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Dette er både en grammatik og en lærebog. Grammatikdelen er en systematisk sprog-beskrivelse der kan bruges af både begyndere og viderekomne. Lærebogs-delen forudsætter ingen hebraisk-kundskaber og består af en samling øvelsestekster der i stigende sværhedsgrad beskriver alle almindelige fænomener i bibelsk hebraisk grammatik og introducerer det centrale ordforråd.Cand.theol., ph.d. Flemming A.J. Nielsen har udgivet en bog og en række artikler om den hebraiske bibel. Han har undervist på Københavns Universitet i flere år.Cand.mag., ph.d. Martin Ehrensvärd har skrevet bredt om sproglige emner i bibelsk hebraisk. Han har undervist i sproget på universiteter i Danmark og Israel siden 1990. Han arbejder i dag primært med kommunikation.
In Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs Illustrated, explore the logograms for popular concepts such as "sun," "house," and "mountain," as well as more complex ideas such as Ajet, or "sun rising over mountains"; marvel at Tutankhamun's full name as marked on his tomb; and wonder at the Ouroboros, a symbol that shows a snake-like animal that swallows its own tail, representing eternal struggle. Each of more than 150 entries includes a description of the written form and an explanation of its meaning.
"A fun and helpful resource for anyone interested in learning Arabic--whether you're 5 or 100!"--
En jaguar er et rovdyr. Den spiser andre dyr. Det kan du læse om i bogen. Læs også om jaguarens unger.Bogen tilhører Turbines serie af arabiske letlæsningsbøger.
A traditional folktale of a leopard and a lion takes a twist when an unexpected visitor arrives as the big cats fight over lunch. (In English and the Ajami script of the Hausa language spoken in Niger and Nigeria.)
Transcripts and translations of authentic Hebrew manuscripts of Revelation, James and Jude.
Die Erzählung von der "Bindung Isaaks" zählt zu den anstößigsten Texten des Alten Testaments: Wie kann Gott den einzigen Sohn fordern und wie Abraham darauf eingehen? Jonathan Rodrian nimmt eine detaillierte, narratologisch fundierte Neulesung des von hoher Erzählkunst geprägten Textes vor. Trotz des kargen Erzählstils zeigen sich Spuren, dass Gott retten wird und Abraham genau darauf hofft. Über Stichwortbezüge und narratologische Gemeinsamkeiten kommt sodann zunächst der nähere, dann der weitere Kontext in den Blick: Der Großteil der Abrahamerzählungen und deren Aussagen über Gott ist in der Erzählung mitzudenken. Für den Textbereich Gen 20-22 erschließt sich daher am ehesten eine nachpriesterliche Einschreibung als zusammenhängender Block, der als Ziel der mit Gen 12,1ff beginnenden Abrahamerzählungen das Vertrauen herausstellt: Auf Gottes Verheißung lässt sich auch dann noch vertrauen, wenn er selbst sie zu falsifizieren scheint.
The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew is a completely new and innovative dictionary.
The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew is a completely new and innovative dictionary.Unlike previous dictionaries, which have been dictionaries of biblical Hebrew, this is the first dictionary of the classical Hebrew language to include the Bible, Dead Sea Scrolls, and all the other known Hebrew inscriptions and manuscripts.This Dictionary covers the period from the earliest times to 200 CE. It lists and analyses every occurrences of each Hebrew word that occurs in texts of that period, with an English translation of every Hebrew word and phrase cited.Among its special features are: a list of the non-biblical texts cited (especially the Dead Sea Scrolls), a word frequency index for each letter of the alphabet, a substantial bibliography (from Volume 2 onward) and an English-Hebrew index in each volume.
The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew is a completely new and innovative dictionary.
The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew is a completely new and innovative dictionary.Unlike previous dictionaries, which have been dictionaries of biblical Hebrew, this is the first dictionary of the classical Hebrew language to include the Bible, Dead Sea Scrolls, and all the other known Hebrew inscriptions and manuscripts.This Dictionary covers the period from the earliest times to 200 CE. It lists and analyses every occurrences of each Hebrew word that occurs in texts of that period, with an English translation of every Hebrew word and phrase cited.Among its special features are: a list of the non-biblical texts cited (especially the Dead Sea Scrolls), a word frequency index for each letter of the alphabet, a substantial bibliography (from Volume 2 onward) and an English-Hebrew index in each volume.
The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew is a completely new and innovative dictionary.Unlike previous dictionaries, which have been dictionaries of biblical Hebrew, this is the first dictionary of the classical Hebrew language to include the Bible, Dead Sea Scrolls, and all the other known Hebrew inscriptions and manuscripts.This Dictionary covers the period from the earliest times to 200 CE. It lists and analyses every occurrences of each Hebrew word that occurs in texts of that period, with an English translation of every Hebrew word and phrase cited.Among its special features are: a list of the non-biblical texts cited (especially the Dead Sea Scrolls), a word frequency index for each letter of the alphabet, a substantial bibliography (from Volume 2 onward) and an English-Hebrew index in each volume.
The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew is a completely new and innovative dictionary.Unlike previous dictionaries, which have been dictionaries of biblical Hebrew, this is the first dictionary of the classical Hebrew language to include the Bible, Dead Sea Scrolls, and all the other known Hebrew inscriptions and manuscripts.This Dictionary covers the period from the earliest times to 200 CE. It lists and analyses every occurrences of each Hebrew word that occurs in texts of that period, with an English translation of every Hebrew word and phrase cited.Among its special features are: a list of the non-biblical texts cited (especially the Dead Sea Scrolls), a word frequency index for each letter of the alphabet, a substantial bibliography (from Volume 2 onward) and an English-Hebrew index in each volume.
The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew is a completely new and innovative dictionary.Unlike previous dictionaries, which have been dictionaries of biblical Hebrew, this is the first dictionary of the classical Hebrew language to include the Bible, Dead Sea Scrolls, and all the other known Hebrew inscriptions and manuscripts.This Dictionary covers the period from the earliest times to 200 CE. It lists and analyses every occurrences of each Hebrew word that occurs in texts of that period, with an English translation of every Hebrew word and phrase cited.Among its special features are: a list of the non-biblical texts cited (especially the Dead Sea Scrolls), a word frequency index for each letter of the alphabet, a substantial bibliography (from Volume 2 onward) and an English-Hebrew index in each volume.
This book is designed to help students develop their writing skills and achieve their potential in Arabic. - It offers support for the student and teacher in the classroom environment and could be used as a supporting resource in class.- It provides a wide range of tips and practical examples to learn how to write using a variety of techniques.- It includes a step-by-step approach to writing.- It provides a friendly and scaffolded approach to responding to writing questions in examinations and beyond the classroom environment.- The guide could be used to learn how to write in more than Arabic.
Believing that he loves his beautiful pet bird too much to set it free, a wealthy merchant discovers that animals are sometimes better at learning by example than humans are.
When a little boy wakes up with a dry throat, the adults around him try remedies that only complicate matters and make the condition worse, ignoring what young readers will see as the obvious solution.
In this humorous tale, a man greedily and impatiently hopes to acquire the skills and senses of an animal but ends up limiting his abilities rather than enhancing them.
(Türkçe-Arapça iki dilli baskı) İhtiyacı olan her şeye sahip olan bir kral, bolluk içinde geçen bir hayatın beceri ya da sağduyu eksikliğini telafi edemeyeceğini öğrenir. Kral, dersini aldıktan sonra, kızının kendi hayatını kazanabilecek bir adamla evlenmesine özen gösterir. Bu masal çocuklara, alışılagelmiş mutlu prens ve prenses hikâyesinden ziyade, bir şeyler öğrenmek için zaman harcamanın uzun vadede her şeyin insanın önüne bir tabakta sunulmasından çok daha yararlı olduğunu gösteriyor.
(Türkçe-Arapça iki dilli baskı) Aileler için en büyük övünç kaynağının şeftaliyi en iyi şekilde hazırlamak olduğu bir diyarda, komşular meyvenin gerçek özünü bulabilmek için birbirleriyle kıyasıya rekabet etmektedir. Rakiplerin aşırı hırsı nedeniyle her geçen gün daha da içinden çıkılmaz hale gelen has şeftaliye ulaşma yöntemleri o kadar karmaşıktır ki, şeftalinin asıl kendisinden faydalanma konusunda tamamen başarısız olurlar. Küçük çocuklar bile bu keyifli masal sayesinde aşırı karmaşıklığın ve rekabetin ne kadar ahmakça olduğunu anlayacaklar. Bu hikâye, Afgan filozof İdris Şah'ın düşünme becerilerini geliştirmek ve bilgelik aşılamak için kendi çocuklarına anlattığı, derlediği ve uyarladığı pek çok öğretici hikâyeden biri. Bu eşsiz masalların kökleri Orta Asya ve Orta Doğu'ya dayanıyor. Artık, hem ortaya çıktıkları topraklardaki çocuklara hem de Batı'daki çocuklara hitap edecek şekilde, mizah ve örnek verme yoluyla öğretmeyi ve ortak noktalarımıza dikkat çekmeyi amaçlayarak, özenle resimlendirilmiş olarak yayınlanıyorlar.
"Travel with George from the small town of Mexico, New York to college, seminary, and a long journey in 1898 to Bahrain in the Persian Gulf as a new and eager Christian missionary. He became the seventh member of the Arabian Mission. The Mission's goal--to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to the homeland of Islam--became George's passion. After arriving in Bahrain, George embarked on the required one-year rigorous Arabic language training. He made tremendous strides in a short time. His friends and family knew his knowledge, skills, experiences, and fortitude held promise for a long, productive career. In 1899, George willingly accepted an unexpected reassignment to the mission station in Muscat, Oman. The married couple there needed to leave due to serious health issues. The mission house's repairs and the eighteen rescued slave boys in the mission's school needed healthy leadership. George's sacrificial service helped spare the married couple for an additional forty years of service in the Middle East. His coworker, who replaced him, failed to arrive as scheduled by several weeks. This situation created the perfect storm for George's modest but crucial heroism to show itself then, and now, in this full-length account of his short life."--Page 4 of cover.
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