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  • af Elyse Graham
    199,95 - 223,95 kr.

    The untold story of the academics who became OSS spies, invented modern spycraft, and helped turn the tide of the warAt the start of WWII, the US found itself in desperate need of an intelligence agency. The Office of Strategic Services (OSS), a precursor to todays CIA, was quickly formedand, in an effort to fill its ranks with experts, the OSS turned to academia for recruits. Suddenly, literature professors, librarians, and historians were training to perform undercover operations and investigative workand these surprising spies would go on to profoundly shape both the course of the war and our cultural institutions with their efforts.In Book and Dagger, Elyse Graham draws on personal histories, diaries, and declassified OSS files to tell the story of a small but connected group of humanities scholars turned unlikely spies. Among them are Joseph Curtiss, a literature professor who hunted down German spies and turned them into double agents; Sherman Kent, a smart-mouthed history professor who rose to become the head of analysis for all of Europe and Africa; and Adele Kibre, an archivist who was sent to Stockholm to secretly acquire documents for the OSS. These unforgettable characters would ultimately help lay the foundations of modern intelligence and transform American higher education when they returned after the war.Thrillingly paced and rigorously researched, Book and Dagger is an inspiring and gripping true story about a group of academics who helped beat the Nazisa tale that reveals the indelible power of humanities to change the world.

  • - historien om to specialoperationer i Anden Verdenskrig
    af Martin Ammitsbøll Husted
    298,95 kr.

    To af Anden Verdenskrigs mest berømte commando-raids var tyskernes erobring af det på papiret uindtagelige belgiske fort Eben Emael den 10. maj 1940 og den engelske ødelæggelse af den strategisk vigtige flådebase Saint-Nazaire ved atlanterhavskysten 28. marts 1942.Erobringen af fortet Eben Emael, der havde en stående garnison på 800 belgiske soldater, var et af hovedkomponenterne i Nazitysklands vestoffensiv, der kun få uger senere førte til Belgiens, Hollands og Frankrigs fatale kollaps samt briternes paniske evakuering af deres hær fra Dunkirk. Med bare 60 soldater erobrede tyskerne Belgiens stærkeste fæstning i ly af natten og med brug af svævefly.Anderledes vanskeligt gik det med den britiske Operation Chariot. Trods det at de lykkedes med at sprænge havnen i stumper og stykker ved med list at bugsere en enorm sprængladning på 4,5 tons ind i havnen og udløse bomben med planlagt forsinkelse, stod de britiske styrker over for 5000 kampklare nazistiske soldater. Af de 600 britiske elitesoldater vendte kun 234 i live tilbage til England.Martin Ammitsbøll Husted fortæller ikke bare historien om selve commando-raidene, men gennemgår også alle de storpolitiske og taktiske militære overvejelser for aktionerne. MARTIN AMMITSBØLL HUSTED (født 1981) er cand.mag. i historie og cand.mag i samfundsfag samt filosofi og ansat som lektor på Risskov Gymnasium. Han er foredragsholder og forfatter til bl.a. Globalisering 1850-1914. Da verden blev mindre (Systime, 2015/2022), På kanten af krig. Overmod og beslutningen om krig eller fred i stormagtskriserne 1871, 1914 og 1962 (Historia 2024) samt artikler i Politica og Militært Tidsskrift, Ræson, Udenrigs og Altinget. Den som vover er hans nyeste bog.

  • af Michael Meyerheim
    278,95 kr.

    Michael Meyerheim har gennem fire årtier været en af dansk tv’s mest markante profiler. Han har introduceret seerne for Lykkehjulet, morgen-tv og det klassiske talkshow, og som tv-vært har han i tusindvis af interviews forfinet samtalens kunst.Som efterkommer af jødiske flygtninge er han præget af en voldsom familiehistorie. Den historie deler han her for første gang. Trods en stor usikkerhed og en stærk frygt for at fejle har han altid kæmpet for ikke at gå glip af noget. For når andre har ofret sig for ens frihed skylder man at få det bedste ud af livet.Han fortæller om tre ægteskaber og om at træffe svære valg som far. Om skiftet fra USA-korrespondent for Politiken til vært på det nye TV 2. Om alt det, der har gjort indtryk, fra en fest hos Ronald Reagan over et lærerigt møde med Tina Turner til at besøge sit idol Victor Borge.Ellers ville jeg fortryde er Michael Meyerheims generøse erindringsbog, der – som hans liv – spænder fra det dybt alvorlige til det humoristiske.

  • - Bjarne under Besættelsen 6
    af Jim Højberg
    138,95 kr.

    En serie om Bjarne og hans oplevelser under Besættelsen 1940 – 1945.Bjarnes far er frihedskæmper. Tyskerne har fanget ham. Frihedskæmperne beder Bjarne spionere, så̊ de kan finde ud af, hvordan de kan befri faren. Vil tyskerne opdage Bjarne Spion?Lix 18

  • - Bjarne under Besættelsen 5
    af Jim Højberg
    138,95 kr.

    En serie om Bjarne og hans oplevelser under Besættelsen 1940 – 1945.Bjarne og hans ven Karl skal dele illegale blade ud.Vil tyskerne opdage dem? De er bange. For selv om de prøver at snyde tyskerne, er der folk, der snakker. Hvem kan de stole på?Lix 17

  • - Bjarne under Besættelsen 4
    af Jim Højberg
    138,95 kr.

    En serie om Bjarne og hans oplevelser under Besættelsen 1940 – 1945.Bjarne skal smugle noget medicin ind til frihedskæmperne i Holstebro. Han har det liggende i tasken. Tyske soldater kommer ind i bussen. Hvad vil de gøre ved ham, hvis de finder medicinen? Det er farligt at hjælpe frihedskæmperne. Også med illegale blade.Lix 19

  • - Selvbiografiske optegnelser
    af Rudolf Höss
    74,95 - 288,95 kr.

    ”Eichmann satte mig ind i metoden med motorgasning i lastvogne, som man hidtil havde benyttet den østpå. Men det kunne der slet ikke være tale om med de massetransporter, man kunne vente i Auschwitz. Henrettelse ved hjælp af kuloxyd fra bruser i et baderum, som man havde benyttet det ved udryddelse af de sindssyge nogle steder i Tyskland, ville kræve for store bygningskomplekser, og det var højst problematisk, om man var i stand til at fremskaffe gas til så store masser.”Rudolf Höss var den første kommandant i nazisternes frygtede koncentrationslejr Auschwitz under Anden Verdenskrig. Selvom han i selvbiografien fremstiller sig selv som en soldat, der blot fulgte sine overordnede i beslutningen om masseudryddelsen af jøderne, var han personligt ansvarlig for at føre ordren ud i livet og stod direkte bag massedrab på millioner af mennesker. I bogen beskriver Rudolf Höss med uhyggelig nøgternhed og kulde de lavpraktiske problemer ved at skulle udrydde så mange mennesker ad gangen og skille sig af med ligene.Rudolf Höss beretter om livet som frivillig soldat under Første Verdenskrig, årene i Brandenburg Tugthus, hvor han sad fængslet for drab, og hvordan det lykkedes ham at stige i graderne, da nazisterne tog magten. Höss selv tegner et billede af en almindelig mand og familiefar, der gennem lydighed og pligt, uden anger, udfører massemord på effektiviseret industrielt plan, og det gør læsningen desto mere rystende og gruopvækkende. Höss skrev bogen i fangenskab i 1946, inden han blev henrettet i 1947, og den er et vigtigt historisk vidneudsagn om forbrydelserne under holocaust.Bogen er forsynet med den oprindelige danske udgaves forord af den norske forfatter og lyriker Arnulf Øverland, der sad i KZ-lejren Sachsenhausen fra 1942-1945, og bringes som den udkom første gang i 1959.Rudolf Höss (1900-1947) var en tysk topnazist, der var kommandant i den frygtede polske koncentrationslejr Auschwitz under Anden Verdenskrig og ansvarlig på mordet på millioner af mennesker. Han trådte ind i SS i 1934 og arbejdede sig hurtigt op til toppen af nazistpartiet. Efter krigen vidnede han mod andre nazister under Nürnbergprocessen, hvorefter han blev udleveret til Polen. I 1947 blev han dømt til døden og hængt foran indgangen til krematoriet i Auschwitz.

  • af Per Stig Møller
    46,95 - 208,95 kr.

    I denne bog kan du læse om esterne, letterne og litauerne, der ligesom os danskere bor i små lande ved Østersøen.Du kan læse om de mange kontaktflader, der er mellem Danmark og Estland, Letland og Litauen. Nogle fredelige. Andre fjendtlige. Mange lande har i perioder undertrykt Estland, Letland og Litauen. Et sagn siger, at Dannebrog i 1219 faldt ned fra himlen til danskerne under et slag om Estland.Du kan lære om Estlands, Letlands og Litauens hårde kampe mod den sovjetiske besættelse efter 2. Verdenskrig. Og du kan læse om Estlands, Letlands og Litauens indsats for at opnå selvstændighed i 80'erne og 90'erne.Per Stig Møller (f. 1942) er mest kendt for sit virke i dansk politik siden midten af 1980’erne. Udover virket som kulturminister, kirkeminister, udenrigsminister og politisk ordfører er Per Stig Møller desuden uddannet i litteraturvidenskab og har skrevet adskillige fagbøger. Han har blandt andet udgivet bøgerne ”Kurs mod katastrofer?” (1993), ”Historien om Estland, Letland og Litauen: tre lande ved Østersøen” (1990), ”Orwells håb og frygt” (2003), "Kaj Munk - digter, præst og urostifter" (2014) og "Udenrigsminister- i krig og fred" (2017) .

  • - In Love And War
    af Marianne Toxboe
    178,95 kr.

    It’s World War II, and Denmark is occupied by German armed forces. Exasperated by the pacifist complacency of daily life under the Government’s co-operative agreement with the Germans, Danes are distancing themselves from the official stance. A nation-wide grassroots’ revolt is breaking out. By August 1943, insurrection against the German occupation flares into lawlessness and sabotage.In the provincial town of Odense, the Niemann family run a prosperous fashion house and factory that has always traded with Germany. As the insurgency builds, vigilantes hunt down collaborators and ‘terrain mattresses’: women who befriend Germans. When 17-yearold Maia Niemann`s secret infatuation with a German officer is revealed, there are disastrous ramifications. Overnight, she becomes the target of Danish patriotic zealots, and is forced to flee the town.Maia moves in with her Aunt Mille in Copenhagen, where she hopes to pursue her dreams of becoming a top fashion designer. But her aunt has secrets of her own; not least, her involvement in the resistancemovement. Summer in Copenhagen heats up in more waysthan one, until Maia is faced with the biggest dilemma of her life. The choices she is forced to make will bring drastic consequences.

  • - 9. april 1940 - 9. april 1945
    af Thomas Harder
    248,95 kr.

    Revideret og forøget femte udgave af Anders Lassens Krig. Foruden ny tekst er udgaven udstyret med et forord af den forhenværende britiske hærchef Sir Mark Carleton-Smith. Da tyskerne 9. april 1940 besatte Danmark, følte Anders Lassen sig kaldet til at melde sig til britisk krigstjeneste. Han var 19 år. Fem år senere faldt han i kamp, få uger inden hans fædreland atter blev frit. I krigen fandt den rastløse Anders et formål med sit liv og en anvendelse for sine talenter. Den styrke og de færdigheder, han udviste i aktiv krigstjeneste, skulle blive legendariske. Med Small Scale Raiding Force og senere Special Boat Service – forløbere for vore dages specialstyrker – deltog Anders Lassen i dristige operationer mod tyske og italienske styrker i Vestafrika, langs den franske kanalkyst, i Grækenland, Jugoslavien og Italien. Anders Lassen modtog Military Cross hele tre gange, og efter sin død blev han hædret med Victoriakorset, Storbritanniens fornemste tapperhedsdekoration. Dette er hans eventyrlige historie. THOMAS HARDER (f. 1959), cand.mag. i italiensk og historie, litterær oversætter og forfatter til en lang række bøger om bl.a. oversætteri, Italien og Anden Verdenskrig.

  • af Kristopher Jansma
    298,95 kr.

    For fans of All the Light We Cannot See and The Nightingale: an elderly woman recounts her Dutch family's survival during the final years of Nazi occupation, shedding new light on old secrets that rippled through subsequent generations. Eighty-year-old Mieke Geborn's life is one of quiet routine. Widowed for many years, she enjoys the view from her home on the New Jersey shore, visits with friends, and tai chi at the local retirement community. But when her beloved grandson, Will, and his wife, Teru, show up for a visit, things are soon upended. Their marriage is threatening to unravel, and Will has questions for his grandmother--questions about family secrets that have been lost for decades and are now finally rising to the surface.But telling Will the truth involves returning to the past, and to Mieke's childhood in coastal Holland. There, in the last years of World War II, she survived the Hunger Winter, a brutal season when food and heat were cut off and thousands of Dutch citizens starved. Her memories weave together childhood magic and the madness of history, and carry readers from the windy beaches of The Hague to the dark cells of a concentration camp, through the bends of eel-filled rivers, and, finally, to the story of Will's father, absent since Will's childhood.Our Narrow Hiding Places is a sweeping story of survival and of the terrible cost of war--and a reminder that sometimes the traumas we inherit come along with a resilience we never imagined.

  • af Leah Lindeman
    158,95 - 245,95 kr.

    World War II, 1943. The United States with Canada's cooperation begins a secret construction of a highway and an oil pipeline in the northern territories that will fuel defense against a possible Japanese invasion. Men and women answer the call of the wild, More so, the stronger call of abundant money. Eleanor Mackenzie arrives in the North ready to stake her independence. One choice delivers a disastrous consequence that gravely alters the future she had envisioned for herself. Then comes a man who offers her a solution to keep her job, to keep her independence...but she must walk the road she would never have chosen. Will she keep her guard up and fight for her independence and freedom or lay down her arms for unconditional love?

  • - The Hidden History of Two World Wars
    af Helen Fry
    124,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • - A Novel of Saipan
    af Larry Alexander
    278,95 kr.

    From New York Times bestselling author Larry Alexander comes a gritty historical novel of World War II, told through the eyes of soldiers on both sides of the firing line.Tarawa was hell but Saipan is worse.For Sergeant Pete "Hardball" Talbot, recently returned from being wounded on Tarawa seven months earlier, Saipan is just another battle as the United States leaps island to island toward an invasion of the Japanese homeland.But the Japanese have learned, all too well, how to defend their islands, with carefully constructed and concealed bunkers and machine gun nests. Talbot and the dozen men of Second Squad have no idea they are running headlong into thirty-five thousand Japanese soldiers who have sworn to fight to the last man.In vivid, startling detail, Shattered Jade explores the strategy and horror of battle in one of World War II's most brutal conflicts and illuminates the extraordinary courage of ordinary young men.

  • - Through the Lens Volume 5
    af Tom Cockle
    222,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Kate Furnivall
    108,95 - 196,95 kr.

    People are disappearing. I spoke to my neighbour yesterday, we laughed at some nonsense, and today he is gone. We only discovered he was missing because the dog wouldn't stop howling and we all knew he would never leave his beloved pet. So I am careful, extremely careful. Two families divided by war. An entire city on the edge of disaster. 'I was blown away not just by the gripping story, which had my heart thumping at times, but the sheer eloquence of writing. It is a story of the strength of the human spirit, and of love which will not be defeated. I know I will be recommending it to everyone' LESLEY PEARSE 1948, Berlin. World War II has ended and there is supposed to be peace; but Russian troops have closed all access to the city. Roads, railway lines and waterways are blocked and two million people are trapped, relying on airlifts of food, water and medicine to survive. The sharp eyes of the Russian state police watch everything; no one can be trusted. Anna and Ingrid are both searching for answers - and revenge - in the messy aftermath of war. They understand that survival comes only by knowing what to trade: food; medicine; heirlooms; secrets. Both are living in the shadows of a city where the line between right and wrong has become dangerously blurred. But they cannot give up in the search for a lost child ... 'An impressively researched, powerfully emotional tale of two women surviving post-war Berlin ... Child of the Ruins will have you gripped in suspense from the first line to the last' LOUISE CANDLISH 'In Kate's inimitable style we are immediately drawn into this impeccably researched and terrifying period of history. Stunning from the very first line, this is a masterclass in historical fiction writing. An absolute triumph!' DINAH JEFFERIES 'An absolutely stunning book from the Queen of Historical Fiction. Emotional, powerful, meticulously researched, sharp writing, just wonderful' LOUISE SWANSON 'There is only one word to describe Child of the Ruins and that is awesome. It is compelling and evocative, thrilling and yet hugely touching. Kate Furnivall has really steeped herself in the period and faced the horrors of those times. I congratulate her' DILLY COURT 'An extraordinarily tense and gripping story set in a city brought to its knees in the aftermath of war, where life is cheap and crusts of bread are currency. The plotting is ingenious and the writing beautifully atmospheric' GILL PAUL 'Unforgettable characters negotiate desperate times in this vivid, brave and suspenseful novel set in the chaos of war torn Berlin. The final twist made me gasp!' RACHEL HORE 'Gripping from the very first page, Child of the Ruins is a powerful and emotionally intense reminder that heartache and hardship linger long after a war ends. Highly recommend!' TERESA DRISCOLL I have just finished reading Child of the Ruins and now I am bereft. Such an emotionally powerful and compelling story, told with skill and impeccable research. I was immersed from beginning to end' ROSANNA LEY 'Each page and each word made me feel as though I was in Berlin at the end of the Second World War, alongside a mother searching for her son. Kate Furnivall has a gift for description, heartbreak and joy. I defy anyone not to read beyond the first killer sentence' JANE CORRY 'Atmospheric and compelling' CAROL McGRATH 'A harrowing and compelling portrait of Berlin in the aftermath of World War Two, told through the interconnecting stories of two courageous women struggling to survive in the rubble of their war-torn city' FIONA VALPY 'A beautifully written and atmospheric portrayal of life in Berlin in the aftermath of WW2, with exquisitely-drawn characters and a storyline that is both powerful and heart-breaking. Kate has become one of my favourite writers and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next' B.A. PARIS 'Brilliantly written and incredibly moving. I was gripped from the first page' MILLY JOHNSON

  • - The Unbelievable Story of Major Charles Carpenter and Rosie the Rocketer
    af James P Busha
    203,95 - 277,95 kr.

    Major Charles Carpenter made headlines during the Second World War when he affixed six bazookas to his tiny Piper L-4 observation plane and began attacking German tanks. "Bazooka Charlie" and his plane "Rosie the Rocketer" were profiled in a variety of military and civilian publications, including the iconic Stars & Stripes. The major was a high school educator in the civilian world, teaching history and coaching football. Carpenter was talented, highly intelligent, and athletically gifted, but the war truly tested him. In 1945, the dashing pilot was forced out of the cockpit and into a hospital bed by Hodgkin's lymphoma, which was discovered in his neck. In addition to the enemy and terminal cancer, Carpenter also battled cynicism and guilt, particularly in regard to the state of his marriage, which was on the brink of failure by the time he returned home from Europe. Charles Carpenter died in 1966, having resumed his career, salvaged his marriage, and long outlived the timeline afforded him by his doctors in the initial prognosis. This revealing biography of the famous pilot was made possible through the collaboration of noted aviation author and magazine editor Jim Busha, and Carpenter's daughter, Carol Apacki. Along with memories of her father in his postwar years, Carol provided a treasure trove of wartime correspondence between Charles and his wife, Elda Carpenter.

  • af Timothy Snyder
    248,95 kr.

    Bloodlands er historien om Hitlers og Stalins massemordspolitikker, som forklarer, hvorfor Ukraine har haft en central placering i Vestens historie igennem det seneste århundrede.Amerikanerne kalder Anden Verdenskrig for ”den gode krig”. Men før den overhovedet begyndte, havde USA’s allierede, Stalin, dræbt flere millioner af sine egne borgere – og han blev ved med sine udrensninger efter krigen. Før Hitler blev besejret, havde han myrdet seks millioner jøder og næsten ligeså mange andre europæere. Ved krigsafslutningen kom både de tyske og de sovjetiske drabssteder til at befinde sig bag Jerntæppet, hvilket gjorde, at historien om massedrabene ikke kom frem i lyset.Bloodlands er omhyggeligt researchet, dybt human og helt igennem definitiv. Bogen kaster lys over et af de mørkeste kapitler i Europas historie og beskriver de massemord og systematiske ugerninger, der blev begået af det nazistiske og det stalinistiske regime som to aspekter af den samme fortælling. Med et nyt efterskrift, der fokuserer på relevansen af disse begivenheder for demokratiets aktuelle tilbagetog, er Bloodlands obligatorisk læsning for enhver, der ønsker at forstå den moderne histories centrale tragedie og dens betydning i dag.

  • af Dilly Court
    98,95 kr.

    Internationally bestselling author Dilly Court writing as Lily Baxter returns with another emotional, heart-pounding saga set in World War II England.In 1939, thirteen-year-old Poppy is forced to evacuate her London home and flee to a grand country house on the coast of England. Alone and frightened, she arrives with only a set of clothes, a gas mask, and memories of the family she left behind, whom she may never see again. But the cruel inhabitants of the house make life a misery for her, and she longs for the love she once took for granted.The years pass, the endless war rages on, and Poppy grows into a lovely young woman determined to do her part. Training as a nurse, she meets a dashing pilot who captures her heart and, for the first time in years, reminds her of life before the war.While England battles over land, sea, and sky, Poppy must fight every day to gain the family she's always wanted, to find the love she's been missing, and to discover who she truly is.

  • af Corinna Roider
    1.025,95 kr.

    Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit einem in der Literaturwissenschaft nahezu vergessenen Autor des Expressionismus: Heinrich Schaefer. Der Band will die Biografie und literarische Entwicklung Heinrich Schaefers über den lückenhaft vorliegenden Faktenbefund hinaus erweitern. Er tut dies primär, um das literarische Werk Schaefers auf ein Motiv hin zu untersuchen, das in seinen Texten einen zentralen Stellenwert einnimmt ¿ das Motiv des Ekels. Dieses Ekelmotiv ist für Figurendarstellung, Dramaturgie und explizite Drastik in Schaefers Texten nicht nur Zentralmotiv, sondern in der Auslotung seiner anthropologischen und physiologischen Befunde die thematisch interessanteste Deutungslinie. Sie wird exemplarisch am Hauptwerk Heinrich Schaefers, dem zwischen 1911¿1913 entstandenen Roman Gefangenschaft, vorgestellt.

  • af Bernhard Schlink
    178,95 kr.

    'Anyone who wants to understand contemporary Germany must read The Granddaughter now' Le Monde 'The great novel of German reunification' Le Figaro 'A masterpiece' Maurice SzafranMay, 1964. At a youth festival in East Berlin, an unlikely young couple fall in love. In the bright spring days, anything seems possible for them - it is only many years later, after her death, that Kaspar discovers the price his wife paid to get to him in West Berlin. Shattered by grief, Kaspar sets off to uncover Birgit's secrets in the East. His search leads him to a rural community of neo-Nazis, and to a young girl who accepts him as her grandfather. Their worlds could not be more different - but he is determined to fight for her. From the author of the no.1 international bestseller The Reader, The Granddaughter is a gripping novel that transports us from the divided Germany of the 1960s to contemporary Australia, asking what might be found when it seems like all is lost.Translated from the German by Charlotte Collins

  • af Danielle Steel
    98,95 kr.

  • af Lisa Kleypas
    68,95 kr.

    Quirky and fun-loving American heiress Daisy Bowman is the last unmarried Wallflower. Her exasperated father has informed her that if she can't find a husband by the end of her third London season, she will be forced to marry a man she hates?the ruthless entrepreneur Matthew Swift.Daisy is horrified. A Bowman never admits defeat, so she decides to do whatever it takes to marry someone . . . anyone . . . other than Matthew. What she doesn't count on, however, is Matthew's unexpected charm, or the blazing sensuality that soon flares beyond both their control. And Daisy discovers that the man she has always hated just might turn out to be the man of her dreams.But when a scandalous secret is uncovered, it could destroy both Matthew and a love more passionate and irresistible than Daisy's wildest fantasies.

  • af Chris Ruttan
    120,95 kr.

    Cushing's War, The Quest is the second of a two-book series Moving Like Fish In the Sea, following the first book, Cushing's War, The Rise of the Resistance, completing the account of Walter M. Cushing's World War II exploits in Japanese occupied Philippines. In April 1942, 60,000 Filipino-American troops surrendered to Japanese forces at the Battle of Bataan. Grim rumors of the Japanese mistreatment of prisoners of war reach guerilla leader Major Cushing, at his headquarters in the mountains of northern Luzon. Cushing travels south to investigate. Ethnically half-mexican with tropical-darkened skin, he secretly passes as a filipino. He learns of the deadly conditions in the prison camps are worse than he could have imagined. But with a Japanese imposed radio blackout, he had no way of communicating his findings to allied command in Australia. Upon hearing a rumor that a shortwave radio had been stashed in lighthouse, he undertakes a dangerous mission to recover it. His confidence from his previouses successes is put to the test.

  • af Madeline Martin
    109,95 - 253,95 kr.

  • af Bernard Cornwell
    166,95 kr.

    The anger was livid now. ?Remember whipping me??he asked. ?Whipping me till the blood ran? I remember, Jem. That's why I came back.??Listen, lad.??Don't you bloody lad me,? Sharpe said. ?I'm grown now, Jem. I'm a soldier, Jem, an officer, and I've learned to kill.?Richard?soldier, hero, rogue?the man you always want on your side. Born in poverty, he joined the army to escape jail and climbed the ranks by sheer brutal courage. He knows no other family than the regiment of the 95th Rifles, whose green jacket he proudly wears.

  • af Danna Heller
    388,95 kr.

    Call Me Lola is a moving photo essay by the acclaimed Israeli-American lens-based artist and documentarian Loli Kantor. For over twenty years, she combed through the family archives of her Polish-born father, a doctor and political activist. At the center of her work is her mother, Lola, who died in childbirth: a woman who manifests herself principally through images and stories rather than direct memories. The family documents and photographs that retrace the artist's personal history are shown alongside new camera-based works, resulting in a deeply subjective reflection on the most significant upheavals of the twentieth century: war and displacement, love and loss, trauma and grief. LOLI KANTOR (*1952) is an Israeli-American photographer whose work centers on personal and cultural memory. She lives and works in Fort Worth, Texas.

  • af Martin Amis
    128,95 kr.

    THE NOVEL THAT INSPIRED THE OSCAR WINNING FILMAmidst the horrors of Auschwitz, German officer, Angelus Thomsen, has found love. But unfortunately for Thomsen, the object of his affection is already married to his camp commandant, Paul Doll.As Thomsen and Doll's wife pursue their passion - the gears of Nazi Germany's Final Solution grinding around them - Doll is riven by suspicion. With his dignity in disrepute and his reputation on the line, Doll must take matters into his own hands and bring order back to the chaos that reigns around him.'It is exceptionally brave.... Shakespearean.... It's exciting; it's alive; it's more than slightly mad. As the title suggests, it is dreadfully interesting.' Sunday Times

  • af Bartlomiej Belcarz
    509,95 kr.

    Check over the dramatic events of 1940 as the Polish Air Force took to the skies in France, fighting valiantly during World War II. This book focuses on the role played by the Curtiss Hawk H-75. Explore a treasure trove of black and white period photos that bring this significant era to life.

  • af Stephen C. Challis
    111,95 kr.

    The invasion by Allied forces on the coast of Normandy on June 6, 1944, was the culmination of a great deal of planning and cooperation between the allied forces, countries, and individual branches of the service. It resulted in the largest seaborne invasion in world history. It is unlikely we will see it's like again.Many authors have written books and biographies about the bravery and sacrifices made on that day, particularly the carnage at Omaha Beach. This book, written to mark the 75th anniversary of D-Day, is not about that day, but covers the period of dusk from June 5th to dawn of June 6th, 1944.This book is my tribute to those from both sides of the Atlantic who came together to ensure the world was freed from a great tyranny. There are no fictional characters in 'The Long Night'. Other authors and historians have received written accounts from survivors of 'The great Crusade', who have provided much of the information. In the 70s, I had the good fortune of visiting Normandy and Pegasus Bridge. I spoke to locals who were there and had vivid memories of that night. Friendships forged between the French people and their liberators lasted a lifetime.

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