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IND I SYDAMERIKA er en meget personlig rejseskildring blandet med en mængde historiske oplysninger. Forfatteren rejser rundt i Sydamerika i adskillige måneder og skyr ingen anstrengelser for at komme tæt på steder og mennesker. Desuden kaster han sig ud i det ene halsbrækkende eventyr efter det andet. Han bestiger bjerge i Ecuador, tager på riverrafting i Peru og kører på cykel ned ad smalle, stejle bjergveje i Bolivia. I Brasilien oplever han det berømte karneval i Rio, bliver bestjålet på åben gade og er lige ved at blive smidt ud af landet som illegal indvandrer. Også i Argentina og Uruguay får han spændende oplevelser og møder mennesker fra alverdens lande.Undervejs får læseren en masse at vide om landenes historie lige fra forhistoriske kulturer over Inkarigets storhed og fald og 1800-tallets løsrivelsesbevægelser og krige til den seneste tids økonomiske og politiske udvikling.Bogens budskab er klart: Rejs ud og oplev verden, mens du kan. Du vil ikke være den samme bagefter.
Lonely Planet's Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the region has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Spot iguanas on Galapagos, surf at Montanita and hike Cotopaxi; all with your trusted travel companion.
I 1835 opholdt den kun 26-årige Charles Darwin sig fem uger på Galapagosøerne. Han havde forinden med skibet HMS Beaglebesøgt store dele af Sydamerika og med sprudlende energi udforsket levevis, geologi og plante- og dyreliv. Darwins undersøgelser på Galapagos bidrog med vigtige brikker i det enorme materiale, der lå til grund for hans formulering af evolutionsteorien.Galapagos er syttende kapitel af Darwins fantastiske rejseskildring Rejse om Jorden, der udkom på engelsk i 1839. For første gang siden 1876 foreligger teksten på dansk i denne bog.
Vores døde hud - Roman. Natalia García Freire. Vores døde hud udforsker denne underverden og kæder Lucas’ minder om barndommen sammen med nutiden og reflekterer over ondskab og sygdom, vanvid og død. “One of three short debut novels that most stood out this year in Latin America.” Jorge Carrión, The New York Times
Ideal for independent travellers, this guidebook to Ecuador and the Galápagos, written by destination experts, combines must-see sights with hidden gems and offers essential tips for both planning and on-the-ground adventures. It's sustainably printed to ensure environmental responsibility.Inside this Ecuador and the Galápagos travel book, you'll find:- Regional deep dive - coverage of key regions, offering a rich selection of places and experiences, and honest reviews of each one- Itinerary samples - designed for various durations and interests- Practical information - tips on how to get there and get around, use public transport, beat the crowds, save time and money, travel responsibly and more- Expert recommendations - insider advice on where to eat, drink, and stay, alongside tips for nightlife and outdoor activities- Seasonal tips - when to go to Ecuador and the Galápagos, climate details, and festival highlights to plan your perfect trip- Must-See pick - a curated selection of not-to-miss sights as chosen by our authors - Otavalo market, Quito, Canoa, whale-watching, Parque Nacional Machalilla, Malecón 2000, Nariz del Diablo, La Compañía, climb a volcano, Museo Nacional Del Ecuador, Ingapirca, Lagina Quilotoa- Navigational maps - colour-coded maps highlighting essential spots for dining, accommodation, shopping and entertainment- Cultural insights - engaging stories delve into the local culture, history, arts and more, enriching your understanding of Ecuador and the Galápagos- Language essentials - a handy Spanish dictionary and glossary to help you communicate and connect with locals- Inspiring travel photography - full-colour pictures capture the essence of Ecuador and the Galápagos, bringing each location to life and fuelling your wanderlust- Bonus eBook - Free download with purchase, offering digital access to our comprehensive guide- Coverage includes: Quito, the northern sierra, the central sierra, the southern sierra, the Oriente, the northern lowlands and coast, Guayaquil and the southern coast, the Galápagos Islands
Ecuador, a land of enchanting landscapes and vibrant culture, is a hidden gem nestled in the heart of South America. This diverse country offers visitors a mesmerizing blend of breathtaking natural wonders, rich history, and warm hospitality. From its awe-inspiring Andean peaks to its lush Amazon rainforests and pristine beaches, Ecuador truly has something for every traveler seeking an unforgettable adventure.
This Ecuador & Galápagos guidebook is ideal for travellers seeking inspirational guides and planning a more extended trip. It provides interesting facts about Ecuador & Galápagos's people, history and culture and detailed coverage of the best places to see. This Ecuador & Galápagos travel book has the style of an illustrated magazine to inspire you and give a taste of Ecuador & Galápagos. The book is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet FSC's strict environmental and social standards. This Ecuador & Galápagos guidebook covers: Quito, Day Trips from Quito, Northern Sierra, The Avenue of the Volcanoes, The Southern Sierra, The Oriente, Oriente Wildlife, The Western Lowlands, The Pacific Coast, Guayaquil and the South Coast, The Galápagos Islands. In this Ecuador & Galápagos travel guidebook, you will find:- Unique essays - country history and culture, and modern-day life, people and politics- Ecuador & Galápagos highlights - Avenue of the Volcanoes, Baños, Otavalo, Cuenca, Pacific coast beaches, Ingapirca, Quito, Galápagos Islands, Amazon lodges - Practical travel information - getting there and around, budgeting, eating out, shopping, public holidays, information for LGBTQ+ travellers and more - When to go to Ecuador & Galápagos - high season, low season, climate information and festivals - Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots- Main attractions & curated places - narrative descriptions of where to go and what to see, covered geographically- Tips and facts - interesting facts about Ecuador & Galápagos and useful insider tips- High-quality maps of Ecuador & Galápagos - must-see places cross-referenced to colourful maps for quick orientation- Colour-coded chapters - each place chapter has its own colour assigned to aid easy navigation of this Ecuador & Galápagos travel guide- Striking pictures - rich, inspirational colour photography on all pages, capturing attractions, nature, people and historical features - Free download of title's eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook to Ecuador & Galápagos - Fully updated post-COVID-19This Ecuador & Galápagos guidebook is just the tool you need to get under the skin of the destination and accompany you on your trip. It also makes a great gift because of its premium quality. This book will inspire you and answer all your questions while preparing a trip to Ecuador & Galápagos or along the way. It will also remain a beautiful souvenir after your trip.
Drawing from an activist research project spanning Loja, Santo Domingo, New York, New Jersey, and Barcelona, this book offers a feminist intersectional analysis of the impact of migration on health and well-being. It assesses how social inequalities and migration and health policies, in Ecuador and destination countries, shape the experiences of migrants. The author also explores how individual and collective action challenges health, geopolitical, gender, sexual, ethnoracial, and economic disparities, and empowers communities. This is a thorough analysis of interpersonal, institutional, and structural mechanisms of marginalization and resistance. It will inform policy and research for better responses to migration's negative effects on health, and progress towards greater equality and social justice.
This guide offers an urban overview of three major Ecuadorian cities - Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca - as well as a detailed description of their most representative architecture. A selection of 120 buildings has been compiled, dating from the earliest days of Spanish colonisation to the present day. Each project is accompanied by basic historical data, a formal description and images.This book not only allows the reader to get to know the most outstanding buildings and public spaces in the country, but also to understand the symbolism and spirit that lies within them, shaping the urban memory, culture and identity of Ecuador.
They say that third time's a charm...It's been two years since mass murderer, Giacomo Riondino, disappeared after killing Greta Alfieri. Dr Claps, devastated and guilt-ridden by Greta's death, has been on a man-hunt for Riondino ever since.Meanwhile, an American girl disappears on the 382nd step of the Cerro trail in Guayaquil, Ecuador. No one saw her disappear. Who took her? And how?When the US authorities contact Claps, he is certain that it must be Riordino. But, unlike Riondino's other victims, the girl has disappeared into thin air... Will Claps solve the puzzle, or will he lose his mind in the process, blinded by his own obsession?The third book in the series and a gripping thriller full of twists you won't see coming, ´Taken´ is perfect for fans of ITV's ´Manhunt´ or M. Night Shyamalan's ´Split´.What people are saying about ´Taken´:"A good novel with plenty of twists and turns that follows the others in the series." - Reader review"A most engaging tale with lots of twists. Good character development and consistency." - Reader reviewMonty Marsden, a Tuscan by birth, grew up in Milan, where he studied medicine and still works. He lives in the province of Bergamo with his wife and four children.
Join a team of scientists as they set sail for a place that's unlike anywhere else on Earth - the Galápagos Islands.
Offers Fresh Insight into Crucial Debates over the Causes of Diverging and Converging Political Trajectories in the Region
«Antología ecuatoriana: cantares del pueblo ecuatoriano» es una recopilación crítica de poemas y canciones populares compilada por el escritor y académico Juan León Mera. Esta obra es una valiosa muestra del saber popular y de la literatura oral de Ecuador, con un estudio preliminar y notas críticas de un miembro de la Real Academia Española.Juan León Mera Martínez (1832-1894) fue un ensayista, novelista, político y pintor ecuatoriano. Es conocido por ser, junto con Antonio Neumane, el autor de la letra del himno nacional de Ecuador. También fue uno de los fundadores de la Academia Ecuatoriana de la Lengua y miembro de la Real Academia Española. Su novela «Cumandá» es considerada precursora de la novela ecuatoriana.
This volume describes the rich chemistry, pharmacological nature and complexity of a selection of natural products from Ecuador and their respective biosynthetic building blocks.
This volume describes the rich chemistry, pharmacological nature and complexity of a selection of natural products from Ecuador and their respective biosynthetic building blocks.
Con esta obra pretende el autor viajar para recorrer su amplio mundo y revivir extasiado las vivencias que fueron plasmando su vida a lo largo de tantos años. Se va adentrando en la dimensión de lo ficticio que existe detrás de todas las realidades y termina navegando entre la luz y la oscuridad con historias verdaderas e imaginadas, mezcladas con la magia de la fantasía y el drama de la realidad. Sus vivencias en la campiña y en la selva amazónica del Ecuador le permiten poner el colorido de esa naturaleza y parte de ese misterio verde que se esconde detrás de cada árbol o de cada personaje-Adolfo Córdovez Pérez (Quito, 1948) es un escritor ecuatoriano residente en Alemania. En su momento fue Gobernador de la Provincia Amazónica del Napo. Sus narraciones enhebran la imaginación fértil para construir personajes con la denuncia de las realidades sociales latinoamericanas. Entre sus libros podemos mencionar "Oriana y yo", "La cosa", "Volveré (Un sueño americano)".
"Jaguarens datter" er anden del af Kit Henson-trilogien. Kit har svært ved at huske og reagerer ofte aggressivt efter mødet med den psykopatiske franskmand ’Den hvide rotte’ i Vietnam. Nu bliver hun kaldt til Ecuador, hvor hun skal opklare mysteriet om inkaprinsessen, der er kendt som ’Jaguarens datter’. Er det virkelig hendes mumie, arkæologerne har fundet? Og hvor er hjertet? Det hjerte, som ifølge myten kontrollerer selve tiden ..."... en levende spændingsfortælling præget af eventyrelementer ..." – Politiken"En fantastisk thriller, som er svær at lægge fra sig, når først man er kommet i gang." – Bogrummet.dkTrilogien om arkæolog og knogleekspert Kit Henson består af bøgerne "Kejserens port", "Jaguarens datter" og "Den åbne grav".Christian Mørk (f. 1966) er forfatter og journalist. Allerede som 14-årig rejste han alene til USA for at gå på kostskole, og han har senere bosat sig permanent i landet, hvor han blandt andet har arbejdet på avisen The New York Times og som filmproducent i Los Angeles.
Alpinista Nuñez na skutek nieszczęśliwego wypadku trafia do "Kraju Ślepców" - doliny otoczonej stromymi przepaściami. Społeczność tego terenu została przed laty dotknięta chorobą, która spowodowała ślepotę niemowlaków. Z biegiem czasu ludność coraz bardziej przystosowywała się do życia bez wzroku, wyostrzając pozostałe zmysły. Widzący Nuñez ma poczucie przewagi, sądzi, że łatwo byłoby mu przejąć władzę nad ślepcami. Mieszkańcy mają go jednak za dziwaka. Czy związek z miejscową dziewczyną pozwoli mu przełamać ich nieufność?Jedno z najbardziej znanych opowiadań Wellsa. W 1939 r. autor przebudował zakończenie i opublikował drugą wersję utworu.Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) - jeden z prekursorów gatunku science fiction. Z wykształcenia biolog, jednak od najmłodszych lat odznaczał się bujną wyobraźnią i lekkim piórem. Gdy z przyczyn zdrowotnych musiał zrezygnować z zawodu nauczyciela, zaczął utrzymywać się z pisania - początkowo były to materiały dziennikarskie, a z czasem także literatura. Autor powieści "Wojna światów", "Wehikuł czasu" i "Wyspa doktora Moreau".
Alguien dijo que en 1968 hubo una Revolución Mundial. "Oriana y yo" gira alrededor de un amor estudiantil montado sobre la ola del Mayo Francés. ¿Qué ocurre cuando una pasión florece en medio de un tiempo donde todo lo que parecía sólido está cambiando?Esta novela con tintes autobiográficos se desarrolla entre Europa y la Amazonía Ecuatoriana. En sus páginas encontramos una mirada fresca sobre temas como el choque entre generaciones, el peso de la muerte y las vueltas del amor, tan fuerte y constante.Adolfo Córdovez Pérez (Quito, 1948) es un escritor ecuatoriano residente en Alemania. En su momento fue Gobernador de la Provincia Amazónica del Napo. Sus narraciones enhebran la imaginación fértil para construir personajes con la denuncia de las realidades sociales latinoamericanas. Entre sus libros podemos mencionar "Oriana y yo", "La cosa", "Volveré (Un sueño americano)".
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