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  • af Lorne Fitch
    173,95 kr.

    A new collection of essays that will engage readers, inspire change, raise awareness, nurture empathy, and reshape perspectives on environmental stewardship towards a sustainable future.Travels Up the Creek intricately crafts stories of environmental awakening, drawing inspiration from Aldo Leopold, Stan Rowe, Wendell Berry, and Rachel Carson. This engaging journey confronts ecological challenges, advocating a shift in perspective and encouraging readers to embrace curiosity and scrutiny in contemplating the significance of our natural landscape. Urging environmental stewardship rooted in science, the book challenges groupthink, offering knowledge, motivation, and agency to those dedicated to creating a better world.Exploring human-nature connections and stark realities, Lorne Fitch's new book underscores empathy, prompting readers to safeguard imperiled species and threatened places. A call to action in a world grappling with seemingly insurmountable issues, the book inspires change through education and a touch of righteous anger. A compelling guide for Earth stewards, it promises to contribute to a sustainable future for all.

  • af Martin Luther King
    40,95 kr.

    "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character."A superb orator, Martin Luther King Jr. spearheaded a peaceful march on Washington D.C., where he delivered his famous speech, "l Have a Dream", to 250,000 people.The historic speech is one of many successful attempts at voicing his frustration towards oppression and discrimination without resorting to violence thus proving his skills as a public speaker.This compilation contains 100 of Martin Luther King Jr’s most celebrated quotes and is ideal for those who need an extra bit of motivation throughout their day.Martin Luther King, Jr., (1929-1968) was an American Baptist minister, activist, and humanitarian, but is best known for his leading role in the African-American civil rights movement.Dr King was awarded five honorary degrees, named Man of the Year by Time magazine in 1963, and became the youngest man to ever receive the Nobel Peace Prize at only thirty-five years of age. He donated his prize money to the Civil Rights Movement.

  • af Hannah Inmann
    282,95 kr.

    Endlose Weiten und Wind in den Haaren - für Maddie die pure Freiheit. Gemeinsam mit ihrem tierischen besten Freund Silas könnte sie nach Jahren endlich wieder durch ihr geliebtes Land galoppieren - wären da nicht die jungen Soldaten, die Maddie auf einer Mission durch ihre einstige Heimat begleiten muss. Sie hat nicht nur mit den schmerzhaften Erinnerungen zu kämpfen, die durch diese Reise wieder in ihr hochkommen. Auch Logan Baker, der Anführer der Soldatentruppe, bringt sie gehörig aus dem Konzept.

  • af Andy Adams
    57,95 kr.

    As orphans Dell and Joel Wells faced starvation on the northeastern Kansas prairie during a hellish winter, their late father's dream was dying with them.But just as they get set to leave his claim on Beaver Creek because it is barren land, an unexpected twist gives them a second chance.Revitalised, the brothers develop their own ranch without any capital but with plenty of hard graft.Bigger challenges follow, though. Will they survive bitter winters, summer droughts, hungry wolf packs, and Texas fever?This uplifting and authentic Western is perfect for fans of Max Brand and Zane Grey.Andy Adams (1859-1935) was an American writer of westerns, who grew up on his family’s farm in Indiana. He worked as a cowboy and cattle driver, which later prompted him to start writing his cowboy stories.He started writing novels in his forties, and his work is characterised by its realistic descriptions of everyday life and the troubles ranchers and cowboys experienced. His best-known works include 'The Log of a Cowboy', 'Reed Anthony, Cowman', and 'Wells Brothers'.

  • af Jack London
    34,95 kr.

    John Fox, nato sul confine nord, si era trasferito dagli Stati Uniti in Canada per cominciare una nuova vita. Aveva preso moglie, una donna originaria del posto, e aveva così intrapreso il mestiere di fattore e messo su famiglia. Ma dopo la morte della moglie, le cose sembravano aver preso una brutta piega. Mesi di freddo e solitudine, e un trasferimento ancor più nell’entroterra, nel nord più selvaggio. Sarà lì che gli occhi del fattore si poseranno su Lit-lit, una giovane abitante di quelle zone.‘Il grido del corvo’ è l’ottavo capitolo della raccolta 'La legge della vita e altri racconti', una collezione di storie ambientate in Alaska.Jack London (1876-1916) è stato uno scrittore e attivista sociale americano. Di estrazione operaia, divenne una celebrità mondiale e uno degli autori più pagati del suo tempo. Scrisse diversi romanzi, oggi considerati classici, tra cui "Il richiamo della foresta", "Il lupo dei mari" e "Zanna Bianca".

  • af Willa Cather
    48,95 kr.

    Alexandra Bergson anländer till den blåsiga prärien i Nebraska. Här lever hon tillsammans med de andra nybyggarna, och skapar med tiden en välmående gård. Men vägen till framgång är inte enkel för en ung kvinna. Hennes resa är fylld av förlust och sorg, och i slutändan riskerar den hängivenhet hon har till landskapet att kosta henne det största av allt – kärleken. "Hell, Banbrytare!" är den första romanen av Willa Cather, och oftast sedd som hennes främsta verk. Det är en levande skildring av ett förändrande landskap, och om de människor som bosatte sig där och bidrog till förändringen.Willa Cather (1873-1947) var en amerikansk författare. Hon växte upp i Nebraska med en far som var nybyggare. Hennes romaner skildrar främst nybyggarna på Nebraskas prärie, oftast med fokus på kvinnorna.

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