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  • - Klassikere for børn
    af H.C. Andersen, Astrid Lindgren, Thorbjørn Egner, mfl.
    258,95 kr.

    Den ultimative dåbs- eller navngivningsgavebog fuld af nogle af de bedste billedbogsklassikere for børn.Hvad har Karius og Baktus, Cirkeline, Pippi Langstrømpe og Aben Osvald mon til fælles? Jo, det er alle sammen klassiske billedbøger, som er evigt aktuelle og sælgende. Nu er de samlet i én stor flot gavebog, som er oplagt til dåbs- eller navngivningsgave. Sammen med Tornerose, Palle alene i verden, Abel Spendabel og Tommelise udgør de en bred vifte af børnelitteraturens allerbedste billedbøger.

  • - Begyndervenlig strik fra 0-2 år
    af Mette Hvitved
    248,95 kr.

    I ”Barselsstrik” får du 18 begyndervenlige strikkeopskrifter, hvor alle kan være med. Opskrifterne er skrevet uden brug af forkortelser og uden alt for avancerede teknikker, og flere af opskrifterne har desuden billedguides, så det bliver nemmere at forstå arbejdsgangen i opskrifterne.Udover opskrifterne indeholder bogen også gode råd til hjemmestrikkede barselsgaver og gode råd til nye strikkere – samt et afsnit om valg af garn og materialer til opskrifterne.Alle bogens opskrifter er unisex og kan altså bruges af både drenge og piger. Opskrifterne kommer i str. 0 mdr. – 24 mdr., men flere af dem går helt ned i str. præmatur. Bogen indeholder alt fra cardigans og trøjer til dragter og små vintersæt. Desuden er der opskrifter på tilbehør som suttesnore og et lækkert tæppe, der har en lige så smuk bagside som forside.

  • - 12 revolutionerende strategier til at pleje vores børns sind under udviklingen
    af Daniel J. Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson
    198,95 - 208,95 kr.

    Den toårige, der går i flitsbue i supermarkedet. Børnehavebarnet, der nægter at klæde sig på om morgenen. Den 12-årige, der surmuler. Søskende, der konstant er i totterne på hinanden. Det kan være anstrengende for både børn og forældre, men det er faktisk helt, som det skal være, når hjernen udvikler sig. Psykiater Daniel J. Siegel og psykoterapeut Tina Payne Bryson beskriver i denne bog, hvordan barnets hjerne modnes, og hvordan det påvirker barnets adfærd og humør. Samtidig præsenterer de 12 nøglestrategier til, hvordan man som forælder eller omsorgsperson kan møde barnet med forståelse og støtte dets udvikling.

  • af William Sears, Martha Sears & Robert W. Sears
    245,95 kr.

  • af Marion Rose
    236,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Sabrina Villarreal
    178,95 kr.

    Aviaja er et vaskeægte hjertebarn. Hun er født ind i en ganske særlig klan af mennesker.De kaldes Hjertekrigerne. Når man er Hjertekriger har man sin helt egen isbjørn, hvis særlige opgave er at opmuntre sin Hjertekriger til at finde styrke, mod og vilje i livet. Pludselig glemmer Aviaja at huske sine særlige medfødte evner. Når en vaskeægte Hjertekriger glemmer at huske, så forsvinder deres isbjørn og pludselig er Thea-isbjørn også forsvundet.Med kærligheden som det eneste våben i sit sind, drager Aviaja ud på en rejse for at finde sig selv og Thea-isbjørn igen. Vil det mon lykkes hende?Om forfatterenSabrina Villarreal er selv mor til et hjertebarn, da hendes datter er født med VSD (Ventrikel Septum Defekt).Hjertesygdom påvirker alle omkringværende og pårørende, og forfatteren har skrevet bogen som hyldest til alle Hjertekrigere.Målet er at skabe et kærligt håb, selv når uvished, magtesløshed og sorg trænger sig på.

  • af Heidi Murkoff
    193,95 - 318,95 kr.

    Offers advice, insight, and tips for moms and dads, discussing pregnancy and birthing practices, prenatal screenings, postpartum birth control, and nutrition.

  • af Anne Phyfe Palmer
    206,95 kr.

    This beautiful keepsake baby book provides a place for a proud parent to record and preserve the memories, moments, and milestones of a new baby’s arrival and first few years.My Baby's Book focuses on baby’s delivery and first few years. Prompts include a mix of short-answer questions, lists, fill in the blanks, and places for photos to record pregnancy/anticipation of the birth, arrival, family info, observations about baby’s appearance and temperament, firsts, growth milestones, home, family friends, and baby playmates. When complete, you'll have a nuanced portrait of your baby's life through reflections, memories, history, and stories--a keepsake to be cherished throughout their life.  Sections include:About UsYour ArrivalAbout YouShoweredFirstsHomeAdventure Growing Up This gorgeously crafted journal features the whimsical work of papercut artist Sarah Trumbauer throughout.

  • af Simone Davies
    155,95 kr.

    "From the bestselling authors of The Montessori Toddler and The Montessori Baby, The Montessori Child guides parents in using the principals of Montessori to raise their school-aged children in ways that assist their development and foster a respectful relationship between parent and child and world. When children are given independence, the tools to succeed, and the encouragement to build on their abilities, it's amazing what they can achieve. The newest book in the bestselling Montessori series is an everything-you-need-to-know guide to raising your school-aged child (from 3-12 years old, with a bonus chapter for the teen years) in the Montessori way. Educators Simone Davies and Junnifa Uzodike provide an in-depth, practical guide to incorporating Montessori principles into readers' everyday lives, with advice on everything from setting up your home in ways that encourage curiosity and independence to supporting your child's social and moral development with a balance of limit-setting and age-appropriate freedoms. The book includes dozens of hands-on activities to help foster your child's love of numbers and literacy, art and science, and ones that encourage community-building, social awareness, and connection with the natural world. The Montessori Child offers a powerful alternative for parents who feel that family life has gotten too complicated by showing parents how to make more intentional choices for your family, how to better understand the needs of your children, and support them as they develop their unique potential"--

  • af Rob Beckett and Josh Widdicombe
    107,95 - 228,95 kr.

  • af Sharon Mazel
    206,95 kr.

    "In Bite-Sized Parenting, Sharon Mazel, one of America's most trusted parenting experts, presents the latest, most practical science-backed advice that new moms and dads need most, without judgment and in an engaging visual format"--

  • af Lane Rebelo
    183,95 kr.

    Infants and toddlers can use sign language well before they can speak, offering an exciting opportunity for the two of you to communicate in deeper and more complete ways. Start things off with baby sign language essentials--like "eat," "more," and "all done"--then move on to more complex ideas--like different foods, the outside world, opposites, and emotions.

  • af William Harding
    132,95 kr.

    Deshazte de tus dudas y miedos- ¡descubre cómo cuidar a tu bebé en sus primeros 12 meses para que crezca sano y fuerte!¿Estás ilusionada con la llegada de tu bebé, pero no confías en poder cuidar de un mini ser humano?Puede que tengas temor de lo que va a ocurrir cuando traigas a casa a tu bebé.Desde cambiarle el pañal hasta bañarle y alimentarle, quieres asegurarte de que lo haces todo bien desde el principio.Navegar por el primer año de paternidad puede ser abrumador, y pedir ayuda te hará la vida lo más fácil posible.Además de satisfacer las necesidades básicas de tu bebé, crear un apego sano con tu hijo puede marcar la diferencia a la hora de afianzar vuestro vínculo.Pero puede que sientas ansiedad y no sepas ni por dónde empezar - y ahí es donde Trucos Para el Nuevo Papá con Bebé resulta útil.Es hora de acabar con tus miedos. Si quieres tener tranquilidad y confianza cuando llegue tu recién nacido, deja que Trucos Para el Nuevo Papá con Bebé te ayude a conseguirlo. En este libro descubrirás:Cómo poner tu casa a prueba de bebés para mantener a salvo a tu bebé sin importar lo que toque.Cómo cuidar a tu bebé en las primeras 24 horas sin descuidar a tu cónyuge.8 posibles razones por las que llora tu bebé - y qué hacer cuando no deja de llorar.El horario de alimentación del bebé- qué y cuánto darle de comer.11 problemas de sueño que puede tener tu bebé- y cómo resolverlos para que todos puedan disfrutar de un buen descanso nocturno.Cómo calmar a tu bebé y crear un vínculo afectivo seguro con él.Lo que NO debes dar de comer a tu bebé (pista: pueden provocar peligro de asfixia).Cómo afrontar los problemas de relación tras el nacimiento de tu bebé- ¡mantén fuerte su vínculo!.Cómo ayudar a tu bebé a desarrollar su salud mental y emocional en los primeros 12 meses y más adelanteY mucho más.Los métodos que se ofrecen en esta guía tienen base científica y son prácticos, y te darán la confianza que necesitas para criar a tu bebé como el súper papá que estás destinado a ser.Si crees que te resultará difícil ayudar a tu pareja a realizar los cuidados básicos y las tareas domésticas, en el interior encontrarás una hoja de trabajo que te ayudará a organizar las tareas con tu pareja.Los comienzos pueden ser duros al principio, pero todo lo que tienes que hacer es dar el primer paso para equiparte con los conocimientos adecuados. Hoy es el día de empezar a prepararte para la llegada de tu bebé, para que por fin puedas sentirte seguro, preocuparte menos y disfrutar del viaje de la paternidad.

  • af Steven Donaldson
    98,95 - 208,95 kr.

  • af Holger Kiefer
    196,95 - 306,95 kr.

  • af Eva Tind
    358,95 kr.

    Fantasifulde, sjove, skøre og sprudlende alfabetrim for alle, der elsker leg med sproget.29 rim, der opfinder et nyt sprog, nye binære universer og bogstavs-danse i sin sanselige leg med bogstaver og ord. Bogen vil glæde alle med hang til sproglige finurligheder og vrøvlerim.Rimene er af varierende længde og på tre af opslagene kan man folde en ekstra side ud.Forfatter Eva Tind har skrevet en del bøger for voksne, men dette er hendes første børnebog. Bogen er illustreret af den prisvindende norske illustrator Per Dybvig, som blandt andet har illustreret Jos Nesbøs DOKTOR PROKTOR.

  • af Janet K. Black
    213,95 kr.

    A child's first year is one of remarkable growth. For example, in that short time, she learns to crawl, to take pride in herself, and to say simple words. You can have help promote this growth-especially if you understand the basics of child development presented in this book.Understanding Infant Development is one in a series of three practical, easy-to-read child development handbooks adapted from The Young Child, a textbook used in academic programs nationwide. Each book focuses on a specific age group. Written for child care providers in any setting, the set provides a complete overview of key theories and research on child development.Understanding Infant Development explains:* the impact and long-term effects of biology and environment on an infant's brain development* how infants learn* important theories of infant development* how early experiences lay the groundwork for an infant's development in language and thinking* the effects of nurturing on an infant's emotional development and stability in later life* milestones and windows of opportunity in an infant's development

  • af Glenn Doman
    138,95 - 243,95 kr.

    Now revised and updated, this guide shows just how easy and pleasurable it is to teach young children mathematics through the development of thinking and reasoning skills.

  • af Glenn Doman
    136,95 - 248,95 kr.

    ​*** OVER 13 MILLION COPIES SOLD ***Time and again, the work performed at The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential has demonstrated that children from birth to age six are capable of learning better and faster than older children. How To Teach Your Baby To Read shows just how easy it is to teach a young child to read, while How To Teach Your Baby Math presents the simple steps for teaching mathematics through the development of thinking and reasoning skills. Both books explain how to begin and expand each program, how to make and organize necessary materials, and how to more fully develop your child's reading and math potential.How to Give Your Baby Encyclopedic Knowledge shows how simple it is to develop a program that cultivates a young child's awareness and understanding of the arts, science, and nature--to recognize the insects in the garden, to learn about the countries of the world, to discover the beauty of a Van Gogh painting, and much more. How To Multiply Your Baby's Intelligence provides a comprehensive program for teaching your young child how to read, to understand mathematics, and to literally multiply his or her overall learning potential in preparation for a lifetime of success. The Gentle Revolution Series The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential has been successfully serving children and teaching parents for five decades. Its goal has been to significantly improve the intellectual, physical, and social development of all children. The groundbreaking methods and techniques of The Institutes have set the standards in early childhood education. As a result, the books written by Glenn Doman, founder of this organization, have become the all-time best-selling parenting series in the United States and the world.

  • af Jayneen Sanders
    110,95 - 189,95 kr.

  • af Amara Farah
    210,95 - 326,95 kr.

  • af Lynda Fassa
    258,95 kr.

  • af Priscilla Dunstan
    258,95 kr.

  • af Darius Link
    205,95 - 321,95 kr.

  • af Kim Wong Keltner
    183,95 kr.

    Kim Wong Keltner is a Tiger Baby all grown up with a daughter of her own . . . but is she a Tiger Mother? Heck, no. This book describes?in hilarious, and sometimes heartbreaking, detail?exactly why not.A battle hymn for every non-Tiger offspring of Tiger parents, Tiger Babies Strike Back examines why generations of kids have been made to feel inferior, isolated, suffocated, and humiliated in dogged pursuit of one goal: making their elders look good. In search of answers, Keltner delves into her own childhood, family history, and community traditions to expose the seamy underbelly of perfectionistic parenting. Can the Tiger-parented take back their emotional lives and love their own kids unconditionally? Keltner herself is living, hugging, fabulously flawed, Care Bear tea-party-throwing proof that they can.Traversing the choppy seas of American and Chinese traditions, Keltner dives into the difficulties facing women today?Chinese American and otherwise. At once deeply relevant and playfully honest, Tiger Babies Strike Back combines personal anecdotes and tough love advice for a humorous, provocative look at how our families shape?and sometimes shake?our personal foundations.

  • af Jan Faull
    258,95 kr.

  • af Barbara Candiano-Marcus
    163,95 kr.

    ENHANCE YOUR BABY'S POTENTIAL!Winner of thirteen national awards, the Baby Prodigy Company's DVDs and CDs have opened up an exciting new world for babies to explore. Now the creator of this landmark series presents a simple, straightforward guide no parent should be without. This fascinating book shows how stimulation affects the intelligence and happiness of your baby. It provides a program of activities that will enrich your infant's sensory awareness-hearing, seeing, touching, feeling, and tasting-in order to jumpstart amazing brain growth during the critical first three years of life. Discover:• sanity-saving tips for sleepless nights, fussy days, colic, and more• bonding and soothing techniques to use during your baby's first three weeks of life• easy, pleasurable activities to promote development in very young infants • milestones to look for as your child grows-from birth through toddlerhood• creative ways to stimulate curiosity, attention span, memory, and nervous system advancement• the ideal books and toys that will inspire learning and retention• baby talk: what your baby is trying to say, and how to talk to your baby at every stage of development

  • af Sharon Rogers
    168,95 kr.

    What Will Auntie Bring is a sequel to Auntie and the Red Comb. The book is about a family and their Sunday ritual. Everybody goes to church together. Every Sunday, Auntie brings Brittany a little present before they leave to go to church. Well, on this Easter Sunday, Brittany is wondering what Auntie will bring since she had just brought new beads over to do her hair the day before. Auntie shows up with a surprise for Brittany, and it is in a long white bag. Brittany is wondering what could be in the long white bag. Auntie always brings her something special, but it always fits in Auntie's purse!

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