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Bøger om Indonesien

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  • af Jens Erik Rasmussen
    161,95 kr.

    BOGEN DÆKKER de indonesiske øer Bali og Lombok med Gili-øerne. En række tematiske baggrundsartikler går bag om dagliglivet på øerne og der sættes fokus på politiske og kulturelle problemstillinger, kunst og kultur, mad og drikke, natur og geografi samt historie og vigtige årstal. Bogen er desuden rigt illustreret med fotos og kort.TUREN GÅR TIL har eksisteret siden 1952 og er blandt verdens hyppigst opdaterede rejsebogsserier. Serien dækker hele verden fra Nordatlanten til Australien. Bøgerne skrives på dansk af forfattere og journalister med et særligt indgående kendskab til de enkelte destinationer. Med nøje udvalgte attraktioner, herunder spisesteder, viser vi vej til de største oplevelser.

  • af Mikael Rothstein
    260,95 - 298,95 kr.

    Der åbner sig en anderledes og mystisk verden, da kontakten i 1800-tallet bliver tættere mellem Europa og Sydøstasien. Efterretninger om hovedjagt og kraniekult, ikke mindst på Borneo, er et af tidens drabelige temaer.Vestlige eventyrere, opdagelsesrejsende, handelsfolk, missionærer og kolonisatorer møder mennesker med ritualer, hvis eksistens de ikke havde drømt om. Hjemme venter forskere og politikere på nyt fra de fjerne egne. I de lærdes studerekamre bliver de klogere, mens andre trygt sidder i deres lænestol og får sig et godt gys: Tænk engang, de indfødte hugger hovederne af hinanden i drabelige overraskelsesangreb, og med festivitas fragter de trofæerne tilbage til deres boliger, hvor kranier monteres under tagryggen!Mikael Rothstein har fordybet sig i de gamle kilder og fulgt hovedjagtens spor frem til i dag. Kulten for kranierne virker grotesk, men ad overraskende veje, via tæppevævning, en kvækkende frø, turisme, korrupte politikere, ægteskab og stanken af råddent menneskekød, finder forfatteren en dybere mening.For at forstå fænomenet må man sætte sig ind i en fremmed tankegang.Næsehornsfuglen skriger – det er tid til høst!

  • af DK Eyewitness
    136,95 kr.

    Fall in love with beautiful Bali and Lombok.Whether you want to trek volcanic Mount Rinjani, surf the Bukit Peninsula or visit holistic healers in Ubud, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that Bali and Lombok have to offer.Two neighbouring islands nestled in the Indonesian archipelago, Bali and Lombok are blessed with a wealth of natural beauty. And with each island offering its own distinct identity and rich culture, there is plenty for visitors to explore.Our newly updated guide brings Bali and Lombok to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights and advice, detailed information on all the must-see sights, inspiring photography, and our trademark illustrations.You'll discover:- our pick of Bali and Lombok's must-sees, top experiences and hidden gems- the best spots to eat, drink, shop and stay - detailed maps and walks which make navigating the country easy- easy-to-follow itineraries- expert advice: get ready, get around and stay safe- colour-coded chapters to every part of Bali and Lombok- our new lightweight format, so you can take it with you wherever you go.

  • af Petty Pandean-Elliott
    245,95 kr.

    Award-winning author Petty Pandean-Elliott tells the story of her Indonesian heritage through 150 much-loved and delicious recipes perfect for home cooks everywhere Comprising more than 17,000 islands, Indonesia is renowned as The Spice Islands, home of aromatics such as nutmeg, mace, and cloves - evocative ingredients that suffuse its piquant cuisine.  The Indonesian Table  explores Indonesia's rich food heritage through Petty Pandean-Elliott's personal stories and recipes, from childhood memories of cooking with her grandmother in Manado to her travels across the archipelago; and features classic and iconic Indonesian recipes such as fiery chile sambal, grilled chicken satay, nasi goreng, and beef rendang, regarded by many as the 'world's most delicious dish'. The collection also showcases regional dishes, including fragrant coconut curries, tasty laksas, fortifying sotos, and traditional desserts. The 150 accessible recipes have been adapted for home cooks, with easily-sourced ingredients and uncomplicated cooking methods. With an introduction to Indonesian food culture, stunning images of recipes and local culture, and personal stories that reveal the rich history and inspiration behind each recipe, this is the perfect companion to Indonesian cuisine.

  • af Gregory Forth
    147,95 - 216,95 kr.

    A remarkable investigation into the hominoids of Flores Island, their place on the evolutionary spectrumand whether or not they still survive.While doing fieldwork on the remote Indonesian island of Flores, anthropologist Gregory Forth came across people talking about half-apelike, half-humanlike creatures that once lived in a cave on the slopes of a nearby volcano. Over the years he continued to record what locals had to say about these mystery hominoids while searching for ways to explain them as imaginary symbols of the wild or other cultural representations. Then along came the ';hobbit'. In 2003, several skeletons of a small-statured early human species alongside stone tools and animal remains were excavated in a cave in western Flores. Named Homo floresiensis, this ancient hominin was initially believed to have lived until as recently as 12,000 years ago possibly overlapping with the appearance of Homo sapiens on Flores. In view of this timing and the striking resemblance of floresiensis to the mystery creatures described by the islanders, Forth began to think about the creatures as possibly reflecting a real species, either now extinct but retained in ';cultural memory' or even still surviving. He began to investigate reports from the Lio region of the island where locals described ape-men as still living. Dozens claimed to have even seen them. In Between Ape and Human, we follow Forth on the trail of this mystery hominoid, and the space they occupy in islanders' culture as both natural creatures and as supernatural beings. In a narrative filled with adventure, Lio culture and language, zoology and natural history, Forth comes to a startling and controversial conclusion. Unique, important, and thought-provoking, this book will appeal to anyone interested in human evolution, the survival of species (including our own) and how humans might relate to ';not-quite-human' animals. Between Ape and Human is essential reading for all those interested in cryptozoology, and it is the only firsthand investigation by a leading anthropologist into the possible survival of a primitive species of human into recent timesand its coexistence with modern humans.

  • af Henning Andersen
    131,95 - 188,95 kr.

    Indonesien er det land på vores jord, der har det største antal vulkaner med omkring 500 i alt med dels meget gamle og tilsyneladende uddøde vulkaner, men også vulkaner, der ligger på havbunden ud for Indonesiens kyster, og som endnu ikke har dannet øer over havets overflade ved sine udbrud.Nogle af de voldsomste vulkanudbrud i historisk tid har fundet sted i Indonesien og i forhistorisk tid, ikke at forglemme det superudbrud, der for 74.000 år siden var ved at tage livet af vores egne forfædre, nemlig Tobas udbrud på øen Sumatra.Bogen lægger vægt på at fortælle om den lokale befolknings harmoni og samliv med vulkanerne i både positiv og negativ henseende. Vulkanernes udbrud gøder jorden med sin lava og aske, men samtidig så er vulkanerne en øjeblikkelig trussel imod indonesernes liv, specielt dem, der bor tættest på vulkanerne.I Indonesien er kulturen og religionerne ofte sammenhængende med vulkanernes voldsomme udbrudshistorie. Ikke at forglemme, så er udforskningen om vulkaners måde at komme i udbrud på blevet stærkt fornyet ved Krakataus udbrud i 1883. Uddrag af bogenMed buldrende brag sprængtes det meste af øen i stumper og stykker. Enorme skyer af sten og aske steg 80 kilometer til vejrs i en søjle af røg ild, samtidig med at vulkanens fundament brød sammen og sank ned i det delvis udtømte magmakammer. Det nedfaldne udbrudsmateriale af aske og klipper faldt ned på havets bølger, som tårnede sig op i over 35-40 meter høje tsunamibølger og satte kurs i alle retninger mod de omkringliggende kyster.Fra den eksploderende vulkan skød glødende laviner bestående af gasser og småsten med en fart af flere hundrede kilometer i timen sig ud i alle retninger over det oprørte havs bølger og ind imod Javas og Sumatras kyster. Flygtende mennesker og dyr, der blev indfanget af disse ildtornadoer, forvandledes på sekunder til levende ildfakler, der vaklede om i sekunder, inden de faldt om og døde. De blev grillet levende til døde. Om forfatterenVulkaneksperten Henning Andersen har viet sit liv til vulkanerne og skrevet en del bøger om emnet og underviser i dag i folkeskolerne og er foredragsholder. I 1985 blev han kendt hos Otto Leisner og vandt Kvit eller Dobbelt. Herefter læste han geologi og har som rejseleder og privat besøgt vulkaner rundtom i verden. Han har været fagdommer i DR’s Kvit eller Dobbelt for skolebørn og udtaler sig ofte om vulkaner i pressen. Han har tidligere udgivet bøgerne: Hekla – Islands dronning, Når vulkaner går amok, Sagn og myter om vulkaner og Vesuv – en udødelig vulkan.

  • - Mine oplevelser, som jeg husker det
    af Frode Oldenburg Jørgensen
    158,95 - 195,95 kr.

    Velkommen ombord på‭ ‬fragtskibet‭, ‬der bringer dig Jorden rundt med mange oplevelser forude‭. ‬Du oplever det hårde liv ombord og arbejdet i et maskinrum‭, ‬hvor fremdrivningsmotoren er på‭ ‬størrelse med et treetagers hus‭. ‬Du er med‭, ‬når havet smider rundt med skibet‭, ‬der er 150‭ ‬meter langt og 19‭ ‬meter bredt‭. ‬Vi anløber havne på‭ ‬USA’s‭ ‬østkyst‭, ‬Panama og San Francisco‭. ‬I tresserne var der tid til oplevelser i de havnebyer‭, ‬vi anløb‭, ‬og de nærtliggende områder‭. ‬Du er med‭, ‬når vi går i land i Japan‭, ‬Hongkong‭, ‬Filippinerne‭, ‬Bangkok og flere steder i‭ ‬Indonesien‭. ‬Singapore‭, ‬øen Penang‭, ‬Sri Lanka og Indien‭. ‬Du er med‭, ‬når vi stakkels søfolk bliver plyndret af korrupte myndighedspersoner‭.‬ ‭ ‬Du er også‭ ‬med‭, ‬når vi færdes‭ ‬uden for det officielle turistområde‭, ‬hvor vi kommer tæt på‭ ‬mennesker‭, ‬der lever på‭ ‬samfundets bund‭, ‬som benytter alle muligheder for at overleve‭.‬ ‭ ‬ Gud bevare Danmark‭! ‬ Uddrag af bogen Telefonen kimede‭. ‬2‭. ‬mester kravlede over og tog den‭. ‬Han kom ud fra telefonboksen og fortalte i korte vendinger‭, ‬at lasten havde forskubbet sig‭. ‬Jeg kunne nu se‭, ‬at krængningsviseren bevægede sig mellem 15‭ ‬og 45‭ ‬graders slagside‭. ‬Der var ikke flere løse genstande‭, ‬der flyttede sig‭. ‬Det var ualmindeligt heldigt‭, ‬at vi ikke opholdt os der‭, ‬hvor de løse dørkplader kom drønende‭. ‬De kunne have klippet benene over på‭ ‬os‭. ‬Nu kom maskinchefen‭, ‬1‭. ‬og 3‭. ‬mester også‭ ‬kravlende ned på‭ ‬manøvredørken med møje og besvær‭. ‬Der var ingen af dem‭, ‬der viste nogen form for panik eller angst‭, ‬de var derimod koncentrerede og fattede‭. ‬Maskinchefen aftalte med 1‭. ‬mester‭, ‬hvad der kunne gøres for at få‭ ‬hovedmotoren i gang så‭ ‬hurtigt som muligt‭. ‬Skibet driver mod land‭.‬ Om forfatteren Frode Oldenburg Jørgensen er født 1942‭ ‬i Undløse Overdrev‭. ‬Han er uddannet smed og maskinmester og har sejlet som sådan‭. ‬Han har siden arbejdet som værkfører‭, ‬maskinmester og driftsleder‭. ‬Det var ikke lederrollen‭, ‬der behagede ham‭, ‬men derimod de kreative muligheder for tekniske forbedringer‭, ‬stillingen kunne tilbyde‭, ‬der optog ham‭. ‬Han har tidligere udgivet erindringsbogen Den ulige kamp‭ ‬–‭ ‬en familiekrønike gennem 150‭ ‬år‭.‬

  • - En rejsedagbog fra Thailand, Borneo og Den Malaysiske Halvø
    af Torben S. L. Svendsen
    128,95 kr.

    Vi prioriterer rejser af længere varighed, og til destinationer fjernere end tidligere. "Backpacking for begyndere" fortæller om en families første rygsækrejse - en rejse i ukendt land. 2 voksne og 2 børn som prøver kræfter med en verden der ligger og venter. Bogen tager dig med på 9 ugers rejse med interessante fortællinger, oplevelser og informationer, som kan inspirere dig til at tage det næste skridt og søge ud i den store fantastiske verden. Læseren får indsigt i, hvor let det er at komme af sted, samt hvad man skal have med i såvel den fysiske som den mentale rygsæk. Samtidig giver denne rejsedagbog stof til eftertanke, og rejser spørgsmål om blandt andet vores egne indre begrænsninger, misundelse, prioriteringer, og vort syn på verden omkring os.

  • af Sabine Sehn
    329,95 - 457,95 kr.

  • af Axel Weber
    351,95 kr.

    Auf der Flucht vor den deutschen Behörden gerät Uli Zimmer ins Kreuzfeuer von Arne Kucholski, einem abtrünnigen Agenten des BND, der sich an ihm für die Affäre mit seiner Frau rächen will. Mossad und CIA verfolgen unter dessen sowohl mit Arne als auch mit Uli ihre eigene Agenda. Derweil versucht Wolf Kimmich das Büro der EAPA in Jakarta vor der Schließung zu bewahren. Da kommt die Story des flüchtigen Uli zum richtigen Zeitpunkt. Aber reicht die Story, um das Überleben der Nachrichtenagentur in Indonesien zu retten?Axel Weber setzt die Garuda-Serie unter der gnadenlosen Sonne des indonesischen Archipels mit mehr Twists und Wendungen fort, als es die Straßen auf Bali hergeben.

  • af Luisa Fortunato
    548,95 - 633,95 kr.

  • af William A. Foley
    238,95 kr.

    Kopar is a very moribund, close to extinct, language spoken in three villages at the mouth of the Sepik River in Papua New Guinea. This is the only description of the language available. It also discusses areas where rapid language shift is affecting the structure of Kopar. Although the period of fieldwork was necessarily short, this book provides as comprehensive a description as possible of the grammatical structure of this complex and fascinating language. It is quite thorough and detailed and goes well beyond what is normally considered a sketch grammar. It covers all the phenomena essential to description and comparison and gives clear, typologically sound definitions and explanations. The grammar is written with the research interests of language typologists and comparative grammarians foremost in mind. Typologically, Kopar can be described as a split ergative, polysynthetic language. The language lacks nominal case marking so ergativity or lack thereof is signaled by verbal agreement affixes. Tenses and moods which describe as yet unrealized events, like future and imperative, pattern accusatively for agreement affixes, while those express realized events, like past and present, pattern ergatively. In addition, the ergative case schema is overlaid by a direct-inverse inflectional schema determined by a person hierarchy, a feature Kopar shares with other languages in its Lower Sepik family. As a polysynthetic language, incorporation of sentential elements like temporals, locationals, adverbials and verbals is extensive, though noun incorporation is not. Sadly, this work is all the documentation we will likely ever have of Kopar, a language of potentially very high theoretical interest, given its rare typological profile. It will certainly be of interest to language typologists and comparative grammarians, and anyone who wants to explore the range of language variation

  • af David Van Reybrouck
    166,95 kr.

    A story of staggering scope and drama, Revolusi is the masterful and definitive account of the epic revolution that sparked the decolonisation of the modern world.'Astounding . . . history at its best' Yuval Harari'Utterly compelling' Financial Times'Superb' GuardianOn a sunny Friday morning in August 1945, a handful of tired people raised a homemade cotton flag and on behalf of 68 million compatriots announced the birth of a new nation: Indonesia.Four million civilians had died during the Japanese wartime occupation that ousted its Dutch colonial regime. Another 200,000 people would lose their lives in the astonishingly brutal conflict that ensued - as the Dutch used savage violence to reassert their control, and as Britain and America became embroiled in pacifying Indonesia's guerrilla war of resistance: the 'Revolusi'. It was not until December 1949 that the newly created United Nations finally brought the conflict an end - and with it, 350 years of colonial rule - setting a precedent that would reshape the world.Drawing on hundreds of interviews and eye-witness testimonies, David Van Reybrouck turns this vast and complex story into an utterly gripping narrative that is alive with human detail at every turn. A landmark publication, Revolusi shows Indonesia's struggle for independence to be one of the defining dramas of the twentieth century.'A magnificent fusion of oral history, sparkling analysis, and historical wisdom. Revolusi has it all: a masterpiece' SEBASTIAN MALLABY'One of the most unlikely and astonishing sagas ... a towering achievement' THOMAS MEANEY'A magisterial but gripping account of events of urgent importance to us now' JASON BURKE'At once vast and intimate, a history in colour' LAKSMI PAMUNTJAK'A masterly display of the historian's craft' J M COETZEE'A wonderful and important book' PETER FRANKOPAN

  • af Elizabeth F. Drexler
    273,95 - 1.283,95 kr.

    "A study of the stalled/non-existent process of legally reckoning with the 1965 state-sponsored genocide in Indonesia"--

  • af Jane Ahlstrand
    474,95 - 1.649,95 kr.

  • af Emir (President University Chairullah
    474,95 - 1.588,95 kr.

    471,95 kr.

    This book assesses the impacts of COVID-19 on the Indonesian economy, particularly on employment, education, poverty, trade, and macro economy.

  • af Akihisa Mori
    1.588,95 kr.

    This book extends the framework of the climate-energy-land nexus to elucidate political, economic, social, and institutional factors and causal mechanisms that stringent climate targets bring about, rather than mitigate a disproportional heavy burden on the forest sector in Indonesia.

  • af Kate Gray
    108,95 - 128,95 kr.

  • af Sensei Paul David
    243,95 kr.

    Get/Share Your FREE KoE WILDLIFE eBook at www.kidsonearth.lifeThis book is a non-fiction children's book for ages 6 to 12 about the Sumatran Tiger in Indonesia. It provides 30 fun and unique facts about the Sumatran Tiger that you won't find anywhere else. From the tiger's looks and behavior to its habitat and diet, this book has taught you all about this incredible species and its place in the Indonesian rainforest. It includes an introduction, 30 fun facts about the Sumatran Tiger, and a conclusion. It also provides an overview of the threats to the species and encourages readers to help protect the Sumatran Tiger and its habitat.

  • af Ricardo Roque & Elizabeth G. Traube
    354,95 kr.

  • af Olivier Ahmad Castaignede
    110,95 kr.

    Jakarta, 2014. Hendra is 'Radikal', a techno DJ at the top of his game when a childhood trauma resurfaces. No longer able to find solace in techno and ecstasy, he is presented with a new purpose in life and a focus for his pent-up rage: jihad.

  • af Adam W. Jelonek
    468,95 kr.

    Many countries in Asia are inhabited by multi-segment societies diversified in terms of race, religion, language and economic status. They have repeatedly provided the basis for analysis of the search for consensus in the construction of a political scene that would ensure the participation in power of each group. Regardless of the chosen model, the distribution of power in multi-segment societies has always been characterized by a state of "unstable equilibrium". Practical solutions constantly evolved between consociationalism, centripetalism, federalism. In extreme cases they led to political disintegration of states or to permanent domination of one of the segments, most often based on authoritarian solutions. In this volume, a group of scholars specializing in countries of the region try to point out the dynamics of the "unstable equilibrium" of power sharing in particular Asian countries and analyze the trends occurring in them in the 21st century.

  • af Christian Obermayr
    1.058,95 kr.

    More than one billion people live in slums, and it remains a distant dream to achieve adequate housing for all, as articulated in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 11). Sound housing policies for the poor do exist but require an appropriate governance framework and a normative orientation. This book analyses in detail half a century of international discussions on housing, slums, and informal settlements, identifies policy phases (self-help, enabling) and discusses pros and cons of applied measures globally and in the context of Indonesia. It contributes to a better understanding of interlinkages between urban governance and housing policies by employing the analytical framework of policy arrangements, and by developing a normative compass based on Henri Lefebvre's right to the city. Empirically, it examines and compares housing strategies (social housing, resettlements, slum upgrading) and modes of governance in two case studies, the Indonesian cities Surabaya and Surakarta. The findings show that specific policy arrangements oriented towards a normative goal are crucial for the emergence of sound housing policies and a societal transformation that benefits marginalised groups.

  • af Samuel Turvey
    181,95 kr.

    A fossil expedition becomes a thrilling search for a mythical beast deep in the Indonesian forest - and a fascinating look at how fossils, folklore, and biodiversity converge.The need to understand and conserve biodiversity has never been more pressing. This is particularly urgent for vulnerable ecosystems such as islands, which have suffered human-caused extinctions throughout history and recent prehistory.A tale of exciting scientific discovery, The Tomb of the Mili Mongga is based on the story of expeditions to the island of Sumba in eastern Indonesia. While there, Professor Samuel Turvey discovers an entire recently extinct mammal fauna from the island's fossil record, revealing how islands support some of the world's most remarkable biodiversity, and why many endemics are threatened with extinction.But as the story unfolds, a new narrative emerges - Sumba's indigenous communities tell of a mysterious wildman called the mili mongga, a giant yeti-like beast that supposedly lives in the island's remote forests. What is behind the stories of the mili mongga? Is there a link between this enigmatic entity and the fossils Sam's looking for? And what did he discover when he finally found the grave of a mili mongga?The Tomb of the Mili Mongga combines evolution, conservation, anthropology, travel writing and cryptozoology to explore the traditional culture and unique biodiversity of a tropical island that's largely unknown to the outside world. It also considers wider questions about the relationship between biodiversity and cultural diversity, what reality means from different cultural perspectives, and how folklore, fossils and biodiversity conservation can be linked together in surprising ways.

  • af Senia Febrica
    1.588,95 kr.

    This book examines Indonesia's strategies and policies to influence regional cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, focusing especially on Indonesia's efforts to be the maritime fulcrum in the Indo-Pacific during President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) administration from 2014 until the present.

  • af Romi Adetio Setiawan
    1.649,95 kr.

    This book critically examines the less-studied issue of developing an Islamic banking regulatory and supervisory framework that considers the risk pressures faced by Islamic banks' operations in an Indonesian financial sector dominated by conventional banks.

  • af Jesse Q. Sutanto
    103,95 kr.

    ¿A delightful, hilarious, captivating love letter to Indonesia, and coming of age in a large meddlesome family, and the thrill of finding your person where you least expect it!" ¿ Ali Hazelwoodon Well, That Was Unexpected

  • af Michelle Kadarusman
    116,95 kr.

  • af Beate Kittl
    243,95 kr.

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