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  • af Giulia Bianchi
    407,95 kr.

    "Sapore d'Oriente: La Cucina Cinese Autentica" è un'immersione nella ricca tradizione culinaria della Cina, scritta da Giulia Bianchi, una chef appassionata della cucina cinese autentica. Questo libro ti porterà in un viaggio gustativo attraverso la variegata e affascinante cucina cinese.Giulia Bianchi, con la sua passione per la cucina orientale, condivide con te i segreti delle ricette tradizionali e i sapori straordinari che caratterizzano la cucina cinese. Dalle prelibatezze dello Szechuan ai deliziosi dim sum di Canton, questo libro offre una vasta selezione di piatti che cattureranno il tuo palato."Sapore d'Oriente" è pensato sia per chi è alle prime armi nella cucina cinese che per gli appassionati cuochi esperti. Ogni ricetta è presentata in modo chiaro e accompagnata da suggerimenti pratici per ottenere il massimo sapore e autenticità.La cucina cinese è un viaggio culinario unico, ricco di tradizioni e sapori avvolgenti. Questo libro ti offre l'opportunità di esplorare questa tradizione millenaria nella comodità della tua cucina. Preparati a sorprendere familiari e amici con piatti cinesi autentici che porteranno un tocco speciale alle tue cene.Con "Sapore d'Oriente," Giulia Bianchi ti conduce in un viaggio culinario che ti farà apprezzare la ricchezza e la complessità della cucina cinese. Scopri i segreti delle ricette tradizionali e deliziate il tuo palato con i sapori autentici della Cina.

  • af Li Cheng
    397,95 kr.

    "Culinária da China Milenar: Segredos e Sabores do Oriente" é uma obra culinária intrigante, criada pelo autor sob o pseudônimo Li Cheng, que o levará a uma jornada gastronômica emocionante através dos sabores e segredos da rica tradição culinária chinesa.Este livro é uma homenagem à culinária milenar da China, onde cada prato é um testemunho da história e cultura do país. Li Cheng, um verdadeiro amante da gastronomia chinesa, compartilha seu conhecimento e paixão pela autêntica culinária da China, permitindo que você descubra os segredos e os sabores que tornam essa culinária tão especial."Culinária da China Milenar" não é apenas um livro de receitas; é uma imersão na diversidade das tradições culinárias chinesas, que variam de norte a sul, de leste a oeste. O autor não apenas apresenta receitas deliciosas, mas também explora a importância dos ingredientes regionais, das técnicas de preparo e dos rituais que tornam a culinária chinesa única.Li Cheng oferece insights sobre a filosofia alimentar chinesa, a arte de equilibrar sabores, texturas e aromas, bem como dicas para escolher os melhores ingredientes e utensílios em sua própria cozinha. Este livro é um convite para se aventurar na culinária chinesa, onde cada prato é uma viagem ao coração da China e uma celebração de sua rica herança gastronômica."Descubra os Tesouros Gastronômicos da China com 'Culinária da China Milenar: Segredos e Sabores do Oriente' e mergulhe em uma jornada culinária única. Este livro será sua inspiração para criar pratos chineses autênticos e saborosos em sua própria casa."

  • af Wei Li
    397,95 kr.

    "Chi¿ska Kuchnia: Smaki Wielowiekowej Tradycji" to kulinarne arcydzie¿o stworzone przez autora o pseudonimie Wei Li, który przeniesie Ci¿ w fascynuj¿c¿ podró¿ przez smaki i tajemnice kuchni Chin.Ta inspiruj¿ca ksi¿¿ka kulinarna jest nie tylko zbiorem przepisów, ale równie¿ wspaniä¿ opowie¿ci¿ o bogatej tradycji kulinarnej Chin. Wei Li, znawca chi¿skiej kuchni, podzieli si¿ swoj¿ wiedz¿ i pasj¿ do autentycznych chi¿skich dä, które zachwyc¿ Twoje podniebienie."Chi¿ska Kuchnia" to przewodnik po ró¿norodnöci smaków, technik gotowania i regionalnych kulinarnych tradycjach Chin. Autor nie tylko prezentuje przepisy, ale tak¿e wprowadza czytelnika w fascynuj¿cy ¿wiat chi¿skiej kultury kulinarnej.Wei Li opowiada o znaczeniu symboli kulinarnych, zwyczajach spöywania posi¿ków oraz tajnikach przygotowywania wyj¿tkowych potraw. Ksi¿¿ka ta pomöe Ci zrozumie¿, dlaczego chi¿ska kuchnia jest tak niezwyk¿a i ró¿norodna.To niezast¿piony przewodnik dla mi¿öników kuchni chi¿skiej, którzy chc¿ odkrywä smaki staröytnej tradycji kulinarnej. "Chi¿ska Kuchnia: Smaki Wielowiekowej Tradycji" to nie tylko zbiór przepisów, ale tak¿e podró¿ ku kulinarnym korzeniom Chin, która zainspiruje Ci¿ do tworzenia autentycznych i smakowitych dä chi¿skich w swojej w¿asnej kuchni.

  • af Mei Kim
    332,95 kr.

    "Østens Smagssymfoni: En Kulinarisk Rejse gennem Kina og Korea" er en fængslende kulinarisk skat, skabt af forfatteren under pseudonymet Mei Kim. Denne bog er din invitation til en magisk rejse gennem to af Asiens mest spændende køkkener, hvor smagen er lige så righoldig som kulturen.Mei Kim deler sin passion og ekspertise inden for kinesisk og koreansk madlavning og inviterer dig til at opleve de autentiske smagsoplevelser fra denne region. Denne bog er mere end en opskriftssamling; den er en dyb fordybelse i de kulinariske traditioner, der har formet Kina og Korea i årtusinder."Østens Smagssymfoni" udforsker mangfoldigheden af retter, ingredienser og teknikker, der findes i de to køkkener, og giver dig et dybere indblik i de kulinariske skatte, som Kina og Korea har at byde på. Forfatteren deler også tips og råd om, hvordan man opnår autentiske smagsoplevelser derhjemme.Denne bog er velegnet til alle, der ønsker at udforske og fordybe sig i den spændende verden af kinesisk og koreansk madlavning, uanset om du er en erfaren kok eller en nybegynder. Mei Kim inspirerer dig til at lave velsmagende retter, der vil bringe smagen af Østen direkte til dit eget spisebord."Oplev Kinesiske og Koreanske Delikatesser med 'Østens Smagssymfoni: En Kulinarisk Rejse gennem Kina og Korea' og lad dig forføre af de kulinariske skatte fra Østens hjerte. Denne bog vil være din guide til at skabe autentiske retter, der vil fortrylle dine smagsløg og åbne døren til en verden af kinesisk og koreansk madkultur."

  • af Alejandro Fernandez
    397,95 kr.

    "Los Secretos de la Cocina China" es una obra maestra culinaria escrita por el renombrado chef y explorador gastronómico, Alejandro Fernández. Sumérgete en este emocionante viaje culinario que te llevará a través de las tradiciones y los sabores vibrantes de China.En este libro, Alejandro Fernández te desvelará los secretos detrás de la cocina china auténtica y te guiará a través de una amplia variedad de recetas que van desde platos clásicos hasta creaciones contemporáneas. Descubre la magia de la preparación de dumplings, el arte de los woks y los aromas tentadores de los adobos orientales."Los Secretos de la Cocina China" no solo te enseñará cómo preparar exquisitos platos chinos, sino que también te sumergirá en la rica historia culinaria de este país. Alejandro comparte anécdotas fascinantes y consejos prácticos que harán que tu experiencia culinaria sea única y auténtica.Ya seas un entusiasta de la cocina, un foodie apasionado o alguien que simplemente busca sorprender a sus seres queridos con sabores emocionantes, este libro es una joya culinaria que te inspirará y te empoderará en la cocina. Aprende los trucos y técnicas que convierten una comida en una experiencia inolvidable."Los Secretos de la Cocina China" te invita a explorar la cultura, los ingredientes y las tradiciones de China sin salir de tu propia cocina. Sigue las recetas de Alejandro Fernández y descubre por qué la cocina china es tan apreciada en todo el mundo. Prepárate para un viaje culinario inolvidable y déjate llevar por los sabores de China.

  • af Linnea Andersson
    397,95 kr.

    "Asiatiska Smaker: En Kulinarisk Resa" är den ultimata guiden till en mångfald av smaker och rätter från Asiens olika kök. Författad av den passionerade matälskaren Linnea Andersson, tar den här boken dig med på en spännande resa genom de aromatiska och förtrollande smakerna av asiatisk matlagning.Linnea Andersson, som själv har rest genom Asien och fördjupat sig i dess matkultur, delar med sig av sina äventyr och erfarenheter genom recept och berättelser som tar dig med på en kulinarisk resa. Oavsett om det är det kryddiga thailändska köket, det förföriska japanska sushiköket, det hälsosamma koreanska köket eller någon annan asiatisk smak, kommer du att upptäcka rätter som förtrollar dina sinnen."Asiatiska Smaker: En Kulinarisk Resa" är mer än bara en kokbok; den är en kärleksförklaring till den mångfald som asiatisk mat erbjuder. Linnea Andersson tar dig med på en resa genom de kulinariska traditionerna i Asien och ger dig möjlighet att utforska nya smaker och tekniker.Oavsett om du är en erfaren kock eller en nybörjare i köket, kommer den här boken att inspirera dig att laga mat med äkta asiatisk känsla och smak. Ge dig själv och dina nära och kära en smakfull upplevelse med "Asiatiska Smaker: En Kulinarisk Resa".

  • af Yixin Deng
    482,95 kr.

    Welcome to Connecting Chinese Characters and Pinyin Test Series. Now you can test the knowledge of your Chinese pinyin (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). In these books and lessons therein, you will learn recognizing pinyin of the simplified Chinese characters. The books contain hundreds of character-pinyin matching puzzles (questions). For each question, there are Chinese characters in the left column and pinyin in the right column. You need to guess the correct pinyin of the given characters (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The English meanings of the Chinese characters has been included a quick reference. The answers of all the question are provided at the end of the book.

  • af Yixin Deng
    482,95 kr.

    Welcome to Connecting Chinese Characters and Pinyin Test Series. Now you can test the knowledge of your Chinese pinyin (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). In these books and lessons therein, you will learn recognizing pinyin of the simplified Chinese characters. The books contain hundreds of character-pinyin matching puzzles (questions). For each question, there are Chinese characters in the left column and pinyin in the right column. You need to guess the correct pinyin of the given characters (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The English meanings of the Chinese characters has been included a quick reference. The answers of all the question are provided at the end of the book.

  • af Yixin Deng
    482,95 kr.

    Welcome to Connecting Chinese Characters and Pinyin Test Series. Now you can test the knowledge of your Chinese pinyin (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). In these books and lessons therein, you will learn recognizing pinyin of the simplified Chinese characters. The books contain hundreds of character-pinyin matching puzzles (questions). For each question, there are Chinese characters in the left column and pinyin in the right column. You need to guess the correct pinyin of the given characters (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The English meanings of the Chinese characters has been included a quick reference. The answers of all the question are provided at the end of the book.

  • af Yixin Deng
    482,95 kr.

    Welcome to Connecting Chinese Characters and Pinyin Test Series. Now you can test the knowledge of your Chinese pinyin (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). In these books and lessons therein, you will learn recognizing pinyin of the simplified Chinese characters. The books contain hundreds of character-pinyin matching puzzles (questions). For each question, there are Chinese characters in the left column and pinyin in the right column. You need to guess the correct pinyin of the given characters (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The English meanings of the Chinese characters has been included a quick reference. The answers of all the question are provided at the end of the book.

  • af Yixin Deng
    482,95 kr.

    Welcome to Connecting Chinese Characters and Pinyin Test Series. Now you can test the knowledge of your Chinese pinyin (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). In these books and lessons therein, you will learn recognizing pinyin of the simplified Chinese characters. The books contain hundreds of character-pinyin matching puzzles (questions). For each question, there are Chinese characters in the left column and pinyin in the right column. You need to guess the correct pinyin of the given characters (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The English meanings of the Chinese characters has been included a quick reference. The answers of all the question are provided at the end of the book.

  • af Wei Chen
    397,95 kr.

    "Gastronomia Chinez¿: Delicii Exotice ¿i Arome Uimitoare" v¿ poart¿ într-o c¿l¿torie culinar¿ fascinant¿ în inima buc¿t¿riei chineze, unde aromele exotice ¿i tradi¿iile gastronomice se întâlnesc pentru a crea experien¿e gustative inedite. Wei Chen, pseudonimul unui pasionat autentic al gastronomiei chineze, v¿ ofer¿ aceast¿ carte de re¿ete special¿, dedicat¿ iubitorilor de arome asiatice autentice.Wei Chen, un buc¿tar experimentat ¿i cunosc¿tor al gastronomiei chineze, v¿ dezv¿luie secretele ¿i tehnici unice care stau la baza unor preparate cu adev¿rat memorabile. Cartea adun¿ o varietate impresionant¿ de re¿ete, de la cele tradi¿ionale, precum pui Kung Pao ¿i dim sum, la buc¿t¿rii regionale mai püin cunoscute, pentru a v¿ aduce esen¿a ¿i diversitatea bucatelor chineze¿ti în propria buc¿t¿rie."Gastronomia Chinez¿" v¿ permite s¿ exploräi ingredientele, tehnicile ¿i pasiunea care definesc arta culinar¿ chinez¿. Re¿etele sunt prezentate într-un mod clar ¿i accesibil, astfel încât atât încep¿torii, cât ¿i buc¿tarii experimentäi s¿ se poat¿ bucura de prepararea acestor minunate mânc¿ruri.A¿adar, preg¿ti¿i-v¿ s¿ c¿l¿tori¿i în lumea fascinant¿ a buc¿t¿riei chineze, s¿ v¿ r¿sf¿¿äi sim¿urile cu aromele ¿i aromele autentice ¿i s¿ transformäi fiecare mas¿ într-o experien¿¿ gastronomic¿ memorabil¿. "Gastronomia Chinez¿" este ghidul perfect pentru cei care iubesc aromele asiatice, descoperirile culinare ¿i explorarea bucatelor tradi¿ionale chineze¿ti.

  • af Xian Kim
    397,95 kr.

    "Kínai és Koreai Kulináris Kalandok: Ízek a Kelet Világából" egy izgalmas gasztronómiai utazásra hív mindenkit, ahol a kínai és koreai konyha leny¿göz¿ világai találkoznak. Xian Kim név alatt rejl¿ valódi szerz¿ hozza el ezt a különleges receptkönyvet, aki szereti és érti a Kelet gasztronómiájának mélyét.Xian Kim, egy elhivatott szakács és az ázsiai kultúra rajongója, megosztja velünk a hagyományos és modern kínai és koreai recepteket. A könyv bemutatja azokat az ínycsiklandó fogásokat, amelyek a pekingi kacsától a kimchiig terjednek, és lehet¿vé teszik az olvasók számára, hogy egy szelet Kínát és Koreát vigyenek otthonukba."Kínai és Koreai Kulináris Kalandok" lehet¿séget nyújt arra, hogy mélyebben megismerjük az ázsiai konyha sokszín¿ségét és kulturális gazdagságát. A receptek egyszer¿en követhet¿ek, így mindenki könnyedén elkészítheti ¿ket, és megtapasztalhatja az ázsiai ételek egyedülálló ízét és karakterét.Merüljön el ebben az inspiráló receptgy¿jteményben, és hozza otthonába a kínai és koreai konyha varázsát. "Kínai és Koreai Kulináris Kalandok" ideális útmutató mindenki számára, aki vágyik egy ízletes és kulturális utazásra a Kelet gasztronómiai világában, és szeretné felfedezni az országok kulináris kincseit.

  • af Luís Pereira
    397,95 kr.

    "Delícias da China: Segredos da Culinária Milenar" é uma obra extraordinária que mergulha profundamente nas tradições gastronômicas da China, revelando os segredos bem-guardados de uma culinária rica em sabor e história. O autor, Luís Pereira, é um apaixonado pela culinária chinesa e dedicou anos de pesquisa e experimentação para trazer até você esta obra fascinante.Neste livro, você será levado a uma jornada culinária que abrange as vastas e diversas regiões da China, explorando os ingredientes, técnicas e pratos icônicos que tornam essa culinária tão especial. De Pequim a Sichuan, de Xangai a Cantão, você descobrirá uma variedade de sabores e aromas que farão sua boca salivar."Delícias da China" não é apenas um livro de receitas, mas um guia completo que o ajudará a entender a filosofia por trás da culinária chinesa. Luís Pereira compartilha histórias emocionantes sobre suas viagens pela China, suas experiências com chefs locais e suas descobertas culinárias.Este livro é uma homenagem à rica herança gastronômica da China e uma celebração das delícias que você pode criar em sua própria cozinha. Prepare-se para explorar os segredos da cozinha chinesa e surpreenda-se com pratos autênticos que cativarão seus sentidos."Delícias da China: Segredos da Culinária Milenar" é mais do que um livro de receitas; é uma experiência culinária que o transportará para o coração da China, onde a tradição e a inovação se fundem em pratos verdadeiramente inesquecíveis. Desfrute dessa jornada gastronômica única com Luís Pereira como seu guia confiável.

  • af Yuxin Kong
    482,95 kr.

    Let's learn Mandarin Chinese while appreciating the Shen Fen Zheng identifiers (¿¿¿¿¿) from different cities and counties of China's Tianjin municipality (¿¿¿¿¿). This book contains 100 imaginary (virtual) Chinese Shen Fen Zheng of men and women of different Chinese ethnic groups to help the students of Mandarin Chinese language understand the concept of Chinese IDs along with associated non-real addresses, postal codes, and phone numbers. The book series contain 10 books and total 1,000 Chinese IDs. Pinyin and English have been provided for all the addresses. The titles are suitable for the students of HSK all levels.

  • af Yuxin Kong
    482,95 kr.

    Let's learn Mandarin Chinese while appreciating the Shen Fen Zheng identifiers (¿¿¿¿¿) from different cities and counties of China's Tianjin municipality (¿¿¿¿¿). This book contains 100 imaginary (virtual) Chinese Shen Fen Zheng of men and women of different Chinese ethnic groups to help the students of Mandarin Chinese language understand the concept of Chinese IDs along with associated non-real addresses, postal codes, and phone numbers. The book series contain 10 books and total 1,000 Chinese IDs. Pinyin and English have been provided for all the addresses. The titles are suitable for the students of HSK all levels.

  • af Yuxin Kong
    482,95 kr.

    Let's learn Mandarin Chinese while appreciating the Shen Fen Zheng identifiers (¿¿¿¿¿) from different cities and counties of China's Yunnan Province (¿¿¿). This book contains 100 imaginary (virtual) Chinese Shen Fen Zheng of men and women of different Chinese ethnic groups to help the students of Mandarin Chinese language understand the concept of Chinese IDs along with associated non-real addresses, postal codes, and phone numbers. The book series contain 10 books and total 1,000 Chinese IDs. Pinyin and English have been provided for all the addresses. The titles are suitable for the students of HSK all levels.

  • af Yuxin Kong
    482,95 kr.

    Let's learn Mandarin Chinese while appreciating the Shen Fen Zheng identifiers (¿¿¿¿¿) from different cities and counties of China's Tianjin municipality (¿¿¿¿¿). This book contains 100 imaginary (virtual) Chinese Shen Fen Zheng of men and women of different Chinese ethnic groups to help the students of Mandarin Chinese language understand the concept of Chinese IDs along with associated non-real addresses, postal codes, and phone numbers. The book series contain 10 books and total 1,000 Chinese IDs. Pinyin and English have been provided for all the addresses. The titles are suitable for the students of HSK all levels.

  • af Yuxin Kong
    482,95 kr.

    Let's learn Mandarin Chinese while appreciating the Shen Fen Zheng identifiers (¿¿¿¿¿) from different cities and counties of China's Shanghai municipality (¿¿¿¿¿). This book contains 100 imaginary (virtual) Chinese Shen Fen Zheng of men and women of different Chinese ethnic groups to help the students of Mandarin Chinese language understand the concept of Chinese IDs along with associated non-real addresses, postal codes, and phone numbers. The book series contain 10 books and total 1,000 Chinese IDs. Pinyin and English have been provided for all the addresses. The titles are suitable for the students of HSK all levels.

  • af Yuxin Kong
    482,95 kr.

    Let's learn Mandarin Chinese while appreciating the Shen Fen Zheng identifiers (¿¿¿¿¿) from different cities and counties of China's Shanghai municipality (¿¿¿¿¿). This book contains 100 imaginary (virtual) Chinese Shen Fen Zheng of men and women of different Chinese ethnic groups to help the students of Mandarin Chinese language understand the concept of Chinese IDs along with associated non-real addresses, postal codes, and phone numbers. The book series contain 10 books and total 1,000 Chinese IDs. Pinyin and English have been provided for all the addresses. The titles are suitable for the students of HSK all levels.

  • af Yuxin Kong
    482,95 kr.

    Let's learn Mandarin Chinese while appreciating the Shen Fen Zheng identifiers (¿¿¿¿¿) from different cities and counties of China's Beijing municipality (¿¿¿¿¿). This book contains 100 imaginary (virtual) Chinese Shen Fen Zheng of men and women of different Chinese ethnic groups to help the students of Mandarin Chinese language understand the concept of Chinese IDs along with associated non-real addresses, postal codes, and phone numbers. The book series contain 10 books and total 1,000 Chinese IDs. Pinyin and English have been provided for all the addresses. The titles are suitable for the students of HSK all levels.

  • af Yuxin Kong
    482,95 kr.

    Let's learn Mandarin Chinese while appreciating the Shen Fen Zheng identifiers (¿¿¿¿¿) from different cities and counties of China's Beijing municipality (¿¿¿¿¿). This book contains 100 imaginary (virtual) Chinese Shen Fen Zheng of men and women of different Chinese ethnic groups to help the students of Mandarin Chinese language understand the concept of Chinese IDs along with associated non-real addresses, postal codes, and phone numbers. The book series contain 10 books and total 1,000 Chinese IDs. Pinyin and English have been provided for all the addresses. The titles are suitable for the students of HSK all levels.

  • af Yuxin Kong
    482,95 kr.

    Let's learn Mandarin Chinese while appreciating the Shen Fen Zheng identifiers (¿¿¿¿¿) from different cities and counties of China's Beijing municipality (¿¿¿¿¿). This book contains 100 imaginary (virtual) Chinese Shen Fen Zheng of men and women of different Chinese ethnic groups to help the students of Mandarin Chinese language understand the concept of Chinese IDs along with associated non-real addresses, postal codes, and phone numbers. The book series contain 10 books and total 1,000 Chinese IDs. Pinyin and English have been provided for all the addresses. The titles are suitable for the students of HSK all levels.

  • af Yuxin Kong
    482,95 kr.

    Let's learn Mandarin Chinese while appreciating the Shen Fen Zheng identifiers (¿¿¿¿¿) from different cities and counties of China's Yunnan Province (¿¿¿). This book contains 100 imaginary (virtual) Chinese Shen Fen Zheng of men and women of different Chinese ethnic groups to help the students of Mandarin Chinese language understand the concept of Chinese IDs along with associated non-real addresses, postal codes, and phone numbers. The book series contain 10 books and total 1,000 Chinese IDs. Pinyin and English have been provided for all the addresses. The titles are suitable for the students of HSK all levels.

  • af Fritz Reichert
    132,95 kr.

    Der US-Amerikaner Tim Turner und die chinesische Reporterin Lu-ni sind ein Liebespaar, das mit familiären Gegensätzen zu kämpfen hat und politischen Entwicklungen ausgesetzt ist. Rohstoffmangel, die Machtgier von Trusts, Klimaflüchtlinge und militärische Akionen sind Entwicklungen, in die sie hineingezogen werden. Tim und Lu-ni nehmen zu den Ereignissen auf Grund ihrer jeweiligen Kultur unterschiedlich Stellung. Kann ihre Liebe Gegensätze überbrücken?

  • af Eren Y¿lmaz
    407,95 kr.

    Eren Y¿lmaz'¿n elinizdeki kitab¿, Çin mutfä¿n¿n büyüleyici dünyas¿na kap¿lar¿n¿ aral¿yor. "Muhte¿em Çin Mutfä¿: Geleneksel Lezzetlerin S¿rlar¿" ad¿n¿ tä¿yan bu kitap, Çin yemeklerinin lezzetli s¿rlar¿n¿ ortaya ç¿kararak sizleri nefis bir gastronomik yolculüa davet ediyor.Eren Y¿lmaz, yemek pi¿irmeye yeni bälayanlardan deneyimli ¿eflere kadar herkes için uygun tarifler sunuyor. Bu kitap, Çin mutfä¿n¿n zengin miras¿n¿ ke¿fetmek isteyenler için vazgeçilmez bir kaynakt¿r. Çin mutfä¿n¿n temel bile¿enleri ve pi¿irme teknikleri hakk¿nda bilgi sahibi olman¿za yard¿mc¿ olacak pratik ipuçlar¿ sunar."Muhte¿em Çin Mutfä¿: Geleneksel Lezzetlerin S¿rlar¿," geleneksel Çin yemeklerini evinizde kolayca haz¿rlaman¿z için ad¿m ad¿m yönergeler sunar. Bu kitapla, evinizde Çin restoranlar¿nda bulabilece¿iniz lezzetleri yaratman¿n keyfini ç¿karacaks¿n¿z. Çin mutfä¿n¿n e¿siz tatlar¿n¿ ve dengeli beslenmenin inceliklerini ke¿fedin.Eren Y¿lmaz'¿n ustaca haz¿rlad¿¿¿ bu kitap, Çin mutfä¿na ilgi duyan herkes için vazgeçilmez bir rehberdir. "Muhte¿em Çin Mutfä¿: Geleneksel Lezzetlerin S¿rlar¿" ile evinizde lezzetli ve säl¿kl¿ Çin yemeklerinin tad¿n¿ ç¿kar¿n.

  • af Dan Chen
    396,95 - 1.062,95 kr.

  • af Ruth Y. Y. Hung
    401,95 - 1.067,95 kr.

  • af Lisa Bernstein
    399,95 - 1.065,95 kr.

  • af William Zhang
    147,95 kr.

    William Zhang's collection, A Poetic Translation of Chinese Mythology, earnestly fulfills the promise of its title. Weaving legend, folklore, and stories echoed through time with lyrically narrative verse, this tapestry of tales engulfs readers in the ever-expansive world of ancient China, where we witness through words the power of love, the destruction of ego, and the lengths celestial forces have gone to create and protect and preserve those on and of the Earth. From the slaying of dragons to the gathering of sky fragments to the architecture of love-moved magpies, Zhang shepherds us through the intricate landscape of Chinese culture, society, and politics-a testament to their "struggles, aspirations, and values"-coursing beneath magic and myth.

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