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  • af van Eys
    213,95 kr.

    One of the hallmarks of van Eys's work is that, for the first time, in a truly scientific way, a large number of Basque linguistics. When, shortly after 1860, van Eys began to study the Eskuara, he found himself in the presence of an immense literature.He gave new solutions to many Basque problems, many of them definitive.Basque linguistics is indebted to van Eys for many advances, the most important of which are the establishment of a number of phonetic laws, the origin of the article determination, and a large number of reliable etymologies.

  • af Sharon Rubel
    272,95 kr.

    Are you planning a ministry for English learners at your church or organization?Take your young adult and adult students through the story of Easter with these 20 ready-to-teach lesson plans covering the last three chapters of the book of Matthew. Your students will learn about the Christian holiday of Easter, with reading and listening texts covering Jesus' last few days, from the Passover meal to the Resurrection.Each detailed lesson plan gives you step-by-step instructions for teaching the four language skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening), as well as offering detailed pronunciation and grammar exercises and new vocabulary words. You'll find enough material in each lesson to fill at least two hours of time with your students. Many lessons have games and worksheets that will help them absorb the content.At Learn English with the Bible, we provide Bible-based lesson plans that are perfect for teaching about the Christian faith as well as covering many essential skills for English learners. We teach United States English vocabulary, expressions, and pronunciation. All the lesson texts and sample sentences are taken from the Contemporary English Version (CEV) of the Bible. The CEV is a faithful translation in easy-to-understand English that is relevant to how English is spoken today.Visit our website, Learn English with the Bible, to get your free sample lesson. Try it with your students - then order your copy from your favorite bookstore or online retailer.

  • af Idries Shah
    152,95 kr.

    "Four traveling merchants stumble upon a magnificent palace. Once inside, they meet a mysterious man dressed in blue, and things happen that make them each question their past experiences and assumptions"--

  • af Bon Stewart Smith
    112,95 kr.

    This is a book of life hacks for someone who finds themselves in an abusive relationship (home, work, school or general community)

  • af Lydia Winter
    142,95 - 152,95 kr.

    72,95 kr.

    Monster-klog er en dansk-udviklet serie af aktivitetsbøger, der understøtter undervisningen i indskolingen på en måde, som gør det sjovt at lære. I denne bog er fokus på fagene dansk, matematik & engelsk i 2. klasse, hvor de grundlæggende færdigheder trænes på mange forskellige måder. Ved hjælp af farverige og finurlige illustrationer fra hverdagen styrker opgaverne barnets kompetencer i helt centrale fag. Da både børn og skolernes undervisningsforløb er forskellige, skal bøgerne ses som et inspirerende supplement til skolens undervisning. For at sikre motivation, succesoplevelser og lyst til livslang læring anbefales det, at barnet får netop den bog, der matcher barnets skoletrin. Fra ca. 8 år.I samme serie:Monster-klog: Alt det, du lærer i dansk & matematik – 0. klasseMonster-klog: Alt det, du lærer i dansk, matematik & engelsk – 1. klasse

    64,95 kr.

    Monster-klog er en dansk-udviklet serie af aktivitetsbøger, der understøtter undervisningen i indskolingen på en måde, som gør det sjovt at lære. I denne bog er fokus på fagene dansk, matematik & engelsk i 1. klasse, hvor de grundlæggende færdigheder trænes på mange forskellige måder. Ved hjælp af farverige og finurlige illustrationer fra hverdagen styrker opgaverne barnets kompetencer i helt centrale fag. Da både børn og skolernes undervisningsforløb er forskellige, skal bøgerne ses som et inspirerende supplement til skolens undervisning. For at sikre motivation, succesoplevelser og lyst til livslang læring anbefales det, at barnet får netop den bog, der matcher barnets skoletrin. Fra ca. 7 år.I samme serie:Monster-klog: Alt det, du lærer i dansk & matematik – 0. klasseMonster-klog: Alt det, du lærer i dansk, matematik & engelsk – 2. klasse

  • af Sam Sagolski
    177,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • af Sigurd Toftdahl Terkelsen
    97,95 kr.

    A samurai was a proud and skilled warrior.He lived in Japan in old times.He carried two really sharp swords.Read more about samurais in this book.Bogen tilhører serien My first book.Bagest i bogen er en gloseliste, og på findes der frit tilgængelige opgaver til bogen.

  • af Eva Mosegaard Amdisen
    97,95 - 187,95 kr.

    Seals live on fish. They are good swimmers. There are seals in Denmark. Read more about seals in this book.Bogen tilhører serien My first book.Der findes frit tilgængelige opgaver samt ordliste til bogen på

  • af Jennifer Worrell
    127,95 kr.

    Val Haverford's sci-fi and Western novels made him a household name. But that was a decade ago. Creative stagnation led Val to withdraw into his idyllic cabin at the edge of Chicago's lakefront, as far from the press and prying fans as possible. When a number of people disappear after violent attacks, Val is pulled into a plot darker than any he could pen. As he digs into a dystopian conspiracy with disturbing similarities to incidents in his youth, he's warned to watch his step-by a captivated reporter, his fast-rising competition, even his agent-before he becomes a target himself. But Val's fading health won't let him quit. He has one chance to revive his career and reconcile the past before he-and everyone he loves-is silenced for good.

  • af Idries Shah
    152,95 kr.

    A king learns that a life of plenty doesn't make up for a lack of skills or common sense. Rather than the usual happily-ever-after story, this tale shows that taking the time to learn is better than being handed everything on a platter.

  • af Luis Porras Wadley
    247,95 kr.

    WRITING C2: THE ULTIMATE CPE WRITING GUIDE FOR C2 CAMBRIDGEThis C2 writing guide covers the writing tasks that appear in the Cambridge test called C2 Proficiency (CPE). These tasks are:- Essays- Informal Letters- Formal Letters- Reviews- Reports- ArticlesThis book provides 3 sample C2 Proficiency Writing tasks and answers for each type of writing, plus more than 500 useful expressions that candidates can use in their writings for C2 Cambridge.WRITING C2: TASK DESCRIPTIONBesides the sample tasks and expressions, this guide also contains:- Description of C2 Writing Part 1 and Part 2- Full description of every C2 writing task type- Guidance on developing an appropriate writing strategy- Explanation of how writing is assessed and a sample mark sheet which can be photocopied and used to assess students' performance or as a self-assessment tool.WHO'S THIS C2 WRITING GUIDE FOR?In general, this writing guide is aimed at:- Students of English as a foreign language looking to improve their writing skills for C2. - EFL Teachers looking for C2 writing support materials.CONTENTS OF THIS WRITING CPE BOOK- 90+ pages of exclusive and original writing content- Step-by-step writing strategy to produce any type of writing task easily- 3 examples of every task type (essays, formal letters, informal letters, reviews, reports & articles)- 500+ useful phrases ready to use in your writings- Description of the C2 Writing paper and every type of task- Extras and freebies to maximise your writing practice- Sample mark sheet and assessment criteria for C2 Proficiency WritingC2 PROFICIENCY WRITING: PARTS 1 & 2In the two parts of the C2 Proficiency Writing paper, candidates have to show that they can write different types of texts in English. There are two parts, and they have 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete both parts.CPE Writing Part 1In C2 Proficiency Writing Part 1, candidates are required to write a discursive essay. They are presented with two input texts that present contrasting or complementary views on a specific topic. The task requires candidates to carefully read and identify the key points in each text and to write an essay that integrates a summary of the points, an evaluation of the arguments involved, and their own ideas on the topic.CPE Writing Part 2Candidates have to write a text from a choice of text types: formal letter, informal letter, report, article or review. To guide them, they are given some information about the context, the topic, the purpose and the target reader.THE WRITING PROCESS FOR C2 PROFICIENCY TASKSThanks to this writing guide, you can now develop your own foolproof writing method. This guide provides you with a step-by-step writing process which you can apply to every C2 writing task you do, from the brainstorming stage to editing and reviewing your final draft.ABOUT THE AUTHORLuis Porras Wadley is the owner and director of KSE Academy®. He is also the author of other preparation books, including Use of English B2, Use of English C1 and Speaking CPE.

  • af Idries Shah
    152,95 kr.

    A king learns that a life of plenty doesn't make up for a lack of skills or common sense. Rather than the usual happily-ever-after story, this tale shows that taking the time to learn is better than being handed everything on a platter.

  • af Idries Shah
    152,95 kr.

    Families compete so intently for the best way to prepare peaches that they fail to benefit from the actual fruit. Even young children will see the foolishness of overcomplication and competition illustrated in this delightful tale.

  • af Idries Shah
    152,95 kr.

    Believing that he loves his beautiful pet bird too much to set it free, a wealthy merchant discovers that animals are sometimes better at learning by example than humans are.

  • af Idries Shah
    152,95 kr.

    Families compete so intently for the best way to prepare peaches that they fail to benefit from the actual fruit. Even young children will see the foolishness of overcomplication and competition illustrated in this delightful tale.

  • af Alice Jorgensen
    1.272,95 kr.

    An examination of how emotions were practised and performed through Old English texts.

  • af Shimelis Bonsa Gulema
    1.386,95 kr.

    A comprehensive historical, geographic, and thematic analysis of the multidimensional and dynamic migration experience of Ethiopians within and beyond Africa.

  • af Tim Dowdall
    1.386,95 kr.

    A reassessment of the controversial, yet still influential nineteenth-century German philosopher that explores the contentious issue of whether he was, as his critics frequently claim, a nihilist.

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