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  • af Victoria Holt
    93,95 - 138,95 kr.

    Skjulte skatte. Mystiske hændelser. Mørke hemmeligheder. Anna Brett frygter, at hun er dømt til at være en guvernante for andres familier resten af hendes liv. Men da den flotte kaptajn Redvers Stretton kommer tilbage i hendes liv, bliver hun draget væk fra det kolde, engelske landskab og til Stillehavets mystik, hvor intet er hvad det ser ud til, og mod en gåde, kun hun kan løse. Mens den smukke, blonde og blåøjede kaptajn gør sit for at få Anna til at glemme sin fortid, går det op for hende, at der gemmer sig mørke hemmeligheder under hans charmerende overflade. Et mord ryster den unge kvinde, og i hendes drømme bliver hun forfulgt af mysteriet om en forsvunden skat. Det er ikke et tilfælde, at Stretton skib er opkaldt efter Den Gådefulde Dame, og på deres rejse mod Koraløen i Stillehavet, bliver Anna tvunget til at konfrontere manden, som kan have lige så mange hemmeligheder, som hun. På den primitive ø, hvor man stadig tror på hekserier og mørkets magter, kommer sandheden om Redvers Stretton for dagens lys. Og mysteriet om Den gådefulde dame bliver endeligt løst.Victoria Holt begyndte allerede at skrive som 17-årig, og en række af hendes tidlige noveller blev trykt i London-aviserne. Det var dog romaner i den historiske genre, der gav det internationale gennembrud, og i dag er hendes romaner solgt i over 50 millioner eksemplarer verden over.Victoria Holt (1906-1993), pseudonym for Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert, var en af verdens mest elskede og mest produktive forfattere i sin levetid. Hun begyndte allerede at skrive som 17-årig, og en række af hendes tidlige noveller blev trykt i London-aviserne. Det var dog romaner i den historiske genre, der gav det internationale gennembrud, og i dag er hendes romaner solgt i over 50 millioner eksemplarer verden over."En af de ypperste forfattere af gotiske kærlighedsromaner og en stærk historiefortæller, hvis gribende romaner har begejstret millioner af læsere."– RT Book Reviews

  • af Gertrude Barrows Bennett
    40,95 kr.

    After the 'Lusitania' ship is torpedoed, a man from New York wakes up to find himself in the ocean off an uncharted island. On the magical South Pacific Island, he encounters a brutal wilderness, where plants can eat men and spiders are as big as dining room tables.Before he knows it, he is caught in a dangerous rivalry between two Russian brothers who will do anything to find the philosopher’s stone.A tale of mystery, suspense, and endless adventures, "Nightmare!" explores the horrors of the natural world set against the even more gruesome horrors found in the human soul.Francis Stevens is the pseudonym of Gertrude Barrows Bennett (1884-1948), who was a pioneering author of fantasy and science fiction. Her works explore lost worlds, dystopian societies, and apocalyptic scenarios. If you read H. P. Lovecraft, you’ll love Francis Stevens who has been called ‘the woman who invented dark fantasy’.

  • af Jonathan Kellerman
    38,95 - 72,95 kr.

    Mroczny thriller autora bestsellerów z listy New York Times!Są na świecie miejsca na pozór szczęśliwe, które od lat skrywają ponure tajemnice i ociekają krwią niewinnych ofiar…Alex Delaware wraz ze swoją partnerką Robin, korzystając z zaproszenia doktora Morelanda, wyrusza na zamieszkiwaną przez niego rajską wyspę Aruk. Para ma pomóc lekarzowi w uporządkowaniu dokumentacji medycznej i napisaniu książki, ale wkrótce okazuje się, że dziwny dr Moreland ma wobec Delaware’ego nie całkiem uczciwe zamiary. Wkrótce wychodzi na jaw, że pobliski atol na Pacyfiku był w 1954 roku miejscem strasznych w konsekwencjach testów bomby wodorowej. Jeśli lubisz thrillery z ciekawie poprowadzonym wątkiem medycznym i pasjonują cię zawiłe losy dawnych zbrodniarzy, lektura tej książki na pewno wywrze na tobie niezatarte wrażenie. Oto dziesiąty tom wstrząsającej serii o zagadkach kryminalnych Alexa Delaware’a, można go uznać za oddzielną historię lub czytać bez zachowania kolejności cyklu. THE WEB, Copyright © 1996 by Jonathan KellermanAlex DelawareSeria thrillerów psychologicznych, których głównym bohaterem jest znany, choć przebywający na wczesnej emeryturze psycholog dziecięcy Alex Delaware. Dr Delaware na prośbę przyjaciela detektywa Milo Sturgisa zostaje specjalnym konsultantem Departamentu Policji w Los Angeles i pomaga mu w rozwiązaniu najbardziej zawiłych spraw kryminalnych. Jonathan Kellerman (ur. 9 sierpnia 1949 w Nowym Jorku) - profesor psychologii i rozwoju człowieka, uznany autor sensacyjnych thrillerów psychologicznych. W wieku 24 lat uzyskał doktorat z psychologii dziecięcej, zadebiutował w 1985 r. powieścią ,,Kiedy pęka tama”, która stała się bestsellerem New York Timesa. Kellerman to laureat prestiżowych nagród literackich np. Edgara Allana Poe oraz Anthony Award; jego powieści przetłumaczono na 24 języki i sprzedano w 37 milionach egzemplarzy. Jest żonaty z autorką bestsellerowych powieści Faye Kellerman, z którą ma czworo dzieci.

  • af Catherine Riaux-Gobin
    697,95 kr.

    This volume summarizes the results of a ten-year survey of small-sized marine Achnanthales (Bacillariophyceae) in Central Polynesia (South Pacific), focusing on their valve ultrastructures using the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The degree of colonization of benthic marine substrates, species richness and emergence of new diatom taxa appear to vary according to the geologic past, presence of coral reefs and degree of insularity of each Central Polynesia island. Several recently published taxa from French Polynesia, such as Cocconeis santandrea and Xenococconeis opunohusiensis, are presented herein, together with some unpublished observations and new illustrations on all of the 13 described taxa. A Venn diagram permits the first comparison with assemblages studied with the same methodologies from Central Polynesia, New Caledonia and Mascarenes (Indian Ocean). Potential endemism is briefly discussed. The taxonomy used in this volume is based on valve ultrastructure as seen in the SEM, which allows an easier comparison of the small marine tropical Achnanthales taxa, which can be difficult to distinguish by light microscopy. It questions the presence of forms or 'morphs' in several species complexes. The concept of endemism in marine eukaryotes, currently still controversial, opens up other perspectives on the biogeography of these organisms. Marine benthic and small-sized diatoms are poorly studied in contrast to freshwater diatoms, which are often used to develop diatom indices for determining water quality. This volume can help researchers working on the taxonomy of the order Achnanthales, but will also aid students beginning detailed studies of marine benthic diatoms.

  • af Edward M. Young
    155,95 kr.

    This book examines the role of the Grumman F4F Wildcat, the US Navy's standard carrier fighter at the start of the Pacific War, and its clashes against the Imperial Japanese Naval Air Force's Mitsubishi A6M Zero-sen.The US Navy went to war in December 1941 with the tubby Wildcat, the first of Grumman's famed 'cats', as its principal carrier fighter. Ruggedly built and well armed, the F4F's performance was inferior to the Japanese Zero-sen, yet in the carrier battles of 1942 between the US Navy and the IJN the Wildcat pilots more than held their own against some of the finest naval aviators in the world. Many of the Wildcat pilots that saw action in the South Pacific comprised what respected naval historian John Lundstrom has called the 'First Team' - the small group of highly trained prewar pilots who manned the bulk of the US Navy's carrier fighter squadrons. Illustrated with specially commissioned artwork, including armament views and ribbon diagrams, the book examines the carrier battles that took place in August and October in the South Pacific around the first American offensive of the war - the amphibious assault on the island of Guadalcanal, and the actions of the Wildcat in combat with IJN carrier aircraft. The key combat actions are described and accompanied with rare and original photographs and diagrams, as are the training and tactics that contributed to the Wildcat's success.

  • af Louis Tracy
    65,95 kr.

    Iris Deane er ung og ævintýragjörn kona sem lendir í skipbroti á ferðalagi sínu um Suður-Kínahaf. Sem betur fer er henni bjargað af sjómanninum Robert Jenkins, sem er þó ekki allur þar sem hann er séður. Saman reyna þau að lifa af á eyðieyju með litlar vistir, þar sem þau lenda í fjölda ævintýra. En ástin er alltaf handan við hornið ...Bókin naut mikilla vinsælda á Íslandi áður fyrr sem hluti af Sögusafni heimilanna.Persónurnar og notkun á tungumáli í verkinu endurspegla ekki skoðanir útgefandans. Verkið er gefið út sem sögulegt skjal sem inniheldur lýsingar á tíðaranda og skynjun manna sem tíðkaðist á tímum skrifanna.Serían samanstendur af eldri sögum sem eiga það sameiginlegt að hafa verið eftirsóttar til lengri tíma í flokki rómantískra bókmennta. Bækurnar henta einstaklega vel þegar þú vilt gleyma þér í rómantík og ævintýrum gamla tímans.Louis Tracy (1863-1928) skrifaði fjöldann allan af skáldsögum um ævina. Hann fæddist í Liverpool í Bretlandi, en stundaði nám í Frakklandi og starfaði víða sem blaðamaður samhliða skrifum sínum. Hann notaði gjarnan höfundarnöfnin Gordon Holmes og Robert Fraser við skáldsagnaritun sína, en því síðara deildi hann með höfundinum M. P. Shiel.

  • af W. Bert Foster
    44,95 kr.

    Þegar hinn ungi Howard Thorne er kallaður á fund hjá ástkærum fóstra sínum fær hann loksins að heyra sannleikann um örlög foreldra sinna. Eftir að hafa verið ranglega sakaður um peningaþjófnað flúði faðir hans land en var talinn hafa látist af slysförum á sjó. Nýjar upplýsingar benda þó til annars og leggur Thorne upp í langferð með briggskipinu Naida undir traustri leiðsögn Latimers skipstjóra. Von hans er sú að finna föður sinn á lífi og hreinsa nafn hans af röngum sakargiftum.W. Bert Foster (1869-1929) var bandarískur rithöfundur. Hann skrifaði afþreyingarbókmenntir í formi smásagna og skáldsagna. Ásamt því að skrifa undir eigin nafni starfaði hann einnig sem skuggaskrifari fyrir bókaútgáfuna Stratemeyer Syndicate sem gaf út fjölmargar barnabókaseríur. Þar að auki var Foster viðloðandi kvikmyndagerð en árið 1921 kom út myndin „The Last Door" þar sem hann var meðal þriggja höfunda. Þar á eftir fylgdu nokkrar vestrænar kvikmyndir sem voru allar byggðar á sögum Fosters. Kvikmyndirnar voru allar svarthvítar og þöglar.

  • af Victoria Holt
    43,95 - 62,95 kr.

    Faldir fjársjóðir. Dularfullir atburðir. Myrkir leyndardómar. Anna Brett óttast að þurfa að vera kennslukona á heimili annarra það sem eftir er ævinnar. En þegar hinn glæsilegi skipstjóri Redvers Stretton kemur aftur inn í líf hennar, ferðast hún frá köldu landslagi Englands yfir í dulúð Kyrrahafsins þar sem ekkert er það sem það lítur út fyrir að vera og hún lendir í miðri ráðgátu sem aðeins hún getur leyst. Meðan myndarlegi, ljóshærði og bláeygði skipstjórinn gerir sitt besta til að fá Önnu til að gleyma fortíð sinni áttar hún sig á því að myrk lendarmál liggja undir heillandi yfirborði hans. Morð fær mjög á ungu konuna og í draumum hennar eltir hana leyndardómur um falinn fjársjóð. Það er ekki tilviljun að skip Strettons er kallað „Leynda konan" og á ferð þeirra að Kóraleyju í Kyrrahafinu neyðist Anna til að horfast í augu við manninn sem gæti átt eins mörg leyndarmál og hún. Á frumstæðri eyjunni, þar sem fólk trúir enn á galdra og myrk öfl, kemur sannleikurinn um Redvers Stretton í ljós. Og ráðgátan um leyndu konuna er loksins leyst.Victoria Holt er eitt höfundarnafna Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert. Hún fæddist í Bretlandi árið 1906 og lést 1993 og ritaði um 200 sögulegar skáldsögur um ævina undir hinum og þessum höfundarnöfnum, allt eftir umfjöllunarefni sagnanna. Meðal annarra höfundarnafna hennar eru Jean Plaidy og Philippa Carr. Verk hennar hafa unnið til verðlauna, verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og hafa selst í yfir 50 milljón eintökum um allan heim.

  • af Jakob Anderhandt
    411,95 - 505,95 kr.

  • af Ilka Mella
    293,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Corrin & Vergil Narokobi
    1.086,95 - 1.307,95 kr.

  • af Heinrich Zimmermann
    55,95 kr.

    Ein historischer Reisebericht über die Seefahrerlegende James CookEigentlich ist es einfachen Matrosen im 18. Jahrhundert untersagt, während einer Schiffsreise ihre Erlebnisse schriftlich festzuhalten. Doch Heinrich Zimmermann widersetzt sich und schmuggelt eine Schiefertafel mit an Bord. Auf dieser hält er die Abenteuer fest, die er mit dem berühmten Kapitän James Cook im Pazifischen Ozean erlebt. Er berichtet von fremdartigen Kulturen, freizügigen Frauenzimmern, angsteinflößenden Menschenfressern und nicht zuletzt von dem heimtückischen Mord an einem der bedeutendsten Entdecker der Welt, Kapitän James Cook.Heinrich Zimmermann (1741-1805) war ein Entdeckungsreisender und nahm an der letzten Reise von James Cook teil. Auf der Suche nach einer Amerika-Asien-Passage bereiste er mehr als vier Jahre lang den Pazifik vom Kap der guten Hoffnung bis beinahe zum Nordpol hinauf.

  • af Brandon Presser
    105,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af James Morrison
    254,95 kr.

    In this journal Boatswain’s Mate James Morrison recounts the Royal Navy ship HMS Bounty’s 1787 voyage and the ensuing mutiny, providing an invaluable resource for naval historians and an enthralling tale for the general reader.

  • af Hans von Holt
    387,95 kr.

    Es beginnt auf einer Südseeinsel in der schönsten Umgebung.Ein scheinbar harmloses Seminar endet mit einem schrecklichen Erwachen. Es bleiben von Mirella nur verzweifelte Aufzeichnungen in Ihrem Tagebuch. Das Ende eines Menschen wird zu einem Anfang, der alles bisherige verändern soll.Vaclav Santini spielt die erste Geige in seinem Prager Orchester. Die Entfremdung zu seiner Frau Mirella hatte sich eingeschlichen wie ein Dieb in der Nacht. Sie war in einen Sog gewisser Kreise geraten, der ihr zum Verhängnis werden sollte.Anneke Vermeer aus Amsterdam meldet sich unerwartet und kommt für einen Besuch nach Prag. Das Wiedersehen mit Vaclav gestaltet sich völlig anders als erwartet. Der Tod Mirellas wirft Widersprüche auf, die Vaclav und Anneke in den Strudel der Ereignisse ziehen.Kommissar Jasinski in Prag tappt zunächst im Dunkeln. Spuren führen nach Amsterdam. In Amsterdam setzen sich langsam Bruchstücke zusammen. Es ergibt sich ein roter Faden, der Experimente an Menschen offenlegt, deren Anwendung unvorstellbare Folgen haben wird. Ein Szenario aus Verschleierung und Manipulation macht die Spurensuche fast unmöglich.Ein Konzern gerät ins Zentrum der Ermittlungen. Die Ergebnisse übertreffen alles bisher Denkbare. Kann dem geplanten Albtraum Einhalt geboten werden?

  • af Daniel Defoe
    35,95 - 65,95 kr.

    Robinson Crusoe é o único sobrevivente de um desastre que matou toda a tripulação do navio em que viajava. Ele passa a viver sozinho numa ilha deserta onde deve usar toda sua inteligência e coragem para lutar pela sua sobrevivência. Será que algum dia ele conseguirá sair dessa ilha?Além da bravura desse herói, essa obra trata de temas mais profundos como a lucidez, a solidão e a importância do contato social para o homem. Esse romance foi adaptado no filme de animação homônimo de Vincent Kesteloot, produzido em 2016.Tradução e adaptação de Monteiro Lobato.Este audiolivro é narrado em português brasileiro.Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) foi um escritor e jornalista inglês considerado precursor do romance realista inglês. Membro de uma família dissidente da Igreja Anglicana, ele tentou preparar-se para seguir a carreira eclesiástica, mas acabou desistindo da carreira religiosa. Decidiu se estabelecer como comerciante e viajou muito pela Europa com diversos empreendimentos comerciais, mas não obteve muito êxito nesta área. Atraído pela política, ele escreveu numerosos panfletos.O seu romance "Robinson Crusoé" rendeu-lhe fama e notoriedade. Essa obra-prima foi adaptada diversas vezes, destacando-se o filme homônimo produzido em 1997, estrelando Pierce Brosnan, e a série de televisão "Crusoe" (2008-2009) produzida pela FOX.

  • af Stefan Weißenborn
    522,95 kr.

    Dieser opulente Landschaftsbildband besticht durch seine wunderschönen Naturfotografien, die Darstellung der Flora und Fauna sowie zahlreichen, wunderbaren Städteansichten.

  • af R. M. Ballantyne
    72,95 kr.

    First published in 1857, ‘The Coral Island’ is one of Scottish author R.M. Ballantyne’s best-loved children’s books. When the good ship ‘Arrow’ is wrecked in the Pacific Ocean, the sole survivors are three young friends: Jack, Ralph, and Peterkin. Washed up on the shore of an unfamiliar island paradise, the boys must learn quickly in order to survive. There are plenty of twists and turns ahead in this classic adventure story, which is packed full of danger and excitement. An instant success upon publication, ‘The Coral Island’ was the inspiration behind famous author Robert Louis Stevenson’s later adventure tale ‘Treasure Island’.R.M. Ballantyne (1825-1894) was a Scottish artist and prolific author of mostly children’s fiction. Born in Edinburgh, Ballantyne was the ninth of ten children. At the age of 16 Ballantyne moved to Canada, where he worked for the Hudson’s Bay Company, travelling all over the country to trade for fur. He returned to Scotland in 1847 following the death of his father, and it was then that he began his literary career in earnest, writing over 100 children’s adventure books over the course of his life. Stories such as ‘The Coral Island’ and ‘The Young Fur Traders’ were hugely popular, and many of them drew on his own experiences of travelling throughout Canada. A stickler for detail, Ballantyne continued to travel widely to research the backgrounds and settings for his exciting stories. His tales became an inspiration for authors of the future, including ‘Treasure Island’ novelist Robert Louis Stevenson. Ballantyne spent the latter period of his life living in London and Italy for the sake of his health. He died in Rome in 1894 at the age of 68.

  • af Edgar Rice Burroughs
    55,95 kr.

    Monsters created in laboratories, love triangles, pirate attacks, shipwrecks and damsels in distress. Arthur Maxon has way too much to deal with, but ultimately he bought it all on himself!'The Monster Men' is a science-fiction novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs that depicts a scientist (Maxon) who wants to create artificial life. Set in the South Pacific, the story very much resembles H. G. Wells’ 'The Island of Dr. Moreau' and even Shelley’s 'Frankenstein'.Burroughs explores the social theme of racial bettering, also known as eugenics, and the moral theme of having a soul. A work of vast imagination, fast-paced narration, and suspense-packed episodes, 'The Monster Men' is a gem in Burroughs’ fictional pantheon, recommended to fans of sci-fi and adventure fiction.Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) was an American author, best known for his novel ‘Tarzan of the Apes’ (1914) and its sequels as well as the Barsoom series. During World War II, he was one of the oldest U.S war correspondents.Tarzan and his adventures are loved by both young and old, and are evergreen classics. Many have watched at least one Tarzan tv series or movie with the most popular probably being the Disney animation film from 1999 and 'The Legend of Tarzan' from 2016 starring Alexander Skarsgård and Samuel L. Jackson.

  • af Jack London
    55,95 kr.

    Pirates, shipwrecks, terrible storms, and cannibals! Why would anyone ever want to Sail the Seven Seas? You will find all this and much more in Jack London's adventure novel 'A Son of the Sun.'Set in the Pacific Ocean, these eight different stories are told from the point of view of David, a businessman who once traveled the South Seas. The narrative is largely influenced by London’s own voyages, some of which proved rather dark and horrifying. The vivid natural descriptions and realistic character portrayal make 'A Son of the Sun' an entertaining and haunting sea novel, perfect for readers and fans of marine adventures.Jack London (1876-1916) was an American writer and social activist. He grew up in the working class, but became a worldwide celebrity and one of the highest paid authors of his time. He wrote several novels, which are considered classics today, among these are 'Call of the Wild', 'Sea Wolf' and 'White Fang'.Recent film adaptations include 'Call of the Wild' 2020 starring Harrison Ford and Dan Stevens and 'White Fang' from 1991.

  • af Robert Louis Stevenson
    56,95 kr.

    'In The South Seas' is a collection of stories from the Pacific Islands curated by Stevenson as he cruised through the islands. The collection is among some of the most important bodies of literature that focus on the Pacific area in the 19th century. The collection acts as a time capsule of tradition and culture that has since been lost to time and offers an incredibly fascinating and valuable insight in to a part of human history rarely given its due attention. The collection covers the various tribal cultures, languages, traditions and societies in the islands making it an important anthropological piece of work. Stevenson brings the vast ocean expanses, the stunning nature and the beauty of Polynesian culture to life in these pages. It is a compelling and deeply fascinating read perfect for anyone who loves David Attenborough's show 'Our Planet'.-

  • af Juliusz Verne
    23,95 kr.

    Powieść stanowiąca ostatnią część tzw. dużej trylogii vernowskiej. Trzytomowy utwór prezentuje pobyt grupy ludzi na niewielkiej, bezludnej, wyspie. Dziennikarz, inżynier, marynarz, niegdysiejszy pirat, służący i chłopiec uciekli z obleganego w czasie trwania wojny secesyjnej Richmondu. Umiejętność zaadaptowania się w trudnych warunkach umożliwiła im kilkuletni pobyt na wyspie.Dramaturg i prozaik francuski, autor powieści podróżniczych, historycznych i fantastycznonaukowych. Wiele podróżował – odwiedził 15 krajów w Europie oraz w basenie Morza Śródziemnego. Od 1870 roku Kawaler, natomiast od 1892 roku Oficer Orderu Legii Honorowej. Był twórcą niezwykle płodnym i poczytnym, jego utwory przetłumaczone zostały na ponad 90 języków. Wiele z nich doczekało adaptacji scenicznych i filmowych.

  • af Jules Verne
    63,95 kr.

    What about an unexpected two years' vacation on a desert island? It may sound appealing from nowadays perspective. But when a marooned ship drifts to sea with nobody but a group of young boys on board, things does not seem as promising as expected. The ship is caught by a storm and the boys end up on an unknown island. They will either adapt and learn how to survive or they will die. When it seems like their fate is predetermined after two years on the island, they notice a passing ship. Is this their way out or they will find themselves in even bigger threat? Jules Verne takes us on yet another sea journey with the adventure novel "e;Two Years' Vacation"e;. It is a story about bravery, flexibility and intelligence by which Verne seeks to show everybody that everything is possible if you have strong will and perseverance. -

  • af James Norman Hall & Charles Nordhoff
    97,95 - 115,95 kr.

    James Norman Hall (USA, 1887-1951) and Charles Nordhoff (USA, 1887-1947) Faery Lands of the South Seas (1920) Reader: Mike Vendetti Returning from the horrors of World War I James Hall and Charles Nordhoff follow a dream to tour the South Pacific. They later co-authored "Mutiny on the Bounty". This is a love story. A travelogue and an adventure rolled into one.

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