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Bøger om Historiske og kulturelle områder i Italien

Her finder du spændende bøger om Historiske og kulturelle områder i Italien. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 196 bøger om emnet.
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  • af Heber Nehemias Chui Betancur
    422,95 kr.

  • af Elena Berezhnaya
    507,95 kr.

  • af M. N. Sirohi
    237,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • af Dominik Delp
    999,95 kr.

    Am Beginn der Geschichte der griechisch-römischen Antike steht eine Migrationsbewegung, die mit bahnbrechenden Entwicklungen einherging: etwa der Entstehung der Polis, der Wiederentdeckung der Schrift oder der Entfaltung von Kunst und Seefahrt. Dieses Buch bietet erstmals eine migrationstheoretische Perspektive auf die sogenannte Große Kolonisation der Griechen. Unter Einbeziehung praxis- und ressourcentheoretischer Ansätze erscheint so jene große Bewegung der griechischen Archaik als ein komplexes Wechselspiel aus Ansässigkeits- und Mobilitätsstrukturen sowie der darin handelnden Menschen.

  • af Aleksei Romanchuk
    597,95 kr.

  • af Stefan E. A. Wagner
    307,95 kr.

    The so-called "Esquiline Venus", found in 1874 in the city of Rome, is a well preserved Claudian copy sculpture whose original dates back to the first century B. C. The life-size statue shows a naked young woman wearing only a pair of sandals and preparing herself for the bath. In the past, the statue was identified by Italian researcher Licinio Glori as a portrait statue of Cleopatra VII, lover of Caesar. This research opinion was confirmed by German scholar Bernard Andreae and Italian archaeologist Paolo Moreno, but until today the identification hypothesis remained controversial and was not accepted by most scholars. In this short discussion of the statue shall be given a new approach to one of the most prominent marble works of the Capitoline Museums in Rome.

  • af Marcus Deufert & Irmgard Mannlein-Robert
    1.171,95 kr.

    Der in englischer Sprache verfasste Forschungsbericht zu Ovids Metamorphosen wurde von einem Forscher:innenteam der Universität Huelva unter Leitung von Antonio Ramírez de Verger und Luis Rivero García erstellt und arbeitet die schier unüberschaubare Literatur zu diesem gegenwärtig wohl meistgelesenen und meisterforschten Werk der römischen Dichtung kritisch auf. Im Zentrum des ersten von zwei Teilen stehen Arbeiten zur Überlieferungsgeschichte und Textkritik der Metamorphosen, außerdem Arbeiten zu solchen Aspekten des Werkes, die in den in letzten Jahrzehnten besonders intensiv erforscht wurden: u. a. Gattungsfragen, Religion, Kult und Magie, Liebe, Sexualität und Gender.

  • af José Argenis Agüero
    622,95 kr.

    The present work presents a vision of the development of the independence process in the region currently occupied by the State of Cojedes. This is -until now- the most complete work that exists on the independence process in the jurisdiction of Villa de San Carlos, region that currently comprises the State of Cojedes, since until now only partial investigations had been presented, without an integral vision of the region as the one offered in this study, clarifying at the same time that this is subject to discussion and enrichment with later works. Here we also outline the antecedents of the independence deed in the main cities that conform today the State of Cojedes, as well as the existing territorial divisions in terms of cities, towns and villages for 1810 and the successive years of the Independence, highlighting didactically the differences established by the ecclesiastical power and the civil power; likewise the warlike actions happened between 1810 and 1821 are outlined, discriminated in battles, combats, skirmishes and sieges.

  • af Ph. D. JanStephen James Cavanaugh
    107,95 kr.

    The story I tell is drawn from the well of personal journals written during my time in war as a civilian ... as background for recall and reflection. Journaling is a habit I started in Catholic seminary, and unwittingly gives witness to my story. What is written herein is a series of essays that interweaves a tapestry of memories that crisscross my time in South Vietnam 1967-1969. The American War as the Vietnamese named it. JanStephen James Cavanaugh, Ph.D.¿

  • af Peter Weber
    569,95 kr.

    The fall of communism in Romania in December 1989 inaugurated a new period in the country¿s history that would impact on public memory as well as on historiography. Romaniäs history had to be rewritten or reinterpreted unveiling the abuses, the persecution and the crimes of the communist regime during the last 45 years. Several publications and mass media products took over the task to re-establish for the Romanian people the historical truth. However, many years after the regime change from 1990 little was done to come to terms with the period that preceded the Communist domination marked by the pro-fascist dictatorship of Marshal Antonescu, a period during which the country¿s leadership was responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands Romanian and Ukrainian Jews. Refusing to make a distinction between individuals and the nation as a whole, the ideologists of the Romanian national-communism preferred to keep the silence over the ¿forgotten Holocaust¿ as if had never happened. This book is a contribution of comming to terms with Romania's recent history presenting the impact of the politics of the XXth century on private life in this part of the world.

  • af Max Boersma
    252,95 kr.

  • af Frits Lugt
    422,95 kr.

  • af Alexandra Fies
    672,95 kr.

    Die hier betrachtete transatlantische Massenauswanderung im 19. Jahrhundert, die selbst nur ein Ausschnitt der Bevölkerungsbewegung in Europa war, stellte zahlenmäßig den Höhepunkt der europäischen Expansionsgeschichte der Neuzeit dar. In den Hungerjahren 1816/17 bis zum Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs gingen rund 5,5 Millionen Deutsche nach Amerika. Darunter waren auch zahlreiche Badener, die ihre alte Heimat verließen, um ihr Glück in der Neuen Welt zu suchen.

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