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Bøger om Etiopien

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  • Spar 17%
    af Wilbur Smith
    82,95 - 138,95 kr.

    Wilbur Smiths to mest magtfulde familier mødes igen i denne længeventede selvstændige fortsættelse til bestselleren Solens sejr. Penrod Ballantyne og hans forlovede, Amber Benbrook, går gennem Cairos gader i 1888. De er lykkelige og opfyldt af drømme om deres fælles fremtid, men drømmene knuses, da en jaloux ekskæreste kommer imellem dem. Amber rejser til Abessinien sammen med sin tvillingesøster, Saffron, og hendes eventyrlystne mand, Ryder Courtney, på jagt efter lykken. De begiver sig ud på en farefuld færd til Addis Ababa, hvor de bydes velkommen af den magtfulde hersker Menelik II, Kongernes konge. Men Italien har planer for Abessinien, og der florerer rygter om en invasion. Tilbage i Cairo søger en knust Penrod trøst i byens opiumhuler. Han reddes af sin gamle ven, Lorenzo, som nu er i den italienske hær, og da Lorenzo tilbyder ham at slutte sig til den militære indsats, slår Penrod til. En storm er på vej, og Penrod og Amber befinder sig på hver deres side af invasionen - kan de nogensinde finde deres vej tilbage til hinanden mod alle disse odds?

  • - At slippe blufærdigheden og vove troen
    af Henrik Højlund
    164,95 kr.

    Mødet med en tilsyneladende fremmed kultur og trospraksis i Etiopien sætter en refleksion i gang i teolog og forfatter Henrik Højlund. Er det muligt at tro med større overbevisning og mindre blufærdighed – er det muligt hér, i Danmark?Jeg tror, du er her er en personlig bog, der går tæt på tvivlen, troen og livet. Forfatteren skriver afvæbnende og med stor indsigt om den mulige konflikt mellem det vante og det fremmede, når han samtidig opmuntrer læseren – og sig selv – til at slippe blufærdigheden og vove troen.Henrik Højlund (f. 1960) er præst i Aarhus Bykirke og forhenværende sognepræst i Østjylland og København. Han har skrevet og bidraget til flere bøger om kristendom og eksistens, bl.a. Mærk Gud (2013), der fik mange læsere.

  • af Wilbur Smith
    63,95 kr.

    Wilbur Smiths to mest magtfulde familier mødes igen i denne længeventede selvstændige fortsættelse til bestselleren Solens sejr.Penrod Ballantyne og hans forlovede, Amber Benbrook, går gennem Cairos gader i 1888. De er lykkelige og opfyldt af drømme om deres fælles fremtid, men drømmene knuses, da en jaloux ekskæreste kommer imellem dem.Amber rejser til Abessinien sammen med sin tvillingesøster, Saffron, og hendes eventyrlystne mand, Ryder Courtney, på jagt efter lykken. De begiver sig ud på en farefuld færd til Addis Ababa, hvor de bydes velkommen af den magtfulde hersker Menelik II, Kongernes konge. Men Italien har planer for Abessinien, og der florerer rygter om en invasion. Tilbage i Cairo søger en knust Penrod trøst i byens opiumhuler. Han reddes af sin gamle ven, Lorenzo, som nu er i den italienske hær, og da Lorenzo tilbyder ham at slutte sig til den militære indsats, slår Penrod til.En storm er på vej, og Penrod og Amber befinder sig på hver deres side af invasionen - kan de nogensinde finde deres vej tilbage til hinanden mod alle disse odds?

  • af Wilbur Smith
    93,95 - 138,95 kr.

    En del af Egypten-serien.Den dristige amatørarkæolog Nicholas befinder sig sammen med den kvindelige arkæolog Royan i Etiopien, hvor de leder febrilsk efter farao Mamoses grav. Til at hjælpe sig har de udskriften fra den syvende skriftrulle, som slaven Taita udformede 4000 år før i forbindelse med begravelsen. Men slaven Taita var en klog fyr - han ville ikke have, at gravrøvere skulle finde graven og opdage den hemmelighed, som han og hans elskede dronning Lostris af Egypten havde. Han har derfor gjort det vanskeligt at tyde skriftrullen. Nicholas og Royan jages samtidig af en konkurrerende arkæolog, der er helt uden skrubler og vil gøre alt for at komme først til Mamoses grav. Og han er ikke den eneste. En anglo-ægyptisk arkæolog, berøvet såvel sin mand som deres fælles forskningsresultater fra en udgravning i Etiopien, har også en opgave at fuldføre. Den syvende skriftrulle er en selvstændig fortsættelse til Flodguden. Alle bøger i Egypten-serien:- Flodguden- Den syvende skriftrulle- Magiens mester- Den 11. plage- Ørkenguden- Farao (udkommer på dansk i oktober 2017).

  • af Haggai Erlich
    478,95 kr.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

  • - Fortælling fra Abessinien
    af Torry Gredsted
    32,95 kr.

    Da Giuseppe Martini - dansk født, men opvokset som adoptivbarn i den italienske koloni i Addis Abeba - hører om det italienske angreb på Abessinien, væmmes han ved sin plejefamilie og deres fascistiske anskuelser, og i stedet for at flygte sammen med dem, bliver han tilbage. Sammen med høvdingesønnen Kifele drager han i stedet afsted for at slutte sig til de abessinske styrker. Undervejs oplever han sult og sygdom og den italienske besættelsesmagts ugerninger mod den lokale befolkning, og til sidst opnår han et møde med ingen mindre end Etiopiens kejser Haile Selassie.Drenge under våben er skrevet og udkom første gang i 1936, samme år, som det fascistiske Italien besatte Abessinien (svarende til nutidens Etiopien og Eritrea) og er en skarp kommentar til begivenhederne dernede - et særsyn i datidens børne og ungdomslitteratur, der sjældent tog stilling til sin omverden.

  • Spar 24%
    af Karima Bouylud
    189,95 kr.

  • af Bauhaus-Universität Weimar & Emerging City Lab Bauhaus. Institut Für Experimentelle Architektur
    227,95 kr.

    »¿¿¿ bauhaus« (selam bauhaus) means »hello bauhaus« in Amharic, one of the most important languages in Ethiopia. Visually, one could also interpret the Amharic letters as "Why Bauhaus" to question the overuse of this label during the Bauhaus Centennial in 2019. So, why Bauhaus?100 years ago, the teaching of architecture and urban design at the Bauhaus responded to rapid changes in society and their impact on the built environment. The ambitions and methods of the historical Bauhaus can still inspire us in the present day: Today, facing global climate change and human migration, these themes are more pressing than ever. Through the Emerging City Lab Addis Ababa (ECL-AA), the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development (EiABC) at Addis Ababa University established a joint lab. Combining innovation and social responsibility through experiments with building materials, practices and planning technologies beyond cultural, social, and disciplinary boundaries, this publication shows educational and research projects that emerged from the collaboration. In 2019 they were presented in the exhibition »¿¿¿ bauhaus (selam bauhaus) - hello bauhaus« on the occasion of the centenary of the Bauhaus and the 65th anniversary of the EiABC.

  • af Shimelis Bonsa Gulema
    1.396,95 kr.

    A comprehensive historical, geographic, and thematic analysis of the multidimensional and dynamic migration experience of Ethiopians within and beyond Africa.

  • af Abate Gobena
    227,95 kr.

    The original forests of the central and northern highlands of Ethiopia are almost entirely confined to the "sacred groves" surrounding the churches and monasteries of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church. In Ethiopian tradition sanctity starts from the Tabot on the altar of the church and extends to the outer periphery of the compound. Church forests serve as shade and shelter for the sacred, and are seen as integral parts of the churchyard.The Act of Gebre Menfes Qiddus (GGMQ) is an original Ethiopic hagiographic text. It depicts the life and struggle of the saint in the wilderness of forests and mountains. Hagiographic texts like GGMQ are in Ethiopia not mere historical records, but texts linked to the daily liturgical services that shape and mould the perceptions and actions of their readers and listeners. The aim of the thesis is to analyse how GGMQ presents the relation between the saint and the natural environment in order to see if there is a correlation with how the Ethiopian tradition has preserved the church forests and has considered these to be sacred spaces representing the wilderness. The aim is achieved through a close reading of the text and its intertexts using four selected themes as analytical instruments: ascetic estrangement, coexistence with non-human creation, identification with the angels and reconciliation of opposites. The analysis, and the fact that the GGMQ is one of the most venerated texts, read and heard with great liturgical solemnity, show that there are good reasons to believe that the constant reading of GGMQ has made and makes a significant impact upon the readers' views on the mutual co-habitation of human and non-human creation and the development of an awareness of the need to preserve the wilderness and non-human creation.

  • af Ian Campbell
    274,95 - 317,95 kr.

    The words that accompany our experience of and thinking about death are rarely uplifting: grief, loss, mourning, and, of course, fear. Death and everything surrounding it can be terrifying. People fear death. People fear dying. People fear missing out. People fear the loss of others, too. The loss of a loved one is undoubtedly a source of fear for many. The fear and sorrow bound up in the term "death" make it a morbid subject. Often, the topic is avoided in conversation. Death is too melancholic. Death is too miserable. Death is too personal. Death can be personal, of course. The ways it affects oneself can be intimate and, by virtue of its closeness, it can be a thoroughly private matter. Death is personal when it is one's own death, perhaps one's contemplation of or attempt at suicide, or the death of someone known and/or loved. Death has a part to play in our past, our present, and (unavoidably) our future. Death is an omnipresent possibility. Hidden in the wings, death waits for its cue before the final curtain call. All of us await this death and it is the future of us all. The death described here is one that almost everyone will be familiar with: the end of a life. However, there is another death. A second death. An impersonal death. A depersonalised, dispossessed, ungraspable death - that death is the focus of this thesis.

  • af Yaroslav Gutgarts
    1.022,95 kr.

    Das Wörterbuch enthält ca. 10.000 Lexeme und umfasst den gebräuchlichsten Wortschatz des Tigrinischen, der Nationalsprache Eritreas und einer der Arbeitssprachen Äthiopiens. Es beinhaltet Beispiele aus Originalquellen mit deutscher und englischer Übersetzung, darunter Wortverbindungen, Redewendungen, Sprichwörter und Rätsel. Ca. 400 der aufgeführten Wörter kommen in keinem der bisher erschienenen Wörterbücher dieser semitischen Sprache vor. Am Ende sind geografische Namen und gängige Abkürzungen verzeichnet.Es ist ein Häufigkeitswörterbuch, welches neben dem allgemeinen Wortschatz verschiedene Gebiete des modernen Sprachgebrauchs umfasst, darunter Fachbegriffe, Dialekt- und Tabuwörter. Ebenfalls enthalten sind zahlreiche wort- und formbildende Sprachsilben sowie grammatische Konstruktionen mit anschaulichen Erklärungen. Dank der komplexen Struktur der Einträge unterscheidet sich das Wörterbuch vorteilhaft von den bisher bekannten Gegenstücken. Es richtet sich an Sprecherinnen und Sprecher aller drei Sprachen und eignet sich zum Lesen und Übersetzen von Texten bis zu einem mittleren Schwierigkeitsgrad. Es wird für diejenigen von Nutzen sein, die die jeweilige Sprache lernen oder lehren, sich mit Tigrinistik, Semitistik, Typologie, Übersetzungs- und vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaften beschäftigen oder tigrinische Literatur im Original lesen.

  • af Lars Ørlund
    107,95 - 227,95 kr.

    En forfatter finder et gammelt pergament, der pirrer hans nysgerrighed. Indeholder det svaret på, hvor tempelridderne gemte deres skat?Under jagten på skatten bliver han ført gennem en verden, han ikke kender. Fra tempelriddernes endeligt til nutidens Etiopien.
I sin søgen efter svar på, hvad der faktisk skete med tempelridderne og deres skat, opstår spørgsmålet, om religion er et falsum.Rejsen bliver både historisk og personlig og ender, hvor han ikke forventer det.Lars Ørlund (1948) har gennem mere end tredive år arbejdet og boet i Asien, Afrika og Sydamerika. Han
har deltaget i tre krige og som journalist produceret artikler, samt mere end 250 radio- og tv-programmer fra verdens brændpunkter. Han har desuden skrevet flere end 20 bøger bl.a. afrikaromanen Himlens klare stjerne og ikke mindst trilogien Kapring over Kairo, Blackjack og Den Serbiske Forbindelse.
Han har ernæret sig som gamewarden og storvildtjæger på de afrikanske savanner og gennem længere perioder boet blandt nogle af klodens sidste naturfolk. Privat er han ivrig dykker, jæger og fisker og opholder sig i både Danmark, Storbritannien og Sydafrika.

  • af Carlotta Penn
    182,95 - 222,95 kr.

  • af Xesús Fraga
    69,95 kr.

    Corre el año 1955 cuando un hombre decide cruzar el Atlántico en busca de fortuna para él y su familia. Atrás deja una esposa, hijos, y una zapatería. Pero, tras varios años, y ante la ausencia de noticias de su marido, la mujer decide emprender otra emigración, aunque su destino está en dirección opuesta: hacia la Inglaterra de la postguerra. Una historia familiar que nos permite viajar, junto a sus personajes, por los paisajes rurales de Galicia y hasta las grandes metrópolis mundiales, como Londres, Buenos Aires, Caracas o Etiopía. A medio camino entre la autobiografía, la crónica de viajes y la novela, el libro de Xesús Fraga es una historia conmovedora, fresca y cargada de humor.Xesús Fraga (Londres, 1971) es periodista, traductor y escritor. Forma parte del equipo de redacción de La voz de Galicia desde 1996. Ha traducido libros al gallego y al castellano de autores reconocidos como Nabokov, Dahl, Nesbit, Plath o Kerouac. En su faceta de escritor, ha cultivado tanto la literatura adulta, con novelas o relatos, como la juvenil. Ha ganado varios premios, entre ellos el Premio de Novela Blanco Amor 2019 con Virtudes (y misterios).

  • af Ennatu (Author) Domingo
    140,95 kr.

    Who are you, when you come from two places? Ennatu Domingo was adopted from Ethiopia at the age of seven and transplanted to Barcelona where she learned to flourish. But she never forgot her nomadic childhood in the mountains and meadows of Gondar, near the northern border with Eritrea. Having witnessed the hardships of Ethiopian rural women at an early age, she was inspired to study the patriarchal structures that underpinned her individual experiences, both in Europe and in contemporary Ethiopia. She has lived in Kenya, Belgium and the UK, and has traveled across five continents, but keeps returning to the country of her childhood, to re-construct a lost identity guided by the echo of her first language Amharic and the weight of a rich cultural heritage. Torn between forgetting and remembering, Ennatu explores the dilemma of international adoptees and migrant kids and their quest for belonging in a book destined to be a classic of its genre.

  • af Mohammed Jemal Ahmed
    1.622,95 kr.

    This book explores the potential of halal tourism development and its implementation in Ethiopia. The insights presented assist key stakeholders to make informed decisions concerning commercial strategy, profitability and feasibility of halal tourism from the secular perspective.

  • af Paolo Borruso
    1.618,95 kr.

    This volume calls attention to the worst massacre of Christians that has occurred on the African continent, a 1937 attack on the monastic village of Debre Libanos that has previously been hidden from public knowledge.

  • af Bereket Habte Selassie
    132,95 kr.

  • af Stefan Weninger
    397,95 kr.

    Thorough investigations in recent decades have brought to light a relatively large number of ancient manuscripts of the various books of the Old and New Testaments from different parts of Ethiopia. This has led to a renewed interest in up-to-date critical editions of all the books of the Ethiopic Bible. For the Book of Jeremiah, however, there has never been a critical edition. This collection of seven essays marks the beginning of a new endeavour to fill this gap.Stefan Weninger introduces the reader medias in res, providing a condensed overview of the history of Ethiopic Jeremiah scholarship. Martin Heide's essay is a sample edition of the Book of Jeremiah based on nearly sixty manuscripts. The data that became available through collation allow to classify the manuscripts and provide first insights into the textual history of the Jeremiah Cycle. Michael Knibb invites the reader to review his experience with the critical edition of the Book of Ezekiel. Furthermore, another essay by him deals with the very intriguing manuscript Leiden Or. 14.692, being probably the earliest Ethiopic manuscript of Ezekiel. Steve Delamarter and Garry Jost introduce the reader to the digital methodology of the Textual History of the Ethiopic Old Testament project, which they apply to a sample chapter of Jeremiah, coming to a similar conclusion - from a different perspective - as Martin Heide. Alessandro Bausi addresses important methodological questions, that is, the status of a reconstruction or whether critical editions of Ethiopic texts should be written in normalized orthography. Finally, Siegfried Kreuzer introduces the reader to an up-to-date view of the textual history of the Septuagint. This enables (and challenges) scholars dealing with textual criticism of Ethiopic Old Testament books to carefully consider the question of the Greek Vorlage.

  • af Tsegay Kaleab Atsbaha
    1.120,95 - 1.129,95 kr.

    This book evaluates the efficiency and growth of the  Ethiopian air transport sector through careful analysis.  It provides essential research input for air transport industry practitioners in planning and resource management as well as for academics of advanced efficiency analysis who need to work and study in airports and the airline industry.  The book analyzes the theoretical and practical implications of air transport growth determinants, airports' cost and production efficiency, including labor use efficiency by taking their respective determinant factors. The findings and policy implications of each research work provide important inputs for government policymakers and air transport planners to consider the causality of economic growth versus airlines growth and other determinants, to take lessons on the proper resource allocation in the application of airport cost and production efficiency,  human capital, investment cost, price of capital, and labor inputs during the development and expansion of airports and airlines.  This book is the first of its kind on the  Ethiopian air transport industry and serves as a much-needed reference for the African air transport industry as well as other developing countries in terms of airport costs, production, labor use efficiency and airline growth perspectives.  

  • af Rode Molla
    1.140,95 kr.

    The author resists identity politics through a postcolonial political pastoral care and praxis that decolonizes biopolitical governmentalities, reframes hegemonic and fragmented identities, and restores the in-between spaces and in-between subjectivities of Ethiopians.

  • af Shimels Sisay Belete
    287,95 kr.

    Particularly in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attack, the threat of terrorism, however, defined, has been invoked as a common 'justification' in the pursuit of remodelling policies, laws, and institutions, both at the international and in the domestic politico-legal showground. The broader central theme that this book explores is the normative vibe under which the present-day counterterrorism discourse is construed and sculpted in the legislative and institutional structures of an authoritarian state where the political power and government institutions are functioning under a single-party-monopolised system. Presenting the Ethiopian legislative and institutional frameworks as a case study, the book critically reflects on the extent that the international legal and/or institutional counterterrorism response is sensitised in a manner lessening the risk of conflating authoritarian regime's unbearable reactions to citizens' legitimate demands and resistances against its repression vis-àvis that of its response to the common threat of international terrorism. In particular, the book ponders whether or not the range of the substantive and procedural aspects of the Ethiopian antiterrorism legislative and institutional frameworks are wrought to fit into the main objectives and standards that emanate from the pertinent international laws relating to terrorism and the international human rights law as well as the domestic constitutional law maxims.

  • af Arnaldo Cipolla
    90,95 kr.

    Negli anni fra il 1907 e il 1910 Arnaldo Cipolla è impegnato in una serie di corrispondenze dall’Africa per il Corriere della Sera. Dopo aver visitato il Somaliland inglese, il grande esploratore affronta ben due traversate dell’Etiopia, confluite poi nel libro "Nell’impero di Menelik" (1911), ristampato vari anni dopo nella versione che si può apprezzare nel presente "Pagine africane di un esploratore". Con l’occhio attento di un viaggiatore esperto, nonché di un giornalista sempre conscio degli interessi centrifughi che governano le politiche coloniali, Cipolla offre ai suoi lettori un resoconto appassionante della crisi politica apertasi nell’Impero etiope ai tempi del negus Menelik II (1844-1913). Una lettura estremamente interessante e lucida – nonostante sia trascorso più di un secolo – che aiuta a capire meglio anche quanto sarebbe accaduto ai tempi dell’infame campagna d’Etiopia di Mussolini (1935-1936).Arnaldo Cipolla (1877-1938) nasce a Como, figlio di un garibaldino. Appassionatosi fin da giovanissimo ai viaggi, nel 1904 decide di arruolarsi volontario e partire per il Congo belga. Da questa esperienza trarrà il materiale per il primo reportage, consistente in una corrispondenza con la sua famiglia ("Dal Congo"). Da lì in poi, Cipolla viaggerà e scriverà ininterrottamente, collaborando a varie riviste e affrontando innumerevoli spedizioni dall’Africa al Medio Oriente, dalla Cina all’India e dall’Oceania alle Americhe. Autore instancabile, firma non solo molte importantissime corrispondenze, ma anche alcuni celebri romanzi a sfondo coloniale, come "Il cuore dei continenti" (1926), "Il re fanciullo" (1920) e, soprattutto, "Un’imperatrice d’Etiopia" (1921). Grazie alla sua sensibilità a dir poco anticipatrice, i suoi testi sono stati spesso ricordati in occasione di recenti conflitti – come, ad esempio, le Guerre del Golfo – in quanto latori di considerazioni che brillano ancora per la loro sconcertante attualità.

  • af Anonymous
    328,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2018 im Fachbereich Politik - Thema: Frieden und Konflikte, Sicherheit, Note: 1, Philipps-Universität Marburg (Zentrum für Konfliktforschung), Veranstaltung: Einführung interkulturelle Mediation und Konfliktbearbeitung, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In dieser Arbeit soll zunächst der politische Rahmen, in dem dies geschieht, näher betrachtet werden. Die Verschmelzung von facilitativer (in Deutschland vorrangig angewendeter) Mediation und Wise Counsel Mediation geschieht im Rahmen von Friedensmediation und Mediation Support, welche die deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Ländern des globalen Südens anbietet. Nach einer kurzen Einführung in dieses Feld werden die beiden Mediationsansätze näher betrachtet, dabei wird auf Besonderheiten, Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede beider Modellen eingegangen. In einem weiteren Kapitel sollen in einem ersten Schritt die Herausforderungen der Verschmelzung beider Mediationsansätze auf einer Mikroebene betrachtet werden, bevor das Projekt in seinem größeren Kontext einer Kritik unterzogen wird. Im Fazit wird ein kurzer Ausblick über aktuelle Tätigkeiten und die Zukunft des Mediation Support Deutschlands in Ländern des Globalen Südens gegeben.

  • af Muhamed Awal Mehadi
    317,95 kr.

    Academic Paper from the year 2016 in the subject Didactics - Social Studies/ Civics, grade: A, Raya University (Raya university), course: Ethiopian Women history, language: English, abstract: The study is configured to explore how women¿s in Amigna and Robe woredas of Arsi zone of Oromia national regional state are using their rights in terms of land use rights in the area. The Oromia National Regional State Rural Land Administration and Use Proclamation and its implementation procedure are examined from a gender perspective in terms of ensuring rural women¿s landholding rights. This study forwards the recommendation to address gender gaps identified to ensure women¿s equal access to and control over land in the study area.The study is organized into four Chapters. The first chapter deals with research methodologies, statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, Limitation of the study, scope of the study and the literature review. The second chapter discusses the general background information regarding women's land use rights more broadly. The third chapter focuses on the challenges hindering women not to practice their land-use rights properly in both Amigna and the Robe districts of East Arsi zone. Finally, Conclusions, Recommendations, and References were are drwan in a last chapter.

  • af Megersa Tolera
    354,95 kr.

    Academic Paper from the year 2019 in the subject Politics - Topic: Peace and Conflict, Security, Haramaya University, language: English, abstract: This paper attempts to see the need for peace building and reconciliation in post-TPLF Ethiopia. It employed qualitative research approach. It draws heavily on secondary sources, including books, journals, researches and reports of various institutions. The facts collected are analyzed thematically, trans-active approach as alternative explanations. Ethiopia needs a peace-building rule to improve coordination and effectiveness of its interventions in promoting peace and human security. The constitution, sectoral policy pronouncements, international conventions and policy frameworks which the country has ratified, contain bits and pieces of policy pronouncements on peace-building.In most post-conflict situations, there are major divisions throughout impacted societies, manifested in ethnic, political, economic, social, and religious rifts. The consequent psycho-social impacts that invariably result from protracted civil divergences are often more harmful than the physical damage shaped by the conflicts itself. Conflict is pervasive in every society, so the term post-conflict in this instance indicates the period after a formal dictatorial party in coalition is fired out by long-term protest. The high-profile reconciliation initiatives with which we are familiar tend to be national-level, top-down approaches: truth commissions, legal processes and reform, national reparation programs, public apologies, etc. These initiatives can only take place once there is a recognized state-wide system of governance with sufficiently broad legitimacy that such initiatives can be carried out under its auspices. In conclusion for reconciliation activities to have any meaning, structural issues leading to conflict must also be addressed. There must be a harmonization of objectives between economic, political and psycho-social interventions. Peace building is increasingly institutionalized across the international landscape.

  • af Mekuanint Abera Timbula
    167,95 kr.

    Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2012 in the subject Business economics - Banking, Stock Exchanges, Insurance, Accounting, grade: A, , course: Banking and Finance, language: English, abstract: The study is particularly pointed on the problem that is obstacle to the society to participate in life insurance coverage. It emphasized on the problem that affect development of life insurance in south western Ethiopia. The studies mainly focus on identifying and analyzing individual views to the life insurance with key objective of assessing problem that affect the development of life insurance. The study was used descriptive research. The researches were used both primary and secondary. Primary data were collected through questionnaire (open end and close end questionnaire), the questionnaire were distribute by simple random sampling technique, addition to questionnaire primary data were collect through direct observation in the Lucy insurance company site and secondary data collect from the website and document of deferent insurance company operating their business in the study area . The culture and religious also in some rate affects the society. Generally, major operation problem in life insurance converge is seen both in insurance company and the society public has no full and adequate knowledge towards life insurance and other insurance policies. In order to curve these multiple problem the company should be announce its service to the society through different channels.

  • af Julian Pilger
    354,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2018 im Fachbereich Geschichte Europas - Zeitalter Weltkriege, Note: 1,7, Universität Trier, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Mit dem italienischen Überfall auf das Kaiserreich Abessinien begann einer der blutigsten und folgenreichsten Konflikte in der von Massengewalt erschütterten Epoche der Weltkriege. Dieser Konflikt unterscheidet sich in mehreren Aspekten von früheren Kolonialkriegen. Zum Ersten lag hierbei, von außen betrachtet, ein Konflikt zwischen zwei souveränen Staaten vor. Dies war insofern besonders, als das viele Ziele der europäischen Landnahme zum betreffenden Zeitpunkt nicht staatlich organisiert waren, Äthiopien aber schon. Auch in puncto Dauer und Heftigkeit der Kampfhandlungen durch die aufgebotenen Massenheere und den Einsatz von Massenvernichtungswaffen sowie den hohe Opferzahlen. In Anbetracht des Forschungsstandes kann gesagt werden, dass es einige Historiker gibt, die den Abessinienkrieg als Vernichtungskrieg oder Totalen Krieg ansehen, wie zum Beispiel Giulia Brogini Künzi, Aram Mattioli oder auch Asfa-Wossen Asserate. Eine entschiedene Gegenposition dazu stellt Nicola Labanca dar. Eine ausführliche Darstellung der betriebenen faschistischen Propaganda stellt dagegen Petra Toerhoeven vor. Der deutsche Militärhistoriker Stig Förster soll hingegen als Grundlage dieser Arbeit dienen, wenn es darum geht festzustellen, was einen Totalen Krieg ausmacht.In Anbetracht der erheblichen Unterschiede zu vorherigen Kolonialkriegen, soll diese Arbeit den Versuch darstellen, die Frage zu klären, ob beim Abessinienkrieg schon eine andere Form von Krieg vorlag, vielleicht sogar, beruhend auf dem Konzept von Stig Förster, ein Totaler Krieg. Außerdem soll geklärt werden, warum es zu einer solchen Entgleisung der Gewalt kommen konnte.

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