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Bøger i Ettore Majorana International serien

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  • af S. Ferrara
    1.074,95 kr.

    This volume constitutes the Proceedings of a Europhysics Study Conference held in Erice, Sicily from March 17 to 24, 1980. The objective of the meeting was to bring together practitioners of two different approaches to the unification of the fundamental par­ ticle interactions: supersymmetry and supergravity on the one hand, and grand unified gauge theories on the other hand. The hope was that exposure to each others' ideas and problems would at least aid mutual comprehension, and might start people thinking how to develop a synthesis of the two approaches which could avoid their individual shortcomings. It is not clear to us how successful the conference was in achieving these objectives. On the one hand many important ad­ vances in supersymmetric theories were reported which were primarily of a technical nature, while some interesting attempts to probe the phenomenological consequences of supersymmetry and supergravity were also presented. On the other hand there was considerable in­ terest in phenomenological aspects of grand unified theories such as proton decay, neutrino masses and oscillations, and links with cosmology. There was also some work on model-building but rela­ tively few purely technical advances. A few speakers tried to build bridges between the formalism of supersymmetry or supergravity and the phenomenologically successful gauge theories of elementary par­ ticle interactions.

  • af Robert Klapisch
    1.090,95 kr.

    The Workshop on Physics at LEAR with Low Energy Cooled Anti­ protons was held in Erice, May 9 - 16, 1982, at the Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture, in the framework of the International School of Physics of Exotic Atoms. The Workshop was organized by a committee composed of R. Armenteros, D. Bugg, P. Dalpiaz, U. Gastaldi, K. Kilian, R. Klapisch, P. Lefevre, D. M6hl, S. Polikanov, B. Povh and J.M. Richard. It was attended by 101 physicists from 44 insti­ tutions and 14 countries, representing one third of the LEAR users. Thjs Workshop was the first general meeting of the LEAR commu­ nity after the approval of the CERN Low Energy Antiproton Ring faci­ lity and of the experiments scheduled there for the initial period of oper&tion. It was organized for three main purposes: (i) to review the field of low energy antiproton physics, the initial LEAR experimental programme and the status of preparation of the approved experiments; (ii) to review the facility and the progress in its construction, and to discuss the conditions of its operation; (iii) to discuss future developments of the facility and of the experi­ mental programme. These Proceedings contain the papers presented in Erice both orally and in the poster session, which displayed also contributions from colleagues who unfortunately could not attend the Workshop. The reports have been ordered in four sessions, following the pro­ gramme of the meeting. The CERN low energy antiproton facility is presented in Section I.

  • af Ling-Lie Chau
    1.083,95 kr.

    The 50-year history of weak interaction since Fermi's pro­ posal of this coupling has been marked with striking direct inter­ plays between experimental results and theoretical understanding, e.g. the discoveries of neutrinos, parity violation, and CP vio­ lation. The recent discoveries of the quark hierarchy, the charm and the beauty, and the intermediate vector bosons W± and ZO have truly made a splendid page in the history of particle physics. It is the purpose of this conference to discuss the questions of quark and lepton generations and mixing, their relations to CP violation, and to ask the questions about what are inside the quarks and the leptons in view of the present and future exper­ imental situation. Dr. Ling-Lie Chau Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, New York vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank all the Advisory and Organizing Committee members for their advice and suggestions during the organization of the conference. The running of the conference could not have gone so smoothly without the help of many participants, I sincerely thank: L. Becker, F.J. Botella, S. Gentile, P. Le Comte, M.E. Machacek, L. Lanceri, W.M. Morse, F.J. Olness, Y.-X. Pham, G. Poulard, K.J. Sliwa, and J.N. Webb.

  • af Mario Puglisi
    1.436,95 kr.

    Palmer Collider Scaling and Cost Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 105 R. B.

  • af A N Chester
    1.049,95 kr.

    The conference "Laser Science and Technology" was held May 11-19, 1987 in Erice, Sicily. This was the 12th conference organized by the Internatio­ nal School of Quantum Electronics, under the auspices of the "Ettore Majorana" Center for Scientific Culture. This volume contains both the in­ vited and contributed papers presented at the conference, covering current research work in two areas: new laser sources, and laser applications. The operation of the first laser by Dr. Theodore Maiman in 1960 initia­ ted a decade of scientific exploration of new laser sources. This was fol­ lowed by the decade of the 1970s, which was characterized by "technology push" in which the discoveries of the 1960s were seeking practical applica­ tion. In the 1980s we are instead seeking "applications pull," in which the success and rapid maturing of laser applications provides both inspiration and financial resources to stimulate additional work both on laser sources and applications. The papers presented in these Proceedings attest to the great vitali­ ty of research in both these areas: New Laser Sources. The papers describe current developments in ultra­ violet excimer lasers, X-ray lasers, and free electron lasers. These new lasers share several characteristics: each is a potentially important coher­ ent source; each is at a relatively short wavelength (below 1 micrometer); and each is receiving significant development attention today.

  • af F H Clarke
    1.052,95 kr.

    This volume contains the edited texts of the lect. nres presented at the International School of Mathematics devoted to Nonsmonth Optimization, held from . June 20 to July I, 1988. The site for the meeting was the "Ettore ~Iajorana" Centre for Sci­ entific Culture in Erice, Sicily. In the tradition of these meetings the main purpose was to give the state-of-the-art of an important and growing field of mathematics, and to stimulate interactions between finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional op­ timization. The School was attended by approximately 80 people from 23 countries; in particular it was possible to have some distinguished lecturers from the SO\·iet Union, whose research institutions are here gratt.fnlly acknowledged. Besides the lectures, several seminars were delivered; a special s·~ssion was devoted to numerical computing aspects. The result was a broad exposure. gi ·. ring a deep knowledge of the present research tendencies in the field. We wish to express our appreciation to all the participants. Special mention 5hould be made of the Ettorc ;. . Iajorana Centre in Erice, which helped provide a stimulating and rewarding experience, and of its staff which was fundamental for the success of the meeting. j\,loreover, WP want to extend uur deep appreci

  • af A. Ali
    1.050,95 kr.

    The present volume is based on the proceedings of the 9th INFN ELOISATRON Project workshop held at the Ettore Majorana Centre for Scien­ tific Culture, Erice-Trapani, Italy, in the period July 15-26, 1989. The topic of this workshop was: Higgs Particles - Physics Issues and Experimental Searches in High Energy Collisions and it was attended by over forty participants. The concept of Higgs mechanism, like most other scientific ideas, evolved over several years, with many independent and important contribu­ tions in the sixtees to which Peter Higgs has referred in his historical account in these proceedings. However, it was not until 1967, paraphra­ sing Weinberg, that "the right ideas were applied to the right problem"! Higgs mechanism, i.e. spontaneous breaking of local gauge symmetries with scalar particles becoming the longitudinal degrees of freedom of {other­ wise) massless vector bosons and hence making them massive, is now an integral part of the standard {Glashow-Salam Weinberg) theory of electro­ weak interactions. Fortunately for us, the structure of the standard theory prevents at least one scalar field from being transformed away. This is the Higgs particle in the standard theory - whose physics and search strategies are the subject of this workshop.

  • af M. Pavone-Macaluso
    1.055,95 kr.

    The proceedings of this volume represent a record of a meeting in the Ettore Majorana center in Erice, Sicily from 16-24 July, 1983. This was the fifth course of the International School of Urology and Nephrology, the fourth in a series of meetings devoted to different aspects of Urological Oncology. Speakers and delegates came from nearly every part of the world and contributed to a detailed analysis of the current state of knowledge of tumors of the testicle and to the development of knowledge of cancer of the bladder, prostate and kidney. Previous volumes resulting from this series of meetings have been well received and the Editors hope that the reader may find the record of this meeting equally attractive. We are indebted to the Department of Medical Illustration, St. James's University Hospital, for their kindness in producing several of the illustrations in this book. The editors are very grateful to Dr. Cavallo of Palermo for the major part which he has played in preparing the index. M. Pavone-Macaluso P.H. Smith M.A. Bagshaw v CONTENTS I TUMORS OF THE TESTIS CLASSIFICATION, PATHOLOGY, AETIOLOGY, RESEARCH Pre-treatment Classification of Tumors of the Testis 1 G. Pizzocaro, A. Milani and M. Pasi Histopathological Classification of Testicular Tumors 9 F. Mostofi and I.A. Sesterhenn Rare Tumors of Testes and Adnexal Tumors 29 F. Mostofi and C.J. Davis, Jr.

  • af V. Di Gesù
    1.045,95 kr.

    Systems and Archives in Astronomy: Astrophysics Data Systems (F. Giovane). MIDAS OnLine at the Telescopes (K. Banse et al.). Astronomical Databases (A. Heck). The HST Mission: The Hubble Space Telescope: Year One (R.J. Hanisch). HST Image Restoration (H.M. Adorf). Detecting Cosmic Rays Hits on HST WF/PC Images Using Neural Networks and Other Discriminant Analysis Approaches (F.D. Murtagh, H.M. Adorf). The ROSAT Mission: Mission Planning with ROSAT (S.L. Snowden, J.H.M.M. Schmitt). The Standard Automatic Analysis Software System (R. Gruber). The GRO Mission: Response Determination of COMPTEL from Calibration Measurements, Models, and Simulators (R. Diehl et al.). The OSSE Data Analysis System (M.S. Strickman). Future Missions: The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer Mission (C.A. Christian). The SAX Mission (R.C. Butler, L. Scarsi). 24 additional articles. Index.

  • af Yuri Dokshitzer
    1.037,95 kr.

    The Role of Parton Distributions in 200 TeV pp Collisions (W.J. Stirling). Multiparticle Production in Hadronic Interactions at Superhigh Energies (A.B. Kaidalov). Jet Topology and New Jet Counting Algorithms (S. Catani). Chromodynamics of Jets Today and the Day after Tomorrow (V.A. Khoze). High Energy Factorization and Heavy Flavor Production (M. Ciafaloni). Heavy Quark Production in Nucleon Collisions (Yu. Shabelski). Results from the L3 Experiment at LEP (P. Lecomte). Structure Functions at Small x and the Regge Limit in QCD (J. Bartels). Exploring Higgs Bosons/Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Physics at 200 TeV (J.F. Gunion). Baryon Number Violation and Instantons in the Standard Model (V.V. Khoze). Pattern Recognition in High Energy Physics with Neural Networks (C. Peterson). Final States in Small x Processes at Very High Energies (B.R. Webber). Structure Function for Large and Small x (G. Marchesini). 6 additional articles. Index.

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