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  • - Historier fra en anderledes barndom
    af Erlend Loe & Herman Flesvig
    123,95 - 188,95 kr.

    Sprudlende fortalt billedbog om drengen Herman, der ikke er helt som de andre børn. Tekst og billeder giver en fin og indlevet indsigt i, hvad der foregår inde i hovedet på et barn ”der ikke kan sidde stille”. Vi følger Herman igennem hans opvækst og forskellige situationer og ser, hvordan han oplever verden. Bogen udfylder et hul, da der ikke findes så meget skønlitteratur for børn om at leve med en diagnose. Den anmelderroste billedbog er blevet til i et samarbejde mellem forfatter Erlend Loe og komiker og skuespiller Herman Flesvig og bygger delvist på sidstnævntes egne oplevelser.

  • af Christian Hagen
    160,95 kr.

    Das Ausmalbuch entführt den Leser in eine Welt voller wundersamer Feenheime, die in detaillierten Illustrationen zum Leben erwachen. Jede Seite offenbart einzigartige, fantasievolle Wohnstätten der Feen, umgeben von zauberhaften Gärten und mystischen Landschaften. Dieses Buch bietet nicht nur eine kreative Flucht in die Welt der Fantasie, sondern fördert auch die Entspannung und Konzentration durch das Ausmalen.

  • af Christian Hagen
    160,95 kr.

    Das Ausmalbuch entführt den Leser in eine Welt voller wundersamer Feenheime, die in detaillierten Illustrationen zum Leben erwachen. Jede Seite offenbart einzigartige, fantasievolle Wohnstätten der Feen, umgeben von zauberhaften Gärten und mystischen Landschaften. Dieses Buch bietet nicht nur eine kreative Flucht in die Welt der Fantasie, sondern fördert auch die Entspannung und Konzentration durch das Ausmalen.

  • af Kelly D Roberts
    178,95 kr.

    What a bad day! Jake has a terrible day at school.I try to open my milk. SPLASH!After lunch, I struggle with the computer mouse.SWERVE! SWIVEL! SHAKE!The afternoon with Gramma doesn't start out much better.Playing video games helps me relax. I try to hold the controller still...SHAKE! JUGGLE! JIGGLE! JUMP!I drop the controller and punch the pillow beside me.But Gramma has other plans.Gramma hugs me. "Let's make cookies!""Turn up the music, Jake. I love this song!"I giggle as Gramma limps into a jig.SHAKE! SASHAY! SHIMMY!Sometimes his Essential Tremor overwhelms Jake. An afternoon with Gramma in "Shaky Quaky Jake" gives him a chance to regroup. The compassionate relationship between Jake and Gramma is heartwarming, and children learn a lot about how struggling with a disability can still lead to a better day... tomorrow.TIMELESS TOPIC: Classic with the wisdom of a grandparent but with a fresh look at a little-known disability, this book touches on truly universal topics. Kindness, acceptance, inclusion, and imagination are front and center as the main character struggles to find his place in his classroom and, ultimately, life.READ ALOUD: This picture book is perfect for read-aloud occasions, bedtime, or any moment a kid needs cheering up and being reminded that with perseverance and imagination, you can solve any problem, and thinking outside the box can be the answer if you are not afraid to step into the unknown and just do it!SELF-RELIANCE: This book also emphasizes the value of remaining positive in facing life's various difficulties. You can be upset and still be a regular person; you can have a bad day with all the entailing emotions.REASSURANCE: Perfect for kids who are nervous about their struggles with a disability and any child who has less-than-ideal moments in life. The best we can do is keep trying!EDUCATIONAL INFO INCLUDED: The author's note tells a little about Essential Tremor. The back of the book includes a bonus list of how to RESPECT others.Perfect for:A read-aloud option for parents, teachers, and librarians looking at books about overcoming adversity and persistence in everyday life.Reassuring book for kids who experience anxiety or struggle to get through bad days.Fans of books that celebrate big feelings and triumphs in everyday life.

  • af Peter Gotthardt
    79,95 kr.

    En letlæsningsbog i Carlsens Læsestart-serien. Neko er Ninja og vil ind på røvernes borg. Han skal finde deres penge, men det er farligt! Han må ikke blive fanget. Så er det ude med ham.Carlsens Læsestart er en begynder-letlæsningsserie, som henvender sig til de nye læsere. Bøgerne er læsepædagogisk bearbejdet og indeholder også en instruktion til forældre i, hvordan man får den bedste læsestart.Lixtal 9, lettal 19Fra ca. 7 årI samme serie:Ninja på flugt

  • af John Sazaklis
    88,95 - 118,95 kr.

  • af John Sazaklis
    88,95 - 118,95 kr.

  • af Lotta Geffenblad
    288,95 - 378,95 kr.

    BlåuglenI en lysning i skoven med udsigt til bjerge i det fjerne bor de to venner Stenberg og Granlund. De fylder dagene med udflugter, nybrygget kaffe og smørstegte kantareller. Og senere sidder de sammen i skumringen og ser solen synke bag ved trætoppene.Men så sker der noget helt forfærdeligt: Stenberg dør. Sådan bare bom - så er han væk.Granlund bliver fortvivlet.Kort efter lander en kæmpestor blå ugle i den afsides lysning.Hvad vil den og hvorfor kommer den til Granlund?Med BLÅUGLEN har Lotta Geffenblad skabt en blåtindrende fortælling for alle aldre om sorgens og venskabets væsen.

  • af Ragnar Aalbu
    288,95 - 378,95 kr.

    EN VARM HISTORIE OM ET FORFROSSENT RENSDYR Det er ikke nemt at være et lille forfrossent rensdyr med sne op til knæene, som længes efter sol og varme. Og det bliver ikke bedre, da hans veninde Anna og de andre fugle tager sydpå for at spise is. Det er så uretfærdigt! Men hvad kan man gøre ved det? Rensdyr kan trods alt ikke flyve. Bortset fra Rudolf med den røde tud, altså. … men hvis han kan flyve, må det være muligt at lære det, tænker det lille rensdyr og beslutter sig for at lede efter nogen, der kan give flyvetimer. Kolde klove er en finurlig billedbog om at følge sine drømme og turde tro på, at alt er muligt – i hvert fald fald med lidt hjælp fra en ven! Det er en vidunderlig humoristisk billedbog, som både er cool og varm!

  • af A. J. Atlas
    288,95 kr.

    Imagine if our pets could travel the world with us. What adventures would they have? What trouble would they get into? What friends would they make? In the Travels with Zozo... series of illustrated children's books for ages 4-8 years old, a fun-loving family of four brings their pet bunny, Zozo, on their trips around the world, and Zozo's escapades are bound to amaze, amuse, and inspire you. Author A.J. Atlas' extensive travel experiences in nearly fifty countries and throughout all fifty U.S. states provide firsthand insight into the settings for the books. Award-winning illustrator Anne Zimanski uses bright colors and expert digital artistry to turn the real-life places into beautifully colorful, imaginative worlds for Zozo and readers to explore. She adds an abundance of charm and heart to the culturally-diverse characters whom Zozo meets, and she packs Zozo's sweet, little, furry face full of emotion. Then, together, Atlas and Zimanski keep the pages filled with goofy gags and funny antics. So many, in fact, that rereading the stories is sure to surprise you with something new and keep you laughing. The tenth book in the exciting, award-winning series, Travels with the River Cave, takes readers to one of the world's most beautiful, jungle river caves in Belize. The cool, dark underground cavern and its powerful river current set a vibrant scene for Zozo's inner tube ride. The story begins with Zozo befriending a young, green parrot. She invites him to join her on the river ride. Bouncing and bobbing, swirling and sailing along, the two share an adventurous float along the jungle floor and into a series of dark caves. Amidst the friendship, a humorous moment leads other jungle animals to enjoy the ride too. Zozo's adventure brings her up close to the whimsically illustrated tropical residents-goofy, giggling monkeys, parachuting spiders, a teddy-bear-holding baby bat, quetzals, parrots, and a multitude of other birds. The animals add depth and richness (and laughs!) to the wonderful watery landscape showcased in this premium full-color 32-page book. Children and grownups alike are sure to fall in love with the "hoppity, floppity, huggable, snuggable" pet bunny, Zozo, in this beautifully-illustrated, pint-sized tropical travel log. They will be amazed by the detailed illustrations of actual plants, animals, and landscapes of Central America while laughing at the goofy goings-on in every corner of the pages. Bring your imagination and let Zozo be your guide to a world of amazing places!

  • af A. J. Atlas
    288,95 kr.

    Imagine if our pets could travel the world with us. What adventures would they have? What trouble would they get into? What friends would they make? In the Travels with Zozo... series of illustrated children's books for ages 4-8 years old, a fun-loving family of four brings their pet bunny, Zozo, on their trips around the world, and Zozo's escapades are bound to amaze, amuse, and inspire you. Author A.J. Atlas' extensive travel experiences in nearly fifty countries and throughout all fifty U.S. states provide firsthand insight into the settings for the books. Award-winning illustrator Anne Zimanski uses bright colors and expert digital artistry to turn the real-life places into beautifully colorful, imaginative worlds for Zozo and readers to explore. She adds an abundance of charm and heart to the culturally-diverse characters whom Zozo meets, and she packs Zozo's sweet, little, furry face full of emotion. Then, together, Atlas and Zimanski keep the pages filled with goofy gags and funny antics. So many, in fact, that rereading the stories is sure to surprise you with something new and keep you laughing. The eighth book in the award-winning series, Travels with the Snow, takes readers to the ski slopes near Bariloche, Argentina, in South America's Andes Mountains. Pet bunny Zozo and her human family are there to enjoy a winter vacation together. Just before dawn, on the first morning of the family trip, Zozo wakes to see freshly falling snow. Overwhelmed with curiosity to feel the icy crystals up close for the first time in her life, Zozo dives from an open window into the deep, soft snow. She twists and twirls, leaping and landing in the powdery snow. Until accidentally, one strong jump lands her on a plastic saucer and swiftly whisks her down the unknown mountain. As the adventure unfolds, Zozo and readers see a colorful world filled with whimsically illustrated local animals, including a snowboarding tuco-tuco, a skiing family of owls, marshmallow-roasting deer, and so much more. Page after beautifully-illustrated page, chinchillas and mountain cats roll into funny snowballs and join the adventure. The wildlife adds depth and richness (and laughs!) to the mountain landscape showcased in this premium full-color 32-page book. From start to finish, Zozo's adventurous journey is filled with excitement and emotion. In the end, happiness prevails as a new friend leads Zozo back to her family in a surprising way. Children and grownups alike are sure to fall in love with the "hoppity, floppity, huggable, snuggable" pet bunny, Zozo, in this engaging, educational, pint-size travel adventure. They will be amazed by the detailed illustrations of actual plants, animals, and landscapes of the Andes Mountains while laughing at the goofy goings-on in every corner of the pages. Bring your imagination and let Zozo be your guide to a world of amazing places!

  • af A. J. Atlas
    288,95 kr.

    Imagine if our pets could travel the world with us.What adventures would they have? What trouble would they get into? What friends would they make? In the Travels with Zozo... series of illustrated children's books for ages 4-8 years old, a fun-loving family of four brings their pet bunny, Zozo, on their trips around the world, and Zozo's escapades are bound to amaze, amuse, and inspire you. Author A.J. Atlas' extensive travel experiences in nearly fifty countries and throughout all fifty U.S. states provide firsthand insight into the settings for the books. Award-winning illustrator Anne Zimanski uses bright colors and expert digital artistry to turn the real-life places into beautifully colorful, imaginative worlds for Zozo and readers to explore. She adds an abundance of charm and heart to the culturally-diverse characters whom Zozo meets, and she packs Zozo's sweet, little, furry face full of emotion. Then, together, Atlas and Zimanski keep the pages filled with goofy gags and funny antics. So many, in fact, that rereading the stories is sure to surprise you with something new and keep you laughing. The ninth book in the award-winning picture book series, Travels with Zozo...under the Night Sky, takes readers to Iceland. Beneath a dark sky filled with twinkling stars, pet bunny Zozo sees the shimmering colors of the aurora borealis, or northern lights. Curiosity leads her to follow the lights to a snowy pasture where she meets five friendly Icelandic horses. The horses offer Zozo friendship, entertainment, and a kid-friendly explanation of how the northern lights appear in the sky. On page after beautifully-illustrated page, accurate depictions of the stars and constellations of the Northern Hemisphere add a unique richness to the layers of Zozo's nighttime adventure. Likewise, whimsically illustrated locals-such as breakdancing arctic foxes, a snowshoeing mouse, an energetic snowy owl, and many others-bring depth and humor to the wintery North Atlantic island landscape showcased in this premium full-color 32-page book. Children and grownups alike are sure to fall in love with the "hoppity, floppity, huggable, snuggable" pet bunny, Zozo, in this expertly-illustrated, pint-sized, Nordic travel log. They will be amazed by the detailed illustrations of Iceland's actual land and sky while laughing at the goofy goings-on in every corner of the pages. Bring your imagination and let Zozo be your guide to a world of amazing places!

  • af A. J. Atlas
    288,95 kr.

    Imagine if our pets could travel the world with us. What adventures would they have? What trouble would they get into? What friends would they make? In the Travels with Zozo... series of illustrated children's books for ages 4-8 years old, a fun-loving family of four brings their pet bunny, Zozo, on their trips around the world, and Zozo's escapades are bound to amaze, amuse, and inspire you. Author A.J. Atlas' extensive travel experiences in nearly fifty countries and throughout all fifty U.S. states provide firsthand insight into the settings for the books. Award-winning illustrator Anne Zimanski uses bright colors and expert digital artistry to turn the real-life places into beautifully colorful, imaginative worlds for Zozo and readers to explore. She adds an abundance of charm and heart to the culturally-diverse characters whom Zozo meets, and she packs Zozo's sweet, little, furry face full of emotion. Then, together, Atlas and Zimanski keep the pages filled with goofy gags and funny antics. So many, in fact, that rereading the stories is sure to surprise you with something new and keep you laughing. The eleventh book in the award-winning children's picture book series, Travels with Zozo...and the Giant Rabbit, introduces readers to one of the world's largest rabbits, a Flemish Giant. When a distracted mother rabbit accidentally mistakes Zozo for one of her babies, Zozo finds herself on an adventure in the ancient town of Brugge, Belgium. Zozo experiences a range of emotions, from surprise, fear, and uncertainty to wonder, joy, and relief. Through it all, she finds strength in staying calm and asking for help. As the kind, gentle, giant rabbit guides Zozo through the small European city, together they search for Zozo's human family. Along the way, whimsically illustrated locals fill the picturesque canals and windmill-dotted ­parks. They include water-skiing squirrels, funny frogs, playful moles, chocolate-loving hedgehogs, and many others. The wildlife adds depth and richness (and laughs!) to the historic, cobblestone scenery showcased in this premium full-color 32-page book. Children and grownups alike are sure to fall in love with the "hoppity, floppity, huggable, snuggable" pet bunny, Zozo, in this beautifully-illustrated, pint-sized European travel log. They will be amazed by the detailed illustrations of actual plants, animals, and landscapes of Belgium while laughing at the goofy goings-on in every corner of the pages. Bring your imagination and let Zozo be your guide to a world of amazing places!

  • af Martin Sommer
    128,95 kr.

    Ringo må ikke cykle uden hænder. Han må heller ikke bade uden badevinger. Det er alt sammen for en sikkerheds skyld. Derfor synes Ringo også at fars cykelhjelm skal repareres, så han kan cykle med den. For en sikkerheds skyld. Det får selvfølgelig komiske konsekvenser.Endnu en gang spidder Martin Sommer de kære forældres lidt dobbeltmoralske tilgang til børns opdragelse - naturligvis med humor og varme.Andre bøger i serien om Ringo:Ringo må ikke få firkantede øjneRingo må ikke få tirsdagsslikRingo må ikke være en bangebuksFra ca. 5 år.

  • af Petra Baar
    259,95 kr.

    Eine besondere Freundschaft zweier Wesen, die unterschiedlicher nicht sein können und bei der es egal ist, woher man kommt und wer man ist.Es geht um Akzeptanz, Respekt und anders-sein dürfen.

  • af Christian Hagen
    164,95 kr.

    In diesem Ausmalbuch tauchen Kinder in eine faszinierende Welt voller Roboterabenteuer ein. Die Roboter im Buch haben unterschiedliche Formen und Charaktere, die Kinder dazu inspirieren, ihre kreativen Fähigkeiten zu entfalten.

  • af Christian Hagen
    164,95 kr.

    Kinder können nicht nur ihre kreativen Fähigkeiten entwickeln, sondern auch spielerisch mehr über die verschiedenen Tiere und ihren Lebensraum erfahren.Das Buch bietet eine unterhaltsame und pädagogische Erfahrung, die die Vorstellungskraft der Kinder anregt und ihre Feinmotorik fördert.

  • af Christian Hagen
    164,95 kr.

    Die bunte Roboterstadt erwacht zum Leben, während Kinder ihre Lieblingsroboter mit Farben zum Strahlen bringen.Das Ausmalbuch fördert nicht nur die Kreativität, sondern auch das Interesse an Technologie und Maschinen.

  • af Heinrich Hoffmann
    137,95 kr.

    A luxurioius gift edition of the classic book of iconic illustrated cautionary tales

  • af Maibrit Paeger
    176,95 - 250,95 kr.

  • af Ida Gantriis
    48,95 kr.

    I serien Tossestreger og genistreger kan du få lov til at tegne videre på gode danske illustratorers tegninger. Du bestemmer helt selv, hvad du vil tegne og hvordan. Men til hver tegning er der er et lille forslag til, hvad du måske kunne gøre. Det er rigtig sjovt - prøv selv.God at have med på rejse! God, når børn og voksne vil lave noget sjovt og kreativt sammen!Målgruppe: Fra 4 år og op til 10.Velegnet også i indskolingen til arbejdet med "Tegn og fortæl".

  • af S. E. B. Schütz
    184,95 kr.

  • af Joanna Maneckji
    183,95 kr.

    Joanna Maneckji's Letters to My Grandfather is a beautifully written, illustrated tale that provides families with a way to address the difficult issue of grief with young children. Read more at

  • af Filaeb Høven
    108,95 kr.

    Willi, ein kleiner, krummer Tannenbaum, steht an Heiligabend ganz allein auf dem kargen Feld von Bauer Büchse in Buchsbergen. Scheinbar will ihn niemand als Weihnachtsbaum haben. Beinahe hat sich der arme Kerl schon damit abgefunden, als es ganz anders kommt. Wird sein sehnlichster Wunsch doch noch in Erfüllung gehen? Ein Weihnachtsbaumwunder ist eine kleine, liebevolle Weihnachtsgeschichte mit bildschönen Illustrationen für die Kleinen ... und irgendwie auch für die Großen.

  • af Hélène Wagn & Sarah Wagn Møller
    123,95 - 198,95 kr.

    Gå på opdagelse i alle julens traditioner og få timevis af underholdning og inspiration til en helt særlig december. Kom i julehumør med masser af gør-det-selv-projekter, opskrifter på julelækkerier, idéer til hjemmelavede gaver, sjove julelege og quizzer, samt smukke juleeventyr og sange. Hør om nissen, der i gamle dage var en arrig hidsigprop, og om Santa Lucia, der satte en krans af lys på sit hoved, når hun bragte mad til de forfulgte folk, der gemte sig i underjordiske huler. Hils også på julemanden, englene og Jesus blandt mange flere.BØRNENES STORE BOG OM JUL henvender sig til alle børn og deres voksne, som ELSKER jul – og til de nysgerrige, der gerne vil vide mere om, hvorfor vi egentlig fejrer jul.

  • af Cecilia North
    168,95 kr.

    Har du nogensinde mødt en dreng født i en ulvekrop?Sikkert ikke, vel? Men det her er altså historien om sådan en dreng. Han hedder Fenris, og sammen med sin far, Loke, er han i færd med at flytte til Valhalla.Historierne om Fenris og Trud er helt nye fortællinger, skrevet til vilde børn, som leder de mindste ind i den nordiske mytologis magiske verden og barnelivet i Valhalla.Fenris flytter til Valhalla er første bog om de vilde venner af den danske forfatter, Cecilia North.Illustreret af Cecilia North og Mariano RuszajForlag: NorthmythAnbefalet til 3-7 år

  • af Micah P Kinard
    188,95 kr.

    Embark on an exciting journey to futuristic Mars with Randy The Robot and his trusty B.U.G., where young readers discover thrilling science facts and essential life lessons, unlocking superpowers within, and learning the joy of helping others.

  • af Dawnielle Edwards
    143,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Daniela Kühnl
    148,95 kr.

    You or one of your friends were probably sick before. Usually, you recover quickly and can go back to having fun and playing with your friends.But, there are also some diseases that can stay in the body. These types of diseases are called chronic diseases. ME/CFS and Long COVID are chronic diseases that affect many adults and children today.This child-friendly book explains the causes and symptoms of ME/CFS and how family and friends can help.

  • af LEGO
    198,95 kr.

    Tag med på eventyr verden rundt – og lær at bygge de mest enestående ting på Jorden!Udforsk vulkaner, dyk ned i havets dyb, lær om mægtige vandfald og gletsjere og meget, meget mere!Inklusive mere end 150 inspirerende LEGO® modeller! Hvad har du lyst til at bygge?

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