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Bøger om År 1930 til 1939

Her finder du spændende bøger om År 1930 til 1939. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 442 bøger om emnet.
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  • af Kelly Rimmer
    228,95 kr.

    "NÅR HISTORIEN OM KRIGEN BLIVER SKREVET, VIL SIDERNE VÆRE FULDE AF FOLK, DER SIGER 'JEG FULGTE BARE ORDRER'. HVER ENESTE GANG JEG VALGTE IKKE AT GØRE MODSTAND, TRAF JEG ET VALG – FOR DEN FORKERTE SIDE." Berlin, 1930. Da nazisterne kommer til magten, bliver Sofies mand, Jürgen, tilbudt en høj stilling i det nye rumprogram. Sofie og Jürgen er stærke modstandere af Hitlers radikale synspunkter, men de indser snart, at hvis Jürgen ikke tager jobbet og melder sig under nazisternes faner, vil de miste deres indkomst, deres børn og – i sidste ende – deres liv.  Alabama, 1950. Rumkapløbet er i fuld gang. Jürgen er en af flere tyske forskere, der bliver benådet og budt velkommen i USA mod at arbejde for deres rumprogram. For Sofie er det en chance for at lægge fortidens rædsler bag sig. Men da rygterne om deres rolle under krigen begynder at sprede sig, bliver sladder til voldsom vrede, og familiens håb om en ny begyndelse splintres.  I skyggen af en drøm er en gribende roman inspireret af den sande historie om Operation Paperclip: et kontroversielt, hemmeligt amerikansk efterretningsprogram, der hvervede tidligere nazister efter Anden Verdenskrig. Pressen skrev:  ”En følelsesladet og fuldstændig medrivende pageturner om kærlighed, tab og de livsvalg, vi træffer for at beskytte vores familie – den skal læses.” – Kristin Harmel ”Historien er så velresearchet og stærk, at den fanger læseren fra første side og bliver i én for evigt.” – Madeleine Martin ”Rimmer er en af de bedste til at finde nye afkroge af store emner som Anden Verdenskrig og beskrive dem i fascinerende romaner.” – Herald Sun ”Fængslende” – Sunday Telegraph

  • af Hiba Noor Khan
    213,95 kr.

    Inspired by the true story of how the Grand Mosque of Paris saved the lives of hundreds of Jews during World War II, Hiba Noor Khan weaves a breathtaking tale of suspense, compassion, and courage, starring an extraordinary young heroine readers will never forget. Safiyyah loathes the brutal Nazi occupation of Paris, even though her Muslim identity keeps her safe--or, at least, safer than her Jewish neighbors. Violence lurks in the streets, her best friend has fled, and even her place of refuge--the library--has turned shadowy and confusing, as the invaders fear the power of books.Safiyyah longs to fight back and hates feeling powerless to help her Jewish friends. Worse yet, her father--who taught her to always do the right thing--is acting strangely and doing nothing to help them either.Or is he?Unravelling the mystery of her father's odd behavior draws Safiyyah deep in the heart of the perilous underground resistance to the Nazis, where her bravery is put to the ultimate test...

  • af Helen Frost
    172,95 kr.

    A 2021 Scott O'Dell Award WinnerA Society of Midland Authors Winner in Children's FictionA Bank Street Best Book of the Year 2021A novel in verse about a young deaf boy during World War II, the sister who loves him, and the conscientious objector who helps him. Inspired by true events.Henry has been deaf from an early age-he is intelligent and aware of langauge, but by age six, he has decided it's not safe to speak to strangers. When the time comes for him to start school, he is labeled "unteachable." Because his family has very little money, his parents and older sister, Molly, feel powerless to help him. Henry is sent to Riverview, a bleak institution where he is misunderstood, underestimated, and harshly treated.Victor, a conscientious objector to World War II, is part of a Civilian Public Service program offered as an alternative to the draft. In 1942, he arrives at Riverview to serve as an attendant and quickly sees that Henry is far from unteachable-he is brave, clever, and sometimes mischievous. In Victor's care, Henry begins to see how things can change for the better. Heartbreaking and ultimately hopeful, Helen Frost's All He Knew is inspired by true events and provides sharp insight into a little-known element of history.

  • af Kimberly Nixon
    228,95 - 368,95 kr.

  • af Wade Beauchamp
    213,95 - 318,95 kr.

  • af Barbara Danckwortt
    346,95 kr.

    Die vielfältigen, detaillierten Recherchen zur Geschichte der Sinti und Roma im Bezirk Berlin-Lichtenberg im Nationalsozialismus ergaben bemerkenswerte Biographien und Dokumente aus zahlreichen Berliner und Brandenburgischen Archiven. Mit den Verfolgungseinrichtungen auf dem ehemaligen Lichtenberger Bezirksgebiet, wie dem Arbeitshaus Rummelsburg und dem Zwangslager Marzahn, verbunden sind die vorgestellten Biographien von Sinti und Roma, die Opfer rassistisch begründeter Verfolgung wurden.

  • af Andrea Warren
    88,95 kr.

    "Think of it as a game, Jack.Play the game right and you might outlast the Nazis."Caught up in Hitler's Final Solution to annihilate Europe's Jews, fifteen-year-old Jack Mandelbaum is torn from his family and thrown into the nightmarish world of the concentration camps. Here, simple existence is a constant struggle, and Jack must learn to live hour to hour, day to day. Despite intolerable conditions, he resolves not to hate his captors and vows to see his family again. But even with his strong will to survive, how long can Jack continue to play this life-and-death game?Award-winning author Andrea Warren has crafted an unforgettable true story of a boy becoming a man in the shadow of the Third Reich.

  • af José Manuel Rodríguez Herrera
    465,95 kr.

    This book challenges narratives of one-directional cultural flows from Europe to the Americas. The essays¿ varied topics and methods map a richly innovative Spanish-American imaginary emerging through multidirectional transatlantic and Pan-American axes of influence in Modernist to contemporary poetry and art. Migration, friendship, and little magazines open new horizons to renegotiate colonial hierarchies. Intercultural dialogue renders languages and literary/artistic traditions novel sounding boards, inspiring Chicano and Latinx consciousness, reinventions of gender and sexuality, and formal and linguistic experimentation. The diverse sites of intercultural dialogue include García Lorcäs poetry, the Spanish Civil War, avant-garde circles, and intercultural and literary translation.

  • af Irene Gut Opdyke
    143,95 kr.

    "No matter how many Holocaust stories one has read, this one is a must, for its impact is so powerful."--School Library Journal, starredI did not ask myself, "Should I do this?" but "How will I do this?"Through this intimate and compelling memoir, we are witness to the growth of a hero. Much like The Diary of Anne Frank, In My Hands has become a profound testament to individual courage.You must understand that I did not become a resistance fighter, a smuggler of Jews, a defierof the SS and the Nazis, all at once.When the war began, Irene Gut was just seventeen: a student nurse, a Polish patriot, a good Catholic girl. Forced to work in a German officiers' dining hall, she learns how to fight back.One's first steps are always small: I had begun by hiding food under a fence.Irene eavesdropped on the German's plans. She smuggled people out of the work camp. And she hid twelve Jews in the basement of a Nazi major's home. To deliver her friends from evil, this young woman did whatever it took--even the impossible.

  • af Donna Jo Napoli
    88,95 kr.

  • af Fabiana Rodrigues Dias
    398,95 kr.

    This book examines the different forms of violence found in three plays by Irish playwright Martin McDonagh: The Beauty Queen of Leenane (1996), The Lieutenant of Inishmore (2001) and The Pillowman (2003). It can be seen that the writer works on the theme of violence constantly and recurrently, although the treatment of this theme varies and differs from one play to the next. The aim is to prove, through critical analysis, that McDonagh's writings are not a censure of Irish society, as suggested in various academic works; his plays are, in fact, a reflection on globalised society and the human beings who inhabit this global community.

  • af Amor Towles
    278,95 kr.

    Tag med tilbage, hvor det hele startede for bestsellerforfatteren Amor Towles. Debuten fra 2011 følger en ung, kompromisløs kvinde gennem et skelsættende år i 30’ernes New York, hvor hun må lære at begå sig blandt byens rige og berygtede borgere.New York, Nytårsaften 1937. Katey Kontent, 25-årig sekretær på Wall Street, fejrer årets sidste aften på en snusket jazzklub i Greenwich Village, da Tinker Grey, en verdensvant, velhavende og charmerende bankmand træder ind i lokalet og sætter sig ved nabobordet. Et tilfældigt møde, som skal vise sig at blive et vendepunkt i tilværelsen for dem begge.Igennem et år følger vi Kateys færden i den glitrende nye omgangskreds, der består af Condé Nast-folk, smarte beboere på Upper East Side, mangemillionærer og en enke, der er langt fremme i skoene. Men gennem glitter og glamour kan også anes aftegningerne af misundelse, illoyalitet og begær, der gemmer sig under overfladen.Høflighedens forskrifter er en sprudlende skildring af New York i tiden efter Depressionen, hvor kontraster og krystaller for en stund stjæler en ung kvindes hjerte.

  • af Guilherme Mendes Tenório
    518,95 kr.

    In the context of the First Republic, intellectuals like Euclides da Cunha and military men like Marshal Cândido Rondon turned their eyes to the interior of Brazil. In republican schools, children learned geography from teaching programmes, textbooks and children's magazines. How do the representations of the territory produced in these two spaces converge or diverge? This is the theme investigated in this book.

  • af J F Sinkovits
    163,95 - 328,95 kr.

  • af Erin Litteken
    128,95 - 138,95 kr.

    16-årige Katya og hendes familie lever et enkelt liv på landet. Da Stalins mænd kommer for at kollektivisere jorden og deportere enhver, der nægter, bliver landet ramt af en altomfattende hungersnød. Elskende bliver adskilt, venner bliver fjender, og kun glimt af menneskelighed, mod og kærlighed levner håb. Halvfjerds år senere finder den unge enke Cassie sin bedstemors dagbog fra Ukraine. Endelig forstår hun familiens mørke hemmeligheder og den fortid, der var for grum til at blive givet videre. Om forfatteren:Erin Litteken er historiker og international bestsellerforfatter. Som ung blev hun grebet af sin families historie i Ukraine før, under og efter Anden Verdenskrig, og der ligger stor research bag hendes to historiske romaner. Hun bor i Illinois, USA med sin mand og sine børn. "Minder fra Kyiv" er inspireret af forfatterens egen historie fra Ukraine under den store hungersnød i 1930'erne og i årene op mod Anden Verdenskrig. Romanen er oversat til 14 sprog og vandt i 2022 prisen She Reads Best Historical Fiction Award.

  • af Amelia Green
    231,95 kr.

    Eigentlich sollten Clifford Walker, Laurentius Newcombe und Adriana Shilling nur im Fall einer gestohlenen Uhr ermitteln. Doch als sie auf dem düsteren Landhaus Lonemoor Estate eintreffen, wendet sich das Blatt: Ein Schneesturm zieht herauf und zwingt die Detektive dazu, fünf rätselhaften Fremden, die durch das Wetter ihre Reise unterbrechen müssen, im Haus Unterschlupf zu gewähren. Kaum wird es Nacht, wird einer der ungebetenen Gäste in der verschlossenen Bibliothek kaltblütig ermordet.Durch den Schnee im Haus gefangen, machen sich Clifford, Laurentius und Adriana daran, den Mord aufzuklären. Aber es scheint, als wären sie alle nur Marionetten in den Händen eines Mörders, der unter ihnen heimlich die Fäden zieht.

  • af Mikael Nilsson
    284,95 - 873,95 kr.

  • af Sophie Souid
    356,95 kr.

    BILLE alene i verden – ethvert barns mareridt bliver til virkelighed for Bille, da hans helt almindelige mor pludselig forsvinder.Det eneste Bille står tilbage med er en tom lejlighed og et ukendt telefonnummer. Bille begiver sig ud for at lede efter SPOR efter sin mor. Men det er svært, for det viser sig, at politiet heller ikke kan finde hende i deres systemer.Hvem er Billes mor – og hvor er hun henne?Spændende ny krimíserie for de 9-13 årige af Sophie Souid, der vandt ORLAPRISEN i 2024 for Møgmis.Flere bind er på vej.

  • af Tom Smidth
    48,95 - 238,95 kr.

    Tom Smidths hørespil Lemminkäinen er baseret på det finske nationalepos Kalevala, samlet og redigeret af Elias Lönnrot i 1835. Lemminkäinen er hovedperson i Kalevas 11.-15. og 26.-30. sang. Hørespillet omfatter Kalevalas 12.-15. sang og følger Kalevalas 4-fodede trokæiske versemål.

  • af Estefanía Gárate Nilo
    738,95 kr.

    This text consists of identifying literary elements with historical guidelines in eleven stories selected from three texts entitled Historia Secreta de Chile (Secret History of Chile) written by the Chilean Jorge Baradit. These narratives are framed in historical events that occurred in Chile between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries. Such stories, with historical glimpses, make up the analysis, the purpose of which is to elucidate the author's narrative style and identify elements typical of literature. Consequently, the study is preceded by a review of the cultural-literary framework in which literary and artistic terms such as postmodernism, contemporary literature and historical fiction are examined in depth, considering theorists from the 20th century onwards. In addition, an approach has been made to the artistic and literary movement known as Freak Power, to which the author Jorge Baradit belongs. Finally, four axes of analysis have been determined: discursive reconstruction between person-fact-character, symbolism of fire, dehumanisation of the self and recusation of the dictator. These themes are transversal in the stories chosen for this analysis.

  • af Andrew Wisely
    1.495,95 kr.

    The Trial of a Nazi Doctor examines the life of Franz Bernhard Lucas (1911-1994), an SS camp doctor with assignments in Auschwitz, Mauthausen, Stutthof, Ravensbrück, and Sachsenhausen. Covering his career during the Third Reich and then his prosecution after 1945, especially in the Frankfurt Auschwitz trial, Andrew Wisely explores the lies, obfuscations, misrepresentation, and confusions that Lucas himself created to deny, distract from or excuse his participation in the Nazi's genocidal projects. By juxtaposing Lucas's own testimonies and those of a wide range of witnesses: former camp inmates and Holocaust survivors; friends, colleagues, and relatives; and media observers, Wisely provides a nuanced study of witness testimonies and the moral identity of Holocaust perpetrators.

  • af Christina Wieland
    128,95 kr.

    Step into the captivating world of Cyprus, a tranquil island during the serene mid-1930s, where the lives of two extraordinary sisters and a talented young man unfold against a backdrop of freedom, love, and ambition.In this quietly passionate love story, the sisters embark on their personal battles for freedom and love, defying societal expectations and ancient traditions. Their journey intertwines with that of a young man from the remote mountains of Marathasa, who yearns for recognition and happiness in a world that often overlooks him.As the story unfolds, a family steeped in self-importance and propriety grapples with the upheaval caused by their daughter's rebellion against age-old customs. Amidst the complexities of human relationships, the island itself reveals its captivating beauty - its land, sea, mountains, and its people, forgotten by the outside world.But this idyllic slumber is about to be shattered as Cyprus awakens to the turbulent waters of violent protest and international politics. As the island finds itself at the crossroads of historical events, the characters are swept up in a wave of change, testing their resilience and challenging their deepest desires.

  • af George Weinstein
    183,95 kr.

    During the Great Depression, the U.S. government illegally deported more than a million Mexican-American citizens to make room on the welfare rolls and alleviate unemployment for white Americans. Carlos Moreno is a young man who has known only hardship and poverty, chasing rumors of work across Texas during the 1920s. Pursued by a renegade Texas Ranger who thinks he holds the key to a secret, Carlos takes refuge in "Little Mexico," Houston's colorful, boisterous barrio. He picks the worst possible time to fall in love.As the U.S. launches its repatriation campaign, the ranger joins forces with Immigration agents to step up his personal manhunt. Now Carlos and his wife will have to rely on their courage and ingenuity to avoid a dragnet that will ensnare an entire population.

  • af Jennifer Lynn
    1.399,95 kr.

    In this comprehensive, long-view study on the concept of the Neue or Moderne Frau (New or Modern Woman) that spans the Weimar Republic, Third Reich, post-war period, and a divided Germany, Contested Femininities explores how different political and social groups constructed images of women to present competing visions of the future. It takes the highly contested representations of women presented in the illustrated press and examines how they emerged as crucial markers of modernity. In doing so it reveals the surprising continuity of these images across political periods and reflects on how debates over paid work, the gender division of labor in the household, the politics of the body, and consumption, played a central role in how different German regimes defined the Modern Woman.

  • af Barbara Hales
    1.245,95 kr.

    "Propaganda played an essential role in influencing the attitudes and policies of German National Socialism on racial purity and euthanasia, but little has been said on the impact of medical hygiene films. Cinematically Transmitted Disease explores these films for the first time, from their inception during the Weimar era and throughout the years to come. In this innovative volume, author Barbara Hales demonstrates how medical films as well as feature films were circulated among the German people to embed and enforce notions of scientific legitimacy for racial superiority and genetically spread "incurable" diseases, creating and maintaining an instrumental fear of degradation in the German national population"--

  • af Joanna Beata Michlic
    328,95 kr.

    Child survivors of the Armenian Genocide, jewish child survivors of the Holocaust, non-jewish slavic children, and war children of the Second World WarEHS Volume 5 presents child-oriented research approaches by scholars from the fields of Holocaust Studies, Genocide Studies, and Second World War History. The authors highlight key concepts of Childhood Studies, arguing that children are historical actors with their own ideas, identity-forming experiences, and agency. The contributions demonstrate the importance of children`s accounts of war and postwar experiences for deeper understanding of the history of war and society in the twentieth century. The volume showcases a variety of children`s voices including child survivors of the Armenian Genocide, Jewish child survivors of the Holocaust, non-Jewish Slavic children, and war children of the Second World War by utilising testimonies from lesser-known archival and oral history collections.Includes:Edita Gzoyan: Forcibly Transferred and Assimilated: Experiences of Armenian Children during the Armenian Genocide.Dieter Steinert: Echoes from Hell: Jewish Child Forced Labourers and the Holocaust.Oksana Vynnyk: Surviving Starvation in Soviet Ukraine: Children and Soviet Healthcare in the early 1930s.

  • af Swen Steinberg
    958,95 kr.

    Forced Migration always takes place within specific cultural, social, political, and spatial environments. This volumes focuses on the interaction between those forced to migrate and their environments in the contexts of escape and exile from Nazi-occupied Europe. Forced emigration from Nazi Germany was a global phenomenon that took refugees primarily from Central Europe to continents and countries they often knew very little about. Not only did they have to adapt to foreign cultures but also to unfamiliar natural environments that often exposed them to severe temperature conditions, droughts, rainy seasons and diseases. While some refugees prepared for the natural conditions of their exile destination others acquired environmental knowledge at their host countries or were able to adapt prior knowledge-about cultivation methods, for example, or species, products, and sales markets-to the new environment. Consequently, specific knowledge about the environment had a large influence on the success of the migration experience. Moreover, just as the migrants shaped their new environments, they were shaped by them.

  • af C K Harewood
    258,95 kr.

    Could a cold case hold the key to a brutal murder?Spring 1930. In the quiet streets of Craynebrook, a sinister presence lurks in the shadows, ready to pounce on the unsuspecting women of the suburban London town. After every attack, the assailant disappears into the night, leaving behind no trace, no witnesses, and no clues for Detective Inspector Matthew Stannard to follow.Until one attack turns deadly and a reporter suggests a connection with an unsolved local murder, opening up a new avenue of investigation which, Matthew hopes, will give him the lead he so desperately needs.But with a long list of suspects and a dearth of tangible evidence, Matthew's confidence in his ability to find the killer wavers.Does the truth lie buried in the past? Or will digging into an old murder put other women at risk?

  • af Mark Walker
    323,95 kr.

    "Who were the German scientists who worked on atomic bombs during World War II for Hitler's regime? And how did they justify themselves afterwards? Examining the global influence of the German uranium project and the postwar reaction to the scientists involved, Mark Walker explores the enduring impact of 'Hitler's bomb'"--

  • af D. G. Ambronn
    214,95 - 220,95 kr.

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