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Bøger om År 1960 til 1969

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  • af Martha Voutas Donegan
    228,95 kr.

    Amid 150,000 people, the author re-meets an old schoolmate at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Dedication in Washington, DC, and what unfolds is a love story between two unlikely people; Mike, a veteran of 173rd Airborne Brigade and Ranger medic / LRRP, haunted by his time in service, and Martha, a successful NYC entrepreneur and designer with a client list of fashion superstars. Through their 3003-day journey, Martha eloquently describes their effort to recover Mike's "lost" self as he is diagnosed with PTSD, as well as her own recovery after the loss of their child, poisoned by Agent Orange. Now, Martha's clients are dying of AIDS. Martha tells the story partly through Mike's letters, from the early romantic stages, and after the couple is married when Mike re-ups in t he USArmy. Through their letters, it becomes both of their stories, A Double Memoir, true story.

  • af Donald Pickinpaugh
    148,95 kr.

    There I was as my arm jerked forward, and a new sensation filled my mind-panic. Thoughts filled my head quickly: today I'm going to die, this is it, this airplane is going to blow up any second, we are sitting on thousands of pounds of fuel (55,000 to be exact), GET OUT!Imagine flying 500 knots just above the trees when the left engine fire light suddenly comes on. Pilots of Valor takes you inside the cockpit of a high-performance military aircraft when everything starts to go wrong, seriously wrong. We invite you inside the world of a military pilot's day at work.Military aviation is described as many hours of boredom while occasionally interrupted by moments of sheer terror. This book is a collection of those few moments of terror. The pilots tell some stories and describe how they reacted in the face of death. Some stories recount events in the heat of combat, while others speak of missions that began as routine flights. This book includes ten Medal of Honor recipients from Vietnam. In all circumstances, these pilots put their lives on the line for their country, and, in some cases, they lost them.

  • af Francis A Doherty
    246,95 kr.

    "Doherty writes from the heart. The descriptions of his missions are nothing less than hair-raising. He describes his struggles with coming to grips with the war and the senseless death of so many young men." -- The Journal of the Air Force Historical FoundationOnly the Light Moves tells the story of a twenty-four-year-old US Army pilot who volunteered to fly covert S.O.G., or Studies and Observations Group, reconnaissance missions over the Ho Chi Minh Trail, a region that came to represent not only the United States' war with Vietnam, but also the "secret war" with Laos and Cambodia.But this is not simply a war story; it is a love story about flying. Captain Francis A. Doherty spent every day for ten months above the jungle battlefield in a Cessna O-1 Bird Dog. The first all-metal fixed-wing aircraft ordered for and by the United States Army following the Army Air Forces' separation from it in 1947, the single-engine Bird Dog was a liaison and observation aircraft. And for this role, it was completely unarmed.It was from the cockpit of a Bird Dog that Captain Doherty observed this illusive war, perhaps searching out enemy troop movements or calling down waiting F-4 Phantoms to strike a new target. It was a war in which he followed his father's footsteps in his dream to become a pilot, and where he learned a compassion that extended both to his comrades and the civilians caught in the middle of that terrible war.In Only the Light Moves Captain Doherty not only reveals the highs and lows of his year at war in Vietnam but expands beyond his time in the conflict. He explores the emotional struggle he and his comrades faced after they returned home, reconciliations with lost faith, and the incredible impact of war on families.We are also given an insight into Francis' subsequent journey to becoming a commercial airline pilot. His story makes no effort to glorify the violence that took the lives of so many. There are no broad stroke proclamations about the war, only a very personal, sensitive account of a terrible conflict seen through the eyes of a then young pilot in the air, illuminating the reality and the cost of when one's country decides to go to war.

  • af Paul Nichols
    198,95 kr.

    I began writing initial drafts of this memoir in late 1994, not knowing whereit would take me or when it would end. Though greatly expanded fromwhere I began, my intention is still for my memoir to be fairly focused . . .focused somewhat chronologically on personal and societal changes withinspecific generations of my family's and my country's past, including our legacywith wars. Some segments have been fast-forwarded through as they are impertinent,insignignicant, or reveal things too heavy to share. It's not my intentionto delve into gruesome war story after war story. I'm not strong enough forthat. Many of my specicific war experiences have been addressed in poemsand other writings, while some are unspeakable. If only the experienceswere erasable from memory. A few names and related details have been changed to protect the identitiesof those who have passed and their loved ones.

  • af Tuan Phan
    263,95 kr.

    Twenty-one years after his family escaped, Tuấn returns to a Vietnam much altered. Remembering Water is a memoir of a refugee childhood, a return to homeland, and reflections on Tuấn's current life in Saigon.

  • af J. Randolph Maney Jr.
    268,95 kr.

    Edward R. Morrow once said, "Anyone who isn't confused [about Vietnam] really doesn't understand the situation." For many this quote is as true in 2023, on the 50th Anniversary of the war's "end," as it was when the war ended; therefore, it now seems timely to take another look at all this confusion. The "situation" in Vietnam was, to be sure, confusing to many who wanted to know, from the very beginning, why the United States became involved in those foreign rice paddies some 7,000 miles away, and it was equally confusing, at the end, to many who wanted to know why the United States, after it lost so much blood and treasure, abandoned its ally to communism in 1975. In an attempt to address these and other questions this account begins years before America became involved in Vietnam and ends years after it left. The Vietnam War proved to be a watershed moment in American history and I have picked this anniversary year to look back in time through a geopolitical lens to try and better understand that era. And, a better understanding of that moment in time might also prove helpful to understanding current events because past could well become prologue when it comes to completing unfinished business in Afghanistan and when it comes to ending the war in Ukraine.

  • af Adam T Givens
    163,95 kr.

    This is an official history study from the Marines in the Vietnam War Commemorative Series. This commemorative volume is an overview of Marine helicopters in the Vietnam War. Owing to Marine task organization and doctrine, rotary-wing aircraft were present in the Republic of Vietnam (RVN) from the start of Marine Corps involvement in the country.1 This book's purpose is to highlight pivotal moments during more than a decade of operations.Most of these occurred in the I Corps Tactical Zone. Both a political and military region in the northernmost section of the Republic of Vietnam, it was composed of five provinces: Quang Tri, Thua Thien, Quang Nam, Quang Tin, and Quang Ngai.2 This work presents the challenges, turning points, and issues that developed a rotary-wing capability into an invaluable asset for Marine ground operations.

  • af Saeedeh Hosseinzadeh
    533,95 kr.

    Today, technology invades man's life, often to the point of depriving him of happiness, which justifies the need of the 21st century man for a refuge where he can find his lost happiness. Among these writers, Michel Tournier in Vendredi ou les limbes du Pacifique pushes this fugitive man to an island where he not only finds life, but also begins the search for himself. Thus, as the story progresses, the physical journey takes on another form, that of the inner journey. At the same time, Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio treats the same theme in Désert from his own point of view. What attracts attention in these two works is the fact that the journey is first physical, before turning into an inner quest. Indeed, the characters leave their homes and it is through this physical displacement that their communication with the outside world evolves.

  • af Doyle Glass
    183,95 kr.

    Thursday, 12 October 1967Marine Lance Corporal Kevin Cahill stepped onto a trail deep in the remote Hai Lang National Forest of South Vietnam. Following Cahill were the 166 Marines of Charlie Company, First Battalion, First Marines, First Marine Division. Confident, well armed and ready to fight, their mission was to locate and annihilate any North Vietnamese Army forces they could find.Cahill, a sharp and experienced point man, knew that taking the well-worn and ominous trail was a bad idea, but an order was an order and he led Charlie Company forward. It was a decision that would cost the 19-year-old his life. As he took a step to his left, toward a small knoll, Cahill walked right into the blast of a machine gun and the column of men he led suddenly faced decimating grenade and small-arms fire.Rather than Charlie Company finding the enemy, the NVA, over two thousand men strong, had found Charlie Company. Surrounded, outnumbered, outgunned, and quickly running out of ammunition, the Marines now faced annihilation and hell on earth under the jungle canopy.Would the men of Charlie Company survive? How could they hope to beat back a vastly superior enemy force set on their complete destruction? Who would ever live to tell the tale of the "Lions of Medina"?

  • af Michel Bangobane
    1.123,95 kr.

    IN THE WORLD Some countries in Latin America and Africa, two centuries and fifty years after their independence respectively, have not yet managed to solve economic underdevelopment. This is in spite of the theories, models, economic solutions available or the abundant presence of scholars and experts in the field. Our research has uncovered the main phenomenon that has always prevented and complicated the sustainable resolution of problems in nations, while at the same time transmitting the problems from generation to generation. Our research has just discovered the main phenomenon that prevents even the great scholars and experts from discovering the root causes that produce most of the problem. Now with this discovery, the world will easily solve its public problems. The results of our research provide a new approach to sustainable problem solving. TO THE DRC The results of our research bring the only adequate solution that is missing not only today but since the time of Mobutu to solve durably the socio-political crisis of the DRC.

  • af Anonymous
    300,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2023 im Fachbereich Philosophie - Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Note: 2,0, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Kann es in abweichenden, illegalen und nicht standesgemäßen Verhalten, sogar positive Elemente geben? Was bedeutet dies nun für eine Organisation? Laut Niklas Luhmann gibt es im Hintergrund formeller Organisationen auch informelle Organisationen. Daher möchte ich mit Niklas Luhmann der Frage nachgehen, ob Illegalität benutzt wird und somit auf sein Konzept der "brauchbaren Illegalität" eingehen.Zu Beginn wird Luhmanns Systemtheorie anhand formaler Organisationen als Ausgangspunkt kurz vorgestellt und erläutert. Den wichtigsten Teil stellt dann die Interpretation der "brauchbaren Illegalität" dar. Im Fokus steht, was man aus dem Illegalen nutzen kann, wann es "nützlich" wird und welche Abläufe dahinter stecken. Wann ist Abweichung schädlich und wann ist sie vorteilhaft für die Organisation? Wer entscheidet darüber, und warum missachten Vorgesetzte Regeln und Normen und erklären sich? Unter welchen Umständen entsteht diese Illegalität überhaupt? Bevor die Arbeit schließlich mit einer Zusammenfassung abschließt, soll der Begriff der "brauchbaren Illegalität" auf ein praktisches Beispiel angewendet werden. Rückblickend hat vermutlich jeder oder jede einmal gegen etablierte Normen gehandelt, beispielsweise wenn er oder sie sich als Kind traute, einen Lutscher zu stehlen, in der Straßenbahn kein Ticket zu kaufen oder über eine rote Ampel gelaufen ist. Das sind natürlich "Kleinigkeiten", aber sie machen deutlich, dass Eskapismus ein Teil unseres Lebens ist. Werden nun Unternehmen, Institutionen, Verbänden, Behörden und einer Vielzahl weiterer Organisationsformen betrachtet, so kann festgestellt werden, dass diese durch zahlreiche Verordnungen, Richtlinien und einen hohen Formalisierungsgrad gekennzeichnet sind. Regeln, Vorschriften und Standards werden kodifiziert und es wird erhofft, dass das niemand diesen Normen abweicht. Ist es überhaupt möglich Abschweifungen zu verhindern? Noch wichtiger: Müssen alle informellen Dinge blockiert werden?

  • af Sam Bardaouil & Till Fellrath
    458,95 kr.

    Artworks and archival documents from Lebanon's turbulent postwar yearsThis volume revisits a turbulent chapter in Lebanese modernism, from the 1958 crisis to the 1975 outbreak of civil war. Through 230 works by 34 artists and more than 300 archival documents, it shows how collisions between art, culture and polarized political ideologies turned Beirut's art scene into a microcosm for larger transregional tensions.

  • af Lianne Downey
    298,95 kr.

    NIEA Finalist Award. It's 1969 in a small Michigan town where a young ballerina is suddenly having visions of her past life as Marta, Swiss dairy farmer's wife, and of her experiences between lifetimes.

  • af Clint Hill & Lisa McCubbin Hill
    298,95 kr.

  • af Jim Lindsay
    198,95 kr.

    Jim Lindsay's The Sniper reveals, for the first time ever, the full story of the deadliest sniper in Marine Corps history, Chuck Mawhinney, who served in the Vietnam war at age 18-written with his full cooperation and participation.Charles "Chuck" Mawhinney is a United States Marine who holds the Corps' record for the most confirmed sniper kills (and the second most of any US service member in history), having recorded 103 confirmed kills in 16 months during the Vietnam War. He was also the youngest-killing the enemy as a teenager.In 1967, at the age of 18, Mawhinney joined the Marines and began his assent from recruit to the Marine Corps' deadliest sniper. During his tours-in one of the most dangerous war zones of Vietnam-his character and charisma helped him deal with life and death in a hell hole with other young men a long way from home.After Vietnam, Mawhinney married and settled into his post-war life, raised a family, and was content that no one knew of his accomplishments in war. Then in 1991 he was startled and dismayed when outed by a fellow Marine sniper, Joseph Ward, who spoke of Mawhinney's number of kills in his book, Dear Mom. Newspapers picked up the story and Mawhinney's life changed forever. The notoriety troubled him at first, but then he accepted the fame and used the opportunity to train service men and lawmen in the art of long-distance shooting.At last, Chuck's full story is told, including his heroic exploits in battle and the terrible toll that taking a life exerts on a human being.

  • af Timothy J. Lomperis
    408,95 kr.

  • af Danial Neil
    238,95 kr.

    1963 - Finn Kenny fled Ottawa after being implicated in an RCMP purge of suspected Communist sympathisers and "homosexuals", ending up on Vancouver Island working for the Spencerwood Estate alongside devoted caretakers, the Bishops. Theodore Spencer was Finn's saviour, a barroom companion who offered him a way out of his predicament. But when Spencer dies suddenly, Finn's life is turned upside down as he's forced to work with the cold, calculating lady of the house. Thrown together unexpectedly, Finn, Lady Spencer, and the Bishops are faced with the worst of one another, as they struggle to keep the estate together. Learning more about each other's lives, they must come to terms with the truth that everyone has secrets buried at the centre of themselves. In his searching sixth novel, Danial Neil questions the stories we tell of our own lives, the version of ourselves we show to those closest, and the ways in which we are able to find common ground.

  • af Jw Jones
    223,95 - 328,95 kr.

  • af Júlia Simone Ferreira
    1.288,95 kr.

    A writer of passion and death, Duras can also be described as a writer of the intimate. As shown in the stories of the sixties, Moderato Cantabile, Ten and a half hours of the evening in summer, Hiroshima my love and The Ravishment of Lol V. Stein, the silence around which the texts are built, the mystery that surrounds the female characters and their feelings, are the sign of an "intimate" experience kept secret, internalized, never quite expressed. In these works, Duras tirelessly tries to penetrate the intimacy of the heroines by seeking to uncover and understand their experiences, this painful and personal history that remains buried. Duras will thus only write and rewrite the traumatic event lived by her heroines. The lack and the absence, omnipresent motives also associated with the female characters, turn out to echo an impossible mourning. While this process of rewriting is indicative of a quest for a solution, Duras seems far from having resolved the heroines' immemorial past, since absence, love and death are directly or indirectly linked to childhood, to the mother and to the death of the younger brother.

  • af Dong Sy Hung
    793,95 kr.

  • af Robert Hornsby
    246,95 kr.

    After the death of Stalin, the Soviet Union underwent profound changes as the communist project was rejuvenated. Robert Hornsby details this remarkable era of Soviet history, in which mass repression was reined in, cultural restrictions slackened, new connections with the outside world proliferated, and the Cold War reached its peak.

  • af Center for the Study of Intelligence
    148,95 kr.

    This anthology was prepared as a contribution to Department of Defense-led interagency efforts to commemorate the passing of 50 years since the large-scale engagement of the military forces of the United States and other countries in defending the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) against communist guerrilla, mainforce, and North Vietnamese Army units. For CIA, and many members of the US military, engagement in South Vietnam began well before what is marked as the beginning of the 50th anniversary commemoration, 1965. As the 41 articles selected by CIA historian Clayton Laurie for this anthology will show, Southeast Asia was the focus of CIA activity as long ago as the early 1950s, when it was directed to provide support to French efforts to maintain control of its colony of Indochina.

  • af Thomas J. Corcoran
    345,95 kr.

    A new appraisal of how key policy decisions made by the United States led to the loss of the Vietnam War.

  • af Jason A. Higgins
    333,95 - 1.263,95 kr.

  • af Diane Niblack Fox
    348,95 - 1.263,95 kr.

  • af Thomas J Cutler
    468,95 kr.

    "A retrospective collection of essays by veterans and scholars reviewing the events and the effects of the U.S. Navy's participation in coastal and riverine operations during the Vietnam War"--

  • af Doyle Glass
    168,95 kr.

    A true Vietnam War saga based on 50 interviews with veterans who were there and relatives of those who didn't come home."I served in Vietnam and reading Swift Sword is as close as you can get to reliving the terror of personal combat without actually being there."- Larry D., Vietnam VeteranMonday, September 4, 1967...Eyes peeled and moving quietly, Lance Corporal Jack Swan led 164 of his fellow US Marines from Mike Company, 3rd Battalion, Fifth Marines over the face of a bare, rocky knoll deep in the Que Son Valley of South Vietnam. The men knew every step could be booby-trapped and the enemy might be hiding behind any bush. Carrying unreliable M16 rifles that often malfunctioned, their job was to rescue an isolated company of fellow leathernecks besieged by the Communist North Vietnamese Army.The sight of a serene, shrub-covered rice paddy greeted the Americans as they crested the knoll. "Too serene," Swan thought as a bush quivered in the corner of his eye. "I think that bush just moved," he whispered to his squad leader. "If it moves again, shoot it!" The shrub moved, Swan fired, and the bush went down.Then, all hell broke loose...A hailstorm of rocket-propelled grenades, thundering mortars, and AK-47 machine-gun fire strafed the exposed men from all directions. The Marines of Mike Company had walked into an ambush laid by over 2,500 well-camouflaged North Vietnamese warriors.It seemed as if the Angel of Death was swooping down upon the Americans like a swift sword.Instead of rescuing their fellow comrades, the Marines now faced complete annihilation. Outnumbered, out-gunned, and exposed, there was nowhere to hide. Would any of them survive to see the setting sun?Read Swift Sword, a true Vietnam War story of epic courage and brotherhood in the face of insurmountable odds that will leave you on the edge of your seat.They never gave up. We should never forget.

  • af Editors of Epic Ink
    173,95 kr.

    Weird & Wonderful Nature lights up your room with 14 black-light posters featuring psychedelic art interpretations of natural elements.

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