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  • af Alina-Elena Ro¿ca
    531,95 kr.

  • af Rico Kurschat
    595,95 kr.

    Masterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2016 im Fachbereich Geschichte Europa - Deutschland - Nachkriegszeit, Kalter Krieg, Note: 1,15, Universität Erfurt (Philosophische Fakultät), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Der Befehl Nr. 209 der Sowjetischen Militäradministration vom 9. September 1947 sah zur materiellen Sicherung der 1945 durchgeführten Bodenreform in der sowjetisch besetzten Zone (SBZ) den Bau von 37.000 Neubauernhöfen vor. Vorgeblich zur Gewinnung von Baumaterialien wurde gleichzeitig der Abriss enteigneter Schlösser und Herrenhäuser angeordnet, welche führenden Kommunisten und der sowjetischen Besatzungsmacht als unliebsame Überbleibsel der enteigneten Großgrundbesitzer galten. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Auswirkungen des Befehls für die Herrenhäuser und Schlösser im Land Thüringen. Dabei werden der konkrete Ablauf und Umfang des Abrissgeschehens nachvollzogen sowie zentrale Akteure und Institutionen im Land auf ihre Rolle hierbei näher untersucht.

  • af Julian Riedel
    328,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2017 im Fachbereich Geschichte Deutschlands - Nachkriegszeit, Kalter Krieg, Note: 18/20, Sciences Po Paris, Dijon, Nancy, Poitier, Menton, Havre, Veranstaltung: Internationale Beziehungen ab 1945, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Der Österreichische Staatsvertrag betreffend die Wiederherstellung eines unabhängigen und demokratischen Österreich, gegeben zu Wien am 15. Mai 1955, stellt die Republik nach dem 2. Weltkrieg wieder her, und erneuert die Souveränität, Demokratie und Freiheit die unter nationalsozialistischer Herrschaft verloren gegangen sind. Im Mai 1955 von den Siegermächten Frankreich, Großbritannien, UDSSR, USA einerseits, und der Österreichischen Regierung andererseits unterschrieben, und im Juli desselben Jahres in Kraft getreten, ist dieser Text die Konsequenz langer Verhandlungen und verschiedener Motivationen die heute noch bei dem Österreichischen Volk an einer gewissen Bedeutung haben. Die Jahre nach dem Ende des 2. Weltkriegs waren für die Österreichische Geschichte bestimmend und schwerwiegend, da sie die Alpenrepublik in allen Aspekten, von der Geographie bis zu dem politischen Spektrum, neu definierten. Bis heute wird der Staatsvertrag gefeiert, und dessen politischen Akteure anerkannt und geschätzt; doch der Stellenwert und das Ansehen hat sich mit der Zeit verändert. In dieser Hausarbeit wird die Zeitspanne 1945 - 1955 vor der Unterzeichnung des Staatsvertrag näher analysiert, sowie auch dessen Auswirkungen in den Jahren nach 1955 auf das Österreichische Innen- und Außenpolitische Wesen. Diese Analyse wird sich hauptsächlich mit den großen Akteuren und Ereignissen in der Österreichischen Politik befassen, deren Beeinflussung auf internationale Dynamiken zwischen den Westmächten und der Sowjetunion, sowie den Einfluss des Kalten Kriegs auf den Verhandlungen.

  • af Laura Steenbrink
    306,95 kr.

  • af Celen Dimililer
    306,95 kr.

    The book will attempt to read, analyze and interpret three texts by Virginia Woolf: A Room of One¿s Own, Three Guineas and Mrs Dalloway in a material context where power and resistance stand in a dynamic relation where they almost mutually reinforce one another. In particular, it will reflect upon the construction of women involved in the process of reinventing themselves in the novels of Virginia Woolf in the light of ¿material¿ feminism because of the paramount importance it had on Woolf¿s vision and creativity. I wish to thank to my family; my mother Huriye Dimililer and my father Yahya Dimililer. Thank you for being with me and helping my life. Without the support of my family, it would be impossible. Ahmet Güneyli¿s assistance have also been greatly appreciated. I wish to dedicate this book to my son; Efe Yahya K¿sac¿k.

  • af Mark Stokreef
    414,95 kr.

  • af David Lohrey
    492,95 kr.

    This study examines the relationship between war and postcolonial identity in a range of African and American literature. This inquiry focuses on twentieth century ¿literature of the displaced author¿, as expressed in fictional writings which show the ways personal trauma are reflective of collective experience. This study explores the ways a number of indicative postcolonial writers have presented psychological and political consequences of post-war trauma across generations. It argues that World War I and World War II have had a profound impact on shaping the way life has been lived as seen in work by African writers such as Chinua Achebe, J.M. Coetzee, Nadine Gordimer, and Doris Lessing, and Americans, such as Saul Bellow, Don DeLillo, Cormac McCarthy, Philip Roth, Leslie Marmon Silko, and John Edgar Wideman. The argument proposes a method for reading canonical texts of postcolonial writers as narratives of protest, transgression, and regeneration.

  • af Erik Schittko
    317,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2016 im Fachbereich Gesundheit - Sport - Sportgeschichte, Note: 2,0, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Institut für Sportwissenschaften), Veranstaltung: Sportgeschichte Oberseminar, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die olympischen Spiele 1972 in München sollten zu einem "großen Fest der Heiterkeit der Jugend dieser Welt" werden, welche die olympische Idee der Versöhnung der Nationen mithilfe großer Anstrengungen und Innovationen aller Beteiligten hochhielt. Diese Heiterkeit verstummte allerdings nach dem München¿Attentat vom 05.09.1972, welches das wohl traurigste Ereignis der Olympiageschichte ist. Seither bleibt München ¿72 in seiner Komplexität ein Großsportereignis, welches einen hohen Aufstieg und genauso tiefen Fall zu verzeichnen hat. Diese Hausarbeit betrachtet die beiden olympischen Spiele im Jahr 1972 hinsichtlich ihrer organisatorischen Rahmenbedingung, sportlichen- sowie politischen Dimension im Kalten Krieg. Weiterhin besteht das Ziel in der Untersuchung der Frage, inwiefern man die olympischen Sommerspiele von München als Opfer der Produkte des Kalten Krieges bezeichnen kann und welche Gefahr der Modifizierung zukünftiger sportlicher Großereignissen zu globalen Konfliktplattformen innewohnt.

  • af Fouad Soliman
    414,95 kr.

  • af Harsha Senanayake
    213,95 kr.

    The purpose of this work is to identify the US involvement in East Asia and Pacific region with the reference to the US - Japan Security relations. The containment policy and the US dominant power in post-World War II marked amity relations with Japan to address the US policy concerns in East Asia. Okinawa Island performed a strategic role to address the shared security concerns by two countries during the Cold War. The book examined the common security concerns and the significant strategic use of Okinawa island by the US. The research examines the changing patterns of the US ¿ Japan security relations in 21st century endeavor to protect American presence in East Asia and Pacific region to maintain the Balance of Power and counter the rising China. The tension over the Korean peninsula, Chinese maritime activities and traditional ¿ nontraditional security uncertainties, emerging national interests of the US: energy and oil politics, maritime supremacy, regional stability, promote an American democracy and values, deter the Korean nukes and the US, Japan and China trilateral behaviour distinct the changing patterns of the US - Japan Security relations in 21st century.

  • af Runhild Roeder
    213,95 kr.

    Bildung (self-formation) is neglected in our era of modernity. Technique and the forces of production preoccupy the individual, robbing one of essential freedom to develop oneself and express one¿s uniqueness. Runhild Roeder recommends we assert our freedom, as artists do, to allow the ontological ground of truth to emerge in philosophy and every day life. She emphasizes that only in freedom can we demonstrate originality and consideration for each other. ¿Truth is an event.¿ (Gadamer) Between individuals, the social yarn can be rewoven in hermeneutic dialogue to counteract disenchantment that our humanity is suffering from due to a blind move towards technology. It is the irrepressible human spirit, at once universal and particular, that fulfils the task of Bildung in each context we find ourselves in.

  • af Pratik Nagdive
    306,95 kr.

    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology for wireless information exchange over short distances. Even though the technology itself was invented about 40 years ago, recent development in the field of low cost RFID devices began to finally show its potential. The possibility of adding (minimal) computing capabilities to every day¿s objects will support the development of ubiquitous computing in the near future. Applying RFID transponders to consumer goods will be common, creating an ever-present computing environment spanning all parts of every day¿s life. Today RFID commerce already constitutes a vital and ever-expanding market. Judging by evidence from recent years, RFID industry will continue its rapid growth during the following years. In such a developing market security and privacy become increasingly important. They define security as a composite of the attributes confidentiality, integrity and availability (also called CIA).In this context, confidentiality means the absence of unauthorized information disclosure.

  • af David Andriadze
    871,95 kr.

    The veils always hide the most culturally sensitive, invisible to the eye, magic and intimate reality. The main challenge of the postmodern philosopher or essayist is to go beyond these veils and look. This is a streamative thinking that uncovers itself during the transitional crisis periods of culture and the very genre of this book is displaying the patterned reality from underneath these veils -an imaginary exhibition of the streamates.

  • af Christopher Amah
    306,95 kr.

    The purpose of this study was to determine the student¿s knowledge and awareness of Internet Advertising in Nigeria. Survey research was used. The basic theoretical framework upon which the work stood was Technology Determinism. Four research questions were presented for empirical evaluation; while 790 respondents were surveyed, scientifically drawn from the population. The findings from this study indicate that the students are aware and knowledgeable about the Internet Advertising. They have been influenced by it, have made purchases as a matter of Internet Advertising, and also prefer Internet Advertising to other forms of advertising media. Finally, it is recommended that government should make Internet Services available everywhere. This will go a long way in helping students that wish to surf the Internet in the country.

  • af John Adamba
    507,95 kr.

    Roads and infrastructure will be faced with multiple changes over the coming decades ¿ challenges that in many ways bear little resemblance to those previously faced and as such will require new approaches. The major objective of this abstract is to transform the way road infrastructure is conceived and constructed as a key part of assisting society to respond to climatic changes and reduce other environmental pressures. Concrete asphalt possess a challenge of environment pollution by producing gases that contribute to the effect of global warming. Concrete creates hard surfaces which contribute to surface run-off that cause soil erosion, water pollution and flooding. The surface-runoff of water tend to pick up gasoline, motor oil, heavy metals, trash and other pollutants. Asphalt darkened nature also contribute to Urban heat island. Urban heat island is a city or a metropolitan area that is significantly warmer than in surrounding rural areas due to human activities. The temperature difference is usually larger at night than during the day. The main cause of urban heat island is from the modification of land surfaces which use materials that effectively store short-wave radiation.

  • af Ahlam Senouci
    453,95 kr.

    The isolation of Qatar by its Gulf Cooperation Council members and Egypt emerged just days after Trump¿s visit to Riyadh, during which he has a sudden close relationship with Saudi Arabia. Thus, this study attempts to investigate the potential impact of Donald Trump¿s nascent foreign policy towards the Gulf crisis of 2017. It aims to analyze the roots of the GCC crisis, and focus on the outrages and the real damage that have defined Trump¿s approach to foreign policy towards Qatar. Therefore, a qualitative method was adopted, and all the data collected are analyzed using a descriptive and analytical approach. At last, this research shows that no matter the surreptitious motives that are declared about Qatar¿s blockade, Trump has been the crisis center of gravity from the beginning of the actions of the blockading countries. Hence, Trump¿s lack of coherent policy in the Middle East comes with real costs and has pushed the region further away from strategic equilibrium and toward greater state fragmentation and conflict between Gulf States.

  • af Mohamed Sghir Syad
    1.222,95 kr.

    This book explores Toni Morrison¿s strategic negotiation of the essentialism/anti-essentialism dialectic regarding the representation of African American female subjectivity, the rewriting of African American history, and the re-appropriation of African American musical aesthetics in fiction. It also examines how Morrison¿s dual-stance positioning demonstrates the conscious strategy of achieving the double goal of recovering African American and female voices as well as of critiquing hegemonic cultural logics about race and gender. The book argues that the motivations behind Morrison¿s dialectic accommodation of the two stances in her fiction, namely The Bluest Eye, Sula, ¿Recitatif¿, Jazz, and Paradise, are related to her strategic positioning that offers fruitful possibilities for mediating affirmations of difference and the necessity of racial, gender and cultural group politics.

  • af Nataliia Kravchenko
    585,95 kr.

    The Breaf Historical Sketch covers the historical development of Ukraine Statehood in the ¿¿ - at the beginning of the ¿¿¿ century. The material is represented relying on historical sources, and contemporary scientific research of domestic and foreign historiography, latest scientific and methodical achievements. The manual discusses various aspects and perspectives of society in socio-economic relations and national development of Ukraine.

  • af Fahmi Salim
    337,95 kr.

    The expression "American dream" is utilized as a part of numerous ways, however, it basically is a thought that proposes that anybody in the US can succeed through diligent work and can possibly lead a cheerful, effective life. Numerous people have acquired or refined the definition to integrate things, for example, flexibility, satisfaction and significant connections. Someone who figures out how to execute his or her form of the American dream is frequently supposed to be "going through the fantasy." This estimate has been liable to feedback, on the grounds that some individuals assume that the social organization of society in the US turned away such an optimistic objective for everybody. Critics regularly indicate illustrations of imbalance established in class, race, religious belief and ethnicity that recommend that the American dream is not workable for everybody. The American Dream has served as a template for the way we regularly imagine the path of our lifetimes. The criteria of the diversion are extraordinary, as will be the bargain that is impinged on. For those willing to warp down and exploit their chances, there is the desire of a thriving and satisfying life.

  • af Andrey Tihomirov
    612,95 kr.

  • af Andrey Tikhomirov
    612,95 kr.

  • af Andrey Tikhomirov
    397,95 kr.

  • af Andrej Tihomirow
    297,95 kr.

  • af Andrey Tikhomirov
    297,95 kr.

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