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  • af Christopher Dunn
    201,95 kr.

    Reveals how the pyramids of Egypt were sophisticated generators of clean energy

  • af Natalie Haynes
    106,95 - 196,95 kr.

  • af Philippa Gregory
    113,95 - 246,95 kr.

  • af Lao Tzu
    295,95 kr.

  • af Neil Powell
    295,95 kr.

    The 2,500-year-old I Ching, or 'Book of Changes', is an ancient Chinese work of divination and prophesy, consulted by performing complex routines of dropping bundles of dried grass stalks. Beautifully produced in traditional Chinese binding with 75 illustrations that make the perfect gift edition, this book will allow anyone to use the I Ching to predict their destiny.

  • af Luke Edward Hall
    246,95 kr.

    Steeped in honey, Juventius, your golden eyes, and as sweet too when I press my lips to them - three hundred thousand kisses is not close to enoughFor centuries, evidence of queer love in the ancient world was ignored or suppressed. Even today, only a few, famous narratives are widely known - yet there's a rich literary tradition of Greek and Roman love that extends far beyond this handful of stories. Here, the poet Seán Hewitt and painter Luke Edward Hall collect together, for the first time, forty of the most exhilarating queer tales in the classical canon and bring them newly to life. A ground-breaking anthology that changes the way we see the ancient world - and invites us to reflect on the puritanism of our own - 300,000 Kisses is a riotous celebration of desire in all its forms.

  • af Chris McNab
    196,95 kr.

    Highly illustrated, Native American Myths is an exploration of the beliefs and culture of North America‿s first inhabitants divided into seven chapters, covering creation myths; people, family and culture; the natural world; ghosts and spirits; gods, demons and heroes; love, morality and death; and warfare.

  • af John Darnell and Colleen Darnell
    238,95 kr.

  • af M. C. Bishop
    143,95 kr.

    Fully illustrated, this study investigates the origins, evolution and use of the mail and scale armour worn by the soldiers and gladiators of Imperial Rome.Less glamorous than the Roman Army's instantly recognizable plate armour but much more versatile, mail and scale armour were used by both legionaries and auxiliaries throughout Rome's history. Developed by the Celts and quickly adopted by the Romans, mail armour was easy to make and required little maintenance. Scale was a much older form of armour, originating in the Near East during the second millennium BC. As with mail, it was used by both auxiliaries and legionaries, but like plate armour, it was much more fragile than mail. Both types of armour were also used by gladiators (principally as arm defences).New discoveries in both mail and scale, as well as in hybrid forms that mixed the two, mean that much more is now known about the development of these types of defence during the Roman period, their efficacy in battle and how they were manufactured and repaired. Featuring specially commissioned artwork and drawing upon the latest findings, this study lifts the veil on the mail and scale armour used by soldiers, gladiators and others during the heyday of Imperial Rome.

  • af Andrei Pogacias
    126,95 kr.

    This intriguing book describes the Romans' formidably warlike enemies in modern Romania and Bulgaria - their 'most illustrated' opponents, thanks to friezes on Trajan's Column and carvings on Trajan's Adamklissi monument.Formidable warriors, able to field tens of thousands of infantry and cavalry and led by a military aristocracy, the Dacians and Getae presented a real threat to Rome's north-eastern frontier. They inflicted several defeats on Rome, crossing the Danube to invade the province of Moesia, and later stubbornly resisting counter-invasions from their strong mountain fortresses. Historians believe that the Dacians and Getae were essentially the same group of tribes during successive periods, related to Thracian tribes from territory south of the Carpathian Mountains, but their exact relationship in place and time is a subject for debate. Those called the 'Getae' by ancient Greek sources were actively expanding by at least the 4th century BC; some enlisted as mercenaries in Roman armies during the 1st century BC, and others later clashed with the army of Augustus, fighting alongside the Sarmatians. The people whom the Romans called the 'Dacians' are best known from wars against the emperors Domitian in AD 85-89 and Trajan in 101-106. At their peak, the Dacians and Getae defeated neighbouring peoples stretching from modern Slovakia to southern Ukraine and it is believed that the effectiveness of their weapons caused modifications in Roman infantry armour. Although most direct ancient sources have been lost to us, enough references remain to reconstruct a picture of their society and culture. Using previously unseen photos of archaeological finds with colour illustrations showing the appearance and weaponry of their warrior kings, noblemen, infantry and cavalry, this detailed book draws upon the latest literary and archaeological research to provide a complete account of these fascinating fighters.

  • - Gyldendal filosofi-bibliotek
    af Cicero
    119,95 - 208,95 kr.

  • - Kardinaldyderne i arkaisk og klassisk tid
    af Michael Stenskjær Christensen
    236,95 kr.

    Fra det antikke Grækenland har vi overleveret en forestilling om at der findes fire gode personlige egenskaber som er særligt vigtige. Disse fire – retfærdighed, besindighed, visdom og mod – er kendt som de fire kardinaldyder, og Platon får ofte æren for at have opfundet eller samlet disse dyder. Det skyldes at de spiller en meget fremtrædende rolle i hans mest berømte værk, Staten, når den lykkelige sjæl og den velfungerende stat skal beskrives. Denne bog præsenterer en grundig analyse af de fire kardinaldyders tidligste historie. Undersøgelsen falder i to dele. I den første kortlægges kardinaldydernes tilstedeværelse i den græske litteratur frem til og med Platon. Denne undersøgelse er bl.a. baseret på computerassisterede analyser af den samlede græske litteratur frem til Platons egen samtid, hvilket gør det muligt at skitsere og identificere forbindelser mellem de fire berømte termer. Korpuslingvistiske metoder og statistisk analyse anvendes for at give behandlingen et mere systematisk grundlag og tilstræbe så høj en objektivitet som fortolkningen af denne litteratur tillader. Anden del beskæftiger sig med en række centrale og berømte dialoger i Platons forfatterskab som underkastes en kritisk analyse med sigte på de fire kardinaldyder og deres mulige interne forbindelser. Undervejs sættes der spørgsmålstegn ved om de udgør en fast og veletableret filosofisk enhed, og om de repræsenterer den samlede dyd i de undersøgte dialoger. Samlet præsenterer bogens to dele et forslag til at genoverveje vores forståelse af begyndelse til de firekardinaldyders lange og prominente historie.

  • af Susanne Kerner, Rachael J. Dann & Pernille Bangsgaard
    276,95 kr.

    Klima og menneskets reaktioner på det er tæt forbundet. Mens mange forskere er enige i, at mennesket har forårsaget klimaforandringer, er det et faktum, at jorden har gennemgået mange perioder med klimatiske forandringer uden vores indblanding, hvilket vi som art gennem størstedelen af vores eksistens har været tvunget til at klare os igennem. Hvad enten klimaforandringer er et resultat af naturlig eller menneskelig påvirkning, er et samfund nødt til at reagere på disse og tilpasse sig. Men gør det det? Og hvis det gør, hvad er så karakteren af denne tilpasning? Er tilpasningen positiv eller negativ for samfundets langsigtede overlevelse? I denne bog undersøger forskere inden for både arkæologi og klimaforskning fortidens klimaforandringer: forandringernes årsager og indvirken på antikke samfund og hvordan disse samfund reagerede. Med udgangspunkt i fire grundlæggende temaer, som hver især behandler måder, hvorpå man kan forstå tidligere tiders klima, den menneskelige indvirkning og bæredygtighed, undersøger bogens artikler den antikke klode gennem emner, der spænder fra førindustriel forurening til isotopisk analyse. Dermed demonstreres værdien af at undersøge strukturerne over en længere periode, la longue durée, når man har at gøre med et emne, der har afgørende betydning for vores planets fremtid.Bidragydere: Peter M.M.G. Akkermans, Benjamin Arbuckle, Miroslav Bárta, Peter F. Biehl, Tom Boiy, Joachim Bretschneider, Valentina Caracuta, Elise Van Campo, Claudio Casati, Louis Chaix, Maurits Ertsen, Girolamo Fiorentino, Karin Margarita Frei, Matthieu Honegger, Greta Jans, Akemi Kaneda, David Kaniewski, Eva Kapteijn, Karel Van Lerberghe, Cheryl Makarewicz, Richard H. Meadow, Chris Meiklejohn, Deborah C. Merrett, Olivier P. Nieuwenhuyse, Johannes van der Plicht, Simone Riehl, Neil Roberts, Anna Russel, Lasse Sørensen. Susanne Kerner er lektor ved Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier på Københavns Universitet. Rachael J. Dann er lektor i egyptisk og sudanesisk arkæologi ved Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier på Københavns Universitet. Pernille Bangsgaard er adjunkt ved Statens Naturhistoriske Museum, Københavns Universitet.

  • af Bernhard Lang
    192,95 - 206,95 kr.

    Hvem var Jesus egentlig?Bernhard Lang giver her et svar:Jesus var en jødisk udgave af de græske, kyniske filosoffer. Kynismen var en af de retninger inden for græsk filosofi, som gik tilbage til Sokrates. Men i modsætning til tilhængerne af Platon, Aristoteles og andre var kynikerne ikke optaget af abstrakte spørgsmål. De var livsfilosoffer; de mente, at man kun kunne opnå et autentisk liv ved at give afkald på alt det, som mennesker normalt begærer: rigdom, seksualitet, familie, social status, god mad, bløde klæder. Tilbage til naturen, til det enkle liv – det var kynikernes budskab. ’‘Kyniker’ vil sige ‘hundeagtig’. Den mest berømte af alle kynikere, Diogenes, ville netop leve som en hund.At Jesus skulle være inspireret af kynikerne, er en kontroversiel tese. I bogen her argumenterer Bernhard Lang omhyggeligt for, at Jesus faktisk var en slags kynisk filosof. Men Jesus var det på en særlig jødisk måde: I traditionerne om profeten Elias havde jøderne deres eget forbillede for et liv i magisk, lykkelig askese.Jesus – en jødisk kynikers liv og lære viser nye sider af Jesus. Bogen er samtidig en indføring i den kyniske filosofi i antikken; den giver også eksempler på kynisk inspiration i moderne filosofi, fra Diderot til Sloterdijk og Foucault.

  • af Jack Ludlow
    298,95 kr.

    Lucius Falerius er død, og i hele Romerriget sørger man over tabet af den magtfulde senator. Det er nu op til Marcellus, Lucius Falerius’ unge søn, at føre sin fars løfter over for de sicilianske slaver ud i livet. Det er dog ikke alle, der ønsker at se Roms ære kompromitteret. Samtidig er der uro i de romerske grænseprovinser, og legionerne rykker nordpå for at gøre det af med truslen fra kelterne. De keltiske stammer har samlet sig under én høvding, den frygtindgydende og uforudsigelige Brennos – men der er også dem, der ønsker ham død. Brennos bliver forrådt af sin egen familie, og hævnen bliver både brutal og blodig.”Republikkens skæbne” er tredje og sidste bind i trilogien ”Republikken”.David Donachie, forfatteren bag pseudonymet Jack Ludlow, er at finde på de internationale bestsellerlister. Han har udgivet historiske romaner i mere end 30 år, og det er blevet til over 50 bøger - med flere på vej!

  • af Mustafa Nejem
    118,95 - 130,95 kr.

    "Phoenicians - Masters of the Sea: Shipping and Trading Lessons from History" explores the remarkable maritime and trading prowess of the Phoenician civilization. This book delves into their innovative shipbuilding techniques, navigational skills, and extensive trade networks. It highlights the Phoenicians' impact on global commerce and their enduring legacy as masters of the sea. Avaluable source of inspiration for modern-day entrepreneurs and business leaders

  • af Solomon Charles Kaines Smith
    287,95 - 438,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Janos Kohl
    213,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • af Yves Guéchi
    318,95 kr.

    The Kybalion Guide is intended to introduce you to the esoteric teachings of the Kybalion. This work is intended for anyone interested in spirituality and occult philosophy, and who wishes to deepen their understanding of the universe and the laws that govern it.The Kybalion is an ancient and mysterious text that teaches the universal principles of existence. These principles have been passed down from generation to generation by mystics and initiates, and are considered to be the basis of all great religions and philosophies.In this guide, you will discover the seven fundamental principles of Kybalion: mentalism, correspondence, vibration, polarity, rhythm, cause and effect, and generation. You will learn how these principles apply to everyday life, how they can help you develop a deeper view of yourself and your place in the universe, and how they can guide you toward a more fulfilling and more fulfilling life. conscious.By reading this guide, you will discover the keys to accessing universal knowledge and developing your own inner wisdom. You will learn how to use these principles to create the life you desire and to achieve your highest goals.Whether you are a beginning student or an advanced seeker of spirituality, The Kybalion Guide offers you a unique opportunity to discover the secrets of the universe and elevate yourself to a deeper understanding of reality.

  • af Jan Assmann
    578,95 kr.

    For thousands of years, our world has been shaped by biblical monotheism. But its hallmark--a distinction between one true God and many false gods--was once a new and radical idea. Of God and Gods explores the revolutionary newness of biblical theology against a background of the polytheism that was once so commonplace. Jan Assmann, one of the most distinguished scholars of ancient Egypt working today, traces the concept of a true religion back to its earliest beginnings in Egypt and describes how this new idea took shape in the context of the older polytheistic world that it rejected. He offers readers a deepened understanding of Egyptian polytheism and elaborates on his concept of the "Mosaic distinction," which conceives an exclusive and emphatic Truth that sets religion apart from beliefs shunned as superstition, paganism, or heresy.>Best Books for General Audiences, selected by the American Association of School Librarians, and Best Books for Special Interests, selected by the Public Library Association

  • af Pat Getz-Gentle
    473,95 kr.

    Personal Styles in Early Cycladic Sculpture represents the culmination of some thirty-five years of study. Pat Getz-Gentle offers here much new material and many fresh insights into a tradition, rooted in the Neolithic period, that spanned most of the third millennium B.C. She begins with a review of this tradition, placing particular emphasis on the stages leading to the reclining figure with folded arms that is the unique and quintessential icon of the early Bronze age culture at the center of the Aegean. She then focuses on the styles of fifteen carvers, several of whom are identified and discussed here for the first time. By introducing little-known pieces attributable to these sculptors, she illuminates various phases of their artistic development. With a strong aesthetic sense and a practiced approach grounded in keen observation, Getz-Gentle provides clear and detailed discussions illustrated by photos and drawings of 212 different works. Complementing her observations is a chapter by art historian Jack de Vries, who offers the first published summary of his study of Cycladic images and tests the validity of Getz-Gentle's view that, in designing their works, Cycladic sculptors took deliberate measures involving the use of proportional formulae.

  • af Georg Ebers
    298,95 - 356,95 kr.

    ""The Daughter of an Egyptian King"" is a historical novel written by Georg Ebers and published in 1880. The story is set in ancient Egypt and follows the life of a young girl named Bent-Anat, who is the daughter of the pharaoh. Bent-Anat is a headstrong and independent young woman who defies convention by pursuing her own interests and passions, much to the chagrin of her father and the other members of the royal court. As the story unfolds, Bent-Anat becomes embroiled in a complex web of political intrigue and personal drama, as she navigates the treacherous world of Egyptian politics and power struggles. Along the way, she falls in love with a commoner named Pentaur, who is a talented poet and warrior. As Bent-Anat and Pentaur's relationship deepens, they must overcome numerous obstacles and challenges, including the disapproval of Bent-Anat's father and the machinations of jealous rivals. Ultimately, however, their love proves stronger than any obstacle, and they are able to find happiness together. ""The Daughter of an Egyptian King"" is a sweeping and romantic tale that offers a vivid and immersive portrait of life in ancient Egypt. Ebers' masterful storytelling and attention to historical detail make this book a must-read for anyone interested in ancient history, romance, or adventure.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - Being The Very Remarkable Experiences In Another World Of Isidor Werner (1899)
    af Isidor Werner
    278,95 - 317,95 kr.

    Pharaoh's Broker is a book written by Isidor Werner in 1899. It is a work of fiction that tells the story of Isidor Werner, a Jewish stockbroker from New York who suddenly finds himself transported to ancient Egypt. In this strange new world, Werner becomes embroiled in a series of adventures and encounters with pharaohs, priests, and other powerful figures.Throughout the book, Werner must navigate the complex political and social landscape of ancient Egypt, using his wit and knowledge of finance to survive and thrive. He becomes a trusted advisor to the pharaoh and even participates in battles and political intrigue.Pharaoh's Broker is a thrilling and imaginative tale that combines elements of historical fiction, adventure, and fantasy. It offers a unique and engaging perspective on ancient Egyptian society and culture, while also exploring themes of power, wealth, and morality.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Ecovisiones
    238,95 kr.

    Explore the Magic and History of Gods of Egypt in this fascinating journey: From Ra to OsirisWelcome to a captivating journey through time, where the gods of ancient Egypt come to life on the pages of "Gods of Egypt: From Ra to Osiris." This work not only unravels forgotten myths but also immerses the reader in the magical and mysterious aspects of a rich and ancient culture.Before delving into the rich mythology that captivated a millennia-old civilization, it is crucial to understand the historical context that shaped these divine beliefs. Egypt, a land where the Nile River winds like the backbone of civilization, witnessed a history intertwined with the magic of its gods and goddesses.On the banks of this majestic river, a civilization flourished that not only left footprints in the sands of time but also forged a pantheon of deities that defied human expectations. From powerful pharaohs to complex social hierarchies, every aspect of Egyptian life was steeped in deep reverence for the divine.At the heart of this mystical narrative are the gods and goddesses who ruled over the heavens, the earth, and the underworld. Their stories, so human in their emotions and conflicts, offer a unique window to understand not only Egyptian mythology but also the very essence of a culture that has endured through the ages.Prepare to immerse yourself in a tale that unravels the mysteries of Osiris, the wisdom of Thoth, and the grandeur of Ra. "Gods of Egypt" not only explores forgotten myths but also highlights the magical aspects of a culture where magic was an integral part of daily life.The first part of the book provides key historical elements to understand Egyptian culture and beliefs. From the construction of pyramids to the intricacies of society, the reader will be guided through a journey that transcends the barriers of time, immersing into the eternity of Egyptian legends.Gods of Egypt: From Ra to Osiris is more than a book; it is a magical gateway that opens into a world where the divine and the human intertwine in an eternal dance. Get ready to explore the magic and history of Egyptian gods in a journey that will capture your imagination and take you through the veils of time!

  • af Ecovisiones
    253,95 kr.

    Bienvenido a un viaje cautivador a través del tiempo, donde los dioses del antiguo Egipto cobran vida en las páginas de Un Viaje Fascinante a los Dioses de Egipto: De Ra a Osiris. Esta obra no solo desentraña mitos olvidados, sino que también sumerge al lector en los aspectos mágicos y misteriosos de una cultura rica y ancestral.Antes de adentrarnos en la rica mitología que cautivó a una civilización milenaria, es crucial entender el contexto histórico que dio forma a estas creencias divinas. Egipto, una tierra donde el río Nilo serpentea como la columna vertebral de la civilización, fue testigo de una historia que se entrelaza con la magia de sus dioses y diosas.En las orillas de este majestuoso río, floreció una civilización que no solo dejó huellas en la arena del tiempo, sino que también forjó un panteón de deidades que desafiaron las expectativas humanas. Desde poderosos faraones hasta complejas jerarquías sociales, cada aspecto de la vida egipcia estaba impregnado de un profundo respeto por lo divino.En el corazón de esta narrativa mística se encuentran los dioses y diosas que gobernaron el cielo, la tierra y el inframundo. Sus historias, tan humanas en sus emociones y conflictos, ofrecen una ventana única para comprender no solo la mitología egipcia, sino también la esencia misma de una cultura que ha perdurado a lo largo de los milenios.Prepárate para sumergirte en un relato que desentraña los misterios de Osiris, la sabiduría de Thot y la majestuosidad de Ra. "Un Viaje Fascinante a los Dioses de Egipto" no solo explora mitos olvidados, sino que también destaca los aspectos mágicos de una cultura donde la magia era parte integral de la vida diaria.La primera parte del libro proporciona elementos históricos clave para comprender la cultura egipcia y sus creencias. Desde la construcción de las pirámides hasta las complejidades de la sociedad, el lector será guiado a través de un viaje que trasciende las barreras del tiempo, sumergiéndose en la eternidad de las leyendas egipcias.Un Viaje Fascinante a los Dioses de Egipto: De Ra a Osiris es más que un libro; es una puerta mágica que se abre a un mundo donde lo divino y lo humano se entrelazan en una danza eterna. ¡Prepárate para explorar la magia y la historia de los dioses egipcios en un viaje que capturará tu imaginación y te llevará a través de los velos del tiempo!

  • af Jason Dodd
    168,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • af Maurice O'Connor Morris
    283,95 - 325,95 kr.

    Dublin Castle is a historical non-fiction book written by Maurice O'Connor Morris. The book provides a comprehensive account of the history and significance of the Dublin Castle, which was the seat of British power in Ireland for over 700 years. The author delves into the castle's architecture, its role in the political and social history of Ireland, and its connection to the British monarchy.The book begins with a detailed description of the castle's construction, which started in the 13th century. Morris then explores the castle's evolution over the centuries, from a military fortress to a center of administration and governance. He discusses the various historical events that took place within the castle walls, including the 1916 Easter Rising and the negotiations leading up to the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921.Throughout the book, Morris provides insights into the lives of the people who lived and worked in the castle, including the viceroys, lords lieutenant, and other officials who wielded power over Ireland. He also examines the castle's impact on Irish culture and society, including its role in the suppression of Irish language and culture during the colonial era.Dublin Castle is a well-researched and engaging account of one of Ireland's most iconic landmarks. It is an essential read for anyone interested in Irish history, architecture, and politics.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af John Eliot Bowen
    233,95 - 266,95 kr.

    The Conflict of East and West in Egypt is a book written by John Eliot Bowen, which explores the cultural and political tensions between the East and the West in Egypt. The book delves into the history of Egypt, from the Pharaonic period to the present day, and examines how the country's unique blend of Eastern and Western influences has shaped its identity and politics.Bowen argues that Egypt has always been a site of conflict between the East and the West, with various powers attempting to exert their influence over the country throughout its history. He examines the impact of colonialism on Egypt, and how it shaped the country's political and economic systems.The book also explores the role of religion in Egyptian society, particularly the tension between Islam and Christianity. Bowen examines how these two religions have interacted throughout history, and how they continue to shape Egyptian society today.Overall, The Conflict of East and West in Egypt provides a comprehensive analysis of the cultural and political tensions in Egypt, and offers insights into the country's complex history and identity. It is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Middle Eastern history and politics.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - La Mort De Philae
    af Pierre Loti
    229,95 - 283,95 kr.

    ""Egypt: La Mort De Philae"" is a novel written by Pierre Loti, a French novelist and naval officer. The book is set in Egypt during the late 19th century and tells the story of a French naval officer who becomes infatuated with a local Egyptian woman. The officer, who remains unnamed, spends his days exploring the ancient ruins of Egypt, including the island of Philae, where he becomes enchanted with the temple of Isis. As he becomes more and more obsessed with the temple, he begins to neglect his duties and his relationships with his fellow officers. The novel explores themes of colonialism, cultural imperialism, and the clash between Western and Eastern cultures. It is a vivid and evocative portrayal of Egypt during this period, and a powerful reflection on the complexities of cross-cultural relationships.A city of mosques, then, as I was saying. They follow one another along the streets, sometimes two, three, four in a row; leaning one against the other, so that their confines become merged. On all sides their minarets shoot up into the air, those minarets embellished with arabesques, carved and complicated with the most changing fancy. They have their little balconies, their rows of little columns; they are so fashioned that the daylight shows through them.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

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