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Hvordan Ulrik Plesner og Geoffrey Bawa med en talentfuld gruppe af unge arkitekter, kunstnere og håndværkere skabte en ny arkitektur til Sri Lanka, baseret på en frugtbar fusion af vestlig, kolonial og lokal byggeskik. Den unge Ulrik Plesner tager i 1950’erne til Sri Lanka, og mødet med øen kommer til at lægge kursen for hans liv. I IN SITU omfavner Ulrik Plesner selv sit mangfoldige virke som arkitekt i Sri Lanka og i et tilbageblik på et langt liv fører han pennen gennem Colombos indre gårdhaver, gennem søjlegange og ind i junglens dyb. Rundt på øen i høj fart i Rolls-Royce og med tjenere, der serverer vand i krystalglas på sølvbakker. Med Peacock-cigaretten dinglende fra mundvigen og i et opløftet og uhøjtideligt miljø formulerer han sammen med den srilankalske arkitekt Geoffrey Bawa en toneangivende arkitektonisk retning for Sri Lanka. De tager højde for det dramatiske klima med monsunens massive vandmængder og bagende sol. De udvikler det moderne dobbelte tag, der kan holde kryb ude og modstå legende aber på taget. De udvikler bæredygtigt byggeri med vedligeholdelsesfrie og langtidsholdbare bygninger, og de benytter lokale materialer og håndværkere. Og helt centralt respekterer de den srilankalske måde at leve på, øens historie og traditioner. Alt skabt efter Ulrik Plesners livslektie: ”Ingen bliver glade eller kan fungere ordentlig, hvis de bliver tvunget til at leve i en bygning, der ikke understøtter deres vante livsform.” Samarbejdet munder blandt andet ud i de karakteristiske byhuse i Colombo, hvis indre gårdhaver i dag sætter sit præg på byen. I udviklingen af de store overhængende tage med lave udhæng. Den gode hyrdes kapel i Bandarawela og ikke mindst det mageløse junglehus Polontolawa, der er bygget rundt om junglens træer og klipper. Her, i kombinationen af dansk arkitekturtradition og respekt for de srilankalske klimatiske, kulturelle og økonomiske vilkår, skaber de sammen værker, der i dag udgør en af landets turistattraktioner.
3000 år. Så langt strækker Kinas litteraturhistorie sig tilbage i tiden. Tekster af Konfucius, Zhuangzi og Sima Qian udgør det klassiske fundament, som senere forfattere skriver sig ind i. Generationer af kinesere har siden læst formfuldendte vers om natur og kærlighed, sære dyre- og spøgelseshistorier, frivole sædeskildringer, moraliserende noveller og omfangsrige romaner. Tekster og emner, der også i dag præger det kinesiske samfund. Kinesisk litteratur i 3000 år er antologi, litteraturhistorie og opslagsværk i ét og præsenterer mesterværker fra oldtidens forfattere til samtidsaktuelle Yu Hua, Yan Lianke og Cixin Liu. Værkerne kan læses alene eller i sammenhæng med bogens introduktioner, så læseren kan gå på opdagelse i Kinas righoldige litteraturhistorie – og lade sig inspirere til at søge endnu længere ind i det kinesiske skatkammer. Peter Damgaard er ph.d. i kinesisk litteratur, oversætter og ekstern lektor ved Københavns Universitet.Anne Wedell-Wedellsborg er professor emerita i Kinastudier ved Aarhus Universitet.
13th edition June 2018. 480 pages with colour highlights. The Philippines is defined by its emerald rice fields, teeming megacities, graffiti-splashed jeepneys, smouldering volcanoes, bug-eyed tarsiers, fuzzy water buffalo and smiling, happy-go-lucky people. Diving in the Philippines feature; outdoor activities; people and culture & environment coverage.
A transcendental debut novel from a multiple prize-winning poet; a story of mothers and sons, empires, and what it might mean to strive for love in a world that feels consumed by loss.
I 1999 fandt man blot 700 meter fra toppen af Mount Everest det dybfrosne lig af den legendariske engelske bjergbestiger George Mallory, der forsvandt i 1924. Tre gange forsøgte han at bestige verdens højeste bjerg, tredje gang blev ulykkens gang. Både han og hans klatremakker Andrew Irvine omkom på bjerget. Liget af Irvine er aldrig blevet fundet, heller ikke Mallorys kamera. Måske indeholder det billeder fra toppen og dermed beviset for, at Mallory blev den første på verdens tag næsten 30 år før Sir Edmund Hillary. ÆRENS VEJE er den dramatiske historie om George Mallory, født i 1886 og uddannet på Cambridge University. Han kæmpede på Vestfronten under Første Verdenskrig, og var hele sit liv en fænomenal bjergbestiger. På spørgsmålet om, hvorfor han ville bestige Mount Everest, svarede han: ”Fordi det ligger der.””Hvis der var en nobelpris i fortællekunst, ville Archer få den.” Daily Telegraph
Tag med på en duftende og smagsfuld rejse til Thailand med "Thailandsk Køkken for Begyndere: En Kulinarisk Rejse gennem Smagsfulde Thailand." Skrevet af den lidenskabelige kok Pim Larsen, vil denne kogebog introducere dig for Thailands eksotiske og fortryllende madtraditioner.Denne kogebog er skabt specielt til begyndere, der ønsker at udforske de autentiske smage af det thailandske køkken. Uanset om du er en ny i køkkenet eller en madelsker, vil "Thailandsk Køkken for Begyndere" guide dig gennem enkle trin for at skabe autentiske thailandske retter i dit eget hjem.Pim Larsen deler nøje udvalgte opskrifter, der er tilpasset, så enhver begynder kan opnå velsmagende resultater. Med enkelhed og autenticitet vil du lære at mestre de grundlæggende teknikker og få praktiske tips til at lave hver ret med en ægte thailandsk smag.Udover de berømte pad thai og grønne karryretter, vil du opdage en verden af regionale retter og eksotiske desserter. Fra Nordthailands krydrede tom yam-suppe til Sydthailands forfriskende mango sticky rice, vil hver bid tage dig med på en kulinarisk rundrejse gennem Thailand.Så hvis du er klar til at opleve den autentiske smag af Thailand fra komforten af dit eget køkken, er "Thailandsk Køkken for Begyndere" den perfekte guide til at begynde din kulinariske rejse til det fortryllende land.
"Kvindemasker" er et ildevarslende trekantsdrama, en mystisk besættelsesfortælling om hævn og bedrag og en stærk psykologisk udforskning af sorg og jalousi. Ibuki er forelsket i den unge enke Yasuko, som sprudler af både vid og skønhed. Men ikke kun Ibuki er fortryllet, også hans bedste ven, psykologen Mikamé, er tiltrukket af Yasukos særegne aura. Hvad der bringer Ibuki flest kvaler, er det besynderlige bånd mellem Yasuko og hendes svigermor, en kunstnerisk dannet og charmerende midaldrende kvinde, som edderkoppeagtigt manipulerer forholdet mellem Yasuko og de to mænd, der elsker hende.Annette Thorsen Vilslev har oversat romanen fra japansk og har også skrevet bogens efterord.Udgives i Gyldendals Skala-serie for genopdagede mesterværker fra det 20. århundrede.
The vivid story of twenty-four hours in the real and remembered lives of a brother and sister living in Gaza and separated from their family.Ghassan Kanafani’s writings are among the most influential in modern Palestinian literature. In his novels, short stories, and plays, he explores complex political questions encased in beautiful narratives and lyrical prose. All That's Left to You presents the vivid story of twenty-four hours in the real and remembered lives of a brother and sister living in Gaza and separated from their family. The desert and time emerge as characters as Kanafani speaks through the desert, the brother, and the sister to build the powerful rhythm of the narrative. The Palestinian attachment to land and family, and the sorrow over their loss, are symbolized by the young man’s unremitting anger and shame over his sister’s sexual disgrace. This remarkable collection of stories provides evidence to the English-reading public of Kanafani’s position within modern Arabic literature. Not only was he committed to portraying the miseries and aspirations of his people, the Palestinians, in whose cause he died, but he was also an innovator within the extensive world of Arabic fiction.
The deeply moving novel from the internationally bestselling author of Kitchen. Yayoi is increasingly haunted by the sense that she's forgotten something important about her past. When she goes to stay with her mysterious aunt, Yayoi starts to recover lost memories, and everything she knows about her past threatens to change forever.
Ti forskellige kvinder har alle næret følelser for Yukihiko Nishino, en charmerende og katteagtig mand, hvis liv er omgærdet af mystik. Men han forsvandt ud af deres liv, og nu står kun minderne om hans varme ånde og kølige adfærd tilbage. Men hvor blev Hr. Nishino af? Og hvorfor spøger han stadig i deres bevidsthed?HR. NISHINO OG KÆRLIGHEDEN er en fortælling om livet før, under og efter kærligheden. Den er en undersøgelse af ømhedens inderste væsen fortalt fra flere perspektiver, om både den sprudlende og levende kærlighed, den fjollede og kejtede kærlighed – og om efterdønningerne, når den er gået tabt.
A Japanese garden represents the essence of Japanese culture, embodying the country's spirit and philosophy. It has a distinctive style, quality of materials and emphasis on details. Modern Japanese Gardens captures this spirit through the work of 20 contemporary Japanese garden design masters. The gardens featured in Modern Japanese Gardens are drawn from a variety of locations in Japan, placed in different settings, from private houses and temples to cafés, restaurants and stores. Some are of traditional appearance; others have a distinctly modern aesthetic. In common, all the gardens have been influenced by Japanese culture and society, created by masters who are internationally recognised and lauded for their skills. Modern Japanese Gardens includes insightful text on each garden, revealing the concept behind the design and the use of plants, alongside photography exploring both the detail and the overall aesthetic that shape the design.
Award-winning author Petty Pandean-Elliott tells the story of her Indonesian heritage through 150 much-loved and delicious recipes perfect for home cooks everywhere Comprising more than 17,000 islands, Indonesia is renowned as The Spice Islands, home of aromatics such as nutmeg, mace, and cloves - evocative ingredients that suffuse its piquant cuisine. The Indonesian Table explores Indonesia's rich food heritage through Petty Pandean-Elliott's personal stories and recipes, from childhood memories of cooking with her grandmother in Manado to her travels across the archipelago; and features classic and iconic Indonesian recipes such as fiery chile sambal, grilled chicken satay, nasi goreng, and beef rendang, regarded by many as the 'world's most delicious dish'. The collection also showcases regional dishes, including fragrant coconut curries, tasty laksas, fortifying sotos, and traditional desserts. The 150 accessible recipes have been adapted for home cooks, with easily-sourced ingredients and uncomplicated cooking methods. With an introduction to Indonesian food culture, stunning images of recipes and local culture, and personal stories that reveal the rich history and inspiration behind each recipe, this is the perfect companion to Indonesian cuisine.
A beginner's guide to drawing incredible kawaii characters in 10 simple steps and short explanations.
Opiumskrigen endte med Rins udslettelse af landet Mugen, og hun er nu på flugt fra føniksguden, sin opiumafhængighed og de grusomme konsekvenser og etiske dilemmaer, der er fulgt i kølvandet på hendes afslutning af krigen.Det eneste, der holder Rin i live, er hendes ønske om at hævne sig på den forræderiske kejserinde, der solgte hendes land til fjenderne, og hun allierer sig med den magtfulde Dragekrigsherre. De starter en ny krig, men Rin må erkende, at kejserindens magt er altoverskyggende, samtidig med at hendes medsammensvorne viser nye koldsindige sider af sig selv.
"Behovet for at forstå Kinas intentioner har aldrig været større. Om vi vil det eller ej, kommer Kina til at præge det 21. århundrede mere end nogen anden nation" – fra forordet Tiden, hvor kinesiske ledere holdt lav profil, er forbi. Xi Jinping har med stor kraft sat Kina tilbage på verdenskortet og indledt, hvad han selv kalder en ny æra. Men hvad er det for en verden, den kinesiske præsident og partichef ser for sig, og hvad får det af betydning for os i Vesten? I "Kina i verden" tager journalist og Asien-korrespondent Lasse Karner læserne med på en rejse langs Kinas storstilede Silkevejsprojekt, rundt om teknologiske nybrud, ideologiske kampe og stormagtsrivalisering og langt ind i den kinesiske selvforståelse. Bogen giver et unikt indblik i Kinas nationale identitet og globale ambitioner under Xi Jinping.
This practical travel guide to the Philippines features detailed factual travel tips and points-of-interest structured lists of all iconic must-see sights as well as some off-the-beaten-track treasures. Our itinerary suggestions and expert author picks of things to see and do will make it a perfect companion both, ahead of your trip and on the ground. This Philippines guide book is packed full of details on how to get there and around, pre-departure information and top time-saving tips, including a visual list of things not to miss. Our colour-coded maps make the Philippines easier to navigate while you're there. This guide book to the Philippines has been fully updated post-COVID-19 and it comes with a free eBook. The Rough Guide to THE PHILIPPINES covers: Manila; Northern Luzon; Southern Luzon; Mindoro; Boracay and the Western Visayas; Cebu and the Eastern Visayas; Palawan; Mindanao. Inside this Philippines travel guide you'll find:RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLER Experiences selected for every kind of trip to the Philippines, from off-the-beaten-track adventures in Batanes to family activities in child-friendly places, like Tagaytay or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like Manila. PRACTICAL TRAVEL TIPS Essential pre-departure information including Philippines entry requirements, getting around, health information, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, food and drink, festivals, culture and etiquette, shopping, tips for travellers with disabilities and more. TIME-SAVING ITINERARIESIncludes carefully planned routes covering the best of the Philippines, which give a taste of the richness and diversity of the destination, and have been created for different time frames or types of trip. DETAILED REGIONAL COVERAGEClear structure within each sightseeing chapter of this Philippines travel guide includes regional highlights, brief history, detailed sights and places ordered geographically, recommended restaurants, hotels, bars, clubs and major shops or entertainment options. INSIGHTS INTO GETTING AROUND LIKE A LOCALTips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots for hiking, diving, food, surfing or learning about history. HIGHLIGHTS OF THINGS NOT TO MISSRough Guides' rundown of Cebu, the Eastern Visayas, Palawan and Mindanao's best sights and top experiences helps to make the most of each trip to the Philippines, even in a short time. HONEST AND INDEPENDENT REVIEWSWritten by Rough Guides' expert authors with a trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, this Philippines guide book will help you find the best places, matching different needs. BACKGROUND INFORMATIONComprehensive 'Contexts' chapter of this travel guide to the Philippines features fascinating insights into the Philippines, with coverage of history, religion, ethnic groups, environment, wildlife and books, plus a handy language section and glossary. FABULOUS FULL COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHYFeatures inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Panglao Island and the spectacular Negros. COLOUR-CODED MAPPINGPractical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered, colour-coded keys for quick orientation in Subic Bay, Donsol and many more locations in the Philippines, reduce the need to go online. USER-FRIENDLY LAYOUT With helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your time. FREE EBOOK Free eBook download with every purchase of this guide book to the Philippines allows you to access all of the content from your phone or tablet, for on-the-road exploration.
"Popular and prolific author and knitwear designer Kotomi Hayashi presents 55 innovative stitch designs--specifically for those who have never tried Japanese-style knitting before. These include re-imagined modern variations on traditional stitches as well as Hayashi's own innovative inventions, which incorporate influences from her travels all around the world"--]cProvided by publisher.
Delicious Dishes to Satisfy Your SoulIf you've been searching for flavorful recipes within the realm of Asian cuisine that hit all the right notes, look no further than This Is a Book About Noodles. Featuring 60+ noodle dishes, including recipes for incredible sauces and step-by-step guides for shaping a variety of homemade noodles from dough, this is a cookbook that will take you on a fantastic culinary journey. Inspired by his Grandmère, Brendan provides recipes for traditional noodle dishes he grew up on, including Long Life Noodles and Grandmère's Chicken Vermicelli. And meat eaters, vegetarians and vegans alike will find something to love in his more modern recipes, such as the Spicy Chicken Tan Tan Ramen, Super-Speedy Garlic Noodles and the Peanut Rice Noodle Rolls. If you're an up-andcoming foodie hoping for a challenge, Beijing Fried Sauce Noodles may be what you're after. Or if you're in desperate need of some comfort food, simply dive into Mum's Crispy Pork Wontons, a family recipe guaranteed to satisfy. Whether you need a dish for a special occasion or a quiet night at home, the answer just might be noodles.
A riveting account of how a popularly elected leader has steered the world's largest democracy toward authoritarianism and intoleranceOver the past two decades, thanks to Narendra Modi, Hindu nationalism has been coupled with a form of national-populism that has ensured its success at the polls, first in Gujarat and then in India at large. Modi managed to seduce a substantial number of citizens by promising them development and polarizing the electorate along ethno-religious lines. Both facets of this national-populism found expression in a highly personalized political style as Modi related directly to the voters through all kinds of channels of communication in order to saturate the public space.Drawing on original interviews conducted across India, Christophe Jaffrelot shows how Modi's government has moved India toward a new form of democracy, an ethnic democracy that equates the majoritarian community with the nation and relegates Muslims and Christians to second-class citizens who are harassed by vigilante groups. He discusses how the promotion of Hindu nationalism has resulted in attacks against secularists, intellectuals, universities, and NGOs. Jaffrelot explains how the political system of India has acquired authoritarian features for other reasons, too. Eager to govern not only in New Delhi, but also in the states, the government has centralized power at the expense of federalism and undermined institutions that were part of the checks and balances, including India's Supreme Court.Modi's India is a sobering account of how a once-vibrant democracy can go wrong when a government backed by popular consent suppresses dissent while growing increasingly intolerant of ethnic and religious minorities.
Ny udgave.Klaus Høecks Sorte sonetter er ikoniske digte fra 1981, udråbt som en af de stærkeste repræsentanter for den danske politiske digtning i anden halvdel af det tyvende århundrede; værket læses endnu og bliver ved med at inspirere yngre generationer. Sorte sonetter er digte om palæstinensisk terror, fortalt i et vildt og grænsesprængende sprog, nogle gange syngende, nogle gange råbende; et forsøg på at forstå noget, som måske ikke kan forstås, tænde et lys for retfærdigheden, standse det syge og sorte hjerte. Efter fyrre år er digtene stadig lige politisk vedkommende, og deres radikale formeksperimenter virker endnu friske og poetisk nyskabende.
An Instant New York Times Bestseller! A BuzzFeed Best Young Adult Book of 2020 Perfect for fans of The Last Magician and Serpent & Dove, this heart-stopping debut is an imaginative Romeo and Juliet retelling set in 1920s Shanghai, with rival gangs and a monster in the depths of the Huangpu River.The year is 1926, and Shanghai hums to the tune of debauchery. A blood feud between two gangs runs the streets red, leaving the city helpless in the grip of chaos. At the heart of it all is eighteen-year-old Juliette Cai, a former flapper who has returned to assume her role as the proud heir of the Scarlet Gang—a network of criminals far above the law. Their only rivals in power are the White Flowers, who have fought the Scarlets for generations. And behind every move is their heir, Roma Montagov, Juliette's first love…and first betrayal. But when gangsters on both sides show signs of instability culminating in clawing their own throats out, the people start to whisper. Of a contagion, a madness. Of a monster in the shadows. As the deaths stack up, Juliette and Roma must set their guns—and grudges—aside and work together, for if they can't stop this mayhem, then there will be no city left for either to rule.
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