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Play a game of chess Hogwarts-style, with this officially licensed set inspired by the first film in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. This kit is the first in our new Tall AND Deep mega format (1" deeper than the mega kits) to allow for larger components-in this case, 32 chess pieces!
Have a Blast Coloring Out-Of-This-World Galactic Art! Calling all cosmic lovers: The creator of the wildly popular online art platform Creative Carrah brings you 35 show-stopping, space-themed illustrations of wondrous women to color in with alcohol markers. Thanks to alcohol markers' trademark vibrancy and blendability, you'll soon watch with awe as your striking designs come to life. These size-inclusive illustrations feature gorgeous versatility and a range of styles-from stunning femme characters to supernatural gals, expansive portraits to more intricate designs-so that you can immerse yourself in every breathtaking detail. What's more, the thick 200gsm paper and perforated pages ensure you can proudly gift or display your beautiful work. So get your markers ready and come get lost in this dazzling space adventure!
"Fall deeper in love with the My Dress-Up Darling anime through this premium collection of art and trivia! The My Dress-Up Darling Official Anime Fanbook is a must-have for fans of the sweet and spicy rom-com that took the world by storm! These 100 gorgeous, full-color pages contain: Galleries of hard-to-find promotional art! Production materials from animation studio CloverWorks! Staff commentary on every episode of the first season! Exclusive interviews with the character designer, costume designer, lead voice actress, screenwriter, and series director! A special message and illustration from manga creator Shinichi Fukuda!"--
Popular artist Gretel Lusky welcomes readers into her fantastical world in this high-quality art book.This is an artist who loves fantasy and all things magical: fairies, mermaids, mythical creatures, knights, and more. She creates characters that are colorful yet mysterious and places that feel otherworldly, always pretty yet sometimes bordering on unsettling. Gretel fans will love delving into the story of her creative early years, discovering why she chose art as a career, and following her development timeline. She presents two exclusive galleries of art - one with a fantasy focus, based around maritime creatures and witches, and another that celebrates the beauty of sketchbooking. The artist has written chapters on her creative process, which aspiring and established artists will equally enjoy, and created a section on "Embracing The Mess," discussing the techniques of letting go of perfectionism, listening to your body, and staying motivated as an artist. With tools and materials covered in detail too, plus in-depth tutorials for readers to follow along with, this Art Of title is packed with incredible insight and joyous art, appealing to existing fans of Gretel as well as newcomers to her work.
The first art book from acclaimed video game concept artist Koda Kazuma, depicting the decadent and haunting worlds of NieR.This hardcover, full-color volume presents the works created by concept artist Koda Kazuma for the award-winning games NieR:Automata, NieR Re[in]carnation, and NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… In addition to concept art for the games, this book includes promotional images for the YoRHa stage plays, album cover art, rough sketches, exclusive new pieces, and commentary from the artist.
Prinsessen Asha har i næsten 7 år levet med sin bror Anthonys had. Hun er blevet slået, skubbet, sparket og kostet rundt med hver dag, og hun kan ikke sige fra eller slå igen. Det hele bliver værre, da forældrene vælger at skrive Ashas navn i testamentet. Anthony nægter at dele noget med sin ubetydelige søster, og han skræmmer Asha ud i Den Store Skov. Her må hun, som aldrig har været alene i naturen, stå model til både almindelig overlevelse, ulve og ikke mindst Skovfolket, som nedstammer fra De Samvittighedsløse. Aldrig er Asha blevet testet så meget, men kan hun nu lære at slå igen, eller vil hun fortsat være den stille og konfliktsky prinsesse af Sania?
TAXO LUMA – Fortællingen om en Avatar, er den skæbnesvangre beretning om en karismatisk ung piges usædvanlige opvækst og hendes vej frem til et ligeså usædvanligt kald. Men det er også den spændende historie om forskeren Barato Beinonis flugt fra mørke kræfter, som har overtaget styringen i et åndløst Europa, på kanten af økonomisk ruin. Jaget af hemmelige agenter, og på jagt efter den navnkundige mystiker Asap Muzethi søger Beinoni at finde den eneste, der kan redde verden fra det totale kollaps: den længe ventede Avatar. TAXO LUMA er en nærmest holografisk fortælling, som er baseret på en virkelig profeti om en kommende Messias. Ud over den medrivende historie formidles i fiktionsform esoteriske, metafysiske og tantriske indsigter, bl.a. den såkaldte Ildvognsmystik (Merkavah), hvis teknikker hovedpersonen får brug for i jagten på den genkomne Messias.Men det er også en apokalypse, en samfundskritik af en verden, der er på vej ud over kanten af materialisme og grådighed. TAXO LUMA er en særegen vision, måske et mareridt – eller et håb med en drøm, vi lige nu befinder os midt i.Lars Muhl har et omfattende forfatterskab bag sig, med Graltrilogien som det hidtidige hovedværk, der består af titlerne Seeren fra Andalusien, Maria Magdalene og Gral.
De fire dværge Drogän, Jenghï, Khamlë og Ildrï får vendt deres verden på hovedet, da dragen en dag angriber deres land. De må flygte, og snart indser de, at der er mange farer, som gemmer sig i skovene. Og kan de overhovedet vende tilbage til deres hjem under bjerget?Bogen er en spændende og humoristisk fortælling om venskab, mod og fare. Bogen er første bind i serien Dværgenes Saga.
Kampala Ye¿nkya is a game of mapmaking and worldbuilding. About collaborating to create the future of a city - Kampala, Uganda. But it's more than just a game. It's a powerful tool.
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Ky liber eshte perkushtim personal poetik. Poezite jane ndjenja shpirti dhe dashurie per babain e shtrenjte...
Keely Rosalie Tucker, de diez años, es una moderna heroína sin armadura. Constantemente acosada por un niño vecino, Keely lucha por encontrar su lugar en el mundo en el que sólo la consuelan las historias que su abuelita le ha contado sobre lugares encantados y lejanos, donde unicornios, hadas y ángeles protegen a los niños de los dolores y peligros cotidianos de la vida. Ahora todo lo que Keely tiene que hacer es averiguar cómo llamarlos para que la ayuden.Todo cambia cuando su querida abuela muere repentinamente y le regala a Keely su viejo caballo, Mariah, preparando el terreno para una aventura. Keely descubre que Mariah puede hablar, y pronto encuentra el camino a un valle oculto sobre la luna y más allá del arco iris donde monstruos y dragones perturban e invaden la paz de la mente. Ahora debe aprender a creer en sí misma y desarrollar sus poderes secretos para conseguir un milagro antes de que sea demasiado tarde. En este encantador cuento de fantasía, una niña aprende a armarse de valor y a confiar en su imaginación mientras abre su corazón y su mente a los sonidos de lo posible en un último esfuerzo por salvar a una amiga."Al igual que la serie de Harry Potter... todas las edades pueden disfrutar de la aventura de Keely, la novela es ideal para los jóvenes aficionados a la fantasía"."El mundo de Keely es reconociblemente real y en ocasiones sombrío, pero el reino de fantasía al que viaja tampoco es una utopía.... Recuerda a 'El último unicornio' o a 'La historia interminable'..."- US Review of Books"Una novela sobre cómo el amor, la amistad y la imaginación pueden trascender generaciones... Davis pone tanta emoción y corazón en su historia que cobra vida y se adhiere a los lectores..." "Una gran novela para que los padres lean con sus hijos...""Simplemente arrebata a los lectores y los transporta a un nuevo mundo de maravillas...". La Primera Aventura de Siempre-Keely Tucker es un libro que merece ser leído y recibe el estatus de 'Notable'..."- Pacific Book Review"Un gran libro para animar a los niños ... Al fin y al cabo, se empieza con la imaginación, y éste puede ser el libro que despierte el pensamiento que se convierta, como dice el refrán, en el padre de la acción"."La siempre parte de siempre (La primera aventura de Keely Tucker), de Toby K. Davis, bellamente escrito y siempre atractivo, es un cuento sincero para lectores jóvenes y mayores por igual que se deleitan con la magia de la amistad, el autodescubrimiento y la valentía." - Reseña de IndieReader"La parte eternamente eterna" es una creativa novela de grado medio que convierte lo ordinario en extraordinario".- Hollywood Book Reviews
After a drunk driving clip of Cason goes viral, his life is in shambles. He seeks refuge in the Bahamas until things die down. Once he gets to the Bahamas, he meets a family who introduces him to creative writing. At first, Cason thought writing would simply be a hobby. Over time, he learns the transformative effects of writing and how he could use words to create his reality. Cason goes on to create a revolutionary character known as Augusto who develops a cult like following. Only catch is that Cason decides to remain anonymous. Throughout his journey, he is met with self-doubt, heartbreaks, and conflicts that he can either whine about or channel into his craft. The story of Wordsmith is a look into creative writing, concentration skills, transformative arts, and taking strategic risks to turn fantasy into reality.
From man's earliest desires, I suspect to fly, like a bird, a plane, or even Superman, was high on the list. The beauty of wings and their genius functional design is one of many in nature. In art history, different wings have often been used to represent heavenly angels and their fallen counterpart demons. It is an honor to be sharing my love of wings and flying-people with you. Wings are part of God's Nature.
This is a fashion coloring book about Boho Hippie Girls. There are 45 original illustrations with beautiful models, clothing & accessories.
This is a fashion coloring book about Boho Hippie Girls. There are 45 original illustrations with beautiful models, clothing & accessories.
This time machine science story concerns one lecturer invents one time machine to help the main actor his student Johnny to catch his time machine to go to the future time and go back the present time travel. His student Johnny's surprising journey will be described in this fiction. This story introduces one scientist invents one time machine to bring whose one student to go to future time journey. It is my first science fiction novel written and a science comedy, a time travel science story. This scenario of this series takes place in four stages of journey. This lecturer will memorize to speak to let his students to know from his final time machine journey to early time machine journey. The Boston university Lecturer, Jim had invented on time machine. This time machine can apply space black hole principle to hekp any earth travellers to enter any bilding black hole wall to go to our future, even go back either present or past time. Their journey will be very exciting. In their machine time journeys , they had encountered aliens, futuer robotic enemy, even the boston univesity lecturer Jim his future himself. The Boston university lecturer, time machine inventor, Jim and his student, johnny, time traveler both have gone into the future to the year 802,000 I and have come back present in final journey, after they had experienced several different future time journeys. They expect to find a better world with highly intelligent people and great inventions. Instead, they find that people have become weak, child-like creatures. They dance and sing, and wear flowers. They seem happy, but they also felt fear. Whether what cause they felt afraid, but why are they so frightened when they knew whether what will happen in the future ? And who or hat has stolen their time black hole wall machine? Will these two time travelers, ever be able to return to the present ?
Did you once look to the stars and wonder what it would have been like to live a thousand years ago? Have you ever questioned the origins of the universe or the nature of gods? Do you seek adventures filled with monsters, magic, science and heroes? If you have, then let me transport you to a different time. Let me show you worlds filled with Valkyries soaring the skies, fallen titans selling potted plants, corporate executives with peculiar rituals, or astronauts playing a deadly game of chess. In this collection, you will find 21 original speculative tales ranging from fantasy and science fiction to horror and drama, with the sole aim of stimulating the very depths of your imagination. I do so hope you enjoy.
Muted on Elegant Stilts" by Thomas Jack is a literary tapestry woven with delicate threads of introspection and poetic nuance. The title itself hints at a paradoxical dance between silence and grace, inviting readers into a world where elegance and restraint intertwine. Jack, with his masterful prose, paints a portrait of characters navigating the precarious stilts of societal expectations, their voices muted but their presence resounding.The narrative unfolds with a symphony of muted emotions, exploring the subtle complexities of human connections and the unspoken truths that linger beneath polished surfaces. Jack's writing is a testament to his ability to capture the essence of human experience with a lyrical finesse that leaves readers introspective.As the characters tiptoe through the corridors of their lives, the stilts become a metaphor for the delicate balance between conformity and individuality. The author's keen observations and poetic imagery elevate the ordinary to the extraordinary, creating a literary landscape where every word is a brushstroke on the canvas of the reader's imagination."Muted on Elegant Stilts" is a captivating journey into the recesses of the human soul, where the silence speaks louder than words, and elegance is found in the spaces between. Thomas Jack's narrative prowess and evocative language make this work a compelling exploration of the beauty that exists in the hushed moments of life.
Find the woman.That's the job Angus Dickenson, private investigator, was hired to do.A typical PI, dirty and disgruntled yet discreet and determined, Angus always works to find the light for others in his dark world perspective. But when a long time associate hires him to track down a woman, Angus discovers a chilling secret that changes his entire perspective.Join Angus as he uncovers clues about himself and the world he thought he knew.
Embark on a captivating journey blurring the lines between speculation and reality in "Alien Encounters Unveiled." This exploration delves into the speculative realm of advanced civilizations and their intentions. It navigates the uncharted territories of hostile alien invasions, shedding light on the interplay between adaptability and foresight. Amidst this, the enduring essence of unity and collaboration surfaces as crucial survival tools.Transitioning from the speculative to the tangible, we explore resource management amid global alien threats, revealing shared values of fairness and compassion. Practical strategies, from communication to equitable distribution, bridge the gap between the hypothetical and the real.Survival tactics and diplomacy form a dual approach, mirroring humanity's multifaceted nature. As we contemplate survival skills and engage in practical solutions, the importance of understanding and practical engagement is evident.Venturing into a sinister perspective, we examine the exploitation of human religious beliefs by hostile aliens. The manipulation of faith for control underscores the significance of vigilance and critical thinking.Unity, empathy, and collective wisdom weave throughout our journey. In the face of adversity, the ability to come together, extend compassion, and communicate resonates as an essential essence.As we conclude, "Alien Encounters Unveiled" urges us to embrace a blend of speculation and practicality. From contemplating extraterrestrial encounters to envisioning survival strategies, this book equips us to navigate the unknown. Unity, empathy, and cooperation-the very foundation of humanity-guide us through the unwritten future. In unity and empathy, we find strength; in speculation and pragmatism, we unearth the tools to thrive in a world both known and unknown.
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