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Bøger om Historiske og kulturelle områder i Italien

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  • af Oscar Wilde
    41,95 kr.

    ‘The Duchess of Padua’ is a five-act play, originally written for American actress, Mary Anderson (best known for her role in ‘Gone with the Wind’). With themes of murder, suicide, love, and revenge, it has drawn comparisons with Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet.’ The story follows Guido Ferranti, who is tasked to murder the Duke of Padua and avenge his dead father. However, when Guido falls in love with the Duchess of Padua, he is conflicted. Can the Duchess help or hinder him in his mission? A lyrical play, written in blank verse, this is one of Wilde’s most intricate, full of twists and turns, and trademark Wildean wit.Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote 43 poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.

  • af Henryk Sienkiewicz
    70,95 kr.

    Sullo sfondo della Roma imperiale, soffocata dalla tirannide di Nerone, ha luogo la storia d'amore proibita e impossibile fra Ligia, cristiana, e Marco Vinicio, patrizio romano. Il loro è un sentimento contrastato dalle differenze ideologiche che dividono i loro mondi: quello pagano, nel suo massimo splendore di gloria e nella sua massima decadenza morale, e quello dei cristiani delle catacombe, impregnato di preghiera e amore fraterno."Quo Vadis?" narra una storia di amore impossibile costruita sul modello shakespeariano e tuttavia molto diversa dalle vicende di Romeo e Giulietta, poiché affonda le proprie radici nel conflitto sociale e culturale che condurrà al grande incendio di Roma del 64 d.C. e alle successive persecuzioni anti-cristiane. Romanzo storico pubblicato dapprima a puntate nel 1894 sulla Gazzetta Polacca e quindi raccolto in un unico volume nel 1896, "Quo Vadis?" portò a livello internazionale la fama dell'autore polacco Henryk Sienkiewicz, che per questo ricevette il Premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1905.Henryk Adam Aleksander Pius Sienkiewicz (1846 – 1916) è stato uno scrittore e giornalista polacco. È l'autore del celebre romanzo "Quo vadis?", per il quale ricevette nel 1905 il Premio Nobel per la letteratura.Ampiamente riconosciuto in patria, durante la propria vita Sienkiewicz compì molti viaggi all'estero. Andò infatti in Russia, Germania, Francia, Svizzera, Grecia, Turchia, Egitto, India, Stati Uniti e Italia, paese in cui trovò l'ispirazione per scrivere Quo Vadis? e che arrivò a considerare come una seconda casa.

  • af Alexandra Fies
    687,95 kr.

    Die hier betrachtete transatlantische Massenauswanderung im 19. Jahrhundert, die selbst nur ein Ausschnitt der Bevölkerungsbewegung in Europa war, stellte zahlenmäßig den Höhepunkt der europäischen Expansionsgeschichte der Neuzeit dar. In den Hungerjahren 1816/17 bis zum Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs gingen rund 5,5 Millionen Deutsche nach Amerika. Darunter waren auch zahlreiche Badener, die ihre alte Heimat verließen, um ihr Glück in der Neuen Welt zu suchen.

  • af Thomas Ganschow
    48,95 - 55,95 kr.

    Was bedeutete Krieg für die Gesellschaft(en) der griechisch-römischen Antike und wie muss man sich Krieg und Kriegsführung vorstellen? Welche Rolle spielten die Krieger, die Soldaten? Im alten Griechenland waren es zunächst freie Männer, die mit ihren eigenen Waffen in den Krieg zogen. Auch bei den Römern waren es ursprünglich freie Bürger, die bei Bedarf für Rom kämpften. Mit zunehmenden Expansionsbestrebungen brach dieses System jedoch zusammen. Die logische Konsequenz war eine ständig unter Waffen stehende Armee: die Legionen, die über lange Zeit das Rückgrat des Römischen Imperiums bildeten. Doch Thomas Ganschow zeigt nicht nur, wie die Kriegsmaschinerie funktionierte, sondern auch, welches Schicksal die Unterlegenen erwartet. Und er berichtet, wie die Zivilbevölkerung den Krieg erlebte, was er für sie bedeutete und wie sie Friedenszeiten wahrnahmen.

  • Spar 17%
    af Lauren Tarshis
    69,95 kr.

    I år 79 f.v.t. bryder vulkanen Vesuvius ud, og pludselig befinder den 11-årige Marcus sig alene i en by, der falder sammen omkring ham.Serien Jeg overlevede fortæller om ægte historiske begivenheder som en fiktiv fortælling, der lægger sig tæt op af historier fra virkelighedens verden.

  • af Łukasz Czeszumski
    69,95 kr.

    Szlachcic ucieka z Polski przed karą śmierci. W poszukiwaniu zatrudnienia na wojnie błędny rycerz przemierzył cały świat i przeżył bez liku przygód. Tym razem postanawia spróbować szczęścia we Włoszech, gdzie miasta-państwa toczą między sobą nieustanne wojny. Zanim uda mu się jednak znaleźć zatrudnienie, zostaje aresztowany jako zdrajca. W końcu nawiązuje kontakt z z księciem Damiano Dimarco z Kalabrii i przy jego boku bierze udział w wojnie między Hiszpanią a Francją, które próbują zagarnąć Włochy.Przełom wieku XV i XVI. Ród Burzyńskich jest obiektem kpin ze strony możnowładców, gdyż cieszy się dobrą sławą, lecz nie posiada majątku. Mając na uwadze własny honor i dobro kraju, unikają uczestnictwa w intrygach mazowieckiej szlachty, co doprowadza do rodzinnej tragedii. W konsekwencji Jarosław Burzyński, by ocalić życie, wyrusza w świat i szuka zatrudnienia jako najemny wojownik. Jego wędrówka po Europie jest osadzona w krajobrazie politycznym i obyczajowym schyłku średniowiecza i początku renesansu.Łukasz Czeszumski - rocznik 1980. Mieszkał w krajach obu Ameryk i Azji, swoją wiedzę i doświadczenie wykorzystał jako autor książek reporterskich o Afganistanie i Ameryce Południowej, w których podejmował tematykę walki z narkotykami oraz wojny z terroryzmem. Jego teksty i zdjęcia podróżnicze, reporterskie i medyczne ukazały się w czasopismach "Polityka" oraz "Focus".

  • af Carlo Collodi
    52,95 - 65,95 kr.

    Gepeto é um marceneiro muito talentoso. Um dia ele faz o seu próprio filho de madeira: Pinóquio. Seu filho vive muitas aventuras e desventuras no Teatro de Marionetes, no País das Brincadeiras, no Circo e até dentro de um tubarão! Ele é muito traquina e sempre se mete em confusão, mas tem bom coração. Será que um dia ele vai conseguir realizar seu sonho de se tornar um garoto de verdade?Além da animação clássica da Disney de 1940, o boneco mais famoso do mundo faz aparições em outras obras infanto-juvenis, como no filme "Shrek" (2001) e nos livros do "Sítio do Picapau Amarelo" (1929).Carlo Collodi, pseudônimo de Carlo Lorenzini, (1826-1890) foi um jornalista e escritor italiano. Antes de publicar histórias infantis, ele escrevia artigos para jornais em toda a Itália. Sua obra-prima "As Aventuras de Pinóquio" é considerada um clássico da literatura infantil mundial.As aventuras do seu boneco falante foram imortalizadas no clássico de animação dos estúdios Disney "Pinóquio" (1940). Esse romance também é utilizado como fonte de inspiração por Spielberg no filme "A.I. - Inteligência Artificial" (2001).

  • af Victor Hugo
    55,95 kr.

    Lucrèce Borgia, détestée dans toute l'Italie, est une femme adultère, incestueuse et avide de luxe et de plaisirs. Un soir au clair de lune, elle se voit tout de suite attirée par le soldat orphelin Gennaro qui la repoussera, dégoûté par ses avances impudiques. Leur monde s’effondre le jour où ils découvrent le secret qui lie leurs familles !Inspiré de l'histoire de Lucrèce Borgia, fille du pape Alexandre VI et sœur du prélat César Borgia, Victor Hugo plonge ces deux personnages dans une tragédie terrifiante et sanglante. Ce drame en prose a été adapté plusieurs fois depuis son apparition, notamment dans les mises en scène homonymes par Éric Vigner (2017) et Julien Tanguy (2019).Victor Hugo (1802-1885) est l'un des écrivains français les plus importants de la période romantique. Troisième fils d'un major qui deviendra plus tard général de l'armée napoléonienne, Victor Hugo passe son enfance entre Paris, Naples et Madrid, selon les voyages de son père. En 1821, Hugo publie son livre de poésie "Odes et poésies diverses", avec lequel il gagne une pension, accordée par Louis XVIII. Il était également un critique politique majeur, laissant des essais remarquables dans ce domaine.Ses livres les plus connus sont "Notre-Dame de Paris" (1831) et "Les Misérables" (1862). Tous deux critiquent fortement la société française à l'époque et ont été adaptés à plusieurs reprises. Notamment, dans l’animation de Disney "Le Bossu de Notre-Dame" (1996); le film "Les Misérables" (2012), avec Hugh Jackman et Helena Bonham Carter; et la minisérie française "Les Misérables" (2000) avec Gérard Depardieu et Charlotte Gainsbourg.

  • af T.A. Williams
    97,95 kr.

    Verona is the City of Love. But will Suzie find romance there or, like Romeo and Juliet, will it all end in tragedy?When Suzie is hired to accompany spoiled, abrasive Lady Alexandra Tedburn on an all-expenses-paid holiday to Italy, she fears the trip will be a disaster. But she soon discovers there’s more to Alex than shopping and tantrums, and she’s determined to help her realise her potential – against Alex’s authoritarian father’s wishes.As they settle in Verona, Suzie can’t stop thinking about local artist Michael, who is still mourning his wife's tragic death. With Suzie’s future uncertain, and Michael’s past holding him back, it seems there’s no hope for romance in the city of star-crossed lovers... or is there?A gorgeously uplifting and moving story, Dreaming of Verona is the perfect read for fans of Holly Martin, Tilly Tennant and Jenny Oliver.Praise for T.A. Williams‘The characters in the story really make it exceptional ... Natalie is a brilliant protagonist ... and I absolutely adored her journey to self-discovery to find her new identity.’ BooksandBookends‘Wow! This is contemporary romance at its best! The writing is exquisite. ... And the plot is brilliantly clever, captivating, and delightful with a little bit of drama, love, loss, and of course romance.’ WhatsBetterThanBooks‘The characters are all brilliantly written, the storyline flows extremely well throughout, and I loved every bit of it.’ Fiona Wilson (#10 Goodreads reviewer UK)‘T. A. Williams has that gorgeous way of writing a feel good story...he’s absolutely backed up that men can write chick-lit.’ Reviewed The Book (Top 1000 Amazon Reviewer)T.A. Williams lives in Devon with his Italian wife. He was born in England of a Scottish mother and Welsh father. After a degree in modern languages at Nottingham University, he lived and worked in Switzerland, France and Italy, before returning to the UK. He’s taught Arab princes, Brazilian beauty queens and Italian billionaires. He speaks several languages and has travelled extensively. He has eaten snake, still-alive fish, and alligator. A Spanish dog, a Russian bug and a Korean parasite have done their best to eat him in return. His hobby is long-distance cycling, but his passion is writing.

  • af T.A. Williams
    97,95 kr.

    Up for a dream promotion, Emma won’t let anything get in her way – not even love. Working for a major Hollywood film company isn’t all glitz and glam. But when Emma gets sent to tour around Italy to scout the perfect location for a new blockbuster movie, she’s not going to complain. Especially when it could make or break her career...Historical adviser for the project Mark is a distraction that Emma does not need. As they explore Italy's beauty, Emma starts to fall for the mysterious Mark and soon finds herself torn between her job and her heart.From the wild, northern mountains of Piedmont, down the vibrant coast of Cinque Terre and through the rolling hills of Tuscany, Emma’s journey becomes one of self-discovery as she questions her priorities in life.This heartwarming story of romance and redemption is the perfect read for fans of Tilly Tennant, Holly Martin and Daisy James.Praise for T.A. Williams‘The characters in the story really make it exceptional ... Natalie is a brilliant protagonist ... and I absolutely adored her journey to self-discovery to find her new identity.’ BooksandBookends‘Wow! This is contemporary romance at its best! The writing is exquisite. ... And the plot is brilliantly clever, captivating, and delightful with a little bit of drama, love, loss, and of course romance.’ WhatsBetterThanBooks‘The characters are all brilliantly written, the storyline flows extremely well throughout, and I loved every bit of it.’ Fiona Wilson (#10 Goodreads reviewer UK)‘T. A. Williams has that gorgeous way of writing a feel good story...he’s absolutely backed up that men can write chick-lit.’ Reviewed The Book (Top 1000 Amazon Reviewer)T.A. Williams lives in Devon with his Italian wife. He was born in England of a Scottish mother and Welsh father. After a degree in modern languages at Nottingham University, he lived and worked in Switzerland, France and Italy, before returning to the UK. He’s taught Arab princes, Brazilian beauty queens and Italian billionaires. He speaks several languages and has travelled extensively. He has eaten snake, still-alive fish, and alligator. A Spanish dog, a Russian bug and a Korean parasite have done their best to eat him in return. His hobby is long-distance cycling, but his passion is writing.

  • af Max Kruse
    73,95 - 119,95 kr.

    I 1400-tallets Italien drager den fattige forældreløse stalddreng Pio på en farefuld færd for at redde godsejerens datter, Bianca-Bella, som osmannerne har bortført og taget til fange. På sin eventyrlige rejse møder Pio både blodtørstige hajer og en djævelsk munk. Og hele tiden må han kæmpe for ikke at falde i hænderne på fjenden og ende sine dage som slave i Det Osmanniske Rige. Max Kruse (1921 - 2015) var en tysk forfatter og skrivent. Udover sin forfattergerning har han arbejdet som tekstforfatter og freelancejournalist. I sit hjemland er han mest kendt for børnebogsserierne "Der Löwe ist los" (1965) og "Urmel" (1969). På dansk foreligger ungdomsromanerne "Skyggebroderen" fra 1989 og "Morgenstjernen" fra 1992.

  • af Morten Beiter
    74,95 - 93,95 kr.

    Italienerne kendes både for deres nære familiesammenhold og gode mad, men også for deres problemer med mafia og politisk korruption. Italien har med andre ord noget af det hele, og det er denne sammensathed, som journalist og tidligere korrespondent i Italien, Morten Beiter, indfanger, når han kører fra landets nordlige del mod Napoli i syd gennem 11 regioner. Undervejs fører han bilen ad ukendte veje og møder italienere fra forskellige områder og lag af samfundet. Gennem deres beretninger og de bjergtagende landskaber former Beiter en stemningsmættet og mangefacetteret reportagebog om Italien.Morten Beiter (f. 1964) er en dansk freelancejournalist og forfatter. Han har blandt andet arbejdet for Weekendavisen og Danmarks Radio og virkede i mange år som korrespondent for Berlingske i Italien. Morten Beiter har skrevet flere bøger om Italien.

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