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  • af Xin Liu
    407,95 kr.

    En "Delicias Chinas: Un Viaje Culinario por la Tradición y el Sabor," Xin Liu te invita a explorar el maravilloso mundo de la cocina china, donde la tradición y la exquisitez se fusionan en cada plato. Este libro es mucho más que una simple colección de recetas; es una ventana a los auténticos sabores y las tradiciones culinarias de China.Xin Liu, un amante de la cocina china y conocedor de sus secretos, comparte en estas páginas su pasión por la comida de su cultura. Las recetas son cuidadosamente seleccionadas y fáciles de seguir, sin importar tu nivel de experiencia en la cocina.Desde platos icónicos como el pato pekín hasta las delicias de la cocina cantonesa, este libro te guiará en un viaje culinario por las diversas regiones de China, revelando los secretos detrás de cada sabor y la magia de cada ingrediente.La cocina china es conocida en todo el mundo por su riqueza de sabores y técnicas culinarias únicas. En "Delicias Chinas," descubrirás cómo preparar platos auténticos y llenos de sabor en la comodidad de tu propia cocina.Este libro no es solo una guía de cocina, es una oportunidad para experimentar la riqueza de la cultura culinaria china y deleitar a tus seres queridos con auténticos manjares del Lejano Oriente. Sumérgete en "Delicias Chinas" y descubre cómo puedes llevar los sabores auténticos de China a tu mesa y disfrutar de una experiencia gastronómica inolvidable.

  • af Li Wei
    392,95 kr.

    Em "Sabor Chinês: Receitas Autênticas e Segredos Culinários," o autor Li Wei nos convida a explorar a rica tapeçaria de sabores da cozinha chinesa. Este livro é uma verdadeira viagem culinária à China, onde cada prato é uma expressão do patrimônio gastronômico e cultural do país.Li Wei, apaixonado pela culinária chinesa e com profundo conhecimento em suas tradições, compartilha uma coleção cuidadosamente selecionada de receitas autênticas que destacam a diversidade e a riqueza dos sabores chineses. Cada receita é uma oportunidade de explorar a complexidade da cozinha chinesa, desde os aromas picantes de Sichuan até a delicadeza da culinária cantonesa."Sabor Chinês" não é apenas um livro de receitas; é uma imersão na cultura chinesa. Com histórias e curiosidades fascinantes sobre a origem de cada prato e técnicas culinárias detalhadas, este livro oferece mais do que apenas receitas - ele oferece uma compreensão mais profunda da China através da comida.Seja você um amante da cozinha chinesa ou alguém que deseja explorar sua culinária fascinante, este livro é uma fonte inestimável de inspiração culinária. Com "Sabor Chinês," você poderá trazer os autênticos sabores da China para sua própria cozinha e surpreender seus amigos e familiares com pratos excepcionais. Prepare-se para uma jornada gastronômica emocionante com Li Wei como seu guia.

  • af S¿la Aslan
    437,95 kr.

    Otantik Çin mutfä¿n¿n yak¿ndan korunan s¿rlar¿n¿ aç¿¿a ç¿karman¿n kap¿s¿ olan HER ¿EY Ç¿N YEMEK K¿TABI'a hö geldiniz. Çin'in mutfak miras¿, zengin tarihi kadar geni¿ ve çe¿itlidir; bu yemek kitab¿, Çin lezzetlerinin, tekniklerinin ve geleneklerinin büyüleyici dünyas¿n¿ ke¿fetmenin anahtar¿d¿r.Bu mutfak yolculu¿una ç¿kt¿¿¿n¿zda tatl¿ ve tuzluyu dengeleme sanat¿n¿, dokunun önemini ve her yeme¿in kültürel önemini ke¿fedeceksiniz. Pekin'in hareketli sokaklar¿ndan Hangzhou'nun sakin çay evlerine kadar Çin'in mutfak manzaras¿, ülkenin köklü geleneklerini ve çädä yeniliklerini yans¿tan, sürekli geli¿en bir dokudur.Bu yemek kitab¿nda, kendi mutfä¿n¿zda otantik Çin yemekleri yaratmak için gerekli olan malzemeleri, ekipmanlar¿ ve pi¿irme yöntemlerini aç¿kl¿¿a kavu¿turacä¿z. Wok'ta ustalämay¿, Çin soslar¿n¿n karmä¿k tatlar¿n¿ çözmeyi ve Çin'in her kö¿esinden gelen bölgesel spesiyalitelerin tad¿n¿ ç¿karmay¿ ö¿reneceksiniz. ¿ster acemi bir äç¿ olun ister deneyimli bir ¿ef olun, bu yemek kitab¿ damak zevkinize ilham vermek, e¿itmek ve zevk almak için tasarlanm¿¿t¿r.Öyleyse, Çin'in kalbinde leziz bir maceraya at¿lmaya haz¿rlan¿n ve gelin, birlikte otantik Çin mutfä¿n¿n s¿rlar¿n¿ aç¿¿a ç¿karal¿m.

  • af Mei Li
    407,95 kr.

    In "Chinese Keukengeheimen: Ontdek de Culinaire Schatten van China" neemt Mei Li je mee op een onvergetelijke culinaire reis naar de rijke en gevarieerde keuken van China, waar smaak, traditie en culinaire kunst samen komen in iedere hap. Dit boek is veel meer dan een verzameling recepten; het is een uitnodiging om de mysterieuze en smaakvolle wereld van de Chinese keuken te verkennen.Mei Li, een gepassioneerde liefhebber van de Chinese keuken, deelt in deze pagina's haar diepgaande kennis en liefde voor de traditionele Chinese culinaire kunst. De recepten zijn zorgvuldig gekozen en eenvoudig te volgen, ongeacht je ervaringsniveau in de keuken.Van heerlijke gerechten uit Sichuan tot verfijnde Kantonese delicatessen, dit boek neemt je mee op een culinaire reis door de verschillende regio's van China, waar je de geheimen achter elke smaak en de tradities van elke streek zult ontdekken.De Chinese keuken staat wereldwijd bekend om haar diverse smaken en culinaire tradities. In "Chinese Keukengeheimen" leer je hoe je authentieke Chinese gerechten kunt bereiden in je eigen keuken, en hoe je de essentie van de Chinese keuken kunt vangen in je eigen gerechten.Dit boek is niet alleen een kookgids, maar ook een kans om je smaakpapillen te verwennen met de rijke smaken van China. Duik in "Chinese Keukengeheimen" en ontdek hoe je kunt genieten van de smaak en traditie van de Chinese keuken, terwijl je jezelf en je gasten verwent met heerlijke gerechten die de rijke erfenis van China weerspiegelen.

  • af Janie Jacks
    135,95 - 246,95 kr.

  • af Hao Fan
    406,95 kr.

    This book interprets the concepts, philosophies and cultural traditions of lunli (roughly construed as ¿relationships and rationality¿) from the perspective and domain of ¿dialogue civilization.¿ On the conceptual level, it expounds the common reference and different tenets of the Chinese lunli and the Western ¿ethic¿, exploring the characteristics of lunli and "ethic" in civilization history, considering notably the difference between unification of family and state and division of the two at the embryonic stage of civilization. The book draws on the lunli-oriented culture and religion-based culture to demonstrate the difference between Chinese lunli and Western ¿ethic¿ in their respective top design and ultimate care, by exploring the issue ¿What the world would be like, if there were no lunli¿ for the Chinese and ¿What the world would be like, if there were no God¿ for westerners. Since lunli is the most prominent feature of ¿being Chinese¿, or the most symbolic and interpretative Chinese cultural concept, this pivot provides a key introduction for Western readers not only to the concept itself, but also to modern day Chinese culture.

  • af Tak-Wing Ngo
    224,95 - 629,95 kr.

  • af Linas Chen
    392,95 kr.

    "Kin¿ Virtuv¿s Paslap¿ios: Gaivinkite Skon¿ Kin¿ Stiliaus" kvie¿ia jus ¿ kulinarin¿ kelion¿ Kinijos skoniams, kur kiekviena valgykla tampa skonio i¿buvimo ¿vente ir kiekvienas valgis - tikra darybos meno ¿edevras. Autorius Linas Chen, aistringas vir¿jas ir tradicin¿s kin¿ virtuv¿s gerb¿jas, ves jus per tradicinio kin¿ maisto paslaptis.¿i knyga yra daugiau nei tik recept¿ rinkinys; tai yra gidas ¿ tradicin¿s kin¿ virtuv¿s meno pasaul¿. Linas Chen dalinasi savo ¿iniomis apie tradicinius kin¿ patiekalus, ¿vairius regioninius skonius ir specialias kulinarijos technikas, kurios pad¿s jums sukurti tikrus kin¿ skonio ¿edevrus j¿s¿ päi¿ virtuv¿je."Kin¿ Virtuv¿s Paslap¿ios" leid¿ia jums atrasti ¿vairi¿ Kinijos virtuv¿s region¿ skonius - nuo pikanti¿ko Se¿uan¿ prieskoni¿ iki ¿velni¿ Kantonin¿s patiekal¿. Ar esate patyr¿s ¿efas ar naujokas virtuv¿je, ¿i knyga suteiks jums ¿kv¿pimo ir ¿ini¿ sukurti autenti¿kus kin¿ patiekalus, kurie süav¿s j¿s¿ ¿eimos ir draugus.Linas Chen ves jus per tradicin¿s kin¿ virtuv¿s pasaul¿, pristatydamas jums tikr¿j¿ Kinijos virtuv¿s esm¿ ir paslap¿ias. "Kin¿ Virtuv¿s Paslap¿ios" leis jums päinti kin¿ kult¿r¿ per skon¿ ir sukurti skonio nuotrupas, kurios atne¿ jums tikr¿ kin¿ virtuv¿s d¿iaugsm¿. B¿kite pasiruö¿ atrasti kin¿ virtuv¿s paslaptis ¿ioje nuostabioje knygoje!

  • af Li Wei
    382,95 kr.

    "¿ínska Kuchy¿a: Tajomstvá Chu¿ovej Umenia" vás zavedie do fascinujúceho sveta ¿ínskej gastronómie, kde kädý jedálny zá¿itok je plný záhad a bohatstva chu¿ov. Autor Li Wei, nad¿ený kulinársky znalec a milovník autentických ¿ínskych chutí, vás pozýva na cestu objavovania jedine¿ných tajomstiev tejto kuchyne.Táto kniha nie je len zbierkou receptov, ale skutöným sprievodcom do ¿ínskeho kulinárneho umenia. Li Wei vám predstaví rôzne regionálne kuchyne ¿íny, jedine¿né korenie a ingrediencie, a techniky prípravy, ktoré robia ¿ínske jedlo takým výnimöným."¿ínska Kuchy¿a" vás zavedie na cestu objavovania tradi¿ných pokrmov, ako aj moderných variácií, ktoré sú ¿oraz viac populárne po celom svete. Bez oh¿adu na to, ¿i máte radi sladké, kyslé, pikantné, alebo pikantné chute, tu nájdete recepty a in¿piráciu na vytváranie jedine¿ných jedál, ktoré pote¿ia väe zmysly.Li Wei, s jeho hlbokým chápaním a vá¿¿ou pre ¿ínsku kuchy¿u, vám pomô¿e objavi¿ tajomstvá chu¿ovej umenia ¿íny a nau¿í vás, ako pripravi¿ autentické ¿ínske jedlá v pohodlí svojej kuchyne. "¿ínska Kuchy¿a" je pre v¿etkých, ktorí tú¿ia po jedine¿ných chu¿ových zá¿itkoch a chcú sa ponöi¿ do bohatstva ¿ínskej kuchyne. Pripravte sa na cestu do ¿ínskeho kulinárneho sveta a objavte tajomstvá chu¿ovej umenia ¿íny s touto ú¿asnou knihou.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    422,95 kr.

    Mettàtron was born in Puerto Belgrano (Argentina), in a middle class family, with the name of Roberto Guillermo F. Gomes. Since he was a child he listened to the Om and perceived the spiritual eye in the ajna chakra. During his adolescence, at the age of 16, he had a decisive moment for his later spiritual life. He went with some high school friends to see the movie "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" by Franco Zeffirelli and at the very moment when the actor who played the role of St. Francis of Assisi had the vision of God, Yogi's mind went into samadhi. Leaving the theater in a trance-like state, he was drawn to the shore and went to the tip of a breakwater. There his "third eye" spontaneously opened and the night was illuminated. He saw trillions of beings occupying the firmament and all in chorus were saying "Lord of Heaven, save us!". Then he wondered to whom they were speaking thus, and as he thought this his attention was seized by a divine force from on High. Suddenly he knew that he was in front of the Creator, he saw before him a source of intense light, unbearable to see from the front. Surprisingly, he heard a deep and sweet voice that said to him, "Son, you are Spirit".

  • af Yanling Zhu
    1.595,95 - 1.602,95 kr.

    This book takes an ethnographic approach to discuss the policy practices within China's broadcasting industry. Exploring the gap between the contemporary policy regime and its implementation in national broadcasters and streaming services, taking into account the interplay between broadcasters, political bodies, producers and audiences, Zhu explains the contemporary role of Chinese national broadcasters in mediating the public discourse, the collective reimagining of China's national identity, and the newly-found policy initiative of using state media as a means of nation branding. Cases investigated include China Central Television (CCTV) Documentary, China Global Television Network (CGTN), and the Shanghai Media Group (SMG), as well as co-productions made by CCTV and international media firms, including the BBC, Discovery and the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), in a book that will interest scholars of Chinese politics, media studies, and sociology.

  • af Chaoyang Wang
    1.294,95 kr.

    This book consists of studies on Chinäs economic development since China carried out the reform and opening-up strategy, including Chinäs economic restructuring, economic operational mechanism, socialist market economy, in¿ation, the reform of the urban housing system, the economic impact of WTO entry, the future potential growth rate, global economic governance, structural ¿scal and taxation reforms, the rapid growth of Chinäs ¿nancial industry, and more. These studies explores Chinäs successful experience of economic growth in the past and will shed some light on Chinäs economic development in the future, providing value to economists and Chinese scholars.

  • af Dan Ben-Canaan
    1.633,95 kr.

    This book examines and reflects on the Jewish community of Harbin, a Chinese city that was established by Russians in 1898.

  • af Yi Zhao
    845,95 kr.

    ¿Das hohe und dynamische Wachstum der chinesischen Wirtschaft und der erfolgreiche Übergang von einer zentral geplanten Wirtschaft zur Marktwirtschaft in den letzten vier Jahrzehnten gehen mit der rasanten Entwicklung und einer großen Transformation des chinesischen Bankensektors einher. Dies hat zur Folge, dass sich das chinesische Bankenaufsichtsrecht zu einem interessanten Forschungsgebiet entwickelt. Um aussagekräftigere Untersuchungsergebnisse zu erzielen, wurde das deutsche Bankenaufsichtsrecht unter dem Einfluss der europäischen Vorgaben als Vergleichsgegenstand ausgesucht. Die rechtsvergleichende Reise geht von der historischen Entwicklung der Bankenaufsicht aus ins geltende Bankenaufsichtssystem über die Marktzugangsaufsicht hinaus bis hin zur laufenden Aufsicht über die Bankgeschäfte, um die Suche nach einer besseren Bankenaufsicht zu inspirieren. Diese Dissertation wurde mit dem Dr. Feldbausch-Förderpreis im Jahr 2023 ausgezeichnet.

  • af Chao Qingchen
    1.066,95 kr.

    China announced the national goal of achieving carbon peaking before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060. The great cause of achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality requires relentless efforts of the whole society. 100 Q&As on Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality explains in simple language some core and key issues about achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in the form of Q&As. This book will enhance the recognition and awareness of achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality among officials at all levels, enterprise personnel, and the general public.

  • af Zhu Lingfei
    1.121,95 kr.

    Located in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, Yushichang is a typical village of the Pumi ethnic group. With a current population of more than 360, the village has been home to the Pumi people for more than 500 years. Over the first six decades of the People¿s Republic of China, Yushichang village has managed to protect both its ecological environment and the Pumi culture. Drawing on a rich trove of oral history and ethnographic studies, this book tries to understand, at both the micro and macro levels, how this population has navigated the tension between tradition and modernity and what resources it might bring to bear to meet future challenges.

  • af Lei Yang
    1.027,95 kr.

    Provides a new model for reading the Shiji and other early Chinese historical texts.

  • af Strobe Driver
    132,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • af Yun Xia
    1.595,95 - 1.602,95 kr.

  • af Amy Earls
    297,95 kr.

    Pero Moshe hears a mysterious voice singing from the underground tunnels in the palace of Beijing, and a prophecy says she's the one to answer the call. But when she does and is trapped in the Forbidden City with Dr. Carper, the journey uncovers more than the truth of her past and not-so-missing parents.The Chinese government threatens, a charming boyfriend holds his own secrets, and the Lesaries expect Pero to unlock their sanctuary for a long-awaited freedom. All while eating chicken feet. The problem? Pero doesn't like chicken feet.In a desperate fight to restore Elohim's kingdom, Pero must decide what matters most: saving those she loves, or the ones she's learning to forgive.

  • af Jackson
    247,95 kr.

    Book 1 in the Rift Walker trilogy.

  • af Tieji Xiong
    1.600,95 kr.

    This book examines the academic legacy of the Han dynasty. It explicates the line between the explaining of a classical text (¿¿) and the study of classical texts and their interpretation (¿¿¿). The study of hermeneutics was developed already, including the Chinese specific figure, meaning, sound, interpretation, and rites and systems.It details analyses of the Confucian School, Daoist School, Yin-Yang School, Legalist School, Terminologist School, Mohist School, Political Strategist School, Syncretist School, Agriculturalist School, and Literalist School.Among important classical works of the Han Dynasty examined throughout the book Shiji, Hanshu and Hanji are deeply analysed. Referring to various works during the Earlier and Later Han Dynasty, the author details categories of historiographical writing, i.e., the category of classical, official, and miscellaneous history, and different branches of analysis and interpretation.The book expatiates chapters on astronomy, mathematics, geography, agriculture, and medicine. Among these are the three theories on sky, the mathematics, map drawing, ox-plowing, an agricultural treatise, water project examinations, and the process of knowledge transfer and advancement in medicine during the Han Dynasty.

  • af Lexing Yang
    362,95 kr.

    Welcome to the Chinese Short Story series. In this series, you will learn ancient folktales that are very popular in China (¿¿¿¿). These stories are part of the textbook. For the students of Mandarin Chinese, these are the must-know stories. In this book, you will learn two stories: the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl (¿¿¿¿), and the Butterfly Lovers (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The stories are presented in simplified characters. Pinyin has been included after the main text.

  • af Eric Croddy
    1.060,95 - 1.459,95 kr.

  • af Li Wei-Chang
    397,95 kr.

    Am "Chinesesch Kachkonscht: Eng Kulinaresch Rees duerch d'Vermachtnis vun Asien" entdeckt de Leser zesumme mat dem Auteur Li Wei-Chang d'Faszinatioun vun der chinescher Kachtraditioun an d'Aromen an Zutaten, déi dës Regioun esou reech an divers maachen. Dëst inspiréierend Kochbuch ass eng Invitatioun fir d'Vielfalt vun der chinescher Kachwelt ze erkennen an d'Geschmacksnuance vun den traditiounelle Gerichter ze feieren.Li Wei-Chang, eng leidenschaftlech Köchin an Experte fir chineschen Kachen, deelt seng Iwwerzeegungen iwwer d'Wichtegkeet vun de Geschmacker an der chinescher Kachkonscht. E¿nnert senger Leedung kann de Leser op eng kulinaresch Rees goen an d'kulturell Erbe an Geschmacker vun China erliewen.Mat inspiréierenden Rotschlääg an praktësche Kachtricks hëlleft Li dem Leser, deen authenteschen Geschmack vun de chinesche Gerichter ze verstoen an d'Chinesesch Kachkonscht an deen eegene Kichen ze bréngen. Du léiers d'Konscht vun der Kreativitéit an der Kachkonscht an d'Freede vun der vielfältiger chinescher Cuisine.Ob de Leser elo schonn chinesch iessen kann oder nees Iddien fir chinesch Aromen sicht, "Chinesesch Kachkonscht" gëtt him d'Meiglechkeet, deen Geschmack vun der chinescher Kachtraditioun ze vertiefen an d'Chinesesch Kachkonscht fir deen alldeeglechen Genoss ze feieren. Begleed Li Wei-Chang op dëser kulinarescher Kucherees an entdeck deen Zauber vun der chinescher Kachtraditioun, deen deng Geschmackssënn belewt an deng Respekt fir d'Kultur vertieft.

  • af Mei Lin
    397,95 kr.

    Zanoríme sa do fascinujúceho sveta ¿ínskych chuteí s knihou "¿ínska Kuchy¿a: Tajomstvá Chüového Raju," ktorú napísala Mei Lin. Táto kuchárka vás pozýva na kulinárnu cestu do ¿íny, kde kädá pokrmová skvostnos¿ je príbehom starobylých tradícií, exotických ingrediencií a vá¿ne pre chü.Mei Lin nie je iba pseudonymom, je to pravá vá¿nivá zástanca ¿ínskej kuchyne, ktorá svoje kulinárske znalosti získala priamo od skúsených majstrov ¿ínskeho varenia. V tejto knihe sa nejde len o recepty, ale aj o poh¿ad na kultúru a históriu za kädým pokrmom, spolu s üitönými tipmi na to, ako vytvori¿ ¿ínske lahôdky v pohodlí svojej kuchyne.Táto kniha nie je iba zbierkou receptov, je to kulinárna odysea, ktorá vás zavedie do srdca ¿íny prostredníctvom chutí a vôní. Od klasických ¿ínskych pokrmov, ako je kung pao kur¿a, po rôznorodé chüové skúsenosti z rôznych ¿ínskych regiónov, objavíte bohatstvo ¿ínskych kulinárskych tradícií."¿ínska Kuchy¿a: Tajomstvá Chüového Raju" nie je len kuchárkou, je to zá¿itok, ktorý vás naüí rozumie¿ a oceni¿ jedine¿nos¿ ¿ínskej kuchyne. Mei Lin vás povzbudzuje, aby ste sa stali cestovate¿mi vlastnej kuchyne a objavili ¿aro ¿ínskych chuteí v pohodlí vá¿ho domova.Objavte umenie ¿ínskeho varenia a ochutnajte lahodné ¿ínske pokrmy, ktoré vás prenesú priamo do srdca ¿íny, s Mei Lin v knihe "¿ínska Kuchy¿a: Tajomstvá Chüového Raju." Je to kulinárna cesta, ktorá vám umöní objavi¿ tajomstvá chüového raja ¿íny a pre¿i¿ vá¿e¿ pre jej jedine¿nú kuchy¿u.

  • af Wei Chen
    412,95 kr.

    Zapraszamy Ci¿ na niezwyk¿¿ kulinarn¿ podró¿ do serca Chin w ksi¿¿ce "Smaki Chin: Kulinarna Odyseja Mistrza Smaku," autorstwa Wei Chena. To niezwyk¿a ksi¿¿ka kucharska, która otworzy przed Tob¿ drzwi do fascynuj¿cego ¿wiata chi¿skich smaków i tradycji.Wei Chen to nie tylko pseudonim - to prawdziwy pasjonat chi¿skiej kuchni, który przez lata zg¿¿biä tajniki przyrz¿dzania autentycznych dä z ró¿nych regionów Chin. W "Smakach Chin," dzieli si¿ nie tylko przepisami, ale tak¿e opowie¿ciami i historiami, które ksztätuj¿ kulinarn¿ dziedzictwo Chin.Ta ksi¿¿ka to nie tylko zbiór przepisów, to podró¿ po ró¿norodnöci smaków i technik gotowania chi¿skich dä. Od pikantnych potraw Syczuan po delikatne dania Kantonu, od klasycznych potstickers po bogate sosy hoisin - znajdziesz tu pomys¿y na kädy gust i okazj¿."Smaki Chin" to nie tylko ksi¿¿ka kucharska, to opowie¿¿ o tradycji, historii i zmys¿owöci chi¿skiej kuchni. Wei Chen inspiruje do eksperymentowania i odkrywania tajemnic smaków, które czyni¿ chi¿sk¿ kuchni¿ tak wyj¿tkow¿.Odkryj tajemnice chi¿skiej kuchni i stwórz autentyczne chi¿skie smaki z Wei Chen w "Smakach Chin: Kulinarna Odyseja Mistrza Smaku." To podró¿ do serca Chin, która przeniesie Ci¿ na ulice Pekinu, do smaków Szanghaju i na wybrze¿e Kantonu.

  • af Xiao Wei Chang
    397,95 kr.

    En "Sabores de la Gran Muralla: Cocina China Auténtica en tu Cocina," el autor Xiao Wei Chang te lleva en un viaje culinario emocionante a través de las maravillas de la cocina china. Este encantador libro de cocina es una puerta de entrada a la riqueza y diversidad de los sabores chinos, y te invita a experimentar la autenticidad en la comodidad de tu propia cocina.Xiao Wei Chang, un apasionado chef con raíces profundas en la tradición culinaria china, comparte su conocimiento y amor por la cocina a través de una selección de recetas excepcionales. Desde platos icónicos como el pato laqueado de Pekín hasta los aromáticos guisos de Sichuán y los suaves dumplings de Shanghái, este libro te sumergirá en un festín de sabores y texturas.Con instrucciones detalladas y consejos valiosos, Xiao Wei te guía en cada paso del camino, permitiéndote explorar y experimentar con confianza la cocina china en tu hogar. Aprenderás a dominar las técnicas esenciales y a combinar ingredientes de manera experta para crear platos que deleitarán a tus amigos y familiares.Ya sea que desees disfrutar de un banquete chino completo o simplemente agregar un toque de exotismo a tu menú semanal, "Sabores de la Gran Muralla" te inspirará a explorar y apreciar la riqueza de la gastronomía china. Así que acompaña a Xiao Wei Chang en este emocionante viaje culinario y descubre cómo puedes traer la auténtica magia de la cocina china a tu propia mesa.

  • af Fenggang Yang
    387,95 kr.

    Religion in China survived the most radical suppression in the human history-a total ban of any religion during the Cultural Revolution. All churches, temples, and mosques were closed down, converted for secular uses, or turned into museums for the purpose of atheist education. Since the 1970s, however, religion has thrived even though China remains under Communist rule. Christianity ranks among the fastest-growing religions throughout the vast land while many Buddhist and Daoist temples have been restored. The Communist authorities have carried out waves of atheist propaganda, anti-superstition campaigns, and severe crackdowns on Christian churches and new religious movements. How do we explain the resilience and vitality of religion in modernizing China? How did religion survive the eradication measures in the 1950s to 1970s? How have various religious groups managed to revive despite strict regulations? Why have some religions grown fast? Why have some forms of spirituality gone through dramatic turns? This book provides a comprehensive overview of the religious change in China under ¿ommunist rule, and it also offers a set of theoretical tools for studying religious vitality in modernizing societies.

  • af Patrick Chiu
    326,95 kr.

    This book represents an important contribution to the field as it is the first to provide a detailed account of the interaction between Chinese and western medicine from a pharmacy perspective over a period of two millennia with an emphasis on the modern period from 1800-1949. None of the existing historiography on the relationship between TCM and western medicine has so far explored pharmaceutical aspects in detail. This book therefore fills an important gap in the literature and is likely to become a key resource for further study. It will be of interest to a wide audience, including pharmaceutical, imperial, and business historians, and should be essential reading for pharmacy students. But it will also be of interest to a general readership curious about the history of pharmacy in China and of western influences on Chinese medicine. Stuart Anderson, BSc, MA, PhD, FRPharmS Editor-in-Chef, Pharmaceutical Historian, Emeritus Professor of Pharmacy History,  London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Readers of this book, to Chiu's credit, will be exposed to the nuanced cultural, medico-scientific, and business interactions that shaped Western pharmacy in China. Chiu puts a spotlight on the various materials, techniques, and processes of drug formulation and mass manufacture - and he rightly illustrates how pharmacy was substantiated as big business and mass manufacture. In analyses that incorporate materia medica and so-called dangerous drugs, such as opium, Chiu also articulates the complicated entangled histories of the movement, circulation, and translation of both pharmacy knowledge and goods. Yet, he appropriately acknowledges and evaluates non-Western epistemologies and practices that intermingled with Western ideas to create a novel type of pharmacy and pharmaceutical industry in China.                                                                                                       Lucas Richert, PhD Professor & George Urdang Chair in Pharmacy History, UW-Madison Executive Director, American Institute of the History of PharmacyPatrick Chiu's book, A History of Western Pharmacy in China, effectively presents an unbiased perspective when discussing the contributions of expatriate pharmacy academics towards the development of China's pharmaceutical profession and themodern drug industry in the first half of the twentieth century. Chiu's impartial approach and well-researched content make it a recommended resource for understanding the historical development of pharmacy in China. Kazushige Morimoto Ph.D. D.Min, Education System - Qualified Pharmacist, President, The Japanese Society for the History of Pharmacy

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