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Bøger i The Spider serien

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  • af Norvell W. Page
    193,95 kr.

    How could a lone man, ceaselessly hunted by the law and a deadly Underworld alike, hope to save the terrified city from the Iron Man-a super-being whose cohorts were giant, unconquerable robots of steel! Read how the Master of Men rose up to crush the invincible killers who dealt destruction at every step. Another dramatic, pulse-quickening Spider novel!

  • af Norvell W. Page
    193,95 kr.

    Another Spider adventure: Can even the Spider successfully combat the flame master who has no face, yet who masks himself with the features of a thousand victims-as terror spreads throughout a great city?

  • af Norvell W. Page
    193,95 kr.

  • af Jerry Siegel
    166,95 kr.

    To maintain his position as the undisputed 'King of Crime', the Spider must face off against a formidable assassin known as 'The Exterminator' and a shape-changing crook from outer space!

  • af John Newton Howitt
    193,95 kr.

    With terrible swiftness, the Master of the Green Death had struck. His victims lay in the streets, verdant-hued and ghastly-and the Underworld, which he had protected against all reprisal, ran riot in a Manhattan horror-holiday of loot and murder!

  • af John Newton Howitt
    193,95 kr.

    The Master of Flame and Burning Death held New York fast in unholy worship of his strange god. For thousands had fled their doomed churches, lest they perish by fire-and the Spider alone remained to face this monstrous cult-leader from hell!

  • af Norvell W. Page
    193,95 kr.

    Out of the shadows of nocturnal Manhattan came the Master of Darkness whose Underworld rule was bloody and absolute. For when this butcher unleashed his Hounds of Hell, defenseless citizens were blown, one by one, into extinction!

  • af Norvell W. Page
    193,95 kr.

    Transformed by an Underworld sadist into a city of man-made, outlaw cripples, New York faces the gravest criminal threat of all time. Can the Spider, already robbed of his most loyal assistant, successfully meet this new menace?

  • af Grant Stockbridge
    183,95 kr.

  • af Wayne Rogers
    183,95 kr.

  • af Grant Stockbridge
    183,95 kr.

  • af Grant Stockbridge
    153,95 kr.

  • - Satan's Shackles
    af Stockbridge Grant Stockbridge & Rogers Wayne Rogers
    153,95 kr.

    Never again would the Spider wage battle against crime-this Richard Wentworth had sworn to himself as he found sanctuary in a quiet rural retreat to nurse back to health the woman he loved. Yet, into that peaceful spot swept a whirlwind of horrible butchery like none he had ever seen-New York's sewers pouring out the Underworld's rabid hordes to engulf the countryside in a tidal wave of racketeer ruin! Whole towns were given their choice of paying blood money to a legion of maddened looters or being wiped out, and it was then that Richard Wentworth knew the Spider must rise again-to rid America of a criminal menace that struck at the very core of its existence, and overthrow an evil empire that men and women and children might still walk free and unafraid!

  • - When Thousands Slept in Hell
    af Grant Stockbridge
    148,95 kr.

    Sinisterly beckoning, the long bony finger signaled Manhattan to its mass death-slaying hundreds of helpless victims who dared sink into a sleep from which there could be no awakening this side of hell! While the Underworld's lawless hordes looted, only Richard Wentworth, as the Spider, dared fight, die and fight again for a fear-crazed people against a murder-Morpheus whose human quarry drowsed into death-and whose grim weapon was a Slaying Sandman sworn to turn New York into a Slumberland of Slaughter!

  • - City of Whispering Death
    af Grant Stockbridge & Norvell W Page
    148,95 kr.

    No criminal dared testify against another, while the Whisper was crime-emperor of New York-and the forces of the law were powerless against the ravages of the Underworld! For when the Whisper's eerie warning fell over Manhattan men died, slashed to bloody bits by a weapon that was invisible but killed horribly! In that awe-struck city of riotous crime, where a murmuring voice brought instantaneous death, Richard Wentworth, in the Spider's strange garb, took up a doomed people's cause-fighting a Whispering Fury that loosed its thunderbolts in a tornado's teeth and slew foully to pile up a fortune in streamlined corpses!

  • - The Grey Horde Creeps
    af Grant Stockbridge & Norvell Page
    148,95 kr.

    Down from the bleak Kentucky hills swept the stark-naked mob of murder-maddened Blancos-sacking and slaying as they came! Neither steel nor bullet could stem that terror-tide of man-made albino monsters, whipped to a frenzy of lust by their criminal chief. Eastward they crept until New York, itself, was at their mercy, and human victims, bloodied and outraged, lay in their path. Once again Richard Wentworth, in the Spider's disguise of doom, fought alone to wipe out crime's crowning horror and save mankind from death!

  • - The City of Lost Men
    af Grant Stockbridge
    142,95 kr.

  • - Legions of the Accursed Light
    af Grant Stockbridge & Norvell W Page
    148,95 kr.

    Like an eerie devil-dawn, that green death-ray spread its lethal shadow over New York-burning to smoking crisps the helpless hundreds who dared its path. For the Eye of Flame had loosed his fire-fiends upon America's proudest city, and, as prisons poured forth their criminals, and the underworld came into its terrible own, no man could hope to combat that ray of death. Single-handed, Richard Wentworth, in the Spider's gruesome garb, dared the Flame-fighting for an entire people's safety against a monster who had learned to make millions out of human misery and the charred cinders that had once been men!

  • - Satan's Switchboard
    af Wayne Rogers & Grant Stockbridge
    148,95 kr.

  • - Machine Guns Over the White House
    af Page Norvell W. Page & Stockbridge Grant Stockbridge
    148,95 kr.

    Before the horrified eyes of the Senate's jammed galleries, that revered Senator died by his own hand. And Richard Wentworth, who had reached Washington in response to the newspaper agony column's personal, "In the name of democratic humanity, come to Washington before September 9..." knew that this marked only the beginning of a yogi-ridden dictator's reign. Behind that welter of machine guns and storm troops moved the Cobra, striking at the nation's very chief-and the Spider was face to face with the strangest battle ever fought by man!

  • - Slaves of the Black Monarch
    af Wayne Rogers & Grant Stockbridge
    148,95 kr.

    Ruthless, invulnerable, that Scarred Hand reached out to destroy the entire law machine of New York-blasting into merciless oblivion those juries which dared convict even a single criminal. In that twilight of terror, when empty cells yawned for the felons who never arrived, and helpless Justice hid her bloodied head-no one but Richard Wentworth could combat this invisible Juggernaut which had paralyzed five mighty boroughs. Once more, in the Spider's weird vestments, Wentworth sets out-this time to annihilate a brain so evil that it is encased in two heads!

  • - King of the Red Killers
    af Norvell W Page
    148,95 kr.

    Looting, maiming, slaughtering, El Gaucho launched his colossal plot to unite the Underworld-to make himself King of America! No torture was too cruel for him to employ; no deed too bloody; no life too precious, except his own. Richard Wentworth-the Spider, who exacts justice when the Law fails-realized he alone could save America from wanton butchery, in spite of the grim reward posted for his head-its own weight in the purest gold!

  • - Reign of the Death Fiddler
    af Norvell W Page
    148,95 kr.

    Exactly at eleven-thirty each Thursday night the Death Fiddler conducted his unholy orchestra in a symphony of murder which sounded the doom of some marked victim. A master of the grotesque, he held an entire city in the strangle-hold of a helpless terror; even the forces of the Law stood in shuddery, superstitious fear of this new destroyer. And then the Spider, Master of Men, modern knight-errant of mankind, rose up against him! But the Spider, too, was baffled; not all Richard Wentworth's efforts seemed enough to destroy this new, this ugliest of all Hydra heads rearing out of the noxious slime of the Underworld...

  • - Slaves of the Crime Master
    af Norvell W Page
    143,95 kr.

    Never before has the Spider, Master of Men, crusader extraordinary against the Underworld, been faced with such overwhelming difficulties. A magically persuasive radio voice luring thousands of young people to crime; a scientific madman dealing germicidal death over the nation; every criminal gang in the country organized to levy toll by stark terror... How can Richard Wentworth link these facts, weave a web of retribution for the Doom Dealer? With his beloved Nita captured and waiting for a ghastly old-world torture, his one-time friend Kirkpatrick ordering police on his trail to 'Kill at Sight!', his every movement hampered not only by outlaws but by the law itself-can even the Spider find a way to free humanity from the grip of wholesale destruction being planned for it by the greatest of all Crime Masters?

  • - Citadel of Hell
    af Norvell W Page
    148,95 kr.

    What manner of men were these who burned their victims alive-and in public! With flaming pyres adding their nightly terror to a city already tasting the grim pangs of slow starvation, the Spider, revealed at last, is forced to disappear! Can Richard Wentworth, unmasked and in hiding, successfully combat the Flame Men?

  • - The Flame Master
    af Norvell W Page
    143,95 kr.

    Richard Wentworth was playing the most dangerous game in the world-a man-hunter outside the law; a righteous lone-wolf avenger of the weak; a scourge of the evil, the wicked and the corrupt! Loathed by the organized armies of the underworld, hunted ruthlessly by the forces of the law, he was ever between two raking cross-fires... Seldom, however, had the Spider, Master of men, faced the odds which challenged him when the man called Aronk Dong summoned all the underworld to serve him in the most ghastly campaign of rampant crime and wholesale slaughter this country had ever experienced. Armed with a weapon which struck through stone walls at victims sleeping peacefully in their beds, it was small wonder that criminals everywhere hailed the new leader-and flocked in evil glee to his dark banner!

  • - Master of the Death-Madness
    af Norvell W Page
    143,95 kr.

    The madness first struck at sea! As if at a signal, young and old initiated the wild bacchanal of self-destruction! Never before had a criminal of such horrible, death-dealing genius preyed upon the American people. Never before did Richard Wentworth, who was in secret the dread Spider, combat a foeman of more deadly power. And while the Spider lay gravely wounded, his beloved, Nita went forth alone to battle for her sweetheart as only a brave woman can do!

  • - Dragon Lord of the Underworld
    af Norvell W Page
    143,95 kr.

    In the heart of New York's Chinatown, on his imperial throne, guarded by swordsmen and gunmen and a labyrinth of death traps, sat the Arch-Criminal of all time. Master of life and death, of disease, of horrible, crawling things-the Emperor of Vermin released destruction over city and nation. The Spider, Master of Men, champion of humanity, fought with every ounce of his cunning, against the monster who personified evil incarnate-while one faithful servant gave his life in this, the Spider's most bitter, hopeless battle, and Nita herself was faced with a doom more ghastly than any criminal mind had conceived before!

  • - The Serpent of Destruction
    af Grant Stockbridge & Norvell W Page
    148,95 kr.

    When the Underworld united in one compact army of crime, the Spider-his prestige gone-faced the most vicious collection of criminals and degenerate killers ever assembled under one dark banner of bloody social war! How can Richard Wentworth, robbed of Kirkpatrick and Nita, renew the Spider-fear which alone can bring him victory from a menace that is making casualty columns of our daily papers and filling our institutions with driveling victims of the new madness?

  • - Builders of the Dark Empire
    af Grant Stockbridge & Norvell W Page
    148,95 kr.

    By what strange twist of Fate did the fearful menace which was to shadow every man and woman in New York City first rear its venomous head in the distant Caribbean? When terror suddenly boarded a little tramp steamer and left crimson havoc littering its narrow decks a spluttering wireless flashed the doom of every living thing aboard. Within a week, the same ghastly fate struck a gigantic new ocean liner, its luxurious cabins occupied by the elite and powerful of a dozen different nations! Death-swift and terrible-rode the ocean lanes. And the Spider-taken for once off guard-was supposedly dying in a hospital room on the very day when that terror from the seas first showed itself in all its terror above the city skyline. How can the Spider, fighting death himself, help the nation he loves in her hour of greatest need?

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