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  • - Discovering the power of gratitude and appreciation
    af Dennis Schjødt Hansen
    118,95 - 423,95 kr.

    In "All the Small Things," readers embark on a transformative journey exploring the essence of gratitude. This book dives deep into the often-overlooked, yet profoundly powerful emotion of gratitude, showcasing its significance in our lives, both individually and globally.The author masterfully guides readers through various chapters, each unveiling the beauty of recognizing and appreciating life's blessings, whether grand or minuscule. The journey commences with a reflection on the universal nature of gratitude, transcending borders, cultures, and languages, uniting people in joy and appreciation. It underscores gratitude's substantial impact on personal well-being, emotional resilience, and the stark disparities faced by millions around the world who may not have the privilege to experience it due to adversity, illness, or poverty.The narrative takes a poignant turn, transporting readers to a century ago when the world was vastly different. The early 20th century was a time of immense challenges, marked by world wars, economic depressions, and limited access to modern comforts. Through vivid storytelling, the author paints a vivid picture of the scarcity of laughter and the harsh conditions in which people lived, making us appreciate the progress and comforts of today.Each chapter is a testament to gratitude and empathy, urging readers to discover their unique reasons for thankfulness. The book culminates by emphasizing the significance of sharing the gift of gratitude with others and cherishing every moment. The author inspires a sense of shared humanity and encourages readers to hold gratitude close to their hearts."All the Small Things" is an illuminating exploration of life's myriad facets that warrant our gratitude. This journey reminds us to appreciate the present and discover the extraordinary within the ordinary. The book illustrates that gratitude is a transformative force capable of enhancing lives and encourages us to radiate its beauty into the world.

  • af Dennis Schjødt Hansen
    288,95 - 323,95 kr.

    In "Things I Wish I Knew Sooner 3," Dennis Schjødt Hansen returns with a compelling collection of life lessons, combining personal anecdotes with universal insights in a narrative that is both intimate and far-reaching. Each chapter is a reflection on a fundamental truth, exploring themes of resilience, growth, relationships, and mindfulness.Dennis invites readers into his world, sharing stories that range from navigating career challenges to fostering meaningful connections. He discusses the importance of learning from failure, the art of balancing personal and professional life, and the significance of embracing change. There's a focus on cultivating self-awareness and understanding the impact of our choices on our journey.A recurring theme is the value of perspective, seeing the beauty in the ordinary and finding joy in life's simple moments. Dennis emphasizes the power of gratitude, the strength found in vulnerability, and the courage required to be true to oneself."Things I Wish I Knew Sooner 3" isn't just about imparting wisdom; it's about igniting a conversation with the reader. It's an invitation to pause, reflect, and consider one's path. The book challenges readers to question their assumptions, to seek out their own truths, and to embrace life's lessons with an open heart.Throughout, Dennis's writing is relatable and heartfelt, speaking to the shared human experience. His insights are punctuated with moments of clarity and revelation, offering readers a mirror to their own lives.This book is an invaluable companion for anyone at a crossroads, looking for guidance, or simply seeking a deeper understanding of life's journey. It's a testament to the power of reflection, the beauty of growth, and the endless possibilities that life offers.In "Things I Wish I Knew Sooner 3," every page is an opportunity for growth, every chapter a step towards a more fulfilled and mindful life. Join Dennis on this journey of discovery and be part of a story that continues to unfold with each reader it touches.

  • af Dennis Schjødt Hansen
    128,95 - 323,95 kr.

    "Things I Wish I Knew Sooner 2" is an enlightening sequel that delves deeper into the realms of personal growth, emotional wisdom, and life's nuanced lessons. In this compelling follow-up, Dennis explores a diverse range of topics, each chapter offering a unique blend of personal anecdotes, reflective insights, and practical advice. The book is a testament to the continuous journey of learning, providing readers with a guide to navigate the complexities of relationships, self-discovery, and personal fulfillment.The chapters range from understanding the subtleties of human interactions and the importance of emotional intelligence to mastering the balance between ambition and contentment. The book encourages readers to reflect on their motivations, embrace the power of small, consistent actions, and understand the value of being present. It's a thoughtful exploration of life's deeper meanings and the ways in which we connect with ourselves and others.Dennis Schjødt Hansen addresses the art of giving and receiving advice, emphasizing the importance of respecting boundaries and timing. The book underscores the significance of showing consideration for others, advocating for a lifestyle marked by empathy and respect. Additionally, it delves into the financial aspects of life, highlighting the pitfalls of unnecessary upgrades and the importance of practicality in financial growth."Things I Wish I Knew Sooner 2" is not just a continuation of the first volume but an expansion of understanding, drawing from a richer tapestry of experiences. It's a conversation between the past and the present, a dialogue between experience and aspiration. The book is designed not to provide definitive answers but to offer perspectives that might illuminate the reader's path and make the journey a little less daunting.The author's engaging narrative style makes complex concepts accessible and relatable, ensuring that the wisdom contained within is not just theoretical but applicable to everyday life. The book is an invitation to a deeper understanding of oneself and the world, a call to question, ponder, and grow. It's a companion for life's journey, a collection of insights to light the way in darker paths, and a guide to self-discovery and growth.

  • af Cecilie Vesterholm Poulsen
    168,95 kr.

    fuck this worldexisting without livingis full on bullshitbreathing with no airconsumed by theflames from helldancing withthe devil himselfcelebrating the end of thischaos collectionof poemswritten by a teenagerwith mental health issueswhat a showthanks for reading

  • af Sophus Bastian Tettero
    178,95 kr.

    The protagonist Smith is stuck in an immortal body that has made him lose the joy and feeling of being alive, and his view on the future has been shaped by his past, even though he has done everything in his might to forget and make up for it. His daughter Viktoria is his last hope of rejoicing happiness, and when evil once again shows itself, she is the only light he has left to assist him against it. The Blue Light of the Heartdecayer is a book which tells something about the risk of dwelling in the past, and how it can affect the choices you make in the present. It touches subjects such as loneliness, loss and the anxiety, and at the same time tries to find answers to how you can overcome it, when it is most of all yourself who prevents you from moving on. Excerpt from the book People will often try idolizing their parents, but Smith’s parents died when he was very young, and a curse was his inheritance. In that moment he had no choice but to create his own meaning, set his own ideals, the ones who killed his parents left him no choice but to become a hero. Long ago he had been consumed by the thought of getting back at the murders who destroyed his life, but that did not mean it was something he truly wanted. It was a dream he was having, that almost destroyed him. About the author Sophus Bastian Tettero is 24 years old and soon to be a certified teacher in Danish, English and History. He has grown up in central Copenhagen with a single mother and without knowledge of his Egyptian father.

  • - How to find your lifes passion and a career you love
    af Camille Hammerich
    148,95 - 385,95 kr.

    What makes you happy Do you know Do you All my life I have been a navigator like Columbus I have set sail from many shores and travelled distances far and long to reach a happier horizon from whence I came. Being an adventurer and explorer of life has consequences, and I have faced those consequences and look back on them today with a readiness to gratefully appreciate the outcome. My sense of happiness is stronger than ever before I use invaluable tools to keep me grounded and joyful in life, and this book will tell you how. Please join me

  • - Your guide to Health, Freedom and Happiness
    af Per Nygaard
    94,95 - 145,95 kr.

    How much do you put up with? Who is really in control of your life?Health, freedom and happiness are basically about responsibility - the responsibility for your self, your actions and your own development. With this book “Won´t do it” you get a simple and extremely relevant book for your enlightment and development of your own possibilities to understand how to change the things, you wish to be different in your life.In a humorous and easily understandable way, Danish writer Per Nygaard, guides you through the layers of self-deception in which we often abstain ourselves from taking the responsibility needed to become healthy, free and happy!Even though this book is very inspirational reading, it is also extreme practical in today’s society and comes with various examples on not only why, you should bother changing, but also how to it.The book requires no qualifications, except the wish and ability to say: WON´T DO IT!

  • - About my search for happiness and the truth in life with Indian gurus and palm leaf astrologers
    af Lisbeth Ejlertsen
    198,95 kr.

    Dette er den nyeste engelske udgave af denne danske bog: ISBN 978-87-999608-0-4, hvis beskrivelse er indsat herunder. Den engelske bog har sin egen hjemmeside: og sin egen FaceBook-side: lektørudtalelse fra juni 2017 roser bogen og skriver bl.a.:"Guldgrube af information ... ", "... en åbenhjertig og ærlige beretning med magiske øjeblikke og konkrete facts ...", "der findes ikke andre bøger om palmebladsastrologer på dansk." og "til alle biblioteker med spirituelt interesserede læsere."Den engelske udgave af bogen har fået mange anmelderroser, stjerner og en helt særlig udmærkelse kaldet: Pacific Book Review Star – ”En pris der tildeles bøger af fortræffelig værdi”. Om prisen skriver anmelderbureauet Pacific Book Review på deres hjemmeside:”… en Pacific Book Review Star er en af de mest hæderfulde udmærkelser indenfor branchen …”. Se alle boganmeldelserne via bogens hjemmeside under menuen: "Anmeldelser" - følg linket nederst. En bog med et budskab, der er værd at se nærmere på … I Vesten har vi glemt noget … Noget MEGET essentielt for menneskeheden … Læs bogen og find ud af hvorfor …Hvor findes lykken og sandheden om livet? En almindelig dansk kvinde drog til Indien i 1994 for at søge svar på disse spørgsmål – det blev til mere end 20 rejser. Helt enestående oplevelser hos indiske guruer og palmebladsastrologer fik Lisbeth Ejlertsen til at skrive denne bog – hun følte en forpligtigelse til at fortælle os i Vesten om det, der ligger udenfor den videnskabelige og materialistiske tilgang til livet.Med et let tilgængeligt indblik i Indiens spirituelle kultur og traditioner bliver man budt indenfor døren i et land, som ligger langt fra vores i mere end en forstand.Lisbeth deler om det, som også i dag får hende til at meditere og fortsætte sin spirituelle rejse – i dag via Heartfulness ..."De fem guruer, som jeg mødte på min vej, havde alle det samme budskab; at lykken må forenes med det guddommelige i en selv; alt eksisterer i væren."Se flere informationer på bogens hjemmeside: Bogen blev udgivet i sin tidligere og første udgave i 2003 ved forlaget SphinX.

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