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Bøger om År 1950 til 1959

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  • af Pat McDermott Michener
    253,95 kr.

    When she ran away in 1947, Jasmine Holmes was beautiful. Now she's back: sick, broke, divorced, her life in ruins-a perfect project for her aunt Emma Madison, master meddler. But small-town secrets live long in darkness, and the ones that Jasmine Holmes guards might be the darkest of all. How to fix Jasmine? True, her reputation as the town tramp was well deserved. When she fled tiny Medford for Las Vegas nine years ago, it was in a cloud of scandal. Once Emma rescues Jasmine from a hospital bed and her niece's eight-year-old daughter from foster care, townspeople are dismayed at their return. And when Jasmine, after she recovers, begins nursing the dying wife of her once-supposed lover, Medford erupts in a veritable volcano of gossip. Lovers from a decade ago appear, then a new suitor. Soon emotions of desire, jealousy, spite and fear roil the once-peaceful community. During her brief stay, Jasmine sets the lives of many on trajectories they never could have expected. And although her own journey may be long and arduous, love and joy wait at the end, thanks in large part to an elderly lady with the remarkable ability to take things gone wrong and set them to rights. Subtly influencing the course of events-watching, waiting, and then pulling the strings with perfect timing, is Jasmine's sage and savvy aunt-the redoubtable Emma Madison.

  • af Amanda Geard
    116,95 - 228,95 kr.

    Kæreste T, uanset hvad du hører, så tro ikke et øjeblik på det ...1940: I det sydvestlige Irland bliver den unge og smukke lady Charlotte Rathmore erklæret død, efter at hun på mystisk vis forsvinder ved søen omkring Blackwater Hall. I London sørger Nancy Rathmore over sin svigerindes død, da hun modtager et brev med en hemmelighed, der vil ændre hendes liv for altid.2019: Årtier senere bliver journalist Ellie Fitzgerald tvunget til at forlade Dublin efter en skandale, og hun vender tilbage til sit barndomshjem i landlige Kerry for at ride stormen af. Men da hun opdager et falmet brev, gemt inde i en bog, bliver hun draget af et gammelt mysterium om Blackwater Hall. Efterhånden som Ellie kommer på sporet af den gamle sag, står det klart, at brevet måske rummer nøglen til mere end bare Charlottes forsvinden. Pressen skriver: ”Et spændende mysterium i flere lag, der spænder over generationer. Stemningsfuldt og smukt skrevet.”   – Tracy Rees”Overbevisende, spændende og fyldt med frodige historiske detaljer. . . Amanda Geard er en spændende ny stemme, og jeg kan ikke vente med at læse mere fra hende!”– Hazel Gaynor”Jeg elskede denne bog! Den er så smukt skrevet og fuldstændig fængslende. Jeg elskede de forskellige tidslinjer, personerne og de omgivelser, handlingen foregår i. Den indeholder alt og mere til, hvad man kan ønske sig af en bog.”– Goodreads”Midnatshuset er en fængslende fortælling om tre kvinder og deres liv, der flettes sammen. Den er fuld af vidunderlige karakterer, og det er vanedannende læsning. Alt flyder perfekt, og det hele samler sig på det helt rigtige tidspunkt.”– Goodreads”Min fantasi blev straks fanget af billedet af en sø og et hus på forsiden af Midnatshuset. Jeg begyndte at spekulere på, hvilke hemmeligheder det kunne rumme. En spændende fortælling om familiehemmeligheder.”– Goodreads

  • af Kelly Rimmer
    145,95 - 228,95 kr.

    "NÅR HISTORIEN OM KRIGEN BLIVER SKREVET, VIL SIDERNE VÆRE FULDE AF FOLK, DER SIGER 'JEG FULGTE BARE ORDRER'. HVER ENESTE GANG JEG VALGTE IKKE AT GØRE MODSTAND, TRAF JEG ET VALG – FOR DEN FORKERTE SIDE." Berlin, 1930. Da nazisterne kommer til magten, bliver Sofies mand, Jürgen, tilbudt en høj stilling i det nye rumprogram. Sofie og Jürgen er stærke modstandere af Hitlers radikale synspunkter, men de indser snart, at hvis Jürgen ikke tager jobbet og melder sig under nazisternes faner, vil de miste deres indkomst, deres børn og – i sidste ende – deres liv.  Alabama, 1950. Rumkapløbet er i fuld gang. Jürgen er en af flere tyske forskere, der bliver benådet og budt velkommen i USA mod at arbejde for deres rumprogram. For Sofie er det en chance for at lægge fortidens rædsler bag sig. Men da rygterne om deres rolle under krigen begynder at sprede sig, bliver sladder til voldsom vrede, og familiens håb om en ny begyndelse splintres.  I skyggen af en drøm er en gribende roman inspireret af den sande historie om Operation Paperclip: et kontroversielt, hemmeligt amerikansk efterretningsprogram, der hvervede tidligere nazister efter Anden Verdenskrig. Pressen skrev:  ”En følelsesladet og fuldstændig medrivende pageturner om kærlighed, tab og de livsvalg, vi træffer for at beskytte vores familie – den skal læses.” – Kristin Harmel ”Historien er så velresearchet og stærk, at den fanger læseren fra første side og bliver i én for evigt.” – Madeleine Martin ”Rimmer er en af de bedste til at finde nye afkroge af store emner som Anden Verdenskrig og beskrive dem i fascinerende romaner.” – Herald Sun ”Fængslende” – Sunday Telegraph

  • af Laura Steenbrink
    404,95 kr.

    En Syrie, aucune intervention humanitaire autorisée par le Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies n'a été lancée jusqu'à présent. Les tentatives de cessez-le-feu entre les parties impliquées ont échoué à plusieurs reprises. Cette étude examine le bilan de trois acteurs internationaux en ce qui concerne la doctrine de la responsabilité de protéger (R2P). Plus précisément, elle examine l'option consistant à institutionnaliser la responsabilité en matière d'intervention humanitaire. Pour ce faire, la doctrine de la responsabilité de protéger est analysée à travers deux organisations internationales, l'OTAN et l'UE, et un acteur national important, les États-Unis. Pour les États-Unis, les facteurs géopolitiques jouent un rôle majeur, et il est expliqué que la structure politique et les décisions du président sont cruciales pour les choix du pays. Pour l'OTAN, le manque de légitimité joue un rôle central en ce qui concerne la R2P, ainsi que le précédent historique de son implication dans le conflit en Libye en 2011. Enfin, l'UE est décrite en mettant l'accent sur les limites institutionnelles et son potentiel à devenir une autorité normative en matière de R2P. L'analyse de ces acteurs internationaux permet de replacer le conflit syrien dans une large perspective internationale.

  • af Laura Steenbrink
    403,95 kr.

    In Siria, finora non è stato avviato alcun intervento umanitario autorizzato dal Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite. I tentativi di cessate il fuoco tra le parti coinvolte sono falliti ripetutamente. Questo studio analizza tre attori internazionali in relazione al loro operato in merito alla dottrina della responsabilità di proteggere (R2P). Più specificamente, viene esaminata l'opzione di istituzionalizzare la responsabilità per l'intervento umanitario. A tal fine, la dottrina R2P viene analizzata attraverso due organizzazioni internazionali, la NATO e l'UE, e un importante attore nazionale, gli Stati Uniti. Per gli Stati Uniti, i fattori geopolitici giocano un ruolo fondamentale e viene spiegato che la struttura politica e le decisioni del presidente sono cruciali per le scelte del Paese. Per la NATO, la mancanza di legittimità gioca un ruolo centrale quando si parla di R2P, insieme al precedente storico del suo coinvolgimento nel conflitto in Libia nel 2011. Infine, l'UE è descritta con enfasi sui limiti istituzionali e sul suo potenziale di diventare un'autorità normativa in materia di R2P. Attraverso l'analisi di questi attori internazionali, si cerca di collocare il conflitto siriano in un'ampia prospettiva internazionale.

  • af Laura Steenbrink
    404,95 kr.

    In Syrien wurde bisher keine vom Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen genehmigte humanitäre Intervention eingeleitet. Versuche, einen Waffenstillstand zwischen den beteiligten Parteien zu erreichen, sind wiederholt gescheitert. In dieser Studie werden drei internationale Akteure im Hinblick auf ihre Haltung zur R2P-Doktrin (Responsibility to Protect) untersucht. Insbesondere wird die Option untersucht, die Verantwortung für humanitäre Interventionen zu institutionalisieren. Zu diesem Zweck wird die R2P-Doktrin anhand von zwei internationalen Organisationen, der NATO und der EU, und einem wichtigen nationalen Akteur, den Vereinigten Staaten, analysiert. Für die USA spielen geopolitische Faktoren eine große Rolle, und es wird erläutert, dass die politische Struktur und die Entscheidungen des Präsidenten für die Entscheidungen des Landes entscheidend sind. Für die NATO spielt der Mangel an Legitimität eine zentrale Rolle, wenn es um R2P geht, zusammen mit dem historischen Präzedenzfall ihrer Beteiligung am Konflikt in Libyen 2011. Schließlich wird die EU beschrieben, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den institutionellen Beschränkungen und ihrem Potenzial liegt, eine normative Autorität für R2P zu werden. Durch die Analyse dieser internationalen Akteure wird der Versuch unternommen, den Syrienkonflikt in eine breite internationale Perspektive zu stellen.

  • af Laura Stinbrink
    404,95 kr.

    V Sirii do sih por ne nachata gumanitarnaq interwenciq, sankcionirowannaq Sowetom Bezopasnosti OON. Popytki dobit'sq prekrascheniq ognq mezhdu storonami neodnokratno terpeli neudachu. V dannom issledowanii rassmatriwaütsq tri mezhdunarodnyh aktora s tochki zreniq ih otnosheniq k doktrine "Otwetstwennost' za zaschitu" (R2P). Bolee konkretno, rassmatriwaetsq wariant institucionalizacii otwetstwennosti za gumanitarnoe wmeshatel'stwo. Dlq ätogo doktrina R2P analiziruetsq na primere dwuh mezhdunarodnyh organizacij, NATO i ES, i odnogo wazhnogo nacional'nogo igroka, SShA. Dlq SShA osnownuü rol' igraüt geopoliticheskie faktory, i ob#qsnqetsq, chto politicheskaq struktura i resheniq prezidenta imeüt reshaüschee znachenie dlq wybora strany. Dlq NATO otsutstwie legitimnosti igraet glawnuü rol', kogda rech' zahodit o R2P, narqdu s istoricheskim precedentom ee uchastiq w konflikte w Liwii w 2011 godu. Nakonec, ES opisywaetsq s akcentom na institucional'nyh ogranicheniqh i ego potenciale stat' normatiwnym awtoritetom w oblasti R2P. Cherez analiz ätih mezhdunarodnyh aktorow delaetsq popytka predstawit' sirijskij konflikt w shirokoj mezhdunarodnoj perspektiwe.

  • af Laura Steenbrink
    403,95 kr.

    Na Síria, até à data, não foi iniciada qualquer intervenção humanitária autorizada pelo Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas. As tentativas de cessar-fogo entre as partes envolvidas falharam repetidamente. Este estudo analisa três actores internacionais no que diz respeito ao seu historial relativamente à doutrina da Responsabilidade de Proteger (R2P). Mais especificamente, é analisada a opção de institucionalizar a responsabilidade de intervenção humanitária. Para este efeito, a doutrina R2P é analisada através de duas organizações internacionais, a NATO e a UE, e de um ator nacional importante, os Estados Unidos. Para os EUA, os factores geopolíticos desempenham um papel importante, e explica-se que a estrutura política e as decisões do presidente são cruciais para as escolhas do país. Para a NATO, a falta de legitimidade desempenha um papel central no que diz respeito à R2P, juntamente com o precedente histórico do seu envolvimento no conflito na Líbia em 2011. Por último, a UE é descrita com ênfase nas limitações institucionais e no seu potencial para se tornar uma autoridade normativa em matéria de R2P. Através da análise destes actores internacionais, procura-se situar o conflito sírio numa perspetiva internacional alargada.

  • af M J Boyle
    98,95 kr.

    Empire Close unfolds in a quaint cul-de-sac of six 1950s detached houses in a mid-sized English commuter town, where Ted has always felt part of a close-knit community. As 1997 dawns, Ted, now retired and wheelchair-bound, reflects on the past 45 years in Empire Close. He fondly remembers a time when a strong British identity was the hallmark of the neighbourhood, a trait he held dear. However, he's witnessed a gradual transformation that leaves him feeling isolated and nostalgic. With the death of the last original neighbour, Ted grapples with the reality that he may be the last 'true' Brit left. His internal struggle is profound, as he wrestles with his beliefs and identity, yet never fully confronting their deeper implications. An unexpected turn of events dramatically upsets Ted's world, challenging him to confront both his past and his future. This journey of self-discovery brings Ted to a pivotal crossroads, where he must reconcile his past actions with their unforeseen impact on his life. The story navigates the complexities of identity, community, and change, leaving readers to ponder André Malraux's notion: 'When man faces destiny, destiny ends and man comes into his own.' As the narrative unfolds, Ted's journey towards understanding his destiny and himself takes intriguing turns, leading to a thought-provoking conclusion.

  • af Celen Dimililer
    402,95 kr.

    O livro tentará ler, analisar e interpretar três textos de Virginia Woolf: A Room of One's Own, Three Guineas e Mrs Dalloway num contexto material em que o poder e a resistência se encontram numa relação dinâmica em que quase se reforçam mutuamente. Em particular, reflectirá sobre a construção das mulheres envolvidas no processo de reinvenção de si próprias nos romances de Virginia Woolf à luz do feminismo "material", devido à importância primordial que este teve na visão e criatividade de Woolf. Quero agradecer à minha família; à minha mãe Huriye Dimililer e ao meu pai Yahya Dimililer. Obrigado por estarem comigo e ajudarem a minha vida. Sem o apoio da minha família, seria impossível. A ajuda de Ahmet Güneyli também foi muito apreciada. Quero dedicar este livro ao meu filho, Efe Yahya K¿sac¿k.

  • af Celen Dimililer
    402,95 kr.

    Il libro cerca di leggere, analizzare e interpretare tre testi di Virginia Woolf: Una stanza tutta per sé, Tre ghinee e La signora Dalloway in un contesto materiale in cui potere e resistenza sono in una relazione dinamica in cui si rafforzano quasi reciprocamente. In particolare, si rifletterà sulla costruzione delle donne coinvolte nel processo di reinvenzione di se stesse nei romanzi di Virginia Woolf alla luce del femminismo "materiale" per l'importanza fondamentale che ha avuto sulla visione e sulla creatività della Woolf. Desidero ringraziare la mia famiglia: mia madre Huriye Dimililer e mio padre Yahya Dimililer. Grazie per essere stati con me e per aver contribuito alla mia vita. Senza il sostegno della mia famiglia, sarebbe impossibile. Anche l'assistenza di Ahmet Güneyli è stata molto apprezzata. Desidero dedicare questo libro a mio figlio: Efe Yahya K¿sac¿k.

  • af Selen Dimililer
    403,95 kr.

    V knige predprinqta popytka prochest', proanalizirowat' i interpretirowat' tri texta Virdzhinii Vul'f: A Room of One's Own, Three Guineas i Mrs Dalloway w material'nom kontexte, gde wlast' i soprotiwlenie nahodqtsq w dinamicheskom sootnoshenii i pochti wzaimno usiliwaüt drug druga. V chastnosti, w rabote budet rassmotrena konstrukciq zhenschin, wowlechennyh w process pereosmysleniq sebq w romanah Virdzhinii Vulf, w swete "material'nogo" feminizma, poskol'ku on imel perwostepennoe znachenie dlq wideniq i tworchestwa Vulf. Ya hochu poblagodarit' swoü sem'ü: moü mamu Hurie Dimililer i moego otca Yah'ü Dimililer. Spasibo wam za to, chto byli so mnoj i pomogali mne zhit'. Bez podderzhki moej sem'i äto bylo by newozmozhno. Pomosch' Ahmeta Günejli takzhe byla wysoko ocenena. Ya hochu poswqtit' ätu knigu swoemu synu Jefe Yah'e Kysachyku.

  • af Celen Dimililer
    403,95 kr.

    In dem Buch wird versucht, drei Texte von Virginia Woolf zu lesen, zu analysieren und zu interpretieren: A Room of One's Own, Three Guineas und Mrs Dalloway in einem materiellen Kontext, in dem Macht und Widerstand in einer dynamischen Beziehung stehen, in der sie sich gegenseitig verstärken. Insbesondere soll die Konstruktion von Frauen, die sich in den Romanen von Virginia Woolf neu erfinden, im Lichte des "materiellen" Feminismus betrachtet werden, da dieser für Woolfs Vision und Kreativität von überragender Bedeutung war. Ich möchte meiner Familie danken: meiner Mutter Huriye Dimililer und meinem Vater Yahya Dimililer. Danke, dass ihr mir beigestanden habt und mir in meinem Leben geholfen habt. Ohne die Unterstützung meiner Familie wäre es unmöglich. Auch die Hilfe von Ahmet Güneyli habe ich sehr zu schätzen gewusst. Ich möchte dieses Buch meinem Sohn, Efe Yahya K¿sac¿k, widmen.

  • af Celen Dimililer
    402,95 kr.

    Ce livre tente de lire, d'analyser et d'interpréter trois textes de Virginia Woolf : A Room of One's Own, Three Guineas et Mrs Dalloway dans un contexte matériel où le pouvoir et la résistance se trouvent dans une relation dynamique où ils se renforcent presque mutuellement. En particulier, il s'agira de réfléchir à la construction des femmes impliquées dans le processus de réinvention dans les romans de Virginia Woolf à la lumière du féminisme "matériel" en raison de l'importance primordiale qu'il a eue sur la vision et la créativité de Woolf. Je souhaite remercier ma famille, ma mère Huriye Dimililer et mon père Yahya Dimililer. Merci d'avoir été à mes côtés et d'avoir contribué à ma vie. Sans le soutien de ma famille, tout serait impossible. L'aide d'Ahmet Güneyli a également été très appréciée. Je souhaite dédier ce livre à mon fils, Efe Yahya K¿sac¿k.

  • af Fabiana Rodrigues Dias
    398,95 kr.

    This book examines the different forms of violence found in three plays by Irish playwright Martin McDonagh: The Beauty Queen of Leenane (1996), The Lieutenant of Inishmore (2001) and The Pillowman (2003). It can be seen that the writer works on the theme of violence constantly and recurrently, although the treatment of this theme varies and differs from one play to the next. The aim is to prove, through critical analysis, that McDonagh's writings are not a censure of Irish society, as suggested in various academic works; his plays are, in fact, a reflection on globalised society and the human beings who inhabit this global community.

  • af Guilherme Mendes Tenório
    518,95 kr.

    In the context of the First Republic, intellectuals like Euclides da Cunha and military men like Marshal Cândido Rondon turned their eyes to the interior of Brazil. In republican schools, children learned geography from teaching programmes, textbooks and children's magazines. How do the representations of the territory produced in these two spaces converge or diverge? This is the theme investigated in this book.

  • af Marios Michaelides
    108,95 kr.

    In an era where freedom remains elusive, a young man finds himself at the heart of a struggle for the most fundamental human right: the right to be free. Set against the tumultuous backdrop of 1950s Cyprus, this tale, inspired by true events and interwoven with a touch of magic, sees Herodotos championing the cause for independence on multiple fronts. His story marks a timeless testament to the resilience of the few who dare to defy the might of the many.

  • af Tony Smith
    133,95 kr.

    Justin Ebberson was 26 years old and came from a working-class family in Bolton. In 1958 Justin had two strokes of luck, three if you include Jean Baxter, a girl that he fell in love with. The first stroke of luck came in the form of a house that was left to him on Roa Island, near Barrow-in-Furness and the second was a job that fell in his lap with the only firm on the island, Isherwood & Son, Photo-Etching Specialists. Isherwood & Son introduced Justin to Jean Baxter, the love of his life, and a womanising Deputy Managing Director in the form of Commander RN (Rtd) Rupert Isherwood who brought emotional chaos into their lives, the outcome of which could not be foreseen. Justin constantly struggled to stay in control of events but was it all worth it? Only time would tell.

  • af L. E. Fleury
    263,95 kr.

    It's the 1950s and there's been a horrendous murder in the town of Essex, Vermont. Sheriff Max Duncan strikes an uneasy alliance with the village of Essex Junction's Police Chief, Rob Allen. Suspects include a teenager with an ugly secret, and a cursing Abenaki who suffers from battle fatigue. Counseling couple, Don and Connie Collins, are drawn into this mystery which takes place amongst familiar historic landmarks in Burlington, Shelburne, Essex Junction, and beyond. This is a bumpy journey through colorful New England seasons, old-time religion, and Ouija boards.

  • af Earlene Green Evans
    98,95 kr.

    Back to the '50s, a book of poems highlighting life in America during the 1950s by Earlene Green Evans will take you on an exciting trip without luggage or a ticket. After experiencing the 'good old days,' you may not want to return to reality. You will stroll the street of an ideal crime-free neighborhood. How about squeezing into a neighbor's crowded living room to view outrageous, funny comedians or cowboys and Indians on a dinner plate size black and white television screen. You will make an appearance in your stylish poodle skirt with a matching off-shoulder blouse. Then, rack your brains trying to understand the impact of Russia's Sputnik. Dance to exhaustion with the music of the famous Drifters. Perhaps you just prefer to relax in the cool breeze on a strong tree limb with your favorite book.Back to the '50s will definitely rekindle buried feelings, old habits and foggy thoughts of people, places and things in the safe haven of the fabulous '50s.

  • af Don Pollock
    423,95 kr.

    In August 1964 Australia deployed six Caribou aircraft and 76 personnel to Vung Tau, South Vietnam, as the new unit, RAAF Transport Flight Vietnam (RTFV). In mid-1966 the unit was renamed No. 35 Squadron and remained in South Vietnam until February 1972. This small team of aircraft and support personnel marked the first deployment of an RAAF unit on operations since the Korean War and the first war in which Australians did not fight alongside British. With only six aircraft, Wallaby Airlines, as the unit's operation became known, notched up impressive statistics over its eight years of existence - 80,000 sorties flying 47,000 hours and carrying over 40 million kilograms of cargo. RTFV was led for the first nine months by Squadron Leader Chris Sugden, DFC and Bar, a veteran of both the Second World War and the Korean War. Suggy was a generation older than most of the members of his unit and so became a defacto father figure to most of them. There is also no doubt he was looked up to by all and that he enjoyed the highest respect of every member of his unit, aircrew ground crew and support personnel, as well as the many United States and South Vietnamese personnel who came into contact with him. This is the story, untold to date, of these first 76 members of RTFV, of Suggy and his men, how the unit came into being, and of the first nine months of its existence - a period of operations which in some ways was quite different to those of the remaining seven years the unit was deployed in South Vietnam.

  • af Roberto Miguel Rodriguez
    153,95 kr.

    "The Forgotten Conflict: The Korean War's Enduring Impact on History" is a profound exploration of the Korean War, often overshadowed by World War II and the Vietnam War in global consciousness. This book delves into the historical, political, and social ramifications of a conflict that dramatically reshaped the Korean Peninsula and left a lasting imprint on international relations.The narrative commences with an in-depth examination of the geopolitical tensions following World War II that set the stage for the Korean War. It provides a detailed account of the war's origins, from the division of Korea at the 38th parallel to the escalation into a full-scale conflict involving the United States, China, the Soviet Union, and other nations under the United Nations banner.Each chapter meticulously explores key aspects of the war, including major military campaigns, the strategies employed by both the United Nations and Communist forces, and the war's impact on the soldiers and civilians involved. The author presents a comprehensive analysis of the military tactics and technological advancements used during the conflict and their implications for future warfare.A significant portion of the book is dedicated to examining the broader impact of the Korean War. This includes its influence on the Cold War dynamics, shaping policies like containment and the arms race, and its role in solidifying the division of Korea, leading to the ongoing tensions between North and South Korea."The Forgotten Conflict" also addresses the war's legacy in terms of its impact on international diplomacy, the evolution of the United Nations' role in global conflicts, and the development of U.S. foreign and military policy in the post-war era. The author delves into the social and cultural impacts of the war, both within Korea and internationally, including its representation in media and the collective memory of participating nations.This book is an essential resource for anyone seeking to understand the Korean War's complex legacy. It provides a nuanced and in-depth perspective on a pivotal moment in history that continues to influence global politics and international relations. "The Forgotten Conflict" offers a compelling argument for why the Korean War should be remembered and studied alongside the 20th century's other major conflicts.

  • af Estefanía Gárate Nilo
    698,95 kr.

    This text consists of identifying literary elements with historical guidelines in eleven stories selected from three texts entitled Historia Secreta de Chile (Secret History of Chile) written by the Chilean Jorge Baradit. These narratives are framed in historical events that occurred in Chile between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries. Such stories, with historical glimpses, make up the analysis, the purpose of which is to elucidate the author's narrative style and identify elements typical of literature. Consequently, the study is preceded by a review of the cultural-literary framework in which literary and artistic terms such as postmodernism, contemporary literature and historical fiction are examined in depth, considering theorists from the 20th century onwards. In addition, an approach has been made to the artistic and literary movement known as Freak Power, to which the author Jorge Baradit belongs. Finally, four axes of analysis have been determined: discursive reconstruction between person-fact-character, symbolism of fire, dehumanisation of the self and recusation of the dictator. These themes are transversal in the stories chosen for this analysis.

  • af Johann Strasser
    162,95 - 254,95 kr.

  • af Barry Werth
    245,95 kr.

    A “riveting” (The Economist), “gripping” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review) true story of the longest-held prisoner of war in American history, John Downey, Jr., a CIA officer captured in China during the Korean War and imprisoned for twenty-one years.John (Jack) Downey, Jr., was a new Yale graduate in the post-World War II years who, like other Yale grads, was recruited by the CIA. He joined the Agency and was sent to Japan in 1952, during the Korean War. In a violation of protocol, he took part in an air drop that failed and was captured over China. His sources on the ground had been compromised, and his identity was known. Although he first tried to deny who he was, he eventually admitted the truth. But government policy forbade ever acknowledging the identity of spies, no matter the consequences. Washington invented a fictitious cover story and stood by it for four administrations. As a result, Downey was imprisoned during the decades that Red China, as it was called, was considered by the US to be a hostile nation, until 1972, when the US finally recognized the mainland Chinese government. He had spent twenty-one years in captivity. Downey would go on to become a lawyer and an esteemed judge in Connecticut, his home state. Prisoner of Lies is based in part on a prison memoir that Downey wrote several years after his release. Barry Werth fluently weaves excerpts from the memoir with the Cold War events that determined Downey’s fate. Like a le Carré novel, this is a “thrilling, richly informative” (Stephen Kinzer, author of The Brothers) story of one man whose life is at the mercy of larger forces outside of his control; in Downey’s case as a pawn of the Cold War, and more specifically the Oval Office and the State Department. His freedom came only when US foreign policy dramatically changed. Above all, Prisoner of Lies is an inspiring story of remarkable fortitude and resilience.

  • af Walter Howell
    288,95 kr.

    "Fallen Comrade: A Story of the Korean War tells the story of three young men from Clinton, Mississippi, who served in the US Marine Corps during the Korean War. Waller King, Joe Albritton, and Homer Ainsworth were childhood friends who grew up in the same neighborhood, went to the same schools, attended the same church, and eventually joined the same Marine Corps reserve unit in Jackson. Through extensive interviews with people who knew them, as well as excerpts from their letters and journals, this volume traces the life experiences of King, Albritton, and Ainsworth through their adolescence and into the war. Despite their shared origins, the three young men met different fates. Ainsworth was in Korea just two months before he was killed. Albritton and King returned home after the war, but Albritton died tragically in an automobile accident mere weeks later. King went on to college and experienced success in business, the joys of a family, and the rewards of community service, all of which were denied his childhood friends by their early deaths. Part biography and part military history, Fallen Comrade examines what happened to three young men from Clinton, their childhood in small-town Mississippi, their service as Marines in Korea, and their legacy to their hometown"--

  • af Denise Parkinson
    1.167,95 kr.

    Stories, statistics and meticulous maps reveal new insights into forgotten rural history of 1953 East Coast Floods.

  • af Robert Kingsley Hawes
    110,95 kr.

    Things become complicated when Jake gets involved in a gang war between twelve-year-olds and then meets a girl from the enemy gang. It is a feel-good coming-of-age story set in 1957.

  • af Katherine Blake
    173,95 kr.

    'Great fun - Loretta is glorious!' Lucy Diamond'Sparkles with fun and wit' Libby Page'A fun, gossipy glimpse into Golden Era Hollywood' Julie Cohen-----You're Loretta Darling now, welcome to your brand-new flipping life.Dreams don't come true for girls like Loretta but she won't let that stop her. With her sights set on becoming a make-up artist to the stars, Loretta wangles her way from Lancashire to the bright lights of Golden Age Hollywood.Only it turns out that Sunset Boulevard is less about dashing fellas and chilled martinis - more sticky floors and misbehaving men. The gift of the gab can only get her so far but she refuses to go quietly.Hollywood has its secrets ... and so does Loretta.For a start, that's not her real name, and much more than lipstick lurks inside her beauty case.After all, revenge is a dish best served with a perfectly painted smile.-----'What a delicious dark delight of a book!' JENNA BLUM, bestselling author of Those Who Save Us'So sassy and delicious. Loretta is one cool character' JOSIE SILVER, Sunday Times bestselling author of One Day in December'Sharply observed, full of scene-stealing characters, this book is a wildly enjoyable ride. Loretta is a force of nature, truly unforgettable!' LAURA WOOD, author of Under Your Spell'Absolutely loved this romp of a book. So feisty and fun' TANIA TAY, author of The Other Woman

  • af Peter Parker
    343,95 kr.

    Quite simply, this book is a work of genius - Matthew Parris, The SpectatorAn essential study of post-war gay London life... one of the best anthologies I have ever read - John Self, The ObserverWith it's wide-ranging selection, generous biographical notes and provocative bibliography, Some Men in London is a serious and important contribution to our understanding of Britain up to today - Fiona Sampson, The TabletAn absolutely extraordinary book ... about actually what life was like for homosexual men in London in the 1940s and the 1950s... It's amazing - Dominic Sandbrook The first part of a major new anthology which uncovers the rich reality of life for queer men in LondonIn the 1940s, it was believed that homosexuality had been becoming more widespread in the aftermath of war. A moral panic ensued, centred around London as the place to which gay men gravitated.In a major new anthology, Peter Parker explores what it was actually like for queer men in London in this period, whether they were well-known figures such as John Gielgud, 'Chips' Channon and E.M. Forster, or living lives of quiet - or occasionally rowdy - anonymity in pubs, clubs, more public places of assignation, or at home. It is rich with letters, diaries, psychological textbooks, novels, films, plays and police records, covering a wide range of viewpoints, from those who deplored homosexuality to those who campaigned for its decriminalisation.This first volume, from 1945 to 1959, details a community forced to live at constant risk of blackmail or prison. Yet it also shows a thriving and joyous subculture, one that enriched a mainstream culture often ignorant of its debt to gay creators. Some Men In London is a testament to queer life, which was always much more complex than newspapers, governments and the Metropolitan Police Force imagined.

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