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  • - At blive et større menneske
    af Lene Rachel Andersen
    67,95 - 164,95 kr.

    Dannelse er på alles læber, men begrebet er vanskeligt at definere. Lene Andersen har med bogen Dannelse – at blive et større menneske både gjort dannelsesbegrebet konkret og udviklet begrebet til at matche det 21. århundredes behov.Bogen udgives som en Report to the Club of Rome, hvor Lene Andersen p.t. er eneste danske medlem. Romklubbens to co-præsidenter, Sandrine Dixson-Declève og Mamphela Ramphele, skriver bl.a. i deres forord: ”Bogen er en eftertænksom og tankevækkende guide, der kan sætte menneskeheden i stand til atter at fokusere på det, som er vigtigt, og at forstå livslang læring, uddannelse og tænkning som en forenende kraft.”I første halvdel af bogen undersøger Lene Andersen dannelsesbegrebets tyske oprindelse, dets lighed med moderne udviklingspsykologi, samt hvordan Grundtvig og Kold demokratiserede dannelsen og gjorde den til folkedannelse gennem højskolerne. Dannelse blev fundamentet for Danmarks velstand og beskyttede os mod 1930’ernes autoritære og totalitære ideologier. I anden halvdel af bogen præsenterer Lene Andersen en ny analyse af, hvad det var, højskolerne og folkeoplysningen gjorde for Danmarks ungdom, vores land og vores selvforståelse. Endelig giver Lene Andersen konkrete bud på, hvordan vores dannelse er nødt til at blive opdateret i forhold til det 21. århundredes udfordringer som f.eks. klimaforandringer og overvågningskapitalisme. Dannelse og det tyske ord Bildung har ikke nogen præcis oversættelse på engelsk, men siden Lene Andersens og Tomas Björkmans bog The Nordic Secret udkom i 2017, har der været en stigende interesse internationalt for Bildung og for den danske folkeoplysning. Bl.a. i New York Times: Dannelse – At blive et større menneske udgives af tænketanken Nordic Bildung, der står bag European Bildung Network og European Bildung Day.

  • Spar 17%
    - Et portræt
    af Daniel Mark Epstein
    247,95 kr.

    Et enestående, nuanceret og indsigtsfuldt portræt af Bob Dylan – digteren, musikeren og mennesket. Den første store Bob Dylan-biografi i mange år. Den er både underholdende og meget velskrevet og fortæller historien om hvordan Bob Dylan blev formet at tidsånden i 60’erne, om hans kometagtige debut som tyveårig i New York i 1961, og om hvordan han påvirkede generationen der voksede op i de tumultariske 60’ere og 70’ere. Vi får et yderst engagerende indblik i tidens beatniks og bohemer på folkemusikscenen. Vægten er lagt på årene 1960-1983, men Epstein følger Dylan gennem 1990’erne hvor Dylan igen er på toppen kunstnerisk - frem til koncerten i Aberdeen i juli 2009.

  • Spar 18%
    - En levende te
    af Nina Parna
    147,95 kr.

    Et glas friskbrygget, sødmefyldt kombucha kan være perfekt til en let aften på terrassen, men den kan også brygges med tilstrækkelig syre til at matche madretter, der kalder på kraft. De mange muligheder for at forme og finjustere smagsprofilen af kombucha, ved at variere mængden af sødme, syre, vinøsitet og aroma, har medvirket til at den perlende te, i disse dage bobler frem i hjemmebryggerier og på restauranternes drikkekort. Ikke desto mindre er kombucha en ældgammel drik, som oprindeligt stammer fra Kina, og igennem tusinder af år er blevet nydt og drukket for sine smags- og sundhedsmæssige egenskaber.Denne bog giver en omfattende guide til den fermenterede te, der fremstilles ved anvendelse af en symbiotisk kultur af bakterier og gær, der giver kombucha sin karekteristiske profil, sin blidt boblende karakter og søde-syrlige smag.Ved brug af lokale ingredienser forbindes sted og smag i 20 unikke sammensætninger af kombucha, som kan brygges derhjemme. Der er blevet eksperimenteret videre ud over de sædvanlige rammer for drikken, som tilføres et væld af smagsnuancer, og der er anvisninger til alle dele af brygningsprocessen.Om forfatterenNina Parna er uddannet cand.scient. i Fødevareinnovation & Sundhed ved Københavns Universitet. Hun begyndte sit arbejde med kombucha gennem et samarbejde med Nordic Food Lab. I mere end 10 år har hun beskæftiget sig med at teste, udvikle og arbejde med kombucha samt brugen af lokale ingredienser som specialefelt. Til daglig driver hun sit eget kombucha bryggeri i Kødbyen på Vesterbro, Folk Kombucha.

  • af Holly Black
    112,95 kr.

    The highly anticipated conclusion to the Stolen Heir duology by #1 Sunday Times bestselling author Holly Black. After the shocking events of The Stolen Heir, Prince Oak is in deeper trouble than ever before. As his situation grows more precarious, Oak is desperate to find a way out, before all of Elfhame is caught in the coming storm ...

  • Spar 18%
    - Bd. 1
    af Bob Dylan
    43,95 - 205,95 kr.

    Den legendariske singer-songwriter Bob Dylan fortæller om sit liv og sin fyrre år lange karriere i sine længe ventede erindringer. Bogen, der er på ca. 300 sider og særdeles velskrevet og underholdende, er den første i en serie på tre hvori Bob Dylan selv skriver om sit liv og sin karriere. Den omhandler bl.a. den unge Hibbing-drengs ankomst til New York og skildrer beatniks og bohemer på folkemusikscenen i begyndelsen af 60'erne.

  • af Ann Kappes
    255,95 kr.

    "Who gets to make art, and who gets to define it? For the past 40 years, San Francisco nonprofit Creativity Explored has sought to broaden the answers to these questions by providing artists with developmental disabilities the opportunity to make and share their work with the contemporary art world. Art Is Art is a powerful collection of hundreds of perspectives and pieces created in Creativity Explored's studios by this talented community of neurodiverse artists. Featuring original paintings, drawings, sculptures, and more-as well as quotes from and stories about the artists-this collection invites readers to reexamine their perceptions about disability, justice, and the beauty of art"--

  • af Wil Huygen
    245,95 kr.

    "Did you know that gnome couples always have twin children? Or that a gnome is seven times as strong as a human? Do you want to hear some gossip from the gnome who knew Rembrandt? Dutch artist Rien Poortvliet's charming illustrations and physician Wil Huygen's detailed observations of the gnomes' habits, anatomy, and lifestyle are a delight for readers of all ages. Children will adore the gnome family's underground home and the constant interaction with animals; adults will appreciate the tongue-in-cheek scientific data. Gnomebody is immune to the gnomes' tremendous appeal--and a whole new generation is waiting to love them for the first time!" --

  • af Philip Watson
    157,95 - 317,95 kr.

    The definitive biography of guitar icon and Grammy Award-winning artist Bill Frisell.FEATURING EXCLUSIVE LISTENING SESSIONS WITH: Paul Simon; Justin Vernon of Bon Iver; Gus Van Sant; Rhiannon Giddens; The Bad Plus; Gavin Bryars; Van Dyke Parks; Sam Amidon; Hal Willner; Jim Woodring; Martin Hayes & Dennis Cahill'A beautiful and long overdue portrait of one of America's true living cultural treasures . . . a brilliant book.'JOHN ZORN'Wonderful. It captures exactly the Bill I know.'GAVIN BRYARS'The perfect companion-piece to the music of its subject.'MOJOOver a period of forty-five years, Bill Frisell has established himself as one of the most innovative and influential musicians at work today.Growing up playing clarinet in orchestras and marching bands, Frisell has progressed through a remarkable range of musical personas - from devotee of jazz master Jim Hall to 'house guitarist' of estimable German label ECM, from edgy New York downtown experimentalist to plaintive country and bluegrass picker. He has been a pioneering bandleader and collaborator, a prolific composer and arranger and a celebrated Grammy Award winner.A quietly revolutionary guitar hero who has synthesised many disparate musical elements into one compellingly singular sound, Frisell connects to a diverse range of artists and admirers, including Paul Simon, Elvis Costello, Lucinda Williams, Gus Van Sant, Marianne Faithfull and Justin Vernon, many of whom feature in this book.Through unprecedented access to the guitarist and interviews with his close family, friends and associates, Philip Watson tells Frisell's story for the first time.'A revelatory, roots and branches portrait of one of America's greatest synthesisers of musical ideas.'IAN PATTERSON, ALL ABOUT JAZZ

  • - My life-transforming encounter
    af Anette Christensen
    247,95 kr.

    Dansk debut forfatter springer ud internationalt med den første biografipå engelsk om den latinamerikanske legende, Mercedes Sosa.Som en hyldest til den legendariske argentinske folkesanger, aktivist, ogmenneskerettighedsforkæmper, Mercedes Sosa, i folkemunde også kaldt ”La Negra”,lancerer den danske forfatter, Anette Christensen, Mercedes Sosa - The Voice of Hope.Christensen hørte om Mercedes Sosa for førte gang den 4. oktober 2009, dagen hvorkunstnerens død blev annonceret i de danske nyheder. Alligevel ændrede mødet medMercedes Sosa forfatterens liv og Christensen har lige siden fordybet sig i MercedesSosa's musikalske og personlige univers.Udover at være den mest succesfulde argentinske sanger nogensinde er Mercedes Sosaogså kendt for budskabet om fred og solidaritet og blev ved hjemkomsten fra sit 3 årigeeksil i Europa Sydamerikas symbol på demokrati. For Christensen, er Mercedes Sosa ikkebare Latinamerikas ”Pachamama”, men Sydamerikas svar på Nelson Mandela. Da derikke fandtes en biografi om legenden på engelsk, valgte forfatteren at dedikere sig tilopgaven. "Sosa er en rollemodel, der bevidstgør os og revolutionerer vores hjerter ogvores samvittighed. Hun inspirerer os til at gøre verden til et bedre og mere retfærdigt stedfor alle," siger Christensen.Mercedes Sosa – The Voice of Hope, kortlægger Sosa's ekstraordinære liv og karriere ogtegner en psykologisk profil, der afslører, hvordan Sosa’s opdragelse i en fattigarbejderklassefamilie, det politiske miljø i Argentina under diktaturet i 70’erne samtpersonlige trængsler formede hende som menneske og som kunstner.Christensen lægger ikke skjul på at hun befandt sig i en større livskrise da hun hørte omMercedes Sosa første gang og at mødet med Sosa forandrede hendes liv. Som LeonardCohen synger i sangen, Anthem, ’There is a crack in everything, that is how the light getsin’, blev Mercedes Sosa det lys der fandt vej til forfatteren i en mørk tid. Christensensnysgerrighed efter at forstå hvorfor Mercedes Sosa gjorde så stort et indtryk på hende, harværet drivkraften til at skrive biografien. Med udgangspunkt i sit livsforvandlende mødemed Sosa udforsker Christensen, hvorledes vores dybeste relationer, kan have engenoprettende virkning på både krop og sjæl. Christensen har været i tæt samarbejdemed et hold af førende terapeuter på New Zealand for at få neurovidenskabelig belæg forteorien om at positive relationer kan sætte skub i vores personlige udvikling og medvirke tilat læge trauma, der går helt tilbage til barndommen. Mercedes Sosa – The Voice of Hopeer et direkte produkt af forfatterens personlige rejse. Den åbner en ny dør til selvudviklingsom er let tilgængelig for alle.Med sin ærlige og ligefremme fortællestil inspirerer Christensen læseren til at bevæge sigfremad på sin personlige rejse! Dette er en fortælling, der kalder på at få det bedste frem ios alle – den kalder på ægthed, empati og medfølelse. Du kan forandre verden ved atvære dig selv, det er Mercedes Sosa’s liv et eksempel på”, afslutter Christensen. Christensen har i de seneste år haft løbende kontakt til Mercedes Sosa’s familie ogMercedes Sosa Fonden i Argentina, som har givet bogen sine anbefalinger. MercedesSosa – The Voice of Hope, udkom på spansk i Latinamerika i december 2018.

  • af Holly Black
    287,95 kr.

    Return to the opulent world of Elfhame with this captivating duology, newly available as a gift boxed set for the first time. These stunning trade paperback editions of the bestselling The Stolen Heir duology will be sure to delight both existing fans and new readers. Boxset contains: The Stolen Heir; The Prisoner's Throne.

  • af M. Roberts
    381,95 kr.

    Fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and fables teach children that the world is a dangerous place filled with monsters, witches, evil step-mothers, and claims adjusters, and no one is going to save you. Until now. For this witty, informative book, insurance expert Chantal M. Roberts, CPCU, AIC, RPA begged, borrowed, or bought her wings and wand, and through this collection of tales, rhymes, and fables, she helps you understand the world of property and casualty insurance and claims. From the "Three Blind Mice" to the "Three Little Pigs" to the "Three Spinning Women," Roberts uses familiar stories to illustrate important insurance principles and suggested strategies for handling claims. Whether you're a homeowner dealing with property damage, a driver involved in an auto accident, or simply someone who wants to better understand how insurance claims work, this book is an essential resource. With a touch of whimsy and a dash of humor, Roberts makes learning about insurance and claims a fun and engaging experience. She's turned what could the most be dry and boring reading of all time into a delightful experience. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to be a better advocate for themselves and navigate the complex world of insurance and claims with confidence.

  • af Doston Xamidov
    287,95 kr.

    The "History of Uzbek National Music Art and Culture" book explains the evolution of music culture from ancient times, the major stages of compositional creativity formed in Western European music art, the lives and creative paths of classical composers, opera and symphonic genre classification signs, Uzbek musical heritage, professional musical creativity, and particular traditions of compositional creativity.

  • af Helen Bradford
    147,95 kr.

    Thanksgiving began when a group of people called the Pilgrim Fathers sailed from England to America to start a new life. It was not easy at first, but our tale describes how they finally settled in a new land.

  • af Arlene McWilliam McWilliam Green
    267,95 kr.

    The Razcaleers is about heroes who help children with bothersome adults when they spoil the children's fun. The theme is laughter! It is a magical chapter book aimed at children aged 6 to 9 years.

  • af Robert Strom
    187,95 kr.

    This collection includes sea chantey variations, sea songs, work songs, parodies, light verse, forecastle songs, and the occasional ballads culled over the last year from newspapers, libraries, and online sources. Most of the songs originated between 1850 and 1930. The need for clipper ships and sailing packets slowly disappeared in the mid to late nineteenth century, and the sea songs and chanteys soon followed. The sounds of the donkey engine and the steam capstan have replaced the chantey. The chantey and forecastle songs slowly moved from these vessels to the boarding houses, pubs, and along the waterfront of large seaports, keeping the tradition alive.* Several songs in this book are variations of older sea chanteys, while other songs are composed and sung in the tradition, using the voice as a vocal metronome with a pronounced rhythm.* At the turn of the century, there was a rejuvenation of interest in the history and the singing of seachanteys and sea songs with concerts and folk music collectors.

  • af C A Hollister
    187,95 kr.

  • af Negin Amin Dehkordi
    487,95 kr.

    Negin loves to make variety of batik designs with using batik equipment or any other tools to create different patterns. The most interesting and wonderful part is when she opens the strings or plastic robbers to see the amazing designations. Her batik printings can be used as clothes, wall paper, wrapping paper, bag, stationery, home decoration, food packaging, shoes, book printing and many more. Making batik is a fun process that each step has its own pleasure and experience; from drawing/pouring with/the wax to dying, tying and then untying and drying. Each of her batik printings has a specific title that is based on her feelings and imaginations through making them. She hops all readers or batik lovers enjoy to see her batik designs. Have a beautiful day like a beautiful batik.

  • af Harry Kernell
    322,95 kr.

    A collection of humorous Irish songs and ballads, filled with wit, humor, and satire. The book offers a charming glimpse into the popular culture of Ireland during the 19th century.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af James Oswald
    362,95 kr.

    A collection of popular Scottish tunes, arranged for the German flute. This seven-volume set includes a comprehensive index to help readers navigate the various pieces contained within. The author, James Oswald, was a noted Scottish composer and music publisher of the 18th century.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Cy Warman
    337,95 kr.

    A collection of songs encompassing everything from love to nature. Written by Cy Warman and originally published in 1896, this compilation is a true gem in American folk music and will appeal to anyone with an appreciation for the genre.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Christoffer Hagemann Reinhardt Steens
    362,95 kr.

    This seminal work on the popular ballads of medieval Europe remains essential reading for anyone interested in the history of folk music. Steenstrup's meticulous scholarship sheds light on the origins, themes, and performance traditions of these beloved songs, offering a glimpse into a rich and vibrant cultural world that continues to captivate listeners to this day. Scholars of literature, history, and musicology will find much to admire in this groundbreaking study.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Howard Brockway
    322,95 kr.

    This collection of folk songs from the Kentucky Mountains is carefully curated by Loraine Wyman, who collected and edited the words. It includes a diverse range of songs that capture the essence of mountain music.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Lazare Saminsky
    362,95 kr.

    In this fascinating work, composer Lazare Saminsky explores the ways in which Jewish music has evolved through the centuries, drawing on a rich mix of influences from the ghetto and the wider world of classical music. With detailed musical analysis and historical context, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in the diversity and richness of Jewish music.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Owen Elliot-Kugell
    307,95 kr.

    "A long-awaited, myth-busting, and deeply affecting memoir by the daughter of legendary rock star "Mama" Cass Elliot."--Provided by publisher.

  • af Lowell Norman
    277,95 kr.

    A powerful personal journey with multi-platinum country star John Denver, featuring intimate stories and never-before-seen photographs. This memoir from Lowell Norman, a close friend and videographer of the late star, offers a rare and fascinating look inside Denver’s successful but turbulent life.The award-winning country star, John Denver was once described as a complicated man who wrote simple songs. In Rocky Mountain Highway, close friend and videographer, Lowell Norman reveals rare stories and never-before-seen photos of a John Denver that is at turns familiar and shockingly unexpected. He recounts the emotional live performances and the challenges of shooting such a big star. He describes in harrowing detail the frightening experience of being harassed by gun wielding soldiers with Denver on his tours of Africa for The Hunger Project. He tells the riveting story of dangling from a helicopter with a video camera while the intrepid singer tried to swim with humpback whales in the Pacific Ocean. Rocky Mountain Highway is a celebration of a young man following the dreams of a talented artist who was misunderstood by many and gone before his time.

  • af Pete Seeger
    197,95 kr.

    "Listen in as Pete unabashedly shares historical and family stories; tells of learning the banjo, traveling with Woody Guthrie, and finding commercial success with The Weavers; explains how he wrote books and put together songs; delves into controversial subjects like communism and the Peekskill Riots; and highlights those he admired and respected, including Bruce Springsteen, who honoured Pete with his Seeger Sessions album in 2006. Pete and David share the heavy lifting as they tackle subjects such as the 1965 Newport Folk Festival, Pete's relationship to Greenwich Village, and the need for copyright reform. Together, they describe how Pete put his worldview into practice in his local community, how he lived with local hero status in later life, and how they made recordings together that resulted in two Grammy Awards" --

  • af Katarína Kucbelová
    217,95 kr.

    "The Bonnet, the first work of prose by Slovak poet Kataírna Kucbeloáv, defies easy pigeonholing: both political and personal, it is a work of literary reportage, a quest for one's roots, a critical exploration of folk art and, not least, social commentary on the coexistence of the Slovak majority and the Roma minority, offering a nuanced and sympathetic look at the lives of Roma people in Slovakia, and raising important questions about the nature of prejudice and discrimination. Over two years, the author made regular visits to the remote village of `umiac in Slovakia to learn the dying craft of bonnet making from one of its last practitioners, Il'ka, an elderly local woman who in the process became her mentor in more ways than one. Through the parallel stories of Il'ka and the narrator's grandmother, The Bonnet also offers a subtly feminist reading of the position of women in rural Europe from the early twentieth century to the present day."

  • af A. Eugenestyles1 Production
    222,95 - 407,95 kr.

  • af Mary Ellen Snodgrass
    423,95 - 1.331,95 kr.

    This is a chronology of creative contributions made by Caribbean women. Among the arts covered in this volume are quilting, beadwork, dancing, diaries and memoirs, folk music, landscaping, sculpture, theatrics, etc. Entries are cross-referenced and include further readings drawn from an exhaustive bibliography of sources.

  • af Noé Álvarez
    267,95 kr.

    "Growing up in Yakima, Washington, Néo Álvarez never knew his grandfather. Stories swirled around this mythologized, larger-than-life figure: That he had abandoned his family, and had possibly done something awful that put a curse on his descendants. About his grandfather, young Néo was sure of only one thing: That he had played the accordion. Now an adult, reckoning with the legacy of silence surrounding his family's migration from Mexico, Álvarez resolves both to take up the instrument and to journey into Mexico to discover the grandfather he never knew"--

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