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    831,95 kr.

    منذ أنْ أعلنَ الفاطميّون عن قيام دولتهم الجديدة في إِفْرِيقِيّة (تونس) في أواخر القرن الثالث الهجري/التاسع الميلادي، رأوا في إقْلِيمَي طَرابلس الغَرب وبَرقة (ليبيا) أهمية كبيرة لمشروعهم العَسكري والسّياسي والْمَذهَبيّ في العالم الإسلامي شَرقِهِ وغَربِهِ. حيث كانت طرابلس استراتيجيًّا هي بوابة الدخول لإِفْرِيقِيَّة وبلاد المغرب الإسلامي كُلُّه لأولئك القادمين من المشرق، في حين كانت بَرقة جُغرافيًّا هي بوابة الدخول لِمِصْر وبقية بُلدان المشرق الإسلامي لأولئك القادمين من المغرب. فكانا يمثلان العصب الحيوي الذي يربط ما بين المشرق والمغرب، والجسر الأرضي الوحيد الآمن لتحقيق أحلام الفاطميين السياسية وأمانيهم الواسعة في التَّوَسُّع ومَدِّ سيطرتهم على كل أقاليم العالم الإسلامي، ومحاولتهم نشر مذهبهم الشيعي فيها. فكان نجاحُ مشروع الفاطميين في المنطقة متوقفًا على السيطرة على الإقليمين والمحافظة على استتباب الأمور فيهما. وهذا ما عمل الفاطميُّون على تحقيقه بمجرد قيام دولتهم الناشئة في إِفْرِيقِيَّة. وتحت حكم الفاطميين وسيطرتهم شهدت أرض طَرابلس وبَرقة وسُكّانِهِمَا زَخَمًا جديداً في الحياة السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية، جاء كونه مواكباً لمتطلبات الدولة الجديدة وتطلعاتها الواسعة، تجسيداً حَقيقيًّا لاندماج السياسة مع الأرض والناس، وتفاعلها مع البيئة المحيطة والمجاورة.

  • af Manetho
    268,95 - 413,95 kr.

  • af Auguste Bouche-Leclercq
    328,95 - 488,95 kr.

  • af Christian Karl Josias Bunsen
    468,95 - 538,95 kr.

  • af Maxime Du Camp
    258,95 - 363,95 kr.

  • af Karen Radner
    1.340,95 - 1.570,95 kr.

    The fifth volume of the Oxford History of the Ancient Near East covers the period from the second half of the 7th century BC until the campaigns of Alexander III of Macedon (336-323 BC) brought an end to the Achaemenid Dynasty and the Persian Empire. Tying together periods and political history covered by previous volumes in the series, this title focuses on the Persian Empire's immediate predecessor states: Saite Egypt, the Neo-Babylonian Empire, and the kingdom of Lydia, among other kingdoms and tribal alliances.

  • af Korshi Dosoo
    1.548,95 kr.

    This volume is the first in a new series of editions of Coptic-language "magical" manuscripts from Egypt, written on papyrus, ostraca, parchment, and paper, and dating to between the fourth and twelfth centuries CE. Their texts attest to non-institutional rituals intended to bring about changes in the lives of those who used them - heal disease, curse enemies, bring about love or hatred, or see into the future. These manuscripts represent rich sources of information on daily life and lived religion of Egypt in the last centuries of Roman rule and the first centuries after the Arab conquest, giving us glimpses of the hopes and fears of people of this time, their conflicts and problems, and their vision of the human and superhuman worlds. This volume presents 37 new editions and descriptions of manuscripts, focusing on formularies or "handbooks", those texts containing instructions for the performance of rituals. Each of these is accompanied by a history of its acquisition, a material description, and presented with facing text and translations, tracings of accompanying images, and explanatory notes to aid in understanding the text.

  • af Claudio Blanc
    213,95 kr.

    Egyptian civilization lasted for about three thousand years, producing icons that, even today, populate and intrigue people's imagination. Pyramids, animal-headed gods, sphinxes, mummies, hieroglyphs, deeds and concepts that marked the capacity of a people who lived their heyday many millennia ago, in a time so primitive that such accomplishments assume almost fantastic dimensions. This book on Egyptian Mythology not only brings the main gods and their attributes, but also contextualizes the history, religion and cosmogonies of this incredible people, taking you on a journey through time through this remarkable civilization.

  • af H J F Parrat
    198,95 - 378,95 kr.

  • af Domenico Testa
    198,95 - 378,95 kr.

  • af Pierre Henri Couvidou
    293,95 - 428,95 kr.

  • af Jean Capart
    268,95 - 413,95 kr.

  • af Margaret Alice Murray
    178,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af Wilhelm Max Müller
    193,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Bernard Pyne Grenfell
    273,95 - 378,95 kr.

  • af Emile Amelineau
    398,95 - 548,95 kr.

  • af Sumita Pahwa
    464,95 - 1.068,95 kr.

    Despite expectations that the deeply held political and religious organizing principles at the heart of the Muslim Brotherhood would prove incompatible and contentious should the organization ever come to power, the Brotherhood succeeded in maintaining a united identity following the 2011 ousting of Hosni Mubarak and the election of a Brotherhood-majority government. To understand how the movement threaded these disparate missions, Sumita Pahwa examines the movement's internal debates on preaching, activism, and social reform from the 1980s through the 2000s. In doing so, she finds that the framing of political work as ethical conduct has been critical to the organization's functioning.Through a comprehensive analysis of texts, speeches, public communications, interviews, and internal training documents, Pahwa shows how Islamic and religious ideals have been folded into the political discourse of the Brotherhood, enabling the leadership to shift the boundaries of justifiable and righteous action. Over a period of three decades, the movement has built an influential Islamic political project and carved a unified identity around how to "work for God."

  • af Katharina Remy
    253,95 kr.

    Die schönsten Liebesgeschichten aus der Welt von Sachmet, in jenem Augenblick erzählt, da die Helden in Erscheinung treten. Wer kennt ihn nicht, jenen sehnsüchtigen Schmerz der Liebe? Was gibt es Schöneres als die große Liebe, die einzige, die erste? Was ist tragischer als die verlorene, vergebliche Liebe und größer als Menschenliebe! Freuen Sie sich auf elf reizvolle, unterhaltsame Geschichten, mal frivol, mal tragisch, in denen sich alles um die ganz großen Gefühle meiner Helden dreht!

  • af Félix A Acuto
    228,95 kr.

    Los capítulos que integran este libro ofrecen análisis y reflexiones sobre los procesos de diferenciación social y expansión estatal en el valle del Nilo de mediados a fines del IV milenio a.C., el valle de Oaxaca entre la segunda mitad del I milenio a.C. y comienzos de la era cristiana, y los Andes sudamericanos entre los siglos XIV y XVI. Los procesos de surgimiento y expansión de lo estatal en contextos antiguos plantean una serie de interrogantes cuyo abordaje dista de ser sencillo. A las dificultades evidentes del trabajo con unos testimonios que no suelen caracterizarse por su elocuencia, se suma la encrucijada interpretativa que supone ponderar la evidencia, acceder -en el terreno de la inferencia- a su contexto de producción y establecer unos lineamientos teóricos que otorguen sentido y habiliten el camino de la reflexión histórica.¿Qué hace que, en determinado momento, surjan dinámicas estatales que instalan regímenes de dominación política? ¿Qué motiva luego que esos procesos se desplieguen por la vía expansiva? ¿Hay patrones comunes o las similitudes en los efectos pueden proceder de condiciones no necesariamente equivalentes? Se trata de interrogantes que, incluso antes de intentar afrontarlos, ya dan muestras del potencial que tiene la comparación de estos procesos históricos, así como la pertinencia de presentar conjuntamente unos trabajos que, sea desde la comparación o desde el estudio específico, participan de una discusión común.Si las preguntas específicas y los posicionamientos teóricos pueden diferir, del mismo modo que las evidencias con las que trabajan los investigadores, el problema mayor de la dominación sociopolítica y su extensión territorial aúna las reflexiones históricas que se derivan de estas investigaciones.Es objetivo de los editores poner a disposición de los lectores de habla hispana estas contribuciones a la discusión sobre la jerarquización sociopolítica y la expansión estatal en contextos antiguos, con el anhelo de que encuentren en ellas puntos de encuentro y divergencia que estimulen la reflexión intelectual y expandan el horizonte de preguntas posibles acerca de las sociedades del mundo antiguo.

  • af Thomas Burgoyne
    198,95 kr.

    Title: The Light of Egypt: The Science of the Soul and the Stars - Volume 2Author: Thomas H. BurgoyneDescription: "The Light of Egypt: The Science of the Soul and the Stars - Volume 2" by Thomas H. Burgoyne is a captivating exploration of ancient wisdom and esoteric knowledge, offering readers a profound journey into the realms of spirituality, mysticism, and the interconnectedness of the human soul with the celestial heavens.In this second volume of a groundbreaking series, Burgoyne delves even deeper into the mystical teachings that have fascinated seekers of truth for generations. Building upon the foundation laid in the first volume, this book continues to unveil the sacred science of the soul and its intricate relationship with the stars, planets, and cosmic forces.Burgoyne's prose is both enlightening and poetic, weaving together the wisdom of ancient Egypt with the mystical traditions of various cultures. He delves into the secrets of astrology, numerology, and sacred geometry, offering readers a profound understanding of the hidden forces that shape our lives and destinies. Through his words, he illuminates the path to self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment."The Light of Egypt" is not merely a book; it is a guide to understanding the profound mysteries of existence. Burgoyne's insights reveal the interconnectedness of all life, the eternal nature of the soul, and the role of the stars and planets in our earthly journey. As readers embark on this enlightening voyage, they are invited to explore the depths of their own consciousness and connect with the cosmic tapestry that surrounds us.This volume is a testament to Burgoyne's dedication to preserving and sharing ancient knowledge that has been passed down through the ages. It provides a roadmap for those seeking to unlock the secrets of the universe and their own inner potential. It is a book for those who yearn to bridge the gap between the material and spiritual worlds and find meaning in the cosmic dance of existence.For spiritual seekers, astrologers, and anyone intrigued by the mysteries of the universe, "The Light of Egypt - Volume 2" is a timeless treasure trove of wisdom. It offers a profound and transformative journey into the depths of the soul and the boundless mysteries of the cosmos, leaving readers inspired, enlightened, and forever changed. Thomas H. Burgoyne's work continues to shine as a beacon of illumination in the realm of esoteric literature.

  • af A P Wolf
    163,95 kr.

    The Queen of Heaven is extraordinarily difficult to find anywhere in history, but miraculously she is still there. As in the Old Testament where the women of the ancient Jewish settlement on Elephantine island in southern Egypt defended their worship of the Queen of Heaven, when they were dramatically confronted by the exiled prophet Jeremiah, for worshipping 'false' gods in the 6th century BCE. (Jeremiah 45:15-21). Who was this ancient 'Queen of Heaven' resident at this remote outpost of the Jewish faith in Elephantine? In this case, it was the goddess 'Anat', who shared the same Jewish temple as Yahweh. Anat was considered his equal - when not superior - by the Jewish worshippers who offered incense and other offerings to both, which they had been doing for over 200 years in peaceful harmony. Compelling links between ancient Egyptian sources and the Old Testament demonstrate that much of what we read in Genesis and Exodus today has been simply 'pasted and copied' from ancient Egyptian texts and legends. Including the 'Ten Commandments' which were - almost word for word - written down in the Egyptian Book of the Dead and known as the 'Declarations of Innocence', many thousands of years before the time of Moses and the Exodus, and then later copied onto the walls of Edfu temple. It is at this very same Edfu temple - where the Jewish mercenaries were often garrisoned - we find astonishing similarities between the festival of the 'Jewish Passover' and the Egyptian 'Festival of the Beautiful Reunion' where the goddess Hathor was reunited with her consort. We also follow some of the most powerful kings of the region whose devotion to Anat - their Queen of Heaven - was so intense that in response to hostile acts directed against her temples or sanctuaries, they and their massive armies trekked thousands of miles across hostile territory to destroy or subjugate those responsible, and then reinstall their beloved Queen, Anat, on the throne of Heaven.

  • af Alexander Free
    1.548,95 kr.

    Hermupolis Magna, die Stadt des Gottes Thot/Hermes, war nach römischer Auffassung keine echte Polis. Überhaupt wird dem antiken Ägypten von der modernen Forschung ein Stadtproblem attestiert. Im. 3. Jh. n. Chr. werden Hermupolis wie auch andere Gaumetropolen der Provinz allerdings selbstverständlich zu den Poleis der Mittelmeerwelt gezählt. Wie lässt sich diese Diskrepanz erklären? Wie ist die Kategorie "Stadt" vor einem solchen Hintergrund zu bewerten? Anhand eines Blicks auf die gesellschaftlich-mentalen Strukturen der lokalen Einwohnerschaft von Hermupolis, ihrer repräsentativen Ansprüche und einer akteursorientierten Perspektive auf den Ort wird die städtische Entwicklung der Gaumetropole zwischen ptolemäischer Zeit und dem 5. Jh. n. Chr. nachgezeichnet. Der Begriff "Stadt" erweist sich dabei als fluide und wird je nach Standpunkt und gesellschaftlichen Umständen anhand neuer Kriterien definiert. Mit diesem Ansatz wird zugleich die Definition der Kategorie "Polis" am Beispiel Hermupolis aus einer unkonventionellen Perspektive betrachtet.

  • af Jürgen G. H. Hoppmann
    152,95 kr.

    Great European planetary festival in Dresden: a serial killer sends out poison horoscopes.Police student Max, severely disturbed by combat missions in Afghanistan, and his Evi, a petty criminal bakery clerk from Upper Lusatia, go in search of clues. While she hunts poisoners in the pulsating Florence on the Elbe, he accompanies the star astrologer Scultetus as a bodyguard to the end of the world.Art Nouveau palace in Prague, Chinese pagoda on the Canary Islands, heavenly priests of the Sahara, Istanbul horoscope scholars, alpine castle with scary witch, planetary avenues on the Atlantic, Scottish druid circles, star hall in Øresund, secret studies in Warsaw, examination by granite-headed lodge brothers and odyssey through the Zittau mountains, escape and return to Dresden.Showdown on the roof of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt am Main. And on, on and on, to the city of dawn in distant India.

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