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Bøger om Heavy metal

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  • - En musikalsk damphammer
    af Peter Wicke
    172,95 kr.

    Enhver, der har oplevet Rammstein live, kender den overvældende følelse, som deres professionelle iscenesættelse af sangene skaber. Det er voldsomt og velplanlagt. Wicke går tæt på Rammsteins fascinerende koncerter og undersøger, hvordan forsangeren Lindemann og resten af bandet skaber en totaloplevelse af lyd, lys, billeder og performance.Men bogen er meget mere end det. Bandmedlemmernes østtyske oprindelse spiller en stor rolle i deres musik, og vi får en flot skildring af deres debut i det østtyske punkmiljø og de efterfølgende mange kontroverser med de tyske myndigheder og medier. Vi kommer også med Rammstein i lydstudierne, hvor det bliver klart, hvor topprofessionelt bandet arbejder - intet er overladt til tilfældighederne. En anmelder kaldte bogen for det klogeste og mest seriøse, der indtil nu er skrevet om Rammstein.

  • af Bill Peel
    127,95 kr.

    Tonight It's a World We Bury explores a range of tendencies centralto black metal and uncovers their potential as critiques of capitalism.

  • af Martin Popoff
    344,95 kr.

    Authored by acclaimed rock writer Martin Popoff, AC/DC at 50 provides a visually stunning and authoritative celebration of the legendary Aussie rockers on their 50th anniversary.

  • af Tom Coles
    168,95 kr.

    Featuring exclusive interviews with key figures, from Napalm Death vocalist Barney Greenway to guitarist Bill Steer of Gentlemans Pistols, Carcass, and Napalm Death, this is your guide through the history of death metal.Guitars playing abrasive, discordant riffs, the thunderous double-kick of the drums acting like an accelerated heartbeat, and porcine, guttural vocals pummeling twisted lyrics. Courting controversy from inception to its modern day iteration, death metal presents a number of contradictions: Driven and adventurous musicians compete to make uncomfortable noises; it is crude and far beyond parody and yet consistently popular; and the music is pig-headedly uncommercial despite making a few labels, albeit briefly, wealthy. This book explores the history and methodology of the genre, charting its aims and intentions, its crossovers to the mainstream, successes and failures, and tracks how it developed from the bedrooms of Birmingham and Florida to the near-mainstream, to the murky cult status it enjoys today.

  • af Bruce Dickinson
    257,95 kr.

    Bruce Dickinson En selvbiografi - What do this button do? Kan indeholde spor af heavy metal "Jeg var bumset, gik med anorak og cowboybukser med svaj, hvor der med kuglepen var skrevet ’Purple’ og ’Sabbath’ på lårene, og kørte en øredøvende, ikke-cool knallert. Åh jo, og så ville jeg være trommeslager ..." Bruce Dickinson, Iron Maidens legendariske frontfigur, er en af verdens mest ikoniske sangere og sangskrivere. Men Bruce er også pilot, luftfartsentreprenør, motivationstaler, ølbrygger, forfatter, radiovært, filmmanuskriptforfatter og international fægter. I Bruce Dickinson – en selvbiografi reflekterer Bruce over livets op- og nedture. Han fortæller – på sin egen anarkistiske måde – om sin excentriske britiske opvækst, Iron Maidens eksplosive gennembrud og om at påkalde sig mørke kræfter. Han skriver om fægtningens filosofi, om hvorfor fly er så smukke og om sin kamp mod kræften. Denne med længsel ventede selvbiografi er modig, ærlig, intelligent og sjov. Den indfanger et rockikons liv, følelser og tanker og vil garanteret glæde både inkarnerede fans og andre.

  • af Josefine Ottesen
    88,95 - 167,95 kr.

    Da Odd dræber troldkvinden for at undgå at blive ofret, må han flygte som fredløs. Mange prøvelser venter ham inden hans drøm om at blive kriger kan gå i opfyldelse.

  • - The Untold Story
    af David De Sola
    177,95 kr.

    Alice in Chains was the first of grunge's big four - ahead of Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Soundgarden - to get a gold record and achieve national recognition. With the charismatic Layne Staley behind the microphone, they became one of the most influential and successful bands to come out of the Seattle music scene. But as the band got bigger, so did its problems.Acclaimed journalist David de Sola follows the members from their inauspicious beginnings at a warehouse under the Ballard Bridge through the history of the band, charting:- The local hair metal scene in Seattle during the 1980s.- How drugs nearly destroyed the band and claimed the lives of Staley and founding bassist Mike Starr.- Jerry Cantrell's solo career and Mike Starr's life after being fired from the band.- The band's resurrection with William DuVall, the Atlanta singer/guitarist who stepped into Layne Staley's shoes. Based on a wealth of interviews with people with direct knowledge of the band and its history, many of whom are speaking on the record for the first time, Alice in Chains will stand as the definitive Alice in Chains biography for years to come.

  • af Jan-Peter Herbst
    246,95 - 887,95 kr.

  • af Anne-Marie Vedsø Olesen
    227,95 kr.

    I dagene 14. juni til 17. juni 2023 stod Helvedes porte igen på vid gab på Refshaleøen, hvor Copenhell Con fandt sted under metalfestivalen Copenhell. Det danske tegneseriemiljø stillede endnu engang op til at lave Copenhell-tegnevæggen live– men denne gang med det twist, at publikum kunne være med. Historien var skrevet af Vølvens vej-forfatteren Anne-Marie Vedsø Olesen, hvis forkærlighed for den nordiske mytologiselvfølgelig blev en del af historien. I Ragnaroknatten vækkes Midgårdsormen til live ,og København havner i det rene Ragnarok. Skal verden reddes, er det op til en vis ulv på B&W-hallens vægbillede.Historien er skrevet af Anne-Marie Vedsø Olesen og tegnet af Anna Laurine Kornum, Mette Ehlers, Angelica Inigo, Peter Madsen, August ”Poul” Niclasen, Simon Bukhave, Fred Tornager, Mårdøn Smet, Alba Sanko, Vigga Nissen, Søren Mosdal, Rasmus Bregnhøi,, Agnes Hertz Dahlgren, Thorbjørn Petersen, Rie Kristiansen.Med forord af Anne-Marie Vedsø Olesen og efterord af Thomas Schrøder og Dianna Lotus Ozol.

  • af Dean Richards
    472,95 kr.

    Solid Rock is a visual celebration of the evolution of heavy guitar music. A coffee table book with a unique commentary drawn from our 'In-conversation' sessions with K.K. Downing, a founding member of heavy metal legends Judas Priest

  • af José Ignacio López Ramírez Gastón
    833,95 kr.

    This book unveils the vibrant and thriving world of Peruvian metal. It brings together a collection of Peruvian scholars, providing a long-overdue spotlight on a musical realm often overlooked in the international conversation.

  • af Zymolust Ravenson
    192,95 kr.

    From the Dark is a first-hand account of the Syrian revolution from the perspective of a metal musician.

  • af Robert "Landy" Landinger
    567,95 kr.

    Das CAGED System Basic Buch Teil 2Wie lässt sich das Griffbrett der Gitarre so erlernen, dass man ohne Nachzudenken Melodien, Akkorde und Soli spielen kann, die musikalisch immer zum Stil passen? Robert Landy Landinger, Autor des Buches, war seit seinen Anfängen mit der Gitarre auf der Suche nach einer entsprechenden Methode. Er beschäftigte sich mit den größten Gitarristen wie Jimi Hendrix oder Django Reinhardt und entdeckte dabei das CAGED-System, das ausschließlich auf den Basis-Akkorden beruhte. Mit diesem Band gibt es jetzt erstmals ein Buch und eine Methode, mit dem jede/r, der die klassischen Akkorde auf der Gitarre beherrscht, schnell und mühelos dieses geniale System erlernen kann.Inhalt Band 2: - Die 5 Shapes C A G E D für Moll, Vermindert, Übermäßig- Pentatonik und Tonleitern immer mit Bezug zum Shape- Mollpentatonik und Blues Tonleiter mit vielen bekannten Licks- Arpeggios für Moll, Vermindert, Übermäßig- natürlich Moll, Harmonisch Moll, Melodisch Moll- Stufenakkorde- Vergleich der Shapes Dur, Moll, Vermindert (dim), Übermäßig (aug)- Kadenzen in natürlich, Harmonisch und Melodisch MollSind diese verstanden und in den Fingern, beginnt der Spaß am Musizieren.Das Griffbrett und das Ohr gibt dir dann die Orientierung zum Rhythmus- oder Solospiel.Das Suchen auf der Gitarre hat hier ein Ende.CAGEDrules! Bd2 ist die ideale Ergänzung zu CAGEDrules! Bd1, in dem die Dur Shapes behandelt wird.Damit sind lückenlos alle Dreiklangsshapes erklärt.

  • af Martin Popoff
    342,95 kr.

    Formed in Southern California in 1974, Van Halen became one of the best-selling bands in rock history and one of the highest-grossing tour acts with their rock-solid rhythm section, the histrionics of outrageous frontman David Lee Roth, and the wildly inventive and until-then unimaginable guitar heroics of Eddie Van Halen. In Van Halen at 50, prolific rock journalist Martin Popoff pays tribute to the band on the occasion of their 50th anniversary by curating 50 significant milestones, from their formation in 1974 to the passing of Eddie Van Valen in 2020.

  • af Tom Werman
    165,95 kr.

    "Growing up in the Boston suburbs, Tom Werman was deeply affected by pop music from a young age. He long dreamed of a career in music--first as Elvis, then as the next George Harrison--but it almost didn't turn out that way. Dutifully following the path his parents had laid out for him, he obtained an MBA from an Ivy League university and took a plum job in an industry he came to despise. Then, in 1970, a chance letter sent to CBS Records boss Clive Davis led to a new opportunity . . . and a place in rock'n'roll history." --

  • af Marcelo R Batista
    493,95 kr.

    "This massive 528 page document of the 1980s Brazilian metal uprising includes over 1,000 images, photos, and flyers in ten narrative chapters, plus reprints and translations of the entire United Forces zine run, with an exhaustive 'United Forces' Summit w/ Max and Iggor Cavalera, and also forewords by Rodrigo Magalhäaes (Holocausto), Zhema Rodero (Vulcano), Cristiano dos Passos (Necrobutcher), Renato da Costa Souza (Armmagedon, Megathrash, Holocausto), Paulo Gepeto (Aðcäao Direta), Jan Frederickx (Agathocles), Georges Kormikiaris (Low Life Records, Radical Livros), and Borivoj Krgin ( In 1986, Säao Paulo teenager Marcelo R. Batista channeled his love of pure, wild heavy metal into the self-produced fanzine United Forces. Over the next five years, his homemade publication captured the explosion happening before his eyes thanks to riotous Brazilian metal upstarts including Sepultura, Sarcofago, Vulcano, Holocausto, Mystifier, Sextrash, Ratos de Poräao, Skullkrusher, Necrobutcher, and hundreds of others. Simultaneously, he exposed readers to future legends from abroad, including Napalm Death, Carcass, Morbid Angel, and Darkthrone. United Forces presents the story in vivid color, along with Batista's own headbanger tale-from humble origins collecting scrap metal to buy Motèorhead albums to DIY operator funneling his country's metal passion to receptive listeners in Europe and North America. The changes in Brazil during the 1980s and early 1990s serve as background for a full-bore metal revolution, as Batista's story brings to life the crucial South-of-the-equator 1980s scene that inspired all the forthcoming underground extremes to come"--Provided by publisher.

  • af Jan-Peter Herbst
    260,95 kr.

  • af Jan Eriksen
    137,95 kr.

    "Fortællingen om det legendariske danske heavyband, Pretty Maids, der har mere end 40 år på bagen. Fortalt af de to grundlæggere, Ronnie Atkins og Ken Hammer.Fra de første spæde skridt og tiltag til gennembruddet i Tyskland og Japan, de mange op- og nedture undervejs til i dag, hvor svær sygdom har sat en foreløbig stopper forbandet og givet et helt nyt perspektiv på livet.En ærlig fortælling om et dansk heavyband, der blev berømte i Danmark, og som var tæt på det helt store internationale gennembrud.Historier, drømme, anekdoter og skænderier fra koncerter, studie-indspilninger og den svære hverdag, der er succesens mindre flatterende bagside."

  • af Ary Jr. S.
    157,95 kr.

    O livro "O Som da Rebelião: A Revolução do Rock" é uma obra que se propõe a contar a história do rock e de como este gênero musical se tornou um ícone da cultura popular. Desde seus primórdios no final dos anos 1940 e início dos anos 1950, até sua evolução e diversificação ao longo das décadas seguintes, o rock sempre esteve presente como uma forma de expressão rebelde e contestatória.Ao longo das páginas deste livro, o leitor poderá conhecer a trajetória de grandes artistas do rock, como Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Queen, entre tantos outros. Além disso, o livro também aborda a influência do rock na cultura e na sociedade, desde suas raízes no blues e no jazz, passando pela contracultura dos anos 1960 e 1970, até sua presença marcante nos dias de hoje.

  • af Ary Jr. S.
    167,95 kr.

    El libro "O Som da Rebelião: The Rock Revolution" es una obra que propone contar la historia del rock y cómo este género musical se convirtió en un ícono de la cultura popular. Desde sus inicios a fines de la década de 1940 y principios de la de 1950, hasta su evolución y diversificación en las siguientes décadas, la música rock siempre ha estado presente como una forma de expresión rebelde y contestataria.A lo largo de las páginas de este libro, el lector podrá conocer la trayectoria de grandes artistas del rock, como Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Queen, entre muchos otros. Además, el libro también aborda la influencia del rock en la cultura y la sociedad, desde sus raíces en el blues y el jazz, pasando por la contracultura de las décadas de 1960 y 1970, hasta su fuerte presencia en la actualidad.

  • af Ryan Bartek
    212,95 kr.

    In 2007 it began; Detroit spawned journalist Ryan Bartek traveled the USA to create his unique exploration of American Counterculture known as "The Big Shiny Prison (Volume One)." This non-fiction road book detailed his observations of America while equally covering the heavy metal & punk rock undergrounds. 1 year, 35 States & 600+ hours on Greyhounds later, "The Big Shiny Prison" was released November 2009 to instant acclaim; a wild, high-octane manuscript featuring hundreds of face-to-face interviews with legends in the metal/punk/industrial/alt-rock undergrounds.By March 2012, "Fortress Europe (The Big Shiny Prison Vol. II)" was released - a proper sequel following the author backpacking Europe. This genre-defying work continued it's exploration of fringe culture, and once again featured hundreds of face-to-face interviews with legends in extreme metal, punk, industrial & rock."Return To Fortress Europe" is the 3rd volume of his acclaimed series, documenting an eye-opening journey through the stranger regions of Europe - Greece, Romania, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Serbia, Croatia, Belgium, Germany & Netherlands - again featuring interviews with some of the most prominent metal & punk bands in their respective countries.This work is not merely a musical exploration but also a chronicle of the worldwide protests launched by Take The Square & Occupy Wall Street, their impact & realities unfolding at the time of the author's adventures. Less a music book and more a tribute to The Beat Generation, "Return To Fortress Europe" combines the classic autobiographical road novel with current European Counterculture.

  • af Brian Johnson
    215,95 kr.

    One of SPIN'S Best Music Memoirs of 2022!Brian Johnson’s memoir from growing up in a small town to starting his own band to ultimately replacing Bon Scott, the lead singer of one of the world biggest rock acts, AC/DC. They would record their first album together, the iconic Back in Black, which would become the biggest selling rock album of all time.Brian Johnson was born to a steelworker and WWII veteran father and an Italian mother, growing up in New Castle Upon Tyne, England, a working-class town. He was musically inclined and sang with the church choir. By the early ’70s he performed with the glam rock band Geordie, and they had a couple hits, but it was tough going. So tough that by 1976, they disbanded and Brian turned to a blue-collar life.Then 1980 changed everything. Bon Scott, the lead singer and lyricist of the Australian rock band AC/DC died at 33. The band auditioned singers, among them Johnson, whom Scott himself had seen perform and raved about. Within days, Johnson was in a studio with the band, working with founding members Angus and Malcolm Young, Cliff Williams, and Phil Rudd, along with producer Mutt Lange.When the album, Back in Black, was released in July—a mere three months after Johnson had joined the band—it exploded, going on to sell 50 million copies worldwide, and triggering a years-long worldwide tour. It has been declared “the biggest selling hard rock album ever made” and “the best-selling heavy-metal album in history.”The band toured the world for a full year to support the album, changing the face of rock music—and Brian Johnson’s life—forever.

  • - Fortalt af Ronnie Atkins og Ken Hammer
    af Jan Eriksen
    177,95 kr.

    Fortællingen om det legendariske danske heavyband, Pretty Maids, der har mere end 40 år på bagen. Fortalt af de to grundlæggere, Ronnie Atkins og Ken Hammer.Fra de første spæde skridt og tiltag til gennembruddet i Tyskland og Japan, de mange op- og nedture undervejs til i dag, hvor svær sygdom har sat en foreløbig stopper forbandet og givet et helt nyt perspektiv på livet.En ærlig fortælling om et dansk heavyband, der blev berømte i Danmark, og som var tæt på det helt store internationale gennembrud.Historier, drømme, anekdoter og skænderier fra koncerter, studie-indspilninger og den svære hverdag, der er succesens mindre flatterende bagside.

  • af Eric Bell
    217,95 kr.

  • af Steven Blush
    244,95 kr.

    ¿We¿re not ashamed of a little hairspray and makeup. We¿ve always said it takes a real man to wear makeup.¿¿Bret Michaels, PoisonThere was a time¿not so long agöwhen pomp and spandex dominated MTV and pop radio playlists. Nearly 20 years after the first edition, people can't get enough hair metal!  The new expanded edition of American Hair Metal visually celebrates this orgy of flamboyance, androgyny, and animal magnetism, of big-haired alpha males and the beautiful women who surrounded them. Interest in hair metal is currently exploding¿witness arena-level revival tours, reissue compilations, and documentaries and docudramas that revisit the excesses of the eighties and nineties.Hundreds of striking photographs are complimented by hedonistic ephemera from bands like Poison, Cinderella, Mötley Crüe, Skid Row, and Stryper. Wild quotes from major players such as David Lee Roth, Jon Bon Jovi, Sebastian Bach, Tommy Lee, Nikki Sixx, Bret Michaels, Don Dokken, and many unsung heroes. The expanded edition includes more photos, more quotes, and a new introduction by Chip Z¿Nuff (Enuff Z¿Nuff) and an interview with Rik Rox (WASP, Steeler).

  • af Micco (Journalist Caporale
    132,95 kr.

    While Southern California punk bands were saying, "Our band could be your life," Los Angeles's hair metal acts were insisting, "Our band could be your fantasy." They weren't out to change the world as much as conquer it, and no one embodied that more than its breakout stars, Motley Crue. On their sophomore record Shout at the Devil, they invited listeners to let their ids run wild, propping the door open for gender play, sexual abandon, and a healthy distrust of authority. As more women entered the workforce - not only because upper-middle class white women had made this a central demand of their feminism but also because industrial job opportunities for men were declining. This book demonstrates how Shout at the Devil showed men rejecting manual labor in favor of being beautiful, entertaining, and sexually available. What followed were era-defining culture wars about gender roles, sexual expression, and freedom of speech.

  • af Pete Prown
    314,95 kr.

    Rose Valley, PA

  • Spar 13%
    af Emma Christensen
    137,95 kr.

    Efter sin mors død arvede heavy metal-musikeren Ryan nogle sære ting – herunder nogle mystiske gamle tegninger og en fugtskadet dagbog fra hendes ungdom. Hans mor havde altid været en stille, hemmelighedsfuld lille dame. Lidt mærkværdig, ville de fleste nok mene. Sær. Han havde altid følt, at hun skjulte noget. Der var hemmeligheder i hans familie. Hemmeligheder, hans mor troede, hun kunne tage med sig i graven … Men det var langtfra tilfældet. De hemmeligheder skulle vise sig at være hjemsøgende. De skulle vise sig at hive de grimmeste sider af menneskeligheden op til overfladen.Udover at skabe en underholdende fortælling, er romanens formål at sætte gang i en masse filosofiske overvejelser og herunder provokere ideen om, hvad der egentlig er godt og ondt – rigtigt og forkert. Der er derfor et diskret fokus på netop ideen bag ’det gode og det onde’ igennem mere flydende begreber som eksempelvis ’hævn’.

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