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    143,95 kr.

    NOTTING HILL GATE - better together Neuer Look und leicht umsetzbares Buchkonzept - NOTTING HILL GATE unterstützt Sie nun noch stärker und ermöglicht kooperatives und inklusives Arbeiten auf verschiedenen Leistungsniveaus. Neben klassischen Aufgaben mit drei unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgraden ( choose your level ) enthält das Lehrwerk Wahlaufgaben zur Neigungsdifferenzierung ( choose your task ). Die neuen kooperativen get together - Aufgaben werden stets in Partnerarbeit gelöst und sind dabei so formuliert, dass auch Lernende unterschiedlicher Leistungsniveaus miteinander zum Ziel kommen können. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler profitieren voneinander und werden gleichzeitig in ihrer individuellen Entwicklung gefördert. Der Vorteil: Alle arbeiten gemeinsam am selben Thema und können dank der Durchlässigkeit stets zwischen Niveaus wechseln . Das übersichtliche Layout und die verlässliche Lehrwerksstruktur machen das Handling simpel und ermöglichen, dass Sie sich auf Anhieb zurecht finden . Kommen Sie ins Gespräch - mit vielfältigen authentischen Sprachanlässen und kooperativen Aufgabenformaten , die Ihre Schülerinnen und Schüler zum mittleren Schulabschluss führen und den Übergang in die Oberstufe ebnen. entlastend ein gemeinsamer Weg durchs Kapitel (Lernphasenverlauf) verlässliche und schlüssige Lehrwerksstruktur transparente Dreifach-Differenzierung inkl. Angeboten zur Neigungsdifferenzierung hybrides Lehrwerkskonzept mit flexiblen und komfortablen Zugriffs- und Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten verbindend gemeinsames Arbeiten in heterogenen Lerngruppen kooperative Aufgabenformate seitengenaues Inklusionskonzept echt natürlicher Sprachgebrauch und authentische Kommunikationsanlässe schülernahe thematische Ausrichtung interkulturelle Kompetenzvermittlung durch lebensnahe Hör- und Filmbeispiele aktive Auseinandersetzung zu nachhaltigen Themen speziell auf den Projektseiten

    143,95 kr.

    Wortschatztrainer zum selbstständigen Trainieren von Wortschatz und wichtigen Redemitteln des Textbooks: Lernen mit Spaß durch vielfältige und motivierende Aufgabenformate Trainieren von Lernwortschatz Zusätzliche Übungen zum vernetzten Lernen des Wortschatzes aus den Wordbanks Lerntipps zu verschiedenen Strategien des Vokabellernens Lösungen als kostenloser Download; bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise im Vorwort bzw. auf Seite 4 des Wortschatztrainers Ab Klassenstufe 7: Bearbeitet wird die Schnittmenge aus den beiden Textbooks Allgemeine Ausgabe und Basis-Ausgabe. Es wird deutlich ausgewiesen, welche Vokabeln in den einzelnen Kapiteln nur in der Allgemeinen Ausgabe als Lernwörter vorkommen.

  • af Hermann Selchow
    242,95 - 315,95 kr.

    163,95 kr.

    Sprachtrainer zum selbstständigen Üben von Wortschatz und Grammatik: Lernen mit Spaß durch vielfältige und motivierende Aufgabenformate More practice -Seiten mit anspruchsvolleren Aufgaben, die Wortschatz und Grammatik kombiniert behandeln Lösungen als kostenloser Download

    183,95 kr.

    FiNALE Prüfungstraining Englisch - jedes Jahr neu Dieses Arbeitsbuch bereitet optimal auf die Abschlussprüfung nach der 10. Klasse an der Integrierten Gesamtschule in Niedersachsen vor. Das Band bietet: Tipps zur Vorbereitung auf die Prüfung in den G- und E-Kursen ein umfangreiches Test-Training zu allen gängigen Aufgabentypen ein herausnehmbares Lösungsheft Vorbereitung auf die mündliche Prüfung Hörverstehensübungen mit online zur Verfügung gestellten Hördateien auf das interaktive Online-Grundlagentraining Die ideale Ergänzung zum Arbeitsbuch: Finale Prüfungstraining - Grundlagentraining Klar strukturiert und von Grund auf erklärt - das Grundlagentraining bietet prüfungsrelevantes Grundlagenwissen zum Nachschlagen und Üben.

    183,95 kr.

    Wissen, was drankommt Finale Prüfungstraining - Arbeitsbücher Diese Arbeitsbücher sind die kompetenten Begleiter zum erfolgreichen Schulabschluss. umfangreiches Training zur Vorbereitung auf die Abschlussprüfung zugeschnitten auf das Kerncurriculum in Niedersachsen jährlich aktualisiert mit herausnehmbaren Lösungen mit Original-Prüfungsaufgaben im Buch und im Internet Die ideale Ergänzung zum Arbeitsbuch: Finale Prüfungstraining - Grundlagentraining Klar strukturiert und von Grund auf erklärt - das Grundlagentraining bietet prüfungsrelevantes Grundlagenwissen zum Nachschlagen und Üben.

    183,95 kr.

    FiNALE Prüfungstraining Englisch - jedes Jahr neu Dieses Arbeitsbuch bereitet optimal auf die Prüfung zum Mittleren Schulabschluss in Nordrhein-Westfalen vor. Teil A bietet Hinweise zur Vorbereitung auf die Prüfung und Tipps für die Durchführung. Die Aufgabentypen zum Leseverstehen, Hörverstehen und zum Schreiben werden genau erklärt. Teil B enthält Prüfungsbeispiele zu den aktuellen Themen "Großbritannien" und "Neuseeland". Alle Prüfungsbeispiele sind aufgebaut wie die Originalprüfungen. Zunächst werden in kleinen Schritten Hilfestellungen für die Erarbeitung der Tests gegeben. Weitere Übungstests werden zunehmend selbstständiger erarbeitet bis schließlich ganz auf Hilfestellungen verzichtet wird.Die letzte Prüfung im Buch ist die Originalprüfung aus dem Jahr 2023. Auf Audiodateien zu den Hörverstehensübungen im Buch und das interaktive Online-Grundlagentraining Separates Lösungsheft: Zum Arbeitsbuch gibt es ein herausnehmbares Lösungsheft, in dem u.a. Beispiellösungen zu den Original-Prüfungsaufgaben und die Texte der Hörverstehensübungen angeboten werden. Die ideale Ergänzung zum Arbeitsbuch: Finale Prüfungstraining - Grundlagentraining Klar strukturiert und von Grund auf erklärt - das Grundlagentraining bietet prüfungsrelevantes Grundlagenwissen zum Nachschlagen und Üben.

  • af Maja Juul Paustian
    38,95 - 208,95 kr.

    Lix: 14Let: 14Kan en krokodille løbe? Får den 1.000 tænder? Og hvorfor dør dens unger? Det får du svar på her i bogen. Du får også svar på, hvordan krokodillen får fat på et bytte. Og hvorfor den knuser sine æg med munden.

  • af Helle Hinge & Jesper Væring Nissen
    58,95 - 298,95 kr.

    I bogen Feminisme får eleverne en grundig gennemgang af feminisme både i et historisk og et nutidigt perspektiv. Feminisme har gennem tiden udviklet sig fra primært at have fokus på kvinders rettigheder til at have fokus på ulighed generelt. Læs om de feministiske bølger gennem tiden og om, hvordan sprog, aktivisme, kunst, popkultur og kroppen alt sammen bliver brugt til at gøre opmærksom på kampen for lige rettigheder mellem kvinder og mænd.Gratis opgaver på

    173,95 kr.

    Schulaufgabentrainer zur Vorbereitung auf die nächste Schulaufgabe: Zahlreiche Übungen zum Trainieren aller Kompetenzen und Fertigkeiten Passende Muster-Schulaufgaben Hilfreiche Lerntipps Lösungen zu allen Übungen und Muster-Schulaufgaben Inhaltlich abgestimmt auf das Textbook und die Vorschläge zur Leistungsmessung Audios als kostenloser Download

  • af Jens Aage Poulsen
    58,95 - 298,95 kr.

    I et demokrati kan man frit give udtryk for sine holdninger.Må man så udtrykke hvad som helst? Eller er der i alle fællesskaber grænser for ytringsfriheden? Og hvem skal bestemme grænserne?Censur er love, der begrænser, hvad man må sige, skrive, vise osv. I mange lande er censuren streng, og der er hårde straffe for at overtræde lovene.Denne bog giver eleverne viden om ytringsfrihedens og censurens historie. De kan også læse om nogle af de dilemmaer, som knytter sig til ytringsfriheden.Gratis opgaver på

    138,95 kr.

    GRAMMATIK LERNEN MIT SYSTEM alle wichtigen Grammatikthemen aus Klasse 8 zahlreiche Erklärvideos kommunikative Over-to-you- Aufgaben Lösungen und Beispieltexte lehrwerksunabhängig einsetzbar

    193,95 kr.

    Dieses Workbook ist inhaltlich identisch mit dem Workbook 978-3-14-128216-0 Zusätzlich enthält es interaktive Übungen, die mithilfe des eingedruckten Online-Schlüssels genutzt werden können. Mit den interaktiven Übungen erhalten Schülerinnen und Schüler motivierende, auswertbare Aufgaben zum angeleiteten oder selbstgesteuerten Trainieren, Vertiefen und Anwenden der Unterrichtsinhalte. Ob in der Schule oder zu Hause: Schülerinnen und Schüler können digital üben und erhalten qualifizierte Rückmeldungen und Tipps bei jeder Aufgabe. Zahlreiche abwechslungsreiche Aufgabenformate erhöhen die Motivation und führen zum Lernerfolg.

  • af Robyn Hardyman
    111,95 - 153,95 kr.

    Packed with fitness facts and healthy hints - find out why healthy kids choose exercise

  • af Emma Wood
    113,95 - 143,95 kr.

  • af Tim Clemmons
    223,95 kr.

    "Hugs From The Morning Sun" is a heartwarming children's book that celebrates the sheer joy and comfort of a brand new day. With the rising sun, it brings its warm embrace and the promise of endless adventures. This delightful story whisks young readers away to a world brimming with exciting adventures, heartwarming friendships, and boundless love. With its enchanting illustrations and uplifting narrative, it's the perfect way to greet the morning, infusing your day with love and positivity.

  • af K E Manolas
    273,95 kr.

    Greece is the starting point for Cloudie, who wants to travel around the world. In order for the playful cloud to accomplish his goal, he doesn't hesitate to ask for help from the Ruler of the Winds, Aeolus, to guide him on his way. He promisesAeolus that he will be very careful and that he will diligently follow his wise directions, as long as he helps him make his dream come true. This is an entertaining and educational story written in two languages, Greek and English, which teachesGreece's history and geography, while emphasizing the necessity of obedience and the importance of consequence.Η Ελλάδα είναι η αφετηρία για το ταξίδι του Συννεφούλη που ονειρεύεται να γνωρίσει όλο τον κόσμο. Το παιχνιδιάρικο συννεφάκι, για να καταφέρει τον σκοπό του, δεν διστάζει να ζητήσει συμπαράσταση από τον φύλακα των Ανέμων, τον Αίολο. Του υπόσχεται πως θα είναι προσεκτικός και πως θα ακολουθήσει πιστά τις οδηγίες που του έδωσε ο σοφός Αίολος, αρκεί εκείνος να τον βοηθήσει να κάνει το όνειρό του πραγματικότητα. Μια διασκεδαστική μα συνάμα εκπαιδευτική ιστορία, γραμμένη σε δύο γλώσσες, την Ελληνική και την Αγγλική, που διδάσκει Ελληνική ιστορία και γεωγραφία ενώ ταυτόχρονα δίνει έμφαση στην αναγκαιότητα της υπακοής και τη σημαντικότητα της συνέπειας.

  • af Beccanica K
    103,95 kr.

    30 mammals with vocabulary and word search puzzles for vocabulary practice

  • af Magdalena Gruca
    113,95 kr.

    There's quite a stir at Fenek's preschool today. The children are upset because they can't find the toys anywhere... What happened to them? Will they be found? And what will our hero learn today?Cleaning may not be a pleasant activity, but it is necessary if we want to maintain order and tidiness around us. Therefore, it is worth teaching children to clean up after themselves from an early age. How to encourage them to do so? Is doing it for them a good idea? To help or not to help? The Expert also suggests ways to make cleaning ... fun!With this book, the child will: ¿ learn about the importance of order and putting toys back in their place, ¿ understand the consequences of mess, ¿ realise that not only adults but also children should clean up after themselves, ¿ see that through cooperation, work can be dealt with very quickly.The book also includes many additional materials:¿ ideas for spending quality time with your child after reading the book, ¿ statements from experts: doctors, educators, psychologists, firefighters, and many others, ¿ an observation taskThese are books valued by psychologists, educators, and teachers. The child will want to reach for this book repeatedly, and Fenek sets a responsible behavioural model for children.

  • af Dominika Ga¿ka
    113,95 kr.

    Fenek and Fenia are off to the swimming pool with their parents. Will they manage to swim and relax peacefully, or might they meet someone extraordinary with whom they'll spend the day?This book is about building relationships with individuals with Down syndrome.Through this story, children will:Understand that everyone has the right to be different;Realize that our limitations do not define us;Learn about Down syndrome and its distinctive features.Beyond content that is age-appropriate for children and filled with beautiful, colourful illustrations, this book also includes:Questions to check comprehension of the content;Ideas for enjoyable activities to do with your child after reading the book;Insights from experts: doctors, educators, psychologists, and many others.Our fairy tales are the perfect way to spend quality time with your little one, not just as a bedtime story, but as something much more.¿¿¿¿Dive into a day of unexpected friendship and learning with "Everyone is different! " - a heartwarming tale where Fenek and Fenia, along with their parents, set out for a day of splashing fun at the swimming pool. But it's not just about swimming and lounging; it's a day that turns into an enlightening journey of discovery and companionship.This beautifully illustrated book gently introduces young readers to the world of Down syndrome, fostering a message of inclusion and understanding. It's a story that celebrates differences and teaches that what makes us unique should be celebrated.Children will be engaged not only by the story but also by interactive elements such as comprehension questions and post-reading activities, making it a perfect blend of fun and educational content. Expert commentaries enrich this tale, providing deeper insights and sparking meaningful conversations between children and adults."Everyone is different! " is more than just a storybook; it's a resource for teaching kindness, acceptance, and the beauty of diversity. It's an essential addition to any child's library, ensuring that the values of empathy and friendship are cherished and nurtured from the earliest years.

  • af Dominika Ga¿ka
    108,95 kr.

    "There must be order" is a heartwarming and enlightening tale from the celebrated "Adventures of Fenek" series, which introduces young readers to the vibrant world of Fenek, a lovable character who embarks on a journey of discovery and understanding. This particular story marks Fenek's first encounter with a friend on the autism spectrum, setting the stage for a narrative filled with compassion, insight, and the celebration of diversity.As Fenek visits a friend with his family, he is poised for an exciting playdate but finds himself puzzled by his new friend's unique behaviour. Through this encounter, the story gently unfolds the themes of acceptance and the importance of acknowledging and respecting the differences in others. It's a tale that not only entertains but also educates, fostering a sense of empathy and the recognition that everyone has their own set of habits and ways of interacting with the world.This beautifully illustrated book does more than just tell a story; it's an interactive experience. With age-appropriate content, vivid and colourful illustrations, it invites children to engage with the story on a deeper level. The book includes comprehension questions to encourage critical thinking, creative ideas for activities post-reading, and expert insights from doctors, educators, and psychologists, enriching the reading experience with valuable life lessons.Part of a broader collection that boasts over 100 titles, "Adventures of Fenek" is an international sensation, with books being regularly released in various languages to reach a global audience. These stories are not just for bedtime; they are a resource valued by psychologists, educators, and teachers for their role in child development."There must be order" is more than just a storybook; it's a tool for parents and educators to help children understand and embrace the spectrum of human behaviour. It's a book that children will want to return to time and again, with Fenek serving as a responsible and relatable role model. Dive into this enriching tale and join Fenek in learning that when it comes to friendship and understanding, order must indeed be!

  • af Dominika Ga¿ka
    113,95 kr.

    Fenek is quite fond of chatting, so he's puzzled when he encounters a peer in the café who doesn't speak... He wonders if perhaps the unfamiliar boy is afraid to talk. What's the issue? Why is it so, and can one communicate in silence too?This book is about building relationships with individuals with selective mutism.Through this little book, a child will:Understand that some children may find it difficult to express themselves;Realise that our limitations do not define us;Learn about the existence of selective mutism and its characteristic features;Learn how to behave in the presence of a child who speaks little or not at all.In addition to content that is age-appropriate for children and beautiful, colourful illustrations, the book also includes:Questions to check understanding of the content,Ideas for interesting activities to do with your child after reading the book,Expert opinions from doctors, educators, psychologists, and many others.Our fairy tales are the perfect way to spend time pleasantly, yet effectively with your little one.It's not just a bedtime story, but something much more.Not just a book for a one-time read, but an educational and nurturing aid.And if you want to further develop work with the book, take advantage of the lesson plans tailored to the books, complete with all the necessary attachments. They will become a wonderful resource for both preschool teachers and parents.

  • af Dominika Ga¿ka
    113,95 kr.

    Fenek loves arts and crafts, so he is very pleased that he will participate in workshops with a friend. Initially, not everything goes his way. Is the new girl he met naughty or hyperactive? And what does that even mean?This is a book about building relationships with people with hyperactivity.Thanks to this little book, a child will:understand that hyperactivity is not the same as naughty behaviour;realise that each of us has different needs;learn ways to cope with their own or someone else's hyperactivity.In addition to age-appropriate content and beautiful, colourful illustrations, the booklet also includes additional features:questions to check understanding of the content,ideas for interesting ways to spend time with a child after reading the booklet,statements from experts: doctors, educators, psychologists, and many others.Our fairy tales are the perfect way to spend time with a child in a pleasant but effective manner.It's not just a bedtime story, but much more.

  • af Magdalena Gruca
    113,95 kr.

    Fenek and Max are spending time at the playground. It's really great! However, Fenek forgets the rules of good behaviour, which ends very badly... Can he fix his mistake?Waiting for one's turn is a simple but important rule for harmonious coexistence in a group. When introducing this and every other social rule, remember that a child does not have developed empathy, nor can they anticipate and fully understand the consequences of their actions. Therefore, it is usually not enough for them to observe that someone has been hurt by their actions - an adult must explain this to them precisely, without inducing a sense of guilt. Dear Parent, Guardian! We place in your hands a tool that will help you teach the lesson of waiting for one's turn.With this book, the child will: ¿ learn about the potential consequences of inappropriate behaviour on the playground, ¿ understand why it is necessary to patiently wait for one's turn, ¿ learn that if we behave poorly, we should apologise and try to make amends for the harm done. The book also includes many additional materials:¿ ideas for spending quality time with your child after reading the book, ¿ statements from experts: doctors, educators, psychologists, firefighters, and many others,These are books valued by psychologists, educators, and teachers. The child will want to reach for this book repeatedly, and Fenek sets a responsible behavioural model for children.

  • af Magdalena Gruca
    108,95 kr.

    Fenek receives a wonderful gift from his parents - roller skates. His friend Maks would also like to have a go. Will Fenek learn how important it is to share with others?We all care deeply about raising our children to be good and wise people. We teach them important skills, wanting to ensure the best possible relationships with others and to help them cope in various situations. One of these important and difficult skills is the ability to share. Does your child know how to share? Do they always have to share? You will find great joy in reading this book at preschool or in the cosy comfort of home, resolving difficult dilemmas with Fenek. As always, our Expert has shared valuable advice, providing instructions on "resolving disputes" in four simple steps.With this book, your child will: ¿ understand why it is worth sharing with others, ¿ learn about the consequences of selfish behaviour, ¿ reinforce the word "sorry" and see how important it is.In addition to age-appropriate content and beautiful, colourful illustrations, the book also includes many additional materials: ¿ ideas for spending quality time with your child after reading the book, ¿ statements from experts: doctors, educators, psychologists, firefighters, and many others,Our stories are the perfect way to spend pleasant and effective time with your little one.It's not just a bedtime story, but much more. It is educational and pedagogical support.And if you want to further develop work with the book, make use of the tailored scenarios for activities that come with all the necessary attachments. They will become a wonderful aid for both preschool teachers and parents.These are books valued by psychologists, educators, and teachers. The child will want to reach for this book repeatedly, and Fenek sets a responsible behavioural model for children.

  • af Magdalena Gruca
    113,95 kr.

    Fenek is with his parents in the hypermarket. He really wants them to buy him a pony and a corral. Unfortunately, his parents do not agree, which displeases the boy. Can he convince them?"I can't have everything" is one of the books you buy most often, so we know how many parents and guardians struggle with explaining to their child that they cannot have every item they desire. The book will inform the child how Fenek's parents effectively solved the problem when their son wanted a new toy during shopping and would not accept a refusal. For parents, we have extremely valuable advice from the Expert, who will explain, among other things, that refusing to buy a toy does not mean not meeting the child's needs. After reading, both children and parents will simply feel better.With this book, your child will: ¿ learn that they cannot always have everything they want, ¿ realise that other parents also do not buy everything for their children, ¿ see that interesting toys do not have to be purchased and that you can make them yourself, ¿ learn to reuse unnecessary packaging and items and give them "new life".In addition to age-appropriate content and beautiful, colourful illustrations, the book also includes many additional materials: ¿ ideas for spending quality time with your child after reading the book, ¿ statements from experts: doctors, educators, psychologists, firefighters, and many others,Our fairy tales are the perfect way to spend pleasant, but also effective, time with your child.It's not just a bedtime story, but much more. It is educational and pedagogical support.And if you want to further develop work with the book, make use of the tailored scenarios for activities that come with all the necessary attachments. They will become a wonderful aid for both preschool teachers and parents.These are books valued by psychologists, educators, and teachers. The child will want to reach for this book repeatedly, and Fenek sets a responsible behavioural model for children.

  • af Pamela Robbins
    168,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af Charisse Sims
    238,95 kr.

    Say Their Names, a beautifully illustrated children's book, blends breathing and self-affirmation rituals while also acknowledging injustices suffered by people of color.

  • af Abby Swift
    208,95 kr.

    The comprehensive puberty guide for boys aged 8-13, offering tips and advice for embracing this exciting journey.

  • af Trudy Davidson
    130,95 - 248,95 kr.

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