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Bøger i Pensamiento Ilustrado serien

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  • af Henry David Thoreau
    247,95 kr.

    En 1845, Thoreau construyó una pequeña cabaña junto al lago Walden. Su idea era procurarse sus propios recursos y vivir de la manera más simple y pura posible, como un asceta, dedicándose a escribir para ser un poeta de la naturaleza. En su cabaña tenía tres sillas: "una para la soledad, otra para la amistad, y una tercera para la sociedad". Permaneció ahí durante dos años, que sirvieron de inspiración para su obra maestra, Walden, un canto a la libertad del hombre y la vida en los bosques. > In 1845, Thoreau built a small cabin by Lake Walden. His idea was to procure his own resources and live in the simplest and purest way possible, as an ascetic, dedicating himself to writing to be a poet of nature. In his cabin he had three chairs: "one for loneliness, another for friendship, and a third for society." He stayed there for two years, which served as the inspiration for his masterpiece, Walden, a hymn to the freedom of man and life in the woods.

  • af Marco Aurelio
    167,95 kr.

    In one of the world's most famous and influential books, Meditations, Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (A.D. 121-180) describes the stoic precepts he used to cope with his life as a warrior and ruler of an empire. Aurelius offers his reflections on the search for inner peace and ethical certainty in a chaotic world, and gives modern readers a practical and inspirational guide to the challenges of everyday life.

  • af Epicteto
    137,95 kr.

    Epicteto, un esclavo que tuvo que exiliarse de Roma precisamente por sus ideas filosóficas, nos ha legado sus consejos para hallar la tranquilidad de espíritu conociéndonos a nosotros mismos y a la naturaleza. Aquí se encuentra condensada la regla de oro de la filosofía estoica: el secreto de la felicidad y de nuestra plenitud depende solo de nosotros; se basa en nuestra capacidad para centrarnos en lo que podemos cambiar y aceptar lo que escapa a nuestro control. Una obra esencial de la sabiduría que enseña a vivir hablándonos clara y directamente de la amistad, del amor, de los placeres y de otros aspectos de la vida cotidiana. Epictetus, who was born a slave, took political asylum in Rome due to his philosophical ideologies. He left us his advice and guidance to find the spiritual peace that comes from understanding the natural world and ourselves. Here, you'll immerse yourself in his stoic philosophy, which encompasses the secret to happiness and how our bliss is solely dependent on ourselves. His wisdom is based on the ability to focus on what we can change and accepting the things that our beyond our control. This is a must-read classic that is full of wisdom. It acts as a guide toward friendship, love, and the joys of everyday life.

  • af Rene Descartes
    147,95 kr.

    This classic is best known for kindling modern philosophy. Descartes questions any knowledge that is derived from our treacherous, human senses; in order to find truth, one must question what is "known." This is what has led many to realize that our ability to doubt is the result of our ability to think. It is the only certainty we have in life. Only our ability to reason can prove that we exist. Today, it's a principle that we can easily take for granted, but in its day, it sparked the deductive method that is so prevalent in our time.

  • af Sun Tzu
    137,95 - 157,95 kr.

  • af Arthur Schopenhauer
    237,95 kr.

    Con un tono acre y mordaz, el rey de la controversia nos orienta aquí sobre cómo salir siempre victoriosos de una discusión y expone 38 estratagemas entre las que tal vez reconozca el lector más de un argumento de los que usan los políticos y publicistas de hoy. > With an acrid and scathing tone, the king of controversy guides us here on how to always emerge victorious from an argument and exposes 38 stratagems among which the reader may recognize more than one argument used by today's politicians and publicists.

  • af Friedrich Engels
    157,95 kr.

    Today, the work is subject, of course, to its ideological positioning but it continues to represent a key moment in political thought, and Karl Marx, the person primarily responsible for its writing, continues to be one of the most influential thinkers of his time. Many of the problems that are addressed in these pages have not yet been resolved and, instead, some of the solutions proposed are a part of any current society that considers itself civilized.

  • af Lao Tse
    172,95 kr.

  • af Jean Jacques Rousseau
    212,95 kr.

    El contrato social, su obra más célebre, parte de esta idea y transmite un claro mensaje a favor de la libertad. Las conclusiones expuestas en este texto sirvieron de base ideológica para los primeros revolucionarios franceses. El contrato social begins from this idea that man is naturally good and only becomes corrupted from society. It transmits a clear message in favor of freedom. The conclusions set forth in this text served as the ideological basis for the first French revolutionaries.

  • af Nicolas Maquiavelo
    107,95 - 182,95 kr.

  • af Miguel de Unamuno
    257,95 kr.

    Del sentimiento trágico de la vida es una de las obras cumbre de Miguel de Unamuno, quizá la de más calado filosófico de cuantas escribió. Publicada en 1913, desarrolla y analiza las opciones y respuestas existentes ante la tragedia mayor del ser humano: el miedo a la muerte. De aquí surge, en su intento por aunar razón y fe, el concepto de querer creer y la idea final de vivir y escribir conforme a ella... aunque sea a costa de lanzarse al ruedo de la opinión pública cual Don Quijote moderno. Más de cien años después de su publicación, y a pesar de los avances científicos y los sucesos históricos, el mensaje de Unamuno continúa alimentando nuestra alma y respondiendo a nuestros mayores dilemas. The Tragic Sense of Life is one of the masterpieces of Miguel de Unamuno, perhaps the most philosophical of all he wrote. Published in 1913, it develops and analyzes the responses to the greatest tragedy of the human being: the fear of death. More than a hundred years after its publication, and despite scientific advances and historical events, Unamuno's message continues to feed our souls and respond to our greatest dilemmas.

  • af Plutarco
    187,95 kr.

    El filósofo nos enseña a escuchar a los adversarios -hábiles detectores de nuestras debilidades- y a desconfiar de nuestro amor propio -el defecto más útil para los aduladores-, pues solo así sabremos distinguir la verdadera amistad: aquella en la que encontraremos virtud en la honestidad y deleite en el diálogo. Un bien exquisito que exige espacio, tiempo y cuidado In this book, philosopher Plutarco teaches us to listen to adversaries and to distrust our self-love because only then will we know how to distinguish true friendship: one in which we will find virtue in honesty.

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