantaleon), dem Wappengedicht (Das Turnier von Nantheiz) und Konrads innovativen allegorischen Dichtungen (Die Klage der Kunst, Die goldene Schmiede, Der Welt Lohn). Ebenfalls enthalten sind Beiträge zu Konrads beiden Romanen (Engelhard, Partonopier und Meliur) und seinem großen Trojanerkrieg-Fragment.

  • af Axel Dunker
    2.698,95 kr.

    Arno Schmidt ist vielleicht der größte Außenseiter der deutschen Nachkriegsliteratur. Das Handbuch will sein Werk zugänglich machen, die Lust an der Lektüre wecken und Schmidt auch in der Literaturgeschichte den Platz geben, der ihm gebührt. Es bietet sowohl Informationen für eine erste Begegnung mit den Texten Schmidts als auch einen Überblick zum Forschungsstand für Leser/-innen, die bereits mit seinem Werk vertraut sind.

  • af Ruth Fine
    1.733,95 kr.

    This volume offers a thorough introduction to Jewish world literatures in Spanish and Portuguese, which not only addresses the coexistence of cultures, but also the functions of a literary and linguistic space of negotiation in this context. From the Middle Ages to present day, the compendium explores the main Jewish chapters within Spanish- and Portuguese-language world literature, whether from Europe, Latin America, or other parts of the world. No comprehensive survey of this area has been undertaken so far. Yet only a broad focus of this kind can show how diasporic Jewish literatures have been (and are ) - while closely tied to their own traditions - deeply intertwined with local and global literary developments; and how the aesthetic praxis they introduced played a decisive, formative role in the history of literature. With this epistemic claim, the volume aims at steering clear of isolationist approaches to Jewish literatures.

  • af Niklas Holzberg & Horst Brunner
    3.973,95 kr.

    Das umfangreiche OEuvre des Nürnberger Meistersingers, Dramen- und Reimspruchdichters Hans Sachs (1494-1576) - über 6000 Texte - ist im vollen Umfang bisher noch nicht hinreichend erschlossen. Diesem Umstand wird mit dem Handbuch begegnet. Es enthält in seinem 1. Teil ein Repertorium des Lebens und der Werke des Autors: in die chronologische Abfolge der Werkdaten sind die verfügbaren Lebensdaten eingefügt. Zu den Texten werden jeweils Überschriften, bei den Meisterliedern auch die Tonangaben, ferner die Anzahl der Verse, Hinweise auf die Quellen und auf Editionen, vor allem aber Inhaltsangaben - bei den Dramen auch die Szenenfolge - geboten; die Inhaltsangaben zu den großteils noch immer ungedruckten Meisterliedern beruhen auf denen im 'Repertorium der Sangsprüche und Meisterlieder des 12. bis 18. Jahrhunderts', hrsg. von H. Brunner und B. Wachinger, 1986-2009. Für den Benutzer ist es leicht, einen vollständigen Überblick über die Themen der Texte zu erhalten, mit denen der Autor seinen Zeitgenossen umfangreiches religiöses und weltliches Wissen erschloss. Der 2. Teil enthält zahlreiche Übersichten: eine chronologische und typologisch geordnete numerische Übersicht über alle Texte, über die Quellen, die typologische Einordnung, über ausgewählte Motive, zur Rezeptionsliteratur. ferner eine Bibliographie, in der die Forschung der letzten ca. 40 Jahre vollständig erfasst ist. Die künftige Hans-Sachs-Forschung erhält mit dem Buch ein neues, grundlegendes Fundament.

  • af John L. Flood
    3.068,95 kr.

    Between 1355 and 1806 the title of Poet Laureate was bestowed on around 1500 persons in the territories of the Holy Roman Empire. In some cases the title was conferred by the Emperor himself, on his own initiative or in response to a petitioner. In others the title was granted by a count palatine acting upon the Emperor's behalf, but an even larger number had the title bestowed on them by various German universities exercising this privilege under the Emperor's authority.The lives and publications of 1340 of these poets were detailed in the four-volume Poets Laureate in the Holy Roman Empire: A Bio-bibliographical Handbook published in 2006. This supplementary volume provides similar information about some 130 further poets who have come to light since that work was published. Furthermore, it updates, augments and - where necessary - corrects details relating to the poets covered in the previous volumes. In particular, it includes extensive new information about the two dozen women poets who were laureated in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Poets Laureate in the Holy Roman Empire: A Bio-bibliographical Handbook, Volume 1-4 is still available for purchase.

  • af Jörg Schuster, Marie Isabel Matthews-Schlinzig & Gesa Steinbrink
    3.775,95 kr.

    Das Handbuch stellt das gegenwärtige Wissen zur Textsorte ,Brief' zur Verfügung und macht in seiner Vielzahl von Beiträgen aus allen kulturwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen die Dimension der von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart wirksamen Briefkulturen erstmals greifbar. Das textuelle und kommunikative Phänomen ,Brief' wird in systematisch-begriffsgeschichtlichen Artikeln sowie in quellenorientierten historischen Fallstudien umfassend analysiert. Das Handbuch widmet sich unter angemessener rezeptions- und literaturgeschichtlicher Berücksichtigung der epistolographischen Tradition seit seinen Anfängen schwerpunktmäßig dem deutschsprachigen Brief. Zahlreiche Bezugnahmen und Ausblicke auf den gesamteuropäischen Kontext schärfen den Blick für die teils sprachlich und kulturell bedingten Spezifika, teils universale Phänomenologie der Briefkultur(en). Auf Überblicksartikel aus Sicht der Disziplinen folgen Artikel zu grundlegenden Fragen bzw. zu Einzelaspekten der Briefkommunikation sowie eine Abteilung zu unterschiedlichen Briefgenres. Der umfangreiche historische Teil enthält vor allem Artikel zu wichtigen Briefschreiber/innen und zur Brieftheorie; besonderer Wert wird auf epistolare Zeitgenossenschaften gelegt.

  • - History, Methodology, Digital Approaches
    1.493,95 kr.

    Stemmatology studies aspects of textual criticism that use genealogical methods. This handbook is the first to cover the entire field, encompassing both theoretical and practical aspects, ranging from traditional to digital methods. Authors from all the disciplines involved examine topics such as the material aspects of text traditions, methods of traditional textual criticism and their genesis, and modern digital approaches used in the field.

  • af Jiaju Zhou
    2.648,95 kr.

    This 8-volume set provides a systematic description on 8,350 active marine natural products from 3,025 various kinds of marine organisms. The diversity of structures, biological resources and pharmacological activities are discussed in detail. Molecular structural classification system with 264 structural types are developed as well. The 8th volume mainly illustrates the molecular formula and structures of peptides and other products.

  • af Jiaju Zhou
    2.648,95 kr.

    This 8-volume set provides a systematic description on 8,350 active marine natural products from 3,025 various kinds of marine organisms. The diversity of structures, biological resources and pharmacological activities are discussed in detail. Molecular structural classification system with 264 structural types are developed as well. The 7th volume mainly illustrates the molecular formula and structures of O-heterocycles and aromatics.

  • af Jiaju Zhou
    2.648,95 kr.

    This 8-volume set provides a systematic description on 8,350 active marine natural products from 3,025 various kinds of marine organisms. The diversity of structures, biological resources and pharmacological activities are discussed in detail. Molecular structural classification system with 264 structural types are developed. The 6th volume illustrates the molecular formula and structures of aliphatic metabolites.

  • af Jiaju Zhou
    2.648,95 kr.

    This 8-volume set provides a systematic description on 8,350 active marine natural products from 3,025 various kinds of marine organisms. The diversity of structures, biological resources and pharmacological activities are discussed in detail. Molecular structural classification system with 264 structural types are developed. The 4th volume continuously illustrates the molecular formula and structures of alkaloids.

  • af Jiaju Zhou
    2.638,95 kr.

    This 8-volume set provides a systematic description on 8,350 active marine natural products from 3,025 various kinds of marine organisms. The diversity of structures, biological resources and pharmacological activities are discussed in detail. Molecular structural classification system with 264 structural types are developed in the book as well. The 2nd volume continuously illustrates the molecular formula and structures of terpenoids.

  • af Jiaju Zhou
    2.648,95 kr.

    This 8-volume set provides a systematic description on 8,350 active marine natural products from 3,025 various kinds of marine organisms. The diversity of structures, biological resources and pharmacological activities are discussed in detail. Molecular structural classification system with 264 structural types are developed as well. The 3rd volume mainly illustrates the molecular formula and structures of alkaloids. .

  • af Jason Davies, Martin J. Forrest & Yvonne Davies
    2.773,95 kr.

    This handbook collects over 800 infrared spectra of rubbers, plastics and thermoplastics elastometers. It contains five different libraries: rubbers in trasmission spectroscopy, rubbers in pyrolysate spectroscopy, plastics in trasmission spectroscopy, plastics in pyrolysate spectroscopy, and rubbers and plastics in single-bounce ATR spectroscopy. This is an invaluable reference for the rubbers and plastics industry.

  • - Agrochemicals, Paints, Coatings and Food Systems
    af Tharwat F. Tadros
    3.053,95 kr.

    1.988,95 kr.

    This multi-volume handbook is the most up-to-date and comprehensive reference work in the field of fractional calculus and its numerous applications. This eighth volume collects authoritative chapters covering several applications of fractional calculus in engineering, life and social sciences, including applications in signal and image analysis, and chaos.

    1.988,95 kr.

    This multi-volume handbook is the most up-to-date and comprehensive reference work in the field of fractional calculus and its numerous applications. This seventh volume collects authoritative chapters covering several applications of fractional calculus in in engineering, life, and social sciences, including applications in biology and medicine, mechanics of complex media, economy, and electrical devices.

    1.988,95 kr.

    This multi-volume handbook is the most up-to-date and comprehensive reference work in the field of fractional calculus and its numerous applications. This fifth volume collects authoritative chapters covering several applications of fractional calculus in physics, including electrodynamics, statistical physics and physical kinetics, and quantum theory.

    1.988,95 kr.

    This multi-volume handbook is the most up-to-date and comprehensive reference work in the field of fractional calculus and its numerous applications. This sixth volume collects authoritative chapters covering several applications of fractional calculus in control theory, including fractional controllers, design methods and toolboxes, and a large number of engineering applications of control.

    1.988,95 kr.

    This multi-volume handbook is the most up-to-date and comprehensive reference work in the field of fractional calculus and its numerous applications. This fourth volume collects authoritative chapters covering several applications of fractional calculus in physics, including classical and continuum mechanics.

    1.988,95 kr.

    This multi-volume handbook is the most up-to-date and comprehensive reference work in the field of fractional calculus and its numerous applications. This third volume collects authoritative chapters covering several numerical aspects of fractional calculus, including time and space fractional derivatives, finite differences and finite elements, and spectral, meshless, and particle methods.

    1.988,95 kr.

    This multi-volume handbook is the most up-to-date and comprehensive reference work in the field of fractional calculus and its numerous applications. This first volume collects authoritative chapters covering the mathematical theory of fractional calculus, including fractional-order operators, integral transforms and equations, special functions, calculus of variations, and probabilistic and other aspects.

    1.988,95 kr.

    This multi-volume handbook is the most up-to-date and comprehensive reference work in the field of fractional calculus and its numerous applications. This second volume collects authoritative chapters covering the mathematical theory of fractional calculus, including ordinary and partial differential equations of fractional order, inverse problems, and evolution equations.

  • - Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics and Personal Care
    af Tharwat F. Tadros
    3.053,95 kr.

    3.498,95 kr.

    Although there are many studies of certain individual ancient Italic groups (e.g. the Etruscans, Gauls and Latins), there is no work that takes a comprehensive view of each of them¿the famous and the less well-known¿that existed in Iron Age and Roman Italy. Moreover, many previous studies have focused only on the material evidence for these groups or on what the literary sources have to say about them. This handbook is conceived of as a resource for archaeologists, historians, philologists and other scholars interested in finding out more about Italic groups from the earliest period they are detectable (early Iron Age, in most instances), down to the time when they begin to assimilate into the Roman state (in the late Republican or early Imperial period). As such, it will endeavor to include both archaeological and historical perspectives on each group, with contributions from the best-known or up-and-coming archaeologists and historians for these peoples and topics. The language of the volume is English, but scholars from around the world have contributed to it. This volume covers the ancient peoples of Italy more comprehensively in individual chapters, and it is also distinct because it has a thematic section.

  • af Tharwat F. Tadros
    3.048,95 kr.

    Volume 2 of the Handbook of Colloid and Interface Science is a survey into the theory of dispersions in a variety of fields, as well as characterization by rheology. It is an ideal reference work for research scientists, universities, and industry practitioners looking for a complete understanding of how colloids and interfaces behave in the areas of materials science, chemical engineering, and colloidal science.

  • af Tharwat F. Tadros
    3.053,95 kr.

    Volume 1 of the Handbook of Colloid and Interface Science is a survey of the theory of colloids in a variety of fields, as well as theircharacterization by rheology. It is an ideal reference work for research scientists, universities, and industry practitioners looking for a complete understanding of how colloids and interfaces behave.

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