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An incisive account of modern Spain, from the death of Franco to the Catalan referendum and beyond "Comprehensive and engaging."--Gideon Rachman, Financial Times Spain's transition to democracy after Franco's long dictatorship was widely hailed as a success, ushering in three decades of unprecedented progress and prosperity. Yet over the past decade its political consensus has been under severe strain. A stable two-party system has splintered, with disruptive new parties on the far left and far right. No government has had a majority since 2015. Michael Reid overturns the stereotypical view of Spain as a country haunted by its Francoist past. From Catalan separatism and the indignados movement to the Spanish economy's overdependence on tourism and small business, Spain's challenges can often seem unique. But Reid is careful to emphasize the many pressures it faces in common with its European neighbors--such as austerity, populism, and increasing polarization. The result is a penetrating yet rounded portrait of a vibrant country--one that is more often visited than understood.
Det Alexandrinske Selskab er en berygtet, ældgammel orden, og i den sidder verdens mest magtfulde magikere, der har svoret at beskytte antikkens hemmeligheder. Selskabets medlemmer er sikret uendelig rigdom, magt og prestige, og kun hvert tiende år kommer nye magikere i betragtning. Men kun fem af de seks kandidater går levende derfra.Ærkerivalerne Libby Rhodes og Nico de Varone kan kontrollere den fysiske verden, men ikke den ild, der brænder imellem dem; Reina Mori betvinger naturen og taler selve livets sprog; Parisa Kamali er tankelæser og mestrer forførelsens kunst; Tristan Caine er søn af en mafiaboss og besidder evnen til at læse universets hemmeligheder; og Callum Nova er en smuk, arrogant og velstående manipulator, som har magten til at forårsage jordens undergang.Kandidaterne rekrutteres af den mystiske Atlas Blakely, som meddeler, at kun fem vil få optag, mens én vil blive elimineret, og alle seks kandidater må hver især kæmpe for egen overlevelse.The Atlas Six – Initiativet er en adgangsbillet til en verden af magi, hvor hemmeligheder, forræderi, forførelse og uovertruffen magt lurer overalt.
Lykken er at gribe chancenCherry, Maggie og Rose er mor, datter og barnebarn. De har altid været et tæt trekløver, så da Cherry i et øjebliks begejstring køber en smuk, nedslidt pub i den lille landsby, hun voksede op i, bliver det hurtigt et fælles projekt. Alle tre tager de springet og flytter til den lille by Rushbrook i Somerset for at overtage den gamle pub Svanen og føre stedet tilbage til sit charmerende og autentiske selv.Cherry leder arbejdet, Maggie har ansvaret for køkkenet, og Rose passer den idylliske have, der grænser ned til floden. Også de lokale nyder, at landsbyens skønne, gamle, bankende samlingspunkt endelig er tilbage.Én efter én kigger de forbi – og det fører overraskelser med sig …"Impulskøbet" af bestsellerforfatter Veronica Henry er en skøn og charmerende fortælling om at følge sine drømme.Pressen skriver: “Fuld af glæde”– Lucy Diamond“Vidunderlig”– Milly Johnson
Hemmeligheder, kærlighed og modstandskamp i hjertet af en gammel fransk slotshave Normandiet, 1940. Stasia har altid fundet ro i den gamle slotshave ved Chateau de Montissaire. Men mørke skyer truer nu hendes barndoms paradis. Som en nøglefigur i modstandsbevægelsen er hun eftersøgt af nazisterne. Skal den slotshave, der engang var fyldt med uskyldige eventyr, nu blive hendes sidste tilflugtssted?Normandiet, 2021. Isabelles kærlighed til gamle slotte fører hende til et faldefærdigt slot i Rouen, som vækker søde minder om hendes barndom. Nu øjner hun muligheden for at udforske det gådefulde slot og genoptage kontakten til sin søster. Men da de to søstre afslører en chokerende hemmelighed om familiens fortid, bliver alting ændret for evigt.Slottets hemmeligheder er en uforglemmelig fortælling inspireret af virkelige hændelser under Anden Verdenskrig. Det er en historie om mod, kærlighed og de ofre, vi er villige til at bringe for dem, vi elsker.Pressen skrev:”En læseværdig oplevelse”– Bogblogger.dk om Lejligheden i Paris
Bestsellerforfatter Kate Smith aka Mercedes Lee Loveletter er desperat. En massiv skriveblokade har ramt hende, netop som hun er ved at lægge sidste hånd på femte bog i sin populære, erotiske serie. Og nu vil hun gøre stort set hvad som helst for at få romanen færdig … f.eks. at snige sig ind i venteværelset på det lokale dækcenter ...Mekanikeren Miles Hudson synes godt nok, at det er lidt mystisk, at den samme smukke kvinde bliver ved med at dukke op på hans arbejde hver dag. Men Miles er alt for fascineret af den ubudne gæst til at jage hende på porten, og inden længe har han fået et frækt tilbud, der er meget svært at afslå.Vent med mig er første selvstændige bog i Amy Daws’ sexede, romantiske serie Uventede møder. Om den kærlighed, der opstår, når man mindst af alt venter den.
Clay Pop documents the reinvention of ceramic sculpture by a new generation of artists.
"De utrolige hændelser i kvindecelle 3" er en højaktuel moderne fængselsroman, der udspiller sig over ti dage i et arresthus i Moskva. Hovedpersonen Anja er i disse ni dage fængslet for at have deltaget i en demonstration mod det korrupte styre i Rusland. I fængselscellen lærer hun en lille gruppe kvinder at kende med vidt forskellige baggrunde. Gennem medfangernes historier om livet uden for arresten og Anjas flashbacks tegnes et mangesidigt portræt af det russiske samfund.En roman der giver et gribende indblik i fængslets regler og praksisser, men også i livet uden for murene i Rusland.
Tre vidt forskellige kvinder i samme lille by. Men måske har de mere til fælles, end de tror?Johanna er netop flyttet med sin familie til den lille, idylliske by Båstad i Skåne. Endelig har hun tid til at arbejde på den roman, hun altid har drømt om at skrive. Men det nye liv på landet er slet ikke, som hun havde forestillet sig. Er hele flytningen i virkeligheden én stor fejltagelse?Alex satser alt på en karriere som influencer – og hun nyder det. Lige indtil hun afslører kæresten i at være utro. Da hun derpå flygter ud til familiens sommerhus, indser hun, hvor ensom hun i virkeligheden er. For på trods af 300.000 følgere på Instagram, har hun ingen at gå til, når livet gør ondt.Mona er modvilligt gået på pension efter 40 år som stewardesse. Men hvad der burde være en vidunderlig tid, viser sig at være det stik modsatte. Hun ved ikke, hvad hun skal gøre med al den fritid, og hvem er hun egentlig uden et arbejde?De tre kvinder mødes tilfældigt, og hvad der kunne være endt som et flygtigt møde, bliver i stedet begyndelsen på noget nyt …
Balletdanser, skoleleder, førstedame, underviser, koreograf og instruktør. Anne Marie Vessel Schlüter er dedikeret til balletten. Hun har været tilknyttet Det Kongelige Teater i 66 år, og hun arbejder stadig.Anne Marie Vessel Schlüter fortæller i erindringsbogen På skrå brædder og bonede gulve til journalist Trine Munk-Petersen om sin opvækst i en teaterfamilie, om skiftende balletmestre, verdenskendte dansere, turneer, det daglige arbejde bag kulisserne og ikke mindst om Danmarks store koreograf, som hun gør alt for at holde levende: Auguste Bournonville. Hun fortæller om sit private liv, ikke mindst om statsminister Poul Schlüter, som hun efter en kort og hektisk forelskelse giftede sig med i 1989, et ægteskab, der varede til hans død i 2021.
Diana mistede livet i en voldsom bilulykke i Paris natten til den 31. august 1997. Da den chokerende nyhed gik verden rundt, sørgede millioner af mennesker over tabet af Folkets Prinsesse, et ikon og en helt ekstraordinær kvinde, der havde formået at røre deres hjerter som ingen anden i det britiske kongehus.Forfatter Lone Theils var igennem seksten år korrespondent i London, og hun var på arbejde den dag, Diana døde. I denne bog fortæller hun om den karismatiske kvinde, der i en alder af kun tyve år blev gift ind i et af de mest traditionsbundne og lukkede kongehuse i verden. Et kongehus, som på mange måder blev en spændetrøje for Diana, indtil hun fandt modet til at gøre oprør.
"Stunning. Sean McFate is a new Sun Tzu." -Admiral James Stavridis (retired), former Supreme Allied Commander at NATOAn Economist Book of the Year 2019Some of the principles of warfare are ancient, others are new, but all described in The New Rules of War will permanently shape war now and in the future. By following them Sean McFate argues, we can prevail. But if we do not, terrorists, rogue states, and others who do not fight conventionally will succeed?and rule the world.The New Rules of War is an urgent, fascinating exploration of war?past, present and future?and what we must do if we want to win today from an 82nd Airborne veteran, former private military contractor, and professor of war studies at the National Defense University.War is timeless. Some things change?weapons, tactics, technology, leadership, objectives?but our desire to go into battle does not. We are living in the age of Durable Disorder?a period of unrest created by numerous factors: China's rise, Russia's resurgence, America's retreat, global terrorism, international criminal empires, climate change, dwindling natural resources, and bloody civil wars. Sean McFate has been on the front lines of deep state conflicts and has studied and taught the history and practice of war. He's seen firsthand the horrors of battle and understands the depth and complexity of the current global military situation. This devastating turmoil has given rise to difficult questions. What is the future of war? How can we survive? If Americans are drawn into major armed conflict, can we win? McFate calls upon the legends of military study Carl von Clausewitz, Sun Tzu, and others, as well as his own experience, and carefully constructs the new rules for the future of military engagement, the ways we can fight and win in an age of entropy: one where corporations, mercenaries, and rogue states have more power and 'nation states' have less. With examples from the Roman conquest, World War II, Vietnam, Afghanistan and others, he tackles the differences between conventional and future war, the danger in believing that technology will save us, the genuine leverage of psychological and 'shadow' warfare, and much more. McFate's new rules distill the essence of war today, describing what it is in the real world, not what we believe or wish it to be.
Cooper kan ikke fordrage de forkælede studerende fra Garnet College, som ødelægger stemningen i den idylliske kystby Avalon Bay. Da rigmandsdrengen Preston i en brandert får Cooper fyret, er det dråben. Nogen må give ham en lærestreg, og Cooper øjner chancen, da han spotter Prestons kønne kæreste, Mackenzie.Mackenzie er en fornuftig, pæn pige. Men det er benhårdt altid at gøre det ”rigtige”. Måske er det derfor, det er så befriende at tale med Cooper, der er ligeglad med, hvad andre tænker.Han får nogle helt nye sider frem i Mackenzie, og hun udfordrer også et par af hans indgroede fordomme. Men selv om deres spirende venskab føles som det mest ægte i hendes liv, kan hun ikke slippe følelsen af, at Cooper skjuler noget …Pæn pige-problemet er første bog i den sexede og sjove Avalon Bay-serie af bestsellerforfatteren bag Off-campus-serien.Pressen skriver:“Pæn pige-problemet er en indtagende, frisk og sexet kærlighedshistorie om at følge sit hjerte, der helt sikkert vil tiltale mange håbløse romantikere.” – Publishers Weekly”En udsøgt, sexet fortælling.” – New York Times-bestsellerforfatter Vi Keeland “Lækker, kompleks og fyldt med drama … Helt umulig at slippe.” – USA Today-bestsellerforfatter L. J. Shen
The extraordinary work of one of the most important artists of the 20th century Hardly any artist is as relevant to decisive socio-political debates of the present as Jean-Michel Basquiat. His highly symbolic paintings often took up political themes, criticizing racism, social injustice, and consumer capitalism. His diverse oeuvre reflects how Basquiat set his powerful compositions against hierarchies and rules. The publication will provide new insights into the artist's unique visual language and decode the idiosyncrasy of his artistic ideas.
Enhver slutning er begyndelsen på noget nyt …Da Pixie Sampsons mand pludselig dør, arver hun det franske slot Château Quiltu i Bretagne. Ulykkelig og i dyb sorg rejser hun sammen med sin eventyrlystne mor, Gwen, til Frankrig for at sætte det til salg. Men hvad hun ikke ved er, at der med slottet også følger en ukendt logerende, Justine Martin, og dennes fireårige søn, Ferdie.Lige så stille hvirvles Pixie og Gwen ind i et mysterium, der trækker tråde tilbage til fortiden: For hvem er denne Justine? Hvorfor bor hun på slottet, og hvordan kendte hun Pixies mand?Hen over sommeren kommer fortielser og hemmeligheder op til overfladen, gamle sår begynder at hele, og noget nyt kan begynde …Pressen skrev om Den franske villa og Vores sommer i Provence:»Bohnet skriver skønne romaner, der emmer af varme og sommerstemning. Et skønt og varmt persongalleri.«– Bogblogger.dk”Rigtig hyggelig bog om at finde nye retninger i livet, ny kærlighed og nye venskaber.”– Bøgerne i mit liv”En skøn og varm feriebog.” – Bogblogger.dk”Denne roman er fuld af sorg, uforløst kærlighed, familieintriger, hemmeligheder og altomvæltende overraskelser. Helt klart guf til en, der elsker virkelig god feelgood-sommerlæsning.”– giz-blog.dk”Varme og velvære til alle, der kan lide feelgood-bøger.”– Lektørudtalelse
Nogle gange sker der langt mere i en lille landsby end i storbyenDen idylliske landsby Little Maudley er det perfekte sted at søge hen for den udbrændte historielærer Lucy. Her finder hun et lille hus og får endda nedsættelse i huslejen, hvis bare hun vil holde lidt ekstra øje med den halvsure nogle-og-90-årige nabo, Bunty.Lucy har to mål med opholdet: at slappe af og fordybe sig i historien om det nærliggende Bletchley Park, der spillede en central rolle i modstandskampen under 2. Verdenskrig. Men lokalbefolkningen i Little Maudley har andre planer, og før Lucy ved af det, er hun dybt engageret i at forvandle bytorvets gamle telefonboks til et lille bibliotek.Imens spirer venskabet til den lokale snedker, Sam, og også den charmerende landsby med alle de hyggelige beboere gør indtryk på hende. Samtidig viser det sig, at Bunty har en helt særlig forbindelse til Bletchley Park og den gamle telefonboks. Noget, hun har holdt hemmeligt i årtier, og som nu endelig kommer op til overfladen …
From the bestselling author of Middle England and Mr Wilder and Me comes a brilliant new state of the nation novelIn the Birmingham suburb of Bournville, a family celebrate VE Day in 1945. With the joy of such an occasion there also come larger national questions about the nature of the horrific war the country has just been through. Following this family through generations as they navigate seventy-five years of drastic social change, from wartime nostalgia and English exceptionalism to the World Cup and coronavirus, domestic secrets and national myths leave characters and a country adrift, bewildered and divided.Bournville is the story of who we are - at our worst, and best. From bestselling author Jonathan Coe comes a novel of rare humour and humanity, a novel that holds up a mirror to our past and our present.
All decades of aviation have important developments and changes. In the 2000s, the European Airbus consortium finally overtook Boeing as the major producer of airliners, with a full range from the smallest, the A318, to the largest of all passenger aircraft, the A380. It saw the early jets either disappear or get converted to haul freight. The old piston-powered props still served in remote parts of the world but in declining numbers. On a sad note, the 2000s saw the final Concorde services, bringing to an end the era of supersonic passenger flights for perhaps many years to come. With over 300 colour photographs with extended and informative captions, this book details the many facets of commercial air transport around the world, from the smallest to the largest airlines.
The iconic photography and tales of famous musicians and rock-androll legends, all from "the man who shot the Seventies"himself, Mick Rock. Mick Rock. Born in 1948 in Hammersmith, London, Michael Rock became a photographer after raduatingfrom college, and developed his visual style with photos of the local rock music scene in England. Soon thereafter his photography career took off, going higher and higher with each new musician he shot for. His work is embodied in this text, full of luscious, color-saturated photography of some of the most dynamic and enthralling musical acts and stars in rock history-and likewise filled with amazing and amusing behind-the-scenes stories of musicians from Mick Jagger to Miley Cyrus and beyond. A sure-fire hit with rock and musical history fans!
At ninety-two years old, Danish furniture designer Kai Kristiansen is still at it, practicing the same methods as he did in the 1950s when he set up his design studio. In collaboration with numerous Danish furniture manufacturers, Kristiansen has conceived significant and well-crafted products which remain popular today. Despite this, very little has been written about him. A modest and pragmatic character, Kristiansen has always focused on his work, above all else. Looking back at his life and career, he now tells his own story, sharing his approach, experiences, and visions. This publication is the first monograph on Kristiansen's work.
"Deluxe and comprehensive, this revelatory volume examines the brilliance of Mark Rothko (1903-1970), a pioneer of the New York School and major figure in the Abstract Expressionist movement. Illustrated with more than 275 images that explore his paintings, prints, and works on paper, this book highlights the best-known and also lesser-known works by Rothko--from his early figurative and Surrealist works to his mesmerizing color-field paintings of immense scale to the more restricted palette of his luminous later works and his final series of black-and-gray paintings. Among Rothko's artistic philosophies, he held that painting was a deeply psychological and spiritual experience through which basic human emotions could be communicated. This is the first book to include foldouts that highlight works from the Rothko Chapel in Houston and the Rothko Room at the Phillips Collection in Washington, D.C." --
With their original approach to space, light, well-thought simplicity and functionality, Nordic interior designers and architects have set the trends for comfortable, modern lifestyle for decades. This book takes you to some of the most recent and outstanding interiors across Scandinavia - both in cities and in the countryside - and introduces you to private houses that are inspired by the best of local traditions, yet with a twist of contemporary aesthetics reflecting in the palette of soft colours, a strong connection to the surrounding nature, and the use of sustainable materials. All these elements transform the interiors into charming retreats where one can enjoy cosy minimalism at its best.
Die Reduktion auf das absolut Wesentliche - der Container. In den 1950er Jahren von Malcom McLean erfunden, wurde durch diese schmucklosen Stahlboxen mit gewelltem Profil der Welthandel revolutioniert. Längst haben diese riesigen Behälter für die Lagerung und den Transport von Fracht Eingang in die Architektur gefunden und sind zu einem wesentlichen Teil der globalen Baukultur geworden.Immer erstaunlichere architektonische Nutzungen und Gestaltungsexperimente basieren auf diesen normierten, streng geometrisch konzipierten Einheiten. Ebenso vielseitig wie ihre Nutzung zeigt sich auch ihre phantasievoll gestaltete Hülle: mal mit originaler, rauher Oberfläche und Gebrauchsspuren, die eine Geschichte erzählen, mal mit einer vorgehängten Fassade aus Holz und großflächigen Verglasungen, oder als puristische Komposition mit raffinierter Lichtinstallation. In einer sich ständig wandelnden Welt mit ihren hybriden Wohn- und Arbeitsformen zeigt dieses Buch eine Sammlung bemerkenswerter Container-Bauwerke.
'One of the most important and timely books I've had the privilege to read' Corinne Fowler, author of Green Unpleasant LandA revelatory historical indictment of the long afterlife of slavery in the Atlantic world To fully understand why the shadow of slavery haunts us today, we must confront the flawed way that it ended. We celebrate abolition - in Haiti after the revolution, in the British Empire in 1833, in the United States during the Civil War. Yet in Black Ghost of Empire, acclaimed historian Kris Manjapra argues that during each of these supposed emancipations, Black people were dispossessed by the moves that were meant to free them. Emancipation, in other words, simply codified the existing racial caste system - rather than obliterating it. Ranging across the Americas, Europe and Africa, Manjapra unearths disturbing truths about the Age of Emancipations, 1780-1880. In Britain, reparations were given to wealthy slaveowners, not the enslaved, a vast debt that was only paid off in 2015, and the crucial role of Black abolitionists and rebellions in bringing an end to slavery has been overlooked. In Jamaica, Black people were liberated only to enter into an apprenticeship period harsher than slavery itself. In the American South, the formerly enslaved were 'freed' into a system of white supremacy and racial terror. Across Africa, emancipation served as an alibi for colonization. None of these emancipations involved atonement by the enslavers and their governments for wrongs committed, or reparative justice for the formerly enslaved-an omission that grassroots Black organizers and activists are rightly seeking to address today. Black Ghost of Empire will rewire readers' understanding of the world in which we live. Paradigm-shifting, lucid and courageous, this book shines a light into the enigma of slavery's supposed death, and its afterlives.
'Absolutely stunning. . . a formidable achievement. A six-part historical thriller that is essential reading for both our politicians and the ordinary citizen' Kai BirdBest-selling historian Serhii Plokhy returns with an illuminating exploration of the atomic age through the history of six nuclear disasters In 2011, a 43-foot-high tsunami crashed into a nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan. In the following days, explosions would rip buildings apart, three reactors would go into nuclear meltdown, and the surrounding area would be swamped in radioactive water. It is now considered one of the costliest nuclear disasters ever. But Fukushima was not the first, and it was not the worst. . . In Atoms and Ashes, acclaimed historian Serhii Plokhy tells the tale of the six nuclear disasters that shook the world: Bikini Atoll, Kyshtym, Windscale, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima. Based on wide-ranging research and witness testimony, Plokhy traces the arc of each crisis, exploring in depth the confused decision-making on the ground and the panicked responses of governments to contain the crises and often cover up the scale of the catastrophe. As the world increasingly looks to renewable and alternative sources of energy, Plokhy lucidly argues that the atomic risk must be understood in explicit terms, but also that these calamities reveal a fundamental truth about our relationship with nuclear technology: that the thirst for power and energy has always trumped safety and the cost for future generations.
By 1944, Gordon Parks had established himself as a photographer who freely navigated the fields of press and commercial photography, with an unparalleled humanist perspective. That year, Roy Stryker-the former Farm Security Administration official who was now heading the public relations department for The Standard Oil Company (New Jersey)-commissioned Parks to travel to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania to document the Penola, Inc. Grease Plant.Employing his signature style, Parks spent two years chronicling the plant's industry-critical to Pittsburgh's history and character-by photographing its workers and the range of their activities. The resulting photographs, dramatically staged and lit and striking in their composition, showed the range of activities by black and white workers, divided by roles, race and class. The images were used as marketing material and made available to local and national newspapers, as well corporate magazines and newsletters. However, they served as much more than documentation of industry-enduring as an exploration of labor and its social and economic ramifications in World War II America by one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century.Featuring more than 100 photographs, many previously unpublished, this is the first book to focus exclusively on Parks' photographs for The Standard Oil Company, illuminating an important chapter in his career prior to his landmark career as a staff photographer for Life magazine.
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