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  • af Ioannis Karatzas, Murad S. Taqqu & Balram Rajput
    592,95 kr.

    In the last twenty years extensive research has been devoted to a better understanding of the stable and other closely related infinitely divisible mod­ els. Stamatis Cambanis, a distinguished educator and researcher, played a special leadership role in the development of these research efforts, particu­ larly related to stable processes from the early seventies until his untimely death in April '95. This commemorative volume consists of a collection of research articles devoted to reviewing the state of the art of this and other rapidly developing research and to explore new directions of research in these fields. The volume is a tribute to the Life and Work of Stamatis by his students, friends, and colleagues whose personal and professional lives he has deeply touched through his generous insights and dedication to his profession. Before the idea of this volume was conceived, two conferences were held in the memory of Stamatis. The first was organized by the University of Athens and the Athens University of Economics and was held in Athens during December 18-19, 1995. The second was a significant part of a Spe­ cial IMS meeting held at the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill during October 17-19, 1996. It is the selfless effort of sev­ eral people that brought about these conferences. We believe that this is an appropriate place to acknowledge their effort; and on behalf of all the participants, we extend sincere thanks to all these persons.

  • af Gen Komatsu
    1.038,95 kr.

    This volume consists of a collection of articles for the proceedings of the 40th Taniguchi Symposium Analysis and Geometry in Several Complex Variables held in Katata, Japan, on June 23-28, 1997. Since the inhomogeneous Cauchy-Riemann equation was introduced in the study of Complex Analysis of Several Variables, there has been strong interaction between Complex Analysis and Real Analysis, in particular, the theory of Partial Differential Equations. Problems in Complex Anal­ ysis stimulate the development of the PDE theory which subsequently can be applied to Complex Analysis. This interaction involves Differen­ tial Geometry, for instance, via the CR structure modeled on the induced structure on the boundary of a complex manifold. Such structures are naturally related to the PDE theory. Differential Geometric formalisms are efficiently used in settling problems in Complex Analysis and the results enrich the theory of Differential Geometry. This volume focuses on the most recent developments in this inter­ action, including links with other fields such as Algebraic Geometry and Theoretical Physics. Written by participants in the Symposium, this vol­ ume treats various aspects of CR geometry and the Bergman kernel/ pro­ jection, together with other major subjects in modern Complex Analysis. We hope that this volume will serve as a resource for all who are interested in the new trends in this area. We would like to express our gratitude to the Taniguchi Foundation for generous financial support and hospitality. We would also like to thank Professor Kiyosi Ito who coordinated the organization of the symposium.

  • af Takeyuki Hida
    1.146,95 kr.

  • af G F Birkenmeier
    1.041,95 kr.

    Generalized Deviations of Posets with Applications to Chain Conditions on Modules.- Stability Properties of Exchange Rings.- Good Conditions for the Total.- Semicentral Reduced Algebras.- On Generalizations of Injectivity.- Auslander-Gorenstein Rings for Beginners.- The Flat Cover Conjecture and Its Solution.- Some Results on Skew Polynomial Rings over a Reduced Ring.- Derived Equivalences and Tilting Theory.- CS-Property of Direct Sums of Uniform Modules.- Generalized Principally Injective Maximal Ideals.- The Module of Differentials of a Noncommutative Ring Extension.- Dual Bimodules and Nakayama Permutations.- The Coinduced Functor and Homological Properties of Hopf Modules.- Hopf Algebra Coaction and Its Application to Group-Graded Rings.- Non-Commutative Valuation Rings and Their Global Theories.- On the Maximal t-Corational Extensions of Modules.- On Values of Cyclotomic Polynomials.- Generalized Jordan Derivations.- On Quasi-Frobenius Rings.- Theories of Harada in Artinian Rings and Applications to Classical Artinian Rings.- On Some Dimensions of Modular Lattices and Matroids.- On Torsion-free Modules over Valuation Domains.- Hecke Orders, Cellular Orders and Quasi-Hereditary Orders.- Some Kind of Duality.- On Inertial Subalgebras of Certain Rings.- Some Recent Results on Hopficity, Co-hopficity and Related Properties.- Some Studies on QcF-coalgebras.- Finitely Pseudo-Frobenius Rings.- Surjectivity of Linkage Maps.- Infinite Quivers and Cohomology Groups.- Open Problems.

  • af Varsha Daftardar-Gejji
    1.689,95 kr.

    This book provides a broad overview of the latest developments in fractional calculus and fractional differential equations (FDEs) with an aim to motivate the readers to venture into these areas. It also presents original research describing the fractional operators of variable order, fractional-order delay differential equations, chaos and related phenomena in detail. Selected results on the stability of solutions of nonlinear dynamical systems of the non-commensurate fractional order have also been included. Furthermore, artificial neural network and fractional differential equations are elaborated on; and new transform methods (for example, Sumudu methods) and how they can be employed to solve fractional partial differential equations are discussed.The book covers the latest research on a variety of topics, including: comparison of various numerical methods for solving FDEs, the Adomian decomposition method and its applications to fractional versions of the classical Poisson processes, variable-order fractional operators, fractional variational principles, fractional delay differential equations, fractional-order dynamical systems and stability analysis, inequalities and comparison theorems in FDEs, artificial neural network approximation for fractional operators, and new transform methods for solving partial FDEs. Given its scope and level of detail, the book will be an invaluable asset for researchers working in these areas.

  • af Geir Ellingsrud, William Fulton & Angelo Vistoli
    1.720,95 - 1.729,95 kr.

  • af Rolando Rebolledo
    573,95 - 582,95 kr.

  • af Ken Ross
    1.122,95 kr.

  • af Jean-Camille Birget
    1.127,95 - 1.137,95 kr.

    This volume contains papers which are based primarily on talks given at an inter- national conference on Algorithmic Problems in Groups and Semigroups held at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln from May ll-May 16, 1998. The conference coincided with the Centennial Celebration of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on the occasion of the one hun- dredth anniversary of the granting of the first Ph.D. by the department. Funding was provided by the US National Science Foundation, the Department of Math- ematics and Statistics, and the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, through the College's focus program in Discrete, Experimental and Applied Mathematics. The purpose of the conference was to bring together researchers with interests in algorithmic problems in group theory, semigroup theory and computer science. A particularly useful feature of this conference was that it provided a framework for exchange of ideas between the research communities in semigroup theory and group theory, and several of the papers collected here reflect this interac- tion of ideas. The papers collected in this volume represent a cross section of some of the results and ideas that were discussed in the conference. They reflect a synthesis of overlapping ideas and techniques stimulated by problems concerning finite monoids, finitely presented mono ids, finitely presented groups and free groups.

  • af Leon A. Petrosyan
    1.816,95 kr.

    This book features contributions from the GTM 2020 International Meeting on Game Theory held virtually from St. Petersburg, Russia, including presentations by plenary speakers. The topics cover a wide range of game-theoretic models and include both theory and applications, including applications to management.

  • af Andras Stipsicz, Javier Fernández de Bobadilla & Tamás László
    2.016,95 kr.

  • - Impanga Lecture Notes
    af Piotr Pragacz
    1.143,95 kr.

    The articles in this volume study various cohomological aspects of algebraic varieties:- characteristic classes of singular varieties;- geometry of flag varieties;- cohomological computations for homogeneous spaces;- K-theory of algebraic varieties;- quantum cohomology and Gromov-Witten theory.The main purpose is to give comprehensive introductions to the above topics through a series of "e;friendly"e; texts starting from a very elementary level and ending with the discussion of current research. In the articles, the reader will find classical results and methods as well as new ones. Numerous examples will help to understand the mysteries of the cohomological theories presented. The book will be a useful guide to research in the above-mentioned areas. It is adressed to researchers and graduate students in algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, and singularity theory, as well as to mathematicians interested in homogeneous varieties and symmetric functions. Most of the material exposed in the volume has not appeared in books before.Contributors:Paolo AluffiMichel BrionAnders Skovsted BuchHaibao DuanAli Ulas Ozgur KisiselPiotr PragaczJorg SchurmannMarek SzyjewskiHarry Tamvakis

  • af Ken Ross
    1.021,95 kr.

    Under the guidance and inspiration of Dr. Ajit Iqbal Singh, an International Conference on Harmonie Analysis took place at the Uni­ versity of Delhi, India, from December 18 to 22, 1995. Twenty-one dis­ tinguished mathematicians from around the world, as weIl as many from India, participated in this successful and stimulating conference. An underlying theme of the conference was hypergroups, the the­ ory of wh ich has developed and been found useful in fields as diverse as special functions, differential equations, probability theory, representa­ tion theory, measure theory, Hopf algebras and quantum groups. Some other areas of emphasis that emerged were harmonie analysis of analytic functions, ergo die theory and wavelets. This book includes most of the proceedings of this conference. I chaired the Editorial Board for this publication; the other members were J. M. Anderson (University College London), G. L. Litvinov (Centre for Optimization and Mathematical Modeling, Institute for New Technolo­ gies, Moscow), Mrs. A. I. Singh (University ofDelhi, India), V. S. Sunder (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, C.LT., Madras, India), and N. J. Wildberger (University of New South Wales, Australia). I appreciate all the help provided by these editors as weIl as the help and cooperation of Our authors and referees of their papers. I especially appreciate techni­ cial assistance and advice from Alan L. Schwartz (University of Missouri - St. Louis, USA) and Martin E. Walter (University of Colorado, USA). Finally, I thank Our editor, Ann Kostant, for her help and encouragement during this project.

  • af Eder Kikianty, Mokhwetha Mabula, Marten Wortel, mfl.
    2.212,95 kr.

  • af Andreas Fischer, Yaroslav D. Sergeyev & Vinai K. Singh
    2.422,95 kr.

  • af S. K. Jain & Rizvi S. Tariq
    588,95 kr.

    This volume is an outcomeof invited lecturesdelivered at the Ring Theory Section of the 23rd Ohio State-DenisonConferencein May 1996. It also contains articles by some invited mathematicianswho could not attend the conference. These peer-refereedarticles showcasethe latest developmentsand trends in classicalRing Theory, highlighting the cro- fertilization of new techniquesand ideaswith the existing ones. Providing a wide variety of methodologies,this volume should be valuable both to graduatestudentsas well as to specialistsin Ring Theory. We would like to thank our colleagueswho investeda lot of their time to make the conferencea great success. In particular, our thanks go to ProfessorsTom Dowling, Dan Sanders,SurinderSehgal,Ron Solomonand Sergio R. L6pez-Permouthfor their help. The financial support for the Conference,provided by the Departmentof Mathematics,The Ohio State University, and MathematicsResearchInstitute, Columbus, is gratefully acknowleged. Many thanksgo to Dean Violet I. Meek for her commitment to the promotion of researchby her continuousencouragement of such efforts and for providing financial support from the Lima campusof The Ohio StateUniversity. We havereceivedimmensecooperationfrom all the refereeswho, meticulouslyand in a very short time, provided us with their reports in spite of their busy schedules. We expressour sincerethanks to all of them. Finally, we thank Ms. Cindy White for her excellent job in typing parts of this volume. We are pleasedto dedicatethis volume to ProfessorBruno J. Miiller on the occasionof his retirementfor his many contributionsto the Theory of Rings and Modules. As this volume was going to presswe have learned that ProfessorCarl Faith is retiring this year.

  • af Diaraf Seck, Marie Salomon Sambou, Philibert Nang & mfl.
    1.737,95 - 1.746,95 kr.

  • af S. Cambanis
    1.045,95 kr.

  • af Rizvi S Tariq
    1.031,95 kr.

    Kasch Modules.- Compactness in Categories and Interpretations.- A Ring of Morita Context in Which Each Right Ideal is Weakly Self-injective.- Splitting Theorems and a Problem of Müller.- Decompositions of D1 Modules.- Right Cones in Groups.- On Extensions of Regular Rings of Finite Index by Central Elements.- Intersections of Modules.- Minimal Cogenerators Over Osofsky and Camillo Rings.- Uniform Modules Over Goldie Prime Serial Rings.- Co-Versus Contravariant Finiteness of Categories of Representations.- Monomials and the Lexicographic Order.- Rings Over Which Direct Sums of CS Modules Are CS.- Exchange Properties and the Total.- Local Bijective Gabriel Correspondence and Torsion Theoretic FBN Rings.- Normalizing Extensions and the Second Layer Condition.- Generators of Subgroups of Finite Index in GLm (?G).- Weak Relative Injective M-Subgenerated Modules.- Direct Product and Power Series Formations Over 2-Primal Rings.- Localization in Noetherian Rings.- Projective Dimension of Ideals in Von Neumann Regular Rings.- Homological Properties of Color Lie Superalgebras.- Indecomposable Modules Over Artinian Right Serial Rings.- Nonsingular Extending Modules.- Right Hereditary, Right Perfect Rings Are Semiprimary.- On the Endomorphism Ring of a Discrete Module: A Theorem of F. Kasch.- Nonsingular Rings with Finite Type Dimension.

    1.826,95 kr.

    This book features contributions from the GTM 2020 International Meeting on Game Theory held virtually from St. Petersburg, Russia, including presentations by plenary speakers. The topics cover a wide range of game-theoretic models and include both theory and applications, including applications to management.

  • af Paula Cerejeiras
    1.752,95 kr.

    This volume contains the contributions of the participants of the 12th ISAAC congress which was held at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, from July 29 to August 3, 2019. These contributions originate from the following sessions: Applications of dynamical systems theory in biology, Complex Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, Complex Geometry, Complex Variables and Potential Theory, Constructive Methods in the Theory of Composite and Porous Media, Function Spaces and Applications, Generalized Functions and Applications, Geometric & Regularity Properties of Solutions to Elliptic and Parabolic PDEs, Geometries Defined by Differential Forms, Partial Differential Equations on Curved Spacetimes, Partial Differential Equations with Nonstandard Growth, Quaternionic and Clifford Analysis, Recent Progress in Evolution Equations, Wavelet theory and its Related Topics.

  • af Vera Viana
    1.115,95 - 1.124,95 kr.

    This volume collects papers based on talks given at the conference "e;Geometrias'19: Polyhedra and Beyond"e;, held in the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto between September 5-7, 2019 in Portugal. These papers explore the conference's theme from an interdisciplinary standpoint, all the while emphasizing the relevance of polyhedral geometry in contemporary academic research and professional practice. They also investigate how this topic connects to mathematics, art, architecture, computer science, and the science of representation. Polyhedra and Beyond will help inspire scholars, researchers, professionals, and students of any of these disciplines to develop a more thorough understanding of polyhedra.

  • af Richard M. Aron
    1.772,95 kr.

    Inequalities play a central role in mathematics with various applications in other disciplines. The main goal of this contributed volume is to present several important matrix, operator, and norm inequalities in a systematic and self-contained fashion. Some powerful methods are used to provide significant mathematical inequalities in functional analysis, operator theory and numerous fields in recent decades.Some chapters are devoted to giving a series of new characterizations of operator monotone functions and some others explore inequalities connected to log-majorization, relative operator entropy, and the Ando-Hiai inequality. Several chapters are focused on Birkhoff-James orthogonality and approximate orthogonality in Banach spaces and operator algebras such as C*-algebras from historical perspectives to current development.A comprehensive account of the boundedness, compactness, and restrictions of Toeplitz operators can be found in the book. Furthermore, an overview of the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobas theorem is provided. The state-of-the-art of Hardy-Littlewood inequalities in sequence spaces is given. The chapters are written in a reader-friendly style and can be read independently. Each chapter contains a rich bibliography. This book is intended for use by both researchers and graduate students of mathematics, physics, and engineering.

  • af Vladimir E. Nazaikinskii, Alexander S. Mishchenko, Bert-Wolfgang Schulze, mfl.
    1.327,95 kr.

  • af Jens Wirth
    1.426,95 kr.

    This book collects papers related to the session ¿Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations¿ held at the 13th International ISAAC Congress in Ghent and provides an overview on recent trends and advances in the interplay between harmonic analysis and partial differential equations. The book can serve as useful source of information for mathematicians, scientists and engineers.The volume contains contributions of authors from a variety of countries on a wide range of active research areas covering different aspects of partial differential equations interacting with harmonic analysis and provides a state-of-the-art overview over ongoing research in the field. It shows original research in full detail allowing researchers as well as students to grasp new aspects and broaden their understanding of the area.

  • af Thomas Dedieu
    1.042,95 kr.

    This volume is dedicated to Ciro Ciliberto on the occasion of his 70th birthday and contains refereed papers, offering an overview of important parts of current research in algebraic geometry and related research in the history of mathematics. It presents original research as well as surveys, both providing a valuable overview of the current state of the art of the covered topics and reflecting the versatility of the scientific interests of Ciro Ciliberto.

  • af Anna Maria Candela, Elisabetta Mangino & Mirella Cappelletti Montano
    1.446,95 kr.

  • af Travis Schedler, Vladimir Baranovsky & Nicolas Guay
    1.337,95 kr.

  • af Piotr Kielanowski
    2.027,95 kr.

    This volume collects papers based on lectures given at the XXXIX Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, held in Biäystok, Poland in June 2022. These chapters provide readers an overview of cutting-edge research in geometry, analysis, and a wide variety of other areas. Specific topics include:Classical and quantum field theoriesInfinite-dimensional groupsIntegrable systemsLie groupoids and Lie algebroidsRepresentation theoryGeometric Methods in Physics XXXIX will be a valuable resource for mathematicians and physicists interested in recent developments at the intersection of these areas.

  • af Sandeep Singh
    1.318,95 - 1.328,95 kr.

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