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Bøger om Ghana

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  • af Thorkild Hansen
    44,94 - 190,95 kr.

  • af Thorkild Hansen
    44,94 - 190,95 kr.

  • af Thorkild Hansen
    44,94 - 190,95 kr.

    Efterfølgeren til Slavernes kyst og anden del af trilogien om de danske slaveskibe, der fragtede negerslaver fra Afrika til Dansk-Vestindien. På baggrund af omfattende research fortæller Thorkild Hansen hele den rystende historie; fra indskibningen på Guinea til de store slaveauktioner på St. Thomas og St. Croix.

  • af Caleb Azumah Nelson
    118,95 - 146,95 kr.

    The one thing that can solve Stephen's problems is dancing. Dancing at Church, with his parents and brother, the shimmer of Black hands raised in praise; he might have lost his faith, but he does believe in rhythm. Dancing with his friends, somewhere in a basement with the drums about to drop, while the DJ spins garage cuts. Dancing alone, at home, to his father's records, uncovering parts of a man he has never truly known.Stephen has only ever known himself in song. But what becomes of him when the music fades? When his father begins to speak of shame and sacrifice, when his home is no longer his own? How will he find space for himself: a place where he can feel beautiful, a place he might feel free?Set over the course of three summers in Stephen's life, from London to Ghana and back again, Small Worlds is an exhilarating and expansive novel about the worlds we build for ourselves, the worlds we live, dance and love within.

  • af Ama De-Graft Aikins
    378,95 - 416,95 kr.

  • af Salmon A (Emory University Shomade
    474,95 - 1.649,95 kr.

  • af Ute Müller-Tischler
    408,95 kr.

    "Anders Existieren (XO)" wurde als Ausstellungs- und Diskursprogramm in Berlin und Tamale (Ghana) von Isabel Lewis, Ibrahim Mahama und Solvej Helweg Ovesen konzipiert. Das Buch präsentiert die transformativen Kunstwerke und die Diskurse, die im Rahmen dieses Projektes während der COVID-19-Pandemie entstanden sind. Künstler*innen, Choreograph*innen, Vordenker*innen für Sustainable Leadership und Wissenschaftler*innen reflektieren in Interviews und "Umschulungs"-Vorträgen über die Zukunft des Zusammenlebens, den Umgang mit dem gesellschaftlichen und physischen Kollaps, Recycling und den Raum, den die Kunst für die Transformation bietet.

  • af Tracy Kuperus, Amy S. Patterson & Megan Hershey
    315,95 - 1.003,95 kr.

  • af Jim Højberg
    108,95 - 206,95 kr.

    Da Mads Munk vælger at tage med som lærer på en studietur til Ghana, opdager han sin afrikanske arv. Hans far, Jens Christian Munk, har gennem mange år arbejdet både i og med Ghana, og det går langsomt op for Mads, hvilken betydning Ghana har for deres familie.
Samtidig følger vi Mads’ datter, Stine Munk, der er på en ungdomsdannelsesrejse med sin veninde i Ghana, og hvordan de to piger bliver introduceret overfor familiens hemmeligheder, og hvad de fører med sig.
Mads vikles ind i et spind af gamle familiehemmeligheder, og snart efterlyses han for mord og jages gennem landet af både politi og kriminelle.Jim Højberg er børnebibliotekar og har rejst meget i Afrika. Han debuterede som forfatter i 1981 med Kampen for et frit land, hvor han beskriver frihedskampen i Guinea-Bissau oplevet fra et barns synsvinkel. Siden har han udgivet over 100 børnebøger, hvor flere af dem også er inspireret af hans rejser, heriblandt Min farfar er høvding i Ghana, og Hvis livlinen brister om gadebørn i Portugal.

  • af Kobby Ben Ben
    146,95 kr.

    Exactly 400 years since the first slave ships left Ghana for America, Elton, Vincent and Scott arrive in the country to visit the historic sites from the transatlantic slave route. But they are also there to explore the country's underground queer scene. A shocking and unsettling tale, and a genre-breaking novel from a new African voice.

  • af Hannah Bourne-Taylor
    118,95 - 166,95 kr.

  • af Michelle Kisliuk
    1.167,95 kr.

    Offers expansive and intersecting understandings of erotic subjectivity, intimacy, and trauma in performance, in ethnography, and in institutional and disciplinary settings.

  • af Rachel Sigman
    1.037,95 kr.

    A major challenge for the advancement of democratic governance in Africa is the extraction of money by ruling parties from the state to fund their electoral campaigns and gain political advantage over opponents. Drawing upon in-depth case studies of Benin and Ghana, Rachel Sigman considers how, and with what consequences, party leaders control and access public funds to finance their political operations. Weaving together biographical data on government ministers, surveys of civil servants, elite interviews, and archival research, Sigman explains leaders' extraction strategies and connects these strategies to how politicians manage state personnel. In so doing, she challenges the perception of African states as uniformly weak and argues that effective government is possible even in contexts of widespread state politicization, corruption, and clientelism. Demonstrating the profound impact that extractive financing practices have on democratic institutions, Sigman illuminates and develops our understanding of ¿good governance¿ across the African continent.

  • af Richardson (University of Education Addai-Mununkum & Yonah (University of the West of Scotland Matemba
    544,95 - 1.588,95 kr.

  • af Sami Zemni, Sarah (University of Gent Adeyinka, Sophie (University of Gent Samyn & mfl.
    218,95 - 597,95 kr.

  • af Holly Ashford
    1.465,95 kr.

    This book explores the history of women's reproductive health in Ghana, arguing that between the 1920s and 1980s, it was largely driven by discourses of development and population control. The book will be of interest to researchers and students in the history of public health, development and Africa.

  • af Kazuro Shibuya
    550,95 kr.

    This book analyses school-based management (SBM) of education in Ghana through the lens of relational trust, revealing how community participation in school management leads to educational outcomes. It will be a valuable resource for scholars in comparative education, educational development and those interested in African contexts.

  • af Emmanuel der Tambile
    101,95 kr.

    Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2019 in the subject Organisation and administration - Public administration, grade: 1.1, University for Development studies (Wa Campus), course: Social Administration, language: English, abstract: The provision of legal aid services for the poor, marginalized and excluded groups of persons has increasingly attracted the attention of the global development community due to its role in improving access to justice and in providing beneficiaries with access to legal entitlements, resolution of disputes, and justice processes. It has also been globally accepted under the Sustainable Development Goals (i.e. Goal 16) that rule of law and equal access to justice for all should be promoted at both national and international levels and that adequate investments in legal aid provision should also be made. Legal aid provision has emerged as a crucial tool aimed at strengthening democratic governance, fostering peace and achieving progress towards sustainable development. It has been regarded as an important tool in tackling issues of women¿s inheritance rights, empowering local communities to promote the accountability of extractive industries, securing legal identity or ensuring equal access to health, education and other social and economic services (UNDP, 2016). In the African region, access to justice by impoverished and marginalized people has been a constraint. Women living in rural areas are denied their rights to inherit the property of their deceased spouse, subsistence labourers are denied their wage by persons who engaged their services, and some persons at times are held in police custody without due process of law. In view of these, many African countries have guaranteed the right to a fair trial and equal access to legal service in their Constitutions. The right to legal aid in Africa has been affirmed in various regional human rights documents such as the 1999 Dakar Declaration and Recommendations, the Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Fair Trial and Legal Assistance in Africa (2001), the 2003 Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples¿ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa and the 2004 Lilongwe Declaration on Accessing Legal Aid in the Criminal Justice System in Africa (UNDP, 2016b; Atuguba et al., 2006).

  • af Adam Konadu
    159,95 kr.

    Essay from the year 2018 in the subject Theology - Miscellaneous, , language: English, abstract: This work is on the effects of religious pluralism on the Ghanaian society. It seeks to discuss how religious pluralism has affected the people of Ghana. It is realized that the lifestyle of the people of Ghana is characterized by the recognition for the religious other. Recognition for and tolerance of other religions is found to be evident in almost all the aspects of the life of the people. The impact of the system of religious tolerance and cooperation on the people has been positive and negative. Thus, religious pluralism has been a mixed blessing to Ghanaians.

  • af Adam Konadu
    159,95 kr.

    Case Study from the year 2014 in the subject Sociology - Religion, grade: -, , language: English, abstract: This paper provides an overview of the concept of Religious Pluralism. By so doing, it attempts to present the definition of the concept religious pluralism, its basis, characteristics, causes, ways of ensuring it, effects, challenges and the future of religious pluralism in Ghana.

  • af David Onditi
    231,95 kr.

    Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2018 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: A, University of Bedfordshire, language: English, abstract: Most petroleum-producing countries have enacted local legislation and content to regulate international Oil and Gas companies. However, there is a dearth of literature focusing on local content policies. Due to the gap in the literature, the research focused on exploring the contents and the impacts of the LCP implementation in Norway and Ghana. These two petro-states have been chosen because they emphasis the contrast between a developing country which initially did not have the means to develop a regulatory framework for local content (Ghana) and a developed country which did (Norway). The aim of the study was to determine the economic impact of the implementation of local content policies in Oil and Gas producing countries, using Ghana and Norway as examples. There are a number of major conclusions from the research. First, very high minimum targets for local employment can lead to the creation of skill gaps in some areas while only achieving increases in some job categories; mostly the semi-skilled and the unskilled positions. Secondly, considering the unemployment, there appears to be no relationship between the unemployment percentage and the quality of the local content policies. Third, where National Oil Company takes the lead in the fostering of local content policies, better results are achieved in terms of skills transfer, increased local sourcing and better training programs. Moreover, mandatory cooperation through JVs and partnerships leads to greater technology spill over from the foreign companies to the local companies. Coupled with the above, higher government spending by there would be an increase in the local supply of both non-specialised and specialised products to the oil and gas industry. Finally, the successful LCPs require the provision of fiscal incentives to the local firms, as well as empowering the national oil company to foster technical skills transfer and fostering training. Moreover, some contextual situations such as political stability, HDI in terms of the educational attainment and R&D spending were linked to better outcomes of the LCPs. Based on the findings and the analysis from the research, it is recommended that policy makers and legislators in countries that want to develop local content policies should focus on coordination and getting input from the oil and gas operators, provision of incentives to the local businesses

  • af François Maher Presley
    323,95 kr.

    Besuchern aus der nördlichen Hemisphäre oder anderen Teilen der Welt, die zum ersten Mal nach Ghana kommen, fällt bei Ihren Streifzügen durch das Land zunächst unweigerlich das Doppelgesicht Ghanas ins Auge, das Alt und Neu, Einheimisches und Fremdes, Tradition und Moderne in sich vereint. Bräuche und Strukturen aus der Kolonialzeit bestehen auch lange nach der Unabhängigkeit Ghanas weiter, ganz wie in vielen anderen ehemals von Kolonialherren beherrschten Weltgegenden, so z.B. in Lateinamerika oder in der Karibik. Hinzu kommt die Vielfalt der einheimischen Sprachen, des Kunsthandwerks und der kulturellen Bräuche und Traditionen der vielen unterschiedlichen ethnischen Gruppierungen, die hier zuhause sind. All dies begegnet einem nicht nur auf dem Lande und in den historischen Heimatgebieten der verschiedenen Volksgruppen, sondern mittlerweile auch in den Städten und Metropolen des Landes. Verantwortlich dafür ist die zunehmende Mobilität der Bevölkerung, die in der Kolonialzeit ihren ersten Höhepunkt erreichte und heutzutage durch sozioökonomische, politische und kulturelle Entwicklungsprogramme sowie durch Initiativen in den Bereichen Gesundheit, Bildung und Kommunikation noch einmal stark beschleunigt wird. Während diese bunte Vielfalt für die meisten Ghanaer ganz einfach zum normalen Alltag, zu ihrem sozialen Miteinander und zu den Festen und Anlässen, die sie begehen, gehört, mag der Besucher aus dem Ausland, gewohnt an andere Alltagsbilder und Lebensrhythmen, all dies zunächst als verwirrend empfinden. Jedweder Leitfaden, der ihm den Zugang zu dieser für ihn fremden Welt erleichtert, sollte willkommen geheißen werden, denn wie schon das alte Sprichwort der Akan besagt: "Die Augen des Fremden mögen groß sein, aber sie können die Stadt dennoch nicht klar schauen." Meiner Ansicht nach hat genau diese Einsicht das Entstehen und die Ausarbeitung des vorliegenden Bandes geleitet.Bevor ich zum Schluss komme, möchte ich die Gelegenheit nutzen, um den Autoren von "Willkommen in Ghana" meine Glückwünsche auszusprechen. Sie haben nicht nur Weitsicht bewiesen, sondern diesen Band auch aus ihrer ganz eigenen, subjektiven Perspektive verfasst, die es ihnen ermöglicht, ihre über lange Jahre gesammelten Erfahrungen und Kenntnisse über dieses Land mit anderen zu teilen. Ich bin fest davon überzeugt, dass auch jene Leser, die nicht persönlich nach Ghana kommen können, durch dieses Buch im Geiste diesen Ort bereisen und sich durch die mehr künstlerisch als ethnographisch inspirierten Bilder anregen lassen werden. Aber auch ghanaische Leser dürften das, was uns mit diesem Buch zwei "Außenstehende" über ihre Erfahrungen in Ghana und ihre Eindrücke über unsere Kulturstätten, die für uns so selbstverständlich zum Alltag gehören, zu erzählen haben, sehr interessant finden. Daher hoffe ich, dass dieser zunächst an Besucher gerichtete Band nicht nur an Touristenständen, sondern auch in einheimischen Buchhandlungen erhältlich sein wird.Emeritus Professor J.H. Kwabena Nketia

  • af Michael R. Wagner, Joseph R. Cobbinah & Paul P. Bosu
    1.308,95 kr.

    It is indeed an honour for me to write the foreword to the second edition of Forest Entomology in West Tropical Africa: Forest Insects of Ghana. Originally co- thored by Professor Michael R. Wagner, Dr. S.K.N. Atuahene, and Dr. Joseph R. Cobbinah, the authorship now includes Dr. Paul P. Bosu, who replaces Dr. Atuahene of blessed memory (may his soul rest in perfect peace). In the preface to the first e- tion the authors stated their motivation for writing in these words: "e;We have written this book with the practicing forester and forest entomologist in mind."e; I am c- vinced beyond any doubt that the book has been, and continues to be, of immense benefit to the targeted audience. Over the course of the last 16 years, since the publication of the maiden edition in 1991, there have been tremendous changes in the science and practice of forest entomology in West Africa. Research has improved significantly and the volume of literature on the subject has also increased severalfold. The biology, ecology, and management of major insects for which very little was known nearly two decades ago have now been studied. At the same time, collaboration among forest entom- ogists and other scientists of West Africa improved significantly and greatly enhanced the science and practice of forest entomology in the subregion. The healthy development would greatly facilitate management of pest outbreaks, which invariably are not limited by national boundaries.

  • af Lise Debel Christensen & Anne Hess Thaysen
    513,95 kr.

    Bogen er en døråbner til et nyt og moderne Vestafrikaog tegner et nuanceret billede af Nigeria og Ghana i det 21. århundrede. Begge lande er tidligere britiske kkolonier. Antologien introducerer mange unge engelsksprogede forfattere og medier og tilbyder en vifte af muligheder for tematisk arbejde. Africa Unfold er en grundbog til Engelsk A og B på de gymnasiale ungdomsuddannelser, tonet mod studieretninger med samfundsfag. Desuden velegnet til tværfagligt samarbejde med fag som historie, religion, musik, mediefag, tysk og fransk. Teksterne ledsages af varierede arbejdsopgaver og et tilhørende website med ekstramateriale og adgang til et ressourcerum af ideer.

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