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Bøger om Central Africa

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  • af Fonkem Achankeng
    998,95 kr.

    Through narrating the politics and everyday life in ex-British Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia), Porcupine in a Python's Throat makes an invaluable contribution to understanding the choices and constraints facing both Southern Cameroons' (Ambazonia) people, and the people of Republique du Cameroun. The volume illustrates how the people of ex-British Southern Cameroons' (Ambazonia) seek alternatives to the cycles of repression and state terrorism turned into reprisal, retaliation and a genocidal war from 2016. This volume challenges the authorities over delimited territories and their inhabitants in states arbitrarily put together and held together by external power and control. The editor and contributors argue that the Westphalian sovereignty of authority as indivisible in postcolonial and other settings is unworkable, and does not last very long in plural societies put together and sustained with the use of force.

  • af Jean-Luc Enyegue
    298,95 kr.

    Explores the impact of Jesuit missions on the development of Christianity in postcolonial French Africa.

  • af Sidney Langford Hinde
    198,95 - 258,95 kr.

    543,95 kr.

    The Uncanny is a personal visual exploration of the Democratic Republic of Congo by Belgian photographer Léonard Pongo. Collaborating with friends and family in the country, Pongo became immersed in their vision. He let them decide what he should witness as he attempted to understand the region.

  • af Melvin E. Page
    343,95 kr.

    The King's African Rifles War Memorial in Zomba has long been a focal point of Malawi memories of the First World War. Now, Chiwaya War Echoes offers a fuller view of how Malawi was involved in both twentieth century world wars. These transcripts of askari memories from a Second World War complete a picture of the Malawian role in the British military.

  • af Muhammad Ibn Umar Tunisi
    353,95 kr.

    "Reisen eines arabischen Kaufmanns in den Sudan" entführt die Leser in die faszinierende Welt der zentralafrikanischen Königreiche, wie sie von Scheich Mohammed aus Tunis im 19. Jahrhundert erlebt wurden. Der Bericht enthält eine Fülle an interessanten Erzählungen, charakteristischen Anekdoten und erfrischenden Einblicken in die Kultur und Sitten dieser Region. Der Autor, ein angesehener Kaufmann, erzählt seine Geschichte authentisch und gewährt uns einen Einblick in das Leben und die Reisen eines orientalischen Händlers. Von den damals isolierten Königreichen Darfur und Wadaï bis hin zur politischen Situation und dem Handel im zentralafrikanischen Staatensystem bietet das Buch einen einzigartigen Blick auf eine wenig erforschte Welt. Mit präzisen Beschreibungen der Sitten, Merkmale von Stämmen und geographischen Gegebenheiten, entführt uns der Scheich in eine Welt des östlichen Lebens. Zusätzlich enthält das Buch Informationen über den ehemaligen Zustand der Sklaverei in Afrika und bietet Einblicke in die Herausforderungen und Chancen für die Anfänge einer geregelten Handelsbeziehung mit Zentralafrika. Für Abenteuerlustige und Kulturinteressierte ist "Reisen eines arabischen Kaufmanns in den Sudan" eine fesselnde und erkenntnisreiche Lektüre, die das Verständnis dieser faszinierenden Region erweitert.

  • af Deborah Munganyinka Simugomwa
    208,95 kr.

    In 1994, I lived through the state-led genocide that targeted the Tutsi population in Rwanda, resulting in over one million brutal deaths. The country was plunged into darkness for 100 days, with no hope in sight. But I emerged from the tragedy alive, and this book is my account of the journey through the valley of death.As one of the survivors, I share my experience of the genocide and how I managed to stay alive despite being engulfed in fear and despair. Waiting in the "antechamber of death" with other Tutsi people, I hoped for a divine rescue. My strong will and survival tactics helped me to stay alive, and I eventually moved to the UK to rebuild my life.Through this book, I want to ensure that future generations never forget the atrocities that occurred during the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda: My intention is not just to tell my story but to pay tribute to all those who suffered and were unable to share their own stories. My hope is that by sharing my story, we can collectively work towards ensuring that such a tragedy never happens again.

  • af Herbert Ward
    233,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af Katja Kaiser
    318,95 kr.

    Im Zuge der Debatte über Sammlungsgut aus kolonialen Kontexten steht Georg Zenker (1855-1922) exemplarisch für eine Generation von Sammlern, die in der Hochphase des Imperialismus disziplinenübergreifend Sammlungen für die Berliner Museen zusammenbrachten. Zenker gilt dabei als eine zentrale und zugleich sehr ambivalente Person in der Geschichte des deutschen Kolonialismus in Westafrika. Basierend auf umfangreichem Quellenmaterial nähert sich die vorliegende Publikation der Biografie sowie den Sammelpraktiken, Objekten und Netzwerken Georg Zenkers.Mit dem vorliegenden dreisprachigen Band auf Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch sollen die Erkenntnisse über Zenker für einen größeren Interessentenkreis zugänglich gemacht werden. In the course of the debate on collections from colonial contexts, Georg Zenker (1855-1922) is exemplary for a generation of collectors who brought together interdisciplinary collections for the Berlin museums during the heyday of imperialism. Zenker is considered a central and at the same time very ambivalent figure in the history of German colonialism in West Africa. Based on extensive source material, this publication approaches the biography as well as the collecting practices, objects and networks of Georg Zenker.With this trilingual volume in German, English and French, the findings on Zenker are to be made accessible to a wider circle of interested parties. Dans le cadre du débat sur les collections provenant de contextes coloniaux, Georg Zenker (1855-1922) est un exemple de la génération de collectionneurs qui, à l'apogée de l'impérialisme, ont réuni des collections interdisciplinaires pour les musées berlinois. Zenker est considéré comme une personne à la fois centrale et très ambivalente dans l'histoire du colonialisme allemand en Afrique de l'Ouest. Se basant sur de nombreuses sources, la présente publication aborde la biographie ainsi que les pratiques de collecte, les objets et les réseaux de Georg Zenker.Le présent ouvrage trilingue en allemand, anglais et français vise à rendre les connaissances sur Zenker accessibles à un plus grand nombre d'intéressés.

  • af Enrico Bo
    438,95 kr.

    Una guida di viaggio particolare per preparare un viaggio a Sao Tomé e Principe, le isole del cacao, che ritengo utile a chi vuole conoscere il territorio prima di cominciare la programmazione del suo itinerario. Il libro fa parte di una collana titolata False guide di viaggio, che raccoglie una serie di libri che io definisco appunto s-guide, in quanto sebbene abbiano la struttura tipica delle guide turistiche, contenendo effettivamente molte indicazioni, indirizzi, consigli e valutazioni di luoghi che il lettore troverà certamente utili nel seguire quello che comunque rimane un itinerario di viaggio, nella realtà rappresentano invece una collezione di emozioni, di visioni, di storie, raccolte come fiori profumati lungo le strade dei miei viaggi, nei quali ho sempre cercato soprattutto di conoscere cose, di incontrare persone, di appagare curiosità e soprattutto di sconfessare i tanti pregiudizi che tutti noi, io per primo ci portiamo dietro quando partiamo per le strade del mondo. Lo scopo fondamentale quindi, del portare all'attenzione di quei lettori che avranno la bontà di lasciarsi prendere dalla mia, un poco pletorica voglia di raccontare, è anche quella di affascinarli al luogo, alla gente che lo abita, alle cose che ci sono, affinché anche loro possano, come capita a me, lasciarsi andare alla fascinazione dell'andare, dimenticando se è possibile, quella data malefica che sta scritta sul biglietto che conservano con cura in tasca, con l'ora e il luogo in cui, dovranno abbandonare definitivamente il cammino del pensiero, dove hanno potuto per un breve tempo liberare la mente lasciandola volare alto, per dover malauguratamente ma senza opzioni di scelta, ritornare a casa.

  • af Betsy Kain
    223,95 kr.

  • af H Ekkehard Wolff
    1.465,95 kr.

    "Based on the author's life-long research experience, this book unearths the linguistic history of 66 unwritten and under-researched Central Chadic languages in West- and Central Africa. It describes the complex historical development of the modern languages from the common proto-language and reconstructs 228 lexical items of their basic vocabulary"--

  • af Leo Zeilig
    261,95 kr.

    African activists and scholars remember a tumultuous period of radical political history

  • af Crislayne Alfagali
    693,95 kr.

    This study analyzes the establishment of an iron foundry in the interior 18th-century of Angola. It was a fruit of the Portuguese Enlightenment, which encouraged investment in manufacturing, particularly of iron, a metal indispensable for military and technological purposes. However, the plans faced the resistance of African blacksmiths and founders who refused to learn foreign techniques and work processes. By emphasizing Central African agency, the book highlights the successful strategies of historical actors who scholars have largely ignored. Based upon a wide variety of sources from Brazilian, Portuguese, and Angolan archives, the book reconstructs how Africans were taken to work at the foundry and the important role they played in developing the form of production employed there. By emphasizing continuities with African technology and the quality of the iron produced, it counters interpretations of the project as an example of the failure of the Portuguese Enlightenment. The analysis demonstrates the circulation of knowledge about iron production, thus revitalizing debates that have posited knowledge transmission as unidirectional. It also highlights the relationship between local political leaders and the colonial government, in addition to elucidating the processes by which workers were organized.

  • af W. Holman Bentley
    183,95 kr.

    Life on the Congo, has been acknowledged as a major work throughout human history, and we have taken precautions to assure its preservation by republishing this book in a modern manner for both present and future generations. This book has been completely retyped, revised, and reformatted. The text is readable and clear because these books are not created from scanned copies.

  • af D. Baxter Todd
    298,95 kr.

    Before history became legend and legend became myth, the oral traditions of what is presently referred to as "Pre-History" were maintained for thousands of years, preserved and handed down throughout the generations since the dawn of the "Age of Man". Throughout the ages, through myth, allegory, parables, iconography and symbolism, the fragmented remains of ancient beliefs have preserved down to the present day; such are the tales in Mythos: The Prescient Kings

  • af Rufus Lewis Perry
    148,95 kr.

    "Perry is a splendid type of the Negro genius." -Men of Mark (1887)"Perry is considered one of the best scholars the negro race has produced." -Appletons' Annual Cyclopaedia (1896)"Perry is able to offer hope for modern Cushites in the prophesied moment when Cush will 'stretch out her hands unto God.'" -Light Against Darkness (2010)"Rufus Perry traced the ancestry of Black Americans to the biblical Cushites." - Black Women in United States History (1990)"For Perry the contribution of Black people to world civilization was immeasurable." - Philosophy of Religion and the African American Experience (2017)"Perry considered the greatness of the African past to be the foundation of the African American's future." -Liberating Faith (2003)"Perry placed the cradle of Western culture in Ethiopia." -Mind and Mood of Black America (1969)"Perry is ever ready to defend his race. He is a ready, bold, fearless." - Our Baptist Ministers and Schools (1892)Before the great civilizations of Greece, Persia, China, and Rome there was the land of Ham, of Cush and the Cushite; the land of the chosen of God in which to train his peculiar people, according to Rufus Lewis Perry D.D., Ph.D., (1834-1895), an escaped slave, Negro Baptist clergyman, missionary, educator and journalist.In his groundbreaking 1893 book, "The Cushite, Or, The Descendants of Ham," Perry makes the case that "the enemies of the negro maintain that the distinguished Ethiopians and the Egyptians of such frequent and favorable mention, in both sacred and profane history, were not black men. They ingeniously explained the black man away, and cunningly substituted some other race. They seemingly forget that the ancient language is a constructive tale-bearer; that its roots are etymological indices, twinkling like the fixed stars to light up the pathway of the scholar engaged in historic research."In writing of the greatness of the ancient Cushites, Perry writes:"He has had a checkered life, it is true, but so have the Shemitic and the Japhetic families. He has been master and he has been slave; but this is no less true of Ham than of Japhet. In the world's history of the rise and fall of nations, no face, no color, can boast of exemption from misfortune. But no race can boast of higher celebrity in ancient times than the negro, then called Cushites by the Hebrews and Ethiopians by the Greeks."

  • af Remi Prospero Fonka
    908,95 kr.

    The Nsö Concept of Time explores cosmology among the Nsö people of north-western Cameroon. It examines the concept of time within the Nsö world view, along with its implications for culture and traditional religion. The author addresses a wide range of metaphysical, ethical, anthropological, existential, and epistemological issues not only in relation to wider African philosophy, but also in relation to Western conceptions of time. The book is an important new contribution to African philosophy, cultural anthropology, African traditional religion, cosmology, and African metaphysics. It will appeal to scholars and students in a wide range of related disciplines. "This book is most certainly a first in the study of the Nsö concept of time. Remi Prospero Fonka has excavated, carefully analyzed, and presented in readable form, a complex metaphysics of time within the Nsö worldview. Students and researchers in African cultural studies, philosophy, anthropology, and sociology will find this book a useful resource. Those interested in comparative philosophy will also find in this book a cross-cultural phenomenological confrontation with Western cosmo-metaphysical models."¿Nelson Shang, Lecturer of Philosophy, The University of Bamenda and The Catholic University of Cameroon, Bamenda "By highlighting the importance of always considering the concept of time alongside aspects of the universe or cosmos, Remi Prospero Fonka succinctly and with meticulous methodology, avails the opportunity for an understanding of the measurement of African time. The cross-cultural confrontations especially with phenomenological existentialists makes this book a necessary tool for students and researchers in multicultural studies, African philosophy, cosmology, African traditional religion, and African metaphysics."¿Valentine Banfegha Ngalim, Associate Professor of Philosophy, The University of Bamenda, Cameroon

  • af Sidney Langford Hinde
    273,95 - 388,95 kr.

  • af Hamidou Hassana
    1.313,95 kr.

    Eine qualitatsorientierte Lehrer*innenbildung verbessert die Qualitat von Lehr- und Lernprozessen. Welche Rolle spielt dabei der soziokuklturelle Hintergrund? Das Buch beleuchtet, wie der soziokulturelle Hintergrund der Akteur*innen die Qualitat der Lehrer*innenausbildung im Rahmen eines padagogischen Reformprojekts mit Teilnehmer*innen aus Kamerun und Deutschland beeinflusst. Die Analyse und Interpretation qualitativer Daten zeigt, dass die soziokulturellen Hintergrunde der Akteur*innen wichtige Faktoren sind, die den internationalen, interkulturellen Dialog uber Lehrer*innenbildung sowie die Lehr-Lern-Interaktionsdynamik im Klassenzimmer beeinflussen. Das Buch erortert daruber hinaus den Einfluss soziokultureller Kontexte auf einen lerner*innenorientierten Unterricht, der auf den Prinzipien von Vielfalt, Interaktion und gegenseitiger Verantwortung beruht.

  • af Osita Agbu
    1.100,95 kr.

    Cameroon-Nigeria Relations: Trends and Perspectives, edited by Osita Agbu and C. Nna-Emeka Okereke, examines various aspects of Cameroon-Nigeria relations since the countries attained independence in 1960. The Cameroonian and Nigerian contributors contextualize core topical issues that have featured prominently in the course of bilateral relations between both countries, ranging from the theoretical underpinnings required to understand the dynamics of Cameroon-Nigeria relations to contending issues and areas of mutual interests driving diplomatic relations between them. This book reveals trends and dynamics while also accommodating divergent perspectives that demonstrate how theories can be applied to achieve real results. Of significant import is the prognosis that stimulates concerns for the future of Cameroon-Nigeria relations bearing in mind the strategic positions of both countries in West and Central Africa. Cameroon-Nigeria Relations is an indispensable resource for scholars, diplomats, and foreign policy actors that will enrich understanding and inform opinions on charting future courses for healthy bilateral relations between Cameroon and Nigeria.

  • af R. R. Hall
    233,95 kr.

    When the author returned to the Congo for a year as a newly qualified medical doctor he was able to observe Christian missionary activity at first hand and, more importantly, to work and learn from the people amongst whom he had been born, and who he came to appreciate and admire.The stimulus for this book sprang from a desire to learn more about the country and the people of Congo before the intrusion of Europeans, the effects of Belgian colonization, the role of missionaries in exposing the brutalities of King Leopold II's rubber industry, and the contribution of Christian missions to the development of the country that is now the Democratic Republic of Congo.Mission. Impossible? is based on a detailed study of the archived records of the Congo Balolo Mission, personal interviews with retired missionaries and missionary children, current leaders of the Congolese church and other previously unpublished personal material. Following the "discovery" of the Congo River by Henry Morton Stanley in 1877 the Congo was presented to the wider world as "The Heart of Darkness", a concept challenged by the author in the final chapter.A postscript by Norbert Mpu-Mbutu adds an important Congolese perspective.

  • af Francis Lungu
    228,95 kr.

  • af W. E. B. Du Bois
    233,95 - 373,95 kr.

  • af Terry Philip Wilson
    353,95 - 468,95 kr.

  • af Michelle Kisliuk
    1.167,95 kr.

    Offers expansive and intersecting understandings of erotic subjectivity, intimacy, and trauma in performance, in ethnography, and in institutional and disciplinary settings.

  • af Johan Swinnen
    368,95 kr.

    When the Chief of Staff of Rwanda's Army was assassinated after the invasion of the country, civil war and then genocide, his widow and their six children found ways to overcome the rupture of their family-- and their country. This is their story. Major-General Dé ogratias Nsabimana was the Rwandan Army Chief of Staff. He died when the Rwandan presidential plane was shot down on April 6, 1994. Casualties included the presidents of both Rwanda and Burundi. Rwanda became renowned because of one of the worst mass killings of the twentieth century combined with an unprecedented crisis in Central Africa. Nsabimana was a fine military strategist, respected by his peers. He played a vital role during the war that followed the Rwandan Patriotic Army's invasion on October 1, 1990. Patriotic and honest, he was a lead negotiator of the 1993 Arusha Peace Accords. He firmly believed in the process, convinced that only peace could allow Rwandans to live in harmony. The highlights and life lessons that Alice Nsabimana and her brothers and sisters have chosen to share cast new light on the terrible tragedy that struck Rwanda and neighboring countries.

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