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  • af George N Frantziskonis
    1.006,95 kr.

    The materials dealt with in this volume include wood, concrete, various metals, composites, ceramics, and porous geological media. Obviously, the properties and serviceability of such materials vary widely, and an almost universal theme in their testing is that the properties depend on the scale at which the analysis or observation is made. At each scale, `probability' plays an important role, where the word `probability' is used in a wider sense than the classical one. The book begins with a review of progress over recent years, identifying key questions that remain open. One point is how to observe/measure material properties at different scales, and whether a probabilistic approach, at each scale, is always applicable and advantageous. Obstacles to the identification of a universal approach include the wide range of materials and the diversity of applications. The hierarchical nature of materials and implications for modelling, testing and application are discussed extensively. Modern mathematical tools show considerable promise in attacking the multiscale nature of materials in modelling and testing, such as wavelet analysis, intersection methods for random sets, and truncated series expansion of random fields. Multiscaling is also discussed in the context of nonlinear dynamics. Furthermore, the concepts of scaling and criticality and their applicability in materials science create interesting points of view. Most contributions present both experimental and analytical/numerical results. A few are purely theoretical, and some are purely numerical.

  • af John H Marsh
    981,95 kr.

  • af Atassi
    969,95 kr.

    Is There a Link between the Nature of Agents That Trigger Mast Cells and the Induction of Immunoglobulin (IG)E Synthesis?.- Immunogenetic Aspects of IgE-Mediated Responses.- Structure and Function of the Low Affinity IgE Receptor.- Characterization of the Human IgE Fc-Fce RIa Interaction.- The Analysis of Mast Cell Function in Vivo Using Mast Cell-Deficient Mice.- The Immunogenetic Basis of Collagen Induced Arthritis in Mice: An Experimental Model for the Rational Design of Immunomodulatory Treatments of Rheumatoid Arthritis.- Suppression of Experimental Autoimmune Myasthenia Gravis by Epitope-Specific Neonatal Tolerance.- T Cell Reactivity to Self and Allogeneic MHC-Peptides.- Antiribosomal Antibodies in SLE, Infection, and Following Deliberate Immunization.- Cross-Reactions of Anti-Immunoglobulin Sera with Synthetic T-Cell Receptor ? Peptides: Mapping on a 3-Dimension Model.- Stress Proteins in Autoimmunity.- Polyclonal B Cell Activation and B Cell Cross-Reactivity During Autoantibody Production in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.- Autoantibody Activity and V Gene Usage by B-Cell Malignancies.- Naturally Occurring Human Autoantibodies to Defend T-Cell Receptor and Light Chain Peptides.- Natural Autoantibodies.- Regulatory Autoantibody and Cellular Aging and Removal.- B-Cell Origin of Cold Agglutinins.- Initiation of Autoimmune Type 1 Diabetes and Molecular Cloning of a Gene Encoding for Islet Cell-Specific 37KD Autoantigen.- Mapping of the Polypeptide Chain Organization of the Main Extracellular Domain of the ?-Subunit in Membrane-Bound Acetylcholine Receptor by Anti-Peptide Antibodies Spanning the Entire Domain.

  • af International Conference on Local Area Network Interconnection
    986,95 kr.

    QoS Enhancements and the New Transport Services; A. Danthine, et al. Performance Evaluation and Monitoring of Heterogenous Networks; J. Neuman, et al. Application of High Speed Networks in Hospital Environment; J.R. Rao. On Allocation Schemes for the Interconnection of LANs and Multimedia Sources over Broadband Networks; M. Mateescu. A Superposition of Bursty Sources in a LAN Interconnection Environment; J.M. Karlsson. Interconnecting LANs for Real Time Traffic Application; I. Chlamtac. An Analytical Model for ATM Based Networks which Utilize LookAhead Contention Resolution Switching; J.V. Luciani, C.Y. Roger Chen. Transient Analysis of Nonhomogenous Continuous Time Markov Chains Describing Realistic LAN Systems; A. Rindos, et al. Closed Queueing Network Modeling for End-to-End Performance Analysis of ISO LLC Transport Protocols over Bridged Networks; T. Ikegawa. A Preview of APPN High Performance Routing; J.P. Gray, M.L. Peters. 12 additional articles. Index.

  • af Rustum
    982,95 kr.

    Fluoropyrimidine Metabolism and Mechanism of Action.- 5-Fluoro-2?-Deoxyuridine: Role of Schedule in its Therapeutic Efficacy.- Comparison of Continuous Infusions and Bolus Injections of 5- Fluorouracil with or without Leucovorin: Implications for Inhibition of Thymidylate Synthase.- Critical Questions for the Future Direction of FU/LV.- Cellular Interactions Between the Natural and Unnatural Isomers of 5-Formyltetrahydrofolate.- Leucovorin as a Prodrug.- Clinical Use of Leucovorin: Intracellular Metabolism.- Some Considerations Concerning the Dose and Schedule of 5FU and Leucovorin: Toxicities of Two Dose Schedules from the Intergroup Colon Adjuvant Trial (INT-0089).- Effects of 5-Fluorouracil on mRNA.- Genetic Variation in Thymidylate Synthase Confers Resistance to 5-Fluorodeoxyuridine.- Experience with 5FU + L-Leucovorin.- 5-Fluorouracil Combined with the Pure [6S]-Stereoisomer of Folinic Acid in High Doses for Treatment of Patients with Advanced Colorectal Carcinoma: A Phase I-II Study of Two Consecutive Regimens.- 5-Fluorouracil Modulation in Colorectal Carcinoma: Experience of German Investigators.- An Overview of Adjuvant Treatment of Colon Cancer.- Dose-Dependent Inhibition of Aspartate Carbamoyltransferase in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Patients Receiving N-Phosphonacetyl)-L-Aspartate.- Alternative Approaches to Modulation of Fluoropyrimidines.- Increasing the Efficacy of 5-Fluorouracil with Interferons: Preclinical, Clinical, and Pharmacokinetic Studies.- Enchanced Cytotoxicity of 5-Fluorouracil Combined with [6RS]-Leucovorin and Recombinant Human Interferon-?2a in Colon Carcinoma Cells.- Regulation of Thymidylate Synthase in Human Colon Cancer Cells Treated with 5-Fluorouracil and Interferon-Gamma.- Biochemical Modulation of 5-Fluorouracil by PALA: Mechanism of Action.- Implications of Chronobiology for 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) Efficacy.- Update on Metabolic Modulation as a Therapeutic Approach for Adult Carcinomas.- Fluorouracil and Leucovorin in Advanced Breast Cancer.- Fluorouracil Modulation in Head and Neck Cancer.- Biomodulation in Head and Neck Carcinomas: Therapeutic Approaches in Europe.- Rationale for the Combination Therapy of 5FU and CDDP.- Biochemical Modulation of Fluoropyrimidines: The "Giscad" Studies.- New Drugs.- Clinical Experience with UFT in Japan.- Clinical Studies of the Modulation of Ftorafur.- The Role of the Reduced-Folate Carrier and Metabolism to Intracellular Polyglutamates for the Activity of ICI D1694.- The History of the Development and Clinical Use of CB 3717 and ICI D1694.- New Sites of Intervention in the Development of New Drugs in Solid Tumors.- P53: A Determinant of the Cell Cycle Response to DNA Damage.- Therapeutic Implications of Molecular Genetics.- Concluding Remarks.- Summary.- Abbreviations.- Author Index.

  • af Data
    990,95 kr.

    1 Vascular Analysis of the Carotid Body in the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat.- 2 Role of the Carotid Sinus Nerve and of Dopamine in the Biochemical Response of Sympathetic Tissues to Long-Term Hypoxia.- 3 The Effects of Almitrine on [3H]5HT and [125I] Endothelin Binding to Central and Peripheral Receptors: An In Vitro Autoradiographic Study in the Cat.- 4 Immunocytochemical and Neurochemical Aspects of Sympathetic Ganglion Chemosensitivity.- 5 Neuronal and Neuroendocrine Markers in the Human Carotid Body in Health and Disease.- 6 The Effects of Chronic Hypoxaemia upon the Structure of the Human Carotid Body.- 7 Dopaminergic and Peptidergic Sensory Innervation of the Rat Carotid Body: Organization and Development.- 8 Effects of Cell-Free Perfusion and Almitrine Bismesylate on the Ultrastructure of Type-1 Cell Mitochondria in the Cat Carotid Body.- 9 Multi-Unit Compartmentation of the Carotid Body Chemoreceptor by Perineurial Cell Sheaths: Immunohistochemistry and Freeze-Fracture Study.- 10 Light and Electronmicroscopical Immunohistochemical Investigation of the Innervation of the Human Carotid Body.- 11 Serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamine) Expression in Pulmonary Neuro-Endocrine Cells (NE) and a Netumor Cell Line.- 12 Effects of Hypoxia on Cultured Chemoreceptors of the Rat Carotid Body: DNA Synthesis and Mitotic Activity in Glomus Cells.- 13 Localization of Dopamine D2 Receptor mRNA in the Rabbit Carotid Body and Petrosal Ganglion by in situ Hybridization.- 14 Noradrenergic Glomus Cells in the Carotid Body: An Autoradiographic and Immunocytochemical Study in the Rabbit and Rat.- 15 The Modulation of Intracellular pH in Carotid Body Glomus Cells by Extracellular pH and pCO2.- 16 Evidence for Glucose Uptake in the Rabbit Carotid Body.- 17 Effects of Inorganic Calcium Channel Blockers on Carotid Chemosensory Responses in the Cat.- 18 Those Strange Glomus Cells.- 19 Carotid Body Neurotransmission.- 20 Carbonic Anhydrase and the Carotid Body.- 21 Ca2+ Dynamics in Chemoreceptor Cells: An Overview.- 22 Spectrophotometric Analysis of Heme Proteins in Oxygen Sensing Cell Systems.- 23 Neurochemical and Molecular Biological Aspects on the Resetting of the Arterial Chemoreceptors in the Newborn Rat.- 24 Carbonic Anhydrase and Carotid Body Chemoreception in the Presence and Absence of CO2-HCO3-.- 25 Role of Ion-Exchangers in the Cat Carotid Body Chemotransduction.- 26 Dopamine Metabolism in the Rabbit Carotid Body in vitro: Effect of Hypoxia and Hypercapnia.- 27 PO2-Dependence of Phospholipase C in the Cat Carotid Body.- 28 Optical Measurements of Micro-Vascular Oxygen Pressure and Intracellular pH in the Cat Carotid Body: Testing Hypotheses of Oxygen Chemoreception.- 29 Elevation of Cytosolic Calcium Induced by pH Changes in Cultured Carotid Body Glomus Cells.- 30 Role of Carbon Dioxide for Hypoxic Chemotransduction of the Cat Carotid Body.- 31 Metabolic Substrate Dependence of Carotid Chemosensory Responses to Stop-Flow Evoked Hypoxia and to Nicotine.- 32 Effects of Chemosensory Stimulation Membrane Currents Recorded with the Perforated-Patch Method from Cultured Rat Glomus Cells.- 33 Carbonic Anhydrase Near Central Chemoreceptors.- 34 Update on the Bicarbonate Hypothesis.- 35 Regulation of Intracellular pH in Type I Cells of the Neonatal Rat Carotid Body.- 36 Noradrenergic Inhibition of the Goat Carotid Body.- 37 Role of Substance P in Rat Carotid Body Responses to Hypoxia and Capsaicin.- 38 Carotid Sinus Nerve Inhibition Mediated by Atrial Natriuretic Peptide.- 39 Neurotransmitters and Second Messenger Systems in the Carotid Body.- 40 Does Adenosine Stimulate Rat Carotid Body Chemoreceptors?.- 41 Effects of Haloperidol on Cat Carotid Body Chemoreceptionin Vitro.- 42 Effect of Arterial Chemoreceptor Stimulation: Role of Norepinephrine in Hypoxic Chemotransmission.- 43 Carotid Body Denervation and Pulmonary Vascular Resistance in the Rat.- 44 Effects of Chemoreceptor Stimulation by Almitrine Bismesylate on Renal Function in Conscious Rats...

  • af Claes Goran Ostenson
    982,95 kr.

    Regulation of Insulin Secretion.- Impaired Glucose-Induced Insulin Secretion: Studies in Animal Models with Spontaneous NIDDM.- Perturbation of Islet Metabolism and Insulin Release in NIDDM.- Regulation of Cytoplasmic Free Ca2+ in Insulin-Secreting Cells.- The ß-Cell Sulfonylurea Receptor.- Insulin, Insulin Receptors and Glucose Transporters.- Regulation of Glucose Transporters and the Na/K-ATPase by Insulin in Skeletal Muscle.- Insulin Receptor: Aspects of Its Structure and function.- The Diabetogenes Concept of NIDDM.- Molecular Genetics of NIDDM and the Genes for Insulin and Insulin Receptor.- Autoregulation of Glucose Transport: Effects of Glucose on Glucose Transporter Expression and Cellular Location in Muscle.- Insulin Action in NIDDM.- Insulin Resistance and the Pathogenesis of Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms.- Indirect Effects of Insulin in Regulating Glucose Fluxes.- The Insulin-Antagonistic Effect of the Counterregulatory Hormones - Clinical and Mechanistic Aspects.- On Insulin Action in Vivo: The Single Gateway Hypothesis.- Gluconeogenesis.- Acute Hormonal Regulation of Gluconeogenesis in the Conscious Dog.- Estimating Gluconeogenic Rates in NIDDM.- Glucose Metabolism during Physical Exercise in Patients with Noninsulin-Dependent (Type II) Diabetes.- Substrates and the Regulation of Hepatic Glycogen Metabolism.- Gluconeogenesis in Type 2 Diabetes.- Obesity, Lipoproteins, Atherogenesis, and NIDDM.- Regulation of Adipose Tissue Lipolysis, Importance for the Metabolic Syndrome.- Cellular and Molecular Factors in Adipose Tissue Growth and Obesity.- Regional Obesity and NIDDM.- Hyperinsulinemia and VLDL Kinetics.- Hyperinsulinism and Dyslipidemias as Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors in NIDDM.- Potential Impact of New Concepts In NIDDM on Delivery of Care to Diabetic Populations.- A Paradigm to Link Clinical Research to Clinical Practice: The Challenge in Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus.

  • af North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    994,95 kr.

    Theory of Ionization and Electron Emission: Theory of Electron Ejection from Matter by Highly Charged Ion Impact; J.H. Macek. Auger Processes at Metallic Surfaces: Auger Processes at Surfaces; A. Niehaus. Kinetic Auger Processes and Shell Effects: Electron Emission from Silicon Induced by Bombardment with Oxygen Ions; E.A. Maydell. Kinetic Electron Emission from Thin Foils: Electron Ejection Induced by Fast Projectiles; G. Schiwietz. Surface Effects in Kinetic Electron Emission: Electron Emission Phenomena in Grazing Collisions of Fast Ions with Surfaces; H. Winter, et al. Spin Polarized Electron Emission: IonInduced Electron Emission from Magnetic and Nonmagnetic Surfaces; C. Rau, et al. Electron Emission and Charging of Insulators: Secondary Electron Emission from Insulators; J. Schou. Ionization Effects in Semiconductors and Insulators: Ionization Tracks; R.E. Johnson. 23 additional articles. Index.

  • af NATO Advanced Study Institute on Chemical Physics of Intercalation
    990,95 kr.

    The Lectures: Conjugated Polymers in Layered Hosts; M.G. Kanatzidis, et al. Staging in Intercalated Graphites, Polymers, and Fullerenes; E.J. Mele. Seminars and Communications: Size-Mismatch Melting in Two Dimensions; N. Mousseau, M.F. Thorpe. Tight Binding Molecular Dynamics for Intercalation Chemistry; M. Menon, et al. Local Oscillator Model for Superconducting Fullerenes; Z. Gedik, S. Ciraci. Some Optical Properties of Fullerenes; B. Friedman. Photoluminescence of Solid State Fullerenes; H.J. Byrne, et al. Magnetic Properties of Alkali Metal Intercalated Fullerides; P. Byszewski, et al. Charge Transport and Percolation in Conducting Polymers; J. Voit. Overview on the Chemistry of Intercalation in Graphite of Binary Metallic Alloys; P. Lagrange. Mineralomimetic Inclusion Behavior of Cadmium Cyanide Systems; T. Iwamoto, et al. 36 additional articles. Index.

  • af Huber R Warner
    984,95 kr.

    Background.- Aging, Comorbidity, and Breast Cancer Survival: An Epidemiologic View.- Squamous Cell Cancer of the Cervix, Immune Senescence and HPV: Is Cervical Cancer an Age-Related Neoplasm?.- Genetics and Epigenetics.- Genetic and Molecular Basis for Cellular Senescence.- A Single Gene Change Can Extend Yeast Life Span: The Role of ras in Cellular Senescence.- A Comparison of the Properties of Human P53 Mutant Alleles.- Gene Structure and Expression in Colorectal Cancer.- Influence of Physiological Changes in the Immune Constitutions in Aging and Cancer.- Tumors and Aging: The Influence of Age-Associated Immune Changes upon Tumor Growth and Spread.- T Cell Differentiation and Functional Maturation in Aging Mice.- Molecular Biology of Age-Related Changes in Some Types of Cancer.- I. Breast Cancer.- Cytogenetics and Clinical Correlations in Breast Cancer.- Breast Cancer: Influence of Endocrine Hormones, Growth Factors and Genetic Alterations.- Regulation of Estrogen Receptor Expression in Breast Cancer.- Aging and Development of Ovarian Epithelial Carcinoma: The Relevance of Changes in Ovarian Stromal Androgen Production.- II. Prostate Cancer.- Prostatic Cancer: An Age-Old Problem.- Stromal-Epithelial Paracrine Interactions in the Neoplastic Rat and Human Prostate.- Heparin-Binding Fibroblast Growth Factors and Prostate Cancer.- Molecular Epidemiology and Treatment Modality in Patients of Different Ages with Leukemias.- Age Related Changes in Adults with Acute Leukemia.- Significance of Chromosomal Chances in Patients of Different Age Groups with Acute Leukemia.- Glucocorticoid Receptors in Leukemias, Lymphomas and Myelomas of Young And Old.- Drug Resistance.- General Aspects of Cancer Chemotherapy in the Aged.- Drug Resistance and Cancer.- Summation and Synthesis.- From the Cancer Cell Biology Point of View.- From the Immunology Point of View.- From the Aging Point of View.- Participants and Contributors.

  • af International Symposium on Dendritic Cells in Fundamental and Clinical Immunology
    1.016,95 kr.

    General Introduction: Dendritic cells: Antigen presentation, accessory function and clinical relevance.- Endocytic activity of dendritic cells is similar to other antigen presenting cells.- Immunocytochemical characterization of dendritic cells.- Requirements of exogenous protein antigens for presentation to CD4+ T lymphocytes by MHC Class II-positive APC.- Modulation of MHC Class II determinants on rat Langerhans cells during short term culture.- A dendritic cell specific determinant present in endosomes is involved in the presentation of protein antigens.- Dendritic cells are potent antigen-presenting cells for microbial superantigen.- Divergent T-cell cytokine profiles induced by dendritic cells from different tissues.- Adhesion molecules: Co-stimulators and Co-mitogens in dendritic cell - T cell interaction.- Dendritic cell dependent expression of IgA by clones in T/B microcultures.- Adhesion molecules in tonsil DC-T cell interactions.- Dendritic cells have reduced cell surface membrane glycoproteins including CD43 determinants.- The effect of human dendritic cells on the lectin-induced responsiveness of CD4+ T cells to IL-2 and IL-4.- Analysis of cytokine and cytokine receptor production by human dendritic cells.- Costimulating factors and signals relevant for antigen presenting cell function.- Distinct T cell stimulation mechanism and phenotype of human blood dendritic cells.- The role of dendritic cells in the regulation of T cell cytokine synthesis.- The role of dendritic cells as co-stimulators in tolerance induction.- The influence of dendritic cells on T-cell cytokine production.- Phenotypical and functional characterization of dendritic cells in the human peritoneal cavity.- Dendritic cells isolated from rat and human non-lymphoid tissue are very potent accessory cells.- Antigen presenting capacity of peritoneal macrophages and dendritic cells.- T-cell repertoire development in MHC class II deficient humans.- Rat thymic dendritic cells.- Rat thymic dendriticCells: flow cytometry analysis.- Ultrastructure of interdigitating cells in the rat thymus during Cyclosporin A treatment.- T cell tolerance and antigen presenting cell function in the thymus.- Tolerizing mice to human leukocytes: A step toward the production of monoclonal antibodies specific for human dendritic cells.- Morphological and functional differences between HLA-Dr+ peripheral blood dendritic cells and HLA Dr+ IFN-alpha producing cells.- Three monoclonal antibodies to antigen presenting cells in the rat with differential influence on cellular interactions.- The MHC expression of dendritic cells from mouse spleen isolated by centrifugal elutriation is unregulated during short term culture.- II-6 and its high affinity receptor during differentiation of monocytes into Langerhans cells.- Phagocytosis of antigens by Langerhans cells.- Dissection of human Langerhans cell allostimulatory function. Modulation by interferon-?.- Human in vitro T cell sensitization using hapten-modified epidermal Langerhans cells.- Monocyte-derived Langerhans cells from different species - morphological and functional characterization.- A serial section study of mice Langerhans cell granules after DNFB painting.- Skin dendritic cell-lymphocyte interactions in autologous system.- Induction of the low affinity receptor for IgE (Fc?RII/CD23) on human blood dendritic cells by interleukin-4.- Fc? RI mediates IGE-binding to human epidermal Langerhans cells.- Murine epidermal Langerhans cells as a model to study tissue dendritic cells.- Differentiation of dendritic cells in cultures of rat and mouse bone marrow cells.- TNF and GM-CSF dependent growth of an early progenitor of dendritic Langerhans cells in human bone marrow.- Human bone marrow contains potent stimulatory cells for the allogeneic MLR with the phenotype of dendritic cells.- Recombinant GM-CSF induces in vitro differentiation of dendritic cells from mouse bone marrow.- Signals required for differentiating dendritic cells...

  • af William Hodos
    988,95 kr.

    Development of the Primate Visual System throughout Life; P. Rakic. Animal Modes of LifeSpan Development; W. Hodos. Ontogenetic Clues to the Phylogeny of the Visual System; B. Fritzsch. Aging and Spatial Contrast Sensitivity; C. Owsley. Synaptic Plasticity in the Adult Vertebrate Retina; M.B.A. Djamgoz. Development of the Visual Cortex Deprived of Retinal Cues; R.O. Kuljis. Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Neuronal Differentiation; G. Augusti-Tocco, et al. Visual System in Some Somatic Diseases; F.F. Demircioglu. Effects of Intraocular Activity Blockade on the Morphology of Developing LGN Neurons in the Cat; K. Herrmann. A Neural Network Model for Stripe Formation in Primate Visual Cortex; W. Cowan, M.J. Zuckerman. Stereo Matching Using Relaxation Labeling Based on Edge and Orientation Features; J.S. Jin. Twentyfour additional articles. Index.

  • af Rodriguez-Valera
    990,95 kr.

    I Taxonomy, Ecology and Phylogeny.- Halophily, Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Nomenclature.- The Microbiota of Saline Lakes of the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica.- Halophilic Organisms and the Environment.- Estimation of the Contribution of Archaebacteria and Eubacteria to the Bacterial Biomass and Activity in Hypersaline Ecosystems: Novel Approaches.- Some Primary and Secondary Metabolites of Hypersaline Microbial Mats and Associated Sediments.- Taxonomy of New Species of Moderately Halophilic Eubacteria.- Phenotypic Characterization of Halophilic Bacteria from Ground Water Sources in the United States.- II Physiology.- Halophiles of All Kinds: What are they up to now, and Where do they come from?.- Mechanism of Chloride Transport in Halophilic Archaebacteria.- Processes of Adaptation of Different Cell-Lines of Dunaliella to Widely Differing Salt Concentrations.- Osmoregulation in Rhizobium meliloti: Control of Glycine Betaine Biosynthesis and Catabolism.- Is the Na+-Activated NADH-Quinone-Acceptor Oxidoreductase in Marine Bacteria and Moderate Halophiles a Primary Electrogenic Na+ Pump?.- Ionic Relations and Polyol Metabolism of Marine Fungi in Relation to their Environment.- Salt Adaptation of Ectothiorhodospira.- Lipoic Acid and Dihydrolipoamide Dehydrogenase in Halophilic Archaeobacteria.- Nitrate Reduction in the Extremely Halophilic Bacteria.- Retinal-Opsin-Dependent Detection of Short-Wavelength Ultraviolet Radiation (UV-B), and Endogenous Bias on Direction of Flagellar Rotation in Tethered Halobacterium halobium Cells.- Steps in the Photosensory Signal Chair of Halobacterium halobium.- Mode of Action of Halocins H4 and H6: Are they Effective against the Adaptation to High Salt Environments?.- Bioenergetics of Halobacterium halobium and of H. marismortui.- The response of Halophilic Bacteria to Heavy Metals.- Biochemical Characterization of Dihydrofolate Reductase of Halobacterium volcanii.- III Composition and Structure.- Polar Lipid Structure, Composition and Biosynthesis in Extremely Halophilic Bacteria.- Variations in the Lipid Composition of Aerobic, Halophilic Archaeobacteria.- Bacterioruberins Reinforce reconstituted Halobacterium Lipid Membranes.- The 'True' Intracellular Environment of Moderately Halophilic Eubacteria.- Effects of Salinity on Membrane Lipids and Membrane-Derived Oligosaccharides.- Physiology of Halomonas Elongata in Different NaCI Concentratio..- Do Periplasmic Oligosaccharides Provide a Role in the Osmotic Adaptation of Gram-negative Bacteria?.- IV Molecular Biology and Genetics.- The Ribosomal RNA Operons of Halophilic Archaebacteria.- Bacterio-Opsin Gene Expression in Halobacterium halobium.- The Kinetic of the Genetic Exchange Process in Halobacterium volcanii mating.- Physical Mapping and Gene Transfer Methods for Halobacterium (Halo ferax) volcanii.- Gas Vacuole Genes in Halobacteria.- Insertion Elements Affecting Gas Vacuole Gene Expression in Halobacterium halobium.- Genomic Organization Studies in Halobacteria Using Pulse Field Gel Electrophoresis.- Physical and Genetic Mapping of the Unstable Gas Vesicle Plasmid in Halobacterium halobium NRC-1.- Enzymology and Genetics of an Alpha-like DNA Polymerase from Halobacterium halobium.- Phylogeny of DNA-dependent RNA Polymerases: Testimony for the Origin of Eukaryotes.- DNA Topology in Halobacteria.- V Applied Aspects of Halophilic Organisms.- An Application of a Bioreactor with Flocculated Cells of Halophilic Micrococcus varians Subsp. Halophilus which Preferentially Adsorbed Halophilic Nuclease H to 5'-Nucleotide Production.- Novel Compatible Solutes and their Potential Application as Stabilizers in Enzyme Technology.- Lysis of Halobacteria with Bile Acids and Proteolytic Enzymes of Halophilic Archaeobacteria.- An Archaeobacterial Antigen Used to Study Immunological Humoral Response to C-myc Oncogene Product.- Biopolymer Production by Haloferax mediterranei.- Halophiles in Thai Fish Sauce (Nam Pla).- Liquid Fuel (Oil) from Halophilic Algae: A Ren...

  • af Robert Howard
    983,95 kr.

    Epidemiology and Carcinogenesis.- Evidence from Animal Studies for the Carcinogenicity of Inhaled Diesel Exhaust.- Interpretation of Carcinogenicity and Effective Dose in Chronic Exposures of Rats to High Diesel Exhaust Concentrations.- Carcinogenicity of Dinitroarenes in Rat Lung.- In Vivo Metabolism and Genotoxic Effects of the Air Pollutant and Marker for Nitro-PAH's, 2-Nitrofluorene.- Chemistry, Detection, and Occurrence.- Nitroarenes: Their Detection, Mutagenicity and Occurrence in the Environment.- The Atmospheric Formation of Nitroarenes and Their Occurrence in Ambient Air.- Metabolism of 1-Nitropyrene Oxides and Effect of Nitrogen Dioxide on Arene Activation.- Molecular Mechanisms.- Mutagenic and Biochemical Consequences of the Reaction of Arylamines with DNA.- Mutagenesis Induced by a Single Acetylaminofluorene Adduct within the Narl Site is Position Dependent.- Unusual Hydrogen Bonding Patterns in 2-Aminofluorene (AF) and 2-Acetylaminofluorene (AAF) Modified DNA.- DNA Adduct Formation during Chronic Administration of an Aromatic Amine.- Aerial Oxidation of Acetylaminofluorene-Derived DNA Adducts.- Mutations and Homologous Recombination Induced by N-Substituted Aryl Compounds in Mammalian Cells.- Comparison of the Mutagenic Potency of DNA Adducts Formed by Reactive Derivatives of Aflatoxin, Benzidine and 1-Nitropyrene in a Plasmid System.- Mutations Induced in the lacI Gene of E. coli by 1-Nitroso-8-Nitropyrene and Furylfuramide: The Influence of Plasmid pKM101 and Excision Repair on the Mutational Spectrum.- DNA Adduct Formation by 1-Nitropyrene 4,5- and 9,10-Oxide.- Nitropolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Diesel Exhaust: Potential Role of DNA Binding in Carcinogenicity.- Validation/Application of 32?-Postlabeling Analysis for the Detection of DNA Adducts Resulting from Complex Air Pollution Sources Containing PAHs and Nitrated PAHs.- Analysis of NO2-PAH DNA Adducts by Mass Spectrometry.- Metabolism.- Generation of Reactive Intermediates from 2-Nitrofluorene that Bind Covalently to DNA, RNA and Protein In Vitro and In Vivo in the Rat.- Activation of Carcinogenic N-Arylhydroxamic Acids by Peroxidase/H2O2/Halide Systems: Route to C-Nitroso Aromatics.- Biochemical Studies on the Putative Nitroso Metabolite of Chloramphenicol: A New Model for the Cause of Aplastic Anemia.- Mechanisms of FANFT/ANFT Induced Bladder Cancer.- Mutagenic Arylazides, Arylnitrenes, Arylnitrenium Ions.- Products Obtained by In Vitro Reaction of 4,5-Epoxy4,5-Dihydro-1-Nitropyrene with DNA.- Oxidative Metabolism of Nitrated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Mammalian Cell Fractions.- Metabolic Activation of 6-Nitrochrysene and 6-Aminochrysene In Vitro and In Vivo.- Summary.- The Possible Role of Nitroarenes in Human Cancer.- Abstracts Presented at the Meeting.- Contributor Index.

  • af Brage Golding
    1.366,95 kr.

    In recent years the physics of disordered systems has been one of the most active and fruitful areas of research in condensed matter science. In contrast to the considerable attention paid by conferences, schools and workshops to the static and structural aspects of glasses, there has been no forum devoted primarily to the dynamic and energetic aspects of amorphous solids. The NATO Workshop on Coherence and Energy Transfer in Glasses was organized to address this deficiency. The intent was to bring together in an intense and interactive environment, experts in several rather disparate subfields relating to the dynamics and energetics of disordered systems. This volume represents the Proceedings of that Workshop, which took place in September 1982 at Clare College of Cambridge University. Forty-three scientists from eight NATO countries participated. These included representatives from universities and industrial laboratories, as well as government research institutions. The meeting was organized into eight formal sessions and one informal session devoted entirely to unstructured discussion. Each formal session featured two comprehensive lectures. An additional 60 to 90 minutes was devoted in each session to discussions and contributions related to the lectures. Since only about 60% of the session time was devoted to formal presentations, the discussions formed an equally important part of the workshop. The chairmen and discussion leaders - as well as the workshop participants themselves - brought forth lively and illuminating discussions for each session.

  • af Antonios Gonis
    1.024,95 kr.

    Experiment and Phenomenology: Experimental Determination of Phase Diagrams; G. Inden. Phenomenological Calculations of Phase-Equilibria; A.P. Miodownik. Diffuse Scattering Determination of Short Range Order in Alloys; W. Schweika. Electronic Approach to Stability and Transformations: The Energetics of Ordered Intermetallic Alloys; R.E. Watson, et al. Quantum Theory of Structure; J. Hafner. First Principles Theory of Disordered Alloys and Alloy Phase Stability; G.M. Stocks, et al. Statics of Alloy Transformations: Monte Carlo Simulations of Alloy Phase Transformations; K. Binder. The Cluster Variation Method and Some Applications; A. Finel. The Direct Monte Carlo Method for Calculating Alloy Phases; J.S. Faulkner, et al. Kinetics and Dynamics of Alloy Transformations: Morphology Transformations in Ordering and Phase Separating Materials; A.G. Khachaturyan, et al. Alloys Under External Forcing; G. Martin, P. Bellon. 43 additional articles. Index.

  • af North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    1.026,95 kr.

    The Nature of the Electronic Excited States of Molecular Systems; B. Di Bartolo. Properties of the Excited States of Complex Molecules; J. Reuss. Rate of Processes Involving Excited States; A.M. Stoneham. Excited States in Semiconductors; C. Klingshirn. Advances in the Characterization of Excited States of Luminescent Ions; G.F. Imbusch. Relaxed Excited States of Color Centers; G. Baldacchini. Properties of Highly Populated Excited States in Solids; F. Auzel. Advances in the Sensitization of Phosphors; B. Smets. Laser Spectroscopy inside Inhomogeneously Broadened Lines; M. MacFarlane. Excited-State Dynamics and Energy Transfer in Doped-Substituted Garnets; A. Brenier, et al. Studies of the Charge Transfer States of Certain Rare-Earth Activators in Yitrium and Lanthanum Oxysulfides; C.W. Struck, W.H. Fonger. The Jahn-Teller Effect in the Optical Spectra of Impurities; G. Viliani. 42 additional articles. Index.

  • af Jürg Fröhlich
    1.003,95 kr.

    Lecturers: Quantum Symmetries in 2D Massive Field Theories; D. Bernard. On Knot and Manifold Invariants; R. Bott. The Metric Aspect of Noncommutative Geometry; A. Connes, J. Lott. Observables, Superselection Sectors, and Gauge Groups; C. Fredenhagen. Non-Compact WZW Conformal Field Theories; K. Gawedzki. S-Matrix Theory for Black Holes; G. 't Hooft. Whitman Theory for Integrable Systems and Topological Quantum Field Theories; I. Krichever. Quantum Groups in Lattice Models; V. Pasquier. Lagrangian Conformal Models; R. Stora. Seminar Speakers: Integrability Properties of the Collective String Field Theory; J. Avan. Correlational Functions of Local Operators in 2D Gravity Coupled to Minimal Matter; Vl.S. Dotsenko. W-Algebras and Langlands-Drinfeld Correspondence; E. Frenkel. Aspects of Quantizing Lorentz Symmetry; A. Schirrmacher. 11 additional articles. Index.

  • af Ed Adams
    986,95 kr.

    Characteristics of Hypoxic Cells that Enhance their Susceptibility to Chemical Injury.- Prediction and Measurement of Redox Properties of Drugs and Biomolecules.- Metal-Catalyzed Redox Processes in Biological Systems and Drug Activation.- Redox Systems Generated by Electro-chemical Oxidations and Reductions.- The Rôle of DNA Damage in the Bioreductive Action of 2-Nitroimidazoles.- Redox Properties of Radiation Induced Free Radicals.- Reduction of Bleomycin-Fe by Reductases and Active Oxygen Formation.- Redox Activation of Drugs by the Red Blood Cell Membrane.- Induction of Stress Proteins and Drug Resistance by Hypoxia and Applications of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Cryospectrophotometry for Detecting Hypoxia in Tumors.- Mechanisms of Activation of Mitomycin C and AZQ in Aerobic and Hypoxic Mammalian Cells.- Molecular Interactions and Biological Effects of the Products of Reduction of Nitroimidazoles.- Redox Activation of Benzotriazine N-oxides: Mechanisms and Potential as Anticancer Drugs.- Nitroacridines and Nitroquinolines as DNA-affinic Hypoxia-selective Cytotoxins.- Metabolic Effects of Hypoxic Cell Sensitizers.- Does Ro-03-8799 Concentration in Human Tumour Xenografts Predict Radiosensitization? Comparison with SR-2508.- Enzyme-directed Bioreductive Drug Development.- Improved Treatment of Tumours in vivo by Combining the Bioreductive Drug, RSU-1069, Hydralazine and Hyperthermia.- Assessment of Bioreductive Drug Toxicity in vitro and in Experimental Tumours in vivo.- Activity of Bioreductive Agents in Human and Rodent Tumor Cells.- The Control of Tumour Oxygenation in Mice: The Importance of Tumour Site.- Critical Events in the Toxicity of Redox Active Drugs.- The Reductive Activation of Nitroimidazoles; Modification by Oxygen and other Redox-active Molecules in Cellular Systems.- Fluorescent Probes for Hypoxia: Chemical Aspects.- Toxicity of Metal Complexes with Radiosensitizing Properties.- Effects on DNA of Bioreducible Nitroimidazole and Benzotriazine Drugs.- Response of Repair and Reduction Deficient Mutants to Agents Requiring Bioreduction.- Bioreductive Drugs and Radiation: Pharmacokinetics and Clinical Trials of Etanidazole Radiosensitizer.- The Oncogenic Potential of Bioreductive Drugs.- Adduct Formation by 2-Nitroimidazole in Mammalian Cells: Optimization of Markers for Tissue Oxygenation.- Tumour Blood Flow and its Modulation: Implications for Bioreductive Drug Activity in vivo.- Poster Presentations.- Participants.

  • - Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Workshop on Robots and Biological Systems, held at II Ciocco, Toscana, Italy, June 26-30, 1989
    af Paolo Dario
    3.149,95 kr.

    Bionics evolved in the 1960s as a framework to pursue thedevelopment of artificial systems based on the study ofbiological systems. Numerous disciplines and technologies,including artificial intelligence and learningdevices,information processing, systems architecture and control,perception, sensory mechanisms, and bioenergetics,contributed to bionics research. This volume is based on a NATO Advanced Research Workshopwithin the Special Programme on Sensory Systems for RoboticControl, held in Il Ciocco, Italy, in June 1989. A consensusemerged at the workshop, and is reflected in the book, onthe value of learning from nature in order to deriveguidelines for the design of intelligent machines whichoperate in unstructured environments. The papers in the book are grouped into seven chapters:vision and dynamic systems, hands and tactile perception,locomotion, intelligent motor control, design technologies,interfacing robots to nervous systems, and robot societiesand self-organization.

  • af Ruslan Z Valiev
    1.081,95 kr.

    Material processing techniques that employ severe plastic deformation have evolved over the past decade, producing metals, alloys and composites having extraordinary properties. Variants of SPD methods are now capable of creating monolithic materials with submicron and nanocrystalline grain sizes. The resulting novel properties of these materials has led to a growing scientific and commercial interest in them. They offer the promise of bulk nanocrystalline materials for structural; applications, including nanocomposites of lightweight alloys with unprecedented strength. These materials may also enable the use of alternative metal shaping processes, such as high strain rate superplastic forming. Prospective applications for medical, automotive, aerospace and other industries are already under development.

  • af NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Positron Emission Tomography a Critical Assessment of Recent Trends
    964,95 kr.

    A critical summary of the state of the art of PET technology and related disciplines (camera physics, radiochemistry, radiopharmacology, computerised brain atlases and databases, etc.), plus a survey of the most recent developments in the clinical and neuroscience applications of PET. The chapters systematically guide the reader from the basics of the technique - including new camera designs, new drugs, and new statistical and image processing approaches - through its most important clinical applications - in neurology, psychiatry and oncology - to the most sophisticated neuroscience applications, including research into human sensory and motor systems, the functional organisation of imagery, volition, attention and consciousness in the human brain.

  • af N L Gol'dman
    1.060,95 kr.

  • af North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    987,95 kr.

    Sodium (Na+) Transport and Fluid Clearance Across the Normal and Injured Lungs: Regulation of the Sodium Pump in Hyperoxic Lung Injury; D.H. Ingbar, et al. Lung Edema Clearance During Hyperoxic Lung Injury; J.I. Sznajder, K.M. Ridge. Role of the Pulmonary Surfactant in the Pathogenesis and Treatment of ARDS: Host Defense Capacities of Pulmonary Surfactant; U. Pison, S. Pietschmann. Alterations of Pulmonary Surfactant in ARDS-Pathogenic Role and Therapeutic Perspectives; A. Gunther, et al. Mechanisms and Modification of Acute and Chronic Lung Injury: Gene Therapy for the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome; P. Factor. The Use of Recombinant Antioxidants in Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome; J.M. Davis. Ventilatory Strategies for the Management of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS): The Use of PEEP in the Treatment of ARDS; J. Villar. Tracheal Gas Insufflation; A. Nahum. Nitric Oxide: Friend and Foe: Mechanisms of Nitric Oxide Induced Injury to the Alveolar Epithelium; S. Zhu, et al. Macrophage Killing of Mycoplasmas: Involvement of Surfactant Protein A and Nitric Oxide; J.M. Hickman-Davis, et al. Health Care Legislation: Health and Science Legislation in the United States; W.J. Martin, II. 39 Additional Articles. Index.

  • af Alec Sehon
    1.003,95 kr.

    Food Allergy in Atopic Drugs; O.L. Frick. Mechanisms of Allergic Bronchoconstriction in the Rat; J.G. Martin. The Role of Nebulized IFN-gamma in the Modulation of Allergic Responses; G. Lack, E.W. Gelfand. Murine Animal Models to Study the Central Role of T Cells in Immediate-Type Hypersensitivity Responses; U. Herz, et al. Glutathione S-Transferase Induses Murine Dermatitis that Resembles Human Allergic Dermatitis; C-H. Hsu, et al. Effects of rIL-12 Administration on an Antigen Specific Immune Response; J.D. Rempel-Chin, et al. Mapping the Genes for IgE Production and Allergy; D.G. Marsh. Genetic Factors in Asthma; W. Cookson. Regulation of Interleukin-12 Signalling During T Helper Phenotype Development; N.G. Jacobsen, et al. Responsiveness to the Major Pollen Allergen of Parietaria Officinalis is Associated with Defined HLA-DRB1 Alleles in Italian and Spanish Allergic Patients; A. Ruffilli, et al. HLA-DR3 is Associated with the IgE Imune Responsiveness to a Recombinant Allergen from Blomia tropicalis (BT); L. Carabello, et al. Structural and Antigenic Studies of Cockroach Allergens and Their Relevance to Asthma; M.D. Chapman, et al. 55 Additional Articles. Index.

  • af M Z Atassi
    976,95 kr.

    Silicone Gels as Adjuvants: Effects on Humoral and Cellmediated Immune Responses; J.O. Naim, C.J. van Oss The Effect of Molecular Weight and Gel Preparation on Humoral Adjuvancy of Silicone Oils and Silicone Gels; J.O. Naim, C.J. van Oss Glucans as Immunological Adjuvants; N. Mohagheghpour, et al. Copolymer Adjuvants; R.N. Brey Regulation of Il4 and Il5 Secretion by Histamine and PGE2; M.M. Khan Immunoglobulin Isotype Modulation after Administration of Il12; V. Van Cleave, et al. Substance P Mediated Stimulation of Cytokine Levels in Cultured Murine Bone Marrow Stromal Cells; J.M. Manske, et al. Malaria Transmissionblocking Immunity: Identification of Epitopes and Evaluation of Immunogenicity; N. Kumar, et al. Experimental Feline Lyme Borreliosis As a Model for Testing Borrelia burgdorferi Vaccines; M.D. Gibson, et al. Liposoma Vaccines; S. Green, et al. Protection Strategies against Botulinum Toxin; L. Middlebrook Collagen Arthritis in T Cell Receptor Congenic Mice: A Unique Approach to Study the Role of T Cell Receptor Genotypes in Autoimmune Arthritis; G.H.H. Nabozny, C.S. David The Blood-Brain Barrier in Virusinduced Demyelination; C.J.R. Welsh, et al. 14 additional articles. Index.

  • af C Tissa Kappagoda
    972,95 kr.

    Interactions of Neurotransmitters and Endothelial Cells in Determining Vascular Tone; J.T. Shepard Some Recent Advances in Studies on J Receptors; A.S. Paintal Pathophysiology of Bronchial Asthma; J.G. Widdicombe Laryngeal and Upper Airway Influences on Breathing; G. Sant'Ambrogio Regulation of Na+/K+ Pump Expression in Skeletal Muscle; S. Sampson Peripheral Arterial Chemoreceptors; Aortic and Abdominal Glomera; A. Howe Cellular Mechanisms of Modulation of Hypoglossal Motoneuron Activity; A. Berger Cardiac and Pulmonary C Fibers: Their Central Connections C. Kidd Central Nervous Mechanisms Responsible for Cardiorespiratory Homeostasis K.M. Spyer Neuroendocrine Regulation of Vascular Capacitance: F. Karim Lung Microphysiology; J. Bhattacharya Reflex Control of the Circulation in Heart Failure; I. Zucker Physiology of Atrial Receptors; R. Linden Aspects of Coronary Vasomotor Regulation; J. Hoffman Graded Restriction of Blood Flow in Exercising Leg Muscles: A Human Model; H. Bjurstedt Index.

  • af Jiri Mestecky
    1.023,95 kr.

    355 articles arranged under the following sections: B and T Cells of the Mucosal Immune System: Trafficking and Cytokine Regulation. Nonlymphoid Cells of the Mucosal Immune System: Epithelial Cells, APC, and Other Cell Types. Development of Mucosal Immunity: Reproductive Tract, Ontogeny, Phylogeny, and Immunodeficiency. Gnotobiology, Environmental, Nutritional, and Intrinsic Factors in Mucosal Immunology. Structure, Proteolysis, and Function of Mucosal Immunoglobulins: Cellular Receptors. Clinical Immunology, Immunopathology, Immunodeficiency, and Allergology. Microbial, Parasite, and HIV Mucosal Infections. Immunology of the Liver. Oral Immunology and Immunopathology. Autoimmunity, Oral Tolerance, and Aging. Chronic Inflammation, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and Celiac Disease. Induction of Mucosal Immune Responses and Vaccine Delivery Systems. Index.

  • af Milton W. Taylor & Amrik Sahota
    1.401,95 kr.

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