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Bøger i Okonomische Analyse Des Rechts serien

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  • - An Economic Analysis
    af Bert Van Roosebeke
    548,95 kr.

    With this work, which was written under my academic supervision at the Graduate College for Law and Economics, Bert Van Roosebeke has covered a topic which is rather unusual to the literature of law and economics in a number of ways. This work does not ¿ as does the huge majority of law and economics scholarship ¿ deal with individual behaviour, as addressed by private law. Rather does the author analyse state behaviour as governed by European made state liability jurisdiction and law. He does so with the law and economics instruments traditionally used in the analysis of contract law, tort law and criminal law. The methods of analysis are truly interdisciplinary as well: legal, empirical as well as model-theoretical methods are applied to the questions under discussion. The starting point for the academic discussion on state liability was the European Court of Justice¿s landmark Francovich judgement in 1991. In that judgement, the ECJ ¿ against the declared political opinion of EU member states ¿ controversially paved the way for a liability of EU member states for damages caused by the n- transposition of European directives into national law. The judgement was followed by a rich and lengthy discussion among legal scholars, in which the competency of the ECJ to introduce such non-contractual state liability was controversially debated.

  • - Zwischen Solidarprinzip und Wettbewerb
    af Martina Samwer
    696,95 kr.

    Martina Samwer untersucht drei verschiedene Regulierungsansatze, die auf eine optimale Balance zwischen Wettbewerb und solidarisch finanzierter, qualitativ hochwertiger Gesundheitsversorgung zielen.

  • af Uwe Paschen
    913,95 kr.

    Uwe Paschen entwickelt einen fur das nationale und internationale Steuerrecht einheitlichen Mastab fur die Anwendung des 42 der Abgabenordnung (AO) und leitet ein Prufungsschema ab.

  • - A Law and Economics Perspective
    af Lev V. Eppelbaum
    888,95 kr.

    This work contributes to a field in the literature of law & economics in which little research has been done thus far namely the relationship between corporate law and procedural law such as the rules of evidence and of civil procedure. As the reader will discover in the following pages, attorneys, accountants, and journalists, each play an important role in promoting corporate compliance with the law as gatekeepers and monitors against wrongdoing. Ido Baum evaluates the importance of the professional testimonial privilege - a rule that allows the professional to refrain from testifying with regard to information received from his client - in promoting this objective. He does so by looking at the efficient performance of the professional privilege in the United States, England, and Germany while taking into account systemic differences such as the starkly different civil procedure regimes and the structural differences in corporate ownership and control in the capital markets of the compared jurisdictions. Focusing on the relationship between the corporate counsel and the corporation, this book provides new insights into the internal effects of the corporate lawyer-client privilege on corporate decision-making. For example, it is shown that the narrow application of the privilege in some US states creates an inefficient incentive to inflate corporate boards in order to reduce the exposure to sanctions for corporate malfeasance. As accounting standards are converging around the world, the author provides some warnings with respect to situations in which accountants and lawyers choose to work together.

  • - Civil Process and Economic Perspective
    af Qing-Yun Jiang
    819,95 kr.

    Foreword Qing-Yun Jiang was born in Fujian, China. He studied International Business Administration at the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade in Shanghai, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Economics. In 1997, he started studying at the University of Hamburg. After his Master study and his successful completion of the necessary law examinations, he was admitted as a doctoral student in the law faculty in 2001. In addition to his study of German civil, criminal and administrative laws, Jiang demonstrated an increasing interest in law and economics, especially in the relationship between law and economic development. It is now a well-established fact that the rule of law, the protection of property rights and a swift and timely resolution to conflicts are corner stones of economic development and long-term economic growth. In many developing countries court delays are a major shortcoming of the legal system. This is true for countries in Latin America and in many Asian countries. Empirical findings show a 15 year length of civil procedure from the first filing of the case to the Supreme Court decision. This leads to court crises in the sense that private disputes are not brought to the court. Private parties attempt to circumvent the official legal system all together. When making contracts they resort to self enforcing contracts, to self help and, if available, to private alternative dispute settlement. In his thesis, Jiang presents an empirical study of court delays in China.

  • - Law-and-economics Perspectives
    af Stephania Bonilla
    628,95 kr.

    Stephania Bonilla analyzes the dynamics of sovereign debt relations and looks at how the incentive structures of the parties involved can have implications on odious debt. She specifically looks at the role of international law in the reputation mechanism sustaining creditor-debtor relations.

  • - An Economic Analysis of Parallel Imports, Patents, and Alternative Mechanisms to Stimulate Pharmaceutical Research
    af Frank Muller-Langer
    1.029,95 kr.

    This book is the revised version of a doctoral thesis written at the Graduiertenkolleg Law and Economics at Hamburg University. It addresses the market failure with respect to R&D for medicines for tropical diseases and the lack of access to affordable medicines in poor countries. Tropical diseases, such as malaria or leishmaniasis, are among the main causes of death and disability in developing countries. Medical scholars have since long argued that medicines for those neglected infectious diseases either do not exist at all or badly need improvement. This neglect has two main reasons. First, tropical diseases virtually do not occur in the rich countries of the Northern Hemisphere where the bulk of new pharmaceutical inventions are made. Second, intellectual property protection in poor countries of the Southern Hemisphere, i. e. patents or copyrights, is often poorly developed. The innovator faces the risk of losing research and development (R&D) costs as imitators can offer generic drugs at marginal costs. Therefore, not much research is targeted at developing medicines for tropical diseases as the expected market returns from R&D in the private pharmaceuticals sector are too low. Frank Müller-Langer provides a well-researched outline of the legal landscape regarding international patent protection. He focuses on the relevant provisions stated in the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement), which is aimed at harmonizing and strengthening intellectual property protection around the world.

  • af Christina Muller
    734,95 kr.

    Christina Müller untersucht, wie die Gesetzesinitiativen der letzten beiden Jahre hinsichtlich der Regulierung von Analysten in den USA und in Deutschland unter ökonomischen Aspekten zu beurteilen sind. Besonderen Wert legt sie auf die Frage, in wie weit Analysten für fehlerhafte Aktienempfehlungen in den Medien haftbar gemacht werden sollten. Sie kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Regulierung der Analysten in beiden Rechtssystemen gelungen ist, aber weiterhin Verbesserungen erforderlich sind.

  • - An Economic Analysis
    af Eva-Maria Steiger
    899,95 kr.

    Eva-Maria Steiger classifies the mechanisms triggered by U.S. and European consumer bankruptcy regulations and tests them within a hidden action model. She identifies an influence on consumer effort choice at two dates - prior to distress and post filing -, appraises the capacity of the regulations to implement the efficient choice at both dates, and proposes a regulation to mitigate the identified distortions.

  • af Jan Peter Sasse
    743,95 kr.

    Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) are an important instrument for the protection of foreign direct investment (FDI). However, compared to international trade law, international investment law has so far received only little research attention from an economic point of view. By applying a law and economics approach, Jan Peter Sasse provides a systematic analysis of the way BITs function. He explains why BITs are more than just a signal, how they relate to institutional competition as well as to institutional quality and why transparency in international investment arbitration is hard to achieve and may even be detrimental.

    784,95 kr.

    Der Band behandelt aktuelle Rechtsfragen und Grundlagenprobleme, vor allem aus den Bereichen Bank- und Kreditrecht und Verbraucherschutzrecht.

  • af Tim Friehe
    716,95 kr.

    Law and economics has been established as an important sub-discipline of economics. Looking at the ?eld, it is undisputed that the economics of tort law has been the subject of much study early on and continues to be. The analysis in that realm is centered on the internalization of external e?ects by the means of liability law, i.e. the allocation of a liability burden possibly depending on the behavior of parties involved in an accident. In the by now standard framework, introduced by path-breaking contributions such as Calabresi (1970) and Brown (1973), the outcome with regard to care-taking (and possibly the level of activity) under several liability rules, which are actually observed in practice, is compared to what is socially desirable. The objective of society usually is assumed to be wealth maximization. The set of results which may be called the central theory show that liability rules can indeed induce ?rst-best behavior by parties, as long as several core assumptions hold. After the central theory of the economics of tort law had been settled, contributors to the literature started to test the robustness of the conclusions obtained when these core assumptions are varied. The existent literature on the economics of tort law is rich and diverse. Yet, without doubt, there are still numerous questions in the ?eld which need to be answered and therefore require scholarly attention. The present book rightfully goes along that path. In a collection of chapters, di?erent subjects are examined from a theoretical standpoint.

  • af Stephan Schulz
    782,95 kr.

    Stephan Schulz entwickelt eine allgemeine Methodik zur Anwendung der kollektiven Entscheidungstheorie auf juristische Probleme bei Abstimmungen und untersucht auf dieser Basis ausgewählte Rechtsfragen der Beschlussfassung im Aktienrecht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen: das Bestehen und der Umfang positiver Stimmpflichten von Aktionären, die gerichtliche Inhaltskontrolle von Hauptversammlungsbeschlüssen und die ungeschriebenen Zustimmungsrechte der Hauptversammlung.

    452,95 kr.

    Der Autor untersucht die in der Praxis eingesetzten Formen des Telefon-Banking und die Möglichkeiten von Mißbrauch und Systemstörungen. Ziel ist eine im Rahmen des geltenden Rechts für alle Beteiligten interessengerechte Risiko- und Haftungsverteilung.

  • af Thorsten Koletschka
    665,95 kr.

    Thorsten Koletschka überträgt das in den 1990er Jahren in den USA entwickelte Securitization-Modell auf das beim Betreiben einer Kernkraftanlage auftretende nukleare Risiko. Er stellt die auf dem US-amerikanischen (Rück-)Versicherungsmarkt für Naturkatastrophen eingesetzten Finanzinstrumente vor, analysiert sie und entwickelt ein Modell für die bundesdeutsche Atomhaftung.

  • af Silke Bender
    771,95 kr.

    Silke Bender analysiert die öffentlich-rechtliche Haftung des Störers. Sie zeigt, dass die Störerhaftung durch einen Haftungsausschluss für Fälle der "höheren Gewalt" eingeschränkt und die Zustandshaftung durch den Begriff des "Halters" modifiziert werden sollte, und präsentiert einen entsprechenden rechtspolitischen Vorschlag.

  • af Volker Simmering
    999,95 kr.

    Foreword The first essay in Volker Simmering's study in The Evolution of Standards, undertaken while at the Graduate Programme in Law and Economics in cooperation with the Institute of SocioEconomics at the University of Hamburg, examines the effects of "globalization" on the evolution of global standard(). The central result of this essay is that there may be too few global standards and those which do evolve are not necessarily efficient; a result that is at odds with standard economic reasoning. Simmering derives his result from the application evolutionary theory - which is becoming increasingly popular in economics, the social sci­ ences, and philosophy. This branch of theory focuses on the convergence and selection of equilibria and its attendant reduction of variety. Simmering's study, very interestingly, indicates a major difference in the results of evolu­ tionary reasoning when applied to the coordination of human interaction to that at the species level. Simmering shows how variety is reduced to produce homogeneity or compatibility; while in biology it has been to show how variety emerges. For example, in his The Origin of Species (1859), Charles Darwin tried to give an interpretation of the characteristics, diversity, and distribution of the various forms of animal and plant life as the result of a historical proc­ ess involving descent with modification.

    716,95 kr.

    Dieser Band präsentiert Aufsätze, die exemplarisch Anknüpfungspunkte zwischen der ökonomischen Theorie des Rechts und der Rechtswissenschaft im Öffentlichen Recht aufgreifen. Die Autoren behandeln Themen aus dem Internationalen Völkerrecht, dem Europarecht und dem Steuerrecht sowie methodische Probleme, z.B. rationales Abwägen, Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse und Konsensökonomik.

  • af Jacek Bak
    968,95 kr.

    Auf der Grundlage institutionenökonomischer Ansätze unterzieht Jacek Bak die Rechtfertigung des zwingenden Aktienrechts theoretisch und empirisch einer kritischen Überprüfung. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, ob das zwingende Aktienrecht gesamtwirtschaftlich höhere Kosten verursacht, als es Nutzen bringt.

  • af Markus Berndt
    628,95 kr.

    Markus Berndt explains the observable evolution and persistence of differences in financial systems by elaborating on the influence of network effects on corporate governance systems. He develops a coherent theoretical framework pulling together existing agency theories and providing new theoretical foundations wherever there is a gap in the current theoretical understanding of corporate governance.

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