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  • af Walter the Educator
    198,95 kr.

    You ARE the Father: Celebrating DADS with Poetry is a collectible poetry work by Walter the Educator. Collect more poetry at Creating a poetry book celebrating fathers is a wonderful way to honor and appreciate the important role that fathers play in our lives. Fathers are often unsung heroes, providing love, support, guidance, and protection. This poetry book dedicated to fathers can capture the depth of emotions and experiences that come with fatherhood. It can serve as a tribute to their sacrifices, their strength, and their unconditional love. This book can also inspire and uplift readers, reminding them of the profound impact fathers have on shaping our lives.

  • af Matt Winters
    148,95 kr.

    Does the thought of watching over your kids alone while mom is away terrify you? Trust me, you're not the only one! As a father myself, I know how anxiety-inducing it can be to be left in charge when mom's away.It's not that we don't have the skills we need to take care of our kids. We've changed plenty of diapers and prepared several meals in the past. We've broken up fights and calmed emotional outbursts.But the reality is that mom is usually there to step in and take control whenever she's needed.Raising kids is never easy, no matter which parent you are or how much experience you have. But seeing a clean house with full-bellied, snoozing kids makes it all worth the chaos.Whether you're a newly single dad or you just have to watch the kids during mom's weekend getaway, this book will help you navigate the ins and outs of parenthood.Inside Mr. Mom, I've provided:Recipes and activities to do with your kids.Ideas for electronic-free entertainment.How to work through conflicts and tantrums.Tips for bedtime and bathtime.Methods for encouraging good behavior.As dads, we must stick together and support each other through every toddler meltdown and temper tantrum.And don't worry, I didn't forget about Dad either! I've also included a few tips to help you get the most out of your weekend alone, with some fantastic ideas for drinks, snacks, and leisure activities to treat yourself with after a hard day's work.Don't panic when your wife says she's going on a business trip for the weekend. You're their dad; you got this! With my help, you'll be able to shock your wife at just how well you held down the house when she was away (and we all know-the only thing better than happy kids is a happy wife).Take the next steps to help you and your child make the most of your time together by adding this book to your parenting collection!

  • af V T Sreekumar
    388,95 kr.

    Book Description:In the ever-shifting landscape of modern parenting, "Parenting in the Modern World: Strategies for 21st Century Families" emerges as an indispensable guide for navigating the complexities and challenges of raising children in today's dynamic society.This insightful book, penned by [Author's Name], offers a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted realm of contemporary parenthood. From the pervasive influence of technology to the intricacies of building resilient family dynamics, each chapter is crafted to address specific facets of parenting in the 21st century.Discover strategies for navigating the digital age: As technology continues to shape our lives, the book provides practical insights on managing screen time, fostering healthy digital habits, and promoting a balanced approach to technology in family life.Nurture resilience in your children: Uncover effective techniques for building resilience in the face of life's challenges. This book delves into the importance of instilling emotional intelligence and adaptability in children, equipping them with the tools to thrive in an ever-changing world.Forge strong parenting partnerships: Recognizing the significance of co-parenting, this guide explores the art of collaborative parenting. Learn how to build effective partnerships, maintain open communication, and work together to create a supportive environment for your children.Prepare your children for the future: Beyond immediate concerns, the book takes a forward-looking approach, providing strategies to prepare children for success in a future marked by uncertainty. Explore ways to cultivate lifelong learners, global citizens, and empathetic individuals.Practical advice for every stage: Whether you're navigating the challenges of early parenthood or guiding teenagers through adolescence, this book offers practical, adaptable strategies for every stage of your parenting journey.Drawing on a wealth of research, expert insights, and real-world experiences, "Parenting in the Modern World" is not just a book; it's a trusted companion for parents seeking to raise confident, resilient, and well-rounded individuals in the fast-paced 21st century. Embrace the journey of parenting with confidence and purpose, armed with the strategies and wisdom found within these pages.

  • af Astrid Florence Cassing
    211,95 kr.

    11. Oktober 2019 ­- Der Tag fängt für Schauspielerin Claire richtig gut an. Er endet verhängnisvoll. Irgendwo dazwischen liegt diese halbe Sekunde, die schlagartig alles veränderte. Als sie im Krankenhaus wieder zu sich kommt, realisiert sie drei Dinge: Sie kann sich nicht bewegen, sie hat Schmerzen und sie hat Angst. Der Kurzroman beschreibt den Weg der dreifachen Mutter zurück ins Leben und warum ihr unerschütterlicher Glaube an sich selbst hierbei die beste Medizin ist.

  • af Cole Louis Edwin
    198,95 kr.

  • af Michael Jentsch
    255,95 kr.

    Unter besonderen Umständen wird eine Maus geboren. Sie ist vielleicht die Fortsetzung einer Sage.Die Titelheldin versucht mithilfe einiger Freunde dieser Sage nachzugehen, aber es gibt auch anderedie ihrer Habhaft werden wollen. Kann das Gute gegen Macht und Gier gewinnen?

  • af Paul Mikulicz
    218,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af Franz Rumpler
    185,95 kr.

  • af Blyden Wesley
    218,95 kr.

    God, the all-powerful Creator of heaven and earth, wonderful Healer, fantastic Parent.God had a Son who adores him.His Son made us.We... Lie, steal, kill, and burn cities. Some even flaunt $24,000 refrigerators with gourmet ice cream while others are starving.Did Jesus make a mistake, or did he and Satan have a secret meeting?Open this book, and you decide...

  • af Dennis Geier
    277,95 kr.

    Siram lebt im Habitatkomplex, der letzten Zuflucht für die Überlebenden einer planetenweiten Naturkatastrophe. Stumme Soldaten schreiten durch die Straßen. Diese so genannten Erlöser wachen über die Menschheit. Wer sich ihnen widersetzt, verschwindet spurlos. Alle Anderen werden nach 53 Jahren mit dem Aufstieg belohnt. Als Siram auf eine geheime Gruppierung stößt, die nicht weniger gefährlich ist, als die Erlöser, gerät er mitten in einen Kampf um die wahre Geschichte der Menschheit. Und um ihre Zukunft...

  • af Chris Mancini
    193,95 kr.

    Like a male version of "Sippy Cups Are Not for Chardonnay," this funny, insightful, and useful collection of essays looks at the one thing that terrifies men the most--fatherhood.

  • af Victor Shaw
    113,95 kr.

    ¿¿¿¿¿ "New dads, this will make you very admired and respected!" - Reader review___Simple and practical advice to help new dads, and dad's to be, stay involved in your child's life!From conception through the 9-month of pregnancy with your wife or partner this simplified and well-researched summary, Victor Shaw shares his knowledge and experience in a men-to-men-like approach!What will you as a new dad learn?A fun and an easy-read month-by-month guide to your partner's pregnancy so you know what to expect in your baby's development each step of the wayA to-do list for every month, detailing what you should be doing at each point in the pregnancy, including how to help Mom with some of the not-so-fun symptoms she may be experiencingEverything women wish men knew about the pregnancy from moms who have been there, done that!How to keep both mom and baby healthy throughout the pregnancy, with diet and exercise tipsAll of the ways you can be involved in this pregnancy - from helping create the registry to "dad" games for the baby shower and moreWhat you should know about labor and delivery so you can be the support person your partner deserves during this life-changing momentAnd much more!It takes a special man to care enough and be informed about pregnancy their pregnancy.By using this book, you have proven that you are special and you do care to create the memories your unborn baby deserves!Order your copy and here's a cheers to all supportive dads and dads to be!

  • af Joe Wells
    138,95 kr.

    There's a significant difference between giving God our best and giving Him our unconditional surrender. "Surrender" is a challenging, 5 chapter, devotional/group resource with discussion/reflection questions at the end of every chapter.

  • af Patrick Morley
    243,95 kr.

  • af Ace Collins
    163,95 kr.

  • af Friederike Hapel
    173,95 - 223,95 kr.

  • af Cristina Berna
    1.678,95 - 1.798,95 kr.

  • af R D Koncerak
    193,95 - 443,95 kr.

  • af Deborah L Clouthier
    523,95 kr.

    The Dream is about a woman named Cassandra who has had a troubled past in both family and marriage. She finds some stability at this stage of her life living in Stony Plain Alberta and is quite happy to live alone for the balance of her life. She is fortunate enough to be very financially stable and doesn't need a man to support her. However, she meets a man named James who is Scottish. James saw her many years ago in his home country Scotland and was never able to get her out of his mind. His dear friend Annie MacKay, a renowned medium, tells him what he needs to know in order to find her again. Cassandra meets James in a coffee shop in Stony Plain just as she is telling her friend Roxie about a dream she has been having, when James walks in. Cassandra isn't interested in getting into a romantic relationship with James but he is willing to be patient and go slow so that he earns her trust. But his prowess in business has allowed him to amass an incredible fortune. James will not be deterred from making Cassandra see that he is not like other men she has met in her life. After months of wooing her, she lets him into her heart. In this first book in the series, Cassandra and James find out more about each other and James meets her family. Cassandra's granddaughter Ayleen is immediately taken with James and wants him as her Grandpa and tells her grandmother as much. Ayleen even tells James how he should propose. This heartwarming story of two mature adults finding love again spans out over a year in their lives and all that they go through on a daily basis.

  • af Jenny Ng
    233,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Iven Schmidt
    242,95 kr.

    Erlebe eine einzigartige Geschichte, in der sich die wahre Welt enthülltUnsere Welt ist ein Ort, an dem immer wieder neue Faszinationen auftauchen, doch manche Entdeckungen bergen auch eine große Gefahr mit sich.Nachdem sie von der alten Legende der Kamita erfahren haben, beginnen sie Nachforschungen anzustellen. Begleite vier mutige Schüler auf ihrer packenden Odyssee, in der sie mehr über geheimnisvolle Kräfte erfahren und sich ungewollt in eine gefährliche Reise verwickeln. Doch diese ist voller Gefahren, welche aus dem Schatten emporsteigen und eine neue Realität verwirklichen. Allerdings stellt sich nicht nur ihre Welt auf den Kopf. Ein mannigfaltiges Team muss über sich selbst hinauswachsen und sich dem teuflischen Herrscher Crane, in einem erbitterten Kampf, entgegenstellen...Der spannende Auftakt des großen Shadow-Verse

  • af Bryan Paul Buckley
    248,95 kr.

    The road. Those that travel for business know what I mean by the challenge of the road. The road is hard: from staying in shape, eating, and getting any rest to keeping up with the work, connecting with your family back home, and just finding a few minutes to yourself to think and catch your breath.Then you add the relentless distractions and temptations that only a road warrior knows and experiences. The evil one whispers everything from "Nobody will ever know" to It's the cost of doing business to win or keep the deal so it's okay, right?" The guilt, shame, and regret of the spiritual road warrior are all too often overwhelming and paralyzing.One of my biggest challenges on the road is not only finding time alone with God, but specially reading something that can relate to my life as a business traveler.Until now.So, why David? And what does he have to do with the life of a business traveler? Plenty.

  • af Bill Rodebaugh
    118,95 kr.

    Bill Rodebaugh is a lifelong resident of Philadelphia, PA. A retired insurance executive, a church leader, deacon, Sunday School teacher and a Rescue Mission Director. A graduate of Central High school in Philadelphia Bloomfield College and Seminary. Prior to enlisting in the U.S. Army he did graduate work at Temple University. Bill lives with Edit, his wife of 56 years. They have 2 children (one deceased) and ten grandchildren.

  • af Alexander Woolery
    153,95 kr.

    Become your son's hero by following some simple rules of parentingAre you a parent of a soon-to-be teenager?Are you worried about your son getting overwhelmed by their bodily changes during puberty and the melodrama that follows it?Have you been digging for parental advice on the internet, but nothing concrete has come your way?If you are struggling with any of such situations, then you've come to the right place!Raising a child through their adolescence is a big challenge. And in the case of boys, things may get trickier as they get more aggressive and impatient while undergoing physical and hormonal changes.But just because change is inevitable doesn't mean it has to be a struggle.With the right information and guidance, parenting can become a fun and enriching journey that you wouldn't want to trade the world for.Not only that, but you'll also be helping your son become the confident young man you know he is, all while growing closer and building an unbreakable bond with you.In Unlocking the Mysteries of Boys' Puberty, you'll discover:An easy-to-digest explanation of puberty and the several stages to expect, preparing both you and your son for what's to comeComprehensive guidance on how best to prepare your child for tackling the physical and psychological changes that go hand in hand with puberty7+ personal care and hygiene tips so that your son will always be able to look and feel their bestHow to nurture self-esteem and confidence in your child at the stage in life they need it mostPractical advice for parents to ensure the physical and mental well-being of their child during pubertyCommon nutritional challenges and how to overcome them, including 14+ easy recipes that may even inspire your kid to take up cookingAnd so much more!Worrying about your children is a normal part of being a parent. But worrying alone wouldn't help in any way. If you want to help your child glide through their adolescence, then it's time to upgrade your current parenting skills and make some informed decisions.No matter how much you want your son to stay the sweet, superhero-loving child you adore, at one point or another, they will begin to experiment and develop a greater sense of independence.Puberty is nature's way of shaping humans into taking bigger responsibilities in life -- welcome it with open arms and be the one to help them through the transition.If you want to help your son through the emotional roller coaster that is puberty, then scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button right now.

  • af Chris Atkin
    138,95 kr.

    Pepys, Darwin, Mole - diarists have long helped men to understand the world around them.In this father-to-be's humorous account of the nine months leading up to the birth, journalist Chris Atkin candidly discusses the highs and lows, the pre-birth preparations and the unexpected challenges along the way. This painfully honest diary will help you do better and will answer questions you didn't even know you had, such as:How many holes does a nipple have?What methods have been scientifically proven to help induce spontaneous labour?What even is hypnobirthing?And how close is too close to the due date to go on a stag do?This is a little book about a big subject. From breaking the news to your relatives, to cutting the cord, there's never a dull moment.

  • af Silke Lüttmann
    163,95 kr.

    Labrador Siley und sein Frauchen Silke finden beim Spaziergang im Naturschutzgebiet Roggenmoor einen angebundenen Hund. Als sie ihn mitnehmen wollen erschaudern sie und geraten in einen seltsamen Mordfall.

  • af Stan Belyshev
    133,95 kr.

    Our heavenly Father created us as human beings, spiritual beings, and sexual beings. And it should come as no surprise that we are naturally drawn to people of the opposite gender. And the Bible will always be the most trustworthy Rated R manual on the planet.The letter "R" stands for REAL!Stan takes an unconventional approach to the critical topics of dating, relationships, marriage, and sexual purity, challenging you to......Live A Life of Sexual Purity!...Be Knowledgeable of The Strongholds of Soul Ties!...Know That Dating Is Not About Do's And Don'ts!...Understand The Power of A Marriage Covenant!...Know The Power of Your Personal Choices!...Know Your Time And Your Seasons!...Understand Why It Is Not Good To Be Alone!...Be Aware of The Divorce Pandemic!...Grasp The Significance of Being Single!...Become A Godly Role Model, Coach, and Mentor To The Younger Generation!...Live Your Life In The Kingdom Culture!

  • af Helgard Bauhardt
    326,95 kr.

    Es geht um natürliche Beziehungen, Freundschaft, Kreativität, Träume vom Leben, die Kinder haben. Hilfsbereitschaft, Frieden. Es sind Geschichten, wo ein kleiner Junge und ein kleines Mädchen zusammen spielen und ihren Eltern zeigen, wie das Miteinander auf unkomplizierte Weise gehen kann. Sie spiegeln ihren Eltern ihre ureigensten Träume.

  • af D. K. Smith
    198,95 kr.

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