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Bøger om Forhistorisk tid

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  • af Wolfgang Brenneisen
    135,95 kr.

    Ein neuer Hype breitet sich im Internet und in den sozialen Medien aus: der Ursaurier Stenokranio boldi, kurz Boldi, mit seinem breiten Grinsen. Aber was weiß man über ihn? Nicht viel. Hier gibt es jede Menge Informationen über den drolligen Vierbeiner.

  • af Michelle Paver
    83,95 kr.

    A thrilling story of friendship, survival, and the need to belong.For two moons Torak has hidden a terrible secret?and now it is revealed. He bears the mark of the Soul-Eater, and must pay the price. Cast out from the clans, he is alone and on the run: cut off from his best friend, Renn, and his beloved pack-brother, Wolf.He flees to the haunted reed-beds of Lake Axehead, where he is hunted by the Otter Clan, taunted by the Hidden People, and, as soul-sickness claims him, he falls prey to an even greater menace. Tormented by secrets and broken trust, he uncovers a deception that will turn his world upside down.

  • af Charles Golden
    1.428,95 kr.

    This edited collection addresses concepts of value and its impact on economies and economic decision-making in Mesoamerica. It brings together various theoretical and methodological approaches to illuminate the little-studied topic of value in ancient economies.While scholars increasingly note that tangible objects found in the archaeological record could assume different values, depending on how they were used and circulated, less attention has been paid to how we might infer consensus (or lack of consensus) on how value was determined in past cultures so different from contemporary ones. These contributions show how multiple and conflicting understandings of what is important and meaningful coexist within any society even as moments of exchange create the impression of shared formulations of value. They consider divergences between shared understandings based on systems of beliefs and patterns of practice and the individual decisions of social actors. They also discuss howinequalities in social structures might inform our understanding of value, and how a multiplicity of values might encourage closer inspection of inequality in turn.The book brings together fifteen chapters focused on many parts of Mesoamerica, including Western Mexico, the Basin of Mexico, Veracruz, Oaxaca, and various parts of the Maya Lowlands, and range chronologically from the Classic period (250-900 CE) to the Spanish Conquest in the early 16th Century. It appeals to those working in archaeology, economic anthropology, economic history, and all those interested in how value can be understood in terms of contemporary cultural and political differences.

  • af Helmar Neubacher
    137,95 kr.

    GEDANKEN ZU LEBEN, TOD, SEELE UND DEM DANACH - gibt es ein Leben nach dem Tod?Adam und Eva waren die ersten Menschen (Homo sapiens = weiser Mensch ergänzt heute die Wissenschaft) sagt die Bibel und von ihnen stammen alle weiteren innerhalb der letzten 300.000 Jahre geborenen etwa 100 Milliarden menschlichen Nachkommen. Doch wo befinden sich die 92 Milliarden bereits Verstorbenen (8 Milliarden leben zurzeit auf der Erde) einschließlich Jesus und Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama)? Werde ich, der Autor, bald Jesus und Buddha sowie Vater und Mutter von Angesicht zu Angesicht sehen? Wird Imhotep (Visier und Baumeister des Pharao Djoser) mir bestätigen, dass meine in 3 Büchern vorgestellte Theorie zum Bau der Cheops-Pyramide richtig ist? An welchem Ort im Universum befinden sich die 92 Milliarden Verstorbenen, sind sie verteilt auf Himmel und Hölle, so wie wir uns es vorstellen? Schwirren ihre Seelen dort herum oder haben sie alle ihre Körper zurück? Ist es denkbar, dass Adam und Eva mit ihren Steinzeitfreunden, die noch nicht einmal das Feuer kannten, heute freundschaftlich und verständnisvoll neben wiedergeborenen Menschen aus der Neuzeit leben, die Segen und Horror der Atomkraft beherrschten? Sitzen die Guten neben Gott, dem Vater, im Himmel, wie Jesus sagt oder nutzen sie ihre Wiedergeburt aktiv in vielerlei Berufen als Chance, für das zweite geschenkte Leben in Glück und Zufriedenheit? Das vorliegende Buch gibt die Antworten, überraschend, weil unerwartet!

  • af Ulla Mannering
    237,95 kr.

    Tøj og tekstil i Danmarks oldtid er et samlet overblik over udviklingen og produktionen af det tøj, oldtidsmennesket i Danmark gik med lige fra den ældste stenalder til og med vikingetiden. Hvad enten det er lavet af skind eller fremstillet af vævet stof. Til fortællingen om dragten i oldtiden hører også bælter, huer, sko og hårmode.Tekstiler og skind har i tusindvis af år beskyttet os mod vejr og vind, og i Danmark findes en af verdens mest enestående samlinger af forhistoriske tekstiler og dragter. Forskningen i disse samlinger har de seneste 20 år givet mange overraskende og nye resultater. Vi ved derfor nu meget mere om de materialer, farver og dragter, som man gik klædt i i oldtiden. Det fortæller en masse om vores forfædre, og derfor også en masse om os. Ulla Mannering er forhistorisk arkæolog med speciale i nordeuropæisk dragt- og tekstilproduktion. Fra 2005-2016 arbejdede hun på Danmarks Grundforskningsfonds Center for Tekstilforskning, som hun var medinitiativtager til. Fra 2010 var hun samtidigt ansat som seniorforsker ved Nationalmuseet og har siden 2020 været forskningsprofessor her.

  • af Marc Vander Linden
    198,95 - 618,95 kr.

  • af Roger D Woodard
    1.296,95 kr.

    "Aeolic and Aeolians explores the origin of an ancient Greek language and the beginnings and evolution of the community of its speakers - the Aeolians. Roger Woodard argues that the starting point for both is situated in Asia Minor during the period of the Late Bronze Age"--

  • af Jan Mogensen
    358,95 kr.

    Læs om over 100 VILDE DYR I DANMAR - før, nu og i fremtidenDer lever masser af vilde dyr i Danmark - men er det de samme dyr, som altid har levet her?Kan det passe, at der engang har været skovelefanter, at der senere kom urfugle og antiloper?Og hvilke vilde dyr kommer der til at være i fremtiden?Billedbog med fakta om over 100 vilde dyr. Hvert opslag er rigt illustreret med masser af farver og spændende opslag af de meget forskellige dyr.

  • af Niedersächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung
    563,95 kr.

    The volume contains seven papers covering the prospection, documentation, analysis, interpretation and conservation of archaeological features and findings. The chronological focus lies on the period between the late Pre-Roman Iron Age and the early Middle Ages. Two interdisciplinary studies are dedicated to the settlement ceramics of this period from the Aller-Weser confluence area and the coastal region of the northern Netherlands, which provided numerous new insights into the regional settlement history. Another article deals with exceptional ceramic findings and a cube made of clay from this period, which were found near Assel in the Elbmarsch. The volume also contains two articles presenting graveyards from the area of the famous Roman necropolis of Nienbüttel and investigations of organic layers from early Medieval graves from the burial site of Neu Wulmstorf-Elstorf. Reports on geophysical prospection in the Jever Castle Park and underwater archaeological research on a First World War warship wreck in the North Sea off Heligoland complement these essays. Last but not least, the lifetime achievements of the long-time head of the NIhK, Prof. Dr. Peter Schmid, who passed away in 2022, are featured in a special paper concluding this volume.

  • af Hermann Selchow
    200,95 - 345,95 kr.

  • af Hermann Selchow
    251,95 - 325,95 kr.

  • af Claudia Pau
    558,95 kr.

    Seven hundred and twenty-two personal ornaments, found in the fort of Saut and the Déboussadou cave (Châteauneuf les Martigues, Bouches du Rhône) and in three of the megalithic monuments (Bounias, Castellet and Source hypogeums) of Fontvieille, Bouche du Rhône, were studied in the present work. We count five categories of ornaments, pendants, beads, ring elements, buttons and plates. The formal analogies of these artifacts with several areas of Europe and in particular with the western Mediterranean area indicate the existence of contacts and exchanges. Traceological studies have shown traces of the last phases of processing and regulation of the surfaces of the piece and also various methods used to perforate the artifacts. The shape of the ornaments and in some cases the traces present, help to define a specific use.

  • af Rudolf Steiner
    118,95 kr.

  • af Wolfram Schier
    609,95 kr.

    This volume is the first final publication of the research projects on Neolithic circular enclosures at FU Berlin. The excavation of the site, discovered in 1989, took place from 1998-2004 as a teaching excavation of the Universities of Bamberg and, since 2000, Würzburg. The book chapters deal with 1) the history and state of research, 2) the site, excavations and surveys, 3) the features, 4) the dating, stratigraphy and distribution of finds, 5) the small finds, 6) flint artefacts, 7) animal bones, 8) the 47th c. B.C. vertical burial and 9) a synthesis in German and English. The location was carefully chosen and staged visual references to extremes of the solar year. Thanks to stratified radiocarbon data, the at least 4-phased, discontinuous use of the site from ca. 4850-4700 B.C. as a generational project and permanent building site was proven, and pottery from the Middle and Late Großgartach and Planig-Friedberg stages was analysed in detail. Daub with impressions of wattle and split timber and smoothed, partly whitewashed outer surfaces originated from the enclosures or buildings. Querns, animal bones and pottery occurred in a highly fragmented and selected state in separate concentrations.

  • af Catherine M Draycott
    658,95 kr.

    The period of Anatolian history between the death of the semi-legendary king Midas of Gordion ca. 700 BC and the advent of the Achaemenid Persian Empire ca. 550 BC is dominated by certain narratives: the rise of the Mermnad Lydian Kingdom, from Gyges to Croesus; the demise of the Urartian Kingdom and 'Neo-Hittite'-type culture and polities; and the invasion of shadowy forces from the Steppe: Cimmerians, Scythians and Medes. The discoveries of Geoffrey and Francoise Summers's project at the massive walled city on Kerkenes Dağı have changed the cultural history and texture of Anatolia during this time period, opening up insights into the spread of Phrygian culture and language and inviting further discussion of how the period is framed. This book honors their accomplishments by presenting papers addressing the dynamics and events of that period from various angles, and in various regions and places, as well as other interventions on Iron Age Anatolia, from dating of kings to rare and potentially influential medical techniques. The volume sheds light on and also advocates for further synthesis of the regional dynamics affecting the Mediterranean, Near East and Anatolia together, toward the production of revised, more nuanced narratives.

  • af Guo Wu
    1.052,95 - 1.098,95 kr.

    This book presents cutting-edge archaeological materials from Xinjiang, from the Bronze Age to the early Iron Age. Through a systematic topological study of major archaeological cemeteries and sites, it establishes chronologies and cultural sequences for three main regions in Xinjiang, namely the circum-Eastern Tianshan region, the circum-Dzungarian Basin region and the circum-Tarim Basin region. It also discusses the origins and local variants of prehistoric archaeological cultures in these regions and the mutual relationships between them and neighboring cultures.By doing so, the book offers a panoramic view of the socio-cultural changes that took place in prehistoric Xinjiang from pastoral-agricultural societies to the mobile nomadic-pastoralist states in the steppe regions and the agricultural states of the oasis, making it a must-read for researchers and general readers who are interested in the archaeology of Xinjiang.  

  • af Ernst Rudolf
    423,95 kr.

    Folgt man antiken Quellen, dann veranlasste Kleopatra ihren Geliebten Marcus Antonius im Jahr 41 v. Chr., ihre jüngere Schwester und Thronkonkurrentin Arsinoë IV. zu ermorden, obwohl diese unter göttlichem Schutz im Bezirk des Ephesischen Artemistempels lebte. Arsinoë IV., vermutlich in Ephesos geboren und deshalb nach ihrer für Ephesos bedeutsamen Vorfahrin Arsinoë II. benannt, spielte eine gewichtige Rolle während der dynastischen Auseinandersetzungen des zu Ende gehenden Ptolemäischen Reiches, das fast drei Jahrhunderte lang die Ufer des Nils beherrscht hatte. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchungen der beiden Autoren steht ein späthellenistisches Mausoleum im Zentrum von Ephesos mit einem für diese Zeit ungewöhnlichen achteckigen Grundriss. Kann es sich dabei tatsächlich um die Begräbnisstätte der in Ephesos ermordeten Ptolemäischen Königin Arsinoë IV. handeln? Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage werden verschiedene Aspekte des Denkmals geprüft. Dabei ergeben das jugendliche Skelett des Grabes, dessen besondere Geometrie, die Augusteische Datierung, seine Dekorierung mit sakralen Wollbinden und seine Lage an einem Platz von außerordentlicher Bedeutung für den Ephesischen Artemiskult eine kohärente Evidenz, die lediglich eine Schlussfolgerung zulässt: Das sonderbare Monument stellt den einzigen bekannten Begräbnisort eines Mitglieds der Ptolemäischen Dynastie dar. Schließlich begeben sich die Autoren auf eine letztlich erfolgreiche Suche nach dem jahrzehntelang als verloren geltenden Schädel aus dem Grabmal, welche sich zu einer spannenden Reise durch die Österreichische Archäologiegeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts entwickelt.

  • af Helene A. Rose
    608,95 kr.

    BEYOND URNFIELDS presents the results of an international network project on Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age urnfields from northwest Europe.Individual chapters describe the archaeological material and its research history within a local, regional, or supra-regional context, showing the wide range of nuances contained by the funerary phenomenon. The volume provides the first comprehensive overview of the urnfield funerary phenomenon in northwest Europe and forms the foundation for future research across national and disciplinary boundaries.This volume successfully demonstrates that the inconspicuous urnfields of northwest Europe are not as anonymous as previously assumed but hold valuable information about life and death in the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age.

  • - Skyggespor
    af Leonora van Deurs
    248,95 - 298,95 kr.

    For 5.500 år siden tæmmede botaifolket hesten. Det ændrede menneskets historie for altid. I BOTAI følger vi tre unge, som hver især er på en rejse. En rejse, som vil ændre deres skæbne. Lyez og Jalqi er vokset op i Botai på den eurasiske steppe, hvor de lever i pagt med naturen og hestene. Men en mørk skygge truer. En forbandelse, også kaldet minwri, spreder sygdom og død. Nakou er nomade og en del af yamnayafolket. Hun har mistet sin familie til forbandelsen og er derfor tvunget til at flygte med sit folk til Altaibjergene, hvor hun skal giftes bort mod sin vilje. Jalqi tager på en farefuld færd mod Altaibjergene for at finde de skinnende sten, som kan forhindre forbandelsen og redde hele hans folk. Lyez drager alene over den enorme steppe for at finde sit ophav, men et skæbnesvangert møde venter.BOTAI er skrevet af Leonora van Deurs (f. 2004), da hun var mellem 15 og 18 år gammel. Bogen bygger på omfattende og grundig research om botaifolket og indeholder et efterskrift af den verdensberømte DNA-forsker, professor og eventyrer Eske Willerslev.

  • af Peter Kildenfeldt
    48,95 - 148,95 kr.

    Denne bog er for alle, der er nysgerrige og har lyst til at arbejde med jægerstenalderen. Man kan få en lidt mere interessant strandtur med flintehugning. Bogen kan også bruges aktivt i folkeskolen i historieundervisningen osv.

  • af Troy McRoy
    473,95 kr.

    Iroquois Technology, created by TD McRoy, reveals hidden figures in James Webb Space Telescope images, including over two dozen ancient, otherworldly figures hidden amongst the stars.

  • af Manoela Meneses
    218,95 kr.

    As páginas desta obra trazem as marcas da antiguidade, revelando o que a ciência já descobriu acerca de algumas das civilizações mais fascinantes do mundo antigo, como Shangri-La, Lemúria, Avalon e Ciméria. Desvende o passado desses e outros lugares lendários e mergulhe na essência de sociedades que foram sepultadas sob camadas de mistérios.

  • af Colin Richards
    223,95 kr.

    The definitive guide to the stone circles of Britain and Ireland

  • af Fabrice Erre
    77,95 kr.

    The latest volume of this educational graphic novel series takes readers on a journey to archeological digs the world over!Join modern-day siblings Annie and Nico as they learn about dinosaurs, extinction, and the people who discovered the dino bones. Featuring jokes, brief historical bios, a timeline of events, and more in this educational and entertaining middle grade graphic novel – perfect for reluctant readers!

  • af Saeed S Alsuwaidi
    318,95 kr.

    Five thousand years before Ahmu and his siblings search for the secrets of their lineage and the source of their powers, another set of offspring of Mur and Lem grapples with their own demons and destiny in this riveting tale.Gastha-along with her siblings Dha, Vela, Zuja, Aara, and Exater-embarks on her own journey of discovering her own path, power, and eventually, destiny, leaving destruction and chaos in her wake. As she faces the curse of her power and the torment of her siblings' apathy, she struggles to find love, build a normal family, and hope for a normal life away from her cursed existence.Does she discover the life she so desperately wants, or does she give in to the darkness that runs in her very blood?

  • af Amani Shakhete
    188,95 - 258,95 kr.

  • af Henry Heitmann-Gordon
    1.113,95 kr.

    Wie blickte die griechisch-römische Antike auf typische Ungeziefertiere von Maus bis Mücke? Anhand dieser oft vernachlässigten Tiere legt das Buch die Zeitgebundenheit von Mensch-Tier-Beziehungen offen.

  • af Neil Bockoven
    213,95 kr.

    An engaging, realistic account of when our people met up with an entirely different set of humans - the Neanderthals. Genetic and archaeological data indicate that this actually happened in southern Europe about 45,000 years ago when mammoths and saber-tooth tigers roamed the land. Science Corners on many pages feature amazing topics such as how genetics show that most of us are part Neanderthal, the earliest musical instrument ever found, and what factors likely caused the demise of Neanderthals

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