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  • af Sheyna Jordan
    313,95 kr.

  • af Lucien De Samosate
    218,95 kr.

  • af Simon Scarrow
    138,95 kr.

    Ørnens erobring er andet bind i Simon Scarrows medrivende bestsellerserie om Kejserrigets Ørne.43 e.v.t. Trøstesløs, regnfyldt og befolket af ondskabsfulde barbarer. Soldaten Cato tjener i den romerske hærs Anden Legion, og han ville inderligt ønske, at Rom ikke higede efter at erobre denne bistre ø, Britannien. Men som højre hånd for sin centurion Macro må Cato kæmpe i slag langt blodigere, end han nogensinde havde kunnet forestille sig.Britannerne kæmper imod erobringen med romerske våben – hvilket betyder, at nogen fra deres egne rækker står i ledtog med fjenden. Men snart står Cato og Macro ansigt til ansigt med endnu mere dødbringende modstandere end de britanniske barbarer.

  • af Simon Scarrow
    138,95 kr.

    I ørnens tjeneste er første bind i Simon Scarrows medrivende bestsellerserie om Kejserrigets Ørne.42 e.v.t. Hårdt, brutalt og uforsonligt. Sådan føles livet i den romerske hærs Anden Legion for den nye rekrut Cato. Men snart gør han sig fortjent til sin centurions respekt, den krigshærdede veteran Macro, der er lige så stridbar og kampberedt, som Cato er snarrådig og veluddannet.Et felttog til det barbariske Britannien bliver starten på et varigt venskab mellem de to. Da de påtager sig en særlig mission for at forhindre en sammensværgelse mod Kejseren, befinder de sig pludselig i en desperat kamp for at vende hjem med livet i behold.

  • af Nicolas Notovitch
    183,95 kr.

  • af Marilyn Dunn
    192,95 kr.

  • af Nuno Simoes Rodrigues, Ana Maria Lóio, Rodrigo Furtado & mfl.
    688,95 kr.

    The present volume marks the bimillennium of the death of the princeps with a selection of essays that offer new approaches to the Emperor Augustus and his reign. The essays cover a variety of subjects related to Augustan scholarship from a twenty-first century perspective. The studies brought together in this volume are based on papers delivered and discussed by archaeologists, philologists, and historians of ancient Rome at the conference on 'XIV A.D. SAECVLVM AVGVSTVM. The Age of Augustus' held in Lisbon (the Roman Olisipo) in September 2014. The title, Augustan Papers, is intended to commemorate the eightieth anniversary of the publication of Ronald Syme's Roman Papers (1939).

  • af Nuno Simoes Rodrigues, Ana Maria Lóio, Rodrigo Furtado & mfl.
    971,95 kr.

    The present volume marks the bimillennium of the death of the princeps with a selection of essays that offer new approaches to the Emperor Augustus and his reign. The essays cover a variety of subjects related to Augustan scholarship from a twenty-first century perspective. The studies brought together in this volume are based on papers delivered and discussed by archaeologists, philologists, and historians of ancient Rome at the conference on 'XIV A.D. SAECVLVM AVGVSTVM. The Age of Augustus' held in Lisbon (the Roman Olisipo) in September 2014. The title, Augustan Papers, is intended to commemorate the eightieth anniversary of the publication of Ronald Syme's Roman Papers (1939).

  • af Filippo Imbesi
    528,95 kr.

  • af Jack Holt
    223,95 kr.

    How could two men from two different families and time periods of twelve hundred years apart possibly have anything in common? While it might seem impossible, yet that is part of the mystery surrounding Joseph of Arimathea and Lord Robert de Borron.Each man is unknowingly drawn into a maelstrom of trained assassins, who stalk both. Why does a diabolical cardinal want to kidnap a twelfth century writer? One of these men has been tasked with writing a mysterious, long-forgotten book, while the other finds himself in the position of having to translate the same secret text, but twelve hundred years later. However, the test of their strength and character comes when each man has to struggle with making the choice of protecting his family or his faith. Why would two men, who seemingly have nothing in common, be faced with the same choices over a protracted period of time?Only a wealthy first century merchant and forgotten disciple know the never-before-read contents of this sacred book with its arcane symbols and numbers.

  • af Gustave Brunet
    208,95 kr.

  • af Hartmann Grisar
    1.588,95 kr.

  • af Veit Rösler
    613,95 - 618,95 kr.

  • af Ginny Wheeler
    354,95 kr.

    The archaeological remains of Maxentius¿ interconnected imperial villa, funerary mausoleum, and circus on the Via Appia offer the best material evidence that Maxentius intentionally selected classical architectural forms and inserted easily recognizable references to the glory days of Roman imperial architecture as part of his short-lived campaign to be Rome¿s champion (306-312). The architectural vocabulary that Maxentius reassembled both in his complex on the Via Appia and in his public constructions in the city center seems to have been embraced by Constantine¿s architects and subsequently reiterated in early Christian architecture. Continuities in their imperial commissions suggest that both Maxentius and Constantine prioritized the quality of imperial grandeur above all. The selection of the basilica form as the basis of church architecture along with the remarkable similarities to Maxentian constructions reveal that Constantine valued impressive and traditional majesty much more than visibly distinguishing between pagan and Christian architecture.

  • af Maryan Ainsworth
    544,95 kr.

    Providing an exclusive glimpse into one of the finest private art collections in the world, this book presents the extraordinary collection of the Neue Galerie's co-founder, Ronald S. Lauder To celebrate the Neue Galerie's twentieth-anniversary year, an exhibition will be presented of selections from the collection of its co-founder. The accompanying publication continues with the theme of the tenth anniversary exhibition. Whereas the earlier show and book focused on pieces from the third century BC to the twentieth century AD from Austria, France, and Germany, this exhibition and publication will represent various centuries and media, highlighting Greek and Roman works, and Italian thirteenth- and fourteenth-century gold-ground paintings. Essays by distinguished art historians and curators will reflect on the breadth of these special fields, providing a background for various works, and their incorporation into the collection of the Neue Galerie's co-founder. Published in association with the Neue Galerie New York

  • af Heba Magdy
    318,95 kr.

    It spots the light on the children burials in ancient Egypt, and investigates the common reasons of the children death. Usually the dead children were those who were weak or sick or had congenital defects and deformities. The death can be caused also by discarding the infants. It seems that the percentage of children burials increased during the Graeco-Roman period. It discusses also the different types of children burials appeared throughout the periods of ancient Egypt, either that of the infants or the children. The burial could be done in cemeteries after being placed inside pottery jars, coffins, baskets, or boxes. Others were buried under the floor of the houses. In the Graeco-Roman period, evidences proved that the children were also cremated.

  • af Eugene Paramonov-Efrus
    202,95 kr.

    Niels Bohr, a eminent Nobel laureate, remarked wittily: ¿An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field¿. Egyptologists claim that the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) was a religious reformer who proclaimed the primacy of the solar god Aton over all other gods. But 19 rays on a limestone slab from Ancient Egypt, located in the Egyptian museum in Berlin, already almost 200 years convince us of the opposite. And to this day, Egyptologists are mistaken in answering the question of how to decipher the name ¿Nefertiti¿, where she was born and also where the "Garden of Eden" was located, but the text in this book and "x-ray photographs" of the Jordan Valley is absolutely new information about this. In the Great Egyptian pyramid, from special compartments, which Egyptologists mistakenly call "the King's Chamber¿ and ¿the Queen's Chamber¿, four mysterious extremely narrow and long shafts come out but Egyptologists are mistaken when they explain for what purpose these shafts are intended. How the ancient highly developed civilization intended to use them and much more new and unknown, you will read in this book.

  • af Radmila Zotovi¿
    318,95 kr.

    Territory of the eastern part of the Roman province of Dalmatia comprises the area to the west of the river Drina, from Bratunac in the north to Fo¿a in the south, and to the east of the river Drina, from Rogäica in the north to Prijepolje and Pljevlja in the south. Almost half of the total of 104 votive monuments (including the anepigraphic and fragmented monuments), recorded in this territory to date, are votive monuments dedicated to Jupiter (51), followed in number by monuments dedicated to Liber (9), Silvanus (9), and Mithras (7). Dedicants were predominantly men, significantly outnumbering women dedicants. In general, all the monuments may be dated into a broader chronological period from mid-2nd till the end of 3rd centuries.

  • af Otis Roger Gilbert
    318,95 kr.

    Discover the introduction of Peafowl from India to the Roman Empire (even as far as Britain). Wonder at the wealth and power of their owners, from Classical Greece to Byzantium. Understand their religious significance from Hera, through Juno, and into Christanity. This study uses 3 evidence strands text, imagery and biological remains; to understand the role of the species Pavo cristatus known as peacock or peafowl in the classical world of 600 BC to 500 AD.

  • af Lutz Spilker
    245,95 kr.

    Die weltweit bekannteste Person ist unumstritten Jesus. Maria gebar ihn im Jahre null, doch bereits 31 Jahre später musste er grausam sterben.Das Neue Testament dokumentiert sein Leben, wobei etwa 16 Jahre in dieser Erzählung fehlen. Dieser Zeitraum entspricht annähernd der Hälfte seines gesamten Daseins.Dieses Buch erzählt die Geschichte des Jesus von Nazareth ab seinem 14. Lebensjahr, denn diese Passagen existieren im Neuen Testament nicht.Im Jahre null wurde Jesus in einem Stall nahe Bethlehem geboren und im Alter von 31 Jahren auf den Höhen von Golgatha gekreuzigt. So steht es geschrieben.Über das Leben des Jesus, welches sich zwischen seinem 14. und 28. Lebensjahr ereignete, steht jedoch nichts geschrieben. Es wäre nicht relevant, lautet die offizielle Stellungnahme der Kirche und so scheint es, als hätte es den heranwachsenden Jesus gar nicht gegeben.Hat es ihn möglicherweise gar nicht geben dürfen, weil er etwas herausfand, was nicht entdeckt werden sollte und es die Welt nicht wissen darf?Wo hielt er sich in all den vielen Jahre auf? Immerhin handelt es sich hierbei um die Hälfte seines Lebens. - Wurde er vielleicht verfolgt? - Zwangen ihn sogar die Umstände dazu, sich im Verborgenen aufzuhalten? - Hielt man ihn womöglich gefangen?- Wie stellte sich seine Beziehung zu Frauen dar? - War er möglicherweise verheiratet oder lebte er zölibatär? - Zeugte er eigene Kinder? - Wer waren sie? - Fanden sie irgendwo Erwähnung? - Jesus wurde zwar als Jude geboren, doch war das auch seine Religion? - Welche Gedanken führte er? - Worüber predigte er? - Verfolgte er selbst eine spezielle Mission?- Wer lehrte ihn das Wissen um die alten Schriften und - war er wirklich der Sohn Gottes?

  • af Felsi Cyanide Sun
    208,95 kr.

  • af Christoph-Maria Liegener
    123,95 kr.

  • af Stefan E. A. Wagner
    308,95 kr.

    The so-called "Esquiline Venus", found in 1874 in the city of Rome, is a well preserved Claudian copy sculpture whose original dates back to the first century B. C. The life-size statue shows a naked young woman wearing only a pair of sandals and preparing herself for the bath. In the past, the statue was identified by Italian researcher Licinio Glori as a portrait statue of Cleopatra VII, lover of Caesar. This research opinion was confirmed by German scholar Bernard Andreae and Italian archaeologist Paolo Moreno, but until today the identification hypothesis remained controversial and was not accepted by most scholars. In this short discussion of the statue shall be given a new approach to one of the most prominent marble works of the Capitoline Museums in Rome.

  • af Marcus Deufert & Irmgard Mannlein-Robert
    1.172,95 kr.

    Der in englischer Sprache verfasste Forschungsbericht zu Ovids Metamorphosen wurde von einem Forscher:innenteam der Universität Huelva unter Leitung von Antonio Ramírez de Verger und Luis Rivero García erstellt und arbeitet die schier unüberschaubare Literatur zu diesem gegenwärtig wohl meistgelesenen und meisterforschten Werk der römischen Dichtung kritisch auf. Im Zentrum des ersten von zwei Teilen stehen Arbeiten zur Überlieferungsgeschichte und Textkritik der Metamorphosen, außerdem Arbeiten zu solchen Aspekten des Werkes, die in den in letzten Jahrzehnten besonders intensiv erforscht wurden: u. a. Gattungsfragen, Religion, Kult und Magie, Liebe, Sexualität und Gender.

  • af Fabian Reiter
    1.228,95 kr.

    Zur Feier der Wiedereröffnung der Dauerausstellung des Ägyptischen Museums und der Papyrussammlung Berlin im Neuen Museum erscheint ein Editionsband mit bisher unpublizierten griechischen Urkunden aus der Berliner Papyrussammlung. Der unter Beteiligung zahlreicher Papyrologen aus aller Welt entstandene Band gibt Einblicke in Verwaltung, Alltags- und Rechtsleben im griechisch-römischen Ägypten. Band II enthält byzantinische Texte.

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