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  • af Mustafa Nejem
    127,95 kr.

    This dissertation aims to investigate the factors influencing the retention and attraction of skilled seafarers in the Greek shipping industry. It also explores the shortage of skilled seafarers, job satisfaction among maritime officers, and the perceptions and motivations of Greek shipping students. The study provides insights into the role of human resource management, the attractiveness of the seafarer profession, and strategies to attract and retain talent in the industry. The findings have implications for improving working conditions and increasing job satisfaction levels in the Greek shipping industry.

  • af Mustafa Nejem
    127,95 kr.

    Embark on a thrilling voyage through the maritime revolution with "Iron and Steel Ride the Waves." This captivating book takes you on a journey from ancient civilizations to the cutting-edge shipbuilding of today. Explore the innovative technologies that have transformed ships into floating cities, witness the power of modern naval vessels, and delve into the world of luxury cruise liners. Discover how the maritime industry continues to shape our world and redefine the boundaries of exploration. Prepare to be captivated by the wonders of the modern maritime revolution.

  • af Annamacharya
    242,95 kr.

    HappinessHappiness is an essential aspect of human existence. It gives us energy, health, and a positive outlook. Ancient wisdom teaches us many ways to achieve happiness.One way is to be content with what we have. When we don't have something, we long for it. But if we are content with what we have, we will experience more joy.Another way is to enjoy the activities we do. When we do things we love, we experience more happiness.We can also find happiness by helping others. Helping others brings us joy and fulfillment.The Meaning of LifeThe meaning of life is a question that has been pondered by philosophers and theologians for centuries. Ancient wisdom offers a variety of perspectives on this question.One perspective is that the meaning of life is experience. We should experience as much as we can in life. We should be mindful and savor every moment.Another perspective is that the meaning of life is service. We can give our lives meaning by serving others.A third perspective is that the meaning of life is perfection. We can give our lives meaning by striving to perfect our own souls.Self-FulfillmentSelf-fulfillment is another important aspect of human existence. It gives us peace, satisfaction, and happiness. Ancient wisdom teaches us many ways to achieve self-fulfillment.One way is to have clear goals in the activities we do. If we know what we want to achieve and how we are going to achieve it, we are more likely to experience self-fulfillment.Another way is to follow our own values. When we do things that we believe in, we are more likely to experience self-fulfillment.

  • af Rahel Johann
    507,95 kr.

    König Assá, der Ururenkel König Davids von Israel, steht seinem großen Vorfahren in Größe nicht nach. Er wächst fernab vom Hof seines Vaters auf, während seine Mutter für ihn unbekannt ist. Assás Kindheitsfreund wird in die Schuldsklaverei verkauft. Als sich ihre Wege erneut kreuzen, entsteht eine 'Freundschaft' trotz alle Widrigkeiten.Vom ersten Tag am Hof an begleiten ihn Intriganten, tödliche Feinde und die Machenschaften seiner Großmutter Ma'acha, aber auch Freunde, die er durch seine überzeugende Art neu gewinnt. Die Welt des 9. Jahrhunderts vor unserer Zeitrechnung ist gefüllt mit verschiedenen Götterkulten, ungewöhnlichen sexuellen Gepflogenheiten und dem Aufbruch einer neuen judäischen Kultur, die lebendig wird durch König Assá und sein Leben.

  • af N. Pawo Elias
    109,95 kr.

    Ca. 100 v. Chr. in einem inzwischen längst trockengelegten Moor östlich des heutigen Düsseldorf macht ein Bauer namens Wotan eine lebensverändernde Erfahrung, wodurch er ungefragt zum Gehilfen des Heilers Ratmar wird.Durch ihr Aufeinandertreffen finden die zwei sich einem Spannungsfeld zwischen dem keltischen Himmelsgott Taranis und dem germanischen Wettergott Thor ausgesetzt. Dies aber hat bis in die heutige Zeit reichende Auswirkungen.Eine einfühlsame Erzählung über jemanden, dem es gelingt, sein Verzweifeln an der Grausamkeit der Welt wie der Götter zu überwinden und seinem Leben einen Sinn zu geben.

  • af Trina Wilburn
    347,95 kr.

    Divine Conflicts in Early Christianity: Revelation, RomanImperial Visions, and the Province of Asia's Cosmology" is acompelling scholarly work that delves deep into the intricacies ofearly Christian history. It meticulously examines the clash ofdivine forces, the enigmatic book of Revelation, and the cosmicbeliefs of the Province of Asia. This book provides acomprehensive understanding of the religious and politicallandscape of the time, shedding light on the complex interactionsbetween Christianity and the Roman Empire.Through meticulous research and insightful analysis, the authorunravels the threads of religious syncretism, revealing how theburgeoning Christian faith navigated the challenges posed by theimperial cults and the prevailing cosmological beliefs. Thisexploration offers readers a nuanced perspective on how thesedivine conflicts influenced the development of early Christianity.The book is a treasure trove of historical context and scholarlyperspectives, offering readers a profound insight into theevolving religious dynamics of the era. It is an essential read foranyone interested in the intersection of religion, politics, andcosmology in the early Christian world. With its rich content andacademic rigor, "Divine Conflicts in Early Christianity" is avaluable resource that deepens our understanding of theformative years of Christianity and its place within the RomanEmpire.

  • af Ahmed Nono El Moka. . . Walhan El-Masrey
    806,95 kr.

    In "My Story" by Ahmed El-Mokadem, readers are transported into the heart of Egypt, a land rich in history and mystery. This captivating novel follows Walhan, a fictional character who personifies the spirit and passion of Egypt. As an envoy of his nation's enduring spirit, Walhan's reflections on his life journey offer a profound understanding of his profound connection to his homeland. Through Walhan's eyes, we experience the vibrancy of Egypt, from its ancient pyramids to the flowing Nile, as he recounts tales from his youth to adulthood. These stories are not just his own but are interlaced with the transformative events that have shaped Egypt's history. His narrative paints a vivid tapestry of emotions, encompassing cherished memories, strong familial bonds, and an unwavering sense of patriotism. However, beneath Egypt's grandeur lies a realm of secrets and enigmas. Walhan navigates through these, uncovering conspiracies and truths that have molded the country's legacy. This journey is not just a physical traversal but an emotional one as well, revealing the complexities and dualities of Egypt's past and present. "My Story" is more than just a novel; it's an emotional odyssey that immerses the reader in the nuances of Egyptian culture, history, and identity. Ahmed masterfully combines personal narrative with national history, creating a story that is both intimate and grandiose. As Walhan delves deeper into the heart of his country, readers are invited to explore the hidden depths of Egypt, experiencing its splendors and confronting its shadows. "My Story" promises to stir your soul and leave you in awe of a land that has captivated the world for millennia.

  • af Hervé Le Bévillon
    727,95 kr.

    Dans ce deuxième tome du Rig Veda, vous trouverez les mandalas de 7 à 10. Avec le septième, le plus ancien de ce tome, nous découvrons la guerre de dix rois, qui unifiera le peuple védiqueLe huitième est plus récent. Il date probablement de 3000 BCE environ, et nous révèle une spiritualité plus avancée.Le neuvième ne contient que des hymnes à Soma datant de toutes les époques. C'était lui qui clôturait la précédente compilation du Rig Veda. Le dixième a été ajouté plus tard, vraisemblablement aux alentours de 2100 BCE, après la pénurie de soma due à la grande sécheresse de 2200 BCE.

  • af Hervé Le Bévillon
    758,95 kr.

    Le Rig Veda est un recueil de 1028 hymnes adressés aux forces de la nature déifiées. Des métaphores, le plus souvent guerrières, nous permettent de comprendre la vie des populations védiques, situées entre le Gange et l'Indus, il y a entre 4 000 et 6 000 ans. L'illumination spirituelle était le but principal de ce peuple, individuellement, mais aussi collectivement. Ils utilisaient une plante enthéogène, le soma, très probablement un champignon, dans leurs sacrifices pour atteindre l'immortalité. Cette traduction tient compte des découvertes scientifiques faites depuis plus d'un siècle.

  • af Shachar Haddad
    144,95 kr.

    Although no one has ever heard of Elohic, it is still much older than magic. Even before the world was created, the Elohic already existed. Magic did not yet. Elohim Himself is the inventor, creator, owner, executor of the Elohic, which is the complete opposite of magic. Magic is occult and its master is Satan, who is a created being of Elohim and who put his head in a noose because of his arrogance, his pride, his rebellion. And yet magic has its appeal, it appeals to the sin, the evil in us and wants to drive us to rebel against Elohim just as Satan has already done and continues to do to this day. What do you do if you don't want to sin and yet being fascinated by magic? Elohic has long been able to do what magic can do. For this reason, I - who has been fascinated by magic from an early age - have "created" or compiled Elohic as a counterpart to magic, in order to give Elohim and His teachings something that appeals to people, without certainly twisting what is not there in Elohim. I don't make Him fit me, but I bring Him to people in such a way that they realize He wants good for them, He is just as "cool" (or cooler) as Satan's magic, because Elohim also has supernatural powers and a life with Him can also be super exciting if you want it to be.It may seem magical to you, but it is elohic.In this book you will find out exactly what Elohic is, how to apply it and how you can discover and unleash your own Elohic power.

  • af Sofia Sukuvaara
    307,95 kr.

    Soturiksi syntyneen ja kasvatetun Audatan sydän on murtunut, sillä hänen elämänsä muuttui peruuttamattomasti aikaisemmassa taistelussa verivihollista vastaan.Audatan itsenäistä elämää linnoituksessa läheistensä keskellä uhkaa toinenkin sysimusta pilvi: vihollisheimon päällikön poika, Deon, on rakastunut Audataan tulisesti ja Deon on päättänyt itsepintaisesti ottaa Audatan vaimokseen vasten tämän omaa tahtoa.Deon ja hänen isänsä punovat yhdessä suunnitelmaansa, jonka tavoitteena on kaataa Audata Deonin syliin ja ottaa valta sotaisasta arosta sen voimakkaimpana heimona. Audatalla liittolaisineen on silti sanansa sanottavana tässä: Audata ei aio antautua Deonille taisteluitta. Sodassa ja rakkaudessa mikään ei ole kiellettyä, ja Deonilla ei ole aikomustakaan perääntyä. Audatan sydämessä elää kuitenkin yhä toinen mies, ja tämä mielessään Audata on valmis tähtäämään miekkansa terän kohti Deonin sydäntä.Onnistuuko Audata säilyttämään vapautensa ja pysäyttämään Deonin, joka raivaa esteitä tieltään kuin luonnonvoima? Miten Audatalle käy viimeisessä taistelussa? Viimeinen taistelu on jännittävä tarina valtataistelusta antiikin ajassa, jossa sekä naiset että miehet kasvoivat sotureiksi ja kohtasivat toisensa tasavertaisina taistelukentällä ja sen ulkopuolella. Tarinan maailma perustuu aitoon historialliseen todellisuuteen. Viimeinen taistelu on Soturikuningatar-sarjan toinen osa.

  • af Hamilton Baker
    342,95 kr.

    What If Sparta Ruled An Empire?In this action-packed novel, the Spartan Empire wages war to suppress a widespread rebellion.Meanwhile, a yagar warrior attempts the unthinkable to save someone he loves.

  • af Galia Dor
    1.027,95 kr.

    Offers an innovative analysis of gates-as architectural components, visual images, and mental constructs-in early Chinese thought and material culture.

  • af Sinclair W Bell
    1.068,95 kr.

    "Drawing on literary, epigraphic, and archaeological evidence, this book provides cases studies that test the various ways in which juridical categories and normative discourses shaped the social and cultural landscape in which freed people lived. It addresses the challenge of studying Roman freed persons on the basis of highly fragmentary sources"--

  • af Billy Wellman
    337,95 kr.

    2 manuscritos completos en 1 libro:Historia de Egipto: Un apasionante repaso a la historia de EgiptoMitología egipcia: Un apasionante repaso a los mitos, dioses y diosas egipciosEgipto es un país vibrante y diverso con algunos de los lugares más impresionantes del mundo. Su historia estuvo dominada por poderosas figuras que cambiaron el curso de la historia mundial. Desde que se descubrió el legado de los antiguos faraones, la imaginación del público se ha visto cautivada por historias de gobernantes ricos y maldiciones mortales. ¿Cuánto hay de cierto? ¿Y cuánto es especulación?En la primera parte de este libro, saber sobre:El inicio de la civilización egipcia.Una breve mirada a los antiguos monumentos egipcios.Historias sobre los faraones y sus hazañas.Una extraordinaria visión a la magnífica edad de oro de Egipto.La conquista de Egipto por Alejandro.La escandalosa vida de los ptolomeos.Una breve exploración del periodo medieval de Egipto.Una guía sobre la expansión del islam en Egipto.La identidad de los mamelucos.Los logros de Saladino como primer sultán de Egipto.Un análisis en profundidad de los reinados de Hatshepsut y Cleopatra.Una explicación exhaustiva de la historia moderna de Egipto.Este parte está repleto de historias sobre la vida de los antiguos egipcios, sus dioses y algunos de los mayores mitos de la antigüedad. Los dioses desempeñaban un papel importante en la vida de la gente; ¡te sorprenderá ver hasta qué punto influían en la vida cotidiana!En la segunda parte de este libro, saber sobre:El origen y los fundamentos del mundo desde la perspectiva egipcia.Los mitos egipcios sobre la época en que los dioses gobernaban la Tierra.Los relatos con múltiples versiones sobre la vida de los dioses y diosas del antiguo Egipto.Las increíbles leyendas de la mitología egipcia.La elaborada cultura funeraria del antiguo Egipto.El viaje al más allá desde la perspectiva egipcia.Los atributos de los dioses y diosas más famosos del panteón egipcio.¡Y mucho más!

  • af Dietrich Volkmer
    197,95 kr.

    Aphrodite ist im Alten Griechenland die Liebesgöttin. Schon im aten Sumer, auch in Babylon und bei den Phöniziern gab es ähnliche Göttinnen Die Geschichte der Liebesgöttin ist außergewöhnlich. Das soll unter anderem in diesem Buch beschrieben werden. Ferner auch die Auswirkung auf Kunst und Dichtung.

  • af Peter Georgi
    102,95 kr.

    Im Dialog Timaios entwickelt Platon eine Kosmologie, wobei im besonderen der Aufbau der stofflichen Welt, der Wahrnehmungswelt, aus den vier Elementen Feuer, Luft, Wasser, Erde dargestellt ist (diese nehmen die geometrische Form sogenannter platonischer Körper an). Insbesondere geht es darum, dass die vier Elemente bei der Gestaltung der Welt in möglichst schöner Weise, in Orientierung an die mathematische Verhältnisgleichheit, miteinander in Verbindung treten sollen. Die vorliegende Arbei befasst sich nun mit diesem (dem Verständnis Schwierigkeiten bereitenden) Kapitel von Platons Kosmologie.

  • af T. T. Dives
    462,95 kr.

    Trebellia ist verzweifelt: Der Vater will sie gegen ihren Willen zur Hochzeit mit dem Sohn eines Parteigängers im Stadtrat zwingen. Dabei liebt sie doch Pytheos, den ehemaligen Hauslehrer. Der aber ist verschwunden, seit das Sklavenheer des Spartacus in der Nähe vorüberzog. In dem Jahr, das seither verstrichen ist, wurden die Aufständischen von der römischen Armee geschlagen, und ausgerechnet ihr Bruder Marcus hat sich bei der Jagd auf die besiegten Sklaven den Ruf als "Bluthund" erworben. Nun hat sie jede Hoffnung aufgegeben. Plötzlich jedoch steht sie auf dem Marktplatz ihrer kleinen Stadt im Norden Italiens dem Geliebten gegenüber. Diese Begegnung reißt sie aus ihrem ruhigen Landleben und zieht sie in einen Strudel dramatischer Ereignisse, an die sie nicht einmal im Traum gedacht hat. Haben die beiden eine Chance, an der Seite seiner zwei treuen Gefährten den Kämpfen der Sklaven untereinander und dem langen Arm Roms zu entkommen?Dives' Roman verzichtet bewusst auf breite Massenszenen und den Auftritt historischer Persönlichkeiten. Stattdessen stellt er Durchschnittsmenschen - Freie und Sklaven - ins Zentrum und zeigt, was soziale Konflikte, Flucht und Vertriebensein für den Einzelnen bedeuten.

  • af Marion Wiesler
    417,95 kr.

    Eine Bardin, verflucht, nie sesshaft zu sein. Eine große Liebe. Gute Geschichten und treue Gefährten.Gallien, im Jahr 37 vor unserer Zeitrechnung. Seit neun Jahren wandert die Bardin Arduinna mit ihrem Wolfshund und ihrem Raben dem Gebot ihres Maistirs folgend durch die Welt. Ihre kleine Sippe hat sich vergrößert, damit aber oft auch die Schwierigkeiten.Endlich weisen die Zeichen darauf hin, dass sich ihr Weg einem Ende nähert. Doch wird sie es schaffen, den Fluch endgültig aufzuheben? Muss sie sich ihrem Maistir stellen oder entgeht sie dieser Gefahr?Der 7. und letzte Band der Keltenroman-Serie »Die Wortflechterin«Tauch ein in die Welt der Kelten und fühle den Pulsschlag jener Zeit in dir.

  • af Ahoy Publications
    157,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Dennis Di Mario
    662,95 kr.

    Erstmalig in der Geschichte vereint ein Buch all das Wissen und die damit verbundenen Weisheiten unserer Vorfahren und Ahnen vom Ursprung (dem Göttlichen) an, bis ins 19. Jahrhundert und darüber hinaus. Aus der ganzen Welt und aus allen Epochen der Menschheit, den Büchern der Religionen und Jahrtausende alter Überlieferungen aus Asien, Nord-, Mittel- und Südamerika, den Hochkulturen der alten Zeit in Afrika und aus Europa, beinhaltet dieses Werk alles, was wir für unseren Weg in die neue Zeit wissen und leben müssen. Es ist ein gewaltiger Schatz, der in unseren Händen liegt, und ein Wegweiser für einen jeden einzelnen Menschen in eine Zeit des hohen ästhetischen Miteinanders, im folgenden goldenen Zeitalter. Ein Revival und die Grundlage für das Wissen der Neuzeit, welches daraus erwächst.

  • af Mia Montague
    253,95 kr.

    Teil 1 der Romantasy-Trilogie, die die Grenzen der Zeit und des Herzens überwindet und eine Geschichte erzählt, die die Götter selbst beobachten!Die lebenslustige Studentin Helena erwacht, nach einer wilden Partynacht, am Neujahrsmorgen plötzlich an einem fremden Ort. Zwar befindet sie sich noch immer in Rom, allerdings über 2000 Jahre früher, zur Zeit Cäsars. Doch mit Minikleid und Stilettos durch das antike Rom zu ziehen ist, trotz eines Hauchs göttlicher Magie, gar nicht so ungefährlich.In dieser Welt voller Intrigen trifft Helena auf den geheimnisvollen Flavius, einen verschlossenen, aber furchtlosen Centurio des Römischen Reiches und schafft es einen Blick hinter seine undurchdringliche Fassade zu erhaschen. Mutig versucht sie nun ihr Leben selbst in die Hand zu nehmen und reißt dabei auch Flavius mit, sich von seiner eigenen dunklen Vergangenheit zu befreien. Noch während die Schicksalsgöttinnen ihre Fäden knüpfen, entfaltet sich eine zarte Liebe, die gegen die Wirren der Zeit und die Verschwörungen des antiken Roms kämpfen muss.Und letztlich bleibt die Frage:Trennen sie die Jahrtausende oder verbindet sie ihre Liebe?

  • af Charles H Herzer Jr
    740,95 kr.

    By far the most comprehensive study of the subterranean structure known as the Osireion, its relationship to the main temple complex of Seti I, and surrounding sacred landscape at Abydos. The Osireion contains an enormous wealth of information with its encyclopedic array of New Kingdom Underworld Books and provides a unique insight into the ancient Egyptian worldview, circa 1300 B.C. at the beginning of the Nineteenth Dynasty, following the tumultuous Amarna Heresy. It was built by Seti I as part of his program to re-establish the abode of Osiris, abolished by the heretic Akhenaten, thus explaining its form as a subterranean architectural rendition of the Duat itself, the realm of Osiris as Ruler of the West. Built on the same axis as Seti's Mansion of Millions of Years, it was from the beginning to have been an integral part of this complex. Its ancient name, "Beneficial is Menmaatre (Seti I) for Osiris", points to is purpose. Two graffiti from Dynasties XXI and XXII provide further insights as to how the ancient Egyptian priests perceived this unique structure, calling it "hidden/mysterious place of the Duat of Menmaatre" and in a greeting "Hail to you! Isis in the birth house".

  • af Andreas Heuer
    246,95 - 310,95 kr.

  • af Korshi Dosoo
    1.624,95 kr.

    This volume is the first in a new series of editions of Coptic-language "magical" manuscripts from Egypt, written on papyrus, ostraca, parchment, and paper, and dating to between the fourth and twelfth centuries CE. Their texts attest to non-institutional rituals intended to bring about changes in the lives of those who used them - heal disease, curse enemies, bring about love or hatred, or see into the future. These manuscripts represent rich sources of information on daily life and lived religion of Egypt in the last centuries of Roman rule and the first centuries after the Arab conquest, giving us glimpses of the hopes and fears of people of this time, their conflicts and problems, and their vision of the human and superhuman worlds. This volume presents 37 new editions and descriptions of manuscripts, focusing on formularies or "handbooks", those texts containing instructions for the performance of rituals. Each of these is accompanied by a history of its acquisition, a material description, and presented with facing text and translations, tracings of accompanying images, and explanatory notes to aid in understanding the text.

  • af George G. M. James
    127,95 kr.

    In this beautifully designed special edition, Professor George G. M. James explains how the ancient Greeks learned a lot from the Egyptian priests and used that knowledge to develop their philosophy. The book features large, easy-to-read fonts for a comfortable reading experience. He talks about famous philosophers like Thales, Anaximander, Plato, and Socrates, who were seen as outsiders in Greece because they brought ideas influenced by Egypt. The book also compares what these philosophers taught with the teachings of the Egyptian Mystery System, which existed long before Greek philosophy. The main idea is that Greek philosophy didn't come from nowhere but was heavily influenced by Egyptian wisdom.

  • af Sarbjit Bahga
    456,95 kr.

    Chandigarh is a giant experiment in town planning and architecture in India and the world. Being one of the best cities planned and built afresh on virgin land, Chandigarh attracted the global community of architects, planners, and historians. Resultantly, copious works have been written on Chandigarh, and much literature exists on the subject."Making of Chandigarh: A Vintage History" is the latest addition to the number of books written by various authors on this subject. Of all the treatises published earlier, this book is unique in its approach, contents, and presentation. The book focuses on recording the process of making a city through 575 black-and-white photographs. Several photographers have clicked these photographs since the city's inception in 1950 till the 1990s. This book is a tribute to the numerous known and unknown photographers who recorded the history of Chandigarh through their photographs.It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and photographers are worth a million. Imagine, if we glance through hundreds of pictures clicked on a particular subject over a period of 40 years beginning in 1950, how easy it will be to grasp the historical aspect of that subject! With this aim, the "Making of Chandigarh: A Vintage History" has been conceived and presented as a pictorial journey of the city.Apart from the rich collection of vintage photos, the book includes more than 50 drawings of important city buildings and campuses. An elaborated essay, 'Making of Chandigarh', explains the whole story of the capital city and throws light on the essential campuses, complexes and buildings designed by master architects like Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Maxwell Fry, Jane Drew, and their Indian colleagues.

  • af Claudio Blanc
    212,95 kr.

    Egyptian civilization lasted for about three thousand years, producing icons that, even today, populate and intrigue people's imagination. Pyramids, animal-headed gods, sphinxes, mummies, hieroglyphs, deeds and concepts that marked the capacity of a people who lived their heyday many millennia ago, in a time so primitive that such accomplishments assume almost fantastic dimensions. This book on Egyptian Mythology not only brings the main gods and their attributes, but also contextualizes the history, religion and cosmogonies of this incredible people, taking you on a journey through time through this remarkable civilization.

  • af Patricia Eunji Kim
    1.355,95 kr.

    This transdisciplinary edited volume explores the concept of queenship in antiquity and the present. Featuring the work of scholars, educators and artists, this book gathers temporally and geographically distant ideas about queenship into a single discursive space. Invigorating the conversation around powerful historical women and their legacies, the contributors discuss 'queenship' as a concept with contemporary urgency, conducive to critical and creative interventions that address the gaps within archives and current cultural and socio-political representation. Although traditional narratives present queens of the ancient Mediterranean world as the wives, daughters, and mothers of kings - emphasizing formidable, stand-out examples such as Semiramis and Cleopatra - the ways in which royal women wielded power, whether directly or indirectly, were actually multivariate, highly nuanced and culturally specific. Current scholarship featured in this volume is concerned with teasing out modern, western assumptions that have heavily colored interpretations of gender and power in antiquity. This volume attempts to dismantle the problematic historical narratives and constructions of queenship by presenting different kinds of receptions and speculative articulations of historical queenship, thus forging new paths forward.

  • af Francis Morgan Nichols
    352,95 kr.

    Francis Morgan Nichols' landmark study of the Roman Forum remains a definitive guide to this iconic site. Nichols' meticulous scholarship sheds light on the historical, architectural, and social significance of the Forum, offering a unique glimpse into the cultural and political life of ancient Rome. This is a must-read for anyone interested in the art, architecture, and culture of classical antiquity.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

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