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Bøger om Brasilien

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  • af Michael Asbury
    398,95 kr.

    A compelling survey of contemporary radical art in Brazil. Today Is Always Yesterday explores the historical constructs underlying contemporary art in Brazil. Michael Asbury argues that art can activate as well as illustrate history. The colors of the Brazilian flag structure the book's five chapters as Asbury explores artists' vital role in unraveling Brazil's core myths and its projected image as a racial melting pot. Richly illustrated, this book presents a compelling account of contemporary debates in Brazilian art.

  • af Julia Lopes De Almeida
    284,95 - 453,95 kr.

  • af André R Giamberardino
    1.649,95 kr.

    Penal Abolitionism and Transformative Justice in Brazil discusses how penal abolitionism provides fundamental theoretical bases and practical references for the construction of a transformative justice in Brazil, supporting the claim that justice is a socially constructed conception and that victims do not unanimously stand for punishment.The book explores how the active participation of the protagonists of a conflict in a face-to-face negotiation of symbolic reparation, can produce a sense of justice without the need to punish or impose suffering on anyone. Mapping the ways that restorative justice in Brazil has distanced itself from the potential of transformative justice, to the extent that it fails to politicize the conflict and give voice to victims, the book shows how it has resulted in becoming just a new version of penal alternatives with correctionalist content. Moving away from traditional criminal justice language and also from conservative approaches to restorative justice, the author argues that the communicative potential of the transformative kind of redress can be dissociated from the unproved assumption that legal punishment is essential or even likely to achieve justice or deterrence. The arguments are grounded in the Brazilian reality, where life is marked by deep social inequalities and a high level of police violence. By providing a review of the literature on restorative justice, transformative justice, and abolitionism, the book contextualizes the abolitionist debate in Brazil and its history in the 19th century.Penal Abolitionism and Transformative Justice in Brazil is important reading for students and scholars who study punishment and penal abolitionism, to think about what it is possible to do in societies so deeply marked by social injustice and a history of oppression.

  • af Mariana S. Mendes
    1.649,95 kr.

    This book addresses the issue of the timing of transitional justice policies in countries that had negotiated transitions from authoritarianism to democracy.Why are transitional justice measures often being implemented decades after the events they refer to? More specifically, what combination of factors leads to the implementation of transitional justice policies at certain moments in time? And, what explains countries' different choices and trajectories? To address these questions, this book pursues a comparative analysis of three cases: comparing a case of 'robust' implementation of transitional justice measures (Uruguay), a case where only victim-centered measures were approved (Spain), and a case that sits in between these two (Brazil). Through an in-depth empirical analysis of these specific country-cases, and focusing on seven different transitional justice initiatives, the book identifies the determinants behind delayed transitional justice policies and explains why such policies are more robust in some settings than in others. In doing so, it provides a holistic account of post-transitional justice outcomes, offering more general conclusions and insights about the study of the drivers of transitional justice.This book will appeal to scholars and students of transitional justice in politics, law, and sociology, as well as to policymakers involved in the implementation and administration of transitional justice measures.

  • af Monika Sawicka
    1.649,95 kr.

    In Brazil's International Activism Monika Sawicka questions how Brazil's deep-rooted craving for greatness has led to the quest for status in the twenty-first century and contends that the categorization of Brazil as an "emerging middle power" enriches the understanding of modern Brazilian foreign policy.Drawing on the rich vocabulary of role theory, Sawicka sets out to establish an original theoretical framework that comprises the structural (status), the behavioral (role), and the cognitive-ideational (identity) to assess whether Brazil has performed roles distinguishing a middle power and how the state has reconceptualized them. The model is applied to scrutinize how ideational and material drivers impacted Brazil's engagement as an integrator in Latin America, donor in Africa, mediator in the Middle East, and coalition-builder of developing states in global fora. Despite recent criticism of the concept of "emerging middle powers", Sawicka argues that Brazil's international activism stands as a precise embodiment of such a power.With an aim of theory development and contributing to the debate on Brazil's international standing, Brazil's International Activism provides a much-required reinterpretation of Brazilian foreign policy which will be of interest to scholars and students of Foreign Policy Analysis, International Relations and Latin-American Studies.

  • af Malcolm Slesser
    1.161,95 kr.

    First published in 1969 Brazil: Land Without Limits offers its readers the full flavour of this enchanting land that is Brazil. Malcolm Slesser travelled through Brazil during a year as a lecturer at the University of Rio de Janeiro and brings his sympathetic understanding and sense of humor to describe Brazil to its readers.

  • af Anja Wenkemann
    363,95 kr.

    Ein Jahr ohne Gehalt, abseits aller Routine, Reisen mit sozialem Engagement. Anja und Tobias berichten aus ihrem Sabbatjahr in Teilen Afrikas und Lateinamerikas und lassen die Leser*innen u.a. teilhaben- an ihrem steinigen Weg ins Sabbatical;- an ihrer Mitarbeit in sozialen Projekten;- an ihren mitunter kuriosen Eindrücken der bereisten Länder; - an den verschiedensten Herausforderungen, auf die sie gestoßen sind, und nicht zuletzt - daran, was sie persönlich aus diesem Jahr mitnehmen.Ein Reisebericht über intensive Begegnungen mit unterschiedlichsten Lebenswirklichkeiten.Authentisch, unkonventionell, vielseitig und vor allem Mut machend.Kurz: Ein Jahr Lebenserfahrung in Buchform.

  • af Nastassja Pugliese
    205,95 kr.

    This Element presents the philosophical contributions of Nísia Floresta, a feminist philosopher of education from the 19th century in early post-colonial Brazil, who defended abolition and indigenous rights. Focusing on five central works (Direitos, Lágrima, Opúsculo, Páginas, and Woman), it shows them connected by a critique of colonialism grounded on feminist principles. Influenced by the practical Cartesianism of Poulain de la Barre through the pamphlets of Sophia, Floresta applies to the social structures the feminist principle that reason has no gender, arguing that a nation's civilizational level depends on whether natural equality is expressed in terms of social rights. Describing the suffering experienced by women, indigenous people, and the black enslaved population, she defends education as a strategy against colonialism. As such, education should aim towards physical and intellectual emancipation, restoring the lost dignity of individuals. Floresta's works thus foreground slavery and colonization as events that shaped philosophical modernity.

  • af Ursula Flossmann-Kraus
    418,95 kr.

    Navigating institutions and donor requirements to successfully access international climate finance is challenging for many countries. Establishing national climate funds can be a way to meet these challenges, ensuring the targeted use of funds and strengthening ownership. This book examines the establishment of two national climate funds in Brazil, the Low Carbon Agriculture Programme and the Amazon Fund. Their establishment must be seen against the background of a drastic shift in Brazilian climate policy, enabled by discursive changes, during the administration of the Workers' Party 2003 - 2016. Dr. Ursula Flossmann-Kraus is a climate finance specialist and has led and implemented projects and programmes for GIZ and the Commonwealth Secretariat.

  • af Psalms Slavaic
    88,95 kr.

    Brazil is a Latin American country famous for its Christ the Redeemer Statue and exotic beaches. However, without basic knowledge on how to navigate Brazil, the average tourist will fall victim to common mistakes and traps, there first time to the country. The "Everyday Guide to Brazil" will how the everyday traveler how to: Use Brazilian ATM machinesCheck into hotelsChoose international phone serviceSelect the right cities for touringShop in Brazilian marketsBuy in a Brazilian pharmacyExplore a Brazilian cityCalculate Brazilian currency and exchange ratesApply for longer vacation stay and visasExplore Brazilian datingLearn beginners Português The "Everyday Guide" is an all-in-one travel guide that prepares tourists for everyday tourism in Brazil. Do not book a Brazilian vacation without first reading this book.

  • af Clarice Lispector
    168,95 kr.

    "It's the best one," Clarice Lispector remarked on the occasion of the publication of The Apple in the Dark: "I can't define it, how it is, I can only say that it's much better constructed than the previous ones." A book in three chapters, with three central characters, The Apple in the Dark is in fact highly sculpted, while being chiefly a metaphysical book, and in this stunning new translation, the novel's mysteries and allegories glow with a fresh scintillating light.Martim, fleeing from a murder he believes he committed, plunges into the dark nocturnal jungle: stumbling along, in a state of both fear and wonder, eventually he comes to a remote, quiet ranch and finds work with the two women who own it. The women are tranquil enough before his arrival, but are affected by his radical mystery. Soaked through with Martim's inner night (his soul is in the darkness where everything is created), the novel vibrates with his perpetual searching state of vigil. Often he feels close to an epiphany: "for the first time he was present in the moment in which whatever is happening is happening." Yet such flashes flicker out, so he's ever on the watch for "life to take on the dimensions of a destiny."In an interview, Lispector once said: "I am Martim." As she puts it in The Apple in the Dark: "All I've got is hunger. And that unstable way of grasping an apple in the dark-without letting it fall."

  • af José Falero
    258,95 kr.

    "Pedro and Marques Take Stock is a modern picaresque novel and a vivid satire on social mobility set in the favelas of Brazil, telling the story of two supermarket stock clerks whose lives are upturned when their small-time marijuana business takes off"--

  • af Dayane de Oliveira
    158,95 - 168,95 kr.

    Sommerromantik i HornbækBjarke har lovet sig selv, at han aldrig mere vil forelske sig. Han er stadig ikke helt kommet sig over den ydmygende oplevelse det var, da hans forlovede skred fra ham på selve bryllupsdagen, og han stod tilbage med et knust hjerte. I stedet for har han en masse løse bekendtskaber – og kvinder er der nok af, når man ser ud som Bjarke.Brasilianske Lucila har mistet sin mand på brutal vis og er rejst til Danmark med sin søn for at komme væk fra det hele. Hun skal bo hos sin kusine Aline, der for nogle år siden arvede et hotel ved kysten i Hornbæk.Da Bjarke ser Lucila på stranden i Hornbæk, slår lynet ned, men han bekæmper sine følelser. Og Lucila har ikke tænkt sig at falde for en skørtejæger som Bjarke. På samme tid dukker en ny aggressiv konkurrent op til Alines hotel – og det gør spøgelser fra fortiden også.CAFÉ SOMMERFUGL er en selvstændig fortsættelse til DET LILLE BLÅ HOTEL.

  • af Wim Klooster
    1.557,95 kr.

    Volume III covers the Iberian Empires and the important ethnic dimension of the Ibero-American independence movements, revealing the contrasting dynamics created by the Spanish imperial crisis at home and in the colonies. It bears out the experimental nature of political changes, the shared experiences and contrasts across different areas, and the connections to the revolutionary French Caribbean. The special nature of the emancipatory processes launched in the European metropoles of Spain and Portugal is explored, as are the connections between Spanish America and Brazil, as well as between Brazil and Portuguese Africa. It ends with an assessment of Brazil and how the survival of slavery is shown to have been essential to the new monarchy, although simultaneously, enslaved people began pressing their own demands, just like the indigenous population.

  • af Gustavo Pacheco
    258,95 kr.

    Denne raffinerede og sort-humoristiske novellesamling kan sammenlignes med at besøge et zoologisk museum og opleve små virtuose studier i primatologi: fra en sulten slave, over en kraftigt behåret sangerinde til et talende kranie, en platugle af en samtidskunstner og en brasiliansk forfatter med uforløste ambitioner. Koloniale og antropocentriske selvbilleder krakelerer under besøget, og gæsten vil blive både underholdt, oplyst og lidt klogere på, hvilken slags primat vi – menneskene – er.Gustavo Pacheco (f. 1972 i Rio de Janeiro) er ph.d. i antropologi og arbejder som diplomat ved Brasiliens ambassade i Ecuador. Derudover oversætter han og er redaktør af den portugisiske udgave af Granta. Pacheco debuterede i 2018 med nærværende novellesamling, som han modtog den prestigefulde Prêmio Literatura Clarice Lispector for, endvidere blev bogen shortlistet til to af de mest attråværdige priser i Brasilien: Prêmio Jabuti og Prêmio Oceanos.

  • af Lucas Löff Machado
    985,95 kr.

    Im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert wanderten zahlreiche Personen aus Europa nach Lateinamerika aus. So ließen sich auch viele Menschen aus dem deutschsprachigen Gebiet und aus Ländern mit anderen germanischen Sprachen, etwa aus den Niederlanden oder aus Skandinavien, dort nieder. In Teilen haben sich Sprachgemeinschaften bis heute erhalten können. Der vorliegende Band widmet sich solchen Gemeinschaften, die heute Sprachminderheiten darstellen. In zwölf Beiträgen werden hoch- und niederdeutsche Sprachgemeinschaften sowie die dänische Sprachgemeinschaft in Argentinien in den Blick genommen. Dabei werden auch methodische Fortschritte ¿ z.B. durch den Aufbau von Korpora ¿ und neue Forschungsansätze durch Einbindung mehrsprachiger, didaktischer oder ökonomischer Perspektiven aufgezeigt.

  • af Damaris Kofmehl
    318,95 kr.

    Sie ist jung. Sie ist schön. Und sie tanzt Samba wie keine Zweite. Italienische Geschäftsleute werden auf sie aufmerksam und bringen die feurige brasilianische Tänzerin auf die Bühnen der Nachtclubs von Mailand und Neapel. Doch die atemberaubend steile Karriere des Favela-Mädchens endet in einem dramatischen Absturz. Ruhm und Erfolg weichen einer inneren Leere, die Eliana selbst mit Alkohol und gefährlichen Liebschaften nicht zu füllen vermag. Bis sie einer Engländerin begegnet, die ihr Leben komplett auf den Kopf stellt.

  • af Claudia Giannetti
    494,95 kr.

    Als Pionierin von sowohl Videokunst als auch computergestütztem Videotanz erforscht die brasilianische Künstlerin, Tänzerin und Choreografin Analivia Cordeiro (*1954) seit den frühen 1970er-Jahren die Beziehungen zwischen Körper, Bewegung, visueller und audiovisueller Kunst sowie Medienkunst."Egal welches Alter, egal wie viel Tanzerfahrung, jeder kann durch Bewegung lernen." (A. Cordeiro)Analivia Cordeiro prägt seit den frühen 1970er-Jahren als eine der ersten Videokünstlerinnen die gesamte Medienkunst Südamerikas. Die Publikation präsentiert das Gesamtwerk der Künstlerin bis zur Gegenwart. Neben einem einführenden Text der Herausgeberin enthält sie ein Interview mit der Künstlerin und eine Auswahl von Texten verschiedener Autor:innen und der Künstlerin selbst. Ein umfangreicher Werkteil mit vielen Abbildungen, historischen Dokumenten und Fotografien sowie einer ausführlichen Biografie und Bibliografie vervollständigen das Buch.

  • af Karolina J. Zaremba
    857,95 kr.

    The Polish language was brought to Brazil by Polish-speaking peasants who came to the New World in the late 19th and early 20th century. Since then, the language has been developing in relative isolation from the European Polish context.In this monograph, the author focuses on a dialect of Polish still spoken in a remote community in the south of Brazil. The dialect¿s origins, history, and present character are investigated to portray the language as a result of a multilingual process with a specific starting point. On the basis of the original data recorded in the community, the author establishes a viable baseline for future in-depth studies of linguistic phenomena. She pays special attention to the distinct identity of the speakers, which mirrors the dialect¿s distinct character.

  • af Monica Schlobach
    518,95 kr.

    La question des flux migratoires engendrés par la mondialisation suscite de plus en plus de débats politiques et appelle à un renouvellement des analyses. Telle est l'ambition de ce livre, qui étudie les parcours migratoires et d¿incorporation socioprofessionnelle de migrants brésiliens dans le domaine du génie et des technologies de l¿information et de la communication (TIC) à Montréal.Cet ouvrage en propose une lecture socio-anthropologique en privilégiant la question du comment à celle du pourquoi : Comment devient-on émigrant dans la société de départ ? Comment s'adapte-t-on à la société de destination ? Comment s'y insère-t-on professionnellement ? La comparaison des parcours socioprofessionnels révèle des modes d'incorporation qui épousent un monde du travail segmenté et stratifié autant pour le marché de l'ingénierie que celui des professionnels des TIC. Par ailleurs, ce livre amène le lecteur à relativiser la figure du migrant hautement qualifié comme mobile et nomade, en faisant voir la complexité des processus en jeu dans la construction différenciée des parcours. Il permet aussi d¿éclairer les logiques sociales d¿appartenance et les dynamiques migratoires et d¿insertion socioéconomique. Il s¿adresse à ceux et celles préoccupés du fait migratoire et des questions de société car il offre des clés pour comprendre le fonctionnement de nos sociétés à partir des récits et de l'épaisseur des expériences migratoires.

  • af Jeferson Tenório
    116,95 kr.

    Life under Brazil's brutal "cordial racism" comes painfully alive in this novel of fathers and sons. How do you become the protagonist of your own life? For Pedro, it means searching for himself in the objects his father left behind: the layers that make up his life, and that of his parents, and the circumstances, geographies, and wounds that shaped them all. It's an archaeology of affections, but also of life in southern Brazil, where being black on the streets of Porto Alegre manifests violences large and small. Where being a young woman, raised by a single mother, may find you seeking security in the untrustworthy arms of men. In Dark Side of Skin, Jeferson Tenâorio takes on fathers and sons, Shakespeare and Cervantes, and the inescapable bonds and burdens of family and history in one delicately rendered, painfully precise account of loved ones lost and found.

  • af Jason Wilson
    146,95 kr.

    568,95 kr.

    Since the end of the 1990s, through her videos, sculptures, photographs, art installations, and performances, internationally acclaimed Brazilian artist Cinthia Marcelle (*1974) has been critically examining the established and hierarchical social structures upon which our daily lives are built. Marcelle uses collective action as the medium through which to break down rigid mechanisms and organisational forms and to renegotiate new ones. In the course of her career, she has developed a multifaceted and interdisciplinary oeuvre in which gestures, themes and materials are repeatedly applied using radically different methods and manifestations. Her work is a determined further development of the socio-critical art of Brazil in the twentieth century, which combined material experimentation with conceptual rigour and a unique collaborative approachThe importance of Marcelle's oeuvre has already been recognised in countless project-specific solo exhibitions, as well as her involvement in group exhibitions by renowned museums and at a number of noteworthy Biennales - in 2017, for example, she performed in the Pavilion of Brazil at the 57th Venice Biennale. However, the exhibition at the Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP) (2022) and then at the Museum Marta Herford (2023) will be the first large-scale overview of her work.

  • af Eliane (Author) Brum
    136,95 kr.

  • af Marcelo Neri
    552,95 kr.

    This book evaluates the local impacts and legacies of the Olympics in Rio by comparing Rio2016 with other Olympic experiences and evaluating the ways in which the Games served the city.

  • af Gladys L. Mitchell-Walthour
    366,95 - 1.380,95 kr.

  • af Moacyr Scliar
    288,95 kr.

    Fem stjerner i Berlingske: "En opfindsom og underholdende roman med en umiskendelig undertone af alvor, mytologi og undersøgelsen af fremmedhed." Jørgen Johansen, Berlingske♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Politiken: "Forlaget Jensen & Dalgaard har endnu engang åbnet et vindue mod verden." Bjørn Bredal, Politiken”Det ene skrig følger det andet, hver gang med kortere pauser imellem, og nu blandet med eder og skældsord på jiddisch, som får min far til at krympe sig – det er ham, min mor forbander.”På sin 38-års fødselsdag ser Guedali Tartakovsky tilbage på sit liv som kentaur. Vi læser hans fascinerende livshistorie, mens han flirter med en ung kvinde, som i samtale med Guedalis hustru får hendes historie om samlivet med Guedali.Kentauren i haven er en universel fortælling om længsel efter at være som andre – og savnet af originalitet, når man bliver det. En forunderlig historie fortalt med en særegen lethed.Moacyr Scliar (1937-2011) var brasiliansk læge og forfatter; hans værk omfatter mere end hundrede titler og fortællinger inden for alle genrer og han er oversat til mere end et dusin sprog, ligesom en del af hans titler er adapteret til film, teater og tv. Forfatterskabets hovedtema er jødisk identitet i diasporaen. Kentauren i haven regnes af mange for Scliars hovedværk, mens den internationalt mest kendte roman er Max e os Felinos, der menes at have inspireret Yann Martel til romanen Pi’s liv; indtil nu har kun Los leopardos de Kafka (Kafkas leoparder) været oversat til dansk.

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