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Bøger i Gideon Detective Series serien

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  • af Sidney St James
    153,95 kr.

    Gideon - The Final ChapterCase of the Ace of Spades - Volume 2Book 8 in the Gideon Detective SeriesBy the time the world's greatest detective figures out whodunnit... his own son could die in the electric chair in this murder and mystery suspense novel.There was only one case out of hundreds of cold cases that Vincent James Gideon never wholly solved, Rosenthall. (Read about it in Book 1 of the Gideon Detective Series.) If that should happen in Volume 2 of the Case of the Ace of Spades, his son could walk down that lonely hallway to the electric chair.Watching her take a sip, it took the assassin every urge not to swat the glass away, but he knew it was the only way to save his life. He stared at the beautiful woman and wondered how long it would take to go into effect. He questioned how much time it would be before she became dizzy and forgot where she was.Everything seemed to switch into slow motion. For a moment, the killer doubted himself and wondered if, in fact, he poisoned the wrong glass? Guilt began to creep into his gut. It took all his strength to withhold the tears that started to glisten in his eyes. Why?She began to cough and cough. The wine glass fell to the side, and her body collapsed to the floor. The assassin wasted no time. With an ivory-handled dagger, he stuck the Ace of Spades across the point of the blade and pierced her in the chest. From the many trunks in the hallway packed for a long journey, he placed her body inside the largest one available.Then, the killer called on an accomplice to carry the trunk to an unknown destination. But, the blundering detectives with the Black Rock Cove Police Department who were assigned to the case got all the facts twisted. The wrong man was accused. He was known as Billy Bob Tanner, Gideon's son.By the time the victim was found, her flesh was as cold as the wintry night. Her ivory skin was splattered with blood.Gideon dug into his pocket for a lemon drop only to find the plastic bag empty. His face fell a little, not a good omen for such a critical case. Then, suddenly, his fingers grasped onto one which had fallen from the bag. He pulled it out and held it up, thinking to himself that his luck had changed. He popped it in his mouth and went back to thinking over the evidence before him.Vincent James Gideon, the famed detective who went into retirement eight years earlier tried to avoid the case when the Black Rock Cove Police Department requested his services. He recommended his sidekick of many years, Bridget Flynn, take over. One thing after another happened to where he could not avoid coming out of retirement. Then he was blamed for the murder of not only the woman found in the trunk but also a reputable pharmacist.

  • af Sidney St James
    113,95 kr.

  • af Sidney St James
    153,95 kr.

  • af Sidney St James
    143,95 kr.

  • af Sidney St James
    108,95 kr.

    A novelette by Sidney St. James.A murder case from the late 1930s takes the entire area south of Oklahoma to the Gulf of Mexico the peoples' attention as a veteran police officer of more than thirty years from Dallas, and a well-known socialite from Fort Worth are murdered on the same night. In both cases, the murder was brutal and not just a killing with a bullet or two. It almost will remind you the day Bonnie and Clyde met their fate.The jurisdiction of the case brings in the Chief of Police in Dallas, Quintin Randle and the Fort Worth Police Department's Chief Sammy Rogers on a case that has both the offices' detectives hot on the case.The investigation got exciting and crossed the boundaries where dignitaries from all over the country were arriving near Plano to watch the landing of a Superfortress B29. The case becomes somewhat sticky with the two detectives stepping on each others' toes, but no matter, they learned to get along and attempt to solve this terrible murder.But do they solve it completely? Murder Will Out!Hitler's name disappeared on the front page for days. His presence was replaced by the murdered socialite, Sonja Bridges Adler and the thirty-year veteran of the Dallas Police Department, Lamar Hampton.A novelette by Sidney St. James. Book 4 in the Gideon Detective Series.

  • af Sidney St James
    163,95 kr.

    In this ninth and final novel in the Gideon Detective Series, Vincent James Gideon, after retiring five years earlier to spend his senior years fly fishing on the Portland River, elects to take on one more case for the Black Rock Cove Police Department. Little did he know it would be the most unusual case the veteran detective has ever agreed to unravel.Sebastian Westfield, the grandson of Connor Westfield, is living life in style with the hefty allowance given to him monthly by his grandfather. The problem is, one night started like all the rest, with his arrival at Sid's Cabaret in Portland, the home of famed theater star, Valentina Clemente. When the evening first started, he could remember everything. However, the next instant, his mind goes blank. He can't remember what happened the rest of the night when an assassin took his grandfather's life in Black Rock Cove, or how he ended up on the floor of an abandoned farmhouse a few hundred yards away from his grandfather's house the next morning.As he awoke, he sensed a chill in the air, a shimmer of mist. The trees of the forest by the lake became slightly out of focus, like that of a poorly taken photograph. It wasn't until Sebastian got closer, it congealed into a form... a woman dressed in red with silver skin and a predator's smile.All became silent while he watched the woman skirt along the edges of the stagnant lake. Then, without warning, he found himself on his back, looking up at a person wearing a red and black ski mask. He shook his head back and forth and heard the words from what he thought was the woman in red, but the words were said in a man's voice with a rasping tone of a one-pack a day smoker. "Have you come to play, Sebastian?" Sebastian couldn't find words to say and only opened his mouth to scream.Then without warning, he found himself back on the dilapidated and deserted farmhouse floor. Abruptly, a chill rose up his spine making him shiver. Something was here with him. He could feel it! A voice, hoarse and faint echoed around him, coming from the adjacent room in the farmhouse. Sebastian slowly turned his head over his shoulder, and the whispering came to a stop. The air chilled to ice and his labored breathing was the only sound he could hear. It was hanging down from the ceiling, crawling ever so slowly, closer and closer... dark and brooding.Crick. Creakkkk. Screechhhhh."Stop it! You're not real. Leave me alone!" Sebastian had played in the old farmhouse as a child and knew it was but a few hundred yards to his grandfather's house. Without hesitation, he rushed out the door and hurried down the pathway, his heart pounding the entire way. The sun already climbed into the morning sky.On reaching the courtyard, he stopped and vividly pictured the old place during his childhood. The walls didn't seem so gray when he was a young boy, nor did they look so small. In his mind, he pictured the place as though it were a castle where his cousin and he were the prince and princess of the home.The door opened. Mister Albert was there with the bad news. "Mister Sebastian, where have you been? Your grandfather has been murdered!"

  • af Sidney St James
    163,95 kr.

    "A hair-raising debut, both unsettling and addictive...A chilling thriller that will keep you reading long into the night." - Sean E. Jacobs, Author of Sisters of MercyBlack Rock Cove, on the coastline of Oregon, has a unique and sinister charm. By day, it is a quaint fishing village and charming resort for summertime visitors, but by night...well, that's a different story. The murder of Oliver Bateman was purely the strangest of all crimes. A gunshot was heard as he fell dead in the courtyard, but bullet holes were missing from his body. Three deep knife wounds, however, covered his chest.Even stranger, Elizabeth Knight, daughter of famed Nobel Prize winner William Knight, was discovered in her locked bedroom on the brink of death after hysterical screaming and two gunshots were heard. She was found all alone... no assassin present.As the life fluid of Lizzie Knight drained out of her in its garish red, her skin began to take on the pallor of a corpse. There was one problem, however. There was no one in the room when her father finally knocked the door off its frame.Find the motive of the assassin, and you locate the criminal. Nevertheless, several people have reasons, which may have led them to the deed. Which one did it? Why did the murderer leave a bloody cow bone in the room? Why was there only one bullet found in the chamber after witnesses heard two shots, and two were expended in the golden 22 caliber revolver found in the room? Also, most of all, how was the crime committed in a sealed chamber? How did the assassin escape?What an outstanding way for the first novel of James' detective murder series to begin? Who was killed? That's what the readers want to know and why he or she was murdered? How did the assassin escape? These questions run through the readers' minds as one of the most hideous crimes ever committed on the estate of a two-time Nobel Prize-winning physicist, Professor William Knight. The mystery continued as a diabolical scheme to frame an innocent man was set in motion.Wait! Did the wrong person lose their life? What will that do? Create more questions? Result in more murders? Will there be other murders? Who's the mastermind behind them? These questions become the catalyst for a sequence of events that will rivet the readers to their seats.This first novel debuts Vincent Gideon, a young detective making a name for himself solving cold cases. A best-selling author, Abigail Guerin, better known as Abby throughout the novel, adds a twist of romance as she assists him. They must solve the case before the mystery man catches the six o'clock train departing Black Rock Cove. However, no other than the Great Shane Murdock comes to town. He is Gideon's mentor and has solved more cold cases in America than anyone else. Some have called him in headline news, the Sherlock Holmes of America. He is a household name from his successful endeavors at solving crimes the local authorities can't.This murder mystery series descends into a quagmire filled with intrigue and death.Black Rock Cove, the setting in James' thriller series, The Storm Lord Trilogy, is still his canvas in his Gideon Detective Series. James unveils a labyrinth of evil constructed by people at the highest levels of power. More secrets are revealed. Is the Bête du Bon Dieu, the beast responsible for so many deaths? More people continue to lose their lives. You don't know who can be trusted. Martin DuBois? Terrence McGyver? Chris Darnay? Mother Althena? Could Gideon himself be the mastermind of the crimes?

  • af Sidney St. James
    233,95 kr.

    Descripción de la novela, El transformista El sexto libro de la serie de detectives Gideon En esta apasionante novela "The Transformist" de Sidney St. James, incluso los objetos inanimados guardan secretos. El teléfono recuerda a quienes lo llamaron en el pasado, el pomo de la puerta conserva el toque de quienes lo giraron y el revólver dorado lleva los ecos de sus anteriores disparos y quienes lo empuñaron. Ahora, depende de Vincent Gideon desbloquear el lenguaje oculto de estos objetos, para escuchar sus revelaciones susurradas.Vincent Gideon, reconocido como el mejor detective del mundo después de su victoria sobre el famoso asesino en serie Rosenthall en "Rosenthall", el Libro 1 de la Serie de detectives de Gideon, se enfrenta a un nuevo desafío en el Libro 3, "Gideon Returns". El destino se entrelaza con el amor, poniendo a prueba el vínculo entre Gideon y Abigail Hoffman, una inmigrante alemana cuya vida ha salvado en tres ocasiones distintas. Pero es el destino quien finalmente los separa en la emocionante sexta entrega, "The Transformist".Como se muestra en la portada, Abigail Hoffmann rompe abruptamente su compromiso con el estimado detective, dejándolo desconcertado. En cambio, elige casarse con Wolfgang Klein, el próspero hombre de negocios de Portland, Oregón. La curiosidad y la sospecha surgen cuando se descubre una carta de amor rota dirigida a Gideon y se reconstruye de la basura de Klein, aparentemente pegada por las manos de la secretaria de Klein.Poco después, Abigail se enfrenta a Wolfgang y, momentos después, la encuentran sosteniendo un revólver humeante, parada sobre su cuerpo sin vida. Manchas de sangre marcan su pecho, con el pañuelo de Abigail agarrado en su mano. Desesperada, proclama su inocencia al hombre que realmente ama. Abrumado, Gideon busca la ayuda del experimentado detective de ochenta años, Jonathan Kowalski, para ayudar a desentrañar la verdad. Sin embargo, surge una revelación inesperada cuando el mayordomo de confianza de Gideon, con un pasado oculto como ladrón de cajas fuertes, se enreda en la investigación.La intriga se intensifica con la participación de un chino colosal, un suicidio del puente de la calle 51, pasadizos secretos y la desaparición de Ava O'Neill, una figura clave que podría resolver el enigma de "The Transformist". Con el tiempo corriendo antes del juicio de Abigail y la amenaza inminente de la silla eléctrica, los detectives corren contrarreloj. ¿Permitirá Bulldog Dennison, el fiscal de distrito, suficiente libertad de acción para probar la inocencia de Abigail?Mientras tanto, el inspector Joe Givens del Departamento de Policía de Portland se encuentra atrapado en medio de dos detectives experimentados que siguen la pista de un hábil asesino.Una vez más, Sidney St. James demuestra su notable talento para elaborar narraciones fascinantes, impulsando a los lectores a través de las páginas de la sexta entrega de la serie Gideon Detective. Con un ritmo vertiginoso, "The Transformist" ofrece una experiencia de lectura apasionante que deja a los lectores sin aliento.

  • af Sidney St. James
    153,95 kr.

    Sidney St. James wrote "The Final Curtain Call," a renowned detective novel that exemplifies the locked-room mystery subgenre in detective fiction. In these stories, a crime, typically a murder, occurs under seemingly impossible circumstances.The story unfolds in the gloomy, fog-laden Oak Hill area of Austin's West End. It begins with the shocking discovery of Ronald D. Parks' gruesome murder. Someone has cut his throat in his room, which was locked from the inside, and secured the windows, creating the perfect 'locked room' scenario. The absence of minimal struggle signs and a missing murder weapon only deepen the mystery.Detectives Vincent James Gideon and Eddie Fisher lead the investigation. Gideon, a retired detective known for his unorthodox methods and deep criminal mind insights, contrasts with Fisher, his more conventional rival. Their different investigative approaches bring an intriguing dynamic to the story.The real Sidney St. James, not his novel's character, explores the lives of various characters linked to Ronnie Parks. These include his landlady, Mrs. Jenkins, and Morton Parker, an aspiring political candidate for Governor in Texas, who once found himself in a love triangle with Parks and a woman named Kathy Scott. The narrative delves into themes of social injustice, political activism, and the intricacies of human relationships.James uses wit and a satirical tone to critique his era's societal issues. He also parodies the detective genre, primarily through the competitive and contrasting styles of Gideon and Fisher.The novel's unexpected and ingenious resolution features a clever twist that challenges readers' assumptions and showcases Sidney St. James' mastery of the genre. "The Final Curtain Call" is a pivotal work in detective fiction and provides insightful commentary on Austin, Texas's political landscape.The novel stands out for its innovative plot, memorable characters, and significant contribution to detective fiction.

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