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  • af Michel Nostradamus
    215,95 kr.

    Plongez dans l'univers mystique et fascinant des prophéties complètes de Nostradamus, présentées avec soin par la Maison d'Édition Dans ce recueil exceptionnel, les visions prophétiques du célèbre visionnaire prennent vie, dévoilant des énigmes cryptiques qui défient le temps.Au fil des pages, explorez les séquences énigmatiques, les quatrains mystérieux et les prédictions intrigantes qui ont captivé l'imagination de générations. Les Prophéties Complètes de Nostradamus offrent un voyage transcendant à travers les époques, révélant des perspectives surprenantes sur le passé, le présent et l'avenir.Découvrez les messages ésotériques et les avertissements voilés qui continuent de susciter l'émerveillement et l'interrogation.Que vous soyez un chercheur de vérité, un amateur d'occultisme ou simplement avide de comprendre les mystères du destin, ce recueil vous guidera à travers les corridors de l'énigme prophétique. Les Prophéties Complètes de Nostradamus vous attendent, prêtes à dévoiler les secrets enfouis dans le tissu du temps.Prenez place aux côtés des visionnaires et des curieux. La sagesse du passé et la lumière de l'avenir vous appellent à vous aventurer dans les profondeurs des Prophéties de Nostradamus, éditées avec passion par

  • af Kate Emerson
    253,95 - 263,95 kr.

  • af Kyrstie Nickles
    263,95 kr.

    Experience medieval Scotland like never before; meet the valiant admiral who has devoted his life to ensuring her survival...What happens when his own family is at stake?Aiden Shaw has sailed the known world and fought every monster known to man, but now, he just wants some peace. Unfortunately, tensions are brewing with England, and he is being forced to return to the one place he swore he would never go again: The Red Forest.His wife, Evelyn, is a druid who can bend nature to her whim, but her lack of training makes her fear her powers. This compels her to rely on dark magic to survive.When the King of England captures their children, the two set out through the Moorlands to rescue them. They must depend on others, live off the land, and above all, learn to forgive themselves and trust each other once again.A fanciful, swashbuckling romance full of moral ambiguity, Fire On Fire shows us that some noblemen are monsters and not all scary creatures are evil. Most importantly, it reminds us that, time and time again, love prevails.

  • af Nicholas Orme
    128,95 - 196,95 kr.

    The first history of childhood in Tudor England

  • af Rolf Norsen
    1.090,95 kr.

    Looks at Janequin's revolutionary approach to entertainment music, his role as a pioneer in the developing music-printing industry, and his contributions to sacred music

  • af Klaus Walter Littger
    2.138,95 - 2.573,95 kr.

    Bei der Neugestaltung seiner Residenz auf der Willibaldsburg über dem Altmühltal ließ der Eichstätter Fürstbischof Johann Konrad von Gemmingen (1561-1612) Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts durch den Nürnberger Apotheker, Botaniker und Verleger Basilius Besler (1561-1629) einen prachtvollen Lustgarten anlegen. Um den Garten und seine Schätze für die Nachwelt zu bewahren, beauftragte er Besler, die Gewächse nach Jahreszeiten geordnet in Beschreibungen und Kupferstichillustrationen zu dokumentieren.Frucht dieser Arbeit war der 1613 in Nürnberg im Druck erschienene Hortus Eystettensis, ein dreibändiger Prachtkatalog mit 367 handkolorierten Pflanzenillustrationen und detaillierten botanischen Beschreibungen von insgesamt 90 Pflanzenfamilien und 340 Gattungen, nicht wenige davon exotischer Herkunft. Das in seiner Zeit einmalige Werk spiegelt nicht nur die außergewöhnliche Artenvielfalt des Eichstätter Gartens. In der ausgefeilt eleganten Darstellungsweise verrät es den neuartigen Ansatz, die Welt der Pflanzen aus ästhetischer Sicht und nicht wie zuvor allein aus praktisch-heilkundlichem Blickwinkel zu betrachten. Noch vor dem Aufkommen der modernen botanischen Taxonomie verfasst, pries Carl von Linné den Hortus Eystettensis dennoch als "unvergleichlich".Beslers Pflanzenkatalog hatte deutlich länger Bestand als der Eichstätter Garten, der im Dreißigjährigen Krieg 1643 von Schwedischen Truppen verwüstet wurde. Nach langjähriger Vorbereitung - nicht zuletzt auf Grundlage des barocken Botanik-Klassikers - konnte 1998 an historischer Stätte mit dem Eichstätter Bastionsgarten ein Nachfolgeort seine Pforten öffnen, an dem zahlreiche Gewächse aus dem Hortus Eystettensis versammelt sind. Die hochwertigen Reproduktionen dieser Faksimile-Edition nach einem Originalexemplar aus den Beständen der Universitätsbibliothek Eichstätt-Ingolstadt werden ebenso wie die auf ihnen dargestellten Gewächse in botanischer, heilkundlicher und symbolischer Perspektive fachkundig erläutert; ein Anhang mit ausführlichen Texten zur historische Bedeutung des Gartens von Eichstätt und des ihm gewidmeten Hortus Eystettensis runden den Band ab.Die vorliegende Edition des Hortus Eystettensis (dessen äußerst rare Originaldrucke bereits im Millionenbereich gehandelt werden) dokumentiert einen Meilenstein der botanischen Wissenschaft und Illustrationskunst und macht - ganz im Geiste seines Verfassers Basilius Besler - die Schätze des Eichstätter Gartens einem größeren Publikum zugänglich.

  • af Michael Sheane
    118,95 kr.

    In 1588, a fleet of Spanish ships carrying an army of soldiers sailed towards England. After meeting up with the Duke of Parma in Flanders, their aim was to land an invasion force on English soil and depose the Protestant Queen Elizabeth.This fascinating book from Michael Sheane explores Ireland's part in the Armada. With a Catholic population, Ireland was seen as a safer place to drop anchor, obtain provisions and repair the ships that had been pummelled by the wind, waves and the English Navy. However, the Emerald Isle was full of troops that were loyal to the crown, and coming ashore was nowhere near as simple a task as the Spanish had hoped. With a lack of knowledge of the seas around Ireland's north, west and south coasts, many Spanish ships became wrecks which live on in today's memory through the naming of the locations at which they met their dreadful end.

  • af Adrian Kammerer
    1.443,95 kr.

    Der Band ist die erste ausführliche Studie zum dominikanischen Drittorden im deutschsprachigen Raum des ausgehenden Mittelalters. Während die Forschung herausgearbeitet hatte, dass der Predigerorden seit 1405 über eine sogenannte Drittregel zur Integration von Lai:innen (z. B. Beginen) in den Orden verfügte, bestanden zu deren weiterer Geschichte Lücken, die durch die Arbeit geschlossen werden. Erstmals eingehend analysiert werden die Legitimierungsbemühungen, mit denen die Dominikaner ihre Drittregel propagierten, und die Einführung der Drittregel in Frauengemeinschaften mit Hinblick auf die agency der Frauen. Weiterhin wird mit dem Einsatz der Drittregel für klösterliche Dienstleute ein von der Forschung vernachlässigter Aspekt des dominikanischen Ordenslebens aufgezeigt. Zudem widmet sich die Studie der voranschreitenden, aber wenig geradlinigen "Verklösterlichung" des Drittordens. Der Drittorden wird als Teil komplexer Regulierungsprozesse in der religiösen Landschaft des Spätmittelalters gedeutet, die wenig stabil waren, weil die neu eingeführte Regel unter dem Eindruck neuer Probleme ihrerseits modifiziert wurde. Der Band ist von Interesse für alle, die zur Verbindung von Ordens-, Religions- und Sozialgeschichte forschen.

  • af Tara Nummedal
    248,95 - 515,95 kr.

    In 1573, the alchemist Anna Zieglerin gave her patron, the Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, the recipe for an extraordinary substance she called the lion's blood. She claimed that this golden oil could stimulate the growth of plants, create gemstones, transform lead into the coveted philosophers' stone—and would serve a critical role in preparing for the Last Days. Boldly envisioning herself as a Protestant Virgin Mary, Anna proposed that the lion's blood, paired with her own body, could even generate life, repopulating and redeeming the corrupt world in its final moments.In Anna Zieglerin and the Lion's Blood, Tara Nummedal reconstructs the extraordinary career and historical afterlife of alchemist, courtier, and prophet Anna Zieglerin. She situates Anna's story within the wider frameworks of Reformation Germany's religious, political, and military battles; the rising influence of alchemy; the role of apocalyptic eschatology; and the position of women within these contexts. Together with her husband, the jester Heinrich Schombach, and their companion and fellow alchemist Philipp Sommering, Anna promised her patrons at the court of Wolfenbüttel spiritual salvation and material profit. But her compelling vision brought with it another, darker possibility: rather than granting her patrons wealth or redemption, Anna's alchemical gifts might instead lead to war, disgrace, and destruction. By 1575, three years after Anna's arrival at court, her enemies had succeeded in turning her from holy alchemist into poisoner and sorceress, culminating in Anna's arrest, torture, and public execution.In her own life, Anna was a master of self-fashioning; in the centuries since her death, her story has been continually refashioned, making her a fitting emblem for each new age. Interweaving the history of science, gender, religion, and politics, Nummedal recounts how one resourceful woman's alchemical schemes touched some of the most consequential matters in Reformation Germany.

  • af Helen Cam
    233,95 - 373,95 kr.

  • af Alison M. Wall
    213,95 kr.

    1665 to 2020 ... A fascinating journey through the centuries, comparing the beliefs and management of pandemics. The story of the plague or pest houses, which fulfilled such a vital role from the fourteenth century. What was so significant about the situation in 1665? This book is the first in-depth account of the role of the little known plague house. The chapters describe changes brought about through the ages, as more understanding about pandemics and health protection has been gained. The reader is challenged to consider what lessons we can learn from the past, in order that we do not make the same mistakes again. Alison Wall is a retired nurse, midwife and Health Visitor. After gaining an MSc in public health in 2008 she became fascinated with the history of public health. She has spent many years researching the old plague/pest houses, with very little written about them in historical texts. Alison enjoys guiding at a local medieval manor, an English Heritage Grade 1 listed Mansion and most recently guiding at Kensington Palace, Historic Royal Palaces. She also gives talks to groups about a number of topics, including the plague cottages. To find out more, visit:

  • af Farah Karim-Cooper
    138,95 - 216,95 kr.

  • af Tül Demirbas
    1.398,95 kr.

    Whether in outwardly- or inwardly-directed ceremonies and rituals, the appearances of rulers and their court states, as well as other institutions of power, took place under unique acoustic conditions. The latter, in turn, were embedded not only in an intermedial and sensory structure, but also in a complex system of symbols and signs that conveyed certain messages or evoked particular associations. The contributions to this conference volume are devoted to these multi-layered connections and constellations, their manifestations in sound and silence, their distinctive power and their inherent specifics. The approach to the topic is interdisciplinary and multi-perspective as well as inter-, cross-, and transcultural and focuses on various courtly and urban instances of power between Ragusa, the Ottoman Empire, Habsburg-Burgundy, China, and other cultures at the turn of the 14th century to the beginning of the 18th century.Ob in nach außen oder innen gerichteten Zeremoniellen und Ritualen: Die Auftritte von Herrschern, Herrscherinnen und deren Hofstaaten sowie anderen Machinstitutionen vollzogen sich unter besonderen akustischen Bedingungen. Letztere wiederum waren nicht nur in ein intermediales und intersensorisches Gefüge, sondern auch in ein komplexes System von Symbolen und Zeichen eingebettet, die bestimmte Botschaften vermittelten oder Assoziationen hervorriefen. Diesen vielschichten Verbindungen und Konstellationen, ihren Ausprägungen in Klang und Stille, ihrer besonderen Macht und deren innenwohnenden Spezifika widmen sich die Beiträge des vorliegenden Konferenzbandes. Die Zugriffe auf die Thematik erfolgen unter interdisziplinären, multiperspektivischen sowie inter-, cross- und transkulturellen Blickwinkeln auf verschiedenste höfische und städtische Machtinstanzen zwischen Ragusa, dem Osmanischen Reich, Habsburg-Burgund, China und anderen Kulturen an der Wende zum 14. und dem beginnenden 18. Jahrhundert.

  • af Madeline Martin
    188,95 kr.

    Sylvi's life was changed forever when a man, distinguishable only by the fact that he's missing half an ear, murdered her entire family. Then it was changed again when a mysterious woman, known only as My Lady, took her in and gave her the tools of retribution through intensive training as an assassin.Now that she's joined My Lady's team of spies, her missions may change, but she never stops searching for the man who stole everything from her, though her current mark, Ian, is doing a good job at distracting her. His skills are nearly as disarming as that striking profile of his and she can't help but be more intrigued than angry. Plus, she can't shake the thought there's a chance that he might know where to find the men who killed her family.Will forming an unlikely truce with Ian give her everything she's yearned and more, or will she risk losing not just her heart, but her life and the very thing that saved her.

  • af King of England Henry VIII
    178,95 - 343,95 kr.

  • af Camden Society (Great Britain)
    343,95 - 458,95 kr.

  • af George Townsend
    443,95 kr.

    This book defends Edmund Bonner, Bishop of London during the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, and Elizabeth. It explores the best way to change the religious practices of the nation. It is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the religious and political history of England during this tumultuous period.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Geoffrey C. De Parmiter
    273,95 - 388,95 kr.

  • af Peter D McIntosh
    293,95 kr.

    Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate With these immortal lines Shakespeare begins his most famous sonnet and perhaps the most famous love poem of all time. This poem and more than one hundred others, first published over 400 years ago in a slim volume entitled Shake-speares Sonnets, was written by Shakespeare not about a beautiful young woman, but a beautiful young man, whom Shakespeare addresses as his "lovely Boy". Shakespeare was apparently infatuated with this young man, but who was he? Shakespeare did not keep a diary and the Sonnets are the closest he comes to telling us about his personal relationships. But what do they actually reveal? Did the lovely boy and Shakespeare have an intimate relationship? If so, what do we make of the Dark Lady of the later sonnets? And if the lovely boy was a rich aristocrat, as the poems seem to suggest, how did Shakespeare, a young man from the country who started his career on the fringes of respectability, make his acquaintance? And what about the Sonnets' enigmatic dedication that refers to a mysterious "Mr.W.H."? Is Mr.W.H. the lovely boy or do these initials refer to someone else? And if Mr.W.H. is someone else, why is he mentioned at all, and how does he relate to what we read in the Sonnets? These puzzles, and numerous others, have occupied the minds of scholars for centuries. But despite extensive research and erudite speculation by the best literary minds, published in numerous books and academic journals, no consensus has been reached on what the Sonnets are really about. The poems seem to demand a fresh approach, and in this book scientist and author Peter McIntosh takes up the challenge of finding what the great early twentieth century biographer Lytton Strachey described as "the key which shall unlock the mystery of Shakespeare's Sonnets". The quest takes the reader on a literary journey through the 'undiscovered country' of the Sonnets and the personal and historical events that influenced their composition. In this ground-breaking study Dr McIntosh brings together all the various strands of evidence concerning the origin of the Sonnets and comes to a conclusion that will change forever our understanding of Britain's greatest poet.

  • af Massimo Predonzani
    283,95 kr.

    The War over Naples was fought by France and Spain between 1502 and 1504. Gonzalo de Córdoba, called El Gran Capitán, distinguished himself for his military skills thanks to his brilliant victories against the French at Cerignola and Garigliano (1503). With the Treaty of Lyon in 1504, the Kingdom of Naples was ceded to Spain, which controlled it for 200 years - until the War of the Spanish Secession.In November 1500, Ferdinand of Spain and Louis XII of France signed the secret Treaty of Granada. This agreement enabled Spain and France to easily conquer and divide the Kingdom of Naples in the years 1501 and 1502. The treaty divided Naples between the two nations. However, disputes arose over the division and the boundaries of the newly conquered territories that soon led to war.Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba, the Spanish Commander in Naples, was aware of the inferior quality of his troops and retreated to Barletta (Apulia). His plan was to await reinforcements from Spain. The French commander, Louis d'Armagnac, Duke of Nemours, split the French army into several garrisons all around Barletta, and sent a contingent led by Beraud d'Aubigny to occupy Calabria. Over the following eight months, skirmishes, ambushes, and sudden attacks, which were to become Córdoba's trademark tactic, became the norm.In April 1503, Córdoba, following the arrival of Spanish and Landsknecht reinforcements, left Barletta and moved over to the offensive. The Spanish defeated d'Aubigny's army on 21 April, and then just over a week later, on the 28th, they defeated the Duke of Nemours at Cerignola. The Duke was to fall in the fighting. Gonzalo de Córdoba and his troops entered Naples in triumph on 16 May 1503.Louis XII, eager to reclaim his lost territories, gathered an army and invaded Naples. However, the French were defeated again in December 1503, near the river Garigliano. Gaeta, the last French stronghold in Naples, fell on 1 January 1504. On the 31st the Treaty of Lyon was signed, ratifying Spanish possession of the Kingdom of Naples.Praise for earlier volumes of The Italian Wars: 'This mini-series gets better with each book and I would thoroughly recommend it and I, for one, am looking forward to the final volume(s).' - Arquebusier'This book is undeniably successful and interesting' - Vae Victus Magazine'...the text contains a wealth of information about the situation, commanders, unit types, weapons, and uniform colors covering Italian, Spanish, French, and Swiss troops.' - The Historical Miniatures Gaming Society

  • af June Woolerton
    228,95 kr.

    Raises fresh questions about how Katherine Parr actually died and why she was buried so quickly, painting a vivid picture of the last days of a powerful queen.What killed Katherine Parr?She was the ultimate Tudor survivor, the queen who managed to outwit and outlive Henry VIII. Yet just over eighteen months after his passing, Katherine Parr was dead. She had been one of the most powerful people in the country, even ruling England for her royal husband, yet she had died hundreds of miles from court and been quickly buried in a tiny chapel with few royal trappings. Her grave was lost for centuries only for her corpse to be mutilated after it was rediscovered during a tea party. The death of Katherine Parr is one of the strangest of any royals - and one of the most mysterious.The final days of Henry VIII's last queen included a faithless husband and rumors of a royal affair while the weeks after her funeral swirled with whispers of poison and murder. The Mysterious Death of Katherine Parr dives into the calamitous and tumultuous events leading up to the last hours of a once powerful queen and the bizarre happenings that followed her passing.From the elaborate embalming of her body, that left it in a state of perfect preservation for almost three centuries despite a burial just yards from her place of death, to the still unexplained disappearance, without trace, of her baby, the many questions surrounding the death of Queen Katherine are examined in a new light.This brand new book from royal author and historian June Woolerton brings together, for the first time, all the known accounts of the strange rediscovery of Katherine's tomb and the even odder decision to leave it open to the elements and graverobbers for decades to ask - how did Katherine Parr really die?

  • af Donald Barr Chidsey
    218,95 kr.

    Sir Walter Raleigh is a well-researched, highly readable biography of one of British history's pivotal figures. Said the author: "A life of Walter Raleigh inevitably is a history of England in Raleigh's time, for the man had something to do with practically every event of importance: social, military, naval, or political, while he was at court." Thus, an eventful history of an eventful life.

  • af Marie Whittaker
    418,95 kr.

    Game of Thrones meets Lord of the Rings in this gothic epic fantasy saga of captivating court intrigue, deadly, reigning evil, and a young queen's determination to free an empire.Princess Mahaela Bellagrave nearly escapes her fate as queen, but murder accelerates her ascension to the throne of Pyranon. Denying her birthright is no longer an option; she must embrace the magic she's possessed since birth but hidden out of self-preservation.Banu Liin, an immortal demon construct and ancient palace knight, lives on as the royal advisor. He's ruled Pyranon through its queens and their magic for centuries. He's hidden truths and kept the loyal kingdoms of Pyranon in the dark about life-and-death threats that imperil the mortality of every living soul on the continent.Banu sets his trap for the new queen. He refuses to lose his long-lived and lasting power over the fiery continent of Pyranon and the reigning queen of the empire.In a world plagued by centuries of evil possession, can a determined young queen embrace inherited magic and free Pyranon from a throne long tarnished by a deadly legacy of deceit?For lovers of Dungeons & Dragons RPGs, this is a book from the sweeping epic fantasy world of Eldros Legacy.

  • af Paul Strathern
    146,95 - 246,95 kr.

  • af Hermann Candahashi
    264,95 kr.

    ¿shinto: the way of the gods ¿ the ancient religion of japan and its influence on society¿ is a comprehensive examination of the shinto religion and its significance in japanese society. shinto, which literally means ¿way of the gods,¿ is one of the oldest religions in the world and has a profound influence on japanese culture, history, and this book, we explore the origins of shintoism and the fundamental principles of this religion.we take a look at the various types of shinto shrines and their significance as places of worship and purification. furthermore, we examine the diverse rituals and ceremonies practiced in shinto and how they shape the spiritual lives of people in japan.another important topic is the connection between shinto and nature. in shintoism, it is believed that nature is inhabited by spirits or gods, and this concept has a strong influence on the understanding and treatment of the environment in japan. we also consider the connection between shinto and japanese mythology, as many of the gods and goddesses of shinto play a role in ancient japanese myths and additional aspect is the importance of shinto in family life. family rituals and ancestor veneration are integral parts of shinto beliefs and have a significant impact on family relationships in japan.furthermore, we shed light on the influence of shinto on japanese art. whether it is painting, architecture, theater, or music, shintoism has greatly shaped the artistic expressions of japan.additionally, we examine the political history of japan and the influence of shinto on the country¿s development. particularly during the imperial era, shintoism played a significant role as an instrument of state ideology and as a justification for imperialistic aspirations.throughout the book, we also consider the role of shinto in modern society. how has the faith changed over time, and how is it practiced in contemporary times? we take a look at the influence of shinto on various aspects of modern life, such as education, work ethics, and social norms.a fascinating topic is also the presence of shinto in popular culture. films, anime, and manga often incorporate elements of shinto, contributing to the spread and popularity of the religion. we examine some well-known examples and explore their impact on the international perception of shinto.tourism also plays a significant role in relation to shinto. many tourists from around the world visit japan to experience the impressive shinto shrines and participate in traditional ceremonies. we analyze the impact of tourism on shinto sites and the challenges they face.furthermore, we consider interreligious dialogue and how shinto interacts with other religions in japan. there is a long history of coexistence and exchange between shinto, buddhism, and other religious traditions in japan, and we delve into these relationships in more detail.lastly, we take a glimpse into the future of shinto. how will the religion evolve and withstand modern challenges and societal changes? what opportunities and potentials does shinto offer for shaping japan¿s future?¿shinto: the way of the gods ¿ the ancient religion of japan and its influence on society¿ provides a comprehensive and captivating exploration of shintoism and its influence on japanese society. it is intended for readers interested in religion, culture, history, and japanese society, offering deep insights into one of the most fascinating and influential religions in the world. immerse yourself in the world of shinto and discover its diverse facets and impact on japanese culture and identity.

  • af Hermann Selchow
    335,95 kr.

    ¿Auf den Spuren deutscher Kultur & Identität ¿ Ein Plädoyer zwischen Kant und Kartoffelsuppe¿ ist ein Buch, das den Leser auf eine Reise durch die verschiedenen Facetten der deutschen Kultur mitnimmt. Ich möchte meine persönlichen Beobachtungen, Erfahrungen und Reflexionen über die kulturelle Vielfalt Deutschlands teilen und meinen Lesern ans Herz legen.In diesem Buch erkunde ich mit Ihnen die Wurzeln der deutschen Kultur und entdecke die Bedeutung der deutschen Sprache für Deutschland und die Welt mit der wir auch durch sie verbunden sind. Ich begebe mich auf die Suche nach deutscher Kunst und unseren Erfindungen und Entwicklungen. Ich tauche ein in die kulinarischen Genüsse der deutschen Küche und erfahre mehr über die Traditionen und Bräuche, die in Deutschland auch heute noch gepflegt werden. Die reiche Musikkultur wird ebenfalls beleuchtet, vom Minnesang bis hin zu den modernen Musikrichtungen.Ich vermittle Einblicke in die Welt der deutschen Kunst und Architektur und erfahre mit Ihnen mehr über die bedeutende Geschichte Deutschlands, die das Land und seine Menschen geprägt hat. Die deutschen Feiertage und Feste werden ebenfalls betrachtet, um Ihnen ein Verständnis für die kulturellen Feierlichkeiten zu vermitteln.Dieses Buch soll Ihnen aber nicht nur Wissen vermitteln, sondern auch Emotionen wecken. Kultur ist nicht nur intellektuell erfassbar, sondern auch etwas, das uns auf einer tieferen, emotionalen Ebene berührt. Diese Buch soll versuchen, Ihnen diese Gefühle und Eindrücke nahezubringen, die sich während dieser Reisen durch Deutschland angesammelt haben. Oftmals sind es für den Einzelnen die kleinen Momente, die ihn die Schönheit und Einzigartigkeit der deutschen Kultur erfahrbar machen.Eine Reise durch die deutsche Kultur ist immer eine Reise zu uns selbst. Denn Kultur prägt uns und formt unsere Identität. Sie ist ein Spiegelbild unserer Werte, unserer Geschichte und unserer Träume. Durch die Auseinandersetzung mit der deutschen Kultur können wir nicht nur das Land und seine Menschen besser verstehen, sondern auch uns selbst.Ich möchte Ihnen für Ihre Begleitung auf dieser Reise danken und hoffe, dass dieses Buch Ihnen neue Perspektiven eröffnet und Sie inspiriert, sich tiefer mit der deutschen Kultur auseinanderzusetzen. Denn nur durch das Erkunden und Wertschätzen von Kulturen können wir eine starke und selbstbewußte Gesellschaft formen.Nun lade ich Sie ein, gemeinsam mit mir in die Welt der deutschen Kultur einzutauchen. Machen Sie sich bereit für eine Reise voller Überraschungen, Entdeckungen und Altbekanntem. Vielleicht werden Sie am Ende dieser Reise mit einem neuen Selbstverständnis und einer neuen Verbundenheit zur deutschen Kultur zurückblicken.Während der Recherche für dieses Buch, wurde mir klar, dass die deutsche Kultur ein weites und vielschichtiges Feld ist, das nicht in wenigen Worten erfasst werden kann. Doch gerade diese Vielfalt macht die deutsche Kultur so einzigartig und spannend.Insofern habe ich dieses Buch in dem Bewußtsein geschrieben, dass ein solcher Versuch das Scheitern bereits in sich trägt, denn zu groß ist die Zahl der kulturellen Facetten und die Zahl der geschichtlichen Ereignisse und Höhepunkte. Wenn ich es dennoch gewagt habe, dann um bei meinen Lesern eigene Erinnerung und Besinnung zu wecken oder ein neues begründetes Interesse hervor zu rufen.Ich danke Ihnen dafür, dass Sie mich auf dieser Reise begleiten und möglicherweise meinem Plädoyer zwischen Kant und Kartoffelsuppe folgen werden,Hermann Selchow

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