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    506,95 kr.

    Il volume esplora il ruolo della linguistica contrastiva nel lavoro del traduttore, concentrandosi sui problemi posti da alcuni "punti di conflitto" che caratterizzano la traduzione dal tedesco all¿italiano e dal francese all¿italiano. In particolare, un primo gruppo di contributi parte da una forma semantico-sintattica del francese o del tedesco per indagarne attraverso fonti grammaticali, teoriche e/o di corpora, gli equivalenti funzionali in italiano. A questo gruppo appartengono uno studio sui determinanti del nome in francese e italiano, un¿analisi del vocabolo francese même e delle sue traduzioni in italiano e due studi su mezzi di espressione della modalità in tedesco e italiano. Un secondo gruppo di contributi affronta questioni lessicali nella traduzione dal tedesco in italiano di fenomeni di variazione in testi letterari, la resa in italiano dei neologismi presenti in due romanzi francesi e questioni di traduzione dall¿italiano al tedesco in prospettiva diacronica.

  • af Francis Chalifour
    88,95 kr.

  • af Modeste Herlic
    233,95 kr.

    Você já se sentiu perdido ao tentar conjugar verbos em francês? Este guia abrangente foi criado pensando em você. Aqui está como ele pode ajudar: Descomplica a Conjugação: Adeus à confusão! Este livro desmistifica a conjugação de verbos, levando você do básico ao intermediário de maneira gradual.Exemplos Práticos: Abundância de exemplos e exercícios para consolidar o aprendizado, garantindo que você aplique corretamente cada forma verbal.Dicas Valiosas: Descubra segredos e dicas de especialistas para tornar a conjugação de verbos em francês uma tarefa fácil e intuitiva.O livro inclui 11 capítulos e mais de 30 exercícios para ajudá-lo a entender como usar os verbos franceses no tempo Presente. Ele não foca apenas nos verbos, mas também em frases e no uso correto destas tanto na escrita quanto na fala. O livro explica como conjugar os verbos de maneira clara e fornece exemplos em francês e português para melhor compreender, especialmente quando se trata de verbos irregulares e complicados. O que está incluído em cada capítulo:- Explicações simples e claras das regras de conjugação de verbos em francês no tempo presente.- Cada regra vem com um exemplo e o exemplo também é traduzido para o português para facilitar a compreensão.- Mais de 30 exercícios para desafiar a si mesmo e reforçar o que você aprendeu em cada lição.- Conjugação dos verbos mais comumente usados em francês no tempo presente.- A correção dos exercícios.Este livro irá ajudá-lo a soar mais natural em francês e lhe fornecerá uma base sólida no idioma. Essa confiança se destacará ao falar e até mesmo pode beneficiá-lo em sua vida profissional. Portanto, aqui está o seu guia completo para melhor entender e usar os verbos em francês A.1 na fala, leitura e escrita! Adquira o seu exemplar hoje mesmo e comece a formar frases bonitas e chiques em francês.

  • af Marcy Schaaf
    198,95 kr.

    Welcome to the bubbly world of "pHishy pHenomenon"! Get ready for a giggle-filled journey where bubbles speak both English and French. Grab your berets and bubble wands as we dive into the hilarious and bilingual world of pH-balanced fun. So, whether you say "pHénomène pHishy" or "pHishy Phenomenon," get ready to laugh, learn, and lather up in two languages! C'est magnifique!

  • af D. Rainsford
    1.083,95 kr.

    This book concerns the significance of the English Channel in British and French literature from the 1780s onwards: a timely subject given the intense debates in progress about the actual and desired relationships between Britain and mainland Europe. The book addresses contemporary authors who use the Channel as a focus for cultural comment, comparing their approaches to those of earlier writers, from Charlotte Smith and Chateaubriand through Hugo and Dickens to historians and travel writers of the 1950s and 1980s.

  • af Antonina Novarese
    198,95 kr.

    Cette histoire bilingue pour enfants aidera les enfants à apprendre l'ukrainien ou le français comme langue étrangère. Idéal pour les enfants et les familles bilingues ukrainien-français. Ce livre existe également en version française.Un conte de fées magique ukrainien avec de belles illustrations colorées, écrit spécialement pour les enfants de 3 à 6 ans.Il s'agit d'une nouvelle adaptation d'un conte populaire ukrainien pour les enfants âgés de 3 à 6 ans. Deux soeurs se perdent dans une forêt enchantée. La magie maléfique retient la jeune Olena au fond du lac, et sa soeur cadette est transformée en chèvre par une sorcière rusée. Lorsqu'un danger encore plus grand menace sa soeur, Olena trouve la force de vaincre le sort. Rempli de magie et de mystère, cet album magnifiquement illustré est parfait pour les jeunes lecteurs qui aiment explorer le monde des contes de fées.

  • af Michele Hardy
    753,95 - 1.253,95 kr.

  • af Tony James
    103,95 kr.

    LUCKY OR UNLUCKY? - YOU DECIDE! This engaging book chronicles the true-life adventures, and misadventures, experienced by the author and his wife during their global travels that sometimes did not go to plan! Readers will be entertained by a spectrum of stories including a rendezvous with an amorous Frenchman, a few scary moments in the presence of wild beasts, general holiday mishaps, hell raising motor journeys as well as floating holiday adventures, to name but a few. This page turning travel memoir will pull your emotions in all directions from 'hysterics' to 'shock'. The author strives to provide an accurate depiction of the events and the fascinating people the dynamic duo met along the way. All information is as accurate as possible and as such is based upon meticulous notes taken at the various times.

  • af Jacob Abell
    1.173,95 kr.

    The Earthly Paradise was a vibrant symbol at the heart of medieval Christian geographies of the cosmos. As humanity's primal home now lost through the sins of Adam of Eve, the Earthly Paradise figured prominently in Old French tales of lands beyond the mundane world. This study proposes a fresh look at the complex roles played by the Earthly Paradise in three medieval French poems: Marie de France's The Purgatory of St. Patrick, Benedeit's Voyage of Saint Brendan the Abbot, and Guillaume de Lorris's The Romance of the Rose. By examining the literary, cultural, and artistic components that informed each poem, this book advances the thesis that the exterior walls of the Earthly Paradise served evolving purposes as contemplative objects that implicitly engaged complex notions of economic solidarity and idealized community. These visions of the Earthly Paradise stand to provide a striking contribution to a historically informed response to the contemporary legacies of colonialism and the international refugee crisis.

  • af Victor Louis Chemery
    198,95 - 353,95 kr.

  • af Henri Bue
    268,95 - 413,95 kr.

  • af Mike Lang
    183,95 kr.

    Learn French the Easy Way, with 18 Adventures in English and French with Bilingual ReadingThis special edition joins the content of 3 books and includes 18 adventures in 3 different cities: 6 in Barcelona (Book 1), 6 in New York (Book 2) and 6 in Munich (Book 3).  Learn French with the Bilingual Reading technique:Start by reading each story in your native language, then switch to the other language. Revisit the stories and practice regularly. The more you engage with the stories, the more confident you'll become in both languages. Read actively and compare languages to build vocabulary.These bilingual stories provide a fun and immersive way to expand your language skills and cultural knowledge. Dive into 18 fun adventures, explore Barcelona, New York and Munich and learn French the easy way.Happy learning!  Bon apprentissage!

  • af Cecil P. Courtney
    3.428,95 kr.

    The fourteenth volume of the Correspondance générale contains over 400 letters dating from 1825 and 1826. As the reign of Charles X begins, Constant continues to work on De la religion, while engaging in the political struggles against the reactionary turn of domestic politics, thinking afresh about societal issues and supporting the Greeks in their fight for independence.

    163,95 kr.

    ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿.¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿.¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ 3 -8 ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ .

  • af Mélissa Da Costa
    218,95 - 228,95 kr.

    DET, LIVET TAGER FRA DIG, GIVER DET DIG OGSÅ TILBAGEEn ubærlig sorg tvinger Amande til at forlade alt. Hun forlader sit job, sin lejlighed og sine venner og rejser til et gammelt bondehus i Auvergne for at udleve sin sorg i fred. Mens hun søger tilflugt i det isolerede hus, falder hun over den tidligere ejer Madame Hugues' havebrugskalendere. Med udgangspunkt i de håndskrevne notater går Amande i gang med at give den gamle og forsømte have nyt liv. Hen over sæsonerne henter hun styrke i sin kontakt med jorden – til at blive genfødt og åbne sig for unikke møder. Og hver morgendag bringer et løfte om fremtiden. I denne roman fuld af mod og store følelser inviterer MÉLISSA da COSTA os til at åbne vores øjne, vores sanser og vores hjerter på vid gab. MORGENDAGENE er en smuk roman om en haves helende kraft i al sin hellige enkelhed. MÉLISSA da COSTA (født 1990) er en fransk forfatter. Hun har etableret sig som en af Frankrigs bedst sælgende forfattere med mere end 600.000 solgte bøger alene i 2022. Hendes samlede forfatterskab tæller foreløbig syv romaner og har over to millioner læsere i Frankrig. MORGENDAGENE er solgt til oversættelse på 18 sprog.

  • af Joanne Leyland
    98,95 kr.

    Learning your very first words in French is fun with this fantastic colouring book! The following ten topics are covered in this book: pet animals, transport, fruit, farm, restaurant, zoo, birthdays, garden, clothes and the countryside. The colouring pages in this book are single sided, and have one French word per page so your little one can focus on learning just one new word at a time. The English word is also shown on each page in a smaller font size. The useful French words for each topic are as follows:Pet animals: le chat / le chien / le poisson / l'oiseau / la tortueTransport: le camion / la voiture / l'avion / le train / le bateauFruit: la pomme / la fraise / la poire / le raisin / le citronFarm: le cochon / la poule / la vache / le taureau / le chevalRestaurant: le potage / les saucisses / les frites / le fromage / la glaceZoo: le singe / l'éléphant / le lion / le crocodile / le perroquetBirthdays: le ballon / le cadeau / le nounours / le gâteau / les bonbonsClothes: le t-shirt / le pull / le manteau / les chaussettes / les bottesCountryside: l'arbre / la souris / la montagne / le canard / la chèvreWeather: le soleil / la pluie / le vent / l'orage / la neigeThe author of this book is a qualified teacher with 20 years experience in teaching languages to children. Also available by the same author:Young Cool Kids Learn FrenchFirst Words In French Teacher's Resource BookCool Kids Speak French Books 1, 2 & 3French Word Games - Cool Kids Speak FrenchFirst 100 Words In French Coloring Book Cool Kids Speak FrenchDaniel And The French Robot Books 1, 2 & 3Sophie And The French MagicianJack And The French Languasaurus Books 1, 2 & 3French at Christmas timeTu As Un Animal?On Holiday In France Cool Kids Speak French

  • af Fluency Pro
    213,95 kr.

    Looking for a fun way to learn French?It's no secret that learning a new language can be tedious, time consuming and complicated for many. However, our vocabulary coloring book makes the process of learning more relaxing and fun!Build your French vocabulary in an enjoyable way through full size coloring pages providing you with a visual reference for essential nouns and adjectives.In this coloring book, you will find:74 pages of full-size illustrations containing over 1000 French terms, with their English translation and phonetic pronunciation.Each illustration contains the French word written on the page to easily remember.Learn new vocabulary covering essential categories including people, places, geography, animals, qualifying adjectives and more!Perfect for all agesFun, full size 8.5 x 11 pages

  • af Bruce Sallee
    143,95 kr.

  • af Maria Sass
    548,95 kr.

    The book contains contributions on the significance of German culture for Romanian art, language, and literature. Not only will the direct influence of German role models on Romanian culture be discussed, but it will also show how this influence set in motion a whole series of socio-cultural and artistic shifts that allowed Romanian culture to better understand its position in the European world.Das Buch enthält Beiträge zur Bedeutung der deutschen Kultur für die rumänische Kunst, Sprache und Literatur. Erörtert wird nicht nur der direkte Einfluss deutscher Vorbilder auf die rumänische Kultur, sondern es wird auch aufgezeigt, wie dieser Einfluss eine ganze Reihe soziokultureller und künstlerischer Veränderungen in Gang gesetzt hat, die der rumänischen Kultur ermöglichten, ihren Platz in der europäischen Welt besser zu verstehen.

  • af Alice Kaplan
    148,95 - 158,95 kr.

    "Albert Camus's novel The Plague will go down in literary history as one of the most talked about books of the Covid-19 crisis. Originally intended as an allegory of World War II, this story of an Algerian city gripped by an epidemic has been a staple of literature classes since 1947. Generations of students have learned that Camus was "really" writing about his experience of occupied Paris. In 2020, that reading tradition was transformed. The epidemic brought the novel close to readers who began to read it as a book about their own lives-a book to help them get through a global health crisis. Alice Kaplan, who teaches Camus at Yale, and Laura Marris, translator of a new edition of The Plague, wondered how Camus could know so much about what we were living through in mid-2020. His novel has it all: the official denials in the face of mounting deaths, the end of travel, the separation from one another during quarantine, the numbing grief. They wrote States of Plague in response-as a guide to these moments where the written and the real collide. For many people, The Plague feels personal now. And through this lens, certain features became vital: Camus's sensitivity toward illness, his experience of a contagious disease, the cost of separation in his own life, and the psychology and politics of the city in quarantine. Because they come to the book from different perspectives, Kaplan and Marris alternate their voices so that their chapters offer two complementary ways of looking at Camus. They find that their sense of Camus evolves under the force of a new reality, alongside the pressures of illness, recovery, concern, and care in their own lives. Kaplan herself is struggling with a case if Covid as the book opens; as it closes, Marris receives her first vaccine shot. In between, they find, aspects of Camus's novel that once seemed merely literary spoke directly to their own fear and grief. They uncover for us the mysterious way a great writer can imagine the world during a crisis and draw back the veil on our possible futures"--

  • af Samuel John
    133,95 kr.

    Volcanoes For Kids: Educational Science Book Bilingual English-French EditionEmbark on a thrilling bilingual journey into the captivating world of volcanoes with our latest edition of Volcanoes For Kids. This educational science book is carefully designed to provide young minds with an immersive and enlightening experience in both English and French.¿¿¿¿ Engaging Learning Experience: Explore the fascinating realm of volcanoes through vivid illustrations and age-appropriate explanations. Perfect for young readers eager to understand the science behind these powerful natural wonders.¿¿¿¿ Bilingual Brilliance: Our bilingual edition seamlessly integrates English and French, making learning a dynamic and enjoyable experience. Whether you're honing language skills or delving into the world of geology, this edition caters to a diverse audience.¿¿¿¿ Educational Excellence: Written with the educational needs of young minds in mind, this book covers essential volcano-related topics, from their formation and types to the impact they have on the Earth. Foster a love for science and languages simultaneously.¿¿¿¿ Ideal Gift: Inspire a love for learning in the young explorers in your life. Whether for birthdays, holidays, or educational milestones, this bilingual edition makes for a thoughtful and educational gift.Dive into a world of wonder with Volcanoes For Kids, where education and excitement erupt on every page. Secure your copy today and watch young minds erupt with knowledge!

  • af Alain Finkielkraut
    198,95 - 248,95 kr.

    Vores tid er domineret af en systematisk tildækning af verdens grimhed og skønhed, ifølge den franske filosof Alain Finkielkraut.- Vi er trådt ind i den post-litterære tidsalder. Den tid, hvor det litterære verdenssyn havde en plads i verden, synes i realiteten at være forbi. Ikke at inspirationen pludselig er tørret ud for evigt. Der bliver stadig skrevet rigtige bøger. Men de sætter ikke længere noget aftryk. De har ikke længere en dannende funktion. Sjælens opdragelse er ikke længere bøgernes gebet. I sin kamp mod løgnen er kunsten ved at tabe. – Alain FinkielkrautOm forfatterenAlain Finkielkraut er en af Frankrigs mest toneangivende filosoffer, medlem af Det Franske Akademi. Hans nylig afdøde ven Milan Kundera har sagt om ham, at han er "en mand, som føler et utæmmeligt behov for at hæve stemmen, hvis han støder på fænomener, der slår ham som stupide eller uretfærdige".

  • af Jules Loiseleur
    243,95 - 398,95 kr.

  • af André Sears
    283,95 - 393,95 kr.

  • af Coledown Bilingual Books
    93,95 kr.

  • af Coledown Bilingual Books
    93,95 kr.

    Embark on an exciting linguistic adventure with Read and Learn Book 2: French Comprehension for Kids. Tailored for budding French learners aged 10-13, this captivating collection introduces the wonders of the French language through a variety of engaging comprehension texts. Dive into delightful dialogues, cultural insights, historical anecdotes, geographical wonders, and imaginative fiction, creating a rich tapestry of topics designed to captivate and educate.Structured to gradually increase in complexity, each text offers a well-rounded learning experience that goes beyond language acquisition boundaries. From bringing language to life in lively dialogues to unraveling historical threads, exploring the geography of the French-speaking world, and unleashing creativity with imaginative fiction, this collection ensures an immersive journey.Featuring full English translations for every text, comprehension questions, and suggested answers, this compilation serves as a supportive bridge for learners, guaranteeing comprehension and aiding in their French language journey. Whether preparing for exams or seeking a delightful way to learn and practice French, Read and Learn Book 2 promises an educational odyssey that seamlessly combines fun with foundational language skills.

  • af Antonina Novarese
    163,95 kr.

    This bilingual children's story will help kids learn English or French as a foreign language. Ideal for English-French bilingual children and families. This book also exists in a French-only version.¿¿¿¿¿Your little one will learn colours and numbers with the help of this book.A small white butterfly has a broken wing, so she is looking for a wing tailor. But first, she needs to find one blue berry, two brown tree stumps, three black beetles.... Can you help her? Count, learn colours, and follow the sweet story of Pierina. With its colourful and captivating illustrations, this engaging circular tale gives little readers numerous examples of kindness and compassion. Pierina always finds time to help others in need, while pursuing her own journey and keeping an optimistic attitude.The book is a great introduction to numbers and colours and perfect for teaching observation and patience as well as an important lesson about kindness and friendship.excellent for young readers ages 2 to 6large and easy-to-read fontfull-page, age-appropriate illustrationspositive messagequickly captures children's attentionperfect for bedtime readingideal gift for baby showers, birthdays, and graduationIf you want your child to learn basic concepts while listening to their favorite bedtime story, purchase your copy now.¿¿¿¿¿¿¿Bilingual English-French edition. This book also exists in French and English editions.Cette histoire bilingue pour enfants aidera les enfants à apprendre l'anglais ou le français comme langue étrangère. Idéal pour les enfants et les familles bilingues anglais-français. Ce livre existe également en version française.¿¿¿¿Un petit papillon blanc a une aile cassée, elle cherche donc un tailleur d'ailes. Mais d'abord, elle doit trouver une baie bleue, deux souches d'arbres brunes, trois scarabées noirs... Pouvez-vous l'aider ? Comptez, apprenez les couleurs et suivez la douce histoire de Piérina. Avec ses illustrations colorées et captivantes, ce conte engageant donne aux petits lecteurs de nombreux exemples de gentillesse et de compassion. Piérina trouve toujours le temps d'aider les autres dans le besoin, tout en poursuivant son propre chemin et en gardant une attitude optimiste. Le livre est une excellente introduction aux chiffres et aux couleurs et parfait pour enseigner l'observation et la patience ainsi qu'une leçon importante sur la gentillesse et l'amitié. Si vous souhaitez que votre enfant apprenne les concepts de base tout en écoutant son histoire préférée au coucher, achetez votre exemplaire dès maintenant.Excellent pour les jeunes lecteurs âgés de 2 à 6 ansGrande police, facile à lire, illustrations pleine page, adaptées à l'âgeMessage positifCapte rapidement l'attention des enfantsParfait à lire au coucherCadeau idéal pour différentes occasions¿¿¿¿¿¿Édition bilingue anglais-français. Ce livre existe aussi en édition française et anglaise.

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