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Leggett-familien i San Francisco har fået stjålet deres diamanter – familiejuvelerne, og detektiven bliver tilkaldt for at opklare dettetyveri. En formodet forbandelse, der hviler over Dain-familien, og somangiveligt har resulteret i pludselige og voldsomme dødsfald, spilleren central rolle i handlingen.Et broget net af tyverier, løgne og mord optrævles. Det kommer for endag, at det yngste skud på Dain-stammen, den unge Gabrielle, både ernarkoman og er involveret i en mystisk religiøs sekt.Gabrielle flygter fra sekten og bliver gift med sin forlovede Eric, menmakabre hændelser bliver ved at forfølge dem. Detektiven haster tilfor at beskytte Gabrielle og hjælpe hende med at komme fri af hendesafhængighed af morfin. Han må prøve at afsløre årsagen til alle demystiske, voldelige begivenheder, der finder sted omkring Gabrielleog Dain-familiemedlemmerne.Privatdetektiven, som Hammett slørende kaldte ’The ContinentalOp’, optræder i den danske oversættelse kun som netop ’Detektiven’– unavngiven og mystisk!Dain-forbandelsen er bygget over Hammetts detektivhistorie om’The Continental Op’, skrevet til pulp fiction-magasinet The BlackMask i 1928-1929. Dette magasin blev spændings- og drengelæsningfor en hel generation. Bladet fik ikonisk status og blev genintroducerettil moderne generationer som inspirationskilde nummer 1 for Quentin Tarantinos film ’Pulp Fiction’.Dashiell Hammett (1894-1961) amerikansk kriminalforfatter, skrev enrække verdensberømte privatdetektivromaner. Betragtes som en afde allerstørste blandt genrens forfattere. Dain-forbandelsen (1929) eren af hans berømteste romaner.
A Secret Life Around You & Me by Anna Świetlik-Horodecka is an invitation to stop, look around, imagine, and feel. It portrays the world as a magical and colorful place, supported by whimsical and unique illustrations.Have you ever looked around and imagined what all those little things you see would do or say to us?Anna did. And in the book she shares what she saw… It is a collection of illustrations with charming, sweet, and meaningful descriptions of A secret life around you and me. They show how we can appreciate and cherish simple things, moments, and emotions that we can experience every day, in every season.
De magiske fortællinger, er mit eget indre barn, der fik lov til at komme ind i en magisk boble, hvor disse fortællinger gerne ville ud i verden.Der er den om pingvinen der kom ud fra køleskabet af.Niclas og Jonas, der ikke helt har tjek på hvor regnbuen kommer fra?Så er der juleeventyret med Sofie og hendes mor, der møder selveste julemanden.Men også en magisk fortælling, hvad sker der mon oppe i dyre og menneske himlen, nu vi er færdige med at være på jorden, samt de andre 3 fortællinger.Men her er der også plads til dine egne magiske historier, for her må der godt skrives i, hvor du kan fortælle din hel egen fantasi historie, og en voksen kan måske hjælpe dig.Bare ikke med tusser, for det er den ikke egnet til.Rigtig god fornøjelse.
Stella Anderson Lockwood had lived a life of constant grooming and suppression, plagued by visions and surrounded by lies. She was smart and curious of nature, perhaps a little too much for her own good. When rumors of a beast with immense powers, some similar to her own started going around, she decided to leave behind her old life and everything she had known, to find out the truth. One fateful day, she took the chance and fled from the village, into the woods that surrounded her home, where the beast was said to be residing. She had put her life in danger without any thought for the consequences that would follow, leaving behind her sister and her home, and throwing away her right to ever return to the village.There was no turning back. She needed to know if the rumors were true, even if the truth would come at the cost of her life...
What would you do if all the mystical creatures, you have ever heard of, turned out to be real? Maria finds herself in the surreal situation, that all she has ever heard was fiction, truly exists. When she coincidentally puts on the Heart of the Phoenix, a magical jewel that holds humongous power, her entire life is turned upside down. Furthermore, the jewel turns out to be highly important to the magical world, which Maria is suddenly a part of.Follow Maria as she starts her new life at Manatecus, a school where everyone appears human but can turns into werewolves, dragons, yukionna, and many other magical creatures. She is starting off as an ordinary girl, but is now a piece in an important puzzle. How will she balance her own life, as well as the balance of the magical world? Can she manage? One thing is for sure, it’s going to be an adventure.
The first work of poetry in english from the mexican author Alberto Forcada. Written in a beautiful language with deep insight, an existential curiosity and a lot of humanity.From the back of the book:Interrupted by sleep,how could we not be fragments?Broken pieces of a vasethat dreams with water
It is all revealed during a single day from early morning to late evening.A long-time habit has been kept well hidden.A lazy office bureaucrat enjoys his lunch - and the new canteen lady.Husband and wife live at opposite ends of the house.Someone suddenly discovers a long lost lover in completely unexpected surroundings.
Not since 'Watership Down' has a fantasy world of rabbits offered such clear insights into humanity's foibles and strengths. A charming and engaging tale about characters in a pre-industrial world living in harmony until a stranger enters their midst. Their values and tolerance challenged, the community faces threats from the outside. This is book one of three in the tales of The Meadowlands.
Police are still looking for a young cat girl of 18 years, she was last seen in black clothing, two diamond earrings, and a pink collar. She has been missing for four days now, and they have no idea of her whereabouts. If anyone out there sees this girl, be sure to inform the police right away.
Julia Wolf, som er sekretær for den berømte opfinder Clyde Wynant, bliver fundet myrdet i sin lejlighed i New York. Sagen kommer i offentlighedens søgelys, da det viser sig, at Wynant er forsvundet, og at Julia har været elskerinde til en gangster. Den forhenværende privatdetektiv Nick Charles bliver involveret i sagen, og det samme gør medlemmer af den mærkelige Wynant-familie og politimanden Guild samt den mystiske Nora.”Her fortælles med en realisme, der kun finder sit sidestykke hos Hemingway. Alt hvad læseren længes efter, finder han hos Hammett.” – Ellery QueenDashiell Hammett (1894-1961) amerikansk kriminalforfatter, skrev en række verdensberømte privatdetektivromaner. Betragtes som et sandt ikon blandt genrens forfattere og har været inspirationskilde for stort set alle efterfølgende detektivromaner. Blandt hans mest berømte romaner er Den tynde mand (1934), som også blev hans sidste. Romanen er blevet filmatiseret gentagne gange.
Sirius er ingen helt. Han er blot en 13-årig knægt der forsøger at overleve sit job som levende lokkemad om bord på det flyvende fiskerskib Den slatne makrel.Men den dag han møder himmelpiraterne forandres alt. Sirius bliver hvirvlet ind i et voldsomt angreb på et kongeligt skib som bærer på en mægtig hemmelighed.Sirius må kæmpe for både sit og piraternes liv, ellers bliver hans første eventyr også det sidste ...SkyWorld er en episk science fiction-fortælling om flyvende monsterfisk, venskab og helten i os alle.Pakken består af:9788758809946 SkyWorld #1: Himmelpiraterne9788758810607 SkyWorld #2: Samleren9788758810621 SkyWorld #3: Øgleøen
Mankind has debated the essence of 'Soul' since the beginnings of philosophical thought. To have a soul is to be individual - but what if it was not so simple? What if four people shared one soul? Would they agree to lose their identity for the sake of a calm life, or fight for the right to be themselves?Four little girls were born in the same area of Dublin in December 1986. They were healthy, happy and full of promise. Their mothers named them all "Adelaide". By March 2011 three of them would be dead. Two of the girls were murdered, one committed suicide. None of them showed any psychopathology, they came from secure homes. They had no logical reason for turning on each other and fighting to the death.The reason they did so, was because they shared the same soul. Tragically each girl had a sense of what made her unique and had the determination to fight for it. This is their story.
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