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  • af Joshua Rueda
    663,95 kr.

    Test Prep Books' PMP Exam Prep: 3 Practice Tests and Project Management Study Guide for the PMBOK 7th Edition [Includes Detailed Answer Explanations] Made by Test Prep Books experts for test takers trying to achieve a great score on the PMP exam. This comprehensive study guide includes: Quick Overview Find out what's inside this guide!Test-Taking Strategies Learn the best tips to help overcome your exam!Introduction Get a thorough breakdown of what the test is and what's on it!Domain I: PeopleDomain II: ProcessDomain III: Business EnvironmentPractice Test #1 Practice makes perfect!Practice Test #2Practice Test #3Detailed Answer Explanations Figure out where you went wrong and how to improve! Studying can be hard. We get it. That's why we created this guide with these great features and benefitsComprehensive Review: Each section of the test has a comprehensive review created by Test Prep Books that goes into detail to cover all of the content likely to appear on the test.PMP Practice Test Questions: We want to give you the best practice you can find. That's why the Test Prep Books practice questions are as close as you can get to the actual test.Answer Explanations: Every single problem is followed by an answer explanation. We know it's frustrating to miss a question and not understand why. The answer explanations will help you learn from your mistakes. That way, you can avoid missing it again in the future.Test-Taking Strategies: A test taker has to understand the material that is being covered and be familiar with the latest test taking strategies. These strategies are necessary to properly use the time provided. They also help test takers complete the test without making any errors. Test Prep Books has provided the top test-taking tips.Customer Service: We love taking care of our test takers. We make sure that you interact with a real human being when you email your comments or concerns. Anyone planning to take this exam should take advantage of this Test Prep Books study guide. Purchase it today to receive access to: PMP review materialsPMP practice test questionsTest-taking strategies

  • - Med Marte Meo og Low Arousal
    af Anja Kristine Hvidberg Olsen, Gitte Mørch Henriksen & Jakob Kjærby Lentz
    254,94 kr.

    Denne bog er til dig, der arbejder med mennesker med demens og søger en håndgribelig måde at styrke dit relationsarbejde på. Du finder inspiration til at minimere konfliktsituationer i din praksis og skabe et værn mod forråelse, og du vil få skærpet din bevidsthed om, hvilke redskaber du med fordel kan bruge i de forskellige faser af en konflikt.I den digitale version finder du supplerende materiale i form af film og analyseskema.Filmenen består af en række klip, som bliver brugt aktivt i bogen. I filmene kan du se, hvordan medarbejderne anvender udviklingsstøttende samspilsprincipper fra Marte Meo-metoden i omsorg og pleje.En ny vej til konflikthåndtering i demensomsorgen kobler som noget særligt Low Arousal-tilgangen til Marte Meo-metoden. Når du først er bekendt med grundtankerne i de to tilgange, har du de bedste forudsætninger for at vende din tænkning på hovedet, sætte dit menneskesyn under lup og herved åbne for nye handlemuligheder i forhold til at skabe trivsel i dit arbejde i demensomsorgen.Bogen har fokus på udvikling af en øget refleksions- og evalueringskultur, og den indeholder mange små cases, som er baseret på observationer i omsorgs- og plejesituationer. Den indeholder også refleksionsspørgsmål, som kan anvendes på team- og personalemøder for at sikre en refleksiv kultur og et fælles fagligt ståsted.

  • af Manoj Dole
    198,95 kr.

    Tool & Die Maker (Press Tools, Jigs & Fixtures) B is a simple Book for ITI Engineering Course Tool & Die Maker (Press Tools, Jigs & Fixtures) , Second Year, Sem- 3 & 4, Revised NSQ F-5 Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about operation and programming of CNC turn centre and CNC machining centre to produce components, 2D & 3D machining with CAM software, Manufacture drill jig and fixture is also part of the practical. EDM & wire EDM operation to produce components, Construction of blanking and piercing tool, Basic construction of Hydraulic & Pneumatic circuits and basic functioning of electrical circuit and sensors, overhauling of different machines viz., drill, milling & lathe, Making of „V¿ bending tool and draw tool and lots more.

  • af Manoj Dole
    178,95 kr.

    Tool & Die Maker First Year (Press Tools, Jigs & Fixtures) Dies & Moulds is a simple Book for ITI Engineering Course Tool & Die Maker (Press Tools, Jigs & Fixtures) Dies & Moulds , First Year, Sem- 1 & 2, Revised NSQ F-5 Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about fitting covering components like filing, sawing, drilling, tapping, chipping, grinding and different fits, turning operations on lathe viz., plain, facing, boring, grooving, step turning, parting, chamfering, knurling and different thread cutting by setting the different parameter, Different milling operations (plain, stepped, angular, dovetail, T-slot, contour, gear) along with surface & cylindrical grinding to an accuracy of ±0.02mm, solid modeling of mould in CAD & Pro E taught setting and execution of welding and lots more.

    393,95 kr.

    Informationen zum Titel:Das einsprachige Wörterbuch für fortgeschrittene Englisch-LernendeBesonders für den Einsatz in Prüfungen und im Abitur geeignet.Die neuen Extras im ÜberblickÜber 1000 neue Wörter und BedeutungenOxford 5000 zur Erweiterung des WortschatzesOxford Phrasal Academic Lexicon (OPAL) für wissenschaftliche StichwörterBewährtes bleibtOxford 3000 - die wichtigsten englischen Wörter überarbeitet, aktualisiert und in Stufen sortiertVisual Vocabulary Builder mit neuen Illustrationen

  • af Megan Hadgraft
    343,95 kr.

    Informationen zum Titel:Aufbau der zwölf UnitsEine Auftaktdoppelseite bietet einen visuellen und kommunikativen Einstieg in die Unit.Ein What's-to-come-Kästchen mit einer Übersicht über die zu behandelnden Inhalte und Kompetenzen fördert eigenverantwortliches Lernen.Drei kompetenzorientierte Doppelseiten (Parts A, B and C) beginnen mit einem Situation-Kästchen, das den Handlungsrahmen beschreibt und Lernende dazu anregt, sich aktiv mit dem Unterrichtsstoff auseinanderzusetzen.Differenzierungsangebote: Guidance-Files unterstützen, Challenge-Files fordern heraus.Eine Practice-and-projects-Doppelseite festigt die Grammatik mit situativ eingebetteten Übungen und fördert mit weiterer Projektarbeit das selbstgesteuerte Lernen.Ein Checking-progress-Kästchen ermöglicht Schülern und Schülerinnen, den persönlichen Lernerfolg zu reflektieren.Eine Exam-skills-and-strategies-Doppelseite, auf die in den Units mehrmals verwiesen wird, führt durch Beispielaufgaben, Tipps und weitere Übungen zum erfolgreichen Umgang mit allen Prüfungsaufgaben.Informationen zur Reihenausgabe:Social Pulse behandelt sachlich und dennoch sensibel die wichtigsten Themen im Bereich Soziales wie Changing Families, Domestic Abuse, Homelessness, Drug Abuse, Conflicts at Work, Death and Dying und weitere.Bei Social Pulse steht die Kommunikation im Mittelpunkt. Viele Videos bieten darüber hinaus einen tieferen Einblick in die Themen und eröffnen auch die Möglichkeit, das Hör-/Hörsehverstehen anhand von Augmented Reality zu trainieren.Informationen zur Reihe:Das Lehrwerk Pulse in vier Ausgaben setzt den mittleren Schulabschluss voraus und bereitet auf den Erwerb der Fachhochschulreife vor. Der Berufsbezug bildet bei allen vier Ausgaben die didaktische Grundlage.Aufbau der zwölf UnitsEine Auftaktdoppelseite bietet einen visuellen und kommunikativen Einstieg in die Unit.Ein What's-to-come-Kästchen mit einer Übersicht über die zu behandelnden Inhalte und Kompetenzen fördert eigenverantwortliches Lernen.Drei kompetenzorientierte Doppelseiten (Parts A, B and C) beginnen mit einem Situation-Kästchen, das den Handlungsrahmen beschreibt und Lernende dazu anregt, sich aktiv mit dem Unterrichtsstoff auseinanderzusetzen.Differenzierungsangebote: Guidance-Files unterstützen, Challenge-Files fordern heraus.Eine Practice-and-projects-Doppelseite festigt die Grammatik mit situativ eingebetteten Übungen und fördert mit weiterer Projektarbeit das selbstgesteuerte Lernen.Ein Checking-progress-Kästchen ermöglicht Schülern und Schülerinnen, den persönlichen Lernerfolg zu reflektieren.Eine Exam-skills-and-strategies-Doppelseite, auf die in den Units mehrmals verwiesen wird, führt durch Beispielaufgaben, Tipps und weitere Übungen zum erfolgreichen Umgang mit allen Prüfungsaufgaben.PagePlayer-AppDas Hör-/Sehverstehen lässt sich mithilfe von Augmented Reality trainieren: Einfach die kostenlose Cornelsen PagePlayer-App herunterladen, das mobile Gerät über die jeweiligen Video- und Audioaufgaben im gedruckten Schülerbuch oder Workbook halten und direkt die Video- oder Audiodateien abspielen.Der Unterrichtsmanager Das digitale Materialpaket bündelt alle verfügbaren zusätzlichen Inhalte zum Lehrwerk und hilft, den Unterricht multimedial zu gestalten. Der Unterrichtsmanager ist zu Hause einsetzbar und auch im Kursraum an Whiteboard oder Beamer.Die Vollversion umfasst multimediale Zusatzmaterialien für das komplette Kursbuch, selbstverständlich auch genau den Doppelseiten des E-Books zugeordnet.Vokabeltrainer-App: WortschatztrainingOb nachhaltiges Lernen oder schnelles Pauken: Mit der App passend zum Lehrwerk effektiv zu Hause oder unterwegs per Smartphone oder Tablet üben. Das Vokabeltraining ist genau auf das jeweilige Schulbuch ausgerichtet. Einzelne Wortschatzpakete können kostenlos als Testversion ausprobiert werden.On the Pulse - das Online-MagazinErscheint gratis zweimal im Jahr mit zusätzlichen Materialien zum Schülerbuch, Videos, Audios, Worksheets u.v.m. Nur erhältlich in der Materialspalte des Unterrichtsmanagers bei Nutzung auf!

  • af Kazuo Ishiguro
    138,95 kr.

    Informationen zum Titel:Die junge Kathy berichtet über ihr Leben an einer Schule, die praktisch als Organreservoir dient. Alle Schüler/-innen dort sind Klone, die in die Welt gesetzt wurden, um später lebenswichtige Organe zu spenden. Die Schüler/-innen werden nur nach und nach mit den schrecklichen Wahrheiten konfrontiert, die ihre Leben vorbestimmen, stets in einem Alter, in dem sie eigentlich nicht begreifen können, was es bedeutet.Abiturthemen: Crime and Punishment; Science and Technology; Utopia and Dystopia und Literary Visions of the FutureNutzen Sie für diese Lektüre unsere passende Handreichung für den Unterricht. Filtern Sie dazu nach der Produktart "Handreichung".Informationen zur Reihenausgabe:Lesen macht Spaß - umso mehr mit Lektüren, die Ihre Schüler/-innen auch allein zu Hause bewältigen können. Mit diesem Literaturangebot ist das problemlos möglich.Die ungekürzten Originaltexte eignen sich für die Jahrgangsstufen 10 bis 13 und enthalten Annotationen zu schwierigen Wörtern. Zu jedem Band gibt es eine Handreichung bzw. ein englischsprachiges Teacher's Manual mit Kopiervorlagen, Klausurvorschlägen und zum Teil Audio-CDs.Interpretationshilfen als Zusatzangebot für Schüler/-innenZu einigen Lektüren der Cornelsen Senior English Library gibt es ergänzende Interpretationshilfen mitwichtigen Informationen zum Werk,Kurzbiographien der Autorinnen und Autoren,Wortschatzhilfen und Auflistungen zentraler Zitate sowieeiner Musterklausur.

  • af Andrew Frost
    298,95 kr.

  • af Stephen Chbosky
    148,95 kr.

    Informationen zum Titel:Charlie ist 15. Er geht auf Partys, trifft Freunde, besucht die Schule - alles ganz normal. Aber Charlie ist anders, er hat sich völlig in die Position des Beobachters begeben; in Briefen an einen ihm unbekannten Menschen beschreibt er sein Leben. Nur langsam lernt er, sich wirklich mit sich und einem dunklen Geheimnis in seiner Vergangenheit auseinanderzusetzen.Stephen Chboskys Erstlingsroman über Freundschaft, erste Liebe, Gewalt, Drogen, Sex und Alkohol trifft thematisch und sprachlich genau den Nerv von Jugendlichen.Abiturthemen: Being Young; Culture Wars - Tearing apart the US und The Individual in SocietyNutzen Sie für diese Lektüre unsere passende Handreichung für den Unterricht. Filtern Sie dazu nach der Produktart "Handreichung".Informationen zur Reihenausgabe:Lesen macht Spaß - umso mehr mit Lektüren, die Ihre Schüler/-innen auch allein zu Hause bewältigen können. Mit diesem Literaturangebot ist das problemlos möglich.Die ungekürzten Originaltexte eignen sich für die Jahrgangsstufen 10 bis 13 und enthalten Annotationen zu schwierigen Wörtern. Zu jedem Band gibt es eine Handreichung bzw. ein englischsprachiges Teacher's Manual mit Kopiervorlagen, Klausurvorschlägen und zum Teil Audio-CDs.Interpretationshilfen als Zusatzangebot für Schüler/-innenZu einigen Lektüren der Cornelsen Senior English Library gibt es ergänzende Interpretationshilfen mitwichtigen Informationen zum Werk,Kurzbiographien der Autorinnen und Autoren,Wortschatzhilfen und Auflistungen zentraler Zitate sowieeiner Musterklausur.

  • - Forskning, brugerperspektiv, praksisviden
    af Hanne Kaae Kristensen, Hanne Peoples, Palle Larsen, mfl.
    388,95 kr.

    Evidensbaseret praksis er en lærebog, som giver en samlet indføring i evidensbaseret praksis inden for de social- og sundhedsfaglige professioner. Mange professionelle står dagligt i komplekse situationer og for-skelligartede kontekster, der kræver velovervejede beslutninger og handlinger. Bogen er forskningsbaseret og henvender sig bredt til undervisere og alle studerende på de social- og sundhedsfaglige uddannelser. Bogen kan bruges som gennemgående reference og grundbog, men kan også anvendes som håndbog til opslag af professionelle i praksis, der søger indsigt i, hvordan man arbejder med evidensbaseret praksis.Evidensbaseret praksis består af 9 kapitler, og den dækker emner som brugerperspektiver, klinisk ræsonnering, litteratursøgning, kvantitativ og kvalitativ forskning samt implementering af evidensbaseret praksis i uddannelse og praksis. Kapitlerne bygger på et samspil mellem teori, praksisviden og forskning med understøttende eksempler og cases.

  • - 3. Udgave
    af Kim Kjærsgaard
    218,95 kr.

    Kan det holde? Hvis din nye og dyre kontorstol går i stykker efter, at du har siddet i den få gange, ville du så købe den samme stol igen, og endda anbefale den til andre? Ved at anvende statik, styrke- og materialelære, når man konstruerer eller ombygger en konstruktion, kan man dimensionere den, så den kan holde til de forventede belastninger, der opstår når produktet anvendes.Denne bog er den første af tre lærebøger indenfor faget konstruktion. Trilogien er tiltænkt ingeniører, maskinmestre, produktudviklere, arkitekter, konstruktører, designere, håndværkere, HTX-studerende og andre, der beskæftiger sig med konstruktioner.Bogen gennemgår teorien for den grundlæggende statik som kræfter, lasttyper, understøtninger, momenter, simple bjælkekonstruktioner og ligevægt. I afsnittet om simple bjælkekonstruktioner beregnes de ydre kræfter først med den klassiske metode, og afsluttes med to nye hurtigmetoder, der på få sekunder kan bestemme reaktionerne.I slutningen af bogen vil der være øvelser i at omsætte fysiske produkter til statiske modeller, samt en case, hvor reaktionerne skal bestemmes.Om forfatterenKim Kjærsgaard er uddannet håndværker i Flyvevåbnet og ingeniør fra Aalborg Universitet i Esbjerg.Har siden 2015 arbejdet som underviser på Produktionsteknologuddannelsen på KEA - Københavns Erhvervsakademi.Samt er CEO hos VAXA Consulting.Læs mere om statikbogen påæs mere om trilogien påøger

  • - Excel til andet end forretningsprocesser og andre seriøse - og mere almindelige - anvendelser
    af Martin Georg Houlberg Jensen
    69,94 - 158,95 kr.

    Excel til andet end forretningsprocesser og andre seriøse - og mere almindelige - anvendelser Om at gøre regnearket til et værktøj der kan meget mere Om nye ideer, sjove indfald og at gøre det umulige muligt I denne omgang gælder det alt andet end noget seriøst, for ja, Excel kan sagtens benyttes til en masse underholdning og ikke kun anvendes forretningsmæssigt. Man skal nok være lidt ekstra vild med - eller skør med - Excel, kodning og at fordybe sig i denne tekniske og måske nok lidt smånørdede verden. Men når det er på plads, er der masser af sjove muligheder lige ved hånden. Formålet er stadig - ligesom de tidligere hæfter - at tænke alternativt, kigge udover hvad der i dag er muligt eller tænkeligt, og overgå det.

  • af Jette Nielsen
    198,95 kr.

    Casesamlingen indeholder 16 cases, der omsætter teorien fra Sosu - trin 1 til praktiske situationer og sætter kød og blod på faget.Hver case rummer en grundig beskrivelse af en borger og hans situation og omgivelser. Alle fagene er repræsenteret i hver enkelt case og indholdet i casene dækker tilsammen de væsentligste fagområder i social- og sundhedshjælperuddannelsen. Sammen med casesamlingen præsenteres forskellige arbejdsmodeller, der kan fungere som struktur for elevernes refleksionsproces.Det kan du som elev få ud af at arbejde med bogen:• Et helhedssyn på borgeren• Større sammenhæng mellem fagene• Bedre evne til at reflektere og skabe sammenhæng mellem teori og praksis

  • - 100 programming exercises from beginner to expert level
    af Tom Mejer Antonsen
    138,95 kr.

    This book contains more than 100 exercises for learning how to program programmable logic controllers (PLCs). At the same time, the exercises provide knowledge of how equipment, machines and small plants can be automated.There are exercises at beginner level with logic, counters, and timers. Then there are exercises with ARRAY, STRUCT, STRING, as well as exercises with mathematics, functions, function blocks, program design, sorting, FIFO, and data collection. Some exercises include selecting sensors, sequence techniques, manual/automatic operation, and data communication to a robot, frequency converter, or vision camera.The exercises start with easy ones and get harder as you go along. You can begin with simple exercises and gradually move on to more challenging ones that require a range of methods and programming skills. The exercises are based on relevant, real-world automation problems.The exercises can be solved in all types of PLCs, regardless of brand, hardware, or model. There are enough exercises for at least 400 hours of homework!The book is designed for use in educational programs or training that include PLC programming, such as automation technician, electrician, automation engineer, or mechatronics engineer. Of course, the exercises can also be used for other educational programs that teach basic programming or automation.The author is an experienced engineer and senior lecturer with over 30 years of experience in software development. He has been teaching PLC programming at the Dania Academy in Denmark for more than seven years.

  • - 100 Programmieraufgaben und Übungen vom Anfänger- bis zum Expertenniveau
    af Tom Mejer Antonsen
    141,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch enthält mehr als 100 Übungen zum Erlernen der Programmierung von speicherprogrammierbaren Steuerungen (SPS). Gleichzeitig vermitteln die Übungen Kenntnisse darüber, wie Geräte, Maschinen und kleine Anlagen automatisiert werden können.Es gibt Übungen auf Anfängerniveau mit Logik, Zählern und Zeitgebern. Dann gibt es Übungen mit ARRAY, STRUCT, STRING sowie Übungen mit Mathematik, Funktionen, Funktionsblöcken, Programmgestaltung, Sortierung, FIFO und Datenerfassung. Einige Übungen umfassen die Auswahl von Sensoren, Sequenztechniken, manuellen oder automatischen Betrieb und Datenkommunikation mit einem Roboter, eine FU oder einer Vision-Kamera.Die Übungen im Buch beginnen mit einfachen Beispielen und werden schwieriger, je weiter Sie voranschreiten. Sie können mit einfachen Übungen beginnen und sich allmählich zu anspruchsvolleren vorarbeiten, die verschiedene Methoden und Programmierfähigkeiten erfordern. Die Übungen im Buch basieren auf relevanten, realen Automatisierungsproblemen.Die Übungen können in allen Arten von SPS gelöst werden, unabhängig von Marke, Hardware oder Modell. Es gibt genug Übungen für mindestens 400 Stunden Übungen!Das Buch ist für den Einsatz in Bildungsprogrammen oder Schulungen konzipiert, die die SPS-Programmierung umfassen, wie z. B. Automatisierungstechniker, Elektriker, Automatisierungsingenieur oder Maschinenbauingenieur. Natürlich können die Übungen im Buch auch für andere Bildungsprogramme verwendet werden, die die Grundlagen der Programmierung oder Automatisierung vermitteln.Der Autor ist ein erfahrener Ingenieur und leitender Dozent mit über 30 Jahren Erfahrung in der Softwareentwicklung. Er unterrichtet seit mehr als 7 Jahren SPS-Programmierung an der Dania Academy in Dänemark.

  • af Rosa von Trautheim
    233,95 kr.

    Sie haben sich für unser Buch entschieden, da Sie von unserer Schablonen-Technik überzeugt sind und sich oder Ihre Schüler:innen optimal auf die mündliche Prüfung Deutsch-Test für den Beruf B2 vorbereiten wollen. Sie finden in diesem Buch acht Schablonen zu jedem der 8 verschiedenen Präsentationsthemen mit einer möglichen Lösungsvorgabe und 15 Modelltests. Ferner haben wir ausgearbeitete Dialoge für den zweiten und dritten Teil der Prüfung, die ja eine Diskussion sein soll. Dies reicht vollkommen, um sich auf die Prüfung vorzubereiten und Erfolg zu haben.

  • af Gisela Teistler
    819,95 kr.

    Zwischen 1949 und 1989 nahmen Kunstabbildungen in Lesebüchern einen gewichtigen Raum ein. Die Studie untersucht erstmals umfassend, welche Intentionen die Verantwortlichen mit den Abbildungen verfolgten, ob diese ausschließlich zur optischen Aufwertung der Bände dienten oder auch didaktische Zwecke hatten. Es wird u.a. der Frage nachgegangen, ob sich die Abbildungen im Laufe von vierzig Jahren veränderten und wie lange es dauerte, bis nach der NS-Diktatur verfemte Künstler in den Lesebüchern abgebildet wurden. Die Untersuchung zeigt, wie stark die sog. Lesebuchmacher damals noch von einem literatur- und kunstgeschichtlich verbundenen Bewusstsein geprägt waren. Erst in den 1980er Jahren erfolgte eine Neuausrichtung der Bildwahrnehmungen und des Deutschunterrichts.

  • af Nicole Goode
    155,95 - 241,95 kr.

  • af Azhar Ul Haque Sario
    243,95 kr.

    Subject: Financial AccountingFor Exam: September 2024 to August 2025Board: ACCAExamination Preparation Reference GuideFull Syllabus CoverageIn an era where financial literacy is not just valued but essential, "ACCA Financial Accounting: 2024" emerges as a beacon for aspiring accountants, finance professionals, and business enthusiasts alike. This book is an intricately woven tapestry that demystifies the complexities of financial reporting, accounting principles, and the mechanisms of financial statements, making it an indispensable resource for those preparing for ACCA qualifications or aiming to bolster their understanding of financial accounting.At its core, the book is a journey through the multifaceted world of financial accounting, starting from the very essence of financial reporting. It serves as a guide to understanding how financial statements communicate the economic reality of businesses to a diverse array of stakeholders, highlighting the indispensable role these documents play in decision-making processes. The narrative then transitions smoothly into an exploration of the stakeholders' varying needs and how financial information caters to these requirements, ensuring a foundational grasp of the subject matter.As the reader progresses, they are introduced to the backbone of financial reporting-the principles, concepts, and qualitative characteristics that ensure the usefulness of financial information. This section is a deep dive into the accounting ethos, offering a clear exposition of the key principles and the qualitative traits that elevate financial information from mere data to actionable insights.The heart of the book beats within the chapters dedicated to the practical application of accounting knowledge. From the intricacies of double-entry bookkeeping to the nuances of recording transactions and events, the text offers a hands-on approach to mastering the accounting systems. This practical orientation is further enriched by detailed discussions on various accounting aspects such as sales, purchases, cash management, inventories, and the handling of both tangible and intangible assets, among others.Moreover, the book doesn't shy away from the complexities of reconciliations, trial balances, and the correction of errors. It empowers readers with the skills to ensure accuracy and reliability in financial records, a critical aspect of financial accountability and governance.In its concluding sections, "ACCA Financial Accounting: 2024" transcends the basics, guiding readers through the preparation of financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statements, alongside essential disclosures. It also ventures into the realm of consolidated financial statements and the interpretation of financial data, providing tools for insightful analysis and informed decision-making.Crafted with simplicity in mind, this book breaks down sophisticated accounting concepts into easily digestible pieces, making it accessible to individuals at all levels of financial expertise. It's not just a textbook; it's a roadmap to mastering the art and science of financial accounting, tailored to foster a profound understanding of the financial narratives that businesses weave.

  • af National Learning Corporation
    543,95 kr.

    The Assistant School Transportation Supervisor Passbook(R) prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: bus driving practices, techniques and traffic laws; bus driver recordkeeping and scheduling; following directions (maps); school bus driving practices, techniques and traffic laws; supervision; and more.

  • af Francisco Jiménez Calderón
    423,95 kr.

    Este volumen parte del extraordinario conocimiento generado en los últimos años para facilitar y mejorar la enseñanza de la gramática tanto a estudiantes nativos como a no nativos, y se alinea, en concreto, con el desarrollo de la Gramática Orientada a las Competencias (GROC) y con la aplicación de principios de la lingüística cognitiva en el ámbito del Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE). El estudio se acota a las relaciones que se producen en las estructuras ditransitivas, especialmente con verbos de transferencia y trayectoria. La exploración de dichas relaciones deriva en la elaboración de materiales y herramientas para que el análisis del lenguaje resulte de utilidad, con el propósito de dotar a los estudiantes de un conocimiento gramatical significativo y operativo.

  • af Azhar Ul Haque Sario
    243,95 kr.

    Subject: Financial Accounting and ReportingCourse: CPABoard: AICPAEffective Course: Jan 2024Complete Syllabus CoverageExamination Preparation GuideEdition: Second "CPA Financial Accounting and Reporting: Second Edition" is an essential guidebook meticulously crafted for professionals, students, and enthusiasts delving into the realm of financial accounting and reporting. With its comprehensive coverage and detailed analysis, this book serves as a beacon of knowledge for those aiming to master the complexities of financial statements and the intricate workings of accounting principles in the contemporary financial landscape.At the heart of this book lies a thorough exploration of Financial Reporting, meticulously structured to unfold the layers of General Purpose Financial Reporting for profit-oriented business entities. It walks readers through the foundational elements of financial statements, including the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Equity, and Statement of Cash Flows, before advancing to the complexities of Consolidated Financial Statements and the nuances of Notes to Financial Statements. This initial area not only solidifies the reader's understanding of financial reports but also bridges the gap to more specialized topics such as State and Local Government Concepts, Public Company Reporting Topics, Special Purpose Frameworks, and the critical analysis of Financial Statement Ratios and Performance Metrics.Diving deeper, the second area of the book, Select Balance Sheet Accounts, is dedicated to elucidating key balance sheet accounts, offering an insightful examination of Cash and Cash Equivalents, Trade Receivables, Inventory, Property, Plant and Equipment, Investments, Intangible Assets, Payables and Accrued Liabilities, Debt, and Equity. This section equips readers with the knowledge to not only comprehend but also to apply accounting principles to real-world scenarios, enhancing their analytical skills and decision-making capabilities.The narrative progresses to Section 3, Select Transactions, where it delves into the intricacies of Accounting Changes and Error Corrections, Contingencies and Commitments, Revenue Recognition, Accounting for Income Taxes, Fair Value Measurements, Lessee Accounting, and Subsequent Events. This section is pivotal in understanding the dynamic nature of accounting standards and the strategic application of accounting policies in response to complex transactions and events.Crafted with simplicity in English and a touch of creativity, this book description encapsulates the essence and breadth of the "CPA Financial Accounting and Reporting: Second Edition." It is designed not just to inform but to engage and inspire readers to navigate the waters of financial accounting with confidence and expertise. Whether you are a CPA candidate, an accounting professional, or someone with a keen interest in the financial reporting domain, this book stands as a comprehensive resource, guiding you through the ever-evolving landscape of financial accounting and reporting with clarity and insight.

  • af Azhar Ul Haque Sario
    238,95 kr.

    Subject: Strategic Business ManagementDegree: ACA (UK)Board: ICAEWLevel: AdvancedSyllabus year: 2024Examination preparation guideIn an ever-evolving business landscape, where strategic acumen and management prowess dictate the altitude of success, "ACA Strategic Business Management: ICAEW Advanced Level" emerges as a beacon for aspiring and seasoned professionals alike. This comprehensive guide is not merely a book; it's a roadmap to mastering the multifaceted world of strategic business management. Through its pages, the reader embarks on a journey that traverses the broad expanse of strategic analysis, choice, implementation, and performance management, unveiling the intricate dance between theory and practice.At its core, the book is a meticulously crafted narrative that distills complex concepts into digestible, simple English, making it accessible to a wide audience. The authors navigate through the realms of strategic marketing, brand management, business risk management, and corporate governance with ease and precision, ensuring that each topic is illuminated with clarity and insight. As the narrative unfolds, it delves into the critical aspects of data analysis, information strategy, and human resource management, painting a holistic picture of the strategic business environment.Financial strategy, a cornerstone of any successful business endeavor, is explored with depth and detail. The book presents a nuanced understanding of finance awareness, business and securities valuation, and the intricate dynamics of financial structure and reconstruction. It dissects the elements of capital structure and financial reconstruction, offering a clear-eyed view of small and medium company financing, financial instruments, and markets. The discussion on equity instruments, fixed interest, and derivatives is not just informative but transformative, encouraging the reader to think beyond the conventional.The narrative does not shy away from the complexities of financial risk management, international financial management, and investment appraisal. It ventures further into the critical areas of treasury and working capital management, underscoring the importance of liquidity and financial health in achieving strategic objectives. Ethics, the guiding star of every business decision, receives its due attention, closing the loop on a comprehensive exploration of strategic business management."ACA Strategic Business Management: ICAEW Advanced Level" is more than a book; it's a mentor, a guide, and a companion for those who dare to dream big and are poised to make their mark in the business world. It challenges the reader to think critically, act strategically, and lead ethically, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of the modern business environment. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, a business student, or a seasoned executive, this book is a treasure trove of wisdom, offering insights that are both timeless and timely. Embark on this journey of strategic discovery, and arm yourself with the tools to carve your path to success.

  • af Azhar Ul Haque Sario
    238,95 kr.

    Effective Date: January 2024Complete CPA Taxation and Regulation syllabus coverageConcise reference examination guide"Dive into the essential guide for mastering the complexities of taxation and regulation with the 'CPA Taxation and Regulation: Second Edition.' This comprehensive book is your roadmap through the maze of federal tax procedures, business law, and the intricate details of federal taxation for individuals and entities alike.At the heart of this edition is a thorough exploration of ethics and professional responsibilities, critical for anyone navigating the tax practice landscape. Understand the regulations that govern practice before the IRS, and grasp the importance of the Internal Revenue Code and its implications for tax return preparers. This book doesn't just list out rules; it delves into the licensing and disciplinary systems that ensure the integrity of the profession.Prepare to be guided through the federal tax procedures with an eagle-eye view on audits, appeals, and the judicial process. Learn about the crucial aspects of substantiation, disclosure, and the penalties that taxpayers may face. The authoritative hierarchy, legal duties, and responsibilities are demystified, offering insights into common law duties and liabilities, and the boundaries of privileged communications.The journey continues through the realm of business law, starting with the fundamentals of agency, the authority of agents and principals, and their duties and liabilities. Contracts are broken down from formation to breach and remedies, while debtor-creditor relationships are thoroughly examined. Stay abreast of federal laws and regulations that impact employment tax, health plans, and more. Plus, unravel the complexities of selecting and managing business structures, understanding the legal obligations of owners and management.For those delving into federal taxation of property transactions, this book offers a clear explanation of asset basis, cost recovery methods like depreciation and amortization. When it comes to federal taxation of individuals, learn about the intricacies of gross income, adjustments, deductions, and the various loss limitations. The book also covers filing status and the computation of tax and credits in detail.Entity taxation is another crucial area covered, from the differences between book and tax income to the specific taxation rules for C corporations, S corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, and tax-exempt organizations. Understand how taxable income, tax liability, and allowable credits are computed for entities, alongside the nuances of state and local tax issues.'CPA Taxation and Regulation: Second Edition' stands as a beacon for students, professionals, and anyone looking to deepen their understanding of taxation and regulation in the U.S. Its clear, simple English makes even the most complex topics accessible, ensuring that readers are not just prepared but proficient in navigating the tax landscape. This book isn't just about passing exams; it's about building a foundation that will support your career in taxation and beyond."

  • af R. Michael Fisher
    1.098,95 kr.

    With current surging polarities of perspectives, dangerous culture wars and immanent threats to the human social and ecological fabric, it is a good time to rediscover the true meaning of fear through the eyes of a creative and endearingly outrageous educator who taught ¿Fear is not the enemy.¿ Through a combination of fi ction and non-fiction, this book offers a fi rst documentation of the philosophy and story of Samuel Nathan Gillian Jr. (1939-2006), an African-American educator-activist from the Bronx, New York. Fisher takes readers on a journey of growth and development with a protagonist named Deana, a sophomore college student, as she comes to understand the radical importance of her Uncle Sammy¿s life and work. Embellished with the intellectual rigor of a biography of a wise man, Fisher tracks his own relationship and those who knew and loved Samuel as the tension grows to a pitch in the story. Yet, the real brilliance lies in the psychological, philosophical and spiritual twists Sam Gillian brought forward in two stunning books on fear (2002, 2005) that this book revives. Fisher, who has studied fear systematically since 1989, has never met a unique thinker like Sam Gillian. Through Fisher¿s eyes, the special signifi cance of Gillian¿s work is brought to the general and well-educated reading public. An essential book for post-secondary education on fear management, a resource guide for school teachers, parents, psychologists, policy makers and anyone who seeks to help humanity establish a sustainable, moral and healthy relationship with fear.

  • af Joe Crisara
    298,95 kr.

    Feeling stuck in a low-revenue and frustrated customer cycle? Break free from conflict and learn how to make everyone walk away happy.Unsure how to differentiate yourself in a busy market without slashing profits? Worried weak sales skills will doom your small business efforts? Need to generate higher ticket averages and fewer callbacks? Joe Crisara was once a struggling home service contractor. He's now a worldwide educator, entrepreneur, and author who is inspiring everyone from startup managers to Fortune 1000 companies with his unique process. And now he's ready to reveal his trusted playbook to help you double your income while staying confident in your ethics.What Should We Do? is a down-to-earth primer on persuasion, selling, presentation, and closing. Full of boots-on-the-ground anecdotes and eye-opening insights, it offers a principle-centered system that helps everybody come out on top. And by following Uncle Joe's passionate coaching, you'll soon be seeing successes beyond your wildest imagination. You'll discover:- An honest, step-by-step sales approach that ensures small businesses thrive- How operating with integrity can lead to growing profits and increased value- Easy-to-digest summaries that help keep your company on an upward trajectory - Sample dialogues between contractors and clients so you can go into every situation with confidence- The key question you need to be asking, tons of downloadable bonus tools, and much, much more!What Should We Do? is the definitive field guide for anyone managing a blue-collar business. If you like actionable advice, authentic examples, and conversational guidance, then you'll love Joe Crisara's must-have manual.Buy What Should We Do? to map out your next steps today!

  • af Lee Ann Jung
    358,95 kr.

    See beyond content standards to the broader context of life-changing skills.The standards-based learning and grading movement of the past twenty years has ushered in a critical shift in assessment that demands clarity in both what is being measured and how well students are learning. Seeing the value in this evolution, a wave of schools has invested enormous effort to institutionalize the policy and practices of the movement. In doing so, many focused their initial efforts squarely on grading and fell short of the more important work-classroom assessment. There are important lessons in these missteps and failures.This groundbreaking, "next generation" approach to classroom assessment challenges educators to reflect on the connections between growth, mastery, and student self-efficacy and to prioritize the transferable skills of metacognition and self-regulation in assessments. A powerful call-to-action, this guide includes:  A conceptual framework that guides the questions and order of assessment reform An approach to assessment, grading, and reporting that prioritizes student growth over a standard definition of success for everyone  Strategies to develop metacognition and catalyze motivation in students Orientation to each chapter with learning intentions with success criteria  Vivid case stories and prompts to power deep reflectionUnderscoring the importance of learning environments that work for the full range of learning profiles, this book calls for a revolution in the narrative around assessment and grading, emphasizing the ultimate goal of nurturing students who are metacognitive, expert learners, motivated by the joy of learning.

  • af Alex Scott
    368,95 kr.

    The easy way to learn and retain key Microsoft® Excel skills!¿¿Prove your skills to employers and get certified! Provides prep for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Excel exam (Associate and Expert levels)Includes access to an online resource center with multimedia assets that enhance learningProvides training for beginning, intermediate, and advanced users Employs the unrivaled, proven learning techniques that Labyrinth has refined over more than two decadesProvides immediate job relevance through real-world exercises and case studies that illustrate business conditionsWritten by a teacherAlex Scott BBA, MM, is a Professor in the School of Business at Conestoga College and author of several in-demand textbooks. At Conestoga, he teaches intermediate- and advanced-level Microsoft Office courses as well as an array of business courses. Backed by decades of experienceFor more than 25 years, Labyrinth Learning has been a leader in preparing classroom students for the workplace. With the Boost Your Skills series, Labyrinth brings all of its experience from the classroom to the living rooms of learners across the globe. Boost Your Skills in Microsoft® Excel 365/2021 is an easy-to-use guide that takes learners step-by-step through the skills they'll need in the workplace.List of topics coveredIntroducing Microsoft Office and Using Common FeaturesTracking Customer DataCalculating Student Grades Using FormulasPerforming Calculations Using FunctionsData Visualization and ImagesOrganizing Large WorksheetsAdvanced Workbook FormattingDate Functions and Conditional FormattingFinancial Functions and What-If AnalysisText Functions, Conditional Functions, and Formula AuditingLookup Functions and OutlinesWorking with TablesPivotTables and PivotChartsWorking with MacrosData Management for BusinessWorkbook Completion

  • af Eric A. Weinstein
    368,95 kr.

    The easy way to learn and retain key accounting & bookkeeping skills!Comprehensive training for independent learners and small business ownersProve your skills to employers and get certified! Provides complete prep for the Intuit Certified Bookkeeping Professional examIncludes access to a robust online resource center with multimedia assets that enhance learningEmploys the unrivaled, proven learning techniques that Labyrinth Learning has refined over more than two decadesReal-world exercises, full-scale projects, and multiple practice sets build skills masteryWritten by a teacher and CPAEric A. Weinstein MBA, CPA is a Professor of Business Administration at Suffolk County Community College and author of several in-demand accounting textbooks. Eric has received many awards in his career in education, including the State University of New York Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching. He's also been a practicing CPA in New York for more than 10 years.Backed by decades of experienceFor more than 25 years, Labyrinth Learning has been a leader in preparing classroom students for the workplace. With the Boost Your Skills series, Labyrinth brings all of its experience from the classroom to the living rooms of learners across the globe. Boost Your Skills in Accounting & Bookkeeping is an easy-to-use guide that takes learners step-by-step through the skills they'll need in the workplace.List of topics coveredEvaluating TransactionsThe Accounting Cycle Journal Entries and T-AccountsAdjusting EntriesFinancial Statements and Closing EntriesComputerized Systems, Cash, and PayrollFinancial Statement AnalysisMerchandise Inventory

  • af Stefan Riedel
    158,95 kr.

    Englisch/Deutsch und Deutsch/EnglischÜber 2.950 Stichwörter mit vielen Erläuterungen und AbkürzungenSeitdem wir angefangen haben, unsere Umwelt unseren Bedürfnissen anzupassen, haben wir schnell gemerkt, dass das richtige Werkzeug für die Umsetzung der handwerklichen Tätigkeiten unverzichtbar ist. Egal ob wir angefangen haben, Häuser, Autos, Flugzeuge, Schiffe, Stühle, Tische, Fahrräder usw. zu bauen: In der heutigen Welt gibt es weltweite Bau-, Renovierungs-, Restaurations-, Instandhaltungs-, Wartungsarbeiten usw., die oft durch ausländische auf die jeweilige Aufgabe spezialisierte Firmen/Unternehmen ausgeführt werden. Dabei ist die englische Weltsprache für die Kommunikation und Organisation unverzichtbar geworden. Dieses Fachwörterbuch ist wie eine Werkzeugkiste und beinhaltet die wichtigsten Begriffe der benötigten Werkzeuge.Mit dem Fachwörterbuch "Werkzeuge", haben Sie eine Fachvokabularsammlung Englisch/Deutsch und Deutsch/Englisch. Sie können viele wichtige in der Theorie und Praxis verwendete Fachwörter direkt nachschlagen und das fachliche Niveau Ihrer täglichen Englischkorrespondenz verbessern. Ich gebe Ihnen ein Nachschlagewerk, mit dem Sie Ihr englisches und fachliches Niveau in Ihrem Beruf, Ihrer Aus-, Weiter- oder Fortbildung oder Ihrem Studium erheblich steigern können. Dieses Fachwörterbuch ist in einer immer stärker globalisierten Welt ein Stützpfeiler, um in der Weltsprache Englisch sicher und fachspezifisch kommunizieren zu können.

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