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Hector Cross er tidligere major i det britiske specialkorps SAS og ejer et stort sikkerhedsfirma. I det lille emirat Abu Zara opererer Bannock Oil. Firmaets direktør Hazel får en alvorlig forskrækkelse, da hun under et besøg i Abu Zara får en ufuldstændig sms fra datteren Cayla om, at denne har set bevæbnede mænd om bord på familiens lystyacht i det Indiske Ocean. Skibet er blevet overtaget af pirater, der har fået oplysninger om dets position af araberen Rogier alias Adam – tilsyneladende bare en steward, men han tilhører en indflydelsesrig klan i en somalisk provins. Han har charmeret Cayla, så hun har taget ham som elsker. Adam og hans slæng sænker båden og bortfører Cayla til Adams bedstefars palads. Adam og bedstefaderen tilhører en fanatisk gruppe, The Flowers of Islam – men hvad Hector ikke ved er, at han har dræbt tre af bedstefaderens sønner, så der også er en personlig blodfejde med i spillet. Planen er at lokke Hector & co. til paladset for at befri Cayla, og for at sætte gang i sagerne sørger Adam for, at Cayla bliver udsat for massevoldtægt og sender en film af episoden til Hazel. Aktionen går i gang, og det lykkes for dem at slippe væk. Hector og Hazel forelsker sig i hinanden, og hun køber hans firma, og alt ånder fred i et par år. Men så slår Adam & co. til igen, bl.a. forsvinder Cayla igen - og hævntogtet er i gang. Afrikas Horn er et actionmættet drama, hvor retfærdighed sker fyldest til sidst."Afrikas Horn" af den garvede sydafrikanske bestsellerforfatter Wilbur Smith er en veltilrettelagt, veludført spændingsroman, der nægter at svigte sin læser." - Berlingske
Als Clownfischjunge Nemo von einem Taucher entführt wird, landet er in einem Aquarium mit einer wundersamen Schar tropischer Fische. Während Nemo und seine Freunde einen waghalsigen Fluchtplan aushecken, schwimmt sein Vater Marlin über den Ozean, um seinen Sohn zu finden - und trifft dabei auf hungrige Haie, coole Meeresschildkröten und einen vergesslichen Fisch namens Dorie! Tauch ein in das große Abenteuer eines tapferen kleinen Clownfisches!© Disney/Pixar. All rights reserved.Mach dich bereit, dich vom fantastischen DISNEY-Universum verzaubern zu lassen. Erlebe Abenteuer und Magie mit deinen Lieblingsfiguren: Aladdin, Dumbo, Lightning McQueen, Anna, Elsa, Winnie Puuh, Simba, Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Vaiana und all die anderen. Lehn dich zurück und hör zu - bis zur Unendlichkeit und noch viel weiter!
Smell is arguably the least understood sense, yet it has always been a vital component of the human experience, and that of all living creatures.Smell has been used by plants and animals for millions of years to warn, to attract, to identify, to navigate and even to mislead. Smelling to Survive explains some of these fascinating processes and explores how the past would have smelt quite different to our ancestors, and how future technologies will further change the world of scents.Along the way, leading scientist Bill S. Hansson recounts amazing stories from the world of olfactory research: from the tobacco plant that excretes an alarm odour, to mosquitos that cherish the smell of sweaty feet, to lilies that imitate the fragrance of a dead horse. Hansson explains why scientists are interested in the smell that surrounds teenage males, and how climate change affects the smell of our environment. He describes research trips to Christmas Island, where crabs with particularly keen noses crack coconuts on the beach, and outlines studies that reveal how penguins recognize their partner by their scent.Born in Sweden, the neuroethologist Bill S. Hansson served as Vice President of the Max Planck Society and is currently Director of the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany, and an honorary professor at Friedrich Schiller University. His research centres on the question of how plants and insects communicate through scent.
Forced Circumstances tells the story of a young 22-year old British woman living in 1960s Iran, bringing together a fragmented family amidst the turmoil of the Shah's rule. Married to an Iranian man with two children from a previous marriage, our bold protagonist takes on the complex role of stepmother to kids unaccustomed to affection or stability. Navigating traditions requiring full body coverings and forbidding women to venture out alone, she faces intense challenges as a conspicuous foreigner subject to contempt and harassment. Did she quietly harbour regrets over tying her fate to such complications instead of a more comfortable English life? Would the eruption of Ayatollah Khomeini and Iran's Islamic Revolution provide the leverage needed to hold their Jewish family together? Or drive them further toward resentment and dysfunction in a now-perilous homeland? Relating this family's ambitions, sacrifices, and conflicts across clashing societal upheavals, the memoir serves up lessons in perseverance and perspective. It illuminates the timeless experiences that unfold when different cultures combine under a single roof - and what it truly takes to transform that awkward juxtaposition into a nurturing sense of home.
"Elle éviterait le travail des mains, aujourd'hui, pour s'attacher à retranscrire son menton au fusain. Sa fossette, une attraction. Un gouffre millimétré. Des lèvres délicates, étirées en sourire, en toute autorité, dessinaient le Sud de son ovale.Il était beau. Plus que tout autre caractère lui conférant un visage, la beauté de cet homme précédait même son aura."
This is a detailed visual guide of the M60 tank; 340 photos both show the vehicle's design details and help readers visualize the tank's operational history.
This book explores environmental citizenship and civil society responses to environmental challenges in the Indian Ocean region.
This book examines the security dynamics of the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific, concentrating upon an analysis and evaluation of the air power capabilities of the various powers active in the two regions.
In recent decades, the vast and culturally diverse Indian Ocean region has increasingly attracted the attention of anthropologists, historians, political scientists, sociologists, and other researchers. Largely missing from this growing body of scholarship, however, are significant contributions by archaeologists and consciously interdisciplinary approaches to studying the region¿s past and present. Connecting Continents addresses two important issues: how best to promote collaborative research on the Indian Ocean world, and how to shape the research agenda for a region that has only recently begun to attract serious interest from historical archaeologists. The archaeologists, historians, and other scholars who have contributed to this volume tackle important topics such as the nature and dynamics of migration, colonization, and cultural syncretism that are central to understanding the human experience in the Indian Ocean basin. This groundbreaking work also deepens our understanding of topics of increasing scholarly and popular interest, such as the ways in which people construct and understand their heritage and can make use of exciting new technologies like DNA and environmental analysis. Because it adopts such an explicitly comparative approach to the Indian Ocean, Connecting Continents provides a compelling model for multidisciplinary approaches to studying other parts of the globe.Contributors: Richard B. Allen, Edward A. Alpers, Atholl Anderson, Nicole Boivin, Diego Calaon, Aaron Camens, Saa ¿aval, Geoffrey Clark, Alison Crowther, Corinne Forest, Simon Haberle, Diana Heise, Mark Horton, Paul Lane, Martin Mhando, and Alistair Patterson.
A unique perspective on the planning and execution of coalition warfare and the employment of multinational forces during Operation "Iraqi Freedom.
Suffren versus Hughes describes the fascinating but relatively little-known naval campaign between Britain and France for mastery of the Indian Ocean in the closing years of the War of American Independence. It is effectively the third volume of a trilogy recording the history of the Royal Navy during this period, the earlier volumes being Crisis at the Chesapeake (2021) and From Ushant to Gibraltar (2022).The contest for control of the sea was crucial to the maintenance of Britain's position in India. It was played out against the political, economic and military background created by the impact of the British East India Company upon the complex system of the various dynasties that ruled India, and which themselves competed with each other for advantage.Britain and France sent out squadrons of ships of the line which were at various times nearly equal in strength. In the course of their hard-fought campaign, these fought five battles, none of which produced the decisive victory which each sought. This campaign was remarkable not just for the strategic and tactical questions which it raised, but also for the light it shed on the characters and abilities of the respective commanders. Sir Edward Hughes and Pierre-André de Suffren were very different men, who brought to their commands contrasting approaches to the particular problems of naval warfare of the eighteenth century. Hughes was a very typical product of the traditions of the Royal Navy, a patient and careful exponent of all that he had learned from his training and experience. Suffren, on the other hand, was untypical of French admirals of the period; he was bold, aggressive and innovative, and impatient of the stately conventions of sea battles of the period.Each of them had extremely difficult problems to overcome, in addition to the fact that they were operating many thousands of miles from home, which meant that orders reached them months after they were first issued. Hughes faced considerable difficulties in his relationship with the various presidencies of the East India Company which ruled British India at this time. Suffren, on the other hand, who conducted the campaign for the most part without any effective base, was frequently badly let down by some of his captains, while the performance of his squadron demonstrated that the French navy was far less efficient than the British. For both men, a central problem was obtaining supplies, as well as that of effecting repairs to their ships some of which were extremely badly damaged during the battles which they fought.The two men had a very considerable respect for each other. However, while the life and career of Suffren has generated a huge literature, principally among French historians, that of Hughes has passed relatively unnoticed. Both men, though, deserved well of their countrymen for what they were able to achieve.
In the blue-green waters of Sponge Town lives a smart and funny Whale Shark and a fearless and curious Green Sea Turtle. Shark and Turtle's friendship opens everyone to the joy of friendship.
Former RAF Tornado pilot Michael Napier chronicles the action-packed history of the Harrier GR 7/9, and its missions in West Africa, the Balkans, the Middle East and Afghanistan over a 14-year period of ceaseless operations. The Harrier GR 7/9 was at the 'tip of the spear' for the RAF when it came to employing weapons against well-equipped standing armies and irregular forces in the 1990s and during the first decade of the new millennium. Assigned to the Harrier GR 7/9 Force, the aircraft undertook No Fly Zone patrols over northern Iraq, supported UN forces in the Balkans and embarked in Royal Navy carriers to bolster the RAF presence ashore in the Arabian Gulf. Harrier GR 7s also flew from HMS Illustrious over Sierra Leone in 2000 and were involved in the second Gulf War during early 2003 acting as Close Air Support for Coalition forces. Using first-hand accounts from his extensive Service contacts, supported by both official and personal photographs and 30 artwork profiles illustrating the wide range of colours worn and ordnance employed by the 'jump jet', Michael Napier provides a rare insider's look at the deployment of Harrier GR 7/9 up to its withdrawal from RAF service in 2010. Moreover, Napier also covers the numerous upgrades received by the aircraft over the years, from more powerful engines to the creation of the GR 9/9A variants in 2005.
An detailed illustrated exploration of the Japanese raid into the Indian Ocean in April 1942 - one of the largest operations conducted by the Imperial Navy during the war.In the wake of Japan's conquest of Burma in early 1942, plans were formed by the Imperial high command to capture Ceylon (modern Sri Lanka) to consolidate Japan's defensive perimeter and disrupt British shipping lanes to India, Australia, and the Middle East. The Imperial Japanese Army, however, could not release sufficient troops for an invasion, and so in response the Japanese Navy developed Operation C, an aggressive raid by the Combined Fleet into the Indian Ocean. The key objective was to destroy the British Eastern Fleet in port.Expert naval historian Mark Stille documents the high point of Japanese naval air power as its carriers struck Ceylon - the heart of British naval power in the East - sinking several Allied ships. He describes the Allied air attempts to destroy Admiral Chuichi Nagumo's force, and the Japanese attacks against British shipping and the cities along the Indian coast.Specially commissioned battlescenes bring to life the sinking of British carrier Hermes, the Bristol Blenheim attacks on the Japanese carrier force, and a Zero vs Hurricane dogfight over Colombo on 5 April. Easy to follow maps and diagrams reveal the strategic situation at the start and end of the campaign, and track the movements of the Japanese carrier task force and the British Eastern Fleet throughout. Details of weaponry, equipment, personnel and the events of the fascinating battles that took place are revealed in over 60 photographs, many of which are from Japanese sources.
Born mixed-race, but with pale skin, Georges was rejected by everyone in the 19th-century French colony of Mauritius. But, in this era of slavery and abuse, he was destined to be noticed.In Alexandre Dumas' action-packed novel, Georges, the son of a wealthy, mixed-race planter, leads a black militia group and saves the lives of many planters during the British invasion of Mauritius.However, he gets no thanks. Then, when he fights with the son of another planter, his father sends him to France to be schooled.Here, Georges becomes eloquent, educated, and a hit with the ladies.He returns to Mauritius and his popularity quickly increases in society. But, when he discovers that his brother is the captain of a slave ship, he is furious.The fuse is lit for a slave revolt, imprisonment, and a death sentence.Is it the end for Georges?Perfect for readers of Victor Hugo's 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' and 'My Bondage and my Freedom' by Frederick Douglass.Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) was a world-famous playwright and novelist. During his life and after his death, he has been one of the most important and widely read French historical adventure writers. His experience was based on his many travels and exuberant lifestyle.His novels include 'The Count of Monte Cristo', 'The Three Musketeers', 'The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later', and 'Twenty Years After'. His works have been adapted into more than 200 movies and TV series.The English playwright Watts Phillips, who knew Dumas in his later life, said: "He was the most generous, large-hearted being in the world. He also was the most delightfully amusing and egotistical creature on the face of the earth."For readers of the novels of Victor Hugo and Charles Dickens.
The Indian Ocean world has a rich history of socio-economic and cultural exchanges across time and space. This book and its companion, Merchants and Ports in the Indian Ocean World, explore these connections around the wider Indian Ocean world.The book examines the many overlapping linkages that existed from the early modern period and into the colonial era. It offers a clear understanding of the economic networks that extended across the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic during the 19th century. With a critical historical lens, the volume discusses themes like the opium trade in the Malay-Indonesian Archipelago - the biggest opium trade market at the time; the Safavid mission to Siam; and the economic relationship between Pondicherry and West Africa, via France.Rich in archival material, this book will be of interest for scholars and researchers of Indian Ocean history, maritime history, Indian history, economic and commercial history, South Asian history, and social history, anthropology, and trade relations in general.
The Indian Ocean world has a rich history of socio-economic and cultural exchanges across time and space. This book and its companion, Merchants and Ports in the Indian Ocean World explore these connections around the wider Indian Ocean world.
"The exciting narrative account-based on interviews, first-person accounts, and official documents-of a group of Marine reservists during 1991's Operation Desert Shield/Storm"--
Evaporating Suns explores myths from the Arabian Gulfthrough contemporary art. Based on the concept that themythical and the factual are like two sides of the samecoin, the catalogue accompanying the exhibition showsthat myths do not simply convey fictions, but are alsocapable of presenting truth much more vividly than statisticsand facts ever could. The publication showcases thework of 13 contemporary artists from the Arabian peninsula,who explore the folklore and popular myths of theirhomelands, and use cynicism, satire, and fiction to buildtheir universes and rewrite the parallel history of theircontemporary societies. Completed by essays by authorsfrom the region, myths are seen here as opportunitiesfor a new approach to the negotiation of current issuessuch as the environment, gender, and social structures ofpower.Founded in 2018 by the artist Sibylle Piermattei-Geiger and herhusband Rocco Piermattei, KULTURSTIFTUNG BASEL H. GEIGER IKBH.G creates a cultural program with current political or culturalreferences. The Basel exhibition space hosts three topicalart exhibitions a year, each of which goes beyond the conceptsof established institutions.
Pishi está solo y triste. Hace unas horas, había estado jugando con sus amigos, dándose un festín en un banco de peces y jugando con el agua. Pero cuando ha aparecido un barco, Pishi se ha escondido en las profundidades y cuando ha vuelto... ¡Sus amigos ya no estaban! Encima, el barco le ha hecho una herida en el vientre. ¿Cómo saldrá Pishi de esta?«Pishi atrapado en una tormenta» es una historia publicada originalmente por StoryWeaver y pertenece a la serie «Leer juntos». Está escrita por Mala Kumar, editora y escritora de literatura infantil, Manisha Chaudhry, editora, y Sangeeta Das, ilustradora y dibujante.
Pishi la raie manta se goinfre de poisson avec ses amis au large. Quand tout à coup, un bateau se dresse devant elle. Pishi plonge pour se cacher. Mais quand elle remonte, tout ses amis sont partis. Elle se retrouve seule, et voilà qu'une tempête fait rage et qu'une grosse vague la menace ! Pishi est projetée contre le navire et se coupe le ventre. La raie manta saigne et panique. Arrivera-t-elle à trouver du secours avant que les choses ne tournent mal ?
For Major General Randy West, From Prayer to Victory is a story thatneeds telling. It's about God and about the men and women who wear theuniform of and distinguish their service to our great nation.Gen. West served as the Aviation Combat Element Commander (ACE)for the Fifth Marine Expeditionary Brigade in Operation Desert Storm,which was billed as "the Mother of all Wars!" He looks back on his daysof development, preparation and participation in the conflict and revealsmany accounts of God's presence. He tells of the essential role God playedin hearing and answering the prayers of the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen andMarines and the prayers offered by those Americans on the home front.
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