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  • af Henri Cordier
    177,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards
    192,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af George Lanning
    247,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Demetrius Charles De Kavanagh Boulger
    337,95 - 442,95 kr.

  • af Tiankui Jing
    1.616,95 - 1.626,95 kr.

    This book examines the origins and basic concepts of sociology in China and traces the discipline¿s evolutionary trajectory. Building on the premise that qunxue, which goes back to Xunzi, is essentially the Chinese antecedent of modern/Western sociology, contributors try to show the distinctive ways qunxue addresses a wide range of both foundational and practical issues related to society using its own set of conceptual, analytical and methodological apparatus. The book argues that the rise of Chinese sociology will depend crucially on whether the rich heritage of traditional Chinese sociology can be fully appreciated and integrated with the Western tradition of learning. Following two preliminary chapters laying out qunxue¿s basic paramters, the four remaining chapters focus on its four primary concerns: cultivation of the self (xiushen), regulation of the family (qijia), governance of the state (zhiguo), and realization of universal peace (pingtianxia).

  • af Mia Zhang
    332,95 kr.

    "Mia Zhang tager dig med på en smagsfuld rejse gennem Kinas kulinariske skattekammer med hendes inspirerende kogebog, 'Kinesisk Kulinarisk Elegance: En Rejse gennem Smag og Tradition.' Denne bog er ikke blot en almindelig kogebog; den er en hyldest til den dybe kærlighed og ærefrygt for Kinas kulinariske arv, hvor smag og tradition forenes i enestående harmoni.I 'Kinesisk Kulinarisk Elegance' vil du opdage en verden af smagsoplevelser, der spænder fra de rige og saftige retter i Kinas nordlige regioner til de lette og forfriskende smage fra syd. Mia Zhang, en passioneret ekspert i kinesisk madlavning, deler sin dybe forståelse og kærlighed til ingredienser og teknikker i enkle og forståelige opskrifter.Uanset om du allerede er en beundrer af kinesisk mad eller er nysgerrig efter at udforske de forskellige smagsnuancer, som Kina har at byde på, vil denne bog guide dig til at skabe autentiske og velsmagende kinesiske retter i dit eget køkken. Fra velduftende supper til aromatiske wokretter og dim sum tilbyder 'Kinesisk Kulinarisk Elegance' en omfattende oversigt over Kinas alsidige køkken.Med Mia Zhang som din guide vil du lære de hemmeligheder, der ligger bag autentiske kinesiske smage og teknikker, og opdage hvordan du kan bringe elegance og dybde til dine måltider. Deltag i denne kulinariske rejse og oplev den rige kinesiske madkultur og dens unikke smagfuldhed. 'Kinesisk Kulinarisk Elegance' er din invitation til at fordybe dig i en verden af smag og tradition fra det fjerne Østen."

  • af Robert T. Tally Jr.
    1.405,95 kr.

    Spatial Literary Studies in China explores the range of vibrant and innovative research being done in China today. Chinese scholars have been exploring spatially oriented literary criticism in two different and mutually reinforcing directions: the first has focused on the study of Western literature, especially U.S. and European texts and theory, and the second has examined Chinese cultures, texts, and spaces. This collection of essays demonstrates Chinese scholars¿ insightful interpretation, evaluation, and innovative application of international spatial analyses, theories, and methodologies, as well as their inspiring exploration and reconstruction of distinctively Chinese critical and theoretical discourses. For the first time in English, the essays in this volume demonstrate the vitality of literary geography, geocriticism, and the spatial humanities in China in the twenty-first century.

  • af Martina Lin
    412,95 kr.

    "Viaggio Culinario in Cina: Sapori Autentici e Tradizioni Culinarie" è un'opera straordinaria scritta da Martina Lin, un'appassionata esperta di cucina cinese. Questo libro è un invito a immergersi nella ricca cultura gastronomica cinese e ad esplorare la bellezza e la diversità della sua cucina.Martina Lin ti guiderà in un viaggio culinario affascinante attraverso le diverse regioni della Cina, dalla cucina piccante di Sichuan alla cucina deliziosa di Canton. Scoprirai le tradizioni millenarie, le tecniche di preparazione e gli ingredienti segreti che rendono la cucina cinese così straordinaria.Ma questo libro è più di una semplice raccolta di ricette. È una celebrazione delle storie dietro i piatti, delle famiglie che li condividono e delle festività che li rendono speciali. Martina condivide aneddoti personali e consigli preziosi su come creare autentici piatti cinesi nella tua cucina.Che tu sia un appassionato di cucina cinese o un cuoco in erba, "Viaggio Culinario in Cina" ti ispirerà a sperimentare con nuovi sapori e a creare autentiche pietanze cinesi a casa tua. Questo libro ti permetterà di scoprire la magia della cucina cinese e di condividere gustosi pasti con amici e familiari. Preparati a un viaggio culinario indimenticabile attraverso la Cina!

  • af Mei Lin
    407,95 kr.

    Libri "Delikatesat e Kuzhinës Kinëze: Shijoni Bukurinë e Shijes së Kinës" është një udhëzues gastronomik që ju jep mundësinë të eksploroni mrekullitë e kuzhinës kineze në mënyrë autentike dhe të përgatitni gatime të shijshme të fryra nga traditat e pasura të Kinës.Autorja, Mei Lin, është një kuzhinier me përvojë dhe një eksperte e pasionuar në kuzhinën kineze. Ajo ka studiuar gjerësisht teknikat tradicionale të gatimit kinez dhe i ka kombinuar ato me një ndjenjë të veçantë të krijueshmërisë. Kjo libër është një rezultat i kësaj pasionit dhe njohurisë së thellë të kuzhinës kineze.Në këtë udhëzues do të zbuloni sekretet e përgatitjes së gatimeve autentike kineze, duke filluar nga përdorimi i ingredientëve të freskëta deri te teknikat e gatimit të shijshme. Libri nuk ofron vetëm receta, por edhe historinë dhe kulturën e pasur të Kinës në mënyrë që të kuptoni thellësisht shijen e saj të veçantë."Delikatesat e Kuzhinës Kinëze" ju bën të udhëtoni nëpër bukurinë e shijes kineze dhe ju nxit të eksperimentoni me gatime të reja dhe të shijshme. Ky libër është një burim frymëzimi për ata që duan të shijojnë mrekullitë e kuzhinës kineze në shtëpinë e tyre dhe të bëhen njohës të pasionuar të kësaj tradite kulinarë.

  • af Andrzej Kwong
    412,95 kr.

    Autor o prawdziwym imieniu Andrzej Kwong, zaprasza Ci¿ w niezapomnian¿ podró¿ kulinarn¿ do serca Chin w swojej najnowszej ksi¿¿ce, "Smaki Chin: Kulinarna Odyseja." To niezwyk¿e dzie¿o otwiera przed Tob¿ bramy chi¿skiej kuchni, ukazuj¿c jej bogactwo, ró¿norodnö¿ i tajemnic¿."Smaki Chin" to prawdziwa uczta dla zmys¿ów, która zabierze Ci¿ w fascynuj¿c¿ podró¿ przez aromatyczne krajobrazy Dalekiego Wschodu. Andrzej Kwong podzieli si¿ z Tob¿ nie tylko przepisami, ale równie¿ histori¿, kultur¿ i tradycjami, które stanowi¿ integraln¿ cz¿¿¿ chi¿skiej kuchni.Ta ksi¿¿ka to höd dla autentycznöci i pasji do gotowania. Znajdziesz w niej inspiracj¿ do przygotowywania potraw, które zachwyc¿ Twoje podniebienie i pozwol¿ Ci odkry¿ smaki Chin w Twoim w¿asnym domu.Nie wäne, czy jeste¿ döwiadczonym kucharzem czy pocz¿tkuj¿cym amatorom - "Smaki Chin: Kulinarna Odyseja" jest dla Ciebie. To nie tylko zbiór przepisów, ale równie¿ opowie¿¿ o fascynuj¿cym ¿wiecie kulinariów, który möe stä si¿ Twoj¿ w¿asn¿ podró¿¿ smaków.Zapomnij o gotowych danie chi¿skich z restauracji szybkiej obs¿ugi. Zamiast tego, otwórz ksi¿¿k¿ "Smaki Chin" i wyrusz w podró¿ kulinarne, która dostarczy Ci niezapomnianych doznä smakowych i pozostawi niezatarte wspomnienia.

  • af Sofia Chen
    412,95 kr.

    "Sabores da China: Uma Jornada Culinária Autêntica" é uma obra magistral escrita por Sofia Chen, uma apaixonada conhecedora da culinária chinesa. Este livro é um convite para mergulhar na rica cultura gastronômica da China e explorar a beleza e a diversidade de sua cozinha.Sofia Chen irá guiá-lo por uma jornada culinária fascinante pelas diversas regiões da China, desde a picante culinária de Sichuan até os sabores deliciosos de Cantão. Você descobrirá as tradições milenares, as técnicas de preparação e os ingredientes secretos que tornam a culinária chinesa tão extraordinária.Mas este livro é mais do que uma simples coleção de receitas. É uma celebração das histórias por trás dos pratos, das famílias que os compartilham e das festividades que os tornam especiais. Sofia compartilha anedotas pessoais e dá dicas valiosas sobre como criar pratos chineses autênticos na sua própria cozinha.Se você é um entusiasta da culinária chinesa ou um cozinheiro iniciante, "Sabores da China" vai inspirá-lo a experimentar novos sabores e a criar autênticas iguarias chinesas em sua casa. Este livro permitirá que você descubra a magia da culinária chinesa e compartilhe deliciosas refeições com amigos e familiares. Prepare-se para uma jornada culinária inesquecível pela China!

  • af Li Wei
    412,95 kr.

    Sub pseudonimul autentic Li Wei, autorul nostru v¿ aduce o c¿l¿torie epic¿ în lumea culinar¿ chinez¿ cu cartea "Misterele Buc¿t¿riei Chineze: O C¿l¿torie Culinara Fascinant¿." Aceast¿ carte captivant¿ v¿ va dezv¿lui tainele ¿i tradi¿iile uneia dintre cele mai vechi ¿i bogate buc¿t¿rii din lume.Cu o pasiune pentru cultura ¿i gastronomia chinez¿, Li Wei v¿ va ghida prin re¿ete autentice, tehnici de g¿tit ¿i povestiri fascinante care stau la baza buc¿t¿riei chineze. Ve¿i descoperi arome exotice, ingrediente unice ¿i moduri de a preg¿ti mânc¿ruri care v¿ vor transporta direct în inima Orientului."Misterele Buc¿t¿riei Chineze" v¿ va inspira s¿ v¿ aventuräi în buc¿t¿ria chinez¿, s¿ experimentäi cu arome ¿i texturi noi ¿i s¿ v¿ bucuräi de preparate autentice, fie c¿ sunte¿i un buc¿tar amator sau un gurmand înr¿it.Cartea lui Li Wei nu este doar o colec¿ie de re¿ete, ci ¿i o explorare a istoriei ¿i culturii care stau la baza fiec¿rei mese. Ve¿i înv¿¿a cum s¿ preg¿ti¿i cele mai iconice feluri de mâncare chineze¿ti ¿i ve¿i în¿elege semnificäia lor cultural¿.A¿adar, preg¿ti¿i-v¿ s¿ v¿ aventuräi într-o c¿l¿torie culinar¿ captivant¿ cu "Misterele Buc¿t¿riei Chineze," o carte care v¿ va fascina ¿i v¿ va inspira s¿ v¿ bucuräi de autenticitatea ¿i frumuse¿ea buc¿t¿riei chineze.

  • af Rafaela Chang
    412,95 kr.

    "Sabores do Oriente: Uma Viagem Culinária pela Ásia" é uma obra-prima culinária que o transportará para um mundo de aromas, sabores e texturas exóticas. Com a experiência de Rafaela Chang, uma apaixonada por culinária asiática e uma das autoridades no assunto, este livro é um convite para explorar a riqueza e a diversidade da cozinha asiática.Prepare-se para uma jornada gastronômica emocionante através das cozinhas do Extremo Oriente, enquanto Rafaela compartilha seus conhecimentos e paixão por pratos que vão desde a tailandesa picante até a reconfortante culinária japonesa. Cada página deste livro é uma oportunidade de aprendizado e aventura culinária.Com "Sabores do Oriente," você não apenas descobrirá receitas autênticas, mas também aprenderá sobre os ingredientes e técnicas fundamentais que tornam a culinária asiática tão especial. Desde sushi artesanal até pratos de curry perfumados, este livro é um guia completo para explorar a complexidade e a riqueza dos sabores asiáticos em sua própria cozinha.Se você é um cozinheiro experiente em busca de desafios emocionantes ou alguém que está apenas começando a explorar a culinária asiática, este livro é um recurso essencial. As receitas inspiradoras e as histórias cativantes de Rafaela irão transportá-lo para o coração da Ásia, onde a comida é uma celebração da cultura, da tradição e da vida.Embarque nesta emocionante viagem culinária com "Sabores do Oriente" e descubra a magia da cozinha asiática em sua própria casa. Adquira seu exemplar hoje mesmo e comece a explorar um mundo de sabores autênticos.

  • af Jing-Jong Luh
    1.397,95 kr.

    Aus Anlass von 500 Jahren Reformation haben in Taiwan namhafte Forschende der Theologie und Philosophie aus Deutschland, Schweiz, Kanada und den USA das Schriftprinzip, die Geistes- und Wirkungsgeschichte der Reformation dargelegt. Die Konferenz diente als Initiation eines Dialogs zwischen dem Westen und dem (Fernen) Osten. Welche schöpferische Resonanz kann die westliche Reformation in China hervorrufen, etwa als Östliche Reformation im entstehenden Sino-Christentum? Die Antworten darauf kommen aus unterschiedlichen Forschungsschwerpunkten der Theologie und Philosophie. Mit Beiträgen von Heinz Kimmerle, Jürgen Moltmann Michael Welker, Heiko Schultz, Christiane Tietz, Edith Düsing, Dan Stiver sowie William Sweet.

  • af Freja Larsen
    437,95 kr.

    "Kinas Skatkammer: En Kulinarisk Rejse" inviterer dig til en spændende ekspedition ind i det enestående univers af kinesisk madlavning. Denne enestående kulinariske oplevelse er skabt af den erfarne kok og forfatter Freja Larsen.Freja Larsen er en passioneret entusiast af kinesisk mad og kultur, og i denne bemærkelsesværdige bog deler hun sin viden og kærlighed til den dybt rige tradition af kinesisk madlavning.Bogen dykker ned i Kinas utrolige mangfoldighed af smage og regionale køkkentraditioner, og den guider dig igennem nøgleingredienser, teknikker og måltider, der har formet det kinesiske køkken gennem århundreder."Kinas Skatkammer: En Kulinarisk Rejse" er mere end blot en kogebog. Den er en invitation til at udforske Kinas kulinariske landskab og forstå dybden af ¿¿dets madkunst. Freja Larsen deler historier og indsigter om baggrunden for de forskellige retter, hvilket giver dig en dybere forståelse af kinesisk kultur.Uanset om du er en erfaren kok eller en nysgerrig amatør, vil "Kinas Skatkammer: En Kulinarisk Rejse" tage dig med på en uforglemmelig kulinarisk rejse gennem Kinas kulinariske arv. Det er en bog, der vil inspirere dig til at udforske og omfavne de unikke smagsoplevelser, der findes i Kinas skatkammer af madkunst.

  • af Yixin Deng
    482,95 kr.

    Welcome to Connecting Chinese Characters and Pinyin Test Series. Now you can test the knowledge of your Chinese pinyin (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). In these books and lessons therein, you will learn recognizing pinyin of the simplified Chinese characters. The books contain hundreds of character-pinyin matching puzzles (questions). For each question, there are Chinese characters in the left column and pinyin in the right column. You need to guess the correct pinyin of the given characters (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The English meanings of the Chinese characters has been included a quick reference. The answers of all the question are provided at the end of the book.

  • af Yixin Deng
    482,95 kr.

    Welcome to Connecting Chinese Characters and Pinyin Test Series. Now you can test the knowledge of your Chinese pinyin (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). In these books and lessons therein, you will learn recognizing pinyin of the simplified Chinese characters. The books contain hundreds of character-pinyin matching puzzles (questions). For each question, there are Chinese characters in the left column and pinyin in the right column. You need to guess the correct pinyin of the given characters (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The English meanings of the Chinese characters has been included a quick reference. The answers of all the question are provided at the end of the book.

  • af Yixin Deng
    482,95 kr.

    Welcome to Connecting Chinese Characters and Pinyin Test Series. Now you can test the knowledge of your Chinese pinyin (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). In these books and lessons therein, you will learn recognizing pinyin of the simplified Chinese characters. The books contain hundreds of character-pinyin matching puzzles (questions). For each question, there are Chinese characters in the left column and pinyin in the right column. You need to guess the correct pinyin of the given characters (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The English meanings of the Chinese characters has been included a quick reference. The answers of all the question are provided at the end of the book.

  • af Yixin Deng
    482,95 kr.

    Welcome to Connecting Chinese Characters and Pinyin Test Series. Now you can test the knowledge of your Chinese pinyin (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). In these books and lessons therein, you will learn recognizing pinyin of the simplified Chinese characters. The books contain hundreds of character-pinyin matching puzzles (questions). For each question, there are Chinese characters in the left column and pinyin in the right column. You need to guess the correct pinyin of the given characters (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The English meanings of the Chinese characters has been included a quick reference. The answers of all the question are provided at the end of the book.

  • af Yixin Deng
    482,95 kr.

    Welcome to Connecting Chinese Characters and Pinyin Test Series. Now you can test the knowledge of your Chinese pinyin (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). In these books and lessons therein, you will learn recognizing pinyin of the simplified Chinese characters. The books contain hundreds of character-pinyin matching puzzles (questions). For each question, there are Chinese characters in the left column and pinyin in the right column. You need to guess the correct pinyin of the given characters (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The English meanings of the Chinese characters has been included a quick reference. The answers of all the question are provided at the end of the book.

  • af Yixin Deng
    482,95 kr.

    Welcome to Connecting Chinese Characters and Pinyin Test Series. Now you can test the knowledge of your Chinese pinyin (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). In these books and lessons therein, you will learn recognizing pinyin of the simplified Chinese characters. The books contain hundreds of character-pinyin matching puzzles (questions). For each question, there are Chinese characters in the left column and pinyin in the right column. You need to guess the correct pinyin of the given characters (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The English meanings of the Chinese characters has been included a quick reference. The answers of all the question are provided at the end of the book.

  • af Yixin Deng
    482,95 kr.

    Welcome to Connecting Chinese Characters and Pinyin Test Series. Now you can test the knowledge of your Chinese pinyin (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). In these books and lessons therein, you will learn recognizing pinyin of the simplified Chinese characters. The books contain hundreds of character-pinyin matching puzzles (questions). For each question, there are Chinese characters in the left column and pinyin in the right column. You need to guess the correct pinyin of the given characters (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The English meanings of the Chinese characters has been included a quick reference. The answers of all the question are provided at the end of the book.

  • af Yixin Deng
    482,95 kr.

    Welcome to Connecting Chinese Characters and Pinyin Test Series. Now you can test the knowledge of your Chinese pinyin (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). In these books and lessons therein, you will learn recognizing pinyin of the simplified Chinese characters. The books contain hundreds of character-pinyin matching puzzles (questions). For each question, there are Chinese characters in the left column and pinyin in the right column. You need to guess the correct pinyin of the given characters (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The English meanings of the Chinese characters has been included a quick reference. The answers of all the question are provided at the end of the book.

  • af Yixin Deng
    482,95 kr.

    Welcome to Connecting Chinese Characters and Pinyin Test Series. Now you can test the knowledge of your Chinese pinyin (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). In these books and lessons therein, you will learn recognizing pinyin of the simplified Chinese characters. The books contain hundreds of character-pinyin matching puzzles (questions). For each question, there are Chinese characters in the left column and pinyin in the right column. You need to guess the correct pinyin of the given characters (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The English meanings of the Chinese characters has been included a quick reference. The answers of all the question are provided at the end of the book.

  • af Yixin Deng
    482,95 kr.

    Welcome to Connecting Chinese Characters and Pinyin Test Series. Now you can test the knowledge of your Chinese pinyin (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). In these books and lessons therein, you will learn recognizing pinyin of the simplified Chinese characters. The books contain hundreds of character-pinyin matching puzzles (questions). For each question, there are Chinese characters in the left column and pinyin in the right column. You need to guess the correct pinyin of the given characters (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The English meanings of the Chinese characters has been included a quick reference. The answers of all the question are provided at the end of the book.

  • af Yixin Deng
    482,95 kr.

    Welcome to Connecting Chinese Characters and Pinyin Test Series. Now you can test the knowledge of your Chinese pinyin (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). In these books and lessons therein, you will learn recognizing pinyin of the simplified Chinese characters. The books contain hundreds of character-pinyin matching puzzles (questions). For each question, there are Chinese characters in the left column and pinyin in the right column. You need to guess the correct pinyin of the given characters (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The English meanings of the Chinese characters has been included a quick reference. The answers of all the question are provided at the end of the book.

  • af Martin Hernandez
    412,95 kr.

    Adéntrate en un mundo de sabores y tradiciones culinarias con "Los Sabores Secretos de China: Explorando la Cocina Milenaria". Este libro, escrito por el apasionado chef Martín Hernández, te llevará en un emocionante viaje a través de la rica y diversa cocina china.La gastronomía china es conocida por su profunda historia y su diversidad de sabores. Desde los aromáticos platos de Sichuán hasta la delicadeza de la cocina cantonesa, este libro te sumergirá en una experiencia culinaria única. Cada receta es una puerta de entrada a la cultura china, con ingredientes auténticos y técnicas tradicionales que te permitirán recrear los sabores de China en tu propia cocina.Martín Hernández comparte su amor por la cocina china y su profundo conocimiento de sus raíces en este libro. Además de las recetas deliciosas, descubrirás historias fascinantes sobre la historia y la influencia de la gastronomía china en todo el mundo."Los Sabores Secretos de China" es más que un libro de cocina, es una invitación a explorar una de las cocinas más antiguas y apreciadas del mundo. Tanto si eres un chef experimentado como un principiante en la cocina china, este libro te inspirará a aventurarte en un viaje culinario lleno de sorpresas y delicias.Prepárate para desbloquear los secretos mejor guardados de la cocina china y disfrutar de platos exquisitos que te transportarán directamente a las calles de Beijing o a los mercados de Shanghai. "Los Sabores Secretos de China" te invita a descubrir la magia de la gastronomía china en cada bocado.

  • af Ádám Szabó
    407,95 kr.

    Ádám Szabó, az elismert gasztronómiai író és kulináris kutató új könyvében, a "Kínai Kulináris Kalandok" cím¿ remekm¿vében, a kínai konyha leny¿göz¿ világába kalauzol minket. Ez a könyv egy igazi ízkavalkád, amelyben felfedezhetjük Kína gazdag ízeit és kulturális örökségét."Kínai Kulináris Kalandok" nemcsak egy szakácskönyv, hanem egy utazás a kínai konyha szívébe. Ádám Szabó mélyreható kutatásai és személyes tapasztalatai alapján bemutatja nekünk a kínai étkezés hagyományait és modern vonatkozásait.Ebben a könyvben olyan ételeket találunk, amelyek különböz¿ kínai régiók sajátosságait tükrözik, és amelyek segítségével otthon is átélhetjük az igazi kínai ízeket. Az egyszer¿en követhet¿ receptek és a hasznos tippek segítségével bárki elmerülhet a kínai konyha titkaiban.Kezdd el felfedezni Kína ízeinek és kultúrájának gazdagságát Ádám Szabóval, és élvezd az autentikus kínai konyha élményét a saját konyhádban. "Kínai Kulináris Kalandok" egy kötelez¿ olvasmány minden gasztronómiai rajongónak és azoknak, akik szeretnének egy izgalmas utazáson részt venni a kínai konyha világában.

  • af Magdalena Kwok
    412,95 kr.

    Zapraszamy Ci¿ w niezwyk¿¿ podró¿ kulinar¿ do serca Azji! "Kulinarne Tajemnice Chin: Smaki Dalekiego Wschodu" to kulminacja smaków i tradycji, która zabierze Ci¿ w niezapomnian¿ przygod¿ kulinarn¿.Autorka Magdalena Kwok, ekspertka w dziedzinie kuchni chi¿skiej, dzieli si¿ z nami tajemnicami i smakami, które uczyni¿y kuchni¿ chi¿sk¿ jedn¿ z najbardziej fascynuj¿cych na ¿wiecie. Jej bogate döwiadczenie i pasja do gotowania przek¿adaj¿ si¿ na przepisy, które s¿ zarówno autentyczne, jak i dostosowane do domowych warunków."Kulinarne Tajemnice Chin" to nie tylko zbiór przepisów, to prawdziwa podró¿ po ró¿norodnöci smaków chi¿skich potraw. Dowiesz si¿, jak przygotowä dania od klasycznych, takich jak kung pao chicken czy dan dan mian, po mniej znane, ale równie smaczne specjäy.Magdalena Kwok zabierze Ci¿ w podró¿ po smakach Dalekiego Wschodu, podpowie, jak üywä charakterystycznych sk¿adników i przypraw, oraz nauczy tajników gotowania w stylu chi¿skim."Kulinarne Tajemnice Chin: Smaki Dalekiego Wschodu" to nie tylko kuchnia, to równie¿ historia, kultura i pasja. Ta ksi¿¿ka przeniesie Ci¿ do magicznego ¿wiata smaków, których niezapomniane döwiadczenie b¿dziesz móg¿ podzieli¿ si¿ z rodzin¿ i przyjació¿mi. Odkryj Chi¿sk¿ kuchni¿ na nowo razem z Magdalen¿ Kwok.

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