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  • - How to Pass the Refraction Certificate
    af Jones David & Jonathan Park
    398,95 - 1.221,95 kr.

    In order to become a Consultant Ophthalmologist it is necessary to learn the skill of refraction and retinoscopy which requires a great deal of skill and practice. This full-colour, comprehensive revision guide has been specifically tailored for candidates of the mandatory Refraction Certificate Examination assessed by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists.

    1.771,95 kr.

    This practical guide is designed specifically to support those planning and conducting family medicine/primary care education within medical schools around the world. It offers medical educators a collection of pithy, easy to follow chapters, guiding the reader through the curriculum requirements with key references for further detail.

    401,95 kr.

    This practical guide is designed specifically to support those planning and conducting family medicine/primary care education within medical schools around the world. It offers medical educators a collection of pithy, easy to follow chapters, guiding the reader through the curriculum requirements with key references for further detail.

    1.221,95 kr.

    This unique, practical book for healthcare trainees, practitioners and educators explores the ideas and practice of narrative that lie at the very heart of clinical medicine. It shows how narrative can be used effectively to help convey concepts such as prognosis, and to prepare patients and their relatives for difficult and painful news.

    278,95 kr.

    This unique, practical book for healthcare trainees, practitioners and educators explores the ideas and practice of narrative that lie at the very heart of clinical medicine. It shows how narrative can be used effectively to help convey concepts such as prognosis, and to prepare patients and their relatives for difficult and painful news.

  • af Steven Agabegi
    520,95 kr.

    Now thoroughly updated and revised, this best-selling volume in the popular Step-Up series provides a high-yield review of medicine, ideal for preparing for clerkships or clinical rotations, shelf exams, and the USMLE Step 2. Clinical pearls, full-color illustrations, and "e;Quick Hits"e; provide essential information in an efficient, easy-to-remember manner, perfect for medical, physician assistant, and nurse practitioner students. Step-Up to Medicine, Fourth Edition delivers exactly what you need to know-both for exam preparation and for practical use in the evaluation and treatment of patients.

  • af Matthew Hanks
    265,95 kr.

  • af Jamila (MBBS (London) BSc (Hons) MRCGP DRCOG DFSRH DCH General Practitioner Groves
    694,95 - 1.529,95 kr.

  • af Erwing Goffman
    248,95 kr.

    "Anstalt og menneske" må betragtes som et af hovedværkerne indenfor sociologisk forskning i livet i lukkede samfund, som vi kender det fra for eksempel fængsler, kaserner, plejehjem, kostskoler og klostre. Bogen skildrer, hvad disse institutioner "får ud af" klienterne, og hvad klienterne "får ud af" tilværelsen inden for murene – på godt og ondt, og måske navnlig det sidste … Opmærksomheden rettes i særlig grad mod statshospitalet med udgangspunkt i forfatterens studier i marken gennem 1 år som medarbejder ved et stort amerikansk statshospital. Erwing Goffman præsenterer den hovedtese, at den mest betydningsfulde faktor i den sindslidende patients udvikling under opholdet ikke så meget er hans sygdom, men selve institutionen og alt, hvad den indebærer. "Anstalt og menneske" har derfor bud til enhver, som er beskæftiget – eller anbragt – i disse institutioner, samt til alle, der ønsker at vide besked med en af vort samfunds skyggesider.Bogen blev voldsomt populær da den udkom i 1961 og udgjorde især en lammende kritik af den etablerede psykiatri. Goffmans årelange feltarbejde viser hvordan den psykiatriske patient i højere grad dannes af institutionens krav om tilpasning end af den psykiske lidelse. Livet bag murene styres af ritualer, som sikrer at både personale og indlagte institutionaliseres og udfylder deres roller. Bogen medvirkede til en række forandringer på de amerikanske statshospitaler. Den har været genoptrykt og brugt i undervisning siden den udkom. I Danmark udkom den trykte bog i 14. oplag i 2022.Erving Goffman er international anerkendt for og har udgivet flere bøger. Goffman er født i 1922 i Canada og er uddannet i Chicago som Doktor Phil i 1945. Han er også ophavsmand til tidsskriftsartikler og bøger som bl.a. "The Presentation of a self in everyday life", "Encounters", Stigma" m. flere.

  • af Roger (Singapore) Ho, Basant K. (Hammersmith Hospital and Imperial College London Puri, Cyrus (National University Health System Ho & mfl.
    548,95 - 1.404,95 kr.

  • af Charlie (NHS) Guy
    352,95 - 1.221,95 kr.

  • - Theory, Method, and Application
    af Nancy Grant Harrington
    878,95 - 1.649,95 kr.

    474,95 kr.

    Professional identity is a central topic in all courses of professional training and educators must decide what kind of identity they hope their students will develop, as well as think about how they can recruit for, facilitate and assess this development.

    523,95 kr.

    The Best of Five MCQs for the European Specialty Certificate Examination in Nephrology (ESENeph) is a dedicated revision guide designed to provide specialist trainees, and exam candidates with the knowledge, skills, and comprehension required for the ESENeph exam.

  • af John Duddington
    170,95 kr.

    Help your students grow confidence in their ability with the bestselling law series.Equity and Trust Law, 9th edition, is designed to prepare students for their exams. Part of the acclaimed Law Express revision series, this edition contains the latest cases and legal developments, teaches students how to approach the subject with the latest cases.

  • af Stefan Fafinski
    175,95 kr.

    A comprehensive guide from the acclaimed law revision series.English Legal System, 9th edition, is part of the bestselling Law Express revision series. Using expert advice, the text teaches students how to approach the subject and how to review essential cases, statutes, and legal terms, including all the latest developments in the subject.

  • af Stephen Buetow
    474,95 - 1.588,95 kr.

    2.077,95 kr.

    Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a multifaceted reproductive, metabolic syndrome, its symptoms involving interactions between hormones, genes, and environmental stressors. The characteristic symptoms of polycystic ovarian include menstrual abnormalities, oligo-menorrhea or amenorrhea.

    841,95 kr.

    Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a multifaceted reproductive, metabolic syndrome, its symptoms involving interactions between hormones, genes, and environmental stressors. The characteristic symptoms of polycystic ovarian include menstrual abnormalities, oligo-menorrhea or amenorrhea.

    1.588,95 kr.

    This volume explores philosophy as a practice in medical education. Each chapter explores one theme in medical education (e.g., education, science, inequality, technology, mortality) from a philosophical perspective, opening it up to fundamental re-examination and inviting readers to continue exploration beyond the printed words.

  • af Sam Chenery-Morris
    474,95 - 1.588,95 kr.

  • af Alan Bleakley
    474,95 - 1.588,95 kr.

  • af J M Lefort
    613,95 kr.

  • af Rees
    468,95 kr.

    A practical guide to clinical education research with top tips, common pitfalls and ethical issues.Starting Research in Clinical Education is written by a global team of experienced and emerging clinical education researchers who have a wealth of knowledge designing rigorous research projects and expertise in contemporary methods.Covering a broad spectrum of methods used by clinical education researchers, the book is split into five parts: research design, evidence synthesis and mixed methods research, qualitative research, quantitative research and succeeding in clinical education research. These sections are also accompanied by a companion website which provides further resources. The methods discussed are illustrated with real life examples and case studies to support the reader in designing their own project.The new edition includes information on:* Getting started in clinical education research, constructing a research question, clarifying research paradigms and design, using educational theory, involving stakeholders, sampling and recruiting participants and conducting ethical research* Evidence synthesis, realist research, mixed methods research, action research and emerging possibilities in online data collection* Interviews and focus groups, visual elicitation, ethnography, narrative research, thematic analysis and struggles new researchers often face in qualitative research* Survey research, experimental methods, statistical analysis and big data* Maximising opportunities, project management, writing dissertations, writing for publication, research dissemination and career developmentThis edition is designed to support those new to clinical education research, including those undertaking intercalated or postgraduate degrees in clinical, medical, dental or general health education. Starting Research in Clinical Education is an ideal resource for those embarking on their first research projects or using methods they are unfamiliar with.

  • af Prof Nigel (Emeritus Professor of Law and Ethics in Psychiatry Eastman
    670,95 kr.

    Organised into three sections, the Oxford Casebook of Forensic Psychiatry expresses the concept that 'knowing is the only part of deciding', offering an essential practitioner's guide to decision making in clinical, forensic, and legal psychiatry.

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