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  • - En graphic novel
    af Star Wars
    102,95 kr.

    En af verdens mest populære og højtelskede universer - nu som graphic novel!For meget længe siden i en fjern, fjern galakse .... Sådan begynder historien om Luke Skywalker, der drager ud mod stjernerne for at redde universet fra den onde Darth Vader og kejser Palpatine. Heldigvis får han hjælp af en gammel jediridder, en kæphøj rumpilot og en rebelsk prinsesse. Så måske er der håb endnu!Dette er første bind i den hæsblæsende og fænomenale Star Wars-trilogi.Andre bind i serien:Star Wars: Imperiet slår igenStar Wars: Jediridderen vender tilbage

  • af Bar2
    182,95 kr.

    Joe Bar Team er tilbage i sit syvende bind, hvor der er fuld gas på brændt gummi og klodset bremsning. Det må siges at Bob Harley, Palle Patron og Uffe Udkørt ikke ligefrem er blevet mere modne med årene. På trods af det, har de alligevel opgraderet deres gamle "heste" til mere moderne maskiner, der matcher deres erfarne pilotstatus, som de har arbejdet hårdt for at opnå. De står overfor en intens kamp mod både vind og politiradere.Spørgsmålet er, om disse nye, mere kraftfulde motorcykler vil forbedre deres berømte kørestil, som er lige så lunefuld som altid. Svaret er uklart, især efter Bob Harley's kursusophold for racerkører, hvor han støder på endnu en dristig sjæl, der deler hans sans for risiko: en ægte diva, der er kommet til byen mod nord for at lære begejstringen ved løb.I dette syvende bind vender Joe Bar Team tilbage og lever op til deres kendte motto: "Når bare sidespejlene kan være der, kan man komme forbi."

  • af Terry Kavanagh
    977,95 kr.

    One of the most explosive sagas in comics history! Peter Parker's world is rocked like never before by the return of his clone, long thought dead. For years, the clone has lived in peace as "Ben Reilly," but now he'll be drawn back into wall-crawling action as the Scarlet Spider! But who or what is Kaine? Both Peter and Ben are caught in a web of death spun by the Jackal, and their power and responsibility will be tested to the limits as the villain's game of smoke and mirrors raises the question: Just who is the real Amazing Spider-Man? Collecting WEB OF SPIDER-MAN (1985) #117-125, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1963) #394-401, SPIDER-MAN (1990) #51-58, SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN (1976) #217-224, SPIDER-MAN UNLIMITED (1993) #7-9, SPIDER-MAN: FUNERAL FOR AN OCTOPUS #1-3, SPIDER-MAN: THE CLONE JOURNAL and material from SPIDER-MAN COLLECTORS' PREVIEW.

  • af William Messner Loebs
    952,95 kr.

    "The mysterious power known as the Speed Force is an energy field that has, over the centuries, granted incredible powers of velocity to certain heroes. The most famous of these is the Flash, also known as the Fastest Man Alive. Ever since the days of World War II, there has been a man clad in red who can run at impossible speeds, using his power to save lives and defend those who cannot defend themselves. ... The Flash has mastery over not just speed, but time itself, and he has often used his powers to travel though different eras and even into other dimensions. Although the Flash has not always been fast enough to outrun personal tragedy when it has come for him, he always does his best to prevent the same from happening to the people of Central City and Keystone City. In so doing, he's earned himself a spot among the greatest superheroes the DC Universe has ever known"--

  • af Patu
    182,95 kr.

    An engaging illustrated history of feminism from antiquity through third-wave feminism, featuring Sappho, Mary Magdalene, Mary Wollstonecraft, Sojourner Truth, Simone de Beauvoir, and many others.

  • af Herge
    267,95 kr.

    Særudgave i anledning af Bianca Castafiores 85-års fødselsdag og 60-året for førsteudgaven af albummet Castafiores juveler.5. januar 1939 kom operasangerinden Bianca Castafiore til verden som en af verdenshistoriens mest flamboyante tegneseriefigurer nogen sinde – i Tintin-historien Ottokars scepter.Men sin tegneseriekarrieres allermest blændende rampelys opnåede operadivaen i Castafiores juveler, der fra 1961 blev bragt som ugentlig føljeton i det belgiske Tintin-blad – og udkom som album på fransk i 1963 og på dansk første gang i 1967.I begyndelsen af 1960’erne var Hergé en mand, der var på højdepunktet af sin karriere. Tintins oplevelser udkom i talrige lande, og ophavsmandens berømmelse voksede eksplosivt. Men han begyndte samtidig at gøre sig fri af tegneserierne, der var baggrunden for hans succes, og vende sin interesse mod samtidskunst. Og da han kastede sig ud i at skabe en ny historie om Tintin, forlystede han sig med at vende op og ned på de faste mønstre. Med Castafiores juveler leverede han dermed sit mest overraskende værk af alle.Denne eksklusive jubilæumsudgave i ekstra stort format indeholder 16 ekstra og rigt illustrerede sider med fakta om Bianca Castafiore og eventyrets tilblivelse. Læs blandt andet om, hvordan filmstjernen Sophia Loren gav Hergé inspiration til intrigen, hvordan Hergé researchede sigøjnernes forhold i Belgien, hør om baggrunden for de ændringer Hergé foretog til albumudgaven, se skitser og udkast til forskellige figurer og scener og albumforsiden – og en helt enestående plantegning over slottet Møllenborg, som aldrig tidligere har været offentliggjort.

  • af Xue Shan Fei Hu
    207,95 kr.

    "When Li Yu falls asleep reading a webnovel about a ruthless, mute tyrant falling in love with a dainty male concubine, he doesn't expect to wake up inside the world of the novel -- especially not as a fish! Li Yu soon finds himself adopted as Prince Jing's pet carp, tasked by a less-than-helpful Magic System with preventing the prince from becoming a cruel tyrant. If he can accomplish this mission, Li Yu will regain his human form. Yet how can he succeed from inside a fish bowl?!"--

  • af Sergio Aragones
    242,95 kr.

    "Collects issues #1-#4 of the Dark Horse comic book series Groo: in the wild."

  • af Stan Sakai
    264,95 kr.

    "These tales see Usagi face off against a lineup of incredible foes, including dinosaurs, demons, and aliens. Even against the odds, Usagi maintains the warrior's code: truth, honor, loyalty, and sacrifice. Collects all black-and-white Space Usagi story arcs, Usagi Yojimbo: Senso, and the color Usagi Yojimbo: Yokai--with the color short story Gagged, new cover art by Stan Sakai, a color cover gallery, and bonus creative process features"--

  • af Erin Hunter
    122,95 kr.

    When kittypet Tiny crosses paths with some wild forest cats defending their territory, he's left with scars--and a bitter, deep-seated grudge.

  • af Malin Falch
    163,95 kr.

    Sonja skal redde Esben, før vikingerne fører ham til søuhyret. Samtidig forsøger onkel Henrik at få Sonja med tilbage til trygge Røros. Men vejen tilbage går gennem portaltræet – og det er bevogtet.En smuk og magisk historie om Nordens magi for alle aldre fra cirka 8 år og op. Nordlys er unik norsk fantasy, tegnet og fortalt af Malin Falch, som med bogen i 2018 vandt Norges største børnebogspris, ARKs barnebokpris, og desuden Pondus-prisen.

  • - En barndom i Mellemøsten (1994-2011)
    af Riad Sattouf
    292,95 kr.

    Dette sjette og sidste bind i verdenssuccesen Fremtidens araber foregår i årene 1994-2011.Vi følger Riad blive voksen og ved hjælp af terapi bearbejde relationen til sin far, hvis kritiske røst ustandselig hjemsøger hans tanker og får ham til at tvivle på sig selv og sine evner. Han flytter til Paris for at studere animation, samtidig med at han bruger aftenerne og nætterne på at skabe tegneserier, men han har svært ved at finde et forlag, der vil udgive dem.Hans kærlighedsliv er problemfyldt, hans lillebror befinder sig stadig i Syrien, hans mor bliver mere og mere desperat og ulykkelig, og hans bedsteforældre begynder at skrante.I første bind (1978-1984), fra fødslen til han var seks år gammel, blev Riad kastet frem og tilbage mellem oberst Gadaffis Libyen, sine bedsteforældres Bretagne og Hafez Al-Assads Syrien. Andet bind (1984-1985) fortalte om hans første skoleår i Syrien. Tredje bind (1985-1987) kredsede om hans omskæring. Fjerde bind (1987-1992) afslørede hans fars statskup. I femte bind (1992-1994) udforskede Riad teenagelivets kvaler, og her i sjette bind får vi at vide, hvad der egentlig blev af fremtidens araber.Pressen skrev om Fremtidens araber: »Det mest tryllebindende, forstemmende og underholdende stykke selvbiografisk tegneserie.« ****** – Fyens Stiftstidende »Mesterlig. Simpelthen betagende god.«****** – Serieland »Mesterlig fransk tegneserie – humoristisk, grum og vedkommende ... Giver et både komisk og urovækkende indtryk af livet i et diktatur.«– Weekendavisen »Man kan roligt kalde denne udgivelse en tegneserie til tiden ... Letlæst, uhøjtidelig og ligefrem ... Skarp ... lærerig.« ***** – Politiken»Har format til at blive et internationalt anerkendt hovedværk.«***** – Nummer9»Stor humor og indlevelse.« ***** – Berlingske»Kåret som årets bedste tegneserie.« ***** – Ekstra Bladet »Forfriskende ærlig, og ikke mindst forrygende medrivende ... kan blive en nyklassiker.« – Information

  • af Peter David
    787,95 kr.

    "This single-volume omnibus edition includes the complete graphic novel series Beginnings: The gunslinger born; The long road home; Treachery; The fall of Gilead; The Battle of Jericho Hill"--

  • af Alessandro Barbucci & Christophe Arleston
    207,95 kr.

    Fourmille og Yuri må flintre gennem Kina på flugt fra en krigerisk ninja-orden!Et fantastisk, komisk og skævt eventyr, hvor turen denne gang går over stok og sten fra Shanghai til Beijing.

  • af Anne G. Osborn
    3.449,95 kr.

    Combining informative, meticulously crafted prose with more than 4,000 high-quality images, Osborn's Brain, third edition, is a comprehensive, easy to understand, and visually stunning learning curriculum from highly esteemed author Dr. Anne G. Osborn. This fully revised edition provides a solid framework for understanding the complex subject of brain imaging, integrating relevant information from Dr. Osborn's entire career of accumulated knowledge, experience, and interest in neuropathology, neurosurgery, and clinical neurosciences. While neuroradiologists will find intriguing, thought-provoking insights included especially for them in every chapter, Osborn's Brain is an excellent review resource for physicians at all levels of expertise-from seasoned radiologists and neurosurgeons to new and senior residents or fellows. Combines essential anatomy with gross pathology and imaging, clearly demonstrating why and how diseases appear the way they do and helping readers think clearly about diagnoses, types of diagnoses, and the various pathologies that can affect the brain Guides readers through the "must know" aspects of neuroimaging and neuropathology (brain trauma, stroke, vascular lesions, etc.) before zeroing in on such topics as infections, demyelinating and inflammatory diseases, neoplasms, toxic-metabolic-degenerative disorders, and congenital brain malformations Provides state-of-the-art coverage on such topics as new brain tumor entities, the effects of emerging viral illness such as COVID-19 on the brain, and recently delineated/named diseases (e.g., HIV-associated CD8 encephalitis) Features more than 4,000 stunning, high-resolution radiologic images and 100+ detailed, full-color medical illustrations, all of which are annotated to describe the most clinically significant features; and includes robust, digital-only galleries that contain hundreds of additional images that further illustrate each chapter Includes up-to-date nomenclature based on the 5th edition of the WHO Classification of Tumors, Central Nervous System, including a complete revision, expansion, and updating of CNS neoplasms with new entities, revised grading criteria, diagnostic molecular pathology, and nomenclature Contains Dr. Osborn’s trademark summary boxes for a quick review of essential facts, signature graphics with additional radiological and pathologic correlations, and up-to-the-minute literature references Includes an eBook version¿that enables you to access all text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud

  • af Dennis O'Neil
    912,95 kr.

    The iconic reinvention of DC's faceless detective continues in this collection of the 1980s series The Question!

  • af Rifujin na Magonote
    152,95 kr.

    DEAD END RETURNSContact tablets and teleportation circles across the world have stopped functioning. Now, Rudeus and his allies gather at the Superd village, where a powerful subjugation patrol aims to take them out. The third North God Kalman, the former Sword God Gal Farion, and the Ogre God Marta march among their ranks. Rudeus’s team puts their lives on the line in this ultimate clash of the world’s most mighty warriors!

  • af Mark Waid
    891,95 kr.

    The devil is reborn - and his adventures will leave you gasping for air! The Man Without Fear visits his unique blend of blind justice on Klaw, the Megacrime cartel and the Mole Man, while the hotly contested battle to secure the Omega Drive will require Daredevil to team up with Spider-Man and not one but two Punishers! But as size-changing scientist Hank Pym enters Matt Murdock's head to destroy nanobots implanted by Doctor Doom, will saving Daredevil's brain cost Matt his mind? Ghosts from the past haunt DD, while Matt faces a life-or-death drama of his own. With new enemies, new friends and a "grinnin' in the face of hell" attitude, Mark Waid delivers an Eisner Award-winning run like no other! Collecting DAREDEVIL (2011) #1-27 and #10.1, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1999) #677, AVENGING SPIDER-MAN #6 and PUNISHER (2011) #10.

  • af Si Spurrier
    185,95 kr.

    "When Judgment Day arrives, Legion is on the Celestial's chopping block! Is David Haller a hero, or will he succumb to his madness just as everyone predicts? Then, something savage is afoot! Nightcrawler develops some very demonic physical features - and he's not the only one. Goodbye, Warren Worthington III - and hello, murderous winged monster! Meanwhile, Banshee has developed a flaming skull, and Cypher and Warlock have made a startling discovery about the seemingly innocuous blooms floating out of the Astral Plane. As Kurt's inner beast threatens to completely take control, can the Legionnaires - with help from the mystical Black Knight - untangle this complex web of threats before it envelops mutantkind? When Legion battles Nimrod, the status quo will be completely shattered!"--]cProvided by publisher

  • af Ed Brisson
    165,95 kr.

    Fear is reborn! On a planet far from Earth, eight strangers find themselves in a deadly game. But this time, the Predators aren't the only ones on the hunt. Someone has the Yautja in their sights - and they've been searching for the Predators' game preserve for a long time. Theta Berwick is back, still hell-bent on revenge - and her kill count is climbing! But when she's ambushed by a Predator, is it the same enemy she's been tracking all these years? Without her weaponry, is she prepared to take it on one-on-one? And just what - and who - will Theta be willing to sacrifice to quench her thirst for vengeance? Prepare for the ultimate hunt - it's going to be a bloodbath! Collecting PREDATOR (2023) #1-5.

  • af Rifujin na Magonote
    133,95 kr.

    SEEKING SUPPORTRudeus arrives at Irel City in Biheiril Kingdom to request Ruijerd’s support in his battle against Geese. The road to Ruijerd is a bumpy one, but after ten long years apart they finally reunite. Will Rudeus’s impassioned pleas for aid in the Laplace War reach Ruijerd’s heart? The answer might surprise you!

  • af Richard Stark
    597,95 kr.

    The groundbreaking and multiple award-winning graphic novels by Darwyn Cooke, collected in their entirety for the first time in one softcover volume.Collecting the four Parker graphic novels (The Score, The Outfit, and Slayground) as well as two shorts (The Man with the Getaway Face and The Seventh). These stories encompass all Darwyn Cooke’s sequential stories of Parker.

  • af James Stokoe
    354,95 kr.

    See the King of the Monsters from the unique mind and pen of talented writer-artist James Stokoe!James Stokoe’s The Half-Century War is a critical and fan favorite Godzilla tale that follows one man’s journey for the most famous monster out there! The year is 1954 and Lieutenant Ota Murakami is on hand when Godzilla makes first landfall in Japan. Along with his pal, Kentaro, Ota makes a desperate gamble to save lives...and in the process begins an obsession with the King of the Monsters that lasts 50 years.Then, from Stokoe’s amazingly illustrated issue of the series Godzilla in Hell, Godzilla battles through the first layer of Hell! This collection also includes select development, penciled, and inked art, as well as all of his comic covers!

  • af Mat Groom
    642,95 kr.

    The UNLIMITED POWER era converges into the first deluxe edition hardcover!

  • af Makoto Yukimura
    477,95 kr.

    "Askeladd has embarked on the greatest gamble of his career, playing off the brave but thick Thorkell the Tall against the king's own guard in an attempt to "rescue" the youngest prince, and pocket a handsome reward. Yet a grueling march past the ruins of empires, with winter closing in, tests the loyalty of Askeladd's band, and the truel loyalties of Askeladd himself may lie not with the Vikings of the present but with a legendary king of the bygone pst..."--Provided by publisher.

  • af Kelly Sue DeConnick
    255,95 kr.

    The wait is over, and the entire story of the Amazons can finally be told!

  • af Disney
    137,95 kr.

    Den Mørkke Horde vil om fire hundrede år herske over universet, men Jorden overgiver sig ikke så let! Rumrebeller kæmper mod den onde Mørkke Horde, men da de er i undertal, må de hente hjælp i fortiden hos en flok idérige, mobilspillende ænder i Andeby ved navn Rip, Rap og Rup! Kan de fantasifulde ænder og deres venner sørge for fred i verdensrummet?

  • af Esau Escorza
    314,95 kr.

    Relive one of the greatest TMNT stories of all time through the iconic covers that helped make it an instant classic! “Who is the Last Ronin? In a future, battle-ravaged New York City, a lone surviving Turtle embarks on a seemingly hopeless mission seeking justice for the family he lost.”That was the premise behind the TMNT finale conceived by Turtles creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird more than 30 years ago. And what an epic it was.Now, Eastman joins Last Ronin artists Esau and Isaac Escorza and an all-star lineup of top tier talent in a comprehensive showcase of the series’ cover art. Featuring action-packed pieces by Ben Bishop, Mateus Santolouco, Sophie Campbell, Freddie E. Williams II, Peach Momoko, Tyler Kirkham, John Giang, Amanda Conner, Rob Liefeld, Simon Bisley, Stan Sakai, and many more!

  • af Brahm Revel
    543,95 kr.

    Presenting the complete TMNT stories in recommended reading order, including one-shots, crossovers, and event series. Everything a beginner could need, everything a diehard could want. Tensions grow in Mutant Town as old friends and enemies return, and new friends return older! Karai searches for two new powerful mutants who could tip the balance of power in New York City, and a familiar character from the future arrives with a most unusual quest. Plus, the return of Casey Jones, and Bebop and Rocksteady! Then, when Jennika comes face to face with the person who almost killed her, will the other Turtles be able to stop her from exacting revenge?Plus, the Shredder returns! Oroku Saki has been to hell and back, but will he now come to the Turtles as friend or foe? Meanwhile, April makes a stand against Baxter Stockman—with dangerous consequences—and the Mutanimals take drastic steps that will put them on a collision course with the TMNT! And Jennika is back for another solo adventure descending into the depths of Mutant Town to unravel a terrible mystery affecting its citizens!Collects Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles issues #113–124 and the Jennika II miniseries.

  • af Mo Xiang
    185,95 kr.

    "Wei Wuxian's studies come to an abrupt end when he picks a fight with a young master of the Jin Clan. A lifetime later, he wakes from his dream of days gone by to find he's still unraveling the mystery of the ghost arm. Following their latest lead, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji arrive in Qinghe, where they must contend with strange tombs interring sabers, terryfing man-eating walls, and bizarre sewn-up corpses. But that's not even the worst of it. Wei Wuxian's true identity has been revealed! How will he settle his past scores."--

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