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Bøger om Baltiske sprog og andre indoeuropæiske sprog

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  • af Arbër Ahmetaj
    257,95 kr.

    69 gra është një përmbledhje me tregime të shkurtra dhe konsiderohet një vepër mjeshtërore e letërsisë shqiptare. U botua për herë të parë në vitin 2018. Tregimet e Ahmetajt janë të njohura për përshkrimet e tyre të gjalla dhe imazhet e fuqishme, që i bëjnë argëtuese dhe të thella njëkohësisht.

  • af Greta Kudirkaite
    207,95 kr.

    AprasymasKnyga "Uzburtas Ratas" atskleidzia visas alkoholizmo paslaptis ir paaiskina kodel si priklausomybe įtraukia vis daugiau aukų irlaiko jas įkalintas savo pačių kūnuose.Autore, Greta Kudirkaite, isdesto visus patarimus, kaip atsikratyti sios priklausomybes visiems laikams ir dziaugtis gyvenimu.Si knyga parasyta is sirdies, su siluma ir meile tiems, kurie dar kankinasi ir iesko būdų sustoti. "Uzburtas Ratas" paaiskina 5 zingsnius, kurie padeda laimeti pries priklausomybę ir susigrązinti savo gyvenimą atgal. Zingsniai gali būti lengvi, jei zmogus nusiteikęs pozityviai ir pasiruosęs sustoti. Rasytoja primena, kad vienintelis zmogus, kuris gali nuspręsti issivaduoti yra zmogus, kovojantis su priklausomybe. Jam reikalinga parama, tačiau tik jis gali istrūkti is sio uzburto rato.Greta dalinasi savo skaudzia patirtimi ir isgyvenimais. Ji supranta seimos traumą, įskaitant vaikystes patirtis seimoje kovojusia su alkoholizmu ir motinos kančią bandant istrūkti is sių baisių pinklių .Jei jūs, ar kas nors jūsų seimoje kovoja su priklausomybe alkoholiui, si knyga jums. Laisve ir laime yra įmanoma tiems, kas pasiruosę laikytis 5 zingsnių ir istrūkti is sio uzburto rato visiems laikams.Jūs galite issivaduoti!

  • af Gerd Carling
    1.262,95 kr.

    This dictionary aims to cover the whole lexicon of Tocharian A, one of the two Tocharian languages, which form a distinct branch in the Indo-European language family. These languages are documented in manuscripts found mostly in Buddhist monasteries located in the oases of the Tarim Basin, in Xinjiang, China, and dated in the second half of the 1st millennium CE. The dictionary contains a thesaurus based on all the identified texts in Tocharian A, published as well as unpublished, which are kept in various collections. It covers much more data than the dictionary published by Pavel Poucha in 1955, which was based on the Tocharian A manuscripts from the so-called Turfan collection (Berlin), edited by Emil Sieg and Wilhelm Siegling in 1921. The book includes a thorough revision of the Dictionary and Thesaurus of Tocharian A. Volume 1 (2009), which covered only the beginning of the lexicon (letters A to J). All forms of words, including variants, occurring in the texts are listed separately with reference to the occurrences and a sample of passages in transcription and translation. The meaning of a number of words has been better defined and corrected against previous glossaries. When possible, the lemmas include the corresponding items attested in Tocharian B. The references given for each lemma aim to retrieve the previous secondary literature. Many lemmas contain philological contributions pertaining to the interpretation of critical passages. Much focus has been laid on phraseology and literary parallels with other Buddhist texts from Central Asia. The sources of loanwords, from Tocharian B, Old and Middle Indo-Aryan, Iranian, Old Turkic, and Chinese, are given as much as they can be traced.

  • af David Low
    477,95 kr.

    The Armenian contribution to Ottoman photography is supposedly well known, with histories documenting the famous Ottoman Armenian-run studios of the imperial capital that produced Orientalist visions for tourists and images of modernity for a domestic elite. Neglected, however, have been the practitioners of the eastern provinces where the majority of Ottoman Armenians were to be found, with the result that their role in the medium has been obscured and wider Armenian history and experience distorted. Photography in the Ottoman East was grounded in very different concerns, with the work of studios rooted in the seismic social, political and cultural shifts that reshaped the region and Armenian lives during the empire's last decades. The first study of its kind, this book examines photographic activity in three sites on the Armenian plateau: Erzurum, Harput and Van. Arguing that local photographic practices were marked by the dominant activities and movements of these places, it describes a medium bound up in educational endeavours, mass migration and revolutionary politics. The camera both responded to and became the instrument of these phenomena. Light is shone on previously unknown practitioners and, more vitally, a perspective gained on the communities that they served. The book suggests that by contemplating the ways in which photographs were made, used, circulated and seen, we might form a picture of the Ottoman Armenian world.

  • af Christian Voß
    745,95 kr.

    The aim of this volume is to reinvent Albanian Studies and to transform Albanology, traditionally performed as a subdiscipline of historical linguistics, into interdisciplinary Albanian Studies. The thirteen contributions from early career investigators from Albania, Kosovo and Western Europe cover the field of literature, linguistics and cultural studies. They address the interface of language contact, sociolinguistics, digital humanities, comparative literature and of gender, minority, migration and memory studies. By using discourse analysis, popular culture, visual arts and other recent approaches, the volume shows the dynamics of Albanian culture in both Albanian-speaking countries today which makes it a fascinating case study in the context of Balkan area studies.

  • af Pietro U. Dini
    1.432,95 kr.

    This book critically explores the linguistic features and historiography of Old Prussian, an extinct Baltic language.

  • af Taleen Voskuni
    107,95 - 145,95 kr.

  • af Andrey Taranov
    197,95 kr.

    T&P BOOKS WOORDENLIJSTEN zijn bedoeld om u te helpen vreemde woorden te leren, te onthouden, en te bestuderen. De woordenschat bevat meer dan 9000 veel gebruikte woorden die thematisch geordend zijn. DIT WOORDENBOEK BEVAT 256 ONDERWERPEN ZOALS: basisconcepten, getallen, kleuren, maanden, seizoenen, meeteenheden, kleding en accessoires, eten & voeding, restaurant, familieleden, verwanten, karakter, gevoelens, emoties, ziekten, stad, dorp, bezienswaardigheden, winkelen, geld, huis, thuis, kantoor, werken op kantoor, import & export, marketing, werk zoeken, sport, onderwijs, computer, internet, gereedschap, natuur, landen, nationaliteiten en meer ... BIJZONDERE KENMERKEN VAN DE WOORDENSCHAT: de woorden zijn gerangschikt naar hun betekenis, niet volgens alfabet, de woorden worden weergegeven in drie kolommen om bestudering en zelftesten te vergemakkelijken, woorden in groepen worden verdeeld in kleine blokken om het leerproces te vergemakkelijken, de woordenschat biedt een handige en eenvoudige beschrijving van elk buitenlands woord. DEZE T&P BOOKS WOORDENSCHAT: Is aanbevolen als aanvulling bij iedere taalcursus; geschiktvoor de beginnende en gevorderde student; is handig voor dagelijks gebruik, bestudering en zelftesten.

  • af Johann Heinrich Hübschmann
    577,95 kr.

    Johann Heinrich Hübschmann (1848 - 1908), Orientalist und Begründer der modernen armenischen Linguistik, legt mit dem vorliegenden Werk eine umfassende Etymologie der armenischen Sprache vor. Erster Band seiner Grammatik zum Armenischen.Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1897.

  • af Andrey Taranov
    122,95 kr.

    T&P BOOKS WOORDENLIJSTEN zijn bedoeld om u te helpen vreemde woorden te leren, te onthouden, en te bestuderen. De woordenschat bevat meer dan 3000 veel gebruikte woorden die thematisch geordend zijn. DIT WOORDENBOEK BEVAT 101 ONDERWERPEN ZOALS: basisconcepten, getallen, kleuren, maanden, seizoenen, meeteenheden, kleding en accessoires, eten & voeding, restaurant, familieleden, verwanten, karakter, gevoelens, emoties, ziekten, stad, dorp, bezienswaardigheden, winkelen, geld, huis, thuis, kantoor, werken op kantoor, import & export, marketing, werk zoeken, sport, onderwijs, computer, internet, gereedschap, natuur, landen, nationaliteiten en meer ... BIJZONDERE KENMERKEN VAN DE WOORDENSCHAT: de woorden zijn gerangschikt naar hun betekenis, niet volgens alfabet, de woorden worden weergegeven in drie kolommen om bestudering en zelftesten te vergemakkelijken, woorden in groepen worden verdeeld in kleine blokken om het leerproces te vergemakkelijken, de woordenschat biedt een handige en eenvoudige beschrijving van elk buitenlands woord. DEZE T&P BOOKS WOORDENSCHAT: Is aanbevolen als aanvulling bij iedere taalcursus; geschiktvoor de beginnende en gevorderde student; is handig voor dagelijks gebruik, bestudering en zelftesten.

  • af Helle Metslang
    910,95 kr.

    This book includes twelve articles that present new research on the Finnic and Baltic languages spoken in the southern and eastern part of the Circum-Baltic area. It aims to elaborate on the various contact situations and (dis)similarities between the languages of the area. Taking an areal, comparative, or sociolinguistic perspective, the articles offer new insights into the grammatical, semantic, pragmatic, and textual patterns of different types of predicates or nouns or consider the variation of grammatical categories from a typological perspective. The qualitative analyses find support in quantitative data collected from language corpora or written sources, including those representing the less studied varieties of the area.

  • af Anastasija Kostiu¿enko
    876,95 kr.

    Der interdisziplinäre Band postuliert eine Macht des Kontextes und erklärt, was darunter verstanden wird. Die Beiträge beleuchten und hinterfragen die Macht des Kontextes in dessen Relationen zu Sprache(n), Gesellschaft(en) und Medien. Dies geschieht teils aus philologischem, teils aus sozialwissenschaftlich-kommunikationswissenschaftlichem Blickwinkel und schließt jeweils mit Thesen zur Macht des Kontextes. Der Fokus in den Beiträgen lässt sich entlang der sozialwissenschaftlichen Ebenen (Mikroebene, Mesoebene, Makroebene) differenzieren. Mit Blick auf die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse eröffnet sich die Perspektive einer breit verstandenen Kontextlinguistik, und es werden Impulse und Anknüpfungspunkte für weitere Forschung in den Einzeldisziplinen sowie für disziplinenverbindende Forschung geboten.

  • af Ben Kossek
    393,95 kr.

    Das mysteriose Treffen mit einem Informanten fuhrt den Investigativ-Journalisten Heino Brandstetter auf die Spur eines Netzwerks internationaler Waffenschieber. Zur selben Zeit wird auf einem Industriegelande im Deutzer Hafen eine Leiche entdeckt. Hauptkommissar Alexander Berger und sein Kollege Jan Scheuer von der Kolner Mordkommission nehmen die Ermittlungen auf. Schon sehr bald fuhren beide Spuren in die hoheren Ebenen der Politik und der Geheimdienste. Macht, Bestechung, Korruption und Mord sind die Werkzeuge dunkler Machenschaften. Als Oberkommissar Jan Scheuer bei einer Polizeiaktion schwer verletzt wird und das BKA ihnen den Fall entzieht, nimmt sein Kollege Berger die Verfolgung der Tater auf eigene Faust auf. Am Ende kommt es in der niederlandische Hauptstadt Amsterdam zu einigen uberraschenden Wendungen der Ereignisse.

  • af Wolfgang Polleichtner
    107,95 kr.

  • af Marta Eva Betáková
    497,95 kr.

    The present volume is an alphabetically arranged lexicon of mythological terms of Baltic mythology. The terms are analyzed in their historical and ethnological context and in perspective of their etymology. They were preserved in numerous chronicles, usually written in non-Baltic languages, namely Latin, German, Old Russian, and Old Polish. Their second important source is hidden in Lithuanian and especially Latvian folk songs called 'dainas'.Portions of both primary texts and folklore are included within the individual entries. The recently formulated interpretations of Lithuanian and Latvian mythologists are also taken in account, to confront them with older opinions and with the results of etymological analysis. The proposed etymological explanations of the analyzed terms should serve to differentiate a common Indo-European heritage from the purely Baltic forms, and finally from external mutual interferences with Slavic, Iranian, Germanic and Fenno-Volgaic traditions.

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